Every language is also a culture. Make sure you know the one habit you MUST avoid to succeed in North American and British cultures. I’ll also teach you 14 other mistakes in English etiquette and manners, such as what not to ask, when not to speak, and what not to wear to the office. Knowing what NOT to say and do will give you the cultural keys to success in your personal, social, and professional life.
You are a wonderful teacher, Rebecca! You have the ability to explain everything so well! These rules are really very important to everyone of all cultures… I’d like to say that here, in Brazil we also follow (at least we try) all these rules you’ve taught in your last two lessons…Very, very useful!!!
I agree with you Janilza
moustafa abdelmegeed
I also agree with Janilza
I fully agree with you, Janilza, with the exception that in Brazil when two women (or a man and a woman) met they commonly kiss one cheek (in São Paulo) or both cheeks (in Rio de janeiro).
Luiz Alberto
I agree with you too. She is great!
Thank you Rebecca for your lesson
Jesús R.
You are a wonderful teacher,Rebecca!thank you f
or lesson
hossam alden
You are a wonderful teacher
Hello Teacher Rebecca!
I just want to thank you for the wonderful lesson. You explained them so widely ( broadly). I enjoyed it so much. I just found this site and I am so happy, believe me.
why video is not being shown?
sana ullah abbasi
Thank you!!!!It is very useful!!! :)
ortiz feria
Thank you, Rebecca, for your calmly teaching. Your teaching style reassures us. I agree with Janilza. I’m from Italy and we share the same rules. Even though there are many people that has to listen to this video… in all languages! ;-)
I like your comment, gianpieropiccolo…:) Thank you!
I liked it! Thanks Rebecca!! Should you talk about business vocabulary??? Greetings from E.S.
Hi Rebecca!I have to admit that this lesson wasn’t dedicated directly for me. These are just basics and I don’t want to be rude, but I can hardly imagine a person who doesn’t know them, maybe because I’m from Europe :)
My problem is that sometimes I don’t know how to behave when it comes to talk with someone older than me in semi-official situation. To be more accurately I’ll give you an example – I was working at information point at the big music festival area in an information point. There was a man much more older than other people out there. He was a gentle and witty at the same time and I realized that I don’t know how to speak with him! Should I add “Sir” to the end of the sentences? Or should it be a “Mr” ? In my native language we use “mr” very often, but I found this quite rarely used in english (or maybe I just couldn’t find a good usage). I’d love to see a lesson about that, or at least your answer to this message. All the best!
Damian L.
In English we generally don’t use “Mr” unless we are using it with the person’s last name. You’re right, “sir” is appropriate to use with customers. For women, the equivalent is “ma’am”, or (if they are very young) “miss”.
That’s a good lesson idea! I’ll add it to the list.
engVid Moderator
Thank you for your answer. I wasn’t sure if “sir” is appropriate because I knew it’s also a title for people with noble origins :)
Damian L.
Hi Rebecca, I shouldn’t interrupt conversation. My bad habit. Thank you :)
Thank you very much.
Good lesson Rebecca!!! A lot of thanks for your help! I absolutely like watch your classes! You explane everythings very clear.
Cristiano Rodrigues
Thank you very much for this lesson.
Thanks so much it is very useful for me. i will try to avoid this bad manner so that i can improve communications.
I got 5/10. I’m impolite :((
thank you Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca!
thanks, teacher but I want let you know, my Arabian culture if I don’t kiss a new guy I just met him First time on his face to show him I respect him and if I avoid to kiss him it’s going to take it as a Insult , so when I moved to USA, some American Friends thought I am Gay but I was practice my culture , so I stoped do it, hahahaah
Thank you Rebecca! Good lesson.
oops~I`m one who loud voice in public spaceㅜ.
I`ll change the bad habit.
Thank you Rebecca for helpful lecture~
hi rebecca we work at the municipality in turkey , please can you make a video about council , municipality , public service , I mean ; tax , water suply , waste management ,petition …
That’s a good idea, I’ll add it to the list of lesson suggestions!
engVid Moderator
Hey Mrs. Rebecca ,
I want to ask you question :
what is the mistake in this sentence : She still slept when I was waking her up .
Really I like your lesson too much.
Thank Rebbecca
Thank you Rebbeca, excelent as usual.
You are awesome ma’m, i mean the way you teach us is simply awesome.I really mean it.
Both videos are worthy,you know what i think sometimes is that we’re lucky enough that we get such video-classes, thank you very-very much for all that you do for us on ENGVID.
Wish you a very very very good day!
I’m having One question – could you please tell me that what’s difference between ‘also’ and ‘as well as’?
AND please also highlight the way native speakers use all of these words in everyday conversation?
Hope you’ll answer me……
Thanking you!
finally am now one of the members here yaaaaay .Thanks for the lesson. I love u Rebecca so much and I love your way in teaching and i love engVid teachers, too ^O^
Rebecca, thanks a lot.
Thanks Teacher, Good lesson
you’re teaching very well,its a very useful lesson for me. …
thank u so much
Biswarup singha
Thank you for all the information. Your lesson was very useful. I can understand you better now.
Thank you.
many thanks you are Wonderful
hi Rebecca.Your explaining expressions are more important for me.Your teaching methods are playing leading role for me.Thank you very much
Aqil Azeri
Is engvid (North American for instance) taking the rest of the world for uncivilized and uncouth? Ms Rebecca, thank you!
Thank u very much
Thank you Rebecca.
Carlos Eduardo Veneziani
answering for question7 was absolutely wrong we should not talk about money i mean salary or weights in front of everyone
Thank you for you help.
Freddi Salinas Torres
Hi! Rebecca, I’m from Laos I really interesting in English and also I like your teaching style
Hello everybody :) I suggest, for all Quiz, to show the total number of the questions and which question you are. Just to people have an idea of how long it will be. Tks. This site is very very helpful. Congratulations to all profesors.
unique (lesson+teacher) as usual ….. thank you from the deeps of my heart
Engr. Essam Al Madhy
good try
thank you!!
Thanks for your teaching. I try to answer although It’s hard for me.
Rebecca and EngVid, Thank you very much!!! My score was 90 :-)
excellent job….i love your ideas thanks for sharing it.
priyansh mishra
Hi Rebecca
Thank you for your wonderful lesson.
very good lesson and so clear…
Thank you!!!
I took 9 out of 10 :D that’s good
thank you Mrs.Rebecca!
I’m very happy to be part of ur site. very good teacher
Rebecca,thank you for the lesson.
Santo Lara
What nice 15 points you have taught us in this lesson. It´s very useful to know those to be polite and nice people to others. Thank you so much.
Thank You Rebeca for your professional skills.
Thank you rebecca .Realy very important rules to be polite !!
Rahma English
Lovely lesson, thank you very much.
Thank you Rebecca,I learnt a lot of things from your teaching.
Thank you Rebecca. These rules are really useful for me.
Thanks a lot
Sanduni Kalpana
Thank you teacher.
Thank you Rebeca.
Thank you Rebecca.
your teaching is well,and its easy to understand to listener or student. keep it up
Great class, thanks a lot!!!
I’ve heard Rebeca’s lesson once so I expected to listen to about polite and impolite expressions in English language. The things which I’ve heard were awful! I’m extremely sorry but it sounds very rude, offensive or at least strange! Who is she speaking to? Baboons? In our country it’s absolutely impolite to teach people elementary manners!
I am sorry…But I feel the same…
Liliya Lebedeva
I don’t think you fully understand Teacher’s lesson.try watch it again
Alhamdolillah 100 % i understand Ms Rebecca and Ms Valen but other teachers are very fast
Abdul Qayum
thank you so much
Thank You Rebeca, very useful in Daily Life …
Les Bloehs
thx Rebeca,really interesting lesson.
Hi Rebeca, you’re great teacher but the most of these rules that you talk about the people of the world practice. It´s not only north american culture.In Brazil, the only difference is : the people touch and kiss each other.
why they don’t give all subtitle? Some words i can’t hear!
yeeeeeeeey 10/10 :) thank you very much
sara lotfy
Thanks a lot. It will be very usefull in social events.
hi teacher,Iam new here ,thank u about this main intsructions about bad manners that poeple shall avoid using them.
hi teacher . Im new here and i got 9 ! so nice so hopefull and thank u ! :)
9/10 Good lesson, as usual!
Rebecca,je t’adore!
tks for helping
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! Your prunanciation is perfect!
Good reminders! Thanks Rebecca! :)
Grace Rivera
Thank you for your teaching !
thank you somuch
Thank you Rebecca.Greatly presented.
Thank you Rebbeca
thank you Rebbeca
never ever pick your nose because it’s gross.
wither star123
Thank you Rebecca. good advices.
Good tips, Rebbeca. Basic information is always useful. I’ve never heard about fragrance-free environment before. Thank you for this lesson.
Luiz Alberto
I agree with Janilza.
rebbeca is a perfect english teacher and from my perspective, her ability to explain the lessons is very gooood!
I think these manners are the basic manners in all cultures…
Thank you Rebbeca.
In portugal the behavior between persons is similar.
A handshake of gratitude.
Carlos Guerreiro
Hi There!
Why I’m unable to use loud voice!
Even when i or other need it! How i can overcome with this problem!
Rahul Ji
I got 10 correct out of 10.
:D, thank you Rebecca
I need to learn what not to say. Somehow, I missed some of the unspoken rules growing up in rough neighborhood.
Hi Rebecca,
thank you for your great lesson.
take care
it is a very good lesson that is mandatory for all of us to learn and follow.thank you very much.
Dr.K.Akash Krishnan
Thank you, teacher!
In Laos we also followed those rules, many thanks
So many thanks!
I took 6 quizzes, all are 10 out of 10 :D
Taiba Na
Thank you Rebecca, in Germany we follow these roles also.
Thank you Rebecca
dont talk swear words . dont make phone calls either 9 in the morning or past 7:30 in the evening when they have children . ask her what do you wear in different social events? dont blow the breath on the face .stay away from her when you both have a conversation . if you smoke ,you must go out there .
What a great teacher you are!!!!!
These rules may seem common sense, but I’ve seen people doing the listed things many times without even questioning their habits.It’s nice to always stress the importance of social etiquette, even if customs vary from places to places. Thank you very much, Rebecca! :)
Tiago de Souza da Silva
I got 100% :) Thanks Rebecca!
Ho Tri Thuc
Thank you :)
THANK YOU….you are best teacher
hassan aaa
10 of 10 thank you Rebecca. I never heard nothing about fragrance free zones.
got 9 out of 10 , thank you madam for this interesting topic, really injoyed while learning . thank you for these things to let us know
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks remind us to be polite.
Every day, we should avoid these bad manners.
Best regards.
according to the long comment above –
to be more accurately – not correct.
to be more accurate- correct.
and I hope that I am right.
what do you think Rebecca?
I’ve noticed that you’re so often in your videos mentioning the north American culture, why its that different from the other parts of States, south for example? especially in English Language matters?
warm kisses.
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
Being polite is important wherever you are. thank you
ya to agree
mahindra singh
this video is no useful
So cool!
carlos 2138
I don,t understand quize 7th question.
what to say of wish to boss or seniors
Thank you so much, teacher! Some of these manners seems obvious, but I have made several of these actions in front of strange people and I didn’t realize that I was being rude. See you, then.
Thank you Rebecca
Said S
what is a fragance free zone ? question 8.
I want to say thank you very much Rebecca.
after I saw your taught it very useful to me.
THANK Rebeca
Miguel Frontado
There are few of bad manners that you mentioned here that I had not known before.
Thank you! Your lesson is very helpful.
I like your class, sometimes you speak a little bit quickly for me, but is well. Thanks
Jose Maria
Thank you!
dear Mrs Rebecca,, good knowing to make a relation to a people. Namaste
Like your class the most, so far! articulate points, great!
Hi Rebecca! Thanks for your class! He in Brazil is pretty much like that, except by point number 8,9 and 14 (people here use to much perfum to work). So we have to be carefull with these when we are at America.
Thank you!!
thank you
Thanks a lot,enjoy your lessons
Thank You Very Much Rebecca
i got 80%
Thank you, for teaching us about ‘manners.’
I got 90%,I made a mistake I wrong the 6
Paulo Henrique Sa vale
Hi Rebecca . I would ask you to teach us how to describe our bad things we have in our body or our appearance etc , sometimes we do not use the better word to express very well,for example :somebody said that he got little bit of fat ..the others told him that was very bad to use..If you please Rebecca teach us how to describe ourselves correctly ..Thank you very much.
In foreign countries we have good manners as well and maybe better. don`t mistake you little rebecca.
jesus garcia vidal
Oops, I dropped one question of the Quiz cuz I didn’t notice that it says “NOT say” I thought it “Say”,
but it’s okay I got 9 correct out of 10.
after all, thank you, Rebecca, I liked this lesson too,
it will be helpful if I traveled to North America one day.
Samah At
You got 10 correct out of 10.thanks…
M kartal
Wow I got corrected all questions ..Thanks Rebecca for the lesson
thank you teacher
Thanks Rebecca!
Very useful lesson
Thanks Rebecca.
9/10, thanks a lot! I`d like the funny answer “if he doesn`t seem to mind” about clapping).
Thank you , Rebeca,? for this value information ??
Excellent !! Thanks Rebecca
Umesh kr Singh
Dear, Could you please explain how do download your clips – Thank You
Great lesson!
Thank you Rebecca .
thanks a lot, Rebecca,hugs (Kazakhstan 17 Dec2o21:)
Hello, firstly I must thank you for your time and for being detailed about the teachings! Please, I would like to have this cleared! It is about spelling. What is the correct spelling for this word ; odor or odour?
Learn English for free with 2149 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
You are a wonderful teacher, Rebecca! You have the ability to explain everything so well! These rules are really very important to everyone of all cultures… I’d like to say that here, in Brazil we also follow (at least we try) all these rules you’ve taught in your last two lessons…Very, very useful!!!
I agree with you Janilza
I also agree with Janilza
I fully agree with you, Janilza, with the exception that in Brazil when two women (or a man and a woman) met they commonly kiss one cheek (in São Paulo) or both cheeks (in Rio de janeiro).
I agree with you too. She is great!
Thank you Rebecca for your lesson
You are a wonderful teacher,Rebecca!thank you f
or lesson
You are a wonderful teacher
Hello Teacher Rebecca!
I just want to thank you for the wonderful lesson. You explained them so widely ( broadly). I enjoyed it so much. I just found this site and I am so happy, believe me.
why video is not being shown?
Thank you!!!!It is very useful!!! :)
Thank you, Rebecca, for your calmly teaching. Your teaching style reassures us. I agree with Janilza. I’m from Italy and we share the same rules. Even though there are many people that has to listen to this video… in all languages! ;-)
I like your comment, gianpieropiccolo…:) Thank you!
I liked it! Thanks Rebecca!! Should you talk about business vocabulary??? Greetings from E.S.
Hi Rebecca!I have to admit that this lesson wasn’t dedicated directly for me. These are just basics and I don’t want to be rude, but I can hardly imagine a person who doesn’t know them, maybe because I’m from Europe :)
My problem is that sometimes I don’t know how to behave when it comes to talk with someone older than me in semi-official situation. To be more accurately I’ll give you an example – I was working at information point at the big music festival area in an information point. There was a man much more older than other people out there. He was a gentle and witty at the same time and I realized that I don’t know how to speak with him! Should I add “Sir” to the end of the sentences? Or should it be a “Mr” ? In my native language we use “mr” very often, but I found this quite rarely used in english (or maybe I just couldn’t find a good usage). I’d love to see a lesson about that, or at least your answer to this message. All the best!
In English we generally don’t use “Mr” unless we are using it with the person’s last name. You’re right, “sir” is appropriate to use with customers. For women, the equivalent is “ma’am”, or (if they are very young) “miss”.
That’s a good lesson idea! I’ll add it to the list.
Thank you for your answer. I wasn’t sure if “sir” is appropriate because I knew it’s also a title for people with noble origins :)
Hi Rebecca, I shouldn’t interrupt conversation. My bad habit. Thank you :)
Thank you very much.
Good lesson Rebecca!!! A lot of thanks for your help! I absolutely like watch your classes! You explane everythings very clear.
Thank you very much for this lesson.
Thanks so much it is very useful for me. i will try to avoid this bad manner so that i can improve communications.
I got 5/10. I’m impolite :((
thank you Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca!
thanks, teacher but I want let you know, my Arabian culture if I don’t kiss a new guy I just met him First time on his face to show him I respect him and if I avoid to kiss him it’s going to take it as a Insult , so when I moved to USA, some American Friends thought I am Gay but I was practice my culture , so I stoped do it, hahahaah
Thank you Rebecca! Good lesson.
oops~I`m one who loud voice in public spaceㅜ.
I`ll change the bad habit.
Thank you Rebecca for helpful lecture~
hi rebecca we work at the municipality in turkey , please can you make a video about council , municipality , public service , I mean ; tax , water suply , waste management ,petition …
That’s a good idea, I’ll add it to the list of lesson suggestions!
Hey Mrs. Rebecca ,
I want to ask you question :
what is the mistake in this sentence : She still slept when I was waking her up .
Really I like your lesson too much.
Thank Rebbecca
Thank you Rebbeca, excelent as usual.
You are awesome ma’m, i mean the way you teach us is simply awesome.I really mean it.
Both videos are worthy,you know what i think sometimes is that we’re lucky enough that we get such video-classes, thank you very-very much for all that you do for us on ENGVID.
Wish you a very very very good day!
I’m having One question – could you please tell me that what’s difference between ‘also’ and ‘as well as’?
AND please also highlight the way native speakers use all of these words in everyday conversation?
Hope you’ll answer me……
Thanking you!
finally am now one of the members here yaaaaay .Thanks for the lesson. I love u Rebecca so much and I love your way in teaching and i love engVid teachers, too ^O^
Rebecca, thanks a lot.
Thanks Teacher, Good lesson
you’re teaching very well,its a very useful lesson for me. …
thank u so much
Thank you for all the information. Your lesson was very useful. I can understand you better now.
Thank you.
many thanks you are Wonderful
hi Rebecca.Your explaining expressions are more important for me.Your teaching methods are playing leading role for me.Thank you very much
Is engvid (North American for instance) taking the rest of the world for uncivilized and uncouth? Ms Rebecca, thank you!
Thank u very much
Thank you Rebecca.
answering for question7 was absolutely wrong we should not talk about money i mean salary or weights in front of everyone
Thank you for you help.
Hi! Rebecca, I’m from Laos I really interesting in English and also I like your teaching style
Hello everybody :) I suggest, for all Quiz, to show the total number of the questions and which question you are. Just to people have an idea of how long it will be. Tks. This site is very very helpful. Congratulations to all profesors.
unique (lesson+teacher) as usual ….. thank you from the deeps of my heart
Engr. Essam Al Madhy
good try
thank you!!
Thanks for your teaching. I try to answer although It’s hard for me.
Rebecca and EngVid, Thank you very much!!! My score was 90 :-)
excellent job….i love your ideas thanks for sharing it.
Hi Rebecca
Thank you for your wonderful lesson.
very good lesson and so clear…
Thank you!!!
I took 9 out of 10 :D that’s good
thank you Mrs.Rebecca!
I’m very happy to be part of ur site. very good teacher
Rebecca,thank you for the lesson.
What nice 15 points you have taught us in this lesson. It´s very useful to know those to be polite and nice people to others. Thank you so much.
Thank You Rebeca for your professional skills.
Thank you rebecca .Realy very important rules to be polite !!
Lovely lesson, thank you very much.
Thank you Rebecca,I learnt a lot of things from your teaching.
Thank you Rebecca. These rules are really useful for me.
Thanks a lot
Thank you teacher.
Thank you Rebeca.
Thank you Rebecca.
your teaching is well,and its easy to understand to listener or student. keep it up
Great class, thanks a lot!!!
I’ve heard Rebeca’s lesson once so I expected to listen to about polite and impolite expressions in English language. The things which I’ve heard were awful! I’m extremely sorry but it sounds very rude, offensive or at least strange! Who is she speaking to? Baboons? In our country it’s absolutely impolite to teach people elementary manners!
I am sorry…But I feel the same…
I don’t think you fully understand Teacher’s lesson.try watch it again
Alhamdolillah 100 % i understand Ms Rebecca and Ms Valen but other teachers are very fast
thank you so much
Thank You Rebeca, very useful in Daily Life …
thx Rebeca,really interesting lesson.
Hi Rebeca, you’re great teacher but the most of these rules that you talk about the people of the world practice. It´s not only north american culture.In Brazil, the only difference is : the people touch and kiss each other.
why they don’t give all subtitle? Some words i can’t hear!
yeeeeeeeey 10/10 :) thank you very much
Thanks a lot. It will be very usefull in social events.
hi teacher,Iam new here ,thank u about this main intsructions about bad manners that poeple shall avoid using them.
hi teacher . Im new here and i got 9 ! so nice so hopefull and thank u ! :)
9/10 Good lesson, as usual!
Rebecca,je t’adore!
tks for helping
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! Your prunanciation is perfect!
Good reminders! Thanks Rebecca! :)
Thank you for your teaching !
thank you somuch
Thank you Rebecca.Greatly presented.
Thank you Rebbeca
thank you Rebbeca
never ever pick your nose because it’s gross.
Thank you Rebecca. good advices.
Good tips, Rebbeca. Basic information is always useful. I’ve never heard about fragrance-free environment before. Thank you for this lesson.
I agree with Janilza.
rebbeca is a perfect english teacher and from my perspective, her ability to explain the lessons is very gooood!
I think these manners are the basic manners in all cultures…
Thank you Rebbeca.
In portugal the behavior between persons is similar.
A handshake of gratitude.
Hi There!
Why I’m unable to use loud voice!
Even when i or other need it! How i can overcome with this problem!
I got 10 correct out of 10.
:D, thank you Rebecca
I need to learn what not to say. Somehow, I missed some of the unspoken rules growing up in rough neighborhood.
Hi Rebecca,
thank you for your great lesson.
take care
it is a very good lesson that is mandatory for all of us to learn and follow.thank you very much.
Thank you, teacher!
In Laos we also followed those rules, many thanks
So many thanks!
I took 6 quizzes, all are 10 out of 10 :D
Thank you Rebecca, in Germany we follow these roles also.
Thank you Rebecca
dont talk swear words . dont make phone calls either 9 in the morning or past 7:30 in the evening when they have children . ask her what do you wear in different social events? dont blow the breath on the face .stay away from her when you both have a conversation . if you smoke ,you must go out there .
What a great teacher you are!!!!!
These rules may seem common sense, but I’ve seen people doing the listed things many times without even questioning their habits.It’s nice to always stress the importance of social etiquette, even if customs vary from places to places. Thank you very much, Rebecca! :)
I got 100% :) Thanks Rebecca!
Thank you :)
THANK YOU….you are best teacher
10 of 10 thank you Rebecca. I never heard nothing about fragrance free zones.
got 9 out of 10 , thank you madam for this interesting topic, really injoyed while learning . thank you for these things to let us know
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks remind us to be polite.
Every day, we should avoid these bad manners.
Best regards.
according to the long comment above –
to be more accurately – not correct.
to be more accurate- correct.
and I hope that I am right.
what do you think Rebecca?
I’ve noticed that you’re so often in your videos mentioning the north American culture, why its that different from the other parts of States, south for example? especially in English Language matters?
warm kisses.
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Being polite is important wherever you are. thank you
ya to agree
this video is no useful
So cool!
I don,t understand quize 7th question.
what to say of wish to boss or seniors
Thank you so much, teacher! Some of these manners seems obvious, but I have made several of these actions in front of strange people and I didn’t realize that I was being rude. See you, then.
Thank you Rebecca
what is a fragance free zone ? question 8.
I want to say thank you very much Rebecca.
after I saw your taught it very useful to me.
THANK Rebeca
There are few of bad manners that you mentioned here that I had not known before.
Thank you! Your lesson is very helpful.
I like your class, sometimes you speak a little bit quickly for me, but is well. Thanks
Thank you!
dear Mrs Rebecca,, good knowing to make a relation to a people. Namaste
Like your class the most, so far! articulate points, great!
Hi Rebecca! Thanks for your class! He in Brazil is pretty much like that, except by point number 8,9 and 14 (people here use to much perfum to work). So we have to be carefull with these when we are at America.
Thank you!!
thank you
Thanks a lot,enjoy your lessons
Thank You Very Much Rebecca
i got 80%
Thank you, for teaching us about ‘manners.’
I got 90%,I made a mistake I wrong the 6
Hi Rebecca . I would ask you to teach us how to describe our bad things we have in our body or our appearance etc , sometimes we do not use the better word to express very well,for example :somebody said that he got little bit of fat ..the others told him that was very bad to use..If you please Rebecca teach us how to describe ourselves correctly ..Thank you very much.
In foreign countries we have good manners as well and maybe better. don`t mistake you little rebecca.
Oops, I dropped one question of the Quiz cuz I didn’t notice that it says “NOT say” I thought it “Say”,
but it’s okay I got 9 correct out of 10.
after all, thank you, Rebecca, I liked this lesson too,
it will be helpful if I traveled to North America one day.
You got 10 correct out of 10.thanks…
Wow I got corrected all questions ..Thanks Rebecca for the lesson
thank you teacher
Thanks Rebecca!
Very useful lesson
Thanks Rebecca.
9/10, thanks a lot! I`d like the funny answer “if he doesn`t seem to mind” about clapping).
Thank you , Rebeca,? for this value information ??
Excellent !! Thanks Rebecca
Dear, Could you please explain how do download your clips – Thank You
Great lesson!
Thank you Rebecca .
thanks a lot, Rebecca,hugs (Kazakhstan 17 Dec2o21:)
Hello, firstly I must thank you for your time and for being detailed about the teachings! Please, I would like to have this cleared! It is about spelling. What is the correct spelling for this word ; odor or odour?
I got 10/10.
Thank you! :)
thanks Rebecca, great class!