Is it possible to make a mistake when these two verbs are actual opposites? Yes, it is, but not if you watch this English lesson by Rebecca! Take the free quiz after the lesson to test yourself.
Obviously Shes Not A Good Teacher Because U Cant Spell EXCELLENT! Assholee!
Obviously you are not a good student because YOU can’t spell the word YOU, asshole!
Take it outside, guys.
engVid Moderator
You have some basic mistakes in your comment. Don’t assess other person while you are not well.
Hi Rebecca: As we have learned about differnce between bring and take. Bring means sometning to birng to table for example and take means something take away from table. My question is that: many people in canada when they explian something they say “lets take the example of this question”? why don’t we use bring instead of use take by saying lets bring the example of this question? Please help.
thank you so much ma’am
u r right
thanks a lot!
Thanks and i want to learn about the passive voice more,so i think you will teach me about passive
Munawar Ali
Thank you so much!
your lesson was good but i don’t you should deliver us lessons have little time duration . the lesson was too small . is there any reason of why it was too short
abbas khan
We record some short lessons and some longer ones because some topics can be covered quickly and other require more time. Don’t underestimate the short lessons though. Every small improvement makes a big difference in the quality of your English. All the best to you, Abbas.
you’re right /
In my opinion, short lessons are better. It’s much easier for me to understand each of them one by one than in groups. Your lessons are excellent Rebecca. Now I know the difference between BRING and TAKE. I was confused though at your third question. That’s why I got 5 out of 6. If someone wants to remind me to take something that is mine, then, it should be like this “Marie please don’t forget to take your pillow with you.” I was thinking if take + your is always be engaged when constructing it into a sentence.
Marie France
good leston thanks.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for your explantion about the simple verbs “bring and take”. Really, you helped me a lot in my English skills. I have a question if you don’t mind please. What is the difference between “hear and listen”? Sorry for the inconvenience.
Good question. The two words are similar and yet different. They both result in acquiring information through the sense of hearing. However, when we use the word “hear” we usually refer more to the passive, physical act of getting some information through our ears. When we use the word “listen” it means that we are actively and mentally paying attention to what our ears can hear.
For example, in class, some students can “hear” the professor talking and talking, but their minds are elsewhere, so they may or may not remember much of what was said. Other students may be interested in what the professor is saying and may be actually listening and paying attention to what is being said.
On a cellphone, if the line is unclear, we might ask “Can you hear me?” Here, we are referring to the physical act of hearing through the ears in this case.
Hope this helps you. My best wishes to you.
you really wonderful and creative teacher I am so happy because I enter this site coincidence and see your video
I am lucky
And we are happy to have you join us here, Amira.
Thanks Rebecca. and can you please explain me these two expressions: feel free and make sure.
Thank you very much Rebecca.
You are a wonderful tutor.
Kudos to You!!!
firstly i would like to say that the listens are very useful to me :)thank you so much :)
i have a problem with answering the questins E.g. interview questions by organized way however, i can organize it well by my own language.
would you plz talk to us alil-about this issue.
thanks again
Thanks for your feedback, nanotech.
What kind of questions are you asking about — questions asked at a job interview, on the IELTS exam, or something else?
My best to you.
Thanks Rebecca this lesson is helpful for me i will keep learn from you
Excelent video! Thank you very much.
thanx it’s so easy
good teacher…good lesson
Thanks to all for your feedback. It helps us to know what helps you.
thank’s that is a good and easy lesson
but very important
im learning a lot=)i want to learn how to use ”in” and ”on” in a sentence..sometime’s i feel im using it wrongly. help me please=) GODBLESS!
If you look in the English grammar section of our website, you will find lessons related to your question.
All the best to you, Shekinah.
Thank you Rebecca. You are very good teacher. God bless you.
Thank you so much!Your lessons make us better better and better!!Best Regards!
Emil Ibrahimov
Thank you teacher. You make it clear and I get it all ^____^
Thank you Rebeca. I’m learning English and I think you are very good teacher.
Dear Rebecca
I watched a few of your wonderful lessons and I really like them,but what a shame that I can’t get to youtube as I’m in china. Would you find another website accessable for me?
your sincerely
seashell listening to the sea
i am really confused about the two words ‘flaunt’ and ‘flout’ . can you please use them in two different sentences to distinguish them. and thanks for your answer . now i know that every word makes enhancement in our english language. i hope you are alright . my regards
abbas khan
Thanks for your question, Abbas.
“To flout” means to openly disregard something such as a rule, law or common practice.
“To flaunt” is completely different. It means to show off or display something in a flashy way.
He flouted the regulations and was suspended from university.
He flaunted his new car by driving up and down the street where his friend lives.
Hope you caught the difference. All the best to you, Abbas.
im havin a question to ask about.
is (ain’t) a common word for all negative sentences?
pls explain it in few sentence
“Ain’t” isn’t a grammatically correct word in English, although it is used frequently in a very, very informal way or as slang. So, don’t use this word in a formal, academic or business situation. It will sound and be improper.
Just use the normal negative form of the verb to be:
“I’m not hungry.” instead of ” I ain’t hungry.”
“He isn’t very friendly.” instead of “He ain’t very friendly.”
We do hear this word used often in movies or music lyrics, but always pay attention to the context before you decide who to learn English from!
My best wishes to you, logeshwaran.
I am very happy to understand you,you talk slowly and I can follow you easily.Thanks
Hi Rebecca!
I’m a new user, from Brazil, of this website I would like to say thank you and for others teachers too. The lessons are great usefully for me and my friends. We are now doing a group of study using your videos to learn new skills and, after that, we discuss the class and some or other word that could be sounded unclean. We are improving our habilities to listen and our habilities in grammar english.
I always say that the most powerfull instrument to learn english is the internet and you as like all the team of teachers, are concreting this possibily to learn english just using our goodwill.
Thank you very much!
Thank you kindly for sharing that with me. First, I’m glad that you and your friends are so motivated to improve your English and second, I’m very happy that the lessons on our website can help you.
My best wishes to you, Picles, and to your study buddies as well.
Thank a lot teacher.
yeha once again “Your score: 100.00 You got 6 correct out of 6.”
thanks you for this lesson I relly love
I’m so glad to see this site. It really helped me a lot. But How could I find some english lesson that are not yet discussed in your vids?
First, check all the lessons on the website, including those by other teachers. There are also lots and lots of great English learning books available to help you improve your language skills.
My best to you, Shiori.
Thank you very much, this lesson is important for me to understand difference between those two verbs
It is a short and comprehensive lesson. Mrs. Rebecca continue to help us through your easy and effective lessons
Thnks a lot Mrs. Rebecca. I am from Chile and I´m studying English for 5 years. You are really a good teacher. Keep on so like this. You shoud always be our teacher. Regards.
Thank you kindly, Antonio. I would say from your comments that you have learned English very well in the last 5 years. Good for you. My best wishes to you, Antonio.
thank you very much rebecca ..your lessons help us best and best…..
musa sharifov
Hello Rebecca! Thanks so much for viewing me the differences between these words. Now i can improve my weaknesses when using those words n sure be more confident when talking with my native speaker.
you are a great teacher, thank you very much.
Excellent lesson! I always confuse the two verbs because in my language there is not such a difference. I have a question. There are situation in which it is not so clear if the direction is towards or away from the speaker. Which verb have I to use? I mean is it correct to say that “I bring my backpack with me”? Or in this case is better to use another expression, to use the verb to carry?
Thanks for the question and feedback, moma. Usually, it is quite clear which verb to use. However, in some cases, such as in your example, you might decide to use the other word. Of course, if in doubt, you can do as your suggested and simply switch to another word completely, such as carry.
Good for you, that you care so much about your ability to communicate effectively. My best wishes to you, moma.
This was a good lesson. I learned a lot from you. I have a question, the question is how can I improve my speaking skills and do you offer a one-on-one lesson via skype?
The only way to improve your speaking skills is to use every opportunity you can to speak English! Of course, if you want not only to speak more but also to speak correctly then you need to find someone who can correct you when you make mistakes. A private teacher would be best.
I do not offer Skype lessons online at this time, but there are many teachers who do. Thanks for your interest and my best wishes to you, Anita.
hi,thanks a lot for these lesson i am realy enjoy &very happy to do.i want to ask one more very inported thing i can answer very esily but if i need to ask some thing like any question so i feel iam very week to make question could u help me plz any idea? any tip? to making questions hope fully u feel happy to tell me .bye
Nehad, you are not alone in experiencing difficulty in framing questions in English. Many, many students around the world make mistakes when asking asking questions, because you have to change the word order, add question words, and so on.
I would suggest you get hold of a good grammar book such as Basic Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy, or any other good grammar series, and study the sections on asking questions. Practice a lot until you are able to construct questions confidently and with ease. First, try to do this in writing and then try to do it while speaking, when you have to be faster.
My best wishes to you, Nehad.
Wow, thank you for the lessons. By the way, may I ask you, what is the difference with everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody, someone and somebody? These words really confuse me.
Everyone/ everybody is used to refer to each person in a group. It is singular, but we use it to refer to all the people in a group, one at a time. These words can be used in positive sentences.
Example: I think everyone loves ice cream. Let’s buy some for dessert.
Anyone/ anybody is singular and is used in negative sentences and in questions.
Example: Did anyone arrive late for the exam?
I didn’t know anyone at the party.
Someone/somebody is singular and is used to refer to one person, known or unknown.
Someone ate all the cookies!
I know someone who might be able to help you get a job.
Hope that helps, Arman. My best wishes to you.
U r a wonderful teacher
Thank’s madam
This lesson is really helpfull !
God place you.
And God bless you too, Hasan.
hallo. I have a question about the quiz:
Before you leave home, remember to _____take_________your umbrella with you. It’s supposed to rain all day.
Students, before you leave class, listen up! Don’t forget to _____bring__________your assignments with you to class tomorrow, or you’ll lose marks for handing them in late.
I don’t undestend these answeres, for me the right way is using “to take”…no? why?…thank you!
hey,Roberto i would like to help u,,actually answer for both of these lines is TAKE becoz in these lines things are going away from speaker as our teacher explained if things r coming towards speaker then we use BRING,,,onthe other hand if going away like umbrella and assingments..
hope it helped,thanks
Thanks for your help, Amy. A great way to improve at anything is to try and explain what we understand to others. My best to you, Amy.
To understand better, remember that it also depends where you are when you say these sentences and use these words.
If you are at home now and you are leaving home, then you need to TAKE your umbrella with you because you are going out, you are going AWAY from that place, or someone you are speaking to is going AWAY from that place.
If you are the teacher who is in class, you are telling the students to BRING the assignments with them to the class, to BRING them towards him / her, in the direction of where the teacher is when he /she said this sentence.
Hope this helps! My best wishes to you, Roberto.
Thanks a lot!
thank you very much your teacher good and your lession
zanb ahmad
thanks a lot, i am learning with you…
I cant thank you enough Rebecca, your videos are helping me alot and alot.this video was great,u used a smart way to make it easily understandable for us.God bles u,,,,
Thanks for your feedback and my best wishes to all of you.
this is very good my child gets it alot.
thank u very much & ur a good teacher
Hi Rebbeca, your classes are the best! Congratulations for your great job! All the best for you!
Mucio Batista from Brazil
hi rebecca
well thanks for telling me ..i would like to ask you one more quiz ..what’s the distiguish between these ..
1) think
2) conceive
3) envisage
i know about think but not sure about conceive and envisage let me know Are these same or distinct?? Check out these sentences Are these right or wrong?
1) i was just conceiving about your.
2) what do u conceive about this ?
3) what do u envisage about this?
4) i’m envisaging about your .
i’ll very grateful to you .have a nice day..!!
Thank you . You are a good teacher . =)
Rebeca mam i want to share something with u now a days i m taking classes of toefl and i have completed mine reading and listening sections i felt no difficulties i these sections but now i started speaking section main problem that i facing in this section is speaking fluency and reluctance in quick answering the quick format questions.
actually in the toefl class only i m single student and outdoor there is no english speaking environment i really very worried my current situation plz tell me what can i do at that time? also give some piece of advice that help me in improving my speaking capability thanks
and one thing i has listen yours some of lesson about money saying yes or no ways of saying thanks yours method of teaching and especially your polite behaviour very good
may you live long and God bless you in all ur doing inform me as soon as possible about your answer bye bye
Thanks for your message, SharoonZeb. I understand it’s difficult to improve your English when you’re in a non-English speaking environment.
In order to improve your Speaking score, please look at some examples of good TOEFL speaking responses in TOEFL guidebooks such as Delta or Barron’s. That will help you know how to structure your answer. If you can find a good private teacher, that will help too. Also, when you practice, please try to record your answer and then listen afterwards. You may find some mistakes yourself.
Think of the Speaking response as a mini essay in which you give an introductory sentence, a middle with reasons or examples, and a very quick concluding sentence. Don’t rush though time is short. Speak as clearly and confidently as possible, after studying and knowing what kinds of questions are usually asked.
All the best with your exam and in the future, Sharoonzeb.
thanks a lot it will help me in the future thank u again
really it’s nice
I love it
and I will always listen to these lessons.
Relly cool
maam i want to learn english which start in basic becuse eng is most important in our life the person who knows eng get job easily
Yes, you are right. Knowing good English can help you get a better job in many parts of the world. My best to you, Rohit.
Really helpful for me I will keep continue visiting this site….Thanks a lot..
Hi Rebecca! Thanks so much for viewing me the differences between these words. Now i can improve my english my lanaguage is Urdu i am from pakistan again thankyou very much i will contiune visit in this web site for improve my english kaleem
a great lesson. i enjoy it.
this is greet site you can benefit greet knowledage fo english language
tanks a lot !
Hi Rebecca,
I have just started teaching EAL in a regular high school this year. I have no special training or background (I am an Eng. Lit teacher), and I am feeling overwhelmed. My students have all been in Canada for 3 or 4 years and their spoken English is quite good. However, these are all university bound students and their written English needs work. They have never studied in an EAL class before so they often know how to say something but they don’t know why. As a result, they can’t apply what they know to other similar situations. One of my students introduced me to engvid and I am thrilled at the resource. Thanks to all of you so much!
Thanks very much for your feedback. It is very encouraging. I wish you all the best with your students. You are a dedicated teacher and they are lucky to have you.
thank you rebecca and amy, now it’s more simple!
Thank you!!!
students, before you leave class, listen up, don’t forget to…………your assignment with you to class tomorrow.
i am answering this question by using the word take but it is incorrect to show me, how it is incorrect can you tell me the explanation?
sajna noushad
Please check the answer to Mr thapiro, below.
My best to you, Sajna.
in one of the answers above you explained the meaning of everybody/one, anybody/one, somebody,one…but when do we use each one of them? because in some situations i get confused when do i use the word ‘body or ‘one’ after these specific words…
Everybody and everyone mean exactly the same thing. It doesn’t matter which ending you use. Simple!
My best to you, Ali.
Hello my name it’s Dany and i’m from romania but i live in Egypt… So i wanna say it’s so nice this engVid i can learn good with us so thanks alot Have a nice day’s to evereyone bye bye
Hi rebecca. I am very interesting in your site but unfortunately i am deaf. I would like to more understand if you can add subtitles for hearing impaired and deaf people what i can learn more from you :) You tube has special CC for hearing impaired people but it doesnt sound right. THanks so much
Hi Mike. Thank you for writing. I understand your situation, but unfortunately it takes a very long time to write subtitles or transcripts for videos. Because this site is completely free, we simply cannot afford to put subtitles on the lessons at this time. I apologize and hope you understand. The CC from YouTube that you are talking about is automatic and works very poorly, from what I have seen — you are probably better off not using it for our videos.
I really liked that class about the difference between BRING & TAKE. Thank you a lot!!!
how can i memorize vocabulary by practices or some thing
Moazzam Baig
Yes, by practicing a lot, as well as reading and writing and speaking and listening to a lot of English!
Please also check the many vocabulary lessons on this website.
My best to you, Moazzam.
thenks very mutch i am mery
and i like engvid
hi i would like to have all of your videos but i don;t know how i can get all of the way many thanks for creating this useful site
A simple lesson but it necessary to understand that, thank you!
What about bring me to that store? I’ve heard and read where some say . . . bring me to your house (for example) Is that correct?
Or should it be Take me to your house?
It should be “Take me to your house” because you are talking about a direction that is away from you.
All the best, cordy.
Sorry, I am a geek.
This is a great website. Congractulations and thank you for this lesson!!
Henrique Silva
I really like the way you explained the lesson.
You can do a good job.
I wonder why we haven’t used “take” for this sentence:
“Please BRING this chocolate away from me”.
and you have used ” bring” in stade of “take”.
I hope to hear from you soon.
The answer to that question in the quiz IS “take”, though. I just tested it and it is working properly. –> “Please take this chocolate away from me.” is correct.
that was great :D thanks a lot i will spend as much time as i can here to BRING more tips :D
I love this website, thanks a lot for each lesson
Really its very useful to me.
hi! thankz a lot..more!!!:)
Students, before you leave class, listen up! Don’t forget to _______________your assignments with you to class tomorrow, or you’ll lose marks for handing them in late.
can u help me why u used the bring word on the gap above? did’t use the take word? can u explain? thank for your help very much
The teacher and students are in the class together, right? And the teacher wants the students to bring their assignments to where they all are now, which is the classroom. So the direction is towards the class where they are now, and not in another direction away from where they are.
That is why you need to use the word “bring” in that sentence.
Always, bring it to me, or take it away from me.
Hope this helps. My best wishes to you, Mr Thaipro.
Hi Rebecca, thanks for the video. I have a question about how to use “his, her, its, their, our and mine”, I know how to use most of them but for example when you say “That person was with his/her/its?? dog? when you don’t specify a gender, how do you know which of these 3 options you have to use? the same case happens when you use “anyone/someone/everybody/etc… for example: does anyone bring his/her/its cellphone? Thank you!
In your first example, since you know who you are talking about then you would know automatically whether to use his or her. In the second example regarding the cellphone, it’s a little trickier. Theoretically, you should say to a crowd of males and females, “Did anyone bring his or her cellphone?” However, in reality, English speakers are more likely to say, “Did anyone bring their cellphone?” even though it’s not perfectly correct from a grammatical point of view.
Good for you that you notice such details, Niko. My best wishes to you.
thankx alot u r doing awesome ?????
Hameed Khan
hi Engvid
Can You tell me Where is valen Because for long time she did’t upload any video.
Has she left the Engvid?
Me and my friend like her lesson Because her voice is very clear.We can understand each word.Please Make more lesson as much as prossible From Ms valen.
We miss valen Lesson.
Love Engvid.
She has been very busy! We all hope Valen comes back soon!
dear miss rabeeca,
how r u? i m very impressed ur teaching acend and engvid i am very fond of english speaking,writing and much more about english.i want to learn learn english.i have many difficulties in english in vacoblary,way of communication i have some verbs very confused to me just like having,cocern,take,specially plz help me in this issue.i m student of master of business of administration. and i live in pakstan.
syed adnan aftab
Thanks for your feeback, Syed. We have many lessons on this website related to vocabulary, grammar, speaking, writing, Business English, etc which I am sure can help you. Please use the “ALL LESSONS” link in the menu, or one of the “Topics” sections to find the lessons you want.
My best wishes to you, Syed.
Hi Rebeca,
This lesson is very interesting and useful. Thank you very much for this.
I have a question which is not related to this lesson but to another aspect of using Eglish in daily conversations as well as i writing. My friends of mine have always been confusing about when to use what tenses. For other tenses they find it easy to tell the difference but for simple present they often ask me: when do we use simple present? and is that right that when we talk to each other right at the time of speaking we all sue present tense? please kindly email me if you can drop me an email with your answer or just post your answer here. Thanks alot!
Hi, Duong., Please check the following lesson on the Present Simple tense:
I believe the lesson will help to answer your questions.
In general, the present simple tense is used to talk about general facts
(The sun rises in the east.), to talk about routines ( I get up at 7am every day), to use stative verbs (I like ice cream, I believe in God.), and to talk about things which are more or less permanent, such as where you live or work. (I live in Toronto. I work in a bank.)
Hope this helps you. My best to you, Duong.
Hello my name it’s Dany and i’m from romania but i live in Egypt… So i wanna say it’s so nice this engVid i can learn good with us so thanks alot Have a nice day’s to evereyone bye bye
I think i did’t wrote good so i wanna learn more thanks ms. Rebecca hello and you’re the best
Thanks for all you feedback. The best way to improve is to use English as much as possible, and to find someone who can correct your speaking and writing.
My best wishes to you, Danym2007.
Cool! Rebecca is a very good teacher! I loved this website. I promise that I will see every lessons. Thank so much!
yeah. it is really great!
Welcome to engVid, Joyce. My best wishes to you.
thanks for you
Last week I got confused with these verbs.Today I know how to use each one …Ithank you
That’s great, Salik! My best to you.
i appreciate the way u teache us.
its really getting very helpful for us.
kindly tell us the difference between:avenge/revenge,home/house,jail/prison,hero/actor,envisage/envision,what is the exact meaning of having??
looking for your concern
its very intersting you are good teacher your talking is very polite i can understand easely..
imran khurshid
Thanks for good stuff.
I have a small confusion between conform and confirm.
Can you please explain where can we use and what is the difference
To confirm means to make sure or verify something.
For example,
I’d like to confirm my hotel reservation, please.
I’d like to confirm that we’re meeting on Tuesday at 3pm.
To conform means something completely different. It means to follow the rules, to meet the expected pattern of behaviour, to comply with the standards, etc.
We have to conform when we live in society, event though we enjoy maintaining our individuality.
Hope this helps, Ashok. My best wishes to you.
Dear teacher Rebecca
I have some question.
Can I use the both BRING or TAKE for this sentense?
“Before you leave home, remember to ______________your umbrella with you. It’s supposed to rain all day.”
I mean the speaker to live the same place with him/her or other place. Please reply.
Thank you for your lesson.
Actually, “take” would be better in this example, because the person is going away from home.
My best to you, Pao.
Hi Rebecca.
I’ve a question.
Well,what’s the difference between take,bring and fetch?
Thank you for the lesson and I’m sorry for some grammatical error.
To fetch means to get something, or to go and get something and bring it back or to go and get something and return with it.
For example,
You’re too sick to go out.I’ll fetch the doctor.
This means the speaker will go out, get the doctor and bring him/her back to the location where this conversation took place.
All the best to you, Giovanni.
Thank you very much teacher Rebecca,it’s very good lesson and i’m understand well.I’ll hope to bring next lesson for confused words like :-
too,much and etc.
Thank you so much! it help me a lot because i’m teaching English to Koreans.
God bless you Rebecca and to the institution.
Wow, so nice to meet a fellow teacher. So glad we can help you, Liza. Please let me know if your Korean students would benefit from any special explanations. Please tell them about us so we can continue to record more lessons. My best wishes to you and your students, Liza.
Thanks Rebbeca for help us. I really hope that I will can improve my english, watching this videos here. So, I have a question. What can I do to improve, in addition to watch EngVid?
Thanks a lot and take care!
Thanks Rebbeca for help me
Jairo Angel
Thanks Rebbeca for your wonderful lecture!
Thanks miss Rebbeca this is an amazing lesson.i have two questions may you please answer these what is the difference between see and watch,finish and end i am a new user of this site please tell me the difference.THANKS
thank you so much for your lesson
THANKS for ur lesson rebbeca I LOve it !
Thank you very much, it is a good lesson
Could you please also comment on the difference between “bring” and “fetch”? Both mean “in the direction to me”, but there seems to be a difference between “Bring me this book” and “Fetch me this book”.
Is it: bring = bring what you already have with you towards me vs. fetch = go get it first and then come with it to me? (i.e. the difference is in already possessing the book vs. first having to get hold of it)
Or is it: bring = polite vs. fetch = rude or condescending, like in telling a dog to fetch the ball?
The difference in North American English is that “bring” is a polite request and “fetch” is more like an order. For example, we might say that the dog fetched the bone.
Hope that helps! My best wishes to you, Emka.
hi Rebecca Madam (mem)
thanks a lot for your such helpful videos,,,,
as much i(or we) say thanks ,it will be less ….because ur way and expressing things is marvellous…..
hope u will continue this job and making others enrich with the knowledge of English
yours faithfully
I can consider her as a role model
thank you so much Rebecca ma’am. I’m glad to say that i’ve learnt a lot. God bless you
Thanks Rebeca you are great.
You are wonderful!!!!
I like this teacher.I can undrestand her very well.Can she teach us more nesessary conversation.
Thank you
Any suggestion for improving my vocabulary and my writing.You are a great english teacher.
There are so many ways to improve your vocabulary – direct and indirect. A direct way is to find a specific vocabulary improvement textbook and learn from it. Indirect ways include to pick up words through reading and listening. Keep a vocabulary notebook and / or write all the new words you learn on index cards and go through them regularly until they become old friends. Enjoy yourself and you will learn even faster. Try to make a game of it.
There are also good writing books available that can give you great guidelines to improve your writing as well as point out common mistakes. However, I believe you really need to have your writing checked by a teacher in order to improve.
All the best to you, Paris.
Thank You so much Rebecca
Hi! I like your lessons. They are so helpful for me because on that site I can listen to it not just look at it. Excuse me if I make some mistakes but I am at the begining of my learning of English language. Thank you!
Hi I really like your lessons. they are so helpful and useful for me as a second language learner, so it is more useful than that if you put higher level in this program.
Sim Chhoeun, Camboian
Hi Rebeca you’re a good teacher that I have seen.. your lessons is so very helpful to me., but i have one question to you what’s the deference between difficult and hard! i hope you can answer my question! thanks a lot..
When you use either of these words to mean that something is not easy, then you can use difficult or hard, and the meaning is exactly the same.
The word “difficult” is a little more formal, or academic, and the word “hard” is a little more conversational….but of course, it depends who is speaking!
Of course, if you want to say that something is not soft, then you can only use the word “hard” and not the word “difficult” because it does not mean not soft; it means not easy.
Hope this helps. My best wishes to you.
Thanks to all of you for your kind and useful feedback. We would really appreciate it if you can tell your friends and join us on facebook or twitter. Thank you for helping us to help you!
Hi Rebecca!
Could you please explain for me the difference between some words: trip, journey, excursion? I have many troubles when using these words.
Thanks a lot!
hi i am anita from pakistan i am so glad to understand difference between brind and take it is help me to improve my english sentence. in other word i am feel very lucky your lessons will help me so much. i am belong to a very small town so it is really greatest to me i wanna hug you i wish i can meet you. i will pray for you take care lots of love from your innocent student
hello I’m new hear. Thank you for all your lesson. It helps me a lot..
I’m still confused about these verbs, “My mother’s gonna take me out to eat tonight” I mean,there aren’t anything move towards or away from the speaker-me.So why TAKE is used ???
PS:I’d alreday known that Take is the right answer,but it’s just not clear to me .
great lessons
Hi rebeca, you are excellent in neutral accent and good at explain
Thank you
I am the beginner in english, your website is very useful. can you please suggest me few good english books(grammer, novels)
I am from India
Thank you
Hi Maam Rebecca I am Reynaldo came from Philippines I am only a secondary graduate but I’ve always watching the maybe because I wanna learn English language.. I have one question to you maam if don’t mind! SINCE I AM ONLY SECONDARY GRADUATE MAAM! I HAVE A BIG CHANCE TO LEARN ENGLISH REGARDLESS OF EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT?..
Rebecca thanks for this lesson.
I have a doubt. Can I use the verb TAKE for talk about transport?
For example if I talk with a cabbie and talk for him:
Please take me to the most near subway station.
Please go to the most near subway station.
Doubt: is correctly use TAKE in this case?
Edson from Brazil – Sao Paulo
edson garcia
I’m new Student and thank you for lesson
please help me to improve my English.. it is difficult for me if i’m learning English..even if i learning English every day..:(
Good lesson!
Thanks very much :)
I am from Santiago of Chile, and iam trying to speak or talk well english. Could you help me with the difference between Speak and Talk, thank you.
tat’s good
Thank You Rebbeca.
Lily from Brazil
Hi Rebecca
Really you are a good teacher
Hope you will give us a good lesson about present, past perfect and progressive mode
nice teaching…thank you
Thanks for your lesson “rebecca” i enjoyed that. Here i have a question to u if u do not mind. Could u explain the difference between (it is so hot and it is too hot)waiting for the reply eagerly.Thanking you
Thanks for the lesson…quite simple to understand!
Hi Rebbeca
this video tutorial is very inspiring for me as an English teacher. I need your further explanation about phrasal verbs of bring and take such as bring up and take after. Thanks
Edi from Lampung Indonesia
Thanks Rebecca. You’re a good teacher. Lily from Brasil
Excellent class. Small, simple and useful.
thank u teacher rebecca.
thanks teacher rebeca
Good teacher, tx for your good effor
Really mam,its amazing site.i was searching for such type of sites,finaly today i found this and now i think that my search is stopped here and practise start under your guidence.Live long mam,u r really a very good teacher.Mam,plz reply me the mistakes i have done in this para,its not to check my english but real.
Thanks Teacher..
i like your way of teaching
Thank teacher.
its very good lesson,i like ur teaching is clear and easy to understand
thanks so much!! ^^
Thank you teacher for your lessens
hi.Rebecca it,s really nice to learn with you,
you are very special,thank you a lot god bless you
mario c wisent
Very good teacher
Paulo Renato
Teacher. Rebecca!
I can improve my everyday English from your
Thanks again.
It helps me a lot , I think that in the litter thing we can learn a lot .Thanks for help me learn english each day ,you are excelllent teacher
thanks, need some improvement :)
thanks for lesson .i really like that system
can i get some Australian accent because i am student here
Your lesson is very good. but can you make a much more lessons about verb with different prepositons. Thank u kindly (. Heheh, i apply your lesson “8 ways to say Thank u”)
I am just a bit confused with using this word “pins and needles”. What exactly is the meaning of this? How do we use it in a sentence especially in a daily conversation. Thanks. Your website is really useful. God bless.
Ms. Rebecca,it’ll be correct to use the word bring when you said, don’t forget to take you’re gloves with you.thank you
Its very nice when you introduce your class saying: Hi my name is Rebeca. in my point of vew you are the best teacher on
Students, before you leave class, listen up! Don’t forget to _______________your assignments with you to class tomorrow, or you’ll lose marks for handing them in late.
On the sample sentence above, why it right to say bring? not take? since the umbrella is not towards the speaker it is taken by the students..
can you please elaborate this to me.
Thanks a lot!
Only when I’m able to understand every single word from CNN, only then I’ll consider that I know english language! Until then, I neeeeed hard work!
Excelent clase thanks a lot
Enrique SO
Nice lesson.. Just got confused with the test item, “Before you leave home, remember to ______________your umbrella with you. It’s supposed to rain all day.” I answered “bring”, thinking that the person speaking is not in the house.
thanks for the lessons
Thank you
Is it correct if I say I take my son to his school on the way I go to work
hi rebecca I am very impressed by your lecture and I have one question. I am confuissed when I use phrases like’i have got….’ and ‘I got…’.what is the difference between these.Than you in advance
thank you teacher
you are excellent teacher. I really enjoy your lessons thank you very much.
Thanks for your lesson. and can you please explain me these two expressions: feel free and make sure
she is amazing teacher i can learn how to speak english very fast here..thank you
Hi Rebecca! I thought I understood the difference between these two words. But I ‘m a little confused about which word to use in the following sentence Take or bring your sister to the party. thank you.
thanks good lesson I got 83.33
great lesson
nice teaching…thank you
Could you correct 2 situations below:
1. Could you bring me back please?
Could you take me back please?
2. My colleague always makes me bring him to the offices.
My colleague always makes me bring him to the office.
Thanks beforehand!
2. My colleague always makes me take him to the offices.
thx rebecca
yeah and i know there are lots of similar words , thanks for helping me
Thank you teacher
hi, thank you.
would you please tell me the meaning of time in, time on and time off?
hi, teacher….thanks for this lesson…:)
Thank you Rebecca for all your axplanations.I have a small preocccupation.Could you explain in your next lesson the difference between may and might?
Thanks in advance
you are a good teacher!
Hi Rebecca,
I have a question and hopefully you don’t mind to answer:
if i was a waiter and i wanted to say to a customer that his/her order is already taken and i would give it to him/her minutes later, perhaps to his/her seat, do i say ” Have a seat first, I’ll take@bring@send the food for you in few minutes ” ?
So, which one is the best answer to this situation?
Your help is very much appreciated. thank you.
Dear Rubeca,
Please tell me the difference between agree and disagree essay and preferences essay.
how to write contrast and explanation essays
please tell us the use of YET UNTIL TILL STILL
How my bro. spoke above, what is the difference between Yet, Until, Still and Till?
What is the difference between BEST and BETTER?, please.
Thanks Rebecca ,your video is helping me alot ,it was a great.Thanks again for your time and efforts .God bless you.
very good lesson
Hi Rebecca! Can you please explain the difference between “Take and “Get”? Thank you so much! Best regards.
Thank you very much.
HI Rebecca this is very useful for me i have never known this before.thaks a lot
Thank you so much mam you remove my confusion.
Thank you.
One more time, thanks a lot, Rebecca!
Thank you very much Rebecca!!! As usual you explained with easy examples.
Can you please explain about ” PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS” tense.
Thank you very much. I am very happy to attend this lecture
Thank you very much for this lesson!!! :) I’d like to ask you what the exactly meaning is for the word carry, and which are the differences between the words in this tutorial.
Excellent english course!!!
I was looking a god course for a lot time and finally I finded it.
Please correct my writing
Thanks Rebecca! just a little doubt: Is correct to say “Can I TAKE my bag with me”?(for instance, I’m in a museum and I don’t know if bags are allowed to enter), or I have to use bring? thanks
Thank you,Rebecca. ^”^
Ted Lee
Thank you dear mam!
bhadra tamang
Hi Ms. Rebecca!
first, i would like to thank you for an informative lessons you are doing.. i’m learning a lot.. i’m from the philippines and i want to start my english teacher career.. luckily, i saw engvid on facebook, checked it out and i find it informative so i automatically liked it..
before entering my english lessons in university, i can say that i already learned a lot from you and from the other engvid teachers as well..
just want to extend my gratitude for this great free opportunity you offer to those who really wants to learn like me…
God bless you all the teachers in engvid and more power! :)
Thanks a lot. You are so wonderful teacher with Your especial easy understanding teaching style. After listening few of Your lessons, now I can easily understand a right meanings of similar words. Before I did it rely on my intuition.
I am from Latvia (one of the Baltic States). I have a some English speaking & writing knowledge, but now I am really happy about the improvement of knowledge.
Your’s sincerely.
Hi Rebecca,
thanks a lot for your lesson.
take care
I’m new on this website, however, I had no idea how hard it can be for some students to grasp the difficulties of this beautiful English Language. For all of you learning English do not ever get discouraged, never give up, get a book, watch a movie, listen to an audio book, we now have hundreds of possibilities on the internet, this website is a very clear example of what I’m talking about, and always try to make sense of what you’re saying, we are the creators of a language, remember it took a long time for the English Language to be where it is, or should I say a miracle should have happened when some tribal people got together and spoke for the first time something similar to the English that we know today, and what would become the International Language of Communications, Science, etc. yes my friends I really admire the passion that you put on learning English, and the teacher Rebecca certainly has the ability, the time and the extra effort to answer almost all your questions, thanks Rebecca again for the good job, And I’m definitely learning a lot from you guys.
David Florentino
Thank you very much,Rebecca.
Yeah, this video is very interesting. Thank you for your explaining difference between these simple verbs “bring and take”. I extremly enjoy your videos.
Thank you!
Ms Rebecca,which sentence is correct?
I bring a computer to work or i take a computer to work
It’s fun to watch your lessons I enjoy it as I learn so many things from you. thanks, happy holidays and warm wishes.
danny perez
I got that. 10/10.
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you. I got 100
Dear Rebecca,
Step by step, I progress thanks to you.
Best regards.
Thank You Rebeca you are very nice.
Thank you Rebecca!
Brilliant as aways!
I killed the quiz
Thank you so much.
Rebecca, I don’t understand why the answer no. 3 and no. 5 are different. In both case the general meaning is “to take something with you”. Aren’t they ?
Danilo Manzoni
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
Thank you so much! Its helpful?
bring me far away
or take me far away
help me, please
Hi Rebecca, thanks a lot again for all your assistance, i suppose that you have already realized I have written many times a common message in the comments section. I want to give you my apologizes if this could be a problem for you. By the way, I love all your videos… You have made me to wish study more English and why not, I would like to study in order to be an English teacher.
Bye for now Rebecca!
Be well!
Greetings from Venezuela.
Hi Rebecca, i don’t understand sentence number 5 in the quiz ,why the answer is “bring”? . Thanks
Hi Rebecca!You r so wonderful mam.I got 100% marks.I can easily understand your lesson.Thnks for your teaching.
useful lesson
Thank you Rebecca
Honestly, you own the communication fiber.
I am very happy to receive from you as you know doing It, step by step.
Thanks Rebecca .
I got 5/6! Thanks Rebecca!
Really thanks Rebecca. I’ve learned many confusing subject from your lessons.
Novak Dean
You got 6 correct out of 6.
M kartal
thank you
I got 5 correct out of 6!
6 correct out of 6. Thanks
Thank you Ms. Rebecca!
Great lesson. Thank you, Rebecca.
Arieh Dorjee
Thank you so much mam.Great lesson!
Thank you mam for such amazing videos and you really good teacher
Suhani 1
Mam I’m really confused in advice or advise mam may you please understand me?
Suhani 1
Thanks both Rebecca and engVid.
AKM Mostafa
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 07Sept2021);
amazing way of learning.
This lesson makes my English skill better
I watched this video twice on March 23, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 6.
I got 5/6.
Thank you!
Well done Rebecca.I have observed that my english has improve remarkably.Thanks to you.
Is there any way I can submit my english writing to you?I’ll wait for your reply.
Learn English for free with 2149 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
good teacher, excelent, thak you.
Obviously Shes Not A Good Teacher Because U Cant Spell EXCELLENT! Assholee!
Obviously you are not a good student because YOU can’t spell the word YOU, asshole!
Take it outside, guys.
You have some basic mistakes in your comment. Don’t assess other person while you are not well.
Hi Rebecca: As we have learned about differnce between bring and take. Bring means sometning to birng to table for example and take means something take away from table. My question is that: many people in canada when they explian something they say “lets take the example of this question”? why don’t we use bring instead of use take by saying lets bring the example of this question? Please help.
thank you so much ma’am
u r right
thanks a lot!
Thanks and i want to learn about the passive voice more,so i think you will teach me about passive
Thank you so much!
your lesson was good but i don’t you should deliver us lessons have little time duration . the lesson was too small . is there any reason of why it was too short
We record some short lessons and some longer ones because some topics can be covered quickly and other require more time. Don’t underestimate the short lessons though. Every small improvement makes a big difference in the quality of your English. All the best to you, Abbas.
you’re right /
In my opinion, short lessons are better. It’s much easier for me to understand each of them one by one than in groups. Your lessons are excellent Rebecca. Now I know the difference between BRING and TAKE. I was confused though at your third question. That’s why I got 5 out of 6. If someone wants to remind me to take something that is mine, then, it should be like this “Marie please don’t forget to take your pillow with you.” I was thinking if take + your is always be engaged when constructing it into a sentence.
good leston thanks.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for your explantion about the simple verbs “bring and take”. Really, you helped me a lot in my English skills. I have a question if you don’t mind please. What is the difference between “hear and listen”? Sorry for the inconvenience.
Good question. The two words are similar and yet different. They both result in acquiring information through the sense of hearing. However, when we use the word “hear” we usually refer more to the passive, physical act of getting some information through our ears. When we use the word “listen” it means that we are actively and mentally paying attention to what our ears can hear.
For example, in class, some students can “hear” the professor talking and talking, but their minds are elsewhere, so they may or may not remember much of what was said. Other students may be interested in what the professor is saying and may be actually listening and paying attention to what is being said.
On a cellphone, if the line is unclear, we might ask “Can you hear me?” Here, we are referring to the physical act of hearing through the ears in this case.
Hope this helps you. My best wishes to you.
you really wonderful and creative teacher I am so happy because I enter this site coincidence and see your video
I am lucky
And we are happy to have you join us here, Amira.
Thanks Rebecca. and can you please explain me these two expressions: feel free and make sure.
Thank you very much Rebecca.
You are a wonderful tutor.
Kudos to You!!!
firstly i would like to say that the listens are very useful to me :)thank you so much :)
i have a problem with answering the questins E.g. interview questions by organized way however, i can organize it well by my own language.
would you plz talk to us alil-about this issue.
thanks again
Thanks for your feedback, nanotech.
What kind of questions are you asking about — questions asked at a job interview, on the IELTS exam, or something else?
My best to you.
Thanks Rebecca this lesson is helpful for me i will keep learn from you
Excelent video! Thank you very much.
thanx it’s so easy
good teacher…good lesson
Thanks to all for your feedback. It helps us to know what helps you.
thank’s that is a good and easy lesson
but very important
im learning a lot=)i want to learn how to use ”in” and ”on” in a sentence..sometime’s i feel im using it wrongly. help me please=) GODBLESS!
If you look in the English grammar section of our website, you will find lessons related to your question.
All the best to you, Shekinah.
Thank you Rebecca. You are very good teacher. God bless you.
Thank you so much!Your lessons make us better better and better!!Best Regards!
Thank you teacher. You make it clear and I get it all ^____^
Thank you Rebeca. I’m learning English and I think you are very good teacher.
Dear Rebecca
I watched a few of your wonderful lessons and I really like them,but what a shame that I can’t get to youtube as I’m in china. Would you find another website accessable for me?
your sincerely
i am really confused about the two words ‘flaunt’ and ‘flout’ . can you please use them in two different sentences to distinguish them. and thanks for your answer . now i know that every word makes enhancement in our english language. i hope you are alright . my regards
Thanks for your question, Abbas.
“To flout” means to openly disregard something such as a rule, law or common practice.
“To flaunt” is completely different. It means to show off or display something in a flashy way.
He flouted the regulations and was suspended from university.
He flaunted his new car by driving up and down the street where his friend lives.
Hope you caught the difference. All the best to you, Abbas.
im havin a question to ask about.
is (ain’t) a common word for all negative sentences?
pls explain it in few sentence
“Ain’t” isn’t a grammatically correct word in English, although it is used frequently in a very, very informal way or as slang. So, don’t use this word in a formal, academic or business situation. It will sound and be improper.
Just use the normal negative form of the verb to be:
“I’m not hungry.” instead of ” I ain’t hungry.”
“He isn’t very friendly.” instead of “He ain’t very friendly.”
We do hear this word used often in movies or music lyrics, but always pay attention to the context before you decide who to learn English from!
My best wishes to you, logeshwaran.
I am very happy to understand you,you talk slowly and I can follow you easily.Thanks
Hi Rebecca!
I’m a new user, from Brazil, of this website I would like to say thank you and for others teachers too. The lessons are great usefully for me and my friends. We are now doing a group of study using your videos to learn new skills and, after that, we discuss the class and some or other word that could be sounded unclean. We are improving our habilities to listen and our habilities in grammar english.
I always say that the most powerfull instrument to learn english is the internet and you as like all the team of teachers, are concreting this possibily to learn english just using our goodwill.
Thank you very much!
Thank you kindly for sharing that with me. First, I’m glad that you and your friends are so motivated to improve your English and second, I’m very happy that the lessons on our website can help you.
My best wishes to you, Picles, and to your study buddies as well.
Thank a lot teacher.
yeha once again “Your score: 100.00 You got 6 correct out of 6.”
thanks you for this lesson I relly love
I’m so glad to see this site. It really helped me a lot. But How could I find some english lesson that are not yet discussed in your vids?
First, check all the lessons on the website, including those by other teachers. There are also lots and lots of great English learning books available to help you improve your language skills.
My best to you, Shiori.
Thank you very much, this lesson is important for me to understand difference between those two verbs
It is a short and comprehensive lesson. Mrs. Rebecca continue to help us through your easy and effective lessons
Thnks a lot Mrs. Rebecca. I am from Chile and I´m studying English for 5 years. You are really a good teacher. Keep on so like this. You shoud always be our teacher. Regards.
Thank you kindly, Antonio. I would say from your comments that you have learned English very well in the last 5 years. Good for you. My best wishes to you, Antonio.
thank you very much rebecca ..your lessons help us best and best…..
Hello Rebecca! Thanks so much for viewing me the differences between these words. Now i can improve my weaknesses when using those words n sure be more confident when talking with my native speaker.
you are a great teacher, thank you very much.
Excellent lesson! I always confuse the two verbs because in my language there is not such a difference. I have a question. There are situation in which it is not so clear if the direction is towards or away from the speaker. Which verb have I to use? I mean is it correct to say that “I bring my backpack with me”? Or in this case is better to use another expression, to use the verb to carry?
Thanks for the question and feedback, moma. Usually, it is quite clear which verb to use. However, in some cases, such as in your example, you might decide to use the other word. Of course, if in doubt, you can do as your suggested and simply switch to another word completely, such as carry.
Good for you, that you care so much about your ability to communicate effectively. My best wishes to you, moma.
This was a good lesson. I learned a lot from you. I have a question, the question is how can I improve my speaking skills and do you offer a one-on-one lesson via skype?
The only way to improve your speaking skills is to use every opportunity you can to speak English! Of course, if you want not only to speak more but also to speak correctly then you need to find someone who can correct you when you make mistakes. A private teacher would be best.
I do not offer Skype lessons online at this time, but there are many teachers who do. Thanks for your interest and my best wishes to you, Anita.
hi,thanks a lot for these lesson i am realy enjoy &very happy to do.i want to ask one more very inported thing i can answer very esily but if i need to ask some thing like any question so i feel iam very week to make question could u help me plz any idea? any tip? to making questions hope fully u feel happy to tell me .bye
Nehad, you are not alone in experiencing difficulty in framing questions in English. Many, many students around the world make mistakes when asking asking questions, because you have to change the word order, add question words, and so on.
I would suggest you get hold of a good grammar book such as Basic Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy, or any other good grammar series, and study the sections on asking questions. Practice a lot until you are able to construct questions confidently and with ease. First, try to do this in writing and then try to do it while speaking, when you have to be faster.
My best wishes to you, Nehad.
Wow, thank you for the lessons. By the way, may I ask you, what is the difference with everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody, someone and somebody? These words really confuse me.
Everyone/ everybody is used to refer to each person in a group. It is singular, but we use it to refer to all the people in a group, one at a time. These words can be used in positive sentences.
Example: I think everyone loves ice cream. Let’s buy some for dessert.
Anyone/ anybody is singular and is used in negative sentences and in questions.
Example: Did anyone arrive late for the exam?
I didn’t know anyone at the party.
Someone/somebody is singular and is used to refer to one person, known or unknown.
Someone ate all the cookies!
I know someone who might be able to help you get a job.
Hope that helps, Arman. My best wishes to you.
U r a wonderful teacher
Thank’s madam
This lesson is really helpfull !
God place you.
And God bless you too, Hasan.
hallo. I have a question about the quiz:
Before you leave home, remember to _____take_________your umbrella with you. It’s supposed to rain all day.
Students, before you leave class, listen up! Don’t forget to _____bring__________your assignments with you to class tomorrow, or you’ll lose marks for handing them in late.
I don’t undestend these answeres, for me the right way is using “to take”…no? why?…thank you!
hey,Roberto i would like to help u,,actually answer for both of these lines is TAKE becoz in these lines things are going away from speaker as our teacher explained if things r coming towards speaker then we use BRING,,,onthe other hand if going away like umbrella and assingments..
hope it helped,thanks
Thanks for your help, Amy. A great way to improve at anything is to try and explain what we understand to others. My best to you, Amy.
To understand better, remember that it also depends where you are when you say these sentences and use these words.
If you are at home now and you are leaving home, then you need to TAKE your umbrella with you because you are going out, you are going AWAY from that place, or someone you are speaking to is going AWAY from that place.
If you are the teacher who is in class, you are telling the students to BRING the assignments with them to the class, to BRING them towards him / her, in the direction of where the teacher is when he /she said this sentence.
Hope this helps! My best wishes to you, Roberto.
Thanks a lot!
thank you very much your teacher good and your lession
thanks a lot, i am learning with you…
I cant thank you enough Rebecca, your videos are helping me alot and alot.this video was great,u used a smart way to make it easily understandable for us.God bles u,,,,
Thanks for your feedback and my best wishes to all of you.
this is very good my child gets it alot.
thank u very much & ur a good teacher
Hi Rebbeca, your classes are the best! Congratulations for your great job! All the best for you!
hi rebecca
well thanks for telling me ..i would like to ask you one more quiz ..what’s the distiguish between these ..
1) think
2) conceive
3) envisage
i know about think but not sure about conceive and envisage let me know Are these same or distinct?? Check out these sentences Are these right or wrong?
1) i was just conceiving about your.
2) what do u conceive about this ?
3) what do u envisage about this?
4) i’m envisaging about your .
i’ll very grateful to you .have a nice day..!!
Thank you . You are a good teacher . =)
Rebeca mam i want to share something with u now a days i m taking classes of toefl and i have completed mine reading and listening sections i felt no difficulties i these sections but now i started speaking section main problem that i facing in this section is speaking fluency and reluctance in quick answering the quick format questions.
actually in the toefl class only i m single student and outdoor there is no english speaking environment i really very worried my current situation plz tell me what can i do at that time? also give some piece of advice that help me in improving my speaking capability thanks
and one thing i has listen yours some of lesson about money saying yes or no ways of saying thanks yours method of teaching and especially your polite behaviour very good
may you live long and God bless you in all ur doing inform me as soon as possible about your answer bye bye
Thanks for your message, SharoonZeb. I understand it’s difficult to improve your English when you’re in a non-English speaking environment.
In order to improve your Speaking score, please look at some examples of good TOEFL speaking responses in TOEFL guidebooks such as Delta or Barron’s. That will help you know how to structure your answer. If you can find a good private teacher, that will help too. Also, when you practice, please try to record your answer and then listen afterwards. You may find some mistakes yourself.
Think of the Speaking response as a mini essay in which you give an introductory sentence, a middle with reasons or examples, and a very quick concluding sentence. Don’t rush though time is short. Speak as clearly and confidently as possible, after studying and knowing what kinds of questions are usually asked.
All the best with your exam and in the future, Sharoonzeb.
thanks a lot it will help me in the future thank u again
really it’s nice
I love it
and I will always listen to these lessons.
Relly cool
maam i want to learn english which start in basic becuse eng is most important in our life the person who knows eng get job easily
Yes, you are right. Knowing good English can help you get a better job in many parts of the world. My best to you, Rohit.
Really helpful for me I will keep continue visiting this site….Thanks a lot..
Hi Rebecca! Thanks so much for viewing me the differences between these words. Now i can improve my english my lanaguage is Urdu i am from pakistan again thankyou very much i will contiune visit in this web site for improve my english kaleem
a great lesson. i enjoy it.
this is greet site you can benefit greet knowledage fo english language
tanks a lot !
Hi Rebecca,
I have just started teaching EAL in a regular high school this year. I have no special training or background (I am an Eng. Lit teacher), and I am feeling overwhelmed. My students have all been in Canada for 3 or 4 years and their spoken English is quite good. However, these are all university bound students and their written English needs work. They have never studied in an EAL class before so they often know how to say something but they don’t know why. As a result, they can’t apply what they know to other similar situations. One of my students introduced me to engvid and I am thrilled at the resource. Thanks to all of you so much!
Thanks very much for your feedback. It is very encouraging. I wish you all the best with your students. You are a dedicated teacher and they are lucky to have you.
thank you rebecca and amy, now it’s more simple!
Thank you!!!
students, before you leave class, listen up, don’t forget to…………your assignment with you to class tomorrow.
i am answering this question by using the word take but it is incorrect to show me, how it is incorrect can you tell me the explanation?
Please check the answer to Mr thapiro, below.
My best to you, Sajna.
in one of the answers above you explained the meaning of everybody/one, anybody/one, somebody,one…but when do we use each one of them? because in some situations i get confused when do i use the word ‘body or ‘one’ after these specific words…
Everybody and everyone mean exactly the same thing. It doesn’t matter which ending you use. Simple!
My best to you, Ali.
Hello my name it’s Dany and i’m from romania but i live in Egypt… So i wanna say it’s so nice this engVid i can learn good with us so thanks alot Have a nice day’s to evereyone bye bye
Hi rebecca. I am very interesting in your site but unfortunately i am deaf. I would like to more understand if you can add subtitles for hearing impaired and deaf people what i can learn more from you :) You tube has special CC for hearing impaired people but it doesnt sound right. THanks so much
Hi Mike. Thank you for writing. I understand your situation, but unfortunately it takes a very long time to write subtitles or transcripts for videos. Because this site is completely free, we simply cannot afford to put subtitles on the lessons at this time. I apologize and hope you understand. The CC from YouTube that you are talking about is automatic and works very poorly, from what I have seen — you are probably better off not using it for our videos.
I really liked that class about the difference between BRING & TAKE. Thank you a lot!!!
how can i memorize vocabulary by practices or some thing
Yes, by practicing a lot, as well as reading and writing and speaking and listening to a lot of English!
Please also check the many vocabulary lessons on this website.
My best to you, Moazzam.
thenks very mutch i am mery
and i like engvid
hi i would like to have all of your videos but i don;t know how i can get all of the way many thanks for creating this useful site
Here are all of RebeccaESL’s free English lessons, sama!
A simple lesson but it necessary to understand that, thank you!
What about bring me to that store? I’ve heard and read where some say . . . bring me to your house (for example) Is that correct?
Or should it be Take me to your house?
It should be “Take me to your house” because you are talking about a direction that is away from you.
All the best, cordy.
Sorry, I am a geek.
This is a great website. Congractulations and thank you for this lesson!!
I really like the way you explained the lesson.
You can do a good job.
I wonder why we haven’t used “take” for this sentence:
“Please BRING this chocolate away from me”.
and you have used ” bring” in stade of “take”.
I hope to hear from you soon.
The answer to that question in the quiz IS “take”, though. I just tested it and it is working properly. –> “Please take this chocolate away from me.” is correct.
that was great :D thanks a lot i will spend as much time as i can here to BRING more tips :D
I love this website, thanks a lot for each lesson
Really its very useful to me.
hi! thankz a lot..more!!!:)
Students, before you leave class, listen up! Don’t forget to _______________your assignments with you to class tomorrow, or you’ll lose marks for handing them in late.
can u help me why u used the bring word on the gap above? did’t use the take word? can u explain? thank for your help very much
The teacher and students are in the class together, right? And the teacher wants the students to bring their assignments to where they all are now, which is the classroom. So the direction is towards the class where they are now, and not in another direction away from where they are.
That is why you need to use the word “bring” in that sentence.
Always, bring it to me, or take it away from me.
Hope this helps. My best wishes to you, Mr Thaipro.
Hi Rebecca, thanks for the video. I have a question about how to use “his, her, its, their, our and mine”, I know how to use most of them but for example when you say “That person was with his/her/its?? dog? when you don’t specify a gender, how do you know which of these 3 options you have to use? the same case happens when you use “anyone/someone/everybody/etc… for example: does anyone bring his/her/its cellphone? Thank you!
In your first example, since you know who you are talking about then you would know automatically whether to use his or her. In the second example regarding the cellphone, it’s a little trickier. Theoretically, you should say to a crowd of males and females, “Did anyone bring his or her cellphone?” However, in reality, English speakers are more likely to say, “Did anyone bring their cellphone?” even though it’s not perfectly correct from a grammatical point of view.
Good for you that you notice such details, Niko. My best wishes to you.
thankx alot u r doing awesome ?????
hi Engvid
Can You tell me Where is valen Because for long time she did’t upload any video.
Has she left the Engvid?
Me and my friend like her lesson Because her voice is very clear.We can understand each word.Please Make more lesson as much as prossible From Ms valen.
We miss valen Lesson.
Love Engvid.
She has been very busy! We all hope Valen comes back soon!
dear miss rabeeca,
how r u? i m very impressed ur teaching acend and engvid i am very fond of english speaking,writing and much more about english.i want to learn learn english.i have many difficulties in english in vacoblary,way of communication i have some verbs very confused to me just like having,cocern,take,specially plz help me in this issue.i m student of master of business of administration. and i live in pakstan.
syed adnan aftab
Thanks for your feeback, Syed. We have many lessons on this website related to vocabulary, grammar, speaking, writing, Business English, etc which I am sure can help you. Please use the “ALL LESSONS” link in the menu, or one of the “Topics” sections to find the lessons you want.
My best wishes to you, Syed.
Hi Rebeca,
This lesson is very interesting and useful. Thank you very much for this.
I have a question which is not related to this lesson but to another aspect of using Eglish in daily conversations as well as i writing. My friends of mine have always been confusing about when to use what tenses. For other tenses they find it easy to tell the difference but for simple present they often ask me: when do we use simple present? and is that right that when we talk to each other right at the time of speaking we all sue present tense? please kindly email me if you can drop me an email with your answer or just post your answer here. Thanks alot!
Hi, Duong., Please check the following lesson on the Present Simple tense:
I believe the lesson will help to answer your questions.
In general, the present simple tense is used to talk about general facts
(The sun rises in the east.), to talk about routines ( I get up at 7am every day), to use stative verbs (I like ice cream, I believe in God.), and to talk about things which are more or less permanent, such as where you live or work. (I live in Toronto. I work in a bank.)
Hope this helps you. My best to you, Duong.
Hello my name it’s Dany and i’m from romania but i live in Egypt… So i wanna say it’s so nice this engVid i can learn good with us so thanks alot Have a nice day’s to evereyone bye bye
I think i did’t wrote good so i wanna learn more thanks ms. Rebecca hello and you’re the best
Thanks for all you feedback. The best way to improve is to use English as much as possible, and to find someone who can correct your speaking and writing.
My best wishes to you, Danym2007.
Cool! Rebecca is a very good teacher! I loved this website. I promise that I will see every lessons. Thank so much!
yeah. it is really great!
Welcome to engVid, Joyce. My best wishes to you.
thanks for you
Last week I got confused with these verbs.Today I know how to use each one …Ithank you
That’s great, Salik! My best to you.
i appreciate the way u teache us.
its really getting very helpful for us.
kindly tell us the difference between:avenge/revenge,home/house,jail/prison,hero/actor,envisage/envision,what is the exact meaning of having??
looking for your concern
its very intersting you are good teacher your talking is very polite i can understand easely..
Thanks for good stuff.
I have a small confusion between conform and confirm.
Can you please explain where can we use and what is the difference
To confirm means to make sure or verify something.
For example,
I’d like to confirm my hotel reservation, please.
I’d like to confirm that we’re meeting on Tuesday at 3pm.
To conform means something completely different. It means to follow the rules, to meet the expected pattern of behaviour, to comply with the standards, etc.
We have to conform when we live in society, event though we enjoy maintaining our individuality.
Hope this helps, Ashok. My best wishes to you.
Dear teacher Rebecca
I have some question.
Can I use the both BRING or TAKE for this sentense?
“Before you leave home, remember to ______________your umbrella with you. It’s supposed to rain all day.”
I mean the speaker to live the same place with him/her or other place. Please reply.
Thank you for your lesson.
Actually, “take” would be better in this example, because the person is going away from home.
My best to you, Pao.
Hi Rebecca.
I’ve a question.
Well,what’s the difference between take,bring and fetch?
Thank you for the lesson and I’m sorry for some grammatical error.
To fetch means to get something, or to go and get something and bring it back or to go and get something and return with it.
For example,
You’re too sick to go out.I’ll fetch the doctor.
This means the speaker will go out, get the doctor and bring him/her back to the location where this conversation took place.
All the best to you, Giovanni.
Thank you very much teacher Rebecca,it’s very good lesson and i’m understand well.I’ll hope to bring next lesson for confused words like :-
too,much and etc.
Thank you so much! it help me a lot because i’m teaching English to Koreans.
God bless you Rebecca and to the institution.
Wow, so nice to meet a fellow teacher. So glad we can help you, Liza. Please let me know if your Korean students would benefit from any special explanations. Please tell them about us so we can continue to record more lessons. My best wishes to you and your students, Liza.
Thanks Rebbeca for help us. I really hope that I will can improve my english, watching this videos here. So, I have a question. What can I do to improve, in addition to watch EngVid?
Thanks a lot and take care!
Thanks Rebbeca for help me
Thanks Rebbeca for your wonderful lecture!
Thanks miss Rebbeca this is an amazing lesson.i have two questions may you please answer these what is the difference between see and watch,finish and end i am a new user of this site please tell me the difference.THANKS
thank you so much for your lesson
THANKS for ur lesson rebbeca I LOve it !
Thank you very much, it is a good lesson
Could you please also comment on the difference between “bring” and “fetch”? Both mean “in the direction to me”, but there seems to be a difference between “Bring me this book” and “Fetch me this book”.
Is it: bring = bring what you already have with you towards me vs. fetch = go get it first and then come with it to me? (i.e. the difference is in already possessing the book vs. first having to get hold of it)
Or is it: bring = polite vs. fetch = rude or condescending, like in telling a dog to fetch the ball?
The difference in North American English is that “bring” is a polite request and “fetch” is more like an order. For example, we might say that the dog fetched the bone.
Hope that helps! My best wishes to you, Emka.
hi Rebecca Madam (mem)
thanks a lot for your such helpful videos,,,,
as much i(or we) say thanks ,it will be less ….because ur way and expressing things is marvellous…..
hope u will continue this job and making others enrich with the knowledge of English
yours faithfully
I can consider her as a role model
thank you so much Rebecca ma’am. I’m glad to say that i’ve learnt a lot. God bless you
Thanks Rebeca you are great.
You are wonderful!!!!
I like this teacher.I can undrestand her very well.Can she teach us more nesessary conversation.
Thank you
Any suggestion for improving my vocabulary and my writing.You are a great english teacher.
There are so many ways to improve your vocabulary – direct and indirect. A direct way is to find a specific vocabulary improvement textbook and learn from it. Indirect ways include to pick up words through reading and listening. Keep a vocabulary notebook and / or write all the new words you learn on index cards and go through them regularly until they become old friends. Enjoy yourself and you will learn even faster. Try to make a game of it.
There are also good writing books available that can give you great guidelines to improve your writing as well as point out common mistakes. However, I believe you really need to have your writing checked by a teacher in order to improve.
All the best to you, Paris.
Thank You so much Rebecca
Hi! I like your lessons. They are so helpful for me because on that site I can listen to it not just look at it. Excuse me if I make some mistakes but I am at the begining of my learning of English language. Thank you!
Hi I really like your lessons. they are so helpful and useful for me as a second language learner, so it is more useful than that if you put higher level in this program.
Hi Rebeca you’re a good teacher that I have seen.. your lessons is so very helpful to me., but i have one question to you what’s the deference between difficult and hard! i hope you can answer my question! thanks a lot..
When you use either of these words to mean that something is not easy, then you can use difficult or hard, and the meaning is exactly the same.
The word “difficult” is a little more formal, or academic, and the word “hard” is a little more conversational….but of course, it depends who is speaking!
Of course, if you want to say that something is not soft, then you can only use the word “hard” and not the word “difficult” because it does not mean not soft; it means not easy.
Hope this helps. My best wishes to you.
Thanks to all of you for your kind and useful feedback. We would really appreciate it if you can tell your friends and join us on facebook or twitter. Thank you for helping us to help you!
Hi Rebecca!
Could you please explain for me the difference between some words: trip, journey, excursion? I have many troubles when using these words.
Thanks a lot!
hi i am anita from pakistan i am so glad to understand difference between brind and take it is help me to improve my english sentence. in other word i am feel very lucky your lessons will help me so much. i am belong to a very small town so it is really greatest to me i wanna hug you i wish i can meet you. i will pray for you take care lots of love from your innocent student
hello I’m new hear. Thank you for all your lesson. It helps me a lot..
I’m still confused about these verbs, “My mother’s gonna take me out to eat tonight” I mean,there aren’t anything move towards or away from the speaker-me.So why TAKE is used ???
PS:I’d alreday known that Take is the right answer,but it’s just not clear to me .
great lessons
Hi rebeca, you are excellent in neutral accent and good at explain
Thank you
I am the beginner in english, your website is very useful. can you please suggest me few good english books(grammer, novels)
I am from India
Thank you
Hi Maam Rebecca I am Reynaldo came from Philippines I am only a secondary graduate but I’ve always watching the maybe because I wanna learn English language.. I have one question to you maam if don’t mind! SINCE I AM ONLY SECONDARY GRADUATE MAAM! I HAVE A BIG CHANCE TO LEARN ENGLISH REGARDLESS OF EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT?..
Rebecca thanks for this lesson.
I have a doubt. Can I use the verb TAKE for talk about transport?
For example if I talk with a cabbie and talk for him:
Please take me to the most near subway station.
Please go to the most near subway station.
Doubt: is correctly use TAKE in this case?
Edson from Brazil – Sao Paulo
I’m new Student and thank you for lesson
please help me to improve my English.. it is difficult for me if i’m learning English..even if i learning English every day..:(
Good lesson!
Thanks very much :)
I am from Santiago of Chile, and iam trying to speak or talk well english. Could you help me with the difference between Speak and Talk, thank you.
tat’s good
Thank You Rebbeca.
Lily from Brazil
Hi Rebecca
Really you are a good teacher
Hope you will give us a good lesson about present, past perfect and progressive mode
nice teaching…thank you
Thanks for your lesson “rebecca” i enjoyed that. Here i have a question to u if u do not mind. Could u explain the difference between (it is so hot and it is too hot)waiting for the reply eagerly.Thanking you
Thanks for the lesson…quite simple to understand!
Hi Rebbeca
this video tutorial is very inspiring for me as an English teacher. I need your further explanation about phrasal verbs of bring and take such as bring up and take after. Thanks
Edi from Lampung Indonesia
Thanks Rebecca. You’re a good teacher. Lily from Brasil
Excellent class. Small, simple and useful.
thank u teacher rebecca.
thanks teacher rebeca
Good teacher, tx for your good effor
Really mam,its amazing site.i was searching for such type of sites,finaly today i found this and now i think that my search is stopped here and practise start under your guidence.Live long mam,u r really a very good teacher.Mam,plz reply me the mistakes i have done in this para,its not to check my english but real.
Thanks Teacher..
i like your way of teaching
Thank teacher.
its very good lesson,i like ur teaching is clear and easy to understand
thanks so much!! ^^
Thank you teacher for your lessens
hi.Rebecca it,s really nice to learn with you,
you are very special,thank you a lot god bless you
Very good teacher
Teacher. Rebecca!
I can improve my everyday English from your
Thanks again.
It helps me a lot , I think that in the litter thing we can learn a lot .Thanks for help me learn english each day ,you are excelllent teacher
thanks, need some improvement :)
thanks for lesson .i really like that system
can i get some Australian accent because i am student here
Your lesson is very good. but can you make a much more lessons about verb with different prepositons. Thank u kindly (. Heheh, i apply your lesson “8 ways to say Thank u”)
I am just a bit confused with using this word “pins and needles”. What exactly is the meaning of this? How do we use it in a sentence especially in a daily conversation. Thanks. Your website is really useful. God bless.
Ms. Rebecca,it’ll be correct to use the word bring when you said, don’t forget to take you’re gloves with you.thank you
Its very nice when you introduce your class saying: Hi my name is Rebeca. in my point of vew you are the best teacher on
Students, before you leave class, listen up! Don’t forget to _______________your assignments with you to class tomorrow, or you’ll lose marks for handing them in late.
On the sample sentence above, why it right to say bring? not take? since the umbrella is not towards the speaker it is taken by the students..
can you please elaborate this to me.
Thanks a lot!
Only when I’m able to understand every single word from CNN, only then I’ll consider that I know english language! Until then, I neeeeed hard work!
Excelent clase thanks a lot
Nice lesson.. Just got confused with the test item, “Before you leave home, remember to ______________your umbrella with you. It’s supposed to rain all day.” I answered “bring”, thinking that the person speaking is not in the house.
thanks for the lessons
Thank you
Is it correct if I say I take my son to his school on the way I go to work
hi rebecca I am very impressed by your lecture and I have one question. I am confuissed when I use phrases like’i have got….’ and ‘I got…’.what is the difference between these.Than you in advance
thank you teacher
you are excellent teacher. I really enjoy your lessons thank you very much.
Thanks for your lesson. and can you please explain me these two expressions: feel free and make sure
she is amazing teacher i can learn how to speak english very fast here..thank you
Hi Rebecca! I thought I understood the difference between these two words. But I ‘m a little confused about which word to use in the following sentence Take or bring your sister to the party. thank you.
thanks good lesson I got 83.33
great lesson
nice teaching…thank you
Could you correct 2 situations below:
1. Could you bring me back please?
Could you take me back please?
2. My colleague always makes me bring him to the offices.
My colleague always makes me bring him to the office.
Thanks beforehand!
2. My colleague always makes me take him to the offices.
thx rebecca
yeah and i know there are lots of similar words , thanks for helping me
Thank you teacher
hi, thank you.
would you please tell me the meaning of time in, time on and time off?
hi, teacher….thanks for this lesson…:)
Thank you Rebecca for all your axplanations.I have a small preocccupation.Could you explain in your next lesson the difference between may and might?
Thanks in advance
you are a good teacher!
Hi Rebecca,
I have a question and hopefully you don’t mind to answer:
if i was a waiter and i wanted to say to a customer that his/her order is already taken and i would give it to him/her minutes later, perhaps to his/her seat, do i say ” Have a seat first, I’ll take@bring@send the food for you in few minutes ” ?
So, which one is the best answer to this situation?
Your help is very much appreciated. thank you.
Dear Rubeca,
Please tell me the difference between agree and disagree essay and preferences essay.
how to write contrast and explanation essays
please tell us the use of YET UNTIL TILL STILL
How my bro. spoke above, what is the difference between Yet, Until, Still and Till?
What is the difference between BEST and BETTER?, please.
Thanks Rebecca ,your video is helping me alot ,it was a great.Thanks again for your time and efforts .God bless you.
very good lesson
Hi Rebecca! Can you please explain the difference between “Take and “Get”? Thank you so much! Best regards.
Thank you very much.
HI Rebecca this is very useful for me i have never known this before.thaks a lot
Thank you so much mam you remove my confusion.
Thank you.
One more time, thanks a lot, Rebecca!
Thank you very much Rebecca!!! As usual you explained with easy examples.
Can you please explain about ” PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS” tense.
Thank you very much. I am very happy to attend this lecture
Thank you very much for this lesson!!! :) I’d like to ask you what the exactly meaning is for the word carry, and which are the differences between the words in this tutorial.
Excellent english course!!!
I was looking a god course for a lot time and finally I finded it.
Please correct my writing
Thanks Rebecca! just a little doubt: Is correct to say “Can I TAKE my bag with me”?(for instance, I’m in a museum and I don’t know if bags are allowed to enter), or I have to use bring? thanks
Thank you,Rebecca. ^”^
Thank you dear mam!
Hi Ms. Rebecca!
first, i would like to thank you for an informative lessons you are doing.. i’m learning a lot.. i’m from the philippines and i want to start my english teacher career.. luckily, i saw engvid on facebook, checked it out and i find it informative so i automatically liked it..
before entering my english lessons in university, i can say that i already learned a lot from you and from the other engvid teachers as well..
just want to extend my gratitude for this great free opportunity you offer to those who really wants to learn like me…
God bless you all the teachers in engvid and more power! :)
Thanks a lot. You are so wonderful teacher with Your especial easy understanding teaching style. After listening few of Your lessons, now I can easily understand a right meanings of similar words. Before I did it rely on my intuition.
I am from Latvia (one of the Baltic States). I have a some English speaking & writing knowledge, but now I am really happy about the improvement of knowledge.
Your’s sincerely.
Hi Rebecca,
thanks a lot for your lesson.
take care
I’m new on this website, however, I had no idea how hard it can be for some students to grasp the difficulties of this beautiful English Language. For all of you learning English do not ever get discouraged, never give up, get a book, watch a movie, listen to an audio book, we now have hundreds of possibilities on the internet, this website is a very clear example of what I’m talking about, and always try to make sense of what you’re saying, we are the creators of a language, remember it took a long time for the English Language to be where it is, or should I say a miracle should have happened when some tribal people got together and spoke for the first time something similar to the English that we know today, and what would become the International Language of Communications, Science, etc. yes my friends I really admire the passion that you put on learning English, and the teacher Rebecca certainly has the ability, the time and the extra effort to answer almost all your questions, thanks Rebecca again for the good job, And I’m definitely learning a lot from you guys.
Thank you very much,Rebecca.
Yeah, this video is very interesting. Thank you for your explaining difference between these simple verbs “bring and take”. I extremly enjoy your videos.
Thank you!
Ms Rebecca,which sentence is correct?
I bring a computer to work or i take a computer to work
It’s fun to watch your lessons I enjoy it as I learn so many things from you. thanks, happy holidays and warm wishes.
I got that. 10/10.
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you. I got 100
Dear Rebecca,
Step by step, I progress thanks to you.
Best regards.
Thank You Rebeca you are very nice.
Thank you Rebecca!
Brilliant as aways!
I killed the quiz
Thank you so much.
Rebecca, I don’t understand why the answer no. 3 and no. 5 are different. In both case the general meaning is “to take something with you”. Aren’t they ?
Thanks you so much.
Thank you so much! Its helpful?
bring me far away
or take me far away
help me, please
Hi Rebecca, thanks a lot again for all your assistance, i suppose that you have already realized I have written many times a common message in the comments section. I want to give you my apologizes if this could be a problem for you. By the way, I love all your videos… You have made me to wish study more English and why not, I would like to study in order to be an English teacher.
Bye for now Rebecca!
Be well!
Greetings from Venezuela.
Hi Rebecca, i don’t understand sentence number 5 in the quiz ,why the answer is “bring”? . Thanks
Hi Rebecca!You r so wonderful mam.I got 100% marks.I can easily understand your lesson.Thnks for your teaching.
useful lesson
Thank you Rebecca
Honestly, you own the communication fiber.
I am very happy to receive from you as you know doing It, step by step.
Thanks Rebecca .
I got 5/6! Thanks Rebecca!
Really thanks Rebecca. I’ve learned many confusing subject from your lessons.
You got 6 correct out of 6.
thank you
I got 5 correct out of 6!
6 correct out of 6. Thanks
Thank you Ms. Rebecca!
Great lesson. Thank you, Rebecca.
Thank you so much mam.Great lesson!
Thank you mam for such amazing videos and you really good teacher
Mam I’m really confused in advice or advise mam may you please understand me?
Thanks both Rebecca and engVid.
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 07Sept2021);
amazing way of learning.
This lesson makes my English skill better
I watched this video twice on March 23, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 6.
I got 5/6.
Thank you!
Well done Rebecca.I have observed that my english has improve remarkably.Thanks to you.
Is there any way I can submit my english writing to you?I’ll wait for your reply.
a great lesson. i enjoy it.