engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.



Yayy new lesson ?

Elga Malik

very good advice for academic writing. thanks


Hi Adam !!! If you hadn’t teach like you this, you won’t be the One of The Best Teacher in the site (may be in the whole World), but becouse of your teaching you are !!!!!!!!! Unfortunately I have no brather like you, so I’m studing English on EngVid.com. )) Thank you for this Great lesson !!! Take care of yourself, and have a Good Time !!! ) Bast wishes, your student Vladislav Hamitovich.


    Thanks Vladislav ;)


      You’re wellcome!)


* – “you wouln’t be”


4/10 … Fff..CK … . ((((((


    Dont give up you are doing well that you have tried, with a continuously working you will have a hight level in English :)


      Ok ! Thank you very much !!!


    same hare :(


good one!

proverbial horse



I got 10/10 thank you Adam :) I was wondering if you could make a lesson about usage of “rather” and quite, because I have a little trouble with them. I mean, I learned that sometimes meaning of them can be different in a sentence but I can’t understand why and when it happens. It’s confusing. Does it depend on construction of a sentence? I’d appreciate it if you could help me with this :)

Anyway, I enjoyed the lesson as always, thanks :)


    I’ll get on that Hubert ;)


      Hi Adam, thanks for great lessons. Actually, I believe I have very bad writing skill. I always get confused between different tenses and sometimes not able to connect clauses. Can you help me out to cope us with this problem? Any suggestion ?



Hi Adam.Tx a alot. I’ve got 7:)
I think as long as is same also and it isn’t used for condition formed. But I am confused in question 1. Plz help me ?


    You can think of it as a time clause as well (for as long as), but essentially it means if this situation continues…

    Does this help?


Can someone tell me how to use whereas please.

Hemant Rawat

    Hello Hemant, “Whereas” is a conjunction, it means ” but on the other hand.” It shows contrast between two things, actions etc.
    Example: I like to go swimming whereas Hemant likes to sail.Hope it is clear now.


      Thank you stranger444.

      Hemant Rawat

    Hi Hermant,

    Stranger444 gave a good answer, but I’ll try to make a lesson about it as well.


Great and very useful lesson !


While Lamborghini is a wonderful car, I think that Ferrari also merits a minimum of consideration.
However, I think, it is much better to eat a pizza with friends in front of the beautiful bay of Naples rather than getting stuck in traffic alone.
Thank you for this difficult (for me) but very interesting lesson.

Riccardo S

Good lesson, as always.
Thanks Adam


Grammar is very sophisticated and It’s not easy to catch it up. Many thanks for this great important lesson, Adam.


This is a bit confusing, but really important to learn. Thanks Adam!


This lesson is very interesting since it’s advanced english. Although I like it, I got a 6 under 10 because it’s kind of confusing. If I study more then I will get it. Thanks for this lesson so that people like us can understand better English language.


The more clauses in the sentence , the more complex it gets . In fact there are sentences called complex sentence , but the hardest ones are the compound sentences, which are 3 clauses in one sentence. I think is one independent and 2 dependent clauses, , would you please tell us some about complex and compound sentences, I know a little bit on this kind of sentence, but I would like to polish myself on this material ,Thanks .


very interesting. Thanks Adam!

Menna Shehab 87

Very good

Amr shahat 222

Thanks, Adam.

Júlio César L Sousa

Mr Adam you are the only one who knows this language.

Thanks Adam


Hi Adam. Is possible to say “so” instead of “so that”. I love the way you explain in your videos. Greetings ?

Rosa 7

    Hi Rosa,

    So alone is a coordinating conjunction, so make sure you have two independent clauses on either side.


Hi Adam! You know? I have found it really challenging to fully understand the lessons about clauses ( I’ve seen them all) but the way you explain them is like a comfort ’cause you know exactly how to do it so that your students may get them. Let me tell you that I am really into grammar. So a big thank you to you Adam! I really appreciate what you do because teachers today aren’t sincerely interested on the student’s progress and you do. Please keep doing your best!??


By the way I’ve got a question: In your last sentence you said that the word ‘there’ is the subject. So my question is how the word ‘there’ can be used as a subject? Thanks Adam! ?


    Hi Blueapples,

    Firstly, thank you :)

    There (and it) are preparatory subjects.I will make a lesson about this as it’s important but can be confusing.


    I think we could write like this.
    “You should stay home because it will be trouble if you go there”.

    We can think of the clause “if you go there” as a noun (may be the subject) which was used in old English.

    For example, To remember your telephone number is easy. It can be changed into “It is easy to remember your telephone number”.

    I hope it will help you to understand.
    Cheers John


thanks Adam, the exam is very good,
I’m just practicing…
It helped me a lot


I’m a good learner.

Luis Rojas

I got 7/10 not bad but I will try again


This advanced level of grammar isn’t easy, I have doubted many times, overall with the relationship of contrast, I haven’t understood it very well yet, but I think it’s a matter of chance to find all those adverb clauses, the problem is that you may be in trouble when you remember that a conjunction of a relationship works out with another different relationship, I believe it’s a question of deep more than remembering a conjunction word, then you have to study hard if you want to improve this subject. Thanks a lot, teacher Adam, this advanced lesson has been a brainstorm.


    A conjunction in the relationship of contrast may be “however”, I have been thinking on it…


      Hi Angardiobel,

      However serves the same function, but it is not a conjunction. It is a linking word or transition. It’s placement can vary. I’ll make a lesson about this.


ok thanks


“Although I have been studying English for many years, sometimes I think that it is all Greek to me.”

Júlio César L Sousa

thank you .. but what the different between REASON and CAUSE ??


    Hi Mahmoud,

    They can sometimes be the same thing, but reason involves an element of intent (why) whereas cause is a trigger (what).

    Does this help?


Hi, good evening, like the idea of the lesson, advanced, but poor developed for a general mix of English level students, few and not clear examples/advances examples only. BTW: Wear a polo shirt out of the drier is OK for teenager on day off not for a professional international Teacher.


It was very hard I don’t understand it


    It takes time and practice, Amirrezaee. Keep trying. It will come to you ;)



The lesson was really nice, I´ve been watching your videos for so long, today I decided to subscribe to get more English information. I just did my test of adverb clauses, this has been a struggle subject for me and the result wasn´t good at all. But I know I must to practice as much as I can.
Thank you for this lovely webside!

Best regards!

Diana Rueda


Hi everyone! Although I’m stressed at work these day, I’ve found several minutes for watching the video. Since it’s very useful, I’d recommend my friends not to pass it by. I knew that Kotoz is banned, unfortunately… but where nkh is?


    Kotoz is not banned, but I am manually approving his comments for the time being, so they may take longer to show up. nkh last commented here.

    engVid Moderator

    hi nataanna, you are very lucky to be cared by engVid moderator congratulations.


Nice Nice :)


As long as I live, I appreciate Adam’s effort.
Thank you a lot, Mr. Adam.


Thank you, I hope with a practice it will be easy for me.


Sir please clarify my doubt

A person who knows many foreign languages?

1.linguist. 2.grammarian
3.polyglot. 4.bilingual


    Polyglot Simha :)


“Polyglot” is one who can speak several foreign languages. “Bilingual” can speak two languages fluently. “Linguist” studies or interested in foreign languages. Luck!


    Thanks for your reply mam. Many of my friends are asking me what the correct option is. I think it is a difficult
    qquestion b


    Good answer Katrin ;)


Sir please give me answer to my above question.please


Sir Adam, I think, i am gonna be the fastest as well as the biggest fan of your teaching method in English so far.
Your words are so easily understandable what i did not even understand in my academic life.


Adam, could you please make a video on the participle forms such like doing, being done, having done, done, having being done and how to use them correctly??? I would be super grateful and I’ sure that many others too.


    Exactly I also asked teacher to make a video on such topics a thousands years ago but he still has’t made the one. I hope he listen to our request before my hair turns grey?


      Lol. Don’t worry, it’ll come ;)


    I’ll get on this, Andrew.


      O, thank you, thank you very much, Adam!!!


Thanks Adam! 7 of 10! Think i need to practice a bit more.

Marco T.

Hello teacher,Hello engVid moderator and hello all my dearest friends after a few days gape I am back now.Scince its Easter tomorrow so I would like to wish all of you over there.Happy Easter teacher,Happy Easter moderator and to all my dearest friends including nataanna,Skikda, Soei,nkh and others.My best wishes are for all of you specially for our one and only great teacher Adam.May the day bring lots of hapiness to your life.I wish I could gift you a Lamborghini on this special day but since its tooooo expensive so I can only pray to Almighty that he bestow you every thing that you ever wish for including thousands of Lamborghinis, rather you become the owner of this brand Ameen.Although these are only words but I believe when words combine and make a prayer then this become the world’s most powerful weapon that can even shake the mountains.I remember my mother’s words,she says I prayer can make a slave a king.May God accept my prayers and bestow you everything I asked.My best wishes and regards for all on this forum.


    Thank you Eichi. Best prayers to you as well :)

    (btw, I agree about the edit option– I make my fair share of mistakes too.)


Let me correct my mistake I wrote ‘I prayer’ instead of ‘a prayer’.And please Engvid moderator do something for there should be an editing option in your comment box because once we make a mistake we have no other choice but to make a cofession in another comment and apology to all instead of just editing our mistakes.please, this surely is not an uphill task for you.


    Glad to see you’re back, eichi! I will ask about adding an edit option.

    engVid Moderator

      Thank you so much Moderator.


hahahaha,I got 9/10,I love this lesson!

Amy Lambert

very good thanks!


I have to say it’s a very good lesson,and Adam is a great teacher.


Thank you everyone :)


Dear Adam, I’m very grateful to you for your useful lessons.
all the best!!


I love Adam explanation highly intellectual and teach complex stuff especially writing tips are amazing.


Hey Adam,
I am definitely not going to forget adverb clause for the rest of my life. Thank you for this excellent lesson.


Great teachers with excellent teaching skills.I am new and loving it.May all your dreams come true.


    Welcome, Doc John :)


Explaining clearly than Chinese,thank you Teacher Adam


Hi,could you please teach me how can I use nonfinite verb.

it is very hard to me.


Hi, Adam
I got 2 false out of 10 and confusing about these two letters below when we say the relationship between sentences
(contrast & comparison)

for #6. Adverb clauses must have a relationship with an independent clause.

sorry I cannot say what type of matter I met in this question…(maybe it is a YES or No question about whether the Adv clause is important to the main sentence)
I remember you say it as a subordinated clause, -less important than the main sentence. (so I believe it includes Adj clauses, Adv clauses, noun clauses and others auxiliaries/or accessories under the main clause), but why we use the emotional verbs’MUST’ in the sentence?
it would be better for using ‘might’

Ex: It is raining outside although not having thunder, (but)I have to buy some tiny things at a store nearby my house.
I thought this Adv clause totally has none of the relationships to the main sentence. But, I have to add it to explain what I meant as I mentioned before.(hope you catch it.)
so can we say it in other words:
Adv words are a part of one sentence, meanwhile, Adv clauses are a part of one compound sentence. they only show their structure relationship to the main sentence, but might not be involved in some logical relationship to the main sentence.

I very apologized to my long-run trash letters.



    Hi Simon,

    I’m sorry, but I am not 100% sure what you meant. I’ll try anyway:

    It is raining outside, although there is no thunder, but I have to buy some small things at a store near my house.

    You have 3 clauses in the sentence– an independent clause, an adverb clause (although), and another independent clause joined by a coordinating conjunction (but).

    It is raining although it is not raining very hard (I know this because there is no thunder), but I have to go shopping (contrast – raining but I have to go outside).

    Does this help at all?


well, I have to say Adm, Rebecca and, James
you all concentrate me in your lessons for your graceful tones and coherence (I am very very like this Frequency:) thanks, to all of you)
Indeed, other lectures have their miracle personality in their speech when I watched the recordings, I will catch it~

BTW, I prefer to use ‘confused’ instead of ‘confusing’ in letters above,


Very good lessons. Thanks a lot. I always have troubles with conjunctions. Please make more lessons and exercises about them


Hi Adam! I’m a new student of yours (but probably the oldest one :-D ). I find your lessons really useful and I love your way of teaching, yet, as an Italian, I can’t avoid being a little angry with you… You said that pizza is unhealthy, and in a less recent lesson you called it “junk-food”! I can’t even imagine what kind of pizza you’re used to eating in Canada, but I’m sure that if you come to Italy you’ll change your mind: the real italian pizza is not only good, but also healthy, take it from me! ;-) Ok, I’m just joking, of course, I’m not really angry with you, indeed, you’re my favourite teacher in engvid.com! Take care and see you soon!


    Hi Sandra,

    If you came to Canada and saw our pizza you would be very angry indeed :)

    Actually, pizza is my favourite food, but here it actually is unhealthy. I’ve been to Italy and had many great pizzas there, so I know what you mean :)


Hi sir I m from India I always used to start my English prepration with your videos. Thank you so much I have no word to thank you before I watched so many videos of other. But one day I got your video and watched n listen then I noticed that now I found what I actually want I like the way u teaching or expressing the things very clearly some time u make me laugh also when u using some funny examples I think this is best teacher I have.


thanks teacher


I am a new Brazilian student here and also an English Teacher (for the basic level) and I would like to thank you Adam for your amazing and enlightening classes! Your English is fantastic and I do love the way you teach! Congratulations!


    Welcome SorayaSoi :)

    Thank you


Thanks for good lesson. I got 7/10. However, it helped me indicate what wrong I did and I will be improve and learn more in the future. Cheers


Thank you!

Sandy lubana

thanks. my score is 40 unfortunatelly. I guess I got confused amongg vocabularies which are closest each other.


Adam, I request you please discuss All tenses, active and passive voice, direct and indirect in sequence. thank you so much, you really doing a great job. God bless you…


ho-ho-ho hey-hey-hey getting better … 9/10
it feels good to have a mark above 5
now I need to figure out “clivées and pseudo-clivées”
Thanks Adam!




Thanks for your good lesson, Adam. I would like to ask that what’s the difference between ‘whereas’ and ‘but’. Thank you in advance!


Hi Adam. I have a few questions.

1. What is the main difference between Adverb and Adverbial? For example, if we look at this sentence: “I rarely eat pizza”, I can say that “I” is a subject, “eat” is a verb, and “pizza” is an object. Should I say that “rarely” is an Adverb or Adverbial? What word is more correct in this case?

2. Here is the sentence: “The girl who sold me the car said it was hers”. The adjective clause is “who sold me the car”. Can we say that the whole adjective clause is a complement to the word “girl”? Can Adjective Clauses be only complements in a sentence?

3. “She was really happy that I met the right person” . In this sentence I would like to know how I should call this clause: “I met the right person”. What term is more correct for the clause, “complement” or “dependent clause”?

If someone ask me to tell about each word in the sentence, I will answer following:

She – subject
was – verb
really – adverbial
happy – subject complement
that – conjunction
I – subject
met – verb
the right person – object

Is that correct?



Hi, Adam! this lesson is very useful for me but as a Chinese how do I work so hard to learn


8/10 but it was tough :-)


Good lesson


Hi Adam.

Thanks for your lessons, you are a excellent teacher. I have watched your lesson on YouTube since 2014. I have a question, but it isn’t about the subject of this video. The question is:
When I use “in order to” and “for”. I always make mistake about it. Can you help me?

Ana Claudia 1967

an excellent, nor a excellent. Sorry.

Ana Claudia 1967

Hi Adam
would you please talk about transitional conjunctions and prepositional phrase.
thank you so much, you are wonderful.


I’ve bad result 3/10


Since, I began to watch your videos my english has been improve so much. Thanks Adam.


All these clauses are a big headache for people. I am glad I discovered engVid and Adam’s lessons a few years ago.


Hi Sir Adam. i am from pakistan and i am student of BSc ( graduation) i wants to say i have excessive fondness to create essay, so, please give me some topics therefore i write and build a tremendous essay, thanks

Talat Wasaan

Hi adam can i get your email id?


please say more example


I have a good result 9/10. Thanks for making this video . Please make types of phrases. Please


Hello Adam! I want to thank you for your lessons! You are my favourite teacher!Here is my question. In this video you have an example: “You should stay home…” Should we say “stay home” instead of “stay at home”? Thank you very much!


Hi, Adam. You are a great teacher and thank u for your useful lessons. I have a question. Is it difficult to get 9 band score in IELTS exam? How can one achieve this score?


Hi, Mr. Adam.
Would you make a lesson on paraphrasing the sentence for the writing of review paper (in the pharmaceutical field) please?


Is adverb clause same thing as conjunction ?Because I’m using these words when I speak with someone else all the time ,for the beginning of this lesson you mentioned that today’s lesson we are going to look at a adverb clause then it switched to reason,contrast,condition,time,purpose,comparison.How could I understand?As I’m studying writing English more so that check the mistakes,I’ve write now.Please correct my grammar.Thanks


very nice


I got 10.




as use to reason and time. is this true?


:-))) I got 9


Thank you so much, Sir, I’ve got 8 out of 10, mistakes well noted.

alfredo casanova

thanks :))


Hi Adam! First of all, thank you for you great job! Your lessons are extremely helpful.
But I have a suggestion to prepare a couple of lessons about Complex Object and Complex Subject.
Also, it would be very helpful to see a lesson devoted to the word order in the english tense (I mean, when the indirect object follows by the direct one, when vice versa, maybe some other special cases..)


Hi Adam,

Thanks for your video which is very useful.I have a question about the sentence that followed indown:

She was a celebrated actress whom he had known and loved, on and off, almost since her first appearance on the stage

İn this sentence “on and of”are they prepositons? If so, which verb of preposition are they?


Thank you Adam


Just completed with result 60 out of 100.I could do better but I can’t expect more than this.I’m a student self-studying but it’s very slow.I saw this this video two months ago and filled quiz but with about same result this time.I think adverb clause very similar with preposition,in some point.Adam teaches very good,teaches all tricks and differences in any grammar.Thanks a lot.


Thank you Adam for this interesting lesson.


Hii adam actually before watching ur lessons i hate english coz of fear of mistakes.nowadays i love english coz of u.but i don’t have opportunity to talk with some 1 in english.any tips to the students like me?i’m ur big big big fan.congrqts to ur nice job.pls don’t mind mistakes in my english if any.


Hi Adam, thanks a lot. I got 8 correct out of 10 , so I need to listen one or two more.


Hi , l want to ask about the difference between the time adverb Clause actually I am confused in choose questions when I but everyone in right place and if there is any different in their tense time like past or present or it depends on the understanding


hi adam I want to ask you about how can I know what the adverb clause modifies ?


Hi adam


Hi Adam,
Love all of your lessons. I like to do more quizzes and readings about each of lessons. Can you recommend any activity that can get me familiar with them?


Thank you for your lessons! You are so great!!!

Alexandra Konibolotskaya

how can i contact u please!! urgent


Your lessons are always so clear. Thank you so much.

Amanda MA

I have got 8/10 and have not understood the difference between cause and reason at question number 7.


thank you


If the richest countries in the whole word did not accept more refugees than whom would?

Is it grammatically correct ?


Hi Adam, that was a great lesson and I really appreciate it. Thank you. Quiz no.5, however, I couldnt understand. I would be very happy, if you explained this. ☺


Very clear. Thank you, Adam!


Thanks Mr. Adam!


Thanks, Adam
You are such a great teacher
The way you Explain topics is awesome :)

Abby 25

I got only 4. This lesson is hard. I will go back to watch it and make myself understand again.

Nartjaree P.

3/10 It was my worst score, in fact I need to train this lesson a lot


8/10. Need to get foccuss next time




Thank you so much,you explain very well.

Tailor serina

The world’s best teacher is a man whose name is Sir Adam. Thank you


wow thnx


Hi, Adam. I enjoy your videos a lot. Your explanations are cristal clear.
I’d like to ask a question about this sentence:
“Have you ever had an accident where your car overturned?”

I got a little confused because of the use of “where”. Shouldn’t that be “which”?



Thank you a lot


Hi Adam, I’m so thankful to you as your videos are helping us a lot. Can I have the link for the #Embedded clause video Thank you


Super! Your classes are the best I have ever had! I am confused about all clauses for so many years! Now I finally understand!


hi Adam tanks for helping us


Thank you sir for the lesson.

Kingsley Kunda

    Thank you, Sir, for the lesson.. :D I just have learned how to use “Sir” in written English. :)


Adam, since your tutorials are so good, I watch them so often! Although learning English takes a lot of time, I often do this to improve my English skills. If I were lazy, I would not have learned about adverb clauses today. After I get my salary, I will donate for the good of this website. Even though my comment may sound strange, it is a very good practice of what we just have learnt :) Thank you Adam again!


Hi Adam, thank thank thank! Grazie!<3


easy one


I got 7.

Eisenhower Fernando Gonzales Leon

Great lesson Adam.


Great lesson Adam.


you are great


yo’re so good Adam :) thanks for your lessons. Everything was perfect. Your videos are exactly instructive.


Thank you for the lesson. I will go for your other lessons to find the Beauty of English :-) Challenges can be quite stressful but exciting.


Dear Mr Adam. In a previous lesson called “The Adjective Clause” I noticed you said that you were a grammar purist and you hate to see the collocation “the reason why”. It was at 08:55 time point.
But in this lesson you use this collocation yourself at the time point 06:50.
How come? ?


Hello Adam! Your classes are really nice! I am improving my english a lot! Thank you very much!


Thank you! Watching your classes about independent and dependent clauses I am surely learning about the grammar rules of my native language as well, which is Portuguese.

Adriano Cordeiro

HI, ADAM! My score was 7/10. It is really helpful. Thanks.


I got 10 out of 10
Thank you Adam


You are the best English teacher I’ ve ever seen. Thank you so much for your great effort and being so nice. I wish you all the best


you’ve been late vs you’re late. Is it interchangeable?
“Since this is the first time you’ve been late with an assignment, I’ll give you a one-week extension, but make sure this never happens again.”
“Since this is the first time you’re late with an assignment, I’ll give you a one-week extension, but make sure this never happens again.”


5/10.any way i want to know improve this.This is really helpful.Thanks for ur lesson.perfect.


Best lesson , thanks Adam


Hi! do you have sentences in which I can identify the adverb clauses?


Question, does each subject and verb in a sentence signify a clause?


    Yea… a subject and a tense verb makes a clause .


hi adam


Hi Adam I have a question how ‘it’ is a dummy subject give example

Atul Pandey

Hi Adam , On Youtube, In the seccond last example of this lesson ” joe took a week off so that his wife could take a training course”, Could you kindly tell why is there no comma brfore ” so” ????


7/10! Few mistakes! I will make note for this lesson.

Jerry Gu

Isn’t “After many attempts” just a phrase since it doesn’t contain a subject and a verb? Don’t all clauses (subordinate and independent) need to contain a subject and verb?


One more question, Adam. In the sentence below, can you tell me if “as its name implies” is a clause or a phrase? Houston Cancer Treatment Center, as its name implies, treats cancer patients.
If it is a clause, please tell me which kind. Thank you so much.


Hi Adam, You are indeed an excellent teacher: i practice your work every day. Am always excited to try the quizzes, but always scared to see the results, because of the level of your work. But by committing to daily practice, i am having improvements, and success in my assignments. my quiz grade has improved significantly also, i just want to say thank you.


Thanks a lot for your great lesson.
Have a nice day!


Hello Adam! Will be happiness to reach you here) I want to ask you for “Embedded clauses” video. Or, at list, source where I can master it. It looks a rare in the WWW. I’ll be truly happy to discover this grail from you) Thank You for all work and time included!


Thank You so much, Mr.Adam, for the lesson. It really helped me to prepare for my competition this Sunday. I got 9 out of 10. two thumbs up and best wishes for you. Greetings from Indonesia :)

Jonathan Reynard

Sir please give an example for time clause .

Sana aami

Why do we call a reduced adverb clause ‘verbless clause’? After reducing, it has only an adjective or a preposition. It should be a verbless phrase, right? Thank you.?


Adam, what about the embedded clauses video? :(


Hi Adam, I have managed to learn a lot about adverb clauses and I got a really good score of 8 which is at least acceptable for me, but what I’m struggling with at the moment is the matter of adverbs in detection in a sentence. I am bogged down in this thing so bad; could you please give me some advices that would help me in the long run?


Hi Adam, I can’t figure out the structure of this sentence. Would you please help me?
During the dry periods that are common phenomena along the desert margins, though, the pressure on the land is often far in excess of its diminished capacity, and desertification results.


    Thank you for the useful lesson. I am a bit confuse with the structure in this sentence: After many attempts, the team finally… etc
    You said that every clause must have a subject and varb, do we consider here many as a subject and attempt as a verb?

    Marwa Murrar

Thank you very much Mr.Adam
I got 9 out of 10


Hi Adam
what’s the difference between concessive and adversative clauses?


Hi, dear adam.
Can I start a sentence with(that)???

thank you.


i got 10/10


thanks a buch Mr.Adam
i got 10 out of 10


Thanks Teacher Adam. I got 10/10.

Amira Abdulaziz

Adam! Thanks for the lesson!
I don`t feel the difference between “cause” and “reason”. Explain, if it is possible, please.


Thanks professor Adam, I got a 10 out of 10.


Hello! Thanks for the lesson!

Where is the lesson about embedded clauses?


thank you teacher

Abdelle Abdelle

Thank you for the lesson. I scored 7 out of 10.

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