Very useful and practical expression to express our reactions to bad/good news.
The quiz also provides further examples on how to use this pattern:
What an amazing experience it was to take the quiz and learn more about it.
Thanks a million Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca,
how beautiful English lesson!
Hi Gelli, I recon it should be:
What a beautiful English lesson! ;)
recon + reckon?
You must say: What a beautiful English lesson
How smart you are! Fantastic!!
Hi, Rebecca, how wonderful day it is!
What a wonderful day! ;) or
How wonderful. (full stop)
Ah ha, you’re right!
Hi ,thank you so much
Great thank u so much
it was so easy that’s wasn’t hard because of the video made me understand
thank you Rebecca for making this video, if you didn’t make this video I wouldn’t know this good info.
Well, this is a repeated sort of lesson created by Emma a month ago.
But, practicing is always useful. So, thanks for this nice opportunity.
yep, you’re right, have studied that lesson Emma made. just like what you said, practicing and repeating are always useful for us to improve our English, have a nice day.
Thank you só much, bencebacsi. I acessed o exclamations by Emma and what a wonderful lesson. Thank again
who s bad
Well, I think it’s a good idea to have the same topic explained by different teachers, because they have different styles and we, as students, have different ways of learning. However in Latin we could express it like this: Repetita iuvant, which means that repeating a concept , when learning, helps! Best wishes!
Thank you Rebecca. Very important lesson!
Hello, Rebecca.
I want to ask a question, actually I asked it before, but no one replied. :(
So hope you can help me.
‘I’m finished.’ and ‘I have finished.’ What is the difference? Can I say ‘Are you finished?’?
Thank you!
Hello Sophie,
“I’am finished” means you are finished by somebody, i mean the action (to finish) has been done by another person, and “I have finished” means that you have finished to do something recently, i mean in this situation the action has been done by you, you have done that job. this is my point. thanks.
Hi Sophie! I’ve searched for you the answer and luckily I found it;)
I have finished = I’m finished (e.g. a job); yes it’s exactly the same and you can also ask someone if he or she has already finished the job; Are you finished? It’s correct to say that ;)
Yes, Anina is right. You can use either expression and they mean the same thing. All the best to you.
Rebecca, thank you so much for your reply!! =D Sometimes no teachers reply our questions. I’m so upset. :(
So I’m really grateful for your help! :)
and also thanks Anina! :)
Good morning mam! How wonderful day today! because I have started this day from you, I got a great lesson today, today is a great day for me. Now I can understand how to express our reaction. So thank you very much mam.
How wonderful day is wrong. You should say- What a wonderful day?
what a great lesson. Short bad very useful.
Hi there,
First of all let me wish to all the best video materials in 2014 and enlarge your teaching project,and also happy 2014 New year.I hope you will teach us for strong educational materials on how speaking ,reading, listening and speaking.
Dear Rebecca I’d like to ask you a question about learning how to speak for one month.Is it possible to teach someone who has a little idea about English to speak normally in it.
Thanks,Sadulla from Tashkent Uzbekistan
Hello Rebecca!
thank you for helping in learning English ;)
Thank you so much
what a good lesson
very useful!
My score was perfect! Ya~y! What a great teacher you are!
Thank you, Rebecca :D
What a clear explanation.Thank you
Dear teacher .Could you please explain the differences of since(in case of giving a reason),as, and also the difference between ‘when and while’,’as long as and as soon as’
Thanks Mam Rebecca, I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
90% One mistake in point 2. I don’t recognize this two words. “awful” and “awfully”.
Can anyone tell me, what is different between those words? Thank You Rebecca.
(my english is awfull)
awful is an adjective but awfully is an adverb
Hi eurokolchoznik,
maybe I could answer your question.”Awful” is adjective whilst “awfully” is adverb.
If I am wrong, correct me Rebecca please…
Hi Gellili
I think, what you wrote is correct, but we have to remember about articles. Awful is an adjective and awfully is an adverb. I don’t know why :-) but articles are very important, even in spoken english
Hi there.
Thank You Gellii.
Thank You Kroy.
Now I understand differ between those two words. Rule is precision. In this case We must use adjective, not adverb.
Thanks Rebecca.
What a nice lesson!
There is no name or adjective to say What or How for you.
I did only one mistake, how awful!! Thank you Rebecca!
I made one mistake)) Thank you Rebecca! You are great teacher! =)
Many thany thanks
Thanks Rebecca. What a useful lession!
Richard Mai
That was great! :D
hamza aitami
What a great teacher!! Seriously, you’ve made this lesson looks pretty easy with your warm smile. In here, our teachers used to yell at us. lol
What a good surprise,
90% for my first lesson !!!!!
Thank you, dear teacher and happy new year.
Happy 2014 for all students… ;-)
Hi Rebecca,
Can’t we say “what a day” in a positive way – meaning it is a wonderful one ?
My respectable teacher Rebecca ,,,And all great teachers in ENGVID .com ,Really I want to say thanks -if thanks is enough – for this great and magnificent work,,,, and I would like to ask you little bit question and I hope to get answer a.s.a.p cause I so confused,,, I studied all the beginner lessons in one by one lesson by lesson I started from the bottom till I reach here , to this lesson -the last lesson you upload till now 267th- So could I move to the next step (intermediate level) or not yet??? please my teacher could you tell me what I’m going to do??
your faithfully Mohammed elyas
hw wonderful nigth
tata conde
How Wonderful English?
tata conde
Sorry, you would need to say: What wonderful English! All the best.
Dear Rebecca
Happy New Year to you
In this lesson you said what nonsense and not WHAT A NONSENSE.
I think that is an exception ! How many words don’t accept A ?
Do you undrestand my question ?
Thank you very much for your answer. Kind regards xxx Francis
Hi, yes we generally say what nonsense, but
It’s (a) nonsense to say that he’s too old for the job.
See my comment about countable and uncountable nouns below. All the best!
Hello Rebecca. Two examples you gave us are without the article ‘a’: what nonsense and what horrible weather. Is this a matter of countable or non-countable nouns? If the answer is yes, what about ‘shame’ which is non-countable. Happy new year.
There are always exceptions, and English is full of them! Happy New Year to you too!
Hi Rebecca, and everybody on this website. I wish you a good year 2014.
What a fine begin year !
ody joly
How helpful you are; Merci pour ce rappel Rebecca
What a clear lesson!Thanks.
Hello. Can I say for instance ‘How he knew it?’ or should I always use auxiliary verb – in this situation – ‘How did he know it?’. Sometimes I have troubles with subject questions. Thanks.
‘How he knew it?’ it’s not a subject question, but I meant that maybe it would be good topic for next lesson.
The correct version would be: How did he know it / that? All the best to you.
What a beautiful and usefull lesson!
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Hello Rebecca!
Can you explain why did you say :” What bad service” and ” What horrible weather” and not “What a bad service” and “What a horrible weather”? In the others examples there is an article.Thank you!
Sorry! I would’ve said : “Would you please explain” I wasn’t polite.
Hello Piatra, in my opinion both weather and service are uncountable words, that’s why we can not use articles before them.
Hello, Mehroj! My name is Arina, not Piatra.
I think you are right.But why is then” What a shame”? Is “shame” countable?
Thanks for your answer!
You are right, Mehroj. Thanks and all the best.
I made another mistake.”I should have said” not “I would”.I hope is correct now.
Sorry Arina, if you want to know more about using of articles, the book in the follow link helps you, and also you can find other grammars in this book, may be you know it, that is the book ever, me 7 or 8 times read grammars and practised the exercises from beginning till the end. i highly recommend it to you, let me check i think i have a pdf version of it, may be i can give you if i find.
that is the best book ever*
How interesting!
Hugo Goncalves
Thanks. Actually, because lessons are countable,we need to say:
“What a wonderful lesson!”
We can only leave out the article “a” if the noun is plural, such as:
“What wonderful lessons!”
Hope this helps. All the best!
Also, if you are using a noun in your sentence, then you use the word “what”, like this:
What a wonderful day!
What an interesting idea!
What an amazing concert!
If you are using only an adjective in your comment, then you use the word “how”, like this:
How wonderful!
How interesting!
How amazing!
Got it? All the best.
I expect the best contents from Engvid in this new years, contents that I know I will not find out in others sites about english.
oooh I noticed I’m the first Brazilian that posted a comment here in 2014!
hi grazisil…
are you a sailor,,hehehe
how nice quiz
How amazing… when I get a 100!
cool i get 70 !
90% marks it’s ok, have a nice day
60% marks it`s not ok ….I`d like to improve myself
Another problem in this lesson. Can someone explain, why “horrible weather” and “bad services”, are without articles?
Dobriy den Mr.Eurokolchoznik, in my opinion both weather and service are uncountable words, that’s why we can not use articles before them.
Thank You Mehroj.
Simple answer, great idea!
I haven’t thought about it, in this way.
(My English is poor)
Why She wasn’t say that (((( BAD teacher (((
I meant)) Why She didn’t say it ?
What a fantastic lesson!
waaawo soooo nice ..thanke you so much
Hi Rebecca,thank you for the lesson.
Please can you clarify to me why you did not put ‘a’ on the other Negative expressions, for instance, you said “what horrible weather” “what bad service” “what nonsense”
Please see my comment below. All the best!
Thank You very much Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca for this lesson.I watched similar video from Amma about Exclamation.Thanks both you again.
What a nice lesson.
i want to learn english from starting can you please help me…
how to read?
how to write?
how to speek with people?
how to understand the english?
plz try to reply me..
i am able to understand your teaching…
I got 100! Very good and useful lesson! Thank you! You are a great teacher!
I am thankful for the lesson! I understand how to use expressing my reaction.It is good video!
Well done i just got 100% . Thank you Ms. rebbica for what you’re doing permanently for us and hopefully you create more and more lessons soon. what a wonderful lesson.
Afro Jack
Rebecca not Rebbica :) I’ve made the same mistake hi hi ;)
Easy as falling off a log. I got 10/10 without watching ;) Anyway thank you Rebeca ;)
Very nice your English video! Thanks
it is a nice lesson .
thank you
That is a great help. Thank you.
Really thank you
what a nice lesson.. :)
Great! Thanks so much :D
i like your video. how interesting ! ^^
i like it :)
what a great teacher
Hello Anina! how are you? thanks for the correction.
100 What a great!
For all those who had questions about my use of the words weather and service without the indefinite article “a”, Anina’s explanation above is correct. It is because some words are uncountable nouns. With uncountable nouns you cannot use “a”. So you cannot say, “What a good weather!” but only “What good weather!”. For a full explanation of countable and uncountable nouns, along with lots of examples, please see my resource:
All the best to each and every one of you!
Rebecca, your pronunciation is terrific for beginners! Thank you for your lessons!
what a great lesson
wonderful site
nice teachers
thank you all for all your efforts
I did 100%. Thanks Rebecca, How nice lesson it was!
hi rebeca
you,re a good techer, i would like to learn english with you
Hi Rebeca ,
What an amazing lesson
Taleb Batis
Thank you .
What a wondeful lesson!
Grace Rivera
How usefull lesson. :)
what a nice test i got 70 mark and what asite and what a techer
it is interesting lesson. thank you Rebecca.
10 right of 10
thank you, and to you too :)
Dear Rebeca,
How great to learn from you! I’ve just watched your video about educational backgrounds some days ago. I realized that it could be so useful to learn about language skills too :) How to express what kind of level, strengths I have. It would help me if I am in a job interview situation or talking to foreigners etc.
Have a nice day everybody! :)
Fayyaz Hayat
what a great lesson! how great you are! haha, totally got it, thanks Rebecca, have a nice day.
what a good explain
muhammad hashem
rebecca, you are my best teacher
what an excellent lesson!
tanx Reb
what a nice lesson i needed them
What a educative lesson :) thanks
What a great teacher ^^*
Thank you Rebecca!
What a wonderful weather we are having today! It’s about 10-15 °C below zero:-)
What a inteligent teacher you are Rebecca!
Thank you so much!
How nice was this lesson!
What a great teacher!
Thank you, Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca! My English is not very good – 70% Terribly!!!
Milena Nikolova
What a great teacher!
thank you so much Rebecca!
Omg , Thank you SO Much , How nice Teacher ..
What a beautiful lesson !
thank you teacher. :)
Hi Mam, I am as a new comer in Canada, exactly in Montreal , but my English is not so good and I am watching to your videos and practice with your lessons , thanks so much.
Sorry, but I just have a question. If I want to go to an accounting English college to take a certificate, isn’t it better first to improve my English knowledge in conversation , vocabulary and … by going to English high school , or not , and I will learn English during the accounting college?
I appreciate you .
You will not need as much English in a field such as accounting, but you may need to take some business courses along the way, which would demand higher English skills. Check the required courses and you will know. In any case, an accountant still needs to communicate on the phone and by email with his clients, so English proficiency is needed. Some academic programs require IELTS / TOEFL scores for admission, too. All the best to you.
Teacher Rebecca, What a wonderful teacher.
Yes i got 100 marks
M Ajmair Kashif
What a great your lesson!
Sang hee Jang
What a great your lesson
what a wonderful lesson
what a great teacher you are
Thank you ,Rebecca!How amazing you are!
What a great teacher you are !
Very clear explanation. Thank you.
Marize Mori
Rebecca, What a wonderful teacher.
Thanks Rebecca..It was very good..
Great explanation. I liked. Thanks.
I used to confuse between those two ways. lol :D
Rebecca,what great lessons you give!
Rebecca, i have a doubt regarding the negative part under what+noun heading.
can we say what a bad weather, a bad service??
you have said like this
what bad weather!, what bad service!can we add a n article before them?
Dear Arijun, weather and service are uncountable noun, so we can not add article before them
so we should say ” what bad service or what bad weather.
I got ten out of ten.
Thank you so much Rebecca, You’re an excellent teacher!!!
What a great teacher you are, Rebecca!
It was a big problem for me to express my reaction.
And I was confusing between these two way.
Thank you alot!
thank you . what a great tech
Thank you for this lesson!
What an useful lesson!
jeeson antony
what a talented teacher
jeeson antony
How useful)
thank you Rebecca
Asaad Aziz
How easy it was to understand. xD
what a great teacher
thanks alot
What a useful lesson!
how nice m
Thank you, Rebecca! Your lesson was very important for me.
What a great teacher! Thanks Rebecca.
How easy to learn English on engVid.
Wow :D!
How wonderful! Thank
I admire your way you are really worth to be a wonderful teacher
mohamed nader
Perfect! Believe me…
hiii!!! Mam. I see I can read English good but I can not speak English or maybe not good. Can you help me, please?
hi! ma’am. I am not able to understand the difficult words you and people use. Give me some tips to do better. please! And also help me in speaking English with confident
pratham singhal
Thanks Rebecca.
hi Rebeca, this a very good lesson. I got a 100 :D thank u very much. greetings from Venezuela…
thank you . i’ve got 10/10
Thanks a lot!
Articles are my feeble point too
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
Yes, quiz 100% correct !!!!!!!
What a nice day! having this lesson today is much fun and more interesting thanks a lot
Dear Teacher,
Thanks to you we can say: what a great lesson!!!
Thank u
What a angry day I spend
what a good lesson!
Md. Forhad Hazari
Thanks you,dear teacher
i got 100%, thank you very much.
brajbhan thakur
I don’t know why “horrible day”, “bad service” and “nonsense” don’t get “a” Rebecca just add “what” before them. She said “what horrible day” but i think “what a horrible day” is correct.
Please help me!
hello Rebecca! thanks for your lesson, it’s important theme. But I have question. Can we use other article? so…..can I say: “what THE talented actor?” or “what THE wonderful day” I hope that you answer me. THANK YOU.
oh sorry, i need repit it
ok, now yes, I undestand, thank you
you are a good teacher
Thank you, teacher!
Thanks Rebecca, what a great teacher you are
Thank you!
Nice Rebecca
What a great teacher like you
How can I test my speaking on engvid?
kindly tell me
hello maryfayek, if you want to study together ,we will practice for improving our English.
Rebecca, you are a natural born teacher. Your lessons are so simple and productive. Thank you. What a great explanation. How wonderful.
how splendid and what a perfect teacher you are
very useful,thank you!
What a wonderful teacher.
l’m in heaven.:)
How nice lesson teacher keep going ;)
what a great english lesson
how sweet you are rebecca
Hi Rebecca ! What an informative lesson ! Thanks :)
how sweet !
How excellent!
Aung Zay
Hello mam! how are you? after long back i’m studying your video lesson, now i’ve got full marks in this lesson,thank you very much mam and it is a wonderful lesson for us.
What a useful lesson ! Thank you
thank you madam
What a great teacher !
Thank you
what a great lesson!!!
how great!
Dear Rebecca,
What an experience! What a beautiful lesson! What a gorgeous courses!
How happy am I to study English with you!
Best regards.
The session is very good…But the quiz could be better..By testing whether to use “What” or “How ” with the situations..Like..______ Romantic…How or Whatas the options..Then answer is :how”…Suggest a suggestion. Thanks
I mean..Its was just a suggestion of mine..
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
thanku mam
jithendra kota
Hi Rebecca mam you are always doing well. your classes are mostly usefull as. what a great teaching. how sweet thank u mam
What a pretty women
Thanks so much Rebecca
What a wonderful lesson. Thank you so much Rebecca. :)
Thanks a lot!
Hi Rebecca Thanks a lot.
HI Rebecca,
Thanks for your useful lesson.
What a great lesson, easy but useful. Thamks a lot again.
Which is correct?
1- What a big fan of do you have!
2- What a big fan do you have!
Thank you!
Hi Rebecca, thanks for the lesson, it´s very useful
thanks a lot for lesson i enjoyed
goldy korpal
i got it perfect. thank you Rebecca.
ann ann
Thank you very much!
Thahk you so much, Rebecca! What a useful lesson)
Rebecca thank you, you are the best.
Marta Lopez
hi frendz… hw r u?
Mohammed Aarif Ansari
where we use “was” n “were” means with which parts of speech.?? plzzz help me….
Mohammed Aarif Ansari
thank alot.
Nguyen Van Hau
What a great lesson!
Thank you so much for your great efforts.
Could you please explain to me why in this video you mentioned(what nonsense!)(what bad service!)(what horrible weather!).Shouldn’t we say what a nonsense! what a horrible weather!what a bad service! ??
I have another question I want to know how each word of these groups differs from each other
(international-world as an adjective)
Today I need to work middle night…
what terrible!
What nonsense!
how frustraning!
some times a feel like a slave!
what a great lesson !
what a good teacher !
thanks a million Rebecca
Just some short,simple phrases plus facial expressions we can show how we feel to something bad or good.i will put it in more practise.
Hoai Manucians
hi Rebecca
what a mazing teacher!
How fantastic lecture!
thank you very much…
take care!
What a great lesson ! Thank you Rebecca.
What a great Lesson
its good. i am learning quickly thank u professor
vinay ukkurthi
What a great lesson!
Thanks Rebecca.
ann ann
What a wonderful teacher she is!
How great lesson it is!
What a great day it is!
How nice of you!
What a beautiful day it is!
Thank you Rebecca. :D
I got 10/10!! Thanks for the lesson!
Hi Rebecca it is really lovely meeting with you on YouTube. I am impressed by seeing your teaching style. I can understand everything. But problem is so many things to remembered.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you so much…
M kartal
What a great lesson ! thanks for making this useful video.
Thank you .. for.. knowledge.
10/10, thanks!
Thank’s a lot. This lesson was useful.
Hi Rebecca,I’m very happy learning with you,all the lessons are very important and I used every day.
Thanks so much.
What amazing lessons!Thank you Rebecca for your help to learn English language.
Thank you Madam…
How helpful your lesson!
What an excellent teacher Rebecca!
I watched this video twice on December 02, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
What a cold day! The temperature is -18 degrees Celsius today.
I liked the excercises and learned.
Angelina Nava
What wonderful lesson!
I got 9/10.
The mistake was because of my stupidity. I read the question very quickly and without understanding.
Thank you! :)
Thanks a lot!
My doubt is:
Why in negative “what + noun” does not need “a” before “horrible weather”, “nonsense” ?
Learn English for free with 2149 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi, Rebecca, what a great teacher you are,,
why are you joking
Very useful and practical expression to express our reactions to bad/good news.
The quiz also provides further examples on how to use this pattern:
What an amazing experience it was to take the quiz and learn more about it.
Thanks a million Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca,
how beautiful English lesson!
Hi Gelli, I recon it should be:
What a beautiful English lesson! ;)
recon + reckon?
You must say: What a beautiful English lesson
How smart you are! Fantastic!!
Hi, Rebecca, how wonderful day it is!
What a wonderful day! ;) or
How wonderful. (full stop)
Ah ha, you’re right!
Hi ,thank you so much
Great thank u so much
it was so easy that’s wasn’t hard because of the video made me understand
thank you Rebecca for making this video, if you didn’t make this video I wouldn’t know this good info.
Well, this is a repeated sort of lesson created by Emma a month ago.
But, practicing is always useful. So, thanks for this nice opportunity.
yep, you’re right, have studied that lesson Emma made. just like what you said, practicing and repeating are always useful for us to improve our English, have a nice day.
Thank you só much, bencebacsi. I acessed o exclamations by Emma and what a wonderful lesson. Thank again
Well, I think it’s a good idea to have the same topic explained by different teachers, because they have different styles and we, as students, have different ways of learning. However in Latin we could express it like this: Repetita iuvant, which means that repeating a concept , when learning, helps! Best wishes!
Thank you Rebecca. Very important lesson!
Hello, Rebecca.
I want to ask a question, actually I asked it before, but no one replied. :(
So hope you can help me.
‘I’m finished.’ and ‘I have finished.’ What is the difference? Can I say ‘Are you finished?’?
Thank you!
Hello Sophie,
“I’am finished” means you are finished by somebody, i mean the action (to finish) has been done by another person, and “I have finished” means that you have finished to do something recently, i mean in this situation the action has been done by you, you have done that job. this is my point. thanks.
Hi Sophie! I’ve searched for you the answer and luckily I found it;)
I have finished = I’m finished (e.g. a job); yes it’s exactly the same and you can also ask someone if he or she has already finished the job; Are you finished? It’s correct to say that ;)
Yes, Anina is right. You can use either expression and they mean the same thing. All the best to you.
Rebecca, thank you so much for your reply!! =D Sometimes no teachers reply our questions. I’m so upset. :(
So I’m really grateful for your help! :)
and also thanks Anina! :)
Good morning mam! How wonderful day today! because I have started this day from you, I got a great lesson today, today is a great day for me. Now I can understand how to express our reaction. So thank you very much mam.
How wonderful day is wrong. You should say- What a wonderful day?
what a great lesson. Short bad very useful.
Hi there,
First of all let me wish to all the best video materials in 2014 and enlarge your teaching project,and also happy 2014 New year.I hope you will teach us for strong educational materials on how speaking ,reading, listening and speaking.
Dear Rebecca I’d like to ask you a question about learning how to speak for one month.Is it possible to teach someone who has a little idea about English to speak normally in it.
Thanks,Sadulla from Tashkent Uzbekistan
Hello Rebecca!
thank you for helping in learning English ;)
Thank you so much
what a good lesson
very useful!
My score was perfect! Ya~y! What a great teacher you are!
Thank you, Rebecca :D
What a clear explanation.Thank you
Dear teacher .Could you please explain the differences of since(in case of giving a reason),as, and also the difference between ‘when and while’,’as long as and as soon as’
Thanks Mam Rebecca, I got 100%.
90% One mistake in point 2. I don’t recognize this two words. “awful” and “awfully”.
Can anyone tell me, what is different between those words? Thank You Rebecca.
(my english is awfull)
awful is an adjective but awfully is an adverb
Hi eurokolchoznik,
maybe I could answer your question.”Awful” is adjective whilst “awfully” is adverb.
If I am wrong, correct me Rebecca please…
Hi Gellili
I think, what you wrote is correct, but we have to remember about articles. Awful is an adjective and awfully is an adverb. I don’t know why :-) but articles are very important, even in spoken english
Hi there.
Thank You Gellii.
Thank You Kroy.
Now I understand differ between those two words. Rule is precision. In this case We must use adjective, not adverb.
Thanks Rebecca.
What a nice lesson!
There is no name or adjective to say What or How for you.
I did only one mistake, how awful!! Thank you Rebecca!
I made one mistake)) Thank you Rebecca! You are great teacher! =)
Many thany thanks
Thanks Rebecca. What a useful lession!
That was great! :D
What a great teacher!! Seriously, you’ve made this lesson looks pretty easy with your warm smile. In here, our teachers used to yell at us. lol
What a good surprise,
90% for my first lesson !!!!!
Thank you, dear teacher and happy new year.
Happy 2014 for all students… ;-)
Hi Rebecca,
Can’t we say “what a day” in a positive way – meaning it is a wonderful one ?
My respectable teacher Rebecca ,,,And all great teachers in ENGVID .com ,Really I want to say thanks -if thanks is enough – for this great and magnificent work,,,, and I would like to ask you little bit question and I hope to get answer a.s.a.p cause I so confused,,, I studied all the beginner lessons in one by one lesson by lesson I started from the bottom till I reach here , to this lesson -the last lesson you upload till now 267th- So could I move to the next step (intermediate level) or not yet??? please my teacher could you tell me what I’m going to do??
your faithfully Mohammed elyas
hw wonderful nigth
How Wonderful English?
Sorry, you would need to say: What wonderful English! All the best.
Dear Rebecca
Happy New Year to you
In this lesson you said what nonsense and not WHAT A NONSENSE.
I think that is an exception ! How many words don’t accept A ?
Do you undrestand my question ?
Thank you very much for your answer. Kind regards xxx Francis
Hi, yes we generally say what nonsense, but
It’s (a) nonsense to say that he’s too old for the job.
See my comment about countable and uncountable nouns below. All the best!
Hello Rebecca. Two examples you gave us are without the article ‘a’: what nonsense and what horrible weather. Is this a matter of countable or non-countable nouns? If the answer is yes, what about ‘shame’ which is non-countable. Happy new year.
There are always exceptions, and English is full of them! Happy New Year to you too!
Hi Rebecca, and everybody on this website. I wish you a good year 2014.
What a fine begin year !
How helpful you are; Merci pour ce rappel Rebecca
What a clear lesson!Thanks.
Hello. Can I say for instance ‘How he knew it?’ or should I always use auxiliary verb – in this situation – ‘How did he know it?’. Sometimes I have troubles with subject questions. Thanks.
‘How he knew it?’ it’s not a subject question, but I meant that maybe it would be good topic for next lesson.
The correct version would be: How did he know it / that? All the best to you.
What a beautiful and usefull lesson!
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Hello Rebecca!
Can you explain why did you say :” What bad service” and ” What horrible weather” and not “What a bad service” and “What a horrible weather”? In the others examples there is an article.Thank you!
Sorry! I would’ve said : “Would you please explain” I wasn’t polite.
Hello Piatra, in my opinion both weather and service are uncountable words, that’s why we can not use articles before them.
Hello, Mehroj! My name is Arina, not Piatra.
I think you are right.But why is then” What a shame”? Is “shame” countable?
Thanks for your answer!
You are right, Mehroj. Thanks and all the best.
I made another mistake.”I should have said” not “I would”.I hope is correct now.
Sorry Arina, if you want to know more about using of articles, the book in the follow link helps you, and also you can find other grammars in this book, may be you know it, that is the book ever, me 7 or 8 times read grammars and practised the exercises from beginning till the end. i highly recommend it to you, let me check i think i have a pdf version of it, may be i can give you if i find.
that is the best book ever*
How interesting!
Thanks. Actually, because lessons are countable,we need to say:
“What a wonderful lesson!”
We can only leave out the article “a” if the noun is plural, such as:
“What wonderful lessons!”
Hope this helps. All the best!
Also, if you are using a noun in your sentence, then you use the word “what”, like this:
What a wonderful day!
What an interesting idea!
What an amazing concert!
If you are using only an adjective in your comment, then you use the word “how”, like this:
How wonderful!
How interesting!
How amazing!
Got it? All the best.
I expect the best contents from Engvid in this new years, contents that I know I will not find out in others sites about english.
oooh I noticed I’m the first Brazilian that posted a comment here in 2014!
hi grazisil…
are you a sailor,,hehehe
how nice quiz
How amazing… when I get a 100!
cool i get 70 !
90% marks it’s ok, have a nice day
60% marks it`s not ok ….I`d like to improve myself
Another problem in this lesson. Can someone explain, why “horrible weather” and “bad services”, are without articles?
Dobriy den Mr.Eurokolchoznik, in my opinion both weather and service are uncountable words, that’s why we can not use articles before them.
Thank You Mehroj.
Simple answer, great idea!
I haven’t thought about it, in this way.
(My English is poor)
Why She wasn’t say that (((( BAD teacher (((
I meant)) Why She didn’t say it ?
What a fantastic lesson!
waaawo soooo nice ..thanke you so much
Hi Rebecca,thank you for the lesson.
Please can you clarify to me why you did not put ‘a’ on the other Negative expressions, for instance, you said “what horrible weather” “what bad service” “what nonsense”
Please see my comment below. All the best!
Thank You very much Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca for this lesson.I watched similar video from Amma about Exclamation.Thanks both you again.
What a nice lesson.
i want to learn english from starting can you please help me…
how to read?
how to write?
how to speek with people?
how to understand the english?
plz try to reply me..
i am able to understand your teaching…
I got 100! Very good and useful lesson! Thank you! You are a great teacher!
I am thankful for the lesson! I understand how to use expressing my reaction.It is good video!
Well done i just got 100% . Thank you Ms. rebbica for what you’re doing permanently for us and hopefully you create more and more lessons soon. what a wonderful lesson.
Rebecca not Rebbica :) I’ve made the same mistake hi hi ;)
Easy as falling off a log. I got 10/10 without watching ;) Anyway thank you Rebeca ;)
Very nice your English video! Thanks
it is a nice lesson .
thank you
That is a great help. Thank you.
Really thank you
what a nice lesson.. :)
Great! Thanks so much :D
i like your video. how interesting ! ^^
i like it :)
what a great teacher
Hello Anina! how are you? thanks for the correction.
100 What a great!
For all those who had questions about my use of the words weather and service without the indefinite article “a”, Anina’s explanation above is correct. It is because some words are uncountable nouns. With uncountable nouns you cannot use “a”. So you cannot say, “What a good weather!” but only “What good weather!”. For a full explanation of countable and uncountable nouns, along with lots of examples, please see my resource:
All the best to each and every one of you!
Rebecca, your pronunciation is terrific for beginners! Thank you for your lessons!
what a great lesson
wonderful site
nice teachers
thank you all for all your efforts
I did 100%. Thanks Rebecca, How nice lesson it was!
hi rebeca
you,re a good techer, i would like to learn english with you
Hi Rebeca ,
What an amazing lesson
Thank you .
What a wondeful lesson!
How usefull lesson. :)
what a nice test i got 70 mark and what asite and what a techer
it is interesting lesson. thank you Rebecca.
10 right of 10
thank you, and to you too :)
Dear Rebeca,
How great to learn from you! I’ve just watched your video about educational backgrounds some days ago. I realized that it could be so useful to learn about language skills too :) How to express what kind of level, strengths I have. It would help me if I am in a job interview situation or talking to foreigners etc.
Have a nice day everybody! :)
what a great lesson! how great you are! haha, totally got it, thanks Rebecca, have a nice day.
what a good explain
rebecca, you are my best teacher
what an excellent lesson!
tanx Reb
what a nice lesson i needed them
What a educative lesson :) thanks
What a great teacher ^^*
Thank you Rebecca!
What a wonderful weather we are having today! It’s about 10-15 °C below zero:-)
What a inteligent teacher you are Rebecca!
Thank you so much!
How nice was this lesson!
What a great teacher!
Thank you, Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca! My English is not very good – 70% Terribly!!!
What a great teacher!
thank you so much Rebecca!
Omg , Thank you SO Much , How nice Teacher ..
What a beautiful lesson !
thank you teacher. :)
Hi Mam, I am as a new comer in Canada, exactly in Montreal , but my English is not so good and I am watching to your videos and practice with your lessons , thanks so much.
Sorry, but I just have a question. If I want to go to an accounting English college to take a certificate, isn’t it better first to improve my English knowledge in conversation , vocabulary and … by going to English high school , or not , and I will learn English during the accounting college?
I appreciate you .
You will not need as much English in a field such as accounting, but you may need to take some business courses along the way, which would demand higher English skills. Check the required courses and you will know. In any case, an accountant still needs to communicate on the phone and by email with his clients, so English proficiency is needed. Some academic programs require IELTS / TOEFL scores for admission, too. All the best to you.
Teacher Rebecca, What a wonderful teacher.
Yes i got 100 marks
What a great your lesson!
What a great your lesson
what a wonderful lesson
what a great teacher you are
Thank you ,Rebecca!How amazing you are!
What a great teacher you are !
Very clear explanation. Thank you.
Rebecca, What a wonderful teacher.
Thanks Rebecca..It was very good..
Great explanation. I liked. Thanks.
I used to confuse between those two ways. lol :D
Rebecca,what great lessons you give!
Rebecca, i have a doubt regarding the negative part under what+noun heading.
can we say what a bad weather, a bad service??
you have said like this
what bad weather!, what bad service!can we add a n article before them?
Dear Arijun, weather and service are uncountable noun, so we can not add article before them
so we should say ” what bad service or what bad weather.
I got ten out of ten.
Thank you so much Rebecca, You’re an excellent teacher!!!
What a great teacher you are, Rebecca!
It was a big problem for me to express my reaction.
And I was confusing between these two way.
Thank you alot!
thank you . what a great tech
Thank you for this lesson!
What an useful lesson!
what a talented teacher
How useful)
thank you Rebecca
How easy it was to understand. xD
what a great teacher
thanks alot
What a useful lesson!
how nice m
Thank you, Rebecca! Your lesson was very important for me.
What a great teacher! Thanks Rebecca.
How easy to learn English on engVid.
Wow :D!
How wonderful! Thank
I admire your way you are really worth to be a wonderful teacher
Perfect! Believe me…
hiii!!! Mam. I see I can read English good but I can not speak English or maybe not good. Can you help me, please?
hi! ma’am. I am not able to understand the difficult words you and people use. Give me some tips to do better. please! And also help me in speaking English with confident
Thanks Rebecca.
hi Rebeca, this a very good lesson. I got a 100 :D thank u very much. greetings from Venezuela…
thank you . i’ve got 10/10
Thanks a lot!
Articles are my feeble point too
Yes, quiz 100% correct !!!!!!!
What a nice day! having this lesson today is much fun and more interesting thanks a lot
Dear Teacher,
Thanks to you we can say: what a great lesson!!!
Thank u
What a angry day I spend
what a good lesson!
Thanks you,dear teacher
i got 100%, thank you very much.
I don’t know why “horrible day”, “bad service” and “nonsense” don’t get “a” Rebecca just add “what” before them. She said “what horrible day” but i think “what a horrible day” is correct.
Please help me!
hello Rebecca! thanks for your lesson, it’s important theme. But I have question. Can we use other article? so…..can I say: “what THE talented actor?” or “what THE wonderful day” I hope that you answer me. THANK YOU.
oh sorry, i need repit it
ok, now yes, I undestand, thank you
you are a good teacher
Thank you, teacher!
Thanks Rebecca, what a great teacher you are
Thank you!
Nice Rebecca
What a great teacher like you
How can I test my speaking on engvid?
kindly tell me
hello maryfayek, if you want to study together ,we will practice for improving our English.
Rebecca, you are a natural born teacher. Your lessons are so simple and productive. Thank you. What a great explanation. How wonderful.
how splendid and what a perfect teacher you are
very useful,thank you!
What a wonderful teacher.
l’m in heaven.:)
How nice lesson teacher keep going ;)
what a great english lesson
how sweet you are rebecca
Hi Rebecca ! What an informative lesson ! Thanks :)
how sweet !
How excellent!
Hello mam! how are you? after long back i’m studying your video lesson, now i’ve got full marks in this lesson,thank you very much mam and it is a wonderful lesson for us.
What a useful lesson ! Thank you
thank you madam
What a great teacher !
Thank you
what a great lesson!!!
how great!
Dear Rebecca,
What an experience! What a beautiful lesson! What a gorgeous courses!
How happy am I to study English with you!
Best regards.
The session is very good…But the quiz could be better..By testing whether to use “What” or “How ” with the situations..Like..______ Romantic…How or Whatas the options..Then answer is :how”…Suggest a suggestion. Thanks
I mean..Its was just a suggestion of mine..
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thanku mam
Hi Rebecca mam you are always doing well. your classes are mostly usefull as. what a great teaching. how sweet thank u mam
What a pretty women
Thanks so much Rebecca
What a wonderful lesson. Thank you so much Rebecca. :)
Thanks a lot!
Hi Rebecca Thanks a lot.
HI Rebecca,
Thanks for your useful lesson.
What a great lesson, easy but useful. Thamks a lot again.
Which is correct?
1- What a big fan of do you have!
2- What a big fan do you have!
Thank you!
Hi Rebecca, thanks for the lesson, it´s very useful
thanks a lot for lesson i enjoyed
i got it perfect. thank you Rebecca.
Thank you very much!
Thahk you so much, Rebecca! What a useful lesson)
Rebecca thank you, you are the best.
hi frendz… hw r u?
where we use “was” n “were” means with which parts of speech.?? plzzz help me….
thank alot.
What a great lesson!
Thank you so much for your great efforts.
Could you please explain to me why in this video you mentioned(what nonsense!)(what bad service!)(what horrible weather!).Shouldn’t we say what a nonsense! what a horrible weather!what a bad service! ??
I have another question I want to know how each word of these groups differs from each other
(international-world as an adjective)
Today I need to work middle night…
what terrible!
What nonsense!
how frustraning!
some times a feel like a slave!
what a great lesson !
what a good teacher !
thanks a million Rebecca
Just some short,simple phrases plus facial expressions we can show how we feel to something bad or good.i will put it in more practise.
hi Rebecca
what a mazing teacher!
How fantastic lecture!
thank you very much…
take care!
What a great lesson ! Thank you Rebecca.
What a great Lesson
its good. i am learning quickly thank u professor
What a great lesson!
Thanks Rebecca.
What a wonderful teacher she is!
How great lesson it is!
What a great day it is!
How nice of you!
What a beautiful day it is!
Thank you Rebecca. :D
I got 10/10!! Thanks for the lesson!
Hi Rebecca it is really lovely meeting with you on YouTube. I am impressed by seeing your teaching style. I can understand everything. But problem is so many things to remembered.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you so much…
What a great lesson ! thanks for making this useful video.
Thank you .. for.. knowledge.
10/10, thanks!
Thank’s a lot. This lesson was useful.
Hi Rebecca,I’m very happy learning with you,all the lessons are very important and I used every day.
Thanks so much.
What amazing lessons!Thank you Rebecca for your help to learn English language.
Thank you Madam…
How helpful your lesson!
What an excellent teacher Rebecca!
I watched this video twice on December 02, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
What a cold day! The temperature is -18 degrees Celsius today.
I liked the excercises and learned.
What wonderful lesson!
I got 9/10.
The mistake was because of my stupidity. I read the question very quickly and without understanding.
Thank you! :)
Thanks a lot!
My doubt is:
Why in negative “what + noun” does not need “a” before “horrible weather”, “nonsense” ?