I would like to thank you and your fellow teachers for sparing your time to make these great video lessons, they are very helpful and much more interesting than those boring textbooks I used to read when I was a student.
And I have a suggestion for your future (hope there will be more) lessons. Everyone knows your speech becomes more vivid if you use synonyms instead of repeating the same word all the time. Say, use the words “splendid, brilliant, marvellous, fantastic etc.” when talking about things one finds wonderful. The problem is, you can look them up in the dictionary and even write the synonyms down, but it’s difficult to remember them on-the-spot, when you are actually talking to someone. I believe that’s because you memorise them out of the context, so they just go into what we call “passive vocabulary”. So if you could make some lessons illustrating the situations where such words are used, that would be splendid-marvellous-fantastic :) I know your informal presentation and artistry make sure students remember the lesson properly :)
Here is a short list of other “often used and having lots of synonyms” words: like, dislike, good, bad, interesting, beautiful.
Hi, Roni. Don’t you want to speak in english via skype to develop speaking and listening skills?
He is the best teacher
I am new here. :) you’re such a cool teacher. I’m a beginner, and used to think that English is not quite easy. But look, after I have watched your video I turn up that English is indeed a very nice place to be. :) thanks Mr. James,
I am looking forward to right some of my errors here in my comment.
God Bless.
What’s up James ?
Mannnn, i love phrasal verbs!
Could you do more videos about it ?
Your classes are very nice!
hey James am jalal here wen i was seen ur class turn up my knowledge…
thank u
Hello sir Really you are amazing in your explaine to us and cool
I wish to find more studies in this website beacause you are the best
I feel that my level turn up :) and increase by your words
Thanks alot
It is a very good lesson . It’s been very helpful to me. but what about (
turn out). is there any phresal verb like this?
thank you !
Hi jams:
I am new for the languge,but I understand your lesson.it’s amazing and you are so good.If you have a chance pleace lesson about grammar. thank you my vison is turn up!!!
Thankyou James!
thank you James! it is too simple to learn grammar with you)))
I will turn back again to this great website to watch James’ lessons and lessons of other teachers!
Thank you James!
welldone, first of all i wanna thank u all who r paritcipating this job it is really great opportuniy to get that. actually when ever i watch ur vedios i feel that my english skills are turning around from worse to better form. pleas keep up this job u will turn up agreat respect from us
it’s really helpfull..thnx james..
Many many thanks James. really i was searching for a class abt phrasel verbs with “turn up, turn down..etc. if u don’t mind can u explainabout “turned off”. i’m very eagerly for waiting for listening the class abt the phrasel verb with turned off.
In adn. yr class is very simple to follow u and it’d be very useful and helpful for the students just like me.
hello selo
turn off simply means shut or switch off.ex: turn off your mobile.
i don’t understand why he said apple when he is talking about turn over.Could someone explainme this point? thanks
thank you james. i got new meanings..
george nicky alex
Nice lesson.
where are you from?
Thank you
Hi James
Thank you It is very interesting lesson for me . I always watch this video lesson . I m looking toward to watch new lessons more
hi, its nice sir.
I loved the lessons! thanks a lot
thank james you are agood teacher but please talk more slowly
Thanks a lot James!! You are the best teacher I have ever been taught) Thaaaaaank youuu very much!!)Always Be happy!))
Hey, thanks but how about, “turn off, turn on, turn out.” Any help?
Edwin P. I.
I like your movements ,while you theaching and ammmm it’s great lessons
Do you speak french, James? :)
If you do… that would be a real great thing if you could make french lessons in same style :))
thx u & the God help u
It’s nice been watching you videos. That’s great! Thax alot
Nice one. I could not store it but i realy wish to do so. I am not from english speking country.
Need new more video on english gramar. I hope that you take it in to consideration.
Wanna thanks again to http://WWW.ENGVID.COM and all techers.
thanks James….Where is my quiz ??
” Turn over”
Can I use that word for this situation?
when I grill a pork I can turn over the pork to another side ???
thank u sir
arwind thakur
I liked this topic, “TURN’, wanted just to remind you there is also. “turn-in” which means. I think to return. isn’t it?James?
Hey James! nice lesson, what about “turn in” and “turn out”
Tks, James! I’ve started understanding the verb turn !!!!
hey, good work
Yo James,what’s crackin? i do have a question,dude.Does flip over n’ turn over mean da same? U r da bomb,JAMES.
HI Jamse thank you so much for your lesson you are the best teacher I wach your vidoe every day my English be better in before keep speech many class god bless you .
thank you widely teacher , I am much obliged to you James !
where is the quiz
Thank you very much. i am realy very happy to get teacher like you , best of luck to you.
Iam Ali
I would like to know how to write all kind of purpose an applications, thank you again
Iam Ali
james u’re really good teacher i like u because u teach very good
Hi James, thank you for super lesson about “turn”, It’s easy and marvellous to learn english from you. Keep up!
Hi James , in fact it’s a very nice lesson , but I have a question if u find it please try to answer it . ( what about turn off and turn on ? ) when and how can we use them ?
Hi James, first things first, you have a great method of teaching, of course, it is a great honor for you and your family, I really appreaciate all of your efforts. Besides everything I am an English teacher too. I relly enjoyed all of your videos. thanks a million. I want to know something about English phonotics.If you could answer me soon.
hope for better services,
Hameed Bakhtani
from Kabul,Afghanistan
Hi James,thank you so much for your good lesson.But how about turn in,turn on and turn off.Thank you.
Turn ON/OFF are very used too. ;)
PS: apple turnover is a kind of pastry.
ahaaa finally got it
Thank you very much James.
you turn up in an english teacher.
Amazing!!! I´ve been learning English since I was…let it out!! Sicerely you are the Best!!!I hope have a teacher like you once in my life! Thank you! You are real and really a Teacher!!
Thank you James, what a good lesson!
thank you
i have taken advantage of your lesson to improve my english
saintlouis james
Thank you!
thanks james..your style is really nice.
thanks a lot
i love u
I turn up my knowledge with this lesson
thanks a lot.
james i love your lessons your a very good teacher.
hi games love your quiz to thank i am look for next video lesson.
Who is the best teacher I´ve ever had?
They call him James.
Thanks so much James..excellent lesson
Thank you very much James
for your excellent lessons
Thank you
nice lesson
nice and good
Thnx James :)
Hi James,
thanks for great lesson. EngVid is the best website for leasrning English I have seen on the internet.
take care
i love you James you are the Best Mvt like what they say in basketball MvP :P :P
and i would ask you to be my friend on the fb i like your why in teaching and talking and your little friend mr.e :P and my final order from you can you help with some advice to study Toefl alone because I am from Syria and I am studying alone right now to get toefl because I am trying to get improve from colleges in the us sand me an email if you can and thinks a lot for you your the best teacher ever and this is my email : yazan_bryant@hotmail.com
yazan hamour
Hope James would make more example sentences of using these phrasal verbs. Thank you James!
Hello James! You are awesome! But I still have a doubt…abou the diference between “turn around” and “turn over”… Can You hellp me?
Thanks You “Fucking” Much!!! I really Liked your BATMAN LESSONS!!
Very nice, James.
How come there is no Quiz? I learn a lot when I
do them.
Wow! Very interesting lesson. Thank you.
authentically ;it’s fine not only fine but also incredible.
Thank you so much.
Marta Lopez
Thank you so much teacher James
hicham ji
Very interesting explanation about phrasal verbs with “turn”, like “turn up”, “turn down”, “turn around” and “turn over” (up side down) but I don’t almost understand what is the relation between “turn over” and an apple, though I will inquire it. Thanks a lot teacher James from EngVid.
thank you james!!
Dark flame Master
I’m wondering that how can I use ”turn out”. You didn’t mention about it.
Awesome.but I didn’t find quiz
thank you a lot!
Thank you James
awesome, each time i turn my english up with ur lessons but…. where r the quiz?
i turn my English leve up*
ha! I like this lesson.
I turn back the video and watch it again. :)
thank you, Sir James, nice presentation it turns up my interest in learning English.
this lesson is much good!!CONGRAULATIONS.
Great presentation, man!
Thank you Sir!
Hey james , great lesson thank you !!
Ex : I always arrange to meet my friend , but he never turnedup
Learn English for free with 2149 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi, James!
I would like to thank you and your fellow teachers for sparing your time to make these great video lessons, they are very helpful and much more interesting than those boring textbooks I used to read when I was a student.
And I have a suggestion for your future (hope there will be more) lessons. Everyone knows your speech becomes more vivid if you use synonyms instead of repeating the same word all the time. Say, use the words “splendid, brilliant, marvellous, fantastic etc.” when talking about things one finds wonderful. The problem is, you can look them up in the dictionary and even write the synonyms down, but it’s difficult to remember them on-the-spot, when you are actually talking to someone. I believe that’s because you memorise them out of the context, so they just go into what we call “passive vocabulary”. So if you could make some lessons illustrating the situations where such words are used, that would be splendid-marvellous-fantastic :) I know your informal presentation and artistry make sure students remember the lesson properly :)
Here is a short list of other “often used and having lots of synonyms” words: like, dislike, good, bad, interesting, beautiful.
Hi, Roni. Don’t you want to speak in english via skype to develop speaking and listening skills?
He is the best teacher
I am new here. :) you’re such a cool teacher. I’m a beginner, and used to think that English is not quite easy. But look, after I have watched your video I turn up that English is indeed a very nice place to be. :) thanks Mr. James,
I am looking forward to right some of my errors here in my comment.
God Bless.
What’s up James ?
Mannnn, i love phrasal verbs!
Could you do more videos about it ?
Your classes are very nice!
hey James am jalal here wen i was seen ur class turn up my knowledge…
thank u
Hello sir Really you are amazing in your explaine to us and cool
I wish to find more studies in this website beacause you are the best
I feel that my level turn up :) and increase by your words
Thanks alot
It is a very good lesson . It’s been very helpful to me. but what about (
turn out). is there any phresal verb like this?
thank you !
Hi jams:
I am new for the languge,but I understand your lesson.it’s amazing and you are so good.If you have a chance pleace lesson about grammar. thank you my vison is turn up!!!
Thankyou James!
thank you James! it is too simple to learn grammar with you)))
I will turn back again to this great website to watch James’ lessons and lessons of other teachers!
Thank you James!
welldone, first of all i wanna thank u all who r paritcipating this job it is really great opportuniy to get that. actually when ever i watch ur vedios i feel that my english skills are turning around from worse to better form. pleas keep up this job u will turn up agreat respect from us
it’s really helpfull..thnx james..
Many many thanks James. really i was searching for a class abt phrasel verbs with “turn up, turn down..etc. if u don’t mind can u explainabout “turned off”. i’m very eagerly for waiting for listening the class abt the phrasel verb with turned off.
In adn. yr class is very simple to follow u and it’d be very useful and helpful for the students just like me.
hello selo
turn off simply means shut or switch off.ex: turn off your mobile.
i don’t understand why he said apple when he is talking about turn over.Could someone explainme this point? thanks
thank you james. i got new meanings..
Nice lesson.
where are you from?
Thank you
Hi James
Thank you It is very interesting lesson for me . I always watch this video lesson . I m looking toward to watch new lessons more
hi, its nice sir.
I loved the lessons! thanks a lot
thank james you are agood teacher but please talk more slowly
Thanks a lot James!! You are the best teacher I have ever been taught) Thaaaaaank youuu very much!!)Always Be happy!))
Hey, thanks but how about, “turn off, turn on, turn out.” Any help?
I like your movements ,while you theaching and ammmm it’s great lessons
Do you speak french, James? :)
If you do… that would be a real great thing if you could make french lessons in same style :))
thx u & the God help u
It’s nice been watching you videos. That’s great! Thax alot
Nice one. I could not store it but i realy wish to do so. I am not from english speking country.
Need new more video on english gramar. I hope that you take it in to consideration.
Wanna thanks again to http://WWW.ENGVID.COM and all techers.
thanks James….Where is my quiz ??
” Turn over”
Can I use that word for this situation?
when I grill a pork I can turn over the pork to another side ???
thank u sir
I liked this topic, “TURN’, wanted just to remind you there is also. “turn-in” which means. I think to return. isn’t it?James?
Hey James! nice lesson, what about “turn in” and “turn out”
Tks, James! I’ve started understanding the verb turn !!!!
hey, good work
Yo James,what’s crackin? i do have a question,dude.Does flip over n’ turn over mean da same? U r da bomb,JAMES.
HI Jamse thank you so much for your lesson you are the best teacher I wach your vidoe every day my English be better in before keep speech many class god bless you .
thank you widely teacher , I am much obliged to you James !
where is the quiz
Thank you very much. i am realy very happy to get teacher like you , best of luck to you.
I would like to know how to write all kind of purpose an applications, thank you again
james u’re really good teacher i like u because u teach very good
Hi James, thank you for super lesson about “turn”, It’s easy and marvellous to learn english from you. Keep up!
Hi James , in fact it’s a very nice lesson , but I have a question if u find it please try to answer it . ( what about turn off and turn on ? ) when and how can we use them ?
Hi James, first things first, you have a great method of teaching, of course, it is a great honor for you and your family, I really appreaciate all of your efforts. Besides everything I am an English teacher too. I relly enjoyed all of your videos. thanks a million. I want to know something about English phonotics.If you could answer me soon.
hope for better services,
Hameed Bakhtani
from Kabul,Afghanistan
Hi James,thank you so much for your good lesson.But how about turn in,turn on and turn off.Thank you.
Turn ON/OFF are very used too. ;)
PS: apple turnover is a kind of pastry.
ahaaa finally got it
Thank you very much James.
you turn up in an english teacher.
Amazing!!! I´ve been learning English since I was…let it out!! Sicerely you are the Best!!!I hope have a teacher like you once in my life! Thank you! You are real and really a Teacher!!
Thank you James, what a good lesson!
thank you
i have taken advantage of your lesson to improve my english
Thank you!
thanks james..your style is really nice.
thanks a lot
i love u
I turn up my knowledge with this lesson
thanks a lot.
james i love your lessons your a very good teacher.
hi games love your quiz to thank i am look for next video lesson.
Who is the best teacher I´ve ever had?
They call him James.
Thanks so much James..excellent lesson
Thank you very much James
for your excellent lessons
Thank you
nice lesson
nice and good
Thnx James :)
Hi James,
thanks for great lesson. EngVid is the best website for leasrning English I have seen on the internet.
take care
i love you James you are the Best Mvt like what they say in basketball MvP :P :P
and i would ask you to be my friend on the fb i like your why in teaching and talking and your little friend mr.e :P and my final order from you can you help with some advice to study Toefl alone because I am from Syria and I am studying alone right now to get toefl because I am trying to get improve from colleges in the us sand me an email if you can and thinks a lot for you your the best teacher ever and this is my email : yazan_bryant@hotmail.com
Hope James would make more example sentences of using these phrasal verbs. Thank you James!
Hello James! You are awesome! But I still have a doubt…abou the diference between “turn around” and “turn over”… Can You hellp me?
Thanks You “Fucking” Much!!! I really Liked your BATMAN LESSONS!!
Very nice, James.
How come there is no Quiz? I learn a lot when I
do them.
Wow! Very interesting lesson. Thank you.
authentically ;it’s fine not only fine but also incredible.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much teacher James
Very interesting explanation about phrasal verbs with “turn”, like “turn up”, “turn down”, “turn around” and “turn over” (up side down) but I don’t almost understand what is the relation between “turn over” and an apple, though I will inquire it. Thanks a lot teacher James from EngVid.
thank you james!!
I’m wondering that how can I use ”turn out”. You didn’t mention about it.
Awesome.but I didn’t find quiz
thank you a lot!
Thank you James
awesome, each time i turn my english up with ur lessons but…. where r the quiz?
i turn my English leve up*
ha! I like this lesson.
I turn back the video and watch it again. :)
thank you, Sir James, nice presentation it turns up my interest in learning English.
this lesson is much good!!CONGRAULATIONS.
Great presentation, man!
Thank you Sir!
Hey james , great lesson thank you !!
Ex : I always arrange to meet my friend , but he never turnedup
thanks !