Let the games begin! Reading is a great way to improve your English, but it’s sometimes difficult to know which book to start with. In this informative lesson, I explain why The Hunger Games is a good first novel choice for intermediate and advanced-level English learners. I also look at 10 vocabulary items from chapter 1 of the book, including words such as "swollen", "abandoned", and "upbeat". If you would like to purchase a print or ebook version of the book, you can get it through Amazon. You can also get a FREE audio version of the book here.
Thank you so much Alex! I just started reading this book! And I have read 5 chapters now :)
That’s awesome! Nice job!
Thank you very much Alex!!I´m seriously thinking about buying the book after your advice. And, of course, we like your new style of videos!!I´m pretty sure that other students like me will ensure it!!
Hope to see you soon ;)
Thanks a lot. It’s a really fun and interesting book. I totally recommend checking it out. I have both the physical and audio version.
Very good video. Keep on Alex! Thank you very much. Also thank you for the information provided.
No problem, niko. Thanks for studying with engVid!
Wow! I got 10 correct out of 10!
“The Hunger Games” is the first book that I started to read in English. Your video inspired me to continue reading. I hope I can finish this book and also read next two book of this series.
You’re on chapter 5! Keep going! :)
Great!! Thank you, ALex! =)
Fabio Henrique
No problem, Fabio. Thanks for watching.
thanks Alex. this lesson is interesting . i just to say thank you . thank you ….
You’re very welcome! Thanks for watching.
I agree to listen about reading recommendation in general, for instance I’d like to know where I can find text with conditional sentences or hypothetical sentences or texts more report speech.
Excellent Class Alex. I got a 100.
Nice job on the quiz. All novels probably have what you’re looking for. :)
Reading books is really a great way to learn English!
But in my case I do not like this kind of book… “The hunger game”for example ..
I recommend “the Pilgrim’s progress” it was the last one that I read, it helped me a lot!”
I always read the Bible, :D it is very good to learn English and most important to learn the will of God!
Thanks Alex, anyway! :D
No problem. The important thing is that you’re reading something you enjoy.
Ok, I understand :D
I have been watching Engvid lessons since 2011 and you are one of my favourite teachers!
God bless you more and more!
Thanks Alex! Hugs from Brazil!
Thanks, Tiago. I’ll likely visit Brazil some day!
Alex, you’ll be very welcomed here! Good food, happy people and bright sun.
Give a notice to us if you come, very likely some students here that lives nearby can organize a get together.
Fabio Cicerre
Haha. Sure. I’ll keep you guys posted.
Hello Alex. I enjoyed this video. new style & concept.
Thank you. & I want to learn more
Thanks, Priyanka. More interesting videos are coming in the future.
Really your idea is different and it is a interesting form to learn English and then, i hope to watch more videos like that… Thank u!
You’re welcome, and thank you for the feedback.
thanks a lot for new vocabulary
You’re very welcome. Thanks for checking out the lesson!
This is a great idea is to study through books as it fix the vocab in context and allow to get as many as new vocabs. Thanks a lot
You’re very welcome. Thanks for watching.
Thanks Alex, those videos have been helping me a lot. keep up with new ones
I will! Thanks for watching, blipe.
hi Alex I really loved this video and I wanna see more and more like this but I have one big problem with my self now I know a lot of things about English language but where I am I cant find any one to practice with and I don’t know anyone leave in foreign country and when I’m talking to someone in real live I know about word but I’m scare to practice and say something wrong why we don’t make voice call chat here and we can practice our lesson with each other improve our speaking
thanks a lot
I think some students exchange Skype info on here. The model you’re talking about simply wouldn’t work with one teacher and thousands of students all trying to ask questions at the same time. :)
Great lesson, Alex! I liked it a lot, thank you! Without a doubt, it’s a good idea to read books in English to improve vocabulary. By the way, do you enjoy studying French? Greetings from Brazil! Júlio César.
Júlio César L Sousa
I enjoy studying French, but time is my enemy. It’s hard to find time with a full-time job and obligations at home.
I know what you mean, Alex! Thanks!
Júlio César L Sousa
Thank you so much. You’re the best teacher I’ve ever had. This lesson was amazing. Now I really regret that I had read “1984” in Turkish =) I wish I hadn’t. I don’t know why but now I have a desire for reading books in English. I think that’s because you’re my idol anymore! :)
By the way, last week I’ve been to Montreal for three days and I didn’t know French (language) was so dominant over there. I don’t know which city you are in, but as far as I understand you need French in Canada. Good work to you, too! (I don’t know if I can say it for studying, sorry.)
Thanks for the feedback, monac.
French is huge in Montreal. That’s actually the city where I work. :)
Very interesting lesson professor!!
Thanks a lot, Mario. I appreciate it.
thank you alex, you are the best, and helped me a lot
I’m happy to help. Thanks for clicking, Romulo!
Hello Alex!
Could you please recommend me some more books?
It depends on the type of fiction you’re into. If you like fantasy, I’d definitely recommend the following:
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
If you like sci-fi, these are great as well:
Ender’s Game
ok thanks! I like very much Biographies and health, do you have some recommendation?
Hmm, I don’t read many books from either genre. For biographies, I’ve only read a few by professional wrestlers:
Bret Hart
Chris Jericho
And I’ve read the biography of Kevin Smith. They were enjoyable for me, but I’m not sure how enjoyable they would be for someone who’s not familiar with the people.
Ok, thank you very much mr. Alex! you are wonderful as a teacher, not like my teacher who doesn’t care about his students.
May I have your email? because I have some questions and I want to ask you private.
Thanks a lot !!!
Unfortunately, I don’t give out my email and I don’t do private lessons online. I already have a full-time teaching job and simply don’t have time to take on more online work.
I’m generally happy to answer at least one question per student in my comments sections, though.
Thanks a lot Alex. I got 100
Nice job!
Hi Alex. Thank you so much for this valuable lesson. I really enjoyed it. And also I started to read the book Hunger Games which one you recommended.
You mean you’ve already started reading the book? I recommend you continue reading it! :)
Hi Alex, Thank you for your lesson. I’m going to get audio file and physical file as your recommendation. I think is it very useful lesson
Audio books are a great way to practice your listening in English, even if you don’t fully understand everything. Have fun! :)
Happy to read all of this comments. I like your new policy of proximity.hhh
Please put your back on it, hhh I thank you a lot and through it all the staff at Engvid.
Yeah, it’s cool interacting with your audience. :) I’m happy to help, and I’m grateful that so many people are now learning with engVid.
Oh , I love this kind of video, It ‘s very interesting. You helped me a lot. But with The Hunger Games, Can you have more new vocabularies ? I can see a good start for reading books If I have your help
10 words is a lot for most students. If I did a video with more than that, I’m not sure how useful it would be in the end!
I was very happy about the lessons this morning.
Thank you a lot .
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching. :)
Hi Alex, I have really enjoyed this video, and I hope to learn more books with you. Thanks a lot!
Thanks for clicking. I will likely do more videos with books in the future.
It was kinda Good Vocabulary lesson that I learnt and the 6th one vocabulary was great that was snob and blurted out and to keep tabs on someone or something-else are nice vocab words ..
Perfect Alex!.. Thanking You!..
I want one lesson from you or you guys like, okay I tell you When it’s coming down,pouring rain that time consider a village or city getting a lot of water and everybody is just floating on the water and water is going inside home due to heavy rain over last few days so everybody is getting freaked out and suffering trouble with that so what are the possibility things happened and how people talk about things like building crashed or smashed or broken down due to heavy rain thunder lightening ..
so I want perfect vocab for this lesson Alex and I hope you could do this lesson may be once after see my comment maybe within next three days you could do this lesson I hope you do that Alex Why I’m asking you is you are sort of perfect at teaching and you make people understand especially I understood much once you taught something on Engvid that’s why I mean you take over this lesson Alex I hope you..
Thanks a lot if you would do that Alex sir just I’m waiting your next lesson could be this..
3 days would be impossible. :p This is not my full-time job. Plus, Adam has already done a lesson on this topic:
Not like that sir when It’s really like a lot of water that goes into house’s and people can’t do anything by water and their properties and house stuff all going down by the rain maybe the rain that would be over a week or few days..
Okay thanks for your kind response but Alex sir, I don’t want to be stubborn but I want lesson from you this kind of lesson with more vocabulary.. That’s okay for me that you can take how many days you want.. And Okay I could see that kinda lesson on Adam lessons that may be cool Thanks anyway Alex sir..
in Tamil that is “SUNAMI” but That kind of large water only coming very force towards the city from Ocean or Sea not by rain and that destroys the city and what will people do and may be government will take some action those who left their all stuff by rain.
I loved this lesson Alex thanks, I’ve learn 10 new expressions I’d wish you could do the same with songs, specially Avril Lavigne’s songs ;)…
pd. You can do also a lessons with Oscar Wilde’s Tales or The Little Prince…
Thanks again
The Little Prince would be tough. The language sounds very formal and a little strange in English. I’m sure the original French is beautiful, though.
clear, brilliant and extremely useful (I mean your lesson, not the book…)
Ha. Thanks. The book is relatively easy to follow as well.
Thanks in advance Alex.
Here is a question for you Alex or moderator:
How can I have subtitles of engvid tubes?
We have no direct access to youtube videos in my own country.
we just can grab them by vpn services so youtube utility aren’t here.
Would you mind to guide me about that?
For those who have no access to this book, I’ll share my pdf with them on dropbox.
Hmm, I’m not sure how to answer this question. Sorry.
oh I’ve missed ‘available here’
Thanks, you are genius . I am enjoying every bit of it. Keep up the good work. Can not wait for your new lessons.
Kind regards,
Thanks for watching, Nilofer. I’ll keep making lessons!
Hii Alex it was very useful lesson for me
Thanks for checking it out.
Thank for your lesson.
When i started to read my first book on English, it was “How we feel” by Giovanni Frazzetto. That is extremely difficult book, i finished to read after 50 pages and was really upset because I can not understand a text.
Thank you.
It obviously comes with time, but sometimes it’s the book itself which is difficult. I’m sure there are books in Russian which are difficult for you, just as there are books in English which are difficult for me.
thank you Alex
You’re welcome.
thank you so much for your lessons , but i have a request we need some geography lessons about the united states some lessons it will be very helpful … thank you
Do you mean a lesson on where states and cities are located? Because that’s everywhere on the internet. :)
Thank you Alex, your lesson is very useful for all who have learnt enlish language. your quiz is great I got 10 correct out of 10.
Nice job, Ukrit!
Thank you! I like this sort of studying!
That’s great to hear. :) Thanks for watching.
thank you Alex
You’re welcome, kuvvat.
Hi Alex ” I didn’t see you there” was amazing hahaha.
The Hunger games book don’t attract me indeed, but Im very proud of you to give us details about the book, I will think about. By the way, Do you mind to tell us others good books to read like that? , in the first person?
Carlos Martinho
Hmm, at the moment, I can’t think of anything that has a similar style. Here is a list of first person books after a quick Google search:
HI ALEX.Thanks very much so really useful lesson and a great lesson I hope this book HUNGER GAMES! maybe it’s very good so I can improve any words.
Muad Abdiaziz
It’s definitely useful. Thanks for commenting, muad.
Thank you Alex!!
You’re very welcome!
Alex thank you for these kind of interactive English lessons.
Peace be with you…
You’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed the lesson.
Thank you.
Not a problem. Thanks for clicking.
First of all, thanks a lot for the lesson, Alex! It is very useful, certainly.
Second of all, relating to the question number 7 ‘Make sure you ___________ on your little sister tonight!’, maybe it would be interesting to keep tabs on the correct answer. The right answer would be just ‘keep tabs’ instead of ‘keep tabs on’. Right or wrong?
Finally, I strongly recommend you to continue recommending books for us!
Oh, you’re right. My mistake. :) Bonus points for noticing. I posted this list of books written in the first person above:
I will see if I can make more videos with books. Harry Potter seems to be a popular choice based on the comments here and on YouTube.
Thank you very much for the great lesson, Alex. By the way, I also learn French. Vous êtes le meilleur professeur!
Merci beaucoup, Tim. C’est tres…nice.
Hello Alex, thank you for the lesson. It was very cognitive. Could you tell me, please, if there is any difference between ENSURE and ASSURE? Thank you.
From Washington State University: (for ensure, assure, and insure)
“To “assure” a person of something is to make him or her confident of it. According to Associated Press style, to “ensure” that something happens is to make certain that it does, and to “insure” is to issue an insurance policy.”
Thank you, Alex.
I have 8/10.
But I am almmost finished teading this book, when I saw this lesson x))
By the way, I had to buy a paper book. I think it is the best way to work with it.
Everyone has their own way. There have been studies done which concluded that reading books the traditional way is more beneficial than on an e-reader.
I liked very much your new style of teaching, Alex. It was really interesting. Thank you.
Thank you very much. It takes more time, but I’m glad students are being so positive about it.
Hi Alex!
Thank you so much for this lesson!
I will try to learn English via this book.
I would like to watch lesson like this one. Please keep up doing great videos like this one.
I don’t plan to stop. Thanks for clicking, aynur.
Hello, I liked very much your video. I am wondering if you recommend us other books more old by example the Jean Austen’s books for a beginner or intermediate level. For me is very easy find this stories in Spanish and English, in addition we can find audio-books for free too. But I’m worry about the old English used in them.
Yeah, I wouldn’t really recommend stories like that for new English learners. The language is old, but can still be useful. For instance, I love reading the old Sherlock Holmes stories and Edgar Allan Poe…Poe in particular is tough when compared with modern English writers, but he’s still really interesting.
Honestly, I’d recommend starting with popular books since those are often the easiest to read. Even stuff like Twilight or any mystery novel.
I know these aren’t free, though.
Thanks Alex I’m thinking to buy the book, I also want to know what is the secuence of the videos in this page.
We don’t have a set sequence. I would just start with the beginner lessons and click on what sounds interesting to you. :)
Reading books is a great way to pick up new vocabulary. I love reading funny books.
Thanks, Alex
No problem. For comedy, one of my favourite writers is Terry Pratchett. Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is also excellent.
Thank you a lot Alex, yes it was really interesting lesson. By the way I like to ask you which is better for English learner, it’s to read technical books or novels. Noting that I’m an engineering student.
It depends what you want to do. If your goal is to become proficient in the language at work, then technical books are not a bad idea. However, I think you still need everyday English that you can get from novels.
Thank you Alex.
I love your class, I don’t had read the English version of the Hunger Games but I follow your recomendation and I will try it.
Cool. Let me know how you like it.
the best website ever!!!
Antonio Oliveira
Oh, for sure. We’re definitely in the top 1000 for sure!
Dzięki Alex. Z wielką przyjemnością oglądam Twoje kolejne lekcje. Good job. Pozdrawiam Grzegorz :)
Nie ma sprawy. Dzieki!
Ahmad Muzammil
No problem.
I’m anew student my name is sa’ad from somalia
sacad 1234
Welcome to engVid, sa’ad. I hope you enjoy your time here.
a lot of thanks to you you providing us this knowledge
sacad 1234
I’m happy to help. Thanks for watching.
Thanks so much Alex. How long have you been? You must be keep tabs on me.
Do you mean “How have you been”? I’ve been great, thanks. :)
Hi Alex
I had read that is Turkish version. It was very good. I decided to read English version because of you. Thank you very much
Nice. Enjoy it!
Hi Alex!
This type of videos are really great!
I think that you can try to make a video with vocabulary used in Harry Potter books. Many people reading this book as a first book in English :)
Thanks for your big work!
This is my plan now. I’ve seen enough feedback on here and YouTube to know that Harry Potter is the next book I should cover in this style.
You are very upbeat person Alex :-)
Fantastic video Alex.I do prefer learning English with the help of books.Recently i read out “tuesdays with morrie” book wherein i learnt so many new words,phrases,idioms.Thanks a lot.
Thanks! I generally try to be upbeat.
Nice job. You’re learning the right way.
thanks Alex I really enjoyed in your lesson .
from my experience, I get many things from books . Books help me to Know new words and how these words are used especially short stories .
For sure. I’m wondering if Grimm’s Fairy Tales might be a good way to learn. I’ve never actually read them. I’ll have to look into that.
Hi guys
Who can help me to translate from English to Arabic as sentence Especially for technology
Or give a name of dictionary
Alwaily Abduallah
Oh, it seems you really like this book, to be honest I haven’t read this book, moreover I even didn’t watched the movie! Once I’ve read a “Cloud Atlas” in english after I had watching twice the movie.
Cloud Atlas is a massive book. I’ve never actually read any of Ayn Rand’s novels. Maybe one day.
This lesson is the best as always because of Alex made it and it doesn’t matter that is about.
So somebody can explain what “fuck down” means?
By itself, it doesn’t really mean anything. The only phrase I can think of where it fits is “Calm the fuck down!” This just means “relax” or “calm down.”
If it’s on a t-shirt, it might just be instructing someone to look “down” below your t-shirt for sex. Maybe. I don’t totally get the context here.
have a t shirt, and i wondering it’s ok to wear it.
I need an explanation from a native speakers.
I personally wouldn’t wear it, but I’ve seen worse in public. One of my former students had a shirt that said, “My mom says I’m pretty, so fuck you.” Very aggressive.
Hola Alex,
Wow very professional indeed, thanks!!
I really enjoyed your new-style video, also I appreciate your work, please keep it up!!
Thanks a lot, JJJR. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.
Always 10 of 10))) thanks)) I have read comments and level up my English more)))
“I have read the comments and leveled up my English more.” :)
You’re doing the right thing. Keep it up.
Thank you Alex so useful new words
You’re welcome. Thank you for studying with engVid.
Hey Alex thanks for the video.That was a great and a very interesting innovation.Can you do the same thing with books from centuries ago such as Macbeth and Othello of William Shakespeare,Heart of Darkness of Joseph Conrad?
You know, I was thinking of going back to a Shakespeare play and doing something with that. Thanks for putting this idea back into my mind. Hamlet is probably my favourite, so I would likely do that. Macbeth is a great choice too, though! Especially with the new movie coming out.
10 out of 10. It was a very interesting video. I thimk this is a good way of learning English. Please keep doing more videos like this one.
Thanks for your feedback, Aleachi. I’ve got a few more videos coming in the future that will use a similar style. They’re not necessarily related to books, but I think students will still enjoy them and learn from them.
Sorry I made a mistake, think*
Great video , I really enjoyed
thank you
You’re welcome. Thanks for studying with engVid!
I am weak in many English
can you help me
je suis faible beaucoup idées moi s’il vous plait
Hi there, I don’t do private lessons online at the moment. These videos are the best way for me to reach many people.
Hi Alex,this is a great lesson,also one of my fav books which i’ve read the three series of it and also wathced the three part of movies,i enjoyed them.Keep going on,I think its a great way to learn english through books.Greetings from Kosovo.
Thanks, elitahiri. I’ll definitely do at least one more video like this. It seems like most students enjoy the style.
Great way to expand vocabulary and written and spoken English understanding! Thanks for this, Alex!
I’ve bought the trilogy, in paper, and downloaded the audio for the first book.
Unfortunatelly, I found right in the second page nine words I couldn’t understand without consulting the site dictionary.reference.com :-| Nonetheless, I am supposing this my understanding will improve as the pages will be passing by.
About french, I’m a french language quitter, according to the characters Jade described in the previous lesson. One day I will try it harder… but first, English :-)
Fabio Cicerre
Yeah, I had a bunch of words on the first few pages of the French edition as well. I just keep going back and re-reading the same pages until I fully understand them. It takes time, but as much as I’m reading the book for pleasure, I’m using it more as a study tool.
Hi Alex, could you please make a lesson about how I can describe the sound like slam, splash, rustle and so on.
Thank you.
That’s a cool idea. I’ll keep it mind. Thanks, EKRAMI.
Sorry, What does it mean for “Don’t be evil.”?
I got the email from my employee but I do not understand! that is …
“Don’t be evil.” is a WWW core value. One of the ways we make these words real is to require each employee, temporary worker, vendor worker, and contractor to read and understand our Code of Conduct. WWW has an expectation that you conduct business lawfully, ethically, and with integrity and respect for each other, our users, partners, and competitors. To reinforce this guidance, WWW requires that you take this 30 min Code of Conduct Training every two years.
Am I doing something wrong? Could you please explain me about this email? Thank you.
That sounds very dramatic, but it just means “be good” and don’t do anything that is against the law or that hurts others or the company.
thanks alex ,i can ensure you that i’ve never abandoned this web site ,
“I can assure you” is the correct form here. And thank you!
it is very good idea alex and it is very useful to us ,i will wait the next book , keep going man :) :)
You can expect a Harry Potter lesson at some point in the new year. I’ve got some other ideas and videos that will be out before then, though.
Hi Alex, great lesson, I really enjoyed it. Please keep doing more like this.
Absolutely. Not every video will be like this, but I will certainly do a few more like it in the future.
Its a nice quiz though i got 6 out of 10. :)
Go back and try it again. :) You can do it!
The book Hunger Game is a perfect book. I appreciate your great introduction of this book. I just started reading this book. Thanks for this lesson.
That’s great to hear. Good luck with it!
Hi thk u Alex. I start reading today and it’s my first the book. Good luck for u!
Very nice! Keep going!
Alex, it’s David Mitchell’s book, did you watch the movie with similar name with Tom Hanks and Holly Berry?
No, I haven’t. I’ll keep it in mind, though!
loved it :)
Fantastic! Thank you.
Hey Alex, I really appreciate this video. I enjoy read books in English because it helps my vocabulary and comprehension. Yet sometimes I don’t know what book buy.
I’ll really appreciate if you make more videos about books and give us the level and some tips about vocabulary.
Thank you Alex. Have a nice week!
William Flores
Stay tuned. More videos like this are coming in 2016! And some other fun surprises related to movies and video games.
Hi!! Thanks for your video!! I think the book 1984 could be a great idea!!!
It’s one of my favourites. I’ll see what I can do. Next on my list is Harry Potter. :)
Thanks Alex! I am from Honduras. I like so much your classes. This class was very useful, because I like the way you explained us the vocabulary. So I learned new words!! I have already read the book in Spanish, but I would like to read it in English. I am trying to read easy books in English according to my level. But I would like your advise: must I look for every word that I don’t understand…..or only get the main ideas in every chapter? Thanks Adam. Go ahead! You are a marvelous teacher!!
It’s your choice. It depends on what type of student you are. I know some get frustrated when they don’t understand everything, and they have to stop and understand every word. Others are content just getting the main meaning.
Me? I like knowing almost everything, but I also have no problem going back and reading the same page 3-5 times just to practice the vocabulary!
Perfect! I really love Hunger Games! I have read this book in Portuguese, now, I’m going to read in english! I loved this video! Please, Can you do more videos like this one?
Daniel Dandy
Absolutely. Stay tuned!
Thanks, Alex. I love this video.
Thanks a lot, Laura! I appreciate that!
This lesson is excellent,because of many useful new words through the book. It’s a great idea learning by reading ! Thanks
No problem. Thank you for studying with engVid.
Alex, thanks for your stunning video!!! Go ahead with your brave experiments with books. I’ll be waiting for your new discovers :)
Alex, thanks for your stunning video!!! Go ahead with your brave experiments with books. I’ll be waiting for your new discoveries :)
Nice self-edit!
I did some more experimental videos this past weekend. The first one is coming in 4 weeks. The one in 2 weeks will be in my traditional style, but will still be useful. :)
thanks so much Alex
You’re very welcome.
Oh my god! I am the 122th one who followed this lesson! :) I just would like to say thank you, Alex. You inspired and motivated us how to make more effort, how to learn English in the perfect method for improving our English.
You are always super upbeat, Alex! Definitely, I love your powerful, new style of teaching. :)
That’s great to hear. Thank you. I’m trying to show more of my personality in my videos and not just be formal all the time. :)
great lesson thanks a lot..
Waseem F
You’re welcome. Thanks for checking out the video, Waseem!
Thank you! It’s great idea to make some lectures about reading on English and books.
I started reading yesterday and have already read a quarter of the book, cause it’s really easy, but interesting. Cool!
That’s fantastic. I’m happy to hear that you’re enjoying it and understanding it.
Hi Alex, your lesson about book was perfect, thanks! I think it is a good idea if you go on with that, but you could also speak about song, why not?
I can play the guitar a little bit, so this is not such a bad idea.
Hey Alex! You did a good job as always! Keep doing it, I liked it… Actually due what you said about this book being great for learning english, as I’m having secret santa next month I already asked the people the present, lol the english version of this book! =) Thank you!
That’s awesome! I hope you enjoy it!
thanks so much
with you I can train my english
Thanks for studying with engVid. I’m happy to help.
thanx awesome style
Thanks, Bale. More videos in this style are coming. The next one similar to this will be in 4 weeks, just before the new Star Wars movie.
yeah, it’s very interesting and useful type of video lesson! Looking forward to seeing other ones)
Thanks! More are coming.
very good leson
Thanks a lot, ranieri.
I really enjoyed this class! You are right, I read the book in spanish and now I’m reading in english. Thanks for your suggestions!
That’s great! I’m assuming you’re finding the book easier to read because of this. I feel that way as I’m reading it in French.
hello good girl I’m always looking for people willing to practice their english (speacially Mexican people)if you want we can talk I don’t have Skype but at least I have Facebook so we can write each other once in a while what do u say?
Gustavo Nice Guy
Thanks Alex.Your way of teaching is excellent and enjoyable. Thanks again.
I appreciate that. Thank you, Prem.
Thank you Alex for a such informative lesson.Learning by books is also a good way, especially for expanding vocabulary .
Absolutely. Reading really is the best best BEST way to improve your vocabulary. You can take your time to really digest the information.
Hi Alex!Thank you for the great video you made!I’m interested in The Hunger Games on your recommendation.Also, I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter.Do you think it’s difficult for an intermediate learner to read Harry Potter? Hope you won’t find my question weird lol. Anyway, I’ll definitely try The Hunger Games! Thanks again for your sharing and teaching! See you soon:)
I think Harry Potter is an excellent choice for an intermediate student who wants to take their English to the next level. Harry Potter has A TON of vocabulary. I just read chapter 1 again in preparation for my video.
i want to be one of your pupils
how can i be one of them
I unfortunately do not teach privately, and I don’t have online classes. These might happen in the future, but for now, the best way to study with me is with engVid.
thanks for lesson…. learning english from books is great idea … we are waiting your advice for book….
I’ve mentioned a few other books in the comments above. :) Check them out.
Thank you for an interesting lesson! I like such kind of lessons! It would be interesting to watch similar videos about other books! I started to read the book “The Hunger Games.”
That’s awesome. Thanks for watching, natalia.
I loved this lesson! Yes! Please, talk more about books.
I will for sure!
Please, also talk about the “Readers” collections by Penguin, Oxford, etc…
I made a lesson on that already. :) Specifically about the Penguin Readers editions of Sherlock Holmes and Edgar Allan Poe.
Lord of the rings series are very good idea for learning new words.
Absolutely. It’s also challenging, though. A lot of the language is not very useful in conversation.
Thanks a lot, Alex. Your videos and videos on EngVid help me very much at my job.
That’s fantastic to hear, and it’s the reason I do this.
Thank you so much that’s very useful and you have very interesting manner to reach the information for us.
In Baghdad we have an old street called “Al Mutanabbi street” that’s specific for sales all the types of books. I will going to it to buy some books like Hunger Games and others.
I love you Alex…. oh that was blurt out!!
“Oh, I blurted that out!” is what you wanted to type there. :)
Thanks for watching! Al Mutanabbi Street sounds great. I especially love used book stores. You never know what you’re going to find.
I’m a beginner student and I’m learning a lot with you! Thanks for all!
Rafael Ferreira Leite
That’s fantastic to hear. Keep it up!
It is really clear and interesting course
dado salah
Thanks, dado salah. I try to be as clear as possible.
I haven’t read many books throughout my life but there is one very good I’d like to recommend it’s called “the art of racing in the rain” is very touching I think you all will like
Gustavo Nice Guy
I’ve never heard of this book. Thanks for the suggestion, Gustavo.
Hi Alex,
Thank you very much for all your creative lessons, which are extremely useful and enjoyable. Looking forward watching new episodes! :)
Thank you very much! An exciting new video will be available by the end of this month. My next video will likely be in my standard format, but I hope students will still find it useful!
I’m a book lover, watching this kind video is a big help since English is not my native language and most of the books I read are in English. I could listen to you/watch you discuss about books and their vocabularies without getting bored….and with teary eyes because this is really helpful for me…thanks Alex!
That’s amazing. Thanks for your support, aya. I’ll be talking more about books in the future.
Great video, like this style very much.
It would be nice if you want to make many vodeos about The Lord of The Rings series or Harry Potter may be.
Actually i see your videos to increase my english understanding skills and this video style makes it more interesting.
Thank you very much!
No problem! I’ll definitely be making more videos like this in the future.
Thank you very much!
Thank you Alex!It’s very interesting video
“It’s a very interesting video.”
“Video” is countable, which means you need to use “a” because you’re talking about ONE.
Thank you, Liana!
Thank you Alex, your comments are vonderful and didactic. I’ll buy the book
thank you so much
The word you were looking for was “wonderful.” Thank you, Gulum!
Thank you Alex. I really enjoyed this lesson. I am always in search for new English book to read. Your suggestions are very useful!
Thanks, Tizzy. I’ll keep making more.
thank you very much…
You’re very welcome. Thanks for clicking.
Thank you Alex, I like your new style of video dispite it last little more time then other videos. It will be interesting for me to hear something about Stiphen King story. A lot of them short and very fascinating.
I’ll try to make future videos a little shorter. I know this one was very long!
I like Stephen King. I’ll keep your suggestion in mind.
Alex and Adam, my favorite teachers… Love you both.
I really enjoy watching your videos and the way you guys teach. I try to apply them in my teaching.
Mohammad Javad
Thanks, Mohammad. I appreciate that.
thanks .i hope will meet you one day
You never know. It might happen. :)
Engvid is the BEST! Thank u all :)
Thank you for watching!
Hi Alex, thanks for the video, I would like to know which books do you recommend me ?? to learn more voabulary basic and andvanced.
Young adult novels are usually the best choices for this. Stuff like The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, etc.
Hi! Alex I hope you are having a good time and I was just wondering where i could get the hunger games audiobooks. thank you in advance for your prompt response
Hi Xavier. If you sign up for a 30-day trial at audible.com, you can search for the book and download it for free. Go through this link:
Thanks for your all these useful videos about English. I have to say that I have learned many useful things about slangs or other things. Thanks Alex!!!
You’re welcome. Thanks for studying. I love your username. Haha.
Thanks teacher!
I think you give out usefully for students.
In this lesson, I learned 10 new vocabularies that not only for reading the Hunger Games book but also for person to person English.
I have a friend who is abandoned by his parent since a child. he is an upbeat person and always blurts out anything he wants. Yesterday, he had been an accident on to his work and some swollen in his face- The doctor asked him keep tabs on them. The doctor said lotsa people resembled him was broken face bone so it should be careful. He is optimist so he be always upbeat at work all day.
He is also a food snob so he sometime has forced me go to the expensive restaraunt with him.
However, I feel he is a mercy person because he always care everyone when they meet difficulties.
Finally, great wishing to you!
See you soon.
Very nice! I’m happy to see students put the vocabulary into practice right away like this.
very good video alex, i like your style of using bright works of literature in english teaching, it’s really a good method for students to grasp vocabulary, rhetoric expressions, and new ideas and notion in the world of english, it’s the method that works wisely with me in language learning. i just wonder how i can find people in this platform with whom i can practice english speaking ? any idea ? thank you.
I know some people give their Skype info in the comments section sometimes.
I’ll be making more videos related to literature in the future.
You are an amazing teacher.
Thanks Alex.
You’re very welcome. Thanks, Helano.
Thank you, Alex
Great idea!I’m going to buy my favorite book (High Fidelity) in english.Thanks.
Alberto Venceslau
Oooh, that’s a tough one. I love the movie!
10 out of 10. Thank you for these new vocabulary. You are my favorite teacher, Alex.
God bless you
I’m watching for the first time the Alex’s vídeos, I’m enjoying a lot! He is reallu a good teacher!
God bless you, friend!
Thanks, Vanessa. Welcome to engVid!
Thank you, marlonc. I always appreciate the support. I’m happy that I can help you.
WOW!I love it!
Thanks a lot!
Thanks Alex for this video. I bought this book and started to read some pages every day. Have you got any recommendation for a book written in past tense and someone written in future tense on the same level?
I will be doing a video on Harry Potter at some point in 2016. That would be my choice for a book written in the past tense. There aren’t any books written only in the future tense, though. That would be hard to do!
Thanks teacher Alex i like the way you teach I’ll keep in touch with you , good luck
Thanks, Jimmy. I appreciate your support!
Thanks a lot!!! It was great lesson
I appreciate that. Thanks, Dosia.
Than you, Alex)))… i like your way to speak with us(you looks that you feel very comfortable), and the books – it’s good idea… i can read them without the network on my way to studies and back… and thank you that you try to improve your videos for us))))
No problem. I think most students are enjoying my newer videos, so I’m happy to see that. I’d like to make them interesting for everyone, as well as educational.
thanks Alex, it was really help full
You’re very welcome. Thanks for watching.
I’m waiting forward to watch the next video about reading on English))) And maybe the top-list of books for intermediate-level.
Good idea! The next book-related video will be about Harry Potter.
Yes! I got 10 correct out of 10!!!
Hi, Alex! Could you talk about the Maze Runner book? I think it would be interesting!
Keep in touch ;)
Hi Vanessa. Thanks for the suggestion. While it would be interesting, I don’t think there is enough popular interest in that book/series. The next one I do will be Harry Potter. :)
I love Harry Potter!! I’m looking forward to this Harry Potter lesson!! can’t wait~~
Ariel Yen
i like this style, but i prefer your style with your green spider :D
Haha. Nice! Don’t worry. Steve will be in more videos in the future.
Hi, Alex. Thanks for a great lesson. BTW, now I’m reading the first volume of Game of Thrones. So many past perfect are used in it, even if present perfect is suppose to be more appropriate. But not always. The author use present perfect sometimes. Could you explain about the difference or nuance?
I haven’t read Game of Thrones, but I’m assuming that it’s written in the past tense, like most books. The past perfect is probably being used to talk about events that happened BEFORE other events. The present perfect is probably being used in character dialogue?
super thanx
Super you’re welcome!
thank you Alex. i really enjoyed your lesson.
i would like to practice more and hope i can find ppl to practice with.
Thanks for watching. Good luck! There are a lot of people to practice with here. Just reading comments can be helpful.
It was a very interesting lesson! Thank you very much! I enjoy your style of teaching.
I’m happy to hear that. Thanks for watching!
really you are so wonderful teacher . thank you so much Alex .And i like to study English . also i wish i could communicate with you if that possible thanx so much .
basem abd el fatah
Thanks for watching, basem! Unfortunately, I don’t do private lessons, but if you’d like to have a little more contact with me, I’m on Facebook and Twitter. Just search for Alex engVid.
in the beginning thanks for your interest answering me .
and i mean by my comment : i love English . and like to listen to you .
And actually we are friends on facebook .
thank you a lot
basem abd el fatah
You’re very welcome. I’m happy to help you improve and provide feedback.
9 :)
Talking about book and suggestions of, should be interesting a lesson about the “Good Night Mr. Tom” book, by Michelle Magorian. It’s a great idea including book stories in your lessons!
Thanks Alex!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Thanks for your feedback, Isaias! I’ll be doing more book lessons in the future.
i really enjoyed the video Alex,i learnt new vocabulary,thank’s Alex hope new videos are coming sonn.
They absolutely are! :)
Hi, Alex. The first time I saw you I became in your fan. So, I finished the B1+ Intermediate and I’m going to start with B2+ on the next week. I’ve started to read this book and It’s been very useful. Thank a lot. Hugs from Mexico.
Nice. Welcome to engVid! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying my videos. Keep practicing!
Good idea
Thanks for your feedback, Moamen78.
Hi Alex, you, yourself and engvid.com made me english vocabulary snob. My brain is swollen with the vocabulary. Adding a word, I am getting an upbeat person. :)) I don’t want to abandon to scrub to my brain with the vocabulary.
I’m glad we’re improving and adding to your vocabulary! I like your avatar. Stay tuned…a Harry Potter lesson is coming in 2016.
I’ve got 80/100. Thanks Alex
No problem. Nice job on the quiz. Keep practicing and using the language!
Alex,I have to say that I really love your way to teach English,and you always interest my interesting in English by books or movies.Thanks a lot!!Now I push myself to listen to at least two lessons each day in order to improve my English,can’t wait for your new lesson hahaha^ ^
Ariel Yen
That’s awesome to hear. Thanks for studying with me, Ariel. I hope I will continue to help you improve!
Alex thanks)
Thanks Alex,i love your teaching style. It is always funny. I love it and enjoy your video.
Thank you very much Alex, I think it’s a special way to teach and I want you to keep doing videos like this, my recommendation is Tolkien. C.S. Lewis, fantasy and Sci- fi books; great job man!
ah and I got 90 :(
9/10. This video has been the most interesting one until now ! Thank you very much Mr. Alex.
I got a perfect score, i really like hunger games too, but only movie version is the only one tried, maybe nextime i’ll try to buy those books and read it someday. Thanks alex for this lesson.
Alex, can you tell me what is snob mean
Tran Thi To Uyen
Great video Alex,thank you
appreciate Alex! I’m really like your teaching style.
Yin Yin Aye
Cool! Thank you Alex! That’s good lesson!
Thanks a lot Alex! I really enjoyed your class even though the hunger games is not my type :P I hope keep learning from any book
Thank you Alex! Learning English with your lessons it’s a pleasure!
I enjoyed the lesson you gave. I’m impresse by your enthousiasme, really. I hope you will improuve with your French as I with my English.
I really like this kind of video. Many thanks for your effort
that’s awesome , i like those kind of videos, i always believed that to learn a language we must read books on this language , but i have a lot of difficulties to it , because there is a lot of words or expressions that i don’t understand so i get tired of searching the meaning every second so i abandone reading it .
Very intersting method, its like learning with interest and fun. thank you for all these lessons
thank you alex …and its a very good method
Alex thank you so much, I bought the book and I was a little bit scared to read it. But whit your wonderful advices I’m sure I will enjoy it a LOT!!!!
hi’ teacher, how could i find you on facebook?
It was great lesson, Alex! I’ve read this book in three different languages. And, of course, I’ll read it in English.
P.S. This type of lessons is really helpful. I like it)
Annie Hutchcraft
Hey Alex
Thanks because of your great work , you’re awesome,
Actually we have an English Class in the “Masjede Al-Mahdi”, we are about 8 persons and we are big fan of you :D
so it’s so exiting if you mention to us ! ;)
alright, What does this sentence mean?
He is working fifty percent more on your business and fifty percent less in your business. He is 100% happier.
and it would be grate if you create a clip about it ,
thank you Alex, we love you brother !
Hi Alex I feel upbeat becase i got a 100 in this test, thank you for your helping.
great lesson!!!! thank you Alex!!
Thank you Alex for your videos.
It is always interesting.
You are my favorite teacher on EngVig.com
Great job Alex! I liked this lesson very much. I love reading. In fact, that is my favorite hobby. However, I would rather the classic novels. Have you ever read “The Thirty-nine Steps” and “Greenmantle”? Both of them were written by John Buchan, a General Governor of Canada. They are very interesting. I also love Charles Dickens, especially “Great Expectations”.
Eduardo França
thank you alex
Done.100%. Yes!
thank you, teacher. It’s interesting lesson.
YAY, 10/10
Adwait Shiva
i got 90%
hi sir namasthe. first of all i would like to thank you for initiating me for reading. being a self learner i had never read or completed a single book in my life till i watched you teacher panels videos. i was able to finish the book “heidi”{ penguin one} just in a week. i’m still wondering how i did that and i don’t understand which grade of reader i’m. please suggest me some more books fiction or non.thank you teachers. i love you all. i’m always grateful to you.
Thanks a lot. i like lord of the ring. i hope you make your lession about it. ^^
Thank you!I got 100
bill chang
Thanks Alex! great job.
I read the 3 books and saw the trilogy a few years ago, and I found the novels more violent than the movies.
Lorcy Gabriel
Thanks, Alex! Excellent video, it is clear, useful and very encouraging… After boxing day, when the shop is open, I am going to start to read this book with my son, we’ve already seen the saga of the three movies and we loved it!
Merry Christmas to everyone and Happy New Year 2018!
Please keep going, what about The lord of the ring!, it would be perfect! take care sir!
Thank you Mr. Alex! From my point of view this type of lessons is very useful for any students because it covers a lot of aspects of the English Language.
Awesome! got 10/9
Oyunchimeg Shagdarsuren
This is a really intresting video. Thank you for recommendation.
I get it!
Merci Alex pour cette excellente leçon. J’ai essayé de comprendre la passion de mes petits-enfants pour hunger games en regardant le film, ou en tentant de lire le livre. Je n’ai pas réussi. Problème de génération, sans doute ! Alors, je me suis rappelé que tu avais préparé une leçon “hunger games” et j’ai eu plaisir à la retrouver.
Je t’espère plus doué que moi pour l’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère,…..mais je suis opiniatre.
Bon vent Alex.
Thank you a lot for your video. When I started to read the hunger games book I found out that its not as a bad as my friends told me.
Thank you for your support.
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you so much Alex! I just started reading this book! And I have read 5 chapters now :)
That’s awesome! Nice job!
Thank you very much Alex!!I´m seriously thinking about buying the book after your advice. And, of course, we like your new style of videos!!I´m pretty sure that other students like me will ensure it!!
Hope to see you soon ;)
Thanks a lot. It’s a really fun and interesting book. I totally recommend checking it out. I have both the physical and audio version.
Very good video. Keep on Alex! Thank you very much. Also thank you for the information provided.
No problem, niko. Thanks for studying with engVid!
Wow! I got 10 correct out of 10!
“The Hunger Games” is the first book that I started to read in English. Your video inspired me to continue reading. I hope I can finish this book and also read next two book of this series.
You’re on chapter 5! Keep going! :)
Great!! Thank you, ALex! =)
No problem, Fabio. Thanks for watching.
thanks Alex. this lesson is interesting . i just to say thank you . thank you ….
You’re very welcome! Thanks for watching.
I agree to listen about reading recommendation in general, for instance I’d like to know where I can find text with conditional sentences or hypothetical sentences or texts more report speech.
Excellent Class Alex. I got a 100.
Nice job on the quiz. All novels probably have what you’re looking for. :)
Reading books is really a great way to learn English!
But in my case I do not like this kind of book… “The hunger game”for example ..
I recommend “the Pilgrim’s progress” it was the last one that I read, it helped me a lot!”
I always read the Bible, :D it is very good to learn English and most important to learn the will of God!
Thanks Alex, anyway! :D
No problem. The important thing is that you’re reading something you enjoy.
Ok, I understand :D
I have been watching Engvid lessons since 2011 and you are one of my favourite teachers!
God bless you more and more!
Thanks Alex! Hugs from Brazil!
Thanks, Tiago. I’ll likely visit Brazil some day!
Alex, you’ll be very welcomed here! Good food, happy people and bright sun.
Give a notice to us if you come, very likely some students here that lives nearby can organize a get together.
Haha. Sure. I’ll keep you guys posted.
Hello Alex. I enjoyed this video. new style & concept.
Thank you. & I want to learn more
Thanks, Priyanka. More interesting videos are coming in the future.
Really your idea is different and it is a interesting form to learn English and then, i hope to watch more videos like that… Thank u!
You’re welcome, and thank you for the feedback.
thanks a lot for new vocabulary
You’re very welcome. Thanks for checking out the lesson!
This is a great idea is to study through books as it fix the vocab in context and allow to get as many as new vocabs. Thanks a lot
You’re very welcome. Thanks for watching.
Thanks Alex, those videos have been helping me a lot. keep up with new ones
I will! Thanks for watching, blipe.
hi Alex I really loved this video and I wanna see more and more like this but I have one big problem with my self now I know a lot of things about English language but where I am I cant find any one to practice with and I don’t know anyone leave in foreign country and when I’m talking to someone in real live I know about word but I’m scare to practice and say something wrong why we don’t make voice call chat here and we can practice our lesson with each other improve our speaking
thanks a lot
I think some students exchange Skype info on here. The model you’re talking about simply wouldn’t work with one teacher and thousands of students all trying to ask questions at the same time. :)
Great lesson, Alex! I liked it a lot, thank you! Without a doubt, it’s a good idea to read books in English to improve vocabulary. By the way, do you enjoy studying French? Greetings from Brazil! Júlio César.
I enjoy studying French, but time is my enemy. It’s hard to find time with a full-time job and obligations at home.
I know what you mean, Alex! Thanks!
Thank you so much. You’re the best teacher I’ve ever had. This lesson was amazing. Now I really regret that I had read “1984” in Turkish =) I wish I hadn’t. I don’t know why but now I have a desire for reading books in English. I think that’s because you’re my idol anymore! :)
By the way, last week I’ve been to Montreal for three days and I didn’t know French (language) was so dominant over there. I don’t know which city you are in, but as far as I understand you need French in Canada. Good work to you, too! (I don’t know if I can say it for studying, sorry.)
Thanks for the feedback, monac.
French is huge in Montreal. That’s actually the city where I work. :)
Very interesting lesson professor!!
Thanks a lot, Mario. I appreciate it.
thank you alex, you are the best, and helped me a lot
I’m happy to help. Thanks for clicking, Romulo!
Hello Alex!
Could you please recommend me some more books?
It depends on the type of fiction you’re into. If you like fantasy, I’d definitely recommend the following:
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
If you like sci-fi, these are great as well:
Ender’s Game
ok thanks! I like very much Biographies and health, do you have some recommendation?
Hmm, I don’t read many books from either genre. For biographies, I’ve only read a few by professional wrestlers:
Bret Hart
Chris Jericho
And I’ve read the biography of Kevin Smith. They were enjoyable for me, but I’m not sure how enjoyable they would be for someone who’s not familiar with the people.
Ok, thank you very much mr. Alex! you are wonderful as a teacher, not like my teacher who doesn’t care about his students.
May I have your email? because I have some questions and I want to ask you private.
Thanks a lot !!!
Unfortunately, I don’t give out my email and I don’t do private lessons online. I already have a full-time teaching job and simply don’t have time to take on more online work.
I’m generally happy to answer at least one question per student in my comments sections, though.
Thanks a lot Alex. I got 100
Nice job!
Hi Alex. Thank you so much for this valuable lesson. I really enjoyed it. And also I started to read the book Hunger Games which one you recommended.
You mean you’ve already started reading the book? I recommend you continue reading it! :)
Hi Alex, Thank you for your lesson. I’m going to get audio file and physical file as your recommendation. I think is it very useful lesson
Audio books are a great way to practice your listening in English, even if you don’t fully understand everything. Have fun! :)
Happy to read all of this comments. I like your new policy of proximity.hhh
Please put your back on it, hhh I thank you a lot and through it all the staff at Engvid.
Yeah, it’s cool interacting with your audience. :) I’m happy to help, and I’m grateful that so many people are now learning with engVid.
Oh , I love this kind of video, It ‘s very interesting. You helped me a lot. But with The Hunger Games, Can you have more new vocabularies ? I can see a good start for reading books If I have your help
10 words is a lot for most students. If I did a video with more than that, I’m not sure how useful it would be in the end!
I was very happy about the lessons this morning.
Thank you a lot .
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching. :)
Hi Alex, I have really enjoyed this video, and I hope to learn more books with you. Thanks a lot!
Thanks for clicking. I will likely do more videos with books in the future.
It was kinda Good Vocabulary lesson that I learnt and the 6th one vocabulary was great that was snob and blurted out and to keep tabs on someone or something-else are nice vocab words ..
Perfect Alex!.. Thanking You!..
I want one lesson from you or you guys like, okay I tell you When it’s coming down,pouring rain that time consider a village or city getting a lot of water and everybody is just floating on the water and water is going inside home due to heavy rain over last few days so everybody is getting freaked out and suffering trouble with that so what are the possibility things happened and how people talk about things like building crashed or smashed or broken down due to heavy rain thunder lightening ..
so I want perfect vocab for this lesson Alex and I hope you could do this lesson may be once after see my comment maybe within next three days you could do this lesson I hope you do that Alex Why I’m asking you is you are sort of perfect at teaching and you make people understand especially I understood much once you taught something on Engvid that’s why I mean you take over this lesson Alex I hope you..
Thanks a lot if you would do that Alex sir just I’m waiting your next lesson could be this..
3 days would be impossible. :p This is not my full-time job. Plus, Adam has already done a lesson on this topic:
Is this the type of vocabulary you mean?
Not like that sir when It’s really like a lot of water that goes into house’s and people can’t do anything by water and their properties and house stuff all going down by the rain maybe the rain that would be over a week or few days..
Okay thanks for your kind response but Alex sir, I don’t want to be stubborn but I want lesson from you this kind of lesson with more vocabulary.. That’s okay for me that you can take how many days you want.. And Okay I could see that kinda lesson on Adam lessons that may be cool Thanks anyway Alex sir..
in Tamil that is “SUNAMI” but That kind of large water only coming very force towards the city from Ocean or Sea not by rain and that destroys the city and what will people do and may be government will take some action those who left their all stuff by rain.
I loved this lesson Alex thanks, I’ve learn 10 new expressions I’d wish you could do the same with songs, specially Avril Lavigne’s songs ;)…
pd. You can do also a lessons with Oscar Wilde’s Tales or The Little Prince…
Thanks again
The Little Prince would be tough. The language sounds very formal and a little strange in English. I’m sure the original French is beautiful, though.
clear, brilliant and extremely useful (I mean your lesson, not the book…)
Ha. Thanks. The book is relatively easy to follow as well.
Thanks in advance Alex.
Here is a question for you Alex or moderator:
How can I have subtitles of engvid tubes?
We have no direct access to youtube videos in my own country.
we just can grab them by vpn services so youtube utility aren’t here.
Would you mind to guide me about that?
For those who have no access to this book, I’ll share my pdf with them on dropbox.
Hmm, I’m not sure how to answer this question. Sorry.
oh I’ve missed ‘available here’
Thanks, you are genius . I am enjoying every bit of it. Keep up the good work. Can not wait for your new lessons.
Kind regards,
Thanks for watching, Nilofer. I’ll keep making lessons!
Hii Alex it was very useful lesson for me
Thanks for checking it out.
Thank for your lesson.
When i started to read my first book on English, it was “How we feel” by Giovanni Frazzetto. That is extremely difficult book, i finished to read after 50 pages and was really upset because I can not understand a text.
Thank you.
It obviously comes with time, but sometimes it’s the book itself which is difficult. I’m sure there are books in Russian which are difficult for you, just as there are books in English which are difficult for me.
thank you Alex
You’re welcome.
thank you so much for your lessons , but i have a request we need some geography lessons about the united states some lessons it will be very helpful … thank you
Do you mean a lesson on where states and cities are located? Because that’s everywhere on the internet. :)
Thank you Alex, your lesson is very useful for all who have learnt enlish language. your quiz is great I got 10 correct out of 10.
Nice job, Ukrit!
Thank you! I like this sort of studying!
That’s great to hear. :) Thanks for watching.
thank you Alex
You’re welcome, kuvvat.
Hi Alex ” I didn’t see you there” was amazing hahaha.
The Hunger games book don’t attract me indeed, but Im very proud of you to give us details about the book, I will think about. By the way, Do you mind to tell us others good books to read like that? , in the first person?
Hmm, at the moment, I can’t think of anything that has a similar style. Here is a list of first person books after a quick Google search:
HI ALEX.Thanks very much so really useful lesson and a great lesson I hope this book HUNGER GAMES! maybe it’s very good so I can improve any words.
It’s definitely useful. Thanks for commenting, muad.
Thank you Alex!!
You’re very welcome!
Alex thank you for these kind of interactive English lessons.
Peace be with you…
You’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed the lesson.
Thank you.
Not a problem. Thanks for clicking.
First of all, thanks a lot for the lesson, Alex! It is very useful, certainly.
Second of all, relating to the question number 7 ‘Make sure you ___________ on your little sister tonight!’, maybe it would be interesting to keep tabs on the correct answer. The right answer would be just ‘keep tabs’ instead of ‘keep tabs on’. Right or wrong?
Finally, I strongly recommend you to continue recommending books for us!
Oh, you’re right. My mistake. :) Bonus points for noticing. I posted this list of books written in the first person above:
I will see if I can make more videos with books. Harry Potter seems to be a popular choice based on the comments here and on YouTube.
Thank you very much for the great lesson, Alex. By the way, I also learn French. Vous êtes le meilleur professeur!
Merci beaucoup, Tim. C’est tres…nice.
Hello Alex, thank you for the lesson. It was very cognitive. Could you tell me, please, if there is any difference between ENSURE and ASSURE? Thank you.
Hello Elen,
This lesson will help you with your doubt: https://www.engvid.com/assure-ensure-insure/
From Washington State University: (for ensure, assure, and insure)
“To “assure” a person of something is to make him or her confident of it. According to Associated Press style, to “ensure” that something happens is to make certain that it does, and to “insure” is to issue an insurance policy.”
Thank you, Alex.
I have 8/10.
But I am almmost finished teading this book, when I saw this lesson x))
By the way, I had to buy a paper book. I think it is the best way to work with it.
Everyone has their own way. There have been studies done which concluded that reading books the traditional way is more beneficial than on an e-reader.
I liked very much your new style of teaching, Alex. It was really interesting. Thank you.
Thank you very much. It takes more time, but I’m glad students are being so positive about it.
Hi Alex!
Thank you so much for this lesson!
I will try to learn English via this book.
I would like to watch lesson like this one. Please keep up doing great videos like this one.
I don’t plan to stop. Thanks for clicking, aynur.
Hello, I liked very much your video. I am wondering if you recommend us other books more old by example the Jean Austen’s books for a beginner or intermediate level. For me is very easy find this stories in Spanish and English, in addition we can find audio-books for free too. But I’m worry about the old English used in them.
Yeah, I wouldn’t really recommend stories like that for new English learners. The language is old, but can still be useful. For instance, I love reading the old Sherlock Holmes stories and Edgar Allan Poe…Poe in particular is tough when compared with modern English writers, but he’s still really interesting.
Honestly, I’d recommend starting with popular books since those are often the easiest to read. Even stuff like Twilight or any mystery novel.
I know these aren’t free, though.
Thanks Alex I’m thinking to buy the book, I also want to know what is the secuence of the videos in this page.
We don’t have a set sequence. I would just start with the beginner lessons and click on what sounds interesting to you. :)
Reading books is a great way to pick up new vocabulary. I love reading funny books.
Thanks, Alex
No problem. For comedy, one of my favourite writers is Terry Pratchett. Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is also excellent.
Thank you a lot Alex, yes it was really interesting lesson. By the way I like to ask you which is better for English learner, it’s to read technical books or novels. Noting that I’m an engineering student.
It depends what you want to do. If your goal is to become proficient in the language at work, then technical books are not a bad idea. However, I think you still need everyday English that you can get from novels.
Thank you Alex.
I love your class, I don’t had read the English version of the Hunger Games but I follow your recomendation and I will try it.
Cool. Let me know how you like it.
the best website ever!!!
Oh, for sure. We’re definitely in the top 1000 for sure!
Dzięki Alex. Z wielką przyjemnością oglądam Twoje kolejne lekcje. Good job. Pozdrawiam Grzegorz :)
Nie ma sprawy. Dzieki!
No problem.
I’m anew student my name is sa’ad from somalia
Welcome to engVid, sa’ad. I hope you enjoy your time here.
a lot of thanks to you you providing us this knowledge
I’m happy to help. Thanks for watching.
Thanks so much Alex. How long have you been? You must be keep tabs on me.
Do you mean “How have you been”? I’ve been great, thanks. :)
Hi Alex
I had read that is Turkish version. It was very good. I decided to read English version because of you. Thank you very much
Nice. Enjoy it!
Hi Alex!
This type of videos are really great!
I think that you can try to make a video with vocabulary used in Harry Potter books. Many people reading this book as a first book in English :)
Thanks for your big work!
This is my plan now. I’ve seen enough feedback on here and YouTube to know that Harry Potter is the next book I should cover in this style.
You are very upbeat person Alex :-)
Fantastic video Alex.I do prefer learning English with the help of books.Recently i read out “tuesdays with morrie” book wherein i learnt so many new words,phrases,idioms.Thanks a lot.
Thanks! I generally try to be upbeat.
Nice job. You’re learning the right way.
thanks Alex I really enjoyed in your lesson .
from my experience, I get many things from books . Books help me to Know new words and how these words are used especially short stories .
For sure. I’m wondering if Grimm’s Fairy Tales might be a good way to learn. I’ve never actually read them. I’ll have to look into that.
Hi guys
Who can help me to translate from English to Arabic as sentence Especially for technology
Or give a name of dictionary
Oh, it seems you really like this book, to be honest I haven’t read this book, moreover I even didn’t watched the movie! Once I’ve read a “Cloud Atlas” in english after I had watching twice the movie.
Cloud Atlas is a massive book. I’ve never actually read any of Ayn Rand’s novels. Maybe one day.
This lesson is the best as always because of Alex made it and it doesn’t matter that is about.
So somebody can explain what “fuck down” means?
By itself, it doesn’t really mean anything. The only phrase I can think of where it fits is “Calm the fuck down!” This just means “relax” or “calm down.”
If it’s on a t-shirt, it might just be instructing someone to look “down” below your t-shirt for sex. Maybe. I don’t totally get the context here.
have a t shirt, and i wondering it’s ok to wear it.
I need an explanation from a native speakers.
I personally wouldn’t wear it, but I’ve seen worse in public. One of my former students had a shirt that said, “My mom says I’m pretty, so fuck you.” Very aggressive.
Hola Alex,
Wow very professional indeed, thanks!!
I really enjoyed your new-style video, also I appreciate your work, please keep it up!!
Thanks a lot, JJJR. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.
Always 10 of 10))) thanks)) I have read comments and level up my English more)))
“I have read the comments and leveled up my English more.” :)
You’re doing the right thing. Keep it up.
Thank you Alex so useful new words
You’re welcome. Thank you for studying with engVid.
Hey Alex thanks for the video.That was a great and a very interesting innovation.Can you do the same thing with books from centuries ago such as Macbeth and Othello of William Shakespeare,Heart of Darkness of Joseph Conrad?
You know, I was thinking of going back to a Shakespeare play and doing something with that. Thanks for putting this idea back into my mind. Hamlet is probably my favourite, so I would likely do that. Macbeth is a great choice too, though! Especially with the new movie coming out.
10 out of 10. It was a very interesting video. I thimk this is a good way of learning English. Please keep doing more videos like this one.
Thanks for your feedback, Aleachi. I’ve got a few more videos coming in the future that will use a similar style. They’re not necessarily related to books, but I think students will still enjoy them and learn from them.
Sorry I made a mistake, think*
Great video , I really enjoyed
thank you
You’re welcome. Thanks for studying with engVid!
I am weak in many English
can you help me
je suis faible beaucoup idées moi s’il vous plait
Hi there, I don’t do private lessons online at the moment. These videos are the best way for me to reach many people.
Hi Alex,this is a great lesson,also one of my fav books which i’ve read the three series of it and also wathced the three part of movies,i enjoyed them.Keep going on,I think its a great way to learn english through books.Greetings from Kosovo.
Thanks, elitahiri. I’ll definitely do at least one more video like this. It seems like most students enjoy the style.
Great way to expand vocabulary and written and spoken English understanding! Thanks for this, Alex!
I’ve bought the trilogy, in paper, and downloaded the audio for the first book.
Unfortunatelly, I found right in the second page nine words I couldn’t understand without consulting the site dictionary.reference.com :-| Nonetheless, I am supposing this my understanding will improve as the pages will be passing by.
About french, I’m a french language quitter, according to the characters Jade described in the previous lesson. One day I will try it harder… but first, English :-)
Yeah, I had a bunch of words on the first few pages of the French edition as well. I just keep going back and re-reading the same pages until I fully understand them. It takes time, but as much as I’m reading the book for pleasure, I’m using it more as a study tool.
Hi Alex, could you please make a lesson about how I can describe the sound like slam, splash, rustle and so on.
Thank you.
That’s a cool idea. I’ll keep it mind. Thanks, EKRAMI.
Sorry, What does it mean for “Don’t be evil.”?
I got the email from my employee but I do not understand! that is …
“Don’t be evil.” is a WWW core value. One of the ways we make these words real is to require each employee, temporary worker, vendor worker, and contractor to read and understand our Code of Conduct. WWW has an expectation that you conduct business lawfully, ethically, and with integrity and respect for each other, our users, partners, and competitors. To reinforce this guidance, WWW requires that you take this 30 min Code of Conduct Training every two years.
Am I doing something wrong? Could you please explain me about this email? Thank you.
That sounds very dramatic, but it just means “be good” and don’t do anything that is against the law or that hurts others or the company.
thanks alex ,i can ensure you that i’ve never abandoned this web site ,
“I can assure you” is the correct form here. And thank you!
it is very good idea alex and it is very useful to us ,i will wait the next book , keep going man :) :)
You can expect a Harry Potter lesson at some point in the new year. I’ve got some other ideas and videos that will be out before then, though.
Hi Alex, great lesson, I really enjoyed it. Please keep doing more like this.
Absolutely. Not every video will be like this, but I will certainly do a few more like it in the future.
Its a nice quiz though i got 6 out of 10. :)
Go back and try it again. :) You can do it!
The book Hunger Game is a perfect book. I appreciate your great introduction of this book. I just started reading this book. Thanks for this lesson.
That’s great to hear. Good luck with it!
Hi thk u Alex. I start reading today and it’s my first the book. Good luck for u!
Very nice! Keep going!
Alex, it’s David Mitchell’s book, did you watch the movie with similar name with Tom Hanks and Holly Berry?
No, I haven’t. I’ll keep it in mind, though!
loved it :)
Fantastic! Thank you.
Hey Alex, I really appreciate this video. I enjoy read books in English because it helps my vocabulary and comprehension. Yet sometimes I don’t know what book buy.
I’ll really appreciate if you make more videos about books and give us the level and some tips about vocabulary.
Thank you Alex. Have a nice week!
Stay tuned. More videos like this are coming in 2016! And some other fun surprises related to movies and video games.
Hi!! Thanks for your video!! I think the book 1984 could be a great idea!!!
It’s one of my favourites. I’ll see what I can do. Next on my list is Harry Potter. :)
Thanks Alex! I am from Honduras. I like so much your classes. This class was very useful, because I like the way you explained us the vocabulary. So I learned new words!! I have already read the book in Spanish, but I would like to read it in English. I am trying to read easy books in English according to my level. But I would like your advise: must I look for every word that I don’t understand…..or only get the main ideas in every chapter? Thanks Adam. Go ahead! You are a marvelous teacher!!
It’s your choice. It depends on what type of student you are. I know some get frustrated when they don’t understand everything, and they have to stop and understand every word. Others are content just getting the main meaning.
Me? I like knowing almost everything, but I also have no problem going back and reading the same page 3-5 times just to practice the vocabulary!
Perfect! I really love Hunger Games! I have read this book in Portuguese, now, I’m going to read in english! I loved this video! Please, Can you do more videos like this one?
Absolutely. Stay tuned!
Thanks, Alex. I love this video.
Thanks a lot, Laura! I appreciate that!
This lesson is excellent,because of many useful new words through the book. It’s a great idea learning by reading ! Thanks
No problem. Thank you for studying with engVid.
Alex, thanks for your stunning video!!! Go ahead with your brave experiments with books. I’ll be waiting for your new discovers :)
Alex, thanks for your stunning video!!! Go ahead with your brave experiments with books. I’ll be waiting for your new discoveries :)
Nice self-edit!
I did some more experimental videos this past weekend. The first one is coming in 4 weeks. The one in 2 weeks will be in my traditional style, but will still be useful. :)
thanks so much Alex
You’re very welcome.
Oh my god! I am the 122th one who followed this lesson! :) I just would like to say thank you, Alex. You inspired and motivated us how to make more effort, how to learn English in the perfect method for improving our English.
You are always super upbeat, Alex! Definitely, I love your powerful, new style of teaching. :)
That’s great to hear. Thank you. I’m trying to show more of my personality in my videos and not just be formal all the time. :)
great lesson thanks a lot..
You’re welcome. Thanks for checking out the video, Waseem!
Thank you! It’s great idea to make some lectures about reading on English and books.
I started reading yesterday and have already read a quarter of the book, cause it’s really easy, but interesting. Cool!
That’s fantastic. I’m happy to hear that you’re enjoying it and understanding it.
Hi Alex, your lesson about book was perfect, thanks! I think it is a good idea if you go on with that, but you could also speak about song, why not?
I can play the guitar a little bit, so this is not such a bad idea.
Hey Alex! You did a good job as always! Keep doing it, I liked it… Actually due what you said about this book being great for learning english, as I’m having secret santa next month I already asked the people the present, lol the english version of this book! =) Thank you!
That’s awesome! I hope you enjoy it!
thanks so much
with you I can train my english
Thanks for studying with engVid. I’m happy to help.
thanx awesome style
Thanks, Bale. More videos in this style are coming. The next one similar to this will be in 4 weeks, just before the new Star Wars movie.
yeah, it’s very interesting and useful type of video lesson! Looking forward to seeing other ones)
Thanks! More are coming.
very good leson
Thanks a lot, ranieri.
I really enjoyed this class! You are right, I read the book in spanish and now I’m reading in english. Thanks for your suggestions!
That’s great! I’m assuming you’re finding the book easier to read because of this. I feel that way as I’m reading it in French.
hello good girl I’m always looking for people willing to practice their english (speacially Mexican people)if you want we can talk I don’t have Skype but at least I have Facebook so we can write each other once in a while what do u say?
Thanks Alex.Your way of teaching is excellent and enjoyable. Thanks again.
I appreciate that. Thank you, Prem.
Thank you Alex for a such informative lesson.Learning by books is also a good way, especially for expanding vocabulary .
Absolutely. Reading really is the best best BEST way to improve your vocabulary. You can take your time to really digest the information.
Hi Alex!Thank you for the great video you made!I’m interested in The Hunger Games on your recommendation.Also, I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter.Do you think it’s difficult for an intermediate learner to read Harry Potter? Hope you won’t find my question weird lol. Anyway, I’ll definitely try The Hunger Games! Thanks again for your sharing and teaching! See you soon:)
I think Harry Potter is an excellent choice for an intermediate student who wants to take their English to the next level. Harry Potter has A TON of vocabulary. I just read chapter 1 again in preparation for my video.
i want to be one of your pupils
how can i be one of them
I unfortunately do not teach privately, and I don’t have online classes. These might happen in the future, but for now, the best way to study with me is with engVid.
thanks for lesson…. learning english from books is great idea … we are waiting your advice for book….
I’ve mentioned a few other books in the comments above. :) Check them out.
Thank you for an interesting lesson! I like such kind of lessons! It would be interesting to watch similar videos about other books! I started to read the book “The Hunger Games.”
That’s awesome. Thanks for watching, natalia.
I loved this lesson! Yes! Please, talk more about books.
I will for sure!
Please, also talk about the “Readers” collections by Penguin, Oxford, etc…
I made a lesson on that already. :) Specifically about the Penguin Readers editions of Sherlock Holmes and Edgar Allan Poe.
I could definitely re-visit this, though.
Lord of the rings series are very good idea for learning new words.
Absolutely. It’s also challenging, though. A lot of the language is not very useful in conversation.
Thanks a lot, Alex. Your videos and videos on EngVid help me very much at my job.
That’s fantastic to hear, and it’s the reason I do this.
Thank you so much that’s very useful and you have very interesting manner to reach the information for us.
In Baghdad we have an old street called “Al Mutanabbi street” that’s specific for sales all the types of books. I will going to it to buy some books like Hunger Games and others.
I love you Alex…. oh that was blurt out!!
“Oh, I blurted that out!” is what you wanted to type there. :)
Thanks for watching! Al Mutanabbi Street sounds great. I especially love used book stores. You never know what you’re going to find.
I’m a beginner student and I’m learning a lot with you! Thanks for all!
That’s fantastic to hear. Keep it up!
It is really clear and interesting course
Thanks, dado salah. I try to be as clear as possible.
I haven’t read many books throughout my life but there is one very good I’d like to recommend it’s called “the art of racing in the rain” is very touching I think you all will like
I’ve never heard of this book. Thanks for the suggestion, Gustavo.
Hi Alex,
Thank you very much for all your creative lessons, which are extremely useful and enjoyable. Looking forward watching new episodes! :)
Thank you very much! An exciting new video will be available by the end of this month. My next video will likely be in my standard format, but I hope students will still find it useful!
I’m a book lover, watching this kind video is a big help since English is not my native language and most of the books I read are in English. I could listen to you/watch you discuss about books and their vocabularies without getting bored….and with teary eyes because this is really helpful for me…thanks Alex!
That’s amazing. Thanks for your support, aya. I’ll be talking more about books in the future.
Great video, like this style very much.
It would be nice if you want to make many vodeos about The Lord of The Rings series or Harry Potter may be.
Actually i see your videos to increase my english understanding skills and this video style makes it more interesting.
Thank you very much!
No problem! I’ll definitely be making more videos like this in the future.
Thank you very much!
Thank you Alex!It’s very interesting video
“It’s a very interesting video.”
“Video” is countable, which means you need to use “a” because you’re talking about ONE.
Thank you, Liana!
Thank you Alex, your comments are vonderful and didactic. I’ll buy the book
thank you so much
The word you were looking for was “wonderful.” Thank you, Gulum!
Thank you Alex. I really enjoyed this lesson. I am always in search for new English book to read. Your suggestions are very useful!
Thanks, Tizzy. I’ll keep making more.
thank you very much…
You’re very welcome. Thanks for clicking.
Thank you Alex, I like your new style of video dispite it last little more time then other videos. It will be interesting for me to hear something about Stiphen King story. A lot of them short and very fascinating.
I’ll try to make future videos a little shorter. I know this one was very long!
I like Stephen King. I’ll keep your suggestion in mind.
Alex and Adam, my favorite teachers… Love you both.
I really enjoy watching your videos and the way you guys teach. I try to apply them in my teaching.
Thanks, Mohammad. I appreciate that.
thanks .i hope will meet you one day
You never know. It might happen. :)
Engvid is the BEST! Thank u all :)
Thank you for watching!
Hi Alex, thanks for the video, I would like to know which books do you recommend me ?? to learn more voabulary basic and andvanced.
Young adult novels are usually the best choices for this. Stuff like The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, etc.
Hi! Alex I hope you are having a good time and I was just wondering where i could get the hunger games audiobooks. thank you in advance for your prompt response
Hi Xavier. If you sign up for a 30-day trial at audible.com, you can search for the book and download it for free. Go through this link:
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank a lot!
You’re very welcome!
Thanks for your all these useful videos about English. I have to say that I have learned many useful things about slangs or other things. Thanks Alex!!!
You’re welcome. Thanks for studying. I love your username. Haha.
Thanks teacher!
I think you give out usefully for students.
In this lesson, I learned 10 new vocabularies that not only for reading the Hunger Games book but also for person to person English.
I have a friend who is abandoned by his parent since a child. he is an upbeat person and always blurts out anything he wants. Yesterday, he had been an accident on to his work and some swollen in his face- The doctor asked him keep tabs on them. The doctor said lotsa people resembled him was broken face bone so it should be careful. He is optimist so he be always upbeat at work all day.
He is also a food snob so he sometime has forced me go to the expensive restaraunt with him.
However, I feel he is a mercy person because he always care everyone when they meet difficulties.
Finally, great wishing to you!
See you soon.
Very nice! I’m happy to see students put the vocabulary into practice right away like this.
very good video alex, i like your style of using bright works of literature in english teaching, it’s really a good method for students to grasp vocabulary, rhetoric expressions, and new ideas and notion in the world of english, it’s the method that works wisely with me in language learning. i just wonder how i can find people in this platform with whom i can practice english speaking ? any idea ? thank you.
I know some people give their Skype info in the comments section sometimes.
I’ll be making more videos related to literature in the future.
You are an amazing teacher.
Thanks Alex.
You’re very welcome. Thanks, Helano.
Thank you, Alex
Great idea!I’m going to buy my favorite book (High Fidelity) in english.Thanks.
Oooh, that’s a tough one. I love the movie!
10 out of 10. Thank you for these new vocabulary. You are my favorite teacher, Alex.
God bless you
I’m watching for the first time the Alex’s vídeos, I’m enjoying a lot! He is reallu a good teacher!
God bless you, friend!
Thanks, Vanessa. Welcome to engVid!
Thank you, marlonc. I always appreciate the support. I’m happy that I can help you.
WOW!I love it!
Thanks a lot!
Thanks Alex for this video. I bought this book and started to read some pages every day. Have you got any recommendation for a book written in past tense and someone written in future tense on the same level?
I will be doing a video on Harry Potter at some point in 2016. That would be my choice for a book written in the past tense. There aren’t any books written only in the future tense, though. That would be hard to do!
Thanks teacher Alex i like the way you teach I’ll keep in touch with you , good luck
Thanks, Jimmy. I appreciate your support!
Thanks a lot!!! It was great lesson
I appreciate that. Thanks, Dosia.
Than you, Alex)))… i like your way to speak with us(you looks that you feel very comfortable), and the books – it’s good idea… i can read them without the network on my way to studies and back… and thank you that you try to improve your videos for us))))
No problem. I think most students are enjoying my newer videos, so I’m happy to see that. I’d like to make them interesting for everyone, as well as educational.
thanks Alex, it was really help full
You’re very welcome. Thanks for watching.
I’m waiting forward to watch the next video about reading on English))) And maybe the top-list of books for intermediate-level.
Good idea! The next book-related video will be about Harry Potter.
Yes! I got 10 correct out of 10!!!
Hi, Alex! Could you talk about the Maze Runner book? I think it would be interesting!
Keep in touch ;)
Hi Vanessa. Thanks for the suggestion. While it would be interesting, I don’t think there is enough popular interest in that book/series. The next one I do will be Harry Potter. :)
I love Harry Potter!! I’m looking forward to this Harry Potter lesson!! can’t wait~~
i like this style, but i prefer your style with your green spider :D
Haha. Nice! Don’t worry. Steve will be in more videos in the future.
Hi, Alex. Thanks for a great lesson. BTW, now I’m reading the first volume of Game of Thrones. So many past perfect are used in it, even if present perfect is suppose to be more appropriate. But not always. The author use present perfect sometimes. Could you explain about the difference or nuance?
I haven’t read Game of Thrones, but I’m assuming that it’s written in the past tense, like most books. The past perfect is probably being used to talk about events that happened BEFORE other events. The present perfect is probably being used in character dialogue?
super thanx
Super you’re welcome!
thank you Alex. i really enjoyed your lesson.
i would like to practice more and hope i can find ppl to practice with.
Thanks for watching. Good luck! There are a lot of people to practice with here. Just reading comments can be helpful.
It was a very interesting lesson! Thank you very much! I enjoy your style of teaching.
I’m happy to hear that. Thanks for watching!
really you are so wonderful teacher . thank you so much Alex .And i like to study English . also i wish i could communicate with you if that possible thanx so much .
Thanks for watching, basem! Unfortunately, I don’t do private lessons, but if you’d like to have a little more contact with me, I’m on Facebook and Twitter. Just search for Alex engVid.
in the beginning thanks for your interest answering me .
and i mean by my comment : i love English . and like to listen to you .
And actually we are friends on facebook .
thank you a lot
You’re very welcome. I’m happy to help you improve and provide feedback.
9 :)
Talking about book and suggestions of, should be interesting a lesson about the “Good Night Mr. Tom” book, by Michelle Magorian. It’s a great idea including book stories in your lessons!
Thanks Alex!
Thanks for your feedback, Isaias! I’ll be doing more book lessons in the future.
i really enjoyed the video Alex,i learnt new vocabulary,thank’s Alex hope new videos are coming sonn.
They absolutely are! :)
Hi, Alex. The first time I saw you I became in your fan. So, I finished the B1+ Intermediate and I’m going to start with B2+ on the next week. I’ve started to read this book and It’s been very useful. Thank a lot. Hugs from Mexico.
Nice. Welcome to engVid! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying my videos. Keep practicing!
Good idea
Thanks for your feedback, Moamen78.
Hi Alex, you, yourself and engvid.com made me english vocabulary snob. My brain is swollen with the vocabulary. Adding a word, I am getting an upbeat person. :)) I don’t want to abandon to scrub to my brain with the vocabulary.
I’m glad we’re improving and adding to your vocabulary! I like your avatar. Stay tuned…a Harry Potter lesson is coming in 2016.
I’ve got 80/100. Thanks Alex
No problem. Nice job on the quiz. Keep practicing and using the language!
Alex,I have to say that I really love your way to teach English,and you always interest my interesting in English by books or movies.Thanks a lot!!Now I push myself to listen to at least two lessons each day in order to improve my English,can’t wait for your new lesson hahaha^ ^
That’s awesome to hear. Thanks for studying with me, Ariel. I hope I will continue to help you improve!
Alex thanks)
Thanks Alex,i love your teaching style. It is always funny. I love it and enjoy your video.
Thank you very much Alex, I think it’s a special way to teach and I want you to keep doing videos like this, my recommendation is Tolkien. C.S. Lewis, fantasy and Sci- fi books; great job man!
ah and I got 90 :(
9/10. This video has been the most interesting one until now ! Thank you very much Mr. Alex.
I got a perfect score, i really like hunger games too, but only movie version is the only one tried, maybe nextime i’ll try to buy those books and read it someday. Thanks alex for this lesson.
Alex, can you tell me what is snob mean
Great video Alex,thank you
appreciate Alex! I’m really like your teaching style.
Cool! Thank you Alex! That’s good lesson!
Thanks a lot Alex! I really enjoyed your class even though the hunger games is not my type :P I hope keep learning from any book
Thank you Alex! Learning English with your lessons it’s a pleasure!
I enjoyed the lesson you gave. I’m impresse by your enthousiasme, really. I hope you will improuve with your French as I with my English.
I really like this kind of video. Many thanks for your effort
that’s awesome , i like those kind of videos, i always believed that to learn a language we must read books on this language , but i have a lot of difficulties to it , because there is a lot of words or expressions that i don’t understand so i get tired of searching the meaning every second so i abandone reading it .
Very intersting method, its like learning with interest and fun. thank you for all these lessons
thank you alex …and its a very good method
Alex thank you so much, I bought the book and I was a little bit scared to read it. But whit your wonderful advices I’m sure I will enjoy it a LOT!!!!
hi’ teacher, how could i find you on facebook?
It was great lesson, Alex! I’ve read this book in three different languages. And, of course, I’ll read it in English.
P.S. This type of lessons is really helpful. I like it)
Hey Alex
Thanks because of your great work , you’re awesome,
Actually we have an English Class in the “Masjede Al-Mahdi”, we are about 8 persons and we are big fan of you :D
so it’s so exiting if you mention to us ! ;)
alright, What does this sentence mean?
He is working fifty percent more on your business and fifty percent less in your business. He is 100% happier.
and it would be grate if you create a clip about it ,
thank you Alex, we love you brother !
Hi Alex I feel upbeat becase i got a 100 in this test, thank you for your helping.
great lesson!!!! thank you Alex!!
Thank you Alex for your videos.
It is always interesting.
You are my favorite teacher on EngVig.com
Great job Alex! I liked this lesson very much. I love reading. In fact, that is my favorite hobby. However, I would rather the classic novels. Have you ever read “The Thirty-nine Steps” and “Greenmantle”? Both of them were written by John Buchan, a General Governor of Canada. They are very interesting. I also love Charles Dickens, especially “Great Expectations”.
thank you alex
Done.100%. Yes!
thank you, teacher. It’s interesting lesson.
YAY, 10/10
i got 90%
hi sir namasthe. first of all i would like to thank you for initiating me for reading. being a self learner i had never read or completed a single book in my life till i watched you teacher panels videos. i was able to finish the book “heidi”{ penguin one} just in a week. i’m still wondering how i did that and i don’t understand which grade of reader i’m. please suggest me some more books fiction or non.thank you teachers. i love you all. i’m always grateful to you.
Thanks a lot. i like lord of the ring. i hope you make your lession about it. ^^
Thank you!I got 100
Thanks Alex! great job.
I read the 3 books and saw the trilogy a few years ago, and I found the novels more violent than the movies.
Thanks, Alex! Excellent video, it is clear, useful and very encouraging… After boxing day, when the shop is open, I am going to start to read this book with my son, we’ve already seen the saga of the three movies and we loved it!
Merry Christmas to everyone and Happy New Year 2018!
Please keep going, what about The lord of the ring!, it would be perfect! take care sir!
Thank you Mr. Alex! From my point of view this type of lessons is very useful for any students because it covers a lot of aspects of the English Language.
Awesome! got 10/9
This is a really intresting video. Thank you for recommendation.
I get it!
Merci Alex pour cette excellente leçon. J’ai essayé de comprendre la passion de mes petits-enfants pour hunger games en regardant le film, ou en tentant de lire le livre. Je n’ai pas réussi. Problème de génération, sans doute ! Alors, je me suis rappelé que tu avais préparé une leçon “hunger games” et j’ai eu plaisir à la retrouver.
Je t’espère plus doué que moi pour l’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère,…..mais je suis opiniatre.
Bon vent Alex.
Thank you a lot for your video. When I started to read the hunger games book I found out that its not as a bad as my friends told me.
Thank you for your support.