In this ESL lesson, I explain how to pronounce past tense regular verbs in English. Please leave a comment if anything is unclear or if you have any questions.
Hello Rebecca,
I’m really appreciate your video lessons.
When I was founding out an English information, I found your webpage. It’s quite good. I’m sure that It’s going to improve my english skills.
I’d like to know “L”, “R” pronunciation.
It’s really difficult for me who is KOREAN.
Thanks in advance.
Dear Charlie,
This is Bill Ralens here from In your post, you asked about the pronunciation for L and R. I first suggest getting a mirror so you can watch yourself. Feedback is everything you know. To pronounce R, open your mouth, place your hands in front of your face and breathe out like you are wanting to waRm up your hands. R is waRm. To pronounce L, place the tip of your tongue on the back of your top two center teeth. Suck air in and you’ll notice that the air feels coLd on your tongue. L is coLd. That is how you pronounce L and R.
Thanks for helping out, Bill.
Hi,Rebecca,Could you tell me how about the exam levels of English in the world?And please give me some advice how to learn more international or North English in China.Thanks for your lively courses.
Actually Bill to pronounce L you put the end of your tongue on your lower teeth keeping rest of your tongue flat and exhale across the top of your mouth never moving your tongue and pronounce from your throat
Charles Clay
Hi. I heard about this site from my foreign friend but I can’t view your videos here in China. Do you have any alternatives? Hope you can help me out with this. I want to be a fan of your videos too, same as my friend. Thanks!
Hi xiaojana. You will have to use a “proxy” that will allow you to view YouTube videos in China. Right now there is no other option. We are hoping in the future to put our lessons on Youku or a similar Chinese site.
you should sign in a account of google mail(gmail),then use gmail proxy,you should set parameters of IE or firefox,then activate command,then view this’s very useful and free my question is similar to you but solved by myself.
you are a very good teacher thank you
i just would like to thank you for your great efforts and wonderful informations
thanks a lot for everything, you a great person, I’m from Perú and Learnt a lot with your videos thanks
Hi Rebecca!!
thank you very much for show these videos, i´m going to take an english test next week for my college, becuase i want to take all my college classes in english, but first, i need to pass that test.
i already watched all your videos, you have been such a great help for me, thanks Rebbeca.
Hi Rebecca,
I’m really happy to watch your video lessons. These are really helpful to improve our English knowledge. You are doing a good job, keep it up. This is my first time, but I wish to be with your lessons in future. Thank you.
jeyapriya thusyanthan
hello rebecca
you are avery good teacher.
hi rebeca i really appreciate your lesson but i think you can help me a lot if u send me a list of verbs with ending ed and d and expain me how can i know which of the words i have to pronouns in the right way thank you dear theacher. and god bless you
Hi Rebbeca… i will also like to receive same information Hector requested. I’m trying to be a translator and this would be really helpful for my pronunciation
I was very excited to find ur website, and and i appreciete it.
I would like to thank u for ur videos lesson, and it absolutly help
me to prove my english.
Weyl furatay
thanks a lot realy it’s a great job thanks again
Hello Rebecca,
Thanks a lot for your lessons. I would appreciate if you can send me a bigger list of regular verbs and their pronunciation. I understood your explanation about them, but I do not know how can I know the right way of pronunciation. Is there any rule to follow?
Thanks in advance,
There are three rules to pronounce past tense verbs.
1. The past tense ( ed) is pronounced as (t) when the last sound in the present tense is voiceless :
Ex: Look — Looked (t)
Miss — Missed
Stop — Stopped
2. The past tense (ed) is pronounced as (d) when the last sound in the present tense verb is a Vowel or a voiced consonant
Ex : Love — Loved (d)
Stay — Stayed
Tune — Tuned
3. The past tense (ed) is pronounced as (id) when the last sound in the present tense verb is t or d
Ex : End — Ended (id)
Brand– Branded
paste — pasted
I hope this will help you.
Thankx for the detail information. That is I want to know.
Great advice, thank you!
Great. Thanks ;)
Do “appeciated” get /id/ sound? the result of the quiz give it like mistake. thanks for your help.
4. appreciated
in this situation, why is the correct answer is letter b? can you help me?
thank you
Thanks to all of you for your feedback and please let me know if there are other topics you would like to have me explain.
English pronunciation has a lot of variations, but keep listening carefully and don’t give up.
Sandra and Hector – I will email you some information about what you’ve asked about.
Hi Rebecca! thank you for this video lesson, the pronunciation of the past tense regular verb is a big problem for me
Hi Rebecca, like Sandra and Hector, could you send a list of verbs with ending ed and d and their pronunciation ?
Thanks a lot.
Hi Rebecca, like Sandra and Hector, could you send me a list of verbs and their pronunciation ?
Thanks so much!
Dear Rebecca:
Since june i’m studying english, and for me is very hard to understand the correct pronuntiation of regular verbs in past tense, so i need a lot of help from you; first as well as Sandra and Hector i need a list of regular verbs with their corrects pronuntations also i want a list about the usual irregular verbs.
I hope to get your response soon, thanks a lot.
This is my first view at your website it’s amazing!!!!
Regards, george ;)
thanks 4 posting your videos. Could you cast some light as 2 how 2 pronounce thew u vowel. For instance pool and pull; fool and full. thanks again
carlos blanco
Hi Carlos
Thanks for your comments.
In the word pull or full the u is short as in the words up, cup or nut. It’s a kind of “uh” sound.
In pool and fool the u sound is longer, like “oo” and you need to bring your lips together into a kind of o shape.
Hope this helps.
Hi George
Glad you found the lesson helpful. There are many grammar books which provide a list of the irregular English verbs. For example, you can look at the back of English Grammar In Use by Raymond Murphy.
It’s kind of difficult to find a list of the regular verbs and how they sound because there are so many of them. There are some guidelines you can follow by looking into an English pronunciation book. You can also try to listen carefully to good native speaker pronunciation and you can learn well that way.
Good luck to you!
Hi Rebecca!
How r you?
You’re good at explaning I was a little confuse wit this topic of pronunciation, but I saw u and Im not anymore thank you :)
Israel Banda
Thanks, Israel. Glad I could help. Good luck with your English!
Hi Rebecca
you are very good teacher .
I’m going to appeare in IELTS exam that’s why I need your help. Basically I belong to urdu medium. Would you please guide me how can I get 7 band.
Hi Rabia
The IELTS is quite a challenging exam. Please allow enough time to prepare for it. The speakers have English and Australian accents on the listening sections of the exam and you must get used to this.
It will give you a lot of information, tips and strategies to get a higher score on the exam.
You also need to get hold of a good IELTS exam preparation guide book, such as Cambridge or any of those you see recommened on the website above.
Work through the tests, find out your weaker areas, and then do lots of additional practice to strengthen yourself in those areas.
It would certainly be helpful to attend a good IELTS preparation class if you can. You need to get feedback from a teacher on your IELTS writing.
Make sure you know whether you need to take the General or Academic IELTS.
All the best to you, Rabia.
Needless to say u r a very good teacher. Your gesture,body language, voice quality and tone are perfact and flawless. Keep learning good english in a very simple and interested way.
Thanks for your kind words, Surya. I wish you all the best.
Hello Rebecca! You are a great teacher . I ´ve learned a lot from your class . Thank you very much , but I was wondering if you could help me to improve my listening skills , I am going to take TOEFL exam again and I want to reach a higher score . Please can you email me some information?
Thanks a lot!
Aside from doing extra practice from various TOEFL guidebooks, you might want to look for a really good listening book and CD called Learn to Listen, Listen to Learn. It has many helpful exercises to build up your listening skills.
Remember also that taking notes effectively will make a big difference to your listening score, as well as your integrated writing response.
Thanks For you
Hi, your lessons are great! I’m using them here in Slovakia to teach adults. Some of your videos the focus is not constant. Some camera advice…the camera should have an infinity focus setting. Try setting it to that setting, it should stay focused on the board and not go out of focus when you step forward. It should also sufficiently keep you in focus when you step forward. Keep up the great work! TJ
Hi. I’m happy you are finding the lessons useful. It’s wonderful to hear all the different countries that the lessons are being watched in. Thanks for the technical suggestions, too. The problems you’re talking about shouldn’t appear in our newer English lessons, but please let us know if you do have other suggestions. Thanks for watching!
I’ve really learned this for the very first time.
thanks a ton
aijaz khatti
hi…i have a query..if ‘kissed’ or ‘worked’ ends with ‘t’ sound then how does ‘killed’ pronunciation ends with? how to chose words for correct pronunciation? …
‘Killed’ ends with a d sound. Check with a pronunciation book for a more detailed explanation.
Thank you teacher! I did the quiz and I got 50 :( But thank you for the information you give too! I am going to practice more then the usual!
Yes, keep at it and you will surely improve. By the way, you should actually say,
I am going to practice more than usual.
Hello Rebecca,
first i want to say ty for the leassons i like and enjoy them..
i start to learn english just before a few months, so sorry for all the grammer mistakes..
i didnt understand about the ID, what is the diffrent?
if is right to read them with “d”
i have a nother juestion, i dunno if u can help
do u know if they are here some leasons that teach how to read properly?, how to pronounce word
tank you
i wanted to ask something else,
how i know that what are the vervs that i need to pronounce with “t” “d” “id”
how i compared?
Hi Yanina
There are many good English pronunciation kits available which can help you. Look for them online under ‘Improving English Pronunciation’
Otherwise, you could join a course or find a good private teacher to make quicker progress in English.
All the best to you.
Dear Ms rebecca ,
Many thankes to you for teaching us this english in esay way I’m happy to find this site and I want to offer many thanks to and your team
do you mind to give me or us your link such as email or your account on facebook or tiwtter to talk with you
I have problm in english i kown many vocablary but when I want to talk in english iI don’t know how i put the worh one after one and about grammer i ask you nicely to teach us more about grammer like how to use if
and what I can do in my problem
many thanks to you
Thanks for the video class. It really helps me a lot, you’re an excellent teacher. I hope some day I’ll speak English as well as you do.
Thank you.
I’m sure you will. Believing in ourselves is what makes everything possible. My best wishes to you.
hi teacher… thank for ur lesson.. for the result of the quiz.. i only correct 3 questions…. T.T sad to see this… haha.. however, may i know when i need to pronoun t, d , id for a verb ?
is it only 1 way to know how to pronoun that is hear other people talk ? sorry again for my poor english
There are some rules, but I believe the easier way would be for you to learn naturally through listening, at this stage.
You don’t need to apologize for your English. How wonderful that you have made so much progress. That’s all any of us can do – keep going, try our best. Each day you will improve.
My best wishes to you.
thank you for teaching i learn a lot i have a good news for you because of you i am the best in english in our room thank you very much
Thank you for all lessons. Can you explain this sentence to me? I could see the waves lapped against the rocks. Someone told me that I should use lapping instead of lapped. Can you tell me why
hello, Rebeca
that is defenitely a very important subject to teach our students. But, you forgot to teach us when we are supposed to sound like “t” or d” , which happens to most of the verbs….then you say, “we have 3 options” it might sound like i can pronounce the verbs whatever way I want, so here are the rules, people:
t sound- verbds ending in – f- k-p-ch-cs-ss
ed sound- verbs ending in t or d
d sound- for the rest of the verbs…
thank you]
hi my best teacher please i want to know is there any rules to know whene you pronociat the verb like d or id or d i want please more details about this thanks a lot mes best wishes
well, i’m so glad to see these video lessons about grammar.
i hope to learn so much from you, so i’ll be watching this page more often.
thanks for everything.
luis c
Thanks Rebecca for your video but i want to know ended word T and D and id please answer and thank’s again
thanks a lot Rebecca.we’re waiting for more lessons.
i would like to thank all the amazing teachers on i would like all of them to send me what is new from the available videos.thanks very much
this is my e-mail
Thanks you. Now I understand more the topic. :)
Fernanda Vega
hello!! thank you very much. i am an amateur teacher, this my first year teaching. i have to look for tips and information that make my class understand the topic easily and this was a perfect example for me.
Hi Robecca, May you recommend for me a website that telling more about how to get correctly pronunciation for regular verbs in past tense,like when we say -ed is -t,-d or -id. Or you may talk about that more detail
Nhat Nguyen
nice.nice.nice….thank u miss you are a very good teacher. and we wait from you and from your partenersother lessons with the same quality.
Very nice, Rebecca. I never knew that in some past regular verbs there is a ‘t’ sound.
I always pronounced (‘d’ sound?) ‘d’ and ‘id’ but never ‘t’ sound.
Well, I really don’t see such a big difference when pronouncing “worked” with ‘d’ and ‘t’.
It somehow always overcome the ‘t’ sound.
I really do not know what I wanted (‘id’?) to say above, but I hope you understood me.
One more thing. You said there are some rules in the last message. Can you tell us what are those rules?
Thank you! Keep up the good work. (This is an idiom, right?)
thank you very much for the video. it’s really a big big BIG help to me as an english instructor.
mary grace vallejera
hi! thanks teacher rebbeca i have so many learn about english ur the best teacher and i watch ur video!:D
Dear Teacher,
i have problem with native speaker Pronounciation when they speak quickly but i cannot catch their message soon.
What can i do?
along with my problem i follow english TV,english web like BBC,VOA and speak with some people accross the world.
do you have anything without which i mention you
Thanks in advance
Ihsanullah Totakhail
Ihsanullah, Totakhail
Thank you so much.
I’ve watched how to teach pronunciation of the past tense verbs.
So I can teach grade6 tomorrow well.
hi rebeca you are a good teacher,I like this class but, how can i know if the end of the word sond whit ´t´ or ´d´? i don´t know that…..
Thank You Rebecca for helping Non-English speakers.I would appreciate more if you can explain us about “Verb”,”Adverb”,”Noun”,”ProNoun” etc..
Thanks in advance.
hi it me constanza again. I clicked the submit comment botom accidentally, rebbeca I want to ask you if u could send me a list of verbs with ending ed and d like Hector
thanks in advance
It’s very basic lesson but very important. Most student don’t care about it when they speak. Thanks.
kyoung mi
50 words in past tense
need now :)
good comment because my commen is I want up girt the 15 and 23 Not marrie we know yes thank girt see you
yeferson sosa
Thank you for this interesting lesson. I’m a intermediate student from Perú and I would like your help to explain how can I know the right way of pronunciation of the first and the second group. The third group, ending with d or t, was clear. Is there any rule to follow for the another groups?
Thanks for your classes, teacher.
You are an excellent teacher. I´ve learned many things from you. I like all your videos.
Could you tell me how to use the words “that” and “so”, please?
God bless you.
hi miss rebbeca. I’d like to ask something about. what is the difference about COULD BE,CAN BE and MIGHT BE? thanks for teaching.. I’ve learn a lot of correct grammar from you.
I want pass the ielts but my English not good i want immigrate to Canada
i want speak English
please give me advice to what i shall do to improve my language .
Thank you Rebecca. It has been an important lesson for me. Pronunciation of past tense verbs has been sort of challenging for many people. You have such a great clarity of speech!
Hi Rebecca I enjoyed the lesson, it was very helpful. In addition I like to thank Bill Ralens for his comment. I sometimes like to read other comments and saw that someone inquired about he letter R & L and I’m just estastic
thank you all
Hey nice video..but I’m in doubt about ..when will I know wich sound I must use?
Hi Rebecca
Could you give us the role for use it.
I made the exercice about “Past Tense Regular Verb Pronunciation” and it correct me “appreciated” with a “d” ending pronunciation and I was thinking it was “id” ?? Could you confirm me please ?
Hi, teacher. thanks for all of lesson and appreciated for your cleared explain me.
how do I realize when to make the right sound (of the three ways you teach in this lesson) when I am speaking, there is some kind of rule???
Great lesson. Thanks.
But need some practice to remember it :)
It is my first time discovered this website and just signed up. I realy appreciate and thank you so much Rebecca, for watching your video is my first encounter on the web.
Stay blessed!
I discovered this website today, and watched some videos, thanks a lot for this quick and helpful lesson.
Hello Rebecca!!!
My name is Akhat Bekturganov. I`m from Aktau in the Kazakhstan. I’m not good at English, I would like to communicate with you via Skype! Do you have free time? My Skype akhat97, waiting!
I don’t Understand!!@_@!
Hello,Rebecca!I really like this video about Past tentse verb pronounciation. I wanna ask you if that verb appreciatied sound like id or d ….?thaks
hello!mss rebecca irealy very happy to write this because ilearnt many things from ur good lesson because i’m a student first year english studies …………ihope to give me same advices ……………..
hello!mss rebecca irealy very happy to write this because ilearnt many things from ur good lesson because i’m a student first year english studies ihope to give me same advices
OK, thanks
hello,i am Mongolian want to improve my english
Hi Rebecca, I love your classes, I have been learning a lot, I was wondering if you could recomend either a class or a book that can help me with my spelling, I’m a horrible speller and I would like to improve. thank you
I would like to know where I can find a sofware or program for English Verbs pronunciation. I would like to have that on ny phone that way I can listening anytime anywhere, everywhere. The would help me enourmesly my my enlglish pronunciation. I am from Colombia and my first language in Spanish. I am goin to apreciate your help
Sandra Jamison
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the video.
Can you please tell how “appreciated” is pronounced, i think its ending sounds with id , am I right?
Hi Rebeca, why when I heard an other pronunciation Is very hard to me to identify this sound, I mean if I heard an american pronunciation I can´t understand a lot. It is normal?
thank you Rebeca. your lesson is the best lesson.
Why appreciated is d and negociated id?
hi, could you help me, how to teach simple past tense effectively to the students?
hi Rebecca….could U help me, how to teach simple past tense effectively to the students?
Thanks teacher I need more practice because i got 6/10 :(
Hallo, Rebecca! Thank you for the lesson! This topic had been a big problem to me for a long time. I used to think that native speakers don’t pronunce the ending -d letter at all, because I rarely heard that sound when I washed films or listen to the music.
Thank you for your time and for this amazing project!
thanks you very much!
melli merci
you are Able woman
Hello Rebecca,
I’m really appreciate your video lessons.
When I was founding out an English information, I found your webpage.
A Sound mind is in a sound body
hi Rebecca
i’m really appreciate ur video lessons
take up
have a good day
No more to say, that Thank You very much.
Best Wishes to You
Hi Rebecca,thank a lot for the interesting class I really appreciate.
Hi . teacher could you help me to identification the verbs end T, D, ID OR PROVIDE LIST OF THE VERBS.THANKS A LOT .
Hi Rebecca,
could you help me how to identify /d/ /t/ and /id/ sounds?
How are you Rebbeca?I have been learning a lot from you.Thanks a lot.You are a good professional,indeed.Congratulations.Tell me please – appreciated –D or ID.?Thanks Rebecca.I wish you all the best.CARLOS SIMOES
How are you Rebecca?Please tell me where the differences among appreciated,demanded and negociated are?You are a very good professional.Congratulations.Thanks a lot in advance.CALOS ALBERTO SIMOES
I have the same question with FreeManStars’s comment,It’s abount the pronuciaton of the “appreciated”.
I need the answer,too.
Lisa Tsai
O have the same real name as u
Rebecca thanks 4 your effort.
I am a Brazilian. Times ago I found a book which taught me that if the verb ends in -TED or -DED, the suffix ED sounds as /ID/. Examples: ADDED, WANTED.
If the last sound of the verb ends in your lips, ED sounds as /T/ as in WASHED /T/, STOPPED /T/.
And if the last sound of the verb is in throat, the suffix ED sound as /D/ such as ARRIVED /D/, TATTOOED /D/.
Do you agree with this, teacher?
i love it to much raally tomorrow i have a diagnostic exam and thid help me so much thanks
rebecca thanks for givin me a lot a i’m conchita fom Argentina i lov yu yu ar de best
Hello Rebecca !
You are my favourite teacher !
Thank you very much !
I am so happy to learn English!
God bless you !!
hello, teacher rebeca ,I jut started to study whith the program and I,d like to know how to start from the beginig becuse sometimes I got confused. so ,Idon,t know how to follow the lesson oder,,but ,Ireally like it..¿is there manual or so that shows how to follow the program.
lisa leger
Hi Lisa. There is no ‘program’ to follow. You can watch any lesson that you think will be useful to you. You can start with the English lessons for Beginners, if you want.
Good lesson Rebecca, but I would have to ask you something about quiz! Look at this example: appreciated
id, The right answer was “d”, but I think it should be “id”. . . Could you tell me what answer is correct? Thank you in advance :)
I really love your lessons.. Thanks a lot!!!
I really love your lessons.. Thanks a lot!!!
its so humiliating
Pls how can I use the word ‘was’ and ‘were’ and’ can’ and’ could’ and ‘did ‘and might
Great lesson C=
hi Rebecca idont know how thank you for your lessson
Thanks Rebaca
Rebecca is the best teacher
Hi Rebecca, I am new to this site and I am all hooked to you –what most Teachers don’t understand you have to take your time with adults that have been out of school for a while and break it down like you, I am going on 50 and need it a little slower -I thank you and keep up the good work.
sorry added in the wrong word–but I love you, and you are a blessing to this site keep it coming.
Hi Rebecca, Thanks for the lesson. If you could go over the rule when should we pronounce “t”, “d”, or “id”, that will be perfect. Julie
thank u for being have a beautiful vidio huh
HI!:) Is this site useful for someone who want to learn the british english? Grammar of american english is same like grammar of british english?? I don’t know how to right set up question…but I hope…Best wishes.:)
There are only small differences between North American and British English, so you should be good!
engVid Moderator
How to define the pattern for the sound of t , d & id?
Thank you teacher.
thanks teacher now I can understood the proununcation past tense regular.
rebeca , I am new
I really want to know that is the exactly list of the regular past verbs which are pronounced as /id/ could you be so kind and corteous to post in in order to memorize and dont make friggin further mistakes
Hi, I’m confused with ‘T’ and ‘d’ sounds. How can I differentiate those words which are pronouned with both ‘T’ and ‘d’ sounds? Thank you! :)
Hi Rebecca! Could you make a video in past participle. When and how to use it. Thank you.
Rebeca, I like so much to hear you, you help me a lot…
Thank you very much teacher
hello i am atheena i am just telling what are examples of regular verbs and give their past forms in our subject english…. may you help me with my assignment….. im a filipino from baguio city…… MABUHAY to all of you….
Hello I am Atheena Ashry I am just telling that what regular verbs transfer from past forms…. please help me with my question please…. I am a Filipino from Phillipines and MABUHAY! to all of you who answered my question :)
Hi Rebecca, I¡m sorry but I`v not undertood still the difference between each pronunciation, thanks !
so interested
thank you so mach
plz teach me past perfect bc0z i d0n’t kn0w how to use it
Hello Rebecca
I would like to thank you for your very useful lessons. I saw in your quiz, you say appreciated is spelled with “d”, but I suppose “id” is correct.
best wishes
Hi Rebecca!
Please help me! What’s difference between alright and all right?
hello hahahaha
Dears theahes,
Iam like all of you learns i learn english form engvid .thanks to vere one ,i shall overcame on myIgnorance.
Hi Miss R?
i have watched your all videos but here in our country English not speaking well
Give me some idea !
thank you so mach
nice au.. cea… pang grade one.. :)\
eng2x n jopaii
you are the best
we pray to have a brilliant teacher(here in Iraq) like you
you are an excellent teacher and your lessons are very easy to understand
Hi Rebecca,
why the word “appreciate” has ending sound /t/ is pronounced /d/?? I think it must to pronounce /id/ but above answer is not like that. So please show me :( :(
Thank u so much! :)
Hi Rebecca,
Can you teach me how to pronoun “I” as “e” or “ai”.
Thank you
hi rebecca i am waibhaw and i m very poor in english speaking and writing can you help me ,i m very anger to learn to good english
please pay attention
dr dre beats
Dear rebecca,
Thanks a lot for your excellent lessons.
I have a little question about the quiz of this lesson: I don’t understand the difference that there is between these 2 verbs negociated and appreciated; both of them ended by “t” but their pronounciation are different. can you please tell me why. Thanks in advance for your help.
Thank you ,, but I want more lessons ,, I got in guiz 50 >>
i want to be your friend.Where you live now? thanks
I wish you were my High school teacher.
the lesson really help, but is there any tip or information that you can still give me to improve in my accent
ibrahim shaba
great lesson. I didn´t know the difference in pronountiation. Greetings from Chile Rebecca.
hi rebecca!
Appreciated is pronounced as d or id. I took a quiz, my answer was id but it says i was wrong. which is really correct pronunciation? thanks.
i need to study more
I have a doubt!
Would you consider these differences important to teach them in a EFL classroom for just kids?
When would you teach it?
Thanks anyway :)
Hey Rebecca, i’m a foreigner from israel.
i think the site is amazingly good to learn english and i hope to improve really soon.
although your video was pretty clear i wanted to ask: when do i know i need to pronounce it ‘t’/’ed’/’id’ ?
you showed some example but you didn’t give guideline.
looking forward for your answer.
BTW, if i wanna learn properly, is there an order for watching videos ?
oh last question, how can i improve my voice infliction and pronunciation while talking ? i can easily express myself over writing but i would say a sentence in 30 second.
again, Thank you Rebecca.
hi thank you very nice teacher for me.
Tnks about it !
it would be helpful to me if you teach me how to pronounce var,were,where,wear,wore
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the lesson. I’ve learned a lot, but I got a question from the quiz. Isn’t “appreciated” pronounced “id”? Thanks a lot!!
I think you right. We must use in this word.
I think you right. We must use id in this word.
And again :).
I think you are right. We must use id in this word.
What is the difference between
1 should have and should have been
2 would have and would have been
3 could have could have been
Hi patilrr ….
should have been –> Which is happened in past …
Should have —- > Which is going to happen in future
would have been — > we assumed that something is happened in past …
would have —> something is going to happen in future ….
could have been –> less possibility of happened in past …
could –> less possibility of something …
Gopinath Vicky
Thank you, Rebecca.
I like these videos.
Could you tell how to pronounce “send to” [send tə] or [sent tə]? And other examples?
I have same doubt ….
Gopinath Vicky
Don’t worry about forgetting gmramar. The mere fact that you are speaking English means that gmramar is constantly being applied and memory is constantly being stimulated. It is fantastic that you are taking the time to teach your students Accent Reduction. With today’s global workforce bringing together all the diverse speakers of English as a second language, it is vital that one’s accent be understood. An understandable accent will make the difference in their job success. Cudos to you!www.askalia.squarespace.comAlia
hi Rebecca, thanx for the lesson. I have a quick question. In the test above it says appreciated is pronounced as “d” instead of “id”. it seems, it ends in “t” sound. if so why is that? please help.
Hi, Rebecca, your lesson is very good but i wont to start from first lesson. I can not to deal what is first lesson, second lesson etc.
Excellent presentaton thank you very much.
I just didn´t undertand the rule to pronunciate t or d. (id is when the word finish in t or d but the other two I´m not sure). regards
Juan Pablo
Thank you Rebecca, this lesson is very good.
Li Ra
Hi Rebecca! Your videos are all great and I have learned a lot from your videos. I’m just wondering why the correct answer for apprecitaed is “d” and not “id”. I took the test and i got one mistake in #4.
4. appreciated
d-correct answer
id-my answer (wrong)
I think you are right. 4 nuvber is wrong in quiz, I think so. Good luck.
You right, the answer for question 4 is wrong. You don’t worry !!!
hello dear Rebecca i believe it is not east at all .But as what you have said we have to know it by heart . Thanks dear again
bye bye
Thanks!!! aproved my skill english grammar good more.
I tried your test and I thought to choose (id) for the verb “appreciate”. Can you tell me why the correct answer is (d) instead? Thank you.
thanks for your lesson
hello, thanks for your lessons, I have a question, I’ve done the quiz, and I thaught for long that “appreciated” is pronounced with ‘id’ rather than’d’, so how could we differenciate between “negotiated” or “granted”?
how to speaking English.
hello, thanks for your lessons, I have a question, I’ve done the quiz, and I thaught for long that “appreciated” is pronounced with ‘id’ rather than’d’, so how could we differenciate between “negotiated” or “granted”?
dhea wulandary
Thank you Rebecca excellent lesson about pronunciation…thanks again
hi. i really engoy ur program. thanks so much, but i can’t acces the video ,so what will i do to get u on video, please help…thanks and keep on teaching.
hi. Ribecca is u i sent the isue of video for.
Hello Rebecca
I want to thank you, this lesson is very useful for me.
I have a remark concerning the quiz:
according to the rule ‘appreciated’ must pronounce like ‘id’, but in the correction I found the correct answer is ‘t’.
Thank you a lot Im learning a lot from you :)
negotiate d is added to form negotiated . so d sound heard .
appreciate add d , too. d sound heard .
I feel confused , why say id sound in the verb –negotiated ?
I thought I had trapped myself . verbs which end by de or te + d , but still pronounce id.
I wonder if the answer was wrong — appreciated pronounced d rather than id ?
tnx teacher for teaching me
a bunch of flower for u.
love, miss hana
“appreciated” – please tell me, how it can be pronounced with only sound “d” at end of the word?…
absolutely agree with you) I think it just was an unfortunate misprint
Good lesson
Hi james … i’m from india, ‘m trying to speak like native english speaker but could not able to speak like a native speaker , i cn’t control my mother tongue slang in my english speech ?? i asked you b’cz you are from US ?? i hope you can clarify me ?? Could you ?? …
Gopinath Vicky
Hi Rebecca. In the question 4, appreciated final sound is id or d?, I answered id, would you mind explaining me why it is incorrect?, thanks for your help.
Good lesson!
Hi rebeca. I have the same question of jose delgado. Is it correct the pronunciation of appreciated with d instead of id?
Good Video, Keep Going!
Thanks Rebecca! I need more practice. But you are helping me out improving my English skills
Hi Rebecca! Than kou very much for this lesson. I got a 90 on the quiz, but I really have a doubt. The answer I had wrong was that one about the pronunciation of the verb “appreciated”. According to your explanation and to the grammar I have learned so far, the final “ed” in this case should be pronunciated as “id”, nevertheless, the system tells me that it should be “d”. I’d like you to explain that to me, please.
very helful. thanks so much miss
I was confused about the quiz. I got 6 correct out of 10 :( I should be careful about pronunciation. Never give up! Thank you, Rebecca :)
Wrong I look forward to meet you.
Right I look forward to meeting you.
Rebecca could u help me here to understand why i will use v+ing form after To (infinitive)???
When I will arrive, I will call you.
When I arrive, I will call you.
why ” when I Arrive” will be in a present indefinite form???
good job my lovely teacher
if someone wants to practice english language with me please contact with me through skype english.learning58
thank u
It is very nice that you help others to improve theirs language skills. For me English pronunciation is very difficult, I think I cannot speak English and it is something that stops me from speaking.
Thank you,now I can understood how to pronounce the verb in past tense. Thanks once again. I hope I’ll use this correctly.
Thanks I got 60%.
Abdul Qayum
Hi Rebecca,
could you help me how to identify /d/ /t/ and /id/ sounds?
khaleeq uz zaman
Thank You Ma’am Rebecca, Another Wonderful lesson.
Thank you
Hi Rebecca.., because of slow internet connection i could not see your video … , i have doubt in overwhelmed …. , how to pronounce ?? is L is silent ?
Gopinath Vicky
yah I too have the same problem as Sandra has.
Hi Rebecca,
thanks fot your lesson
take care
Thank you
Hey rebecca,
really you are a good teacher.please let me know correct words sometime i have to send an email to all colleauge for the meeting but really i dont have any correct please send me exact email sample…if you could do this for me..
Thank you Rebecca!
nice website!
Very nice. Thank you
Moscow English
Hello Rebecca,
I’m really appreciate your video lessons.
Thanks in advance.
where’s the sound……..i can’t hear anything else here.
It was really hard for me..HaHa!
Joshua Jung
The first lesson is good, thanks Rebacca.
APpRECIATED is written with “TED”
why this word is not pronounced with “ID” ?
thanks so much
Thank you so much for the video. I’m having one question regarding the quiz: Can it be that it is a little programming mistake regarding pronunciation of ed – in appreciated? – I clicked on – – id and it was shown as a mistake and the solution was shown as being – d. When I pronounce the word – appreciated – I have the feeling that I pronounce the ed ending – as id and not as d. – – I love all your work and also appreciate all your effort. My lines here should not come as a complaint at all. It’s just a small hint. It can happen. – thanks again for your work . best wishes, Rachel
Pronunciation is not easy
i cant differentate the sound t and d?what should i do?
hina khan
thank you Rebecca really these lesson so helpful and good for the students who they don not have basis about English language.
Thank you so much i got 9 0f 10 . That makes me understand more than before.
i appreciated your efforts.Thank you:)
Teacher your class is excelent, thank you for your time.
I have a question, What is the pronunciation of “played”? that word ends at “t” or “d”. I hope you answer my question i’m confused.
Hello Rebecca! I thank you for your slowly pronunciation! It’s so good for me who can’t speak English very well!
what is sign sound of t, d, and id
thanks a lot
My question is:
what is the criteria to differentiate the pronunciation of -ed is t, d or id ?
t, d, id
Lucas kang
Honestly not a very clear lesson! I mean when do we use t d or I’d sounds ?
I need learn Englısh for my work.How I learn quckly.ı dont know grammer.please help me for grammer.
Hello Rebecca!
In the quiz nr 4 says that “appreciated” should be pronounced with “d” but I consider it should be “id”. Which one is correct? Thank you!
Dear Ms rebecca ,
Many thankes to you for teaching us this english in esay way I’m happy to find this site and I want to offer many thanks to and your team
do you mind to give me or us your link such as email or your account on facebook or tiwtter to talk with you
I have problm in english i kown many vocablary but when I want to talk in english iI don’t know how i put the worh one after one and about grammer i ask you nicely to teach us more about grammer like how to use if
and what I can do in my problem
many thanks to you
by the way I listen to you when you saying
little pit
what does it mean and I wort it right
Thank you rebecca,I have not concentrated this subject.I will be careful
Happy women’s day!!!
first exercise in which i get 5 correct answers out of 10. its not that difficult, just need to get used to it…..
thanks Rebecca
when pronounced with +, d, id. :(. There is some rule to know?
thanks a lot it is very helpful
hello miss Rebeca
thanks for your teaching.
in this video the sound wasn’t clear . it had some noisy.
This lesson was interesting, thanks a lot!
thank ur
Dear Rebecca,
Everything is clear, but I need some practice.
Best regards.
Thank you .I do best
I’ve passed the quiz and i have a question.
Why end of “negotiated” sounds like -id, but “appreciated” sounds like -d?
Both of them end with -te in their infinitive form: negotiate, appreciate.
did you find out what is right ?
Hi Rebecca, thank you.
I understood that exist three forms to pronounce the end of verbs in past tense.
But i have a question:
How I can do to identify when pronounce the “t” or “d”?
In which verbs I pronounce the “t” and which verbs the “d”?
I appreciate your support
İ derived so basic knowledge from your class.tank you very much.
I have finished your all lesson from last march until today;Monday 3 Aug 2015
Congrotulation to me Rebecca.I also finished Emma lesson,Jade,Ronnie before march.Ronnie is the teacher I like the most
chakim hamzah
I really love your lessons.. Thanks a lot…. I have 60%
Dear Ms. Rebecca
Thanks for the lesson.
I have lots of problem with the pronunciation.
I have a question: Where could I find the rules about D T ID for the past simple?
Best regards
Hello=)Thank you so much for your explanation)
good explanation this lesson
thank u very much
thanks so much
I`m so pleased of these lessons.This is so excited way to learn English here.I don`t know to describe my feeling so i just thanks and i wish every day to finding a new one lesson.
Thank you very much
Dear Rebecca;
First of all, thank you so much for your useful lessons. I think “d” and “ed” realised as “t”after unvoised letters except “t”., and “d” after voiced letters except “d”. And they realised as “id” after D, and T. What I would like to ask you about is in the quiz there are two verbs which are “appreciate “, and “negotiate”. It is realised after the first one as”d”, and realised after the second one as”id”
Could you please explain it for me?
Thank you again for you.
Ameen Alhomaidi
thank you for my first lesson on this site. Now I know more.
i want to learn english grammer from begging please suggest me some good ideas to start,
Hello Rebecca! it is so amazing lesson! could give me some advise about speaking please! thank you so much!!!!!!!
thanks rebecca
it was 8 years ago)))8 years ago i was studying in college and even didn’t guess that i’ll be learning English… I was young and stupid patriot)))
I’ve been studying english for the last 3 years, and i have still problem with the pronunciation of past regular verb, so i review these lessons usually. Thanks rebeca one more time!
hi, rebecca! your lessons very well,your teaching easy to understand peoples,
iam venky from india, iam not able to speack english, i want learn from basic english to advanced,please give me your sggetions and reference sites,
Great lesson, thanks.
I got 8 of 10.
doctor i want to thank you for this best video but i have a question , in this video the verbs are examples but i want a rule to apply it , what is the rule to apply it in the pronunciation of any word ? so if i apply it i will know if it is (t) ,(d) or (id)
omar fouad
The sound of video in not so good and confuse me
Teacher Rebbeca,
Thanks very well.
thanxs for the class
felipe a
Thank you Rebecca.
4. appreciated
The ending of the word sounds like ‘id’, not ‘d’ as it’s shown in the test
hi every body. I very like english. iI’d love to talk to foreign friends.But my english is not good. I want you to help me so I can confidently talk and make friends with many foreign friends.
Thank you very much
Hi, my name is Diva Pena, first i congratulations for leraning to class, but I have a question about the word (appreciated)
when I say the word (appreciated) I hear the termination (id) and is really with termination (d), I thank you if I can solve the doubt.
I appreciate your kindness. Diva Pena
Diva Pena
I got 80 of 100
Hi, My Name is Nader , i like English, But unfortunately i can ‘t speak English fluently, i want you to help me for improving my communication in english as soon as posible.
Nader khan
i feel better to improve my English
Nader khan
Hi Rebbeca, I loved this lesson :) My doubts were solved. Thanks.
Thank you very much
hi Rebbeca, Thanks for your lesson. I’ve got 9 out of 10. But I want to ask about the verb ” appreciated”, I thought that the “ed” ending should be pronounced as /id/, but I found that it was with /d/. Can you explain it please? Thanks.
thank u !
Thank you ?
Hawre mohammed
aaaaa I have the same problem as others here.
Anybody could me explain ?
I’ve got 9 out of 10. But I want to ask about the verb ” appreciated”, I thought that the “ed” ending should be pronounced as /id/, but I found that it was with /d/.
Dear Rebecca My score was not good but I will try to get better my understanding of English,
its great
Thanks teacher .
Thank you very much.
I started once again with the lessons, thank you very much
thank you teacher i got 60
6/10. Very bad, Sorry. Very important topic, though. I’ll try to be better next time. Thank you! Where can I exercise more in this topic? I’d like to stress it.
Its so fun to repeat those words and also the questions are fun too… I’ve got 80 pts.
Hello! 9/10 I guess, there is a mistake in this quiz:
4. appreciated
id (I chose this one and I was wrong. But why? |əˈpriːʃieɪtɪd|)
Thank you.
hello whats the complete words for ESL in ESL lesson
Is there any connection that when verb end with k word in the past simple must sound t ?
or there was same rule that we should know.
Thank you
thank you
I got 60! Thanks!
I got 7.
Now I’m shocked with the result.
I have to review about that.
Thank you.
Young Kyung Lee
thank you so much
Great advice, thank you!
the more that I Study more that I’m wrong :(
Hello Rebecca,
I’m really appreciate your video lessons.
serkan karaca
thank’s so much my teacher
interesting lesson i like it now practice
Thanks, great lesson.
Edgar Miranda Guzman
Hello Rebecca great lesson.I took the quiz but I got 90 … I don’t understand why the question appreciated at the answer id it correct to d , because it ends at t then the pronunciation I think is id but , is it an exception ? I would like to know , ty
Yeah me too I wana to knoe that
If you don’t mind dear Rebecca
I have the same question. Please, let us know. Thank you!!
You got 6 correct out of 10.
thank you so much.
This is my last video of Rebecca.
M kartal
thank you
Thank you
Thank you
I got 5/10 jajajaja,
I don’t understand your expectation, tanks
how i know what sound use, what tips i need to know
Ma’am Kindly check this sentence …
He did not take good sleep since last night
Or from last night… Which is correct ..please tell me
I got 70%.
Thanks, but i want to know other rule added when a word finished with a consonant or vowel…
Thank you so much for the real Service
Nemat Abid
Your answer to number four of the quiz is wrong. The word is appreciate. And the correct answer should be ‘id’ not ‘d’
Hello, thank you for the lesson. the answer for “appreciated” is with final “id” thanks again :)
thank you , i appreciate your efforts for u all.
yara salama
Hi Rebecca! First of all, thank you for the great lessons!
I want to know if there is a reason why the pronunciations of “paid” and “said” are different. I know it’s about phonetics, but I’m a teacher and a student has asked me about it!
By the way, do you recommend a great material about phonetics?
Thanks a lot!
I’m totally confused plz tell me anyone which teacher read whole teacher’s or one teacher plz help me guz
Shahez khan
Hi, great work, thank you Rebecca :)
Hi. I’m confused about “appreciated” pronunciation. It ends in t, I think it’s a “id” sound, but in the quiz review you say is a “d” sound. Please let me know. Thanks!!
I made the same mistake.
What do we depend on when choosing the word end?
I also really appreciate your video lesson, but after doing the quiz and chcecking the answers I can’t understand why we pronounce ‘ed’ in the verb ‘appreciated’ as ‘d’ not ‘id’…
It was nice lesson
Thank you teacher ?
great Rebeca thanks
claude faos
Hi.. Is there any way to know where to use each pronunciation.
Like, if there is a word ‘reached’ how could i know that i have to use “t” instead of “id/d”.
Haseena Begum
good day Teacher Rebecca.great .Thanks
Hi, thanks for your help us.
Hi, Rebecca thanks for the lesson. Could you please review question # 4 of the quiz?
appreciated (Id) ending sound.
Advise me how to start I am a beginner
Hamza Ben Amara
appreciated [əˈpriːʃɪeɪtɪd] = ID. I guess it is just a system error
I guess too
*(( hiii Teacher ))*
Thank you, teacher, for this lesson, could you please give more examples? or any lesson that explains more about this topic.
Thank you
thank you teacher. you are very pleasant.and your lessons are very clear.
The video quality was not so good but the lesson was useful thank you so much
Rebeca, you are a phenomenal teacher! How can I become your student, and how can I contact you in private email?
Thank you so much your videos have been helping me a lot.
thanks 9/10
Thank you Mrs. Rebecca for the explanation
Thanks a lot Rebecca it was really useful. I appreciate your effort
thank a lot Rebecca(Kazakhstan 17 oct2021)
very usefull for me lesson
Thanks you a lot ROBECCA
I got 8/10. I like watching your videos Mrs. Rebecca. Thank you for making videos for English grammar its can help other people to learn English for their second language. I’m just waiting for your videos about the confusing words like this
words pick-peak, etc. Thank you very much❤ God bless and keep safe always.
Thank you very much.
Hadzhira Said Hassan
You the best teacher.
Hadzhira Said Hassan
Hello Rebecca: it is hard form me understand the difference among worked, talked, cooked, kissed
and played, turned, stayed, rained. All of these words end in ED so how should I know when to pronounce T or D?
Thanks for the information! However, I do not understand why the final -ed sound of the word “appreciated” is /d/ instead of /id/.
Thank you!
Thanks Rebecca.
so we can talk about the three ways that is right
I must hard study.
Karpo Budiman
It’s the first chance for join lesson for Mrs.Rebecca in this Web. Thank you.
Karpo Budiman
Great lesson for all the learners.
Dilber Dennis Dilshad
Oh I only got 6/10
David Silva Gutierrez
7 of 100 not bad
Mohamed Taira
I got 9/10
Thank you Rebecca.
You are special teacher, you help me a lot.
you are a very good teacher thank you
Thank you so much miss
Kamel Adem
Mohame Adan
Hi Miss Rebecca, my name is Alfredo and I am Peruvian. I like your classes and my goal is get a good command about listening and speaking with your help. I studied English language ten years ago and I got advance level but is very difficult for me understand a movie or a song or a native speaker. Thanks. Take care.
I noted that any word ends in (sh, ch or k) it’s taking t-sound and any word ends in (t)it’s taking id-sound and the other things take d-sound, isnt it right?
Thank you for your lesson teacher R.
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hello Rebecca,
I’m really appreciate your video lessons.
When I was founding out an English information, I found your webpage. It’s quite good. I’m sure that It’s going to improve my english skills.
I’d like to know “L”, “R” pronunciation.
It’s really difficult for me who is KOREAN.
Thanks in advance.
Dear Charlie,
This is Bill Ralens here from In your post, you asked about the pronunciation for L and R. I first suggest getting a mirror so you can watch yourself. Feedback is everything you know. To pronounce R, open your mouth, place your hands in front of your face and breathe out like you are wanting to waRm up your hands. R is waRm. To pronounce L, place the tip of your tongue on the back of your top two center teeth. Suck air in and you’ll notice that the air feels coLd on your tongue. L is coLd. That is how you pronounce L and R.
Thanks for helping out, Bill.
Hi,Rebecca,Could you tell me how about the exam levels of English in the world?And please give me some advice how to learn more international or North English in China.Thanks for your lively courses.
Actually Bill to pronounce L you put the end of your tongue on your lower teeth keeping rest of your tongue flat and exhale across the top of your mouth never moving your tongue and pronounce from your throat
Hi. I heard about this site from my foreign friend but I can’t view your videos here in China. Do you have any alternatives? Hope you can help me out with this. I want to be a fan of your videos too, same as my friend. Thanks!
Hi xiaojana. You will have to use a “proxy” that will allow you to view YouTube videos in China. Right now there is no other option. We are hoping in the future to put our lessons on Youku or a similar Chinese site.
you should sign in a account of google mail(gmail),then use gmail proxy,you should set parameters of IE or firefox,then activate command,then view this’s very useful and free my question is similar to you but solved by myself.
you are a very good teacher thank you
i just would like to thank you for your great efforts and wonderful informations
thanks a lot for everything, you a great person, I’m from Perú and Learnt a lot with your videos thanks
Hi Rebecca!!
thank you very much for show these videos, i´m going to take an english test next week for my college, becuase i want to take all my college classes in english, but first, i need to pass that test.
i already watched all your videos, you have been such a great help for me, thanks Rebbeca.
Hi Rebecca,
I’m really happy to watch your video lessons. These are really helpful to improve our English knowledge. You are doing a good job, keep it up. This is my first time, but I wish to be with your lessons in future. Thank you.
hello rebecca
you are avery good teacher.
hi rebeca i really appreciate your lesson but i think you can help me a lot if u send me a list of verbs with ending ed and d and expain me how can i know which of the words i have to pronouns in the right way thank you dear theacher. and god bless you
Hi Rebbeca… i will also like to receive same information Hector requested. I’m trying to be a translator and this would be really helpful for my pronunciation
I was very excited to find ur website, and and i appreciete it.
I would like to thank u for ur videos lesson, and it absolutly help
me to prove my english.
thanks a lot realy it’s a great job thanks again
Hello Rebecca,
Thanks a lot for your lessons. I would appreciate if you can send me a bigger list of regular verbs and their pronunciation. I understood your explanation about them, but I do not know how can I know the right way of pronunciation. Is there any rule to follow?
Thanks in advance,
There are three rules to pronounce past tense verbs.
1. The past tense ( ed) is pronounced as (t) when the last sound in the present tense is voiceless :
Ex: Look — Looked (t)
Miss — Missed
Stop — Stopped
2. The past tense (ed) is pronounced as (d) when the last sound in the present tense verb is a Vowel or a voiced consonant
Ex : Love — Loved (d)
Stay — Stayed
Tune — Tuned
3. The past tense (ed) is pronounced as (id) when the last sound in the present tense verb is t or d
Ex : End — Ended (id)
Brand– Branded
paste — pasted
I hope this will help you.
Thankx for the detail information. That is I want to know.
Great advice, thank you!
Great. Thanks ;)
Do “appeciated” get /id/ sound? the result of the quiz give it like mistake. thanks for your help.
4. appreciated
in this situation, why is the correct answer is letter b? can you help me?
thank you
Thanks to all of you for your feedback and please let me know if there are other topics you would like to have me explain.
English pronunciation has a lot of variations, but keep listening carefully and don’t give up.
Sandra and Hector – I will email you some information about what you’ve asked about.
Hi Rebecca! thank you for this video lesson, the pronunciation of the past tense regular verb is a big problem for me
Hi Rebecca, like Sandra and Hector, could you send a list of verbs with ending ed and d and their pronunciation ?
Thanks a lot.
Hi Rebecca, like Sandra and Hector, could you send me a list of verbs and their pronunciation ?
Thanks so much!
Dear Rebecca:
Since june i’m studying english, and for me is very hard to understand the correct pronuntiation of regular verbs in past tense, so i need a lot of help from you; first as well as Sandra and Hector i need a list of regular verbs with their corrects pronuntations also i want a list about the usual irregular verbs.
I hope to get your response soon, thanks a lot.
This is my first view at your website it’s amazing!!!!
Regards, george ;)
thanks 4 posting your videos. Could you cast some light as 2 how 2 pronounce thew u vowel. For instance pool and pull; fool and full. thanks again
Hi Carlos
Thanks for your comments.
In the word pull or full the u is short as in the words up, cup or nut. It’s a kind of “uh” sound.
In pool and fool the u sound is longer, like “oo” and you need to bring your lips together into a kind of o shape.
Hope this helps.
Hi George
Glad you found the lesson helpful. There are many grammar books which provide a list of the irregular English verbs. For example, you can look at the back of English Grammar In Use by Raymond Murphy
It’s kind of difficult to find a list of the regular verbs and how they sound because there are so many of them. There are some guidelines you can follow by looking into an English pronunciation book. You can also try to listen carefully to good native speaker pronunciation and you can learn well that way.
Good luck to you!
Hi Rebecca!
How r you?
You’re good at explaning I was a little confuse wit this topic of pronunciation, but I saw u and Im not anymore thank you :)
Thanks, Israel. Glad I could help. Good luck with your English!
Hi Rebecca
you are very good teacher .
I’m going to appeare in IELTS exam that’s why I need your help. Basically I belong to urdu medium. Would you please guide me how can I get 7 band.
Hi Rabia
The IELTS is quite a challenging exam. Please allow enough time to prepare for it. The speakers have English and Australian accents on the listening sections of the exam and you must get used to this.
You can start by checking this website:
It will give you a lot of information, tips and strategies to get a higher score on the exam.
You also need to get hold of a good IELTS exam preparation guide book, such as Cambridge or any of those you see recommened on the website above.
Work through the tests, find out your weaker areas, and then do lots of additional practice to strengthen yourself in those areas.
It would certainly be helpful to attend a good IELTS preparation class if you can. You need to get feedback from a teacher on your IELTS writing.
Make sure you know whether you need to take the General or Academic IELTS.
All the best to you, Rabia.
Needless to say u r a very good teacher. Your gesture,body language, voice quality and tone are perfact and flawless. Keep learning good english in a very simple and interested way.
Thanks for your kind words, Surya. I wish you all the best.
Hello Rebecca! You are a great teacher . I ´ve learned a lot from your class . Thank you very much , but I was wondering if you could help me to improve my listening skills , I am going to take TOEFL exam again and I want to reach a higher score . Please can you email me some information?
Thanks a lot!
Aside from doing extra practice from various TOEFL guidebooks, you might want to look for a really good listening book and CD called Learn to Listen, Listen to Learn. It has many helpful exercises to build up your listening skills.
Remember also that taking notes effectively will make a big difference to your listening score, as well as your integrated writing response.
Thanks For you
Hi, your lessons are great! I’m using them here in Slovakia to teach adults. Some of your videos the focus is not constant. Some camera advice…the camera should have an infinity focus setting. Try setting it to that setting, it should stay focused on the board and not go out of focus when you step forward. It should also sufficiently keep you in focus when you step forward. Keep up the great work! TJ
Hi. I’m happy you are finding the lessons useful. It’s wonderful to hear all the different countries that the lessons are being watched in. Thanks for the technical suggestions, too. The problems you’re talking about shouldn’t appear in our newer English lessons, but please let us know if you do have other suggestions. Thanks for watching!
I’ve really learned this for the very first time.
thanks a ton
hi…i have a query..if ‘kissed’ or ‘worked’ ends with ‘t’ sound then how does ‘killed’ pronunciation ends with? how to chose words for correct pronunciation? …
‘Killed’ ends with a d sound. Check with a pronunciation book for a more detailed explanation.
Thank you teacher! I did the quiz and I got 50 :( But thank you for the information you give too! I am going to practice more then the usual!
Yes, keep at it and you will surely improve. By the way, you should actually say,
I am going to practice more than usual.
Hello Rebecca,
first i want to say ty for the leassons i like and enjoy them..
i start to learn english just before a few months, so sorry for all the grammer mistakes..
i didnt understand about the ID, what is the diffrent?
if is right to read them with “d”
i have a nother juestion, i dunno if u can help
do u know if they are here some leasons that teach how to read properly?, how to pronounce word
tank you
i wanted to ask something else,
how i know that what are the vervs that i need to pronounce with “t” “d” “id”
how i compared?
Hi Yanina
There are many good English pronunciation kits available which can help you. Look for them online under ‘Improving English Pronunciation’
Otherwise, you could join a course or find a good private teacher to make quicker progress in English.
All the best to you.
Dear Ms rebecca ,
Many thankes to you for teaching us this english in esay way I’m happy to find this site and I want to offer many thanks to and your team
do you mind to give me or us your link such as email or your account on facebook or tiwtter to talk with you
I have problm in english i kown many vocablary but when I want to talk in english iI don’t know how i put the worh one after one and about grammer i ask you nicely to teach us more about grammer like how to use if
and what I can do in my problem
many thanks to you
Thanks for the video class. It really helps me a lot, you’re an excellent teacher. I hope some day I’ll speak English as well as you do.
Thank you.
I’m sure you will. Believing in ourselves is what makes everything possible. My best wishes to you.
hi teacher… thank for ur lesson.. for the result of the quiz.. i only correct 3 questions…. T.T sad to see this… haha.. however, may i know when i need to pronoun t, d , id for a verb ?
is it only 1 way to know how to pronoun that is hear other people talk ? sorry again for my poor english
There are some rules, but I believe the easier way would be for you to learn naturally through listening, at this stage.
You don’t need to apologize for your English. How wonderful that you have made so much progress. That’s all any of us can do – keep going, try our best. Each day you will improve.
My best wishes to you.
thank you for teaching i learn a lot i have a good news for you because of you i am the best in english in our room thank you very much
Thank you for all lessons. Can you explain this sentence to me? I could see the waves lapped against the rocks. Someone told me that I should use lapping instead of lapped. Can you tell me why
hello, Rebeca
that is defenitely a very important subject to teach our students. But, you forgot to teach us when we are supposed to sound like “t” or d” , which happens to most of the verbs….then you say, “we have 3 options” it might sound like i can pronounce the verbs whatever way I want, so here are the rules, people:
t sound- verbds ending in – f- k-p-ch-cs-ss
ed sound- verbs ending in t or d
d sound- for the rest of the verbs…
thank you]
hi my best teacher please i want to know is there any rules to know whene you pronociat the verb like d or id or d i want please more details about this thanks a lot mes best wishes
well, i’m so glad to see these video lessons about grammar.
i hope to learn so much from you, so i’ll be watching this page more often.
thanks for everything.
Thanks Rebecca for your video but i want to know ended word T and D and id please answer and thank’s again
thanks a lot Rebecca.we’re waiting for more lessons.
i would like to thank all the amazing teachers on i would like all of them to send me what is new from the available videos.thanks very much
this is my e-mail
Thanks you. Now I understand more the topic. :)
hello!! thank you very much. i am an amateur teacher, this my first year teaching. i have to look for tips and information that make my class understand the topic easily and this was a perfect example for me.
Hi Robecca, May you recommend for me a website that telling more about how to get correctly pronunciation for regular verbs in past tense,like when we say -ed is -t,-d or -id. Or you may talk about that more detail
nice.nice.nice….thank u miss you are a very good teacher. and we wait from you and from your partenersother lessons with the same quality.
Very nice, Rebecca. I never knew that in some past regular verbs there is a ‘t’ sound.
I always pronounced (‘d’ sound?) ‘d’ and ‘id’ but never ‘t’ sound.
Well, I really don’t see such a big difference when pronouncing “worked” with ‘d’ and ‘t’.
It somehow always overcome the ‘t’ sound.
I really do not know what I wanted (‘id’?) to say above, but I hope you understood me.
One more thing. You said there are some rules in the last message. Can you tell us what are those rules?
Thank you! Keep up the good work. (This is an idiom, right?)
thank you very much for the video. it’s really a big big BIG help to me as an english instructor.
hi! thanks teacher rebbeca i have so many learn about english ur the best teacher and i watch ur video!:D
Dear Teacher,
i have problem with native speaker Pronounciation when they speak quickly but i cannot catch their message soon.
What can i do?
along with my problem i follow english TV,english web like BBC,VOA and speak with some people accross the world.
do you have anything without which i mention you
Thanks in advance
Ihsanullah Totakhail
Thank you so much.
I’ve watched how to teach pronunciation of the past tense verbs.
So I can teach grade6 tomorrow well.
hi rebeca you are a good teacher,I like this class but, how can i know if the end of the word sond whit ´t´ or ´d´? i don´t know that…..
Thank You Rebecca for helping Non-English speakers.I would appreciate more if you can explain us about “Verb”,”Adverb”,”Noun”,”ProNoun” etc..
Thanks in advance.
hi it me constanza again. I clicked the submit comment botom accidentally, rebbeca I want to ask you if u could send me a list of verbs with ending ed and d like Hector
thanks in advance
It’s very basic lesson but very important. Most student don’t care about it when they speak. Thanks.
50 words in past tense
need now :)
good comment because my commen is I want up girt the 15 and 23 Not marrie we know yes thank girt see you
Thank you for this interesting lesson. I’m a intermediate student from Perú and I would like your help to explain how can I know the right way of pronunciation of the first and the second group. The third group, ending with d or t, was clear. Is there any rule to follow for the another groups?
Thanks for your classes, teacher.
You are an excellent teacher. I´ve learned many things from you. I like all your videos.
Could you tell me how to use the words “that” and “so”, please?
God bless you.
hi miss rebbeca. I’d like to ask something about. what is the difference about COULD BE,CAN BE and MIGHT BE? thanks for teaching.. I’ve learn a lot of correct grammar from you.
I want pass the ielts but my English not good i want immigrate to Canada
i want speak English
please give me advice to what i shall do to improve my language .
Thank you Rebecca. It has been an important lesson for me. Pronunciation of past tense verbs has been sort of challenging for many people. You have such a great clarity of speech!
Hi Rebecca I enjoyed the lesson, it was very helpful. In addition I like to thank Bill Ralens for his comment. I sometimes like to read other comments and saw that someone inquired about he letter R & L and I’m just estastic
thank you all
Hey nice video..but I’m in doubt about ..when will I know wich sound I must use?
Hi Rebecca
Could you give us the role for use it.
I made the exercice about “Past Tense Regular Verb Pronunciation” and it correct me “appreciated” with a “d” ending pronunciation and I was thinking it was “id” ?? Could you confirm me please ?
Hi, teacher. thanks for all of lesson and appreciated for your cleared explain me.
how do I realize when to make the right sound (of the three ways you teach in this lesson) when I am speaking, there is some kind of rule???
Great lesson. Thanks.
But need some practice to remember it :)
It is my first time discovered this website and just signed up. I realy appreciate and thank you so much Rebecca, for watching your video is my first encounter on the web.
Stay blessed!
I discovered this website today, and watched some videos, thanks a lot for this quick and helpful lesson.
Hello Rebecca!!!
My name is Akhat Bekturganov. I`m from Aktau in the Kazakhstan. I’m not good at English, I would like to communicate with you via Skype! Do you have free time? My Skype akhat97, waiting!
I don’t Understand!!@_@!
Hello,Rebecca!I really like this video about Past tentse verb pronounciation. I wanna ask you if that verb appreciatied sound like id or d ….?thaks
hello!mss rebecca irealy very happy to write this because ilearnt many things from ur good lesson because i’m a student first year english studies …………ihope to give me same advices ……………..
hello!mss rebecca irealy very happy to write this because ilearnt many things from ur good lesson because i’m a student first year english studies ihope to give me same advices
OK, thanks
hello,i am Mongolian want to improve my english
Hi Rebecca, I love your classes, I have been learning a lot, I was wondering if you could recomend either a class or a book that can help me with my spelling, I’m a horrible speller and I would like to improve. thank you
I would like to know where I can find a sofware or program for English Verbs pronunciation. I would like to have that on ny phone that way I can listening anytime anywhere, everywhere. The would help me enourmesly my my enlglish pronunciation. I am from Colombia and my first language in Spanish. I am goin to apreciate your help
Sandra Jamison
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the video.
Can you please tell how “appreciated” is pronounced, i think its ending sounds with id , am I right?
Hi Rebeca, why when I heard an other pronunciation Is very hard to me to identify this sound, I mean if I heard an american pronunciation I can´t understand a lot. It is normal?
thank you Rebeca. your lesson is the best lesson.
Why appreciated is d and negociated id?
hi, could you help me, how to teach simple past tense effectively to the students?
hi Rebecca….could U help me, how to teach simple past tense effectively to the students?
Thanks teacher I need more practice because i got 6/10 :(
Hallo, Rebecca! Thank you for the lesson! This topic had been a big problem to me for a long time. I used to think that native speakers don’t pronunce the ending -d letter at all, because I rarely heard that sound when I washed films or listen to the music.
Thank you for your time and for this amazing project!
thanks you very much!
melli merci
you are Able woman
Hello Rebecca,
I’m really appreciate your video lessons.
When I was founding out an English information, I found your webpage.
A Sound mind is in a sound body
hi Rebecca
i’m really appreciate ur video lessons
take up
have a good day
No more to say, that Thank You very much.
Best Wishes to You
Hi Rebecca,thank a lot for the interesting class I really appreciate.
Hi . teacher could you help me to identification the verbs end T, D, ID OR PROVIDE LIST OF THE VERBS.THANKS A LOT .
Hi Rebecca,
could you help me how to identify /d/ /t/ and /id/ sounds?
How are you Rebbeca?I have been learning a lot from you.Thanks a lot.You are a good professional,indeed.Congratulations.Tell me please – appreciated –D or ID.?Thanks Rebecca.I wish you all the best.CARLOS SIMOES
How are you Rebecca?Please tell me where the differences among appreciated,demanded and negociated are?You are a very good professional.Congratulations.Thanks a lot in advance.CALOS ALBERTO SIMOES
I have the same question with FreeManStars’s comment,It’s abount the pronuciaton of the “appreciated”.
I need the answer,too.
O have the same real name as u
Rebecca thanks 4 your effort.
I am a Brazilian. Times ago I found a book which taught me that if the verb ends in -TED or -DED, the suffix ED sounds as /ID/. Examples: ADDED, WANTED.
If the last sound of the verb ends in your lips, ED sounds as /T/ as in WASHED /T/, STOPPED /T/.
And if the last sound of the verb is in throat, the suffix ED sound as /D/ such as ARRIVED /D/, TATTOOED /D/.
Do you agree with this, teacher?
i love it to much raally tomorrow i have a diagnostic exam and thid help me so much thanks
rebecca thanks for givin me a lot a i’m conchita fom Argentina i lov yu yu ar de best
Hello Rebecca !
You are my favourite teacher !
Thank you very much !
I am so happy to learn English!
God bless you !!
hello, teacher rebeca ,I jut started to study whith the program and I,d like to know how to start from the beginig becuse sometimes I got confused. so ,Idon,t know how to follow the lesson oder,,but ,Ireally like it..¿is there manual or so that shows how to follow the program.
Hi Lisa. There is no ‘program’ to follow. You can watch any lesson that you think will be useful to you. You can start with the English lessons for Beginners, if you want.
Good lesson Rebecca, but I would have to ask you something about quiz! Look at this example: appreciated
id, The right answer was “d”, but I think it should be “id”. . . Could you tell me what answer is correct? Thank you in advance :)
I really love your lessons.. Thanks a lot!!!
I really love your lessons.. Thanks a lot!!!
its so humiliating
Pls how can I use the word ‘was’ and ‘were’ and’ can’ and’ could’ and ‘did ‘and might
Great lesson C=
hi Rebecca idont know how thank you for your lessson
Thanks Rebaca
Rebecca is the best teacher
Hi Rebecca, I am new to this site and I am all hooked to you –what most Teachers don’t understand you have to take your time with adults that have been out of school for a while and break it down like you, I am going on 50 and need it a little slower -I thank you and keep up the good work.
sorry added in the wrong word–but I love you, and you are a blessing to this site keep it coming.
Hi Rebecca, Thanks for the lesson. If you could go over the rule when should we pronounce “t”, “d”, or “id”, that will be perfect. Julie
thank u for being have a beautiful vidio huh
HI!:) Is this site useful for someone who want to learn the british english? Grammar of american english is same like grammar of british english?? I don’t know how to right set up question…but I hope…Best wishes.:)
There are only small differences between North American and British English, so you should be good!
How to define the pattern for the sound of t , d & id?
Thank you teacher.
thanks teacher now I can understood the proununcation past tense regular.
rebeca , I am new
I really want to know that is the exactly list of the regular past verbs which are pronounced as /id/ could you be so kind and corteous to post in in order to memorize and dont make friggin further mistakes
Hi, I’m confused with ‘T’ and ‘d’ sounds. How can I differentiate those words which are pronouned with both ‘T’ and ‘d’ sounds? Thank you! :)
Hi Rebecca! Could you make a video in past participle. When and how to use it. Thank you.
Rebeca, I like so much to hear you, you help me a lot…
Thank you very much teacher
hello i am atheena i am just telling what are examples of regular verbs and give their past forms in our subject english…. may you help me with my assignment….. im a filipino from baguio city…… MABUHAY to all of you….
Hello I am Atheena Ashry I am just telling that what regular verbs transfer from past forms…. please help me with my question please…. I am a Filipino from Phillipines and MABUHAY! to all of you who answered my question :)
Hi Rebecca, I¡m sorry but I`v not undertood still the difference between each pronunciation, thanks !
so interested
thank you so mach
plz teach me past perfect bc0z i d0n’t kn0w how to use it
Hello Rebecca
I would like to thank you for your very useful lessons. I saw in your quiz, you say appreciated is spelled with “d”, but I suppose “id” is correct.
best wishes
Hi Rebecca!
Please help me! What’s difference between alright and all right?
hello hahahaha
Dears theahes,
Iam like all of you learns i learn english form engvid .thanks to vere one ,i shall overcame on myIgnorance.
Hi Miss R?
i have watched your all videos but here in our country English not speaking well
Give me some idea !
thank you so mach
nice au.. cea… pang grade one.. :)\
you are the best
we pray to have a brilliant teacher(here in Iraq) like you
you are an excellent teacher and your lessons are very easy to understand
Hi Rebecca,
why the word “appreciate” has ending sound /t/ is pronounced /d/?? I think it must to pronounce /id/ but above answer is not like that. So please show me :( :(
Thank u so much! :)
Hi Rebecca,
Can you teach me how to pronoun “I” as “e” or “ai”.
Thank you
hi rebecca i am waibhaw and i m very poor in english speaking and writing can you help me ,i m very anger to learn to good english
please pay attention
Dear rebecca,
Thanks a lot for your excellent lessons.
I have a little question about the quiz of this lesson: I don’t understand the difference that there is between these 2 verbs negociated and appreciated; both of them ended by “t” but their pronounciation are different. can you please tell me why. Thanks in advance for your help.
Thank you ,, but I want more lessons ,, I got in guiz 50 >>
i want to be your friend.Where you live now? thanks
I wish you were my High school teacher.
the lesson really help, but is there any tip or information that you can still give me to improve in my accent
great lesson. I didn´t know the difference in pronountiation. Greetings from Chile Rebecca.
hi rebecca!
Appreciated is pronounced as d or id. I took a quiz, my answer was id but it says i was wrong. which is really correct pronunciation? thanks.
i need to study more
I have a doubt!
Would you consider these differences important to teach them in a EFL classroom for just kids?
When would you teach it?
Thanks anyway :)
Hey Rebecca, i’m a foreigner from israel.
i think the site is amazingly good to learn english and i hope to improve really soon.
although your video was pretty clear i wanted to ask: when do i know i need to pronounce it ‘t’/’ed’/’id’ ?
you showed some example but you didn’t give guideline.
looking forward for your answer.
BTW, if i wanna learn properly, is there an order for watching videos ?
oh last question, how can i improve my voice infliction and pronunciation while talking ? i can easily express myself over writing but i would say a sentence in 30 second.
again, Thank you Rebecca.
hi thank you very nice teacher for me.
Tnks about it !
it would be helpful to me if you teach me how to pronounce var,were,where,wear,wore
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the lesson. I’ve learned a lot, but I got a question from the quiz. Isn’t “appreciated” pronounced “id”? Thanks a lot!!
I think you right. We must use in this word.
I think you right. We must use id in this word.
And again :).
I think you are right. We must use id in this word.
What is the difference between
1 should have and should have been
2 would have and would have been
3 could have could have been
Hi patilrr ….
should have been –> Which is happened in past …
Should have —- > Which is going to happen in future
would have been — > we assumed that something is happened in past …
would have —> something is going to happen in future ….
could have been –> less possibility of happened in past …
could –> less possibility of something …
Thank you, Rebecca.
I like these videos.
Could you tell how to pronounce “send to” [send tə] or [sent tə]? And other examples?
I have same doubt ….
Don’t worry about forgetting gmramar. The mere fact that you are speaking English means that gmramar is constantly being applied and memory is constantly being stimulated. It is fantastic that you are taking the time to teach your students Accent Reduction. With today’s global workforce bringing together all the diverse speakers of English as a second language, it is vital that one’s accent be understood. An understandable accent will make the difference in their job success. Cudos to you!www.askalia.squarespace.comAlia
hi Rebecca, thanx for the lesson. I have a quick question. In the test above it says appreciated is pronounced as “d” instead of “id”. it seems, it ends in “t” sound. if so why is that? please help.
Hi, Rebecca, your lesson is very good but i wont to start from first lesson. I can not to deal what is first lesson, second lesson etc.
Excellent presentaton thank you very much.
I just didn´t undertand the rule to pronunciate t or d. (id is when the word finish in t or d but the other two I´m not sure). regards
Thank you Rebecca, this lesson is very good.
Hi Rebecca! Your videos are all great and I have learned a lot from your videos. I’m just wondering why the correct answer for apprecitaed is “d” and not “id”. I took the test and i got one mistake in #4.
4. appreciated
d-correct answer
id-my answer (wrong)
I think you are right. 4 nuvber is wrong in quiz, I think so. Good luck.
You right, the answer for question 4 is wrong. You don’t worry !!!
hello dear Rebecca i believe it is not east at all .But as what you have said we have to know it by heart . Thanks dear again
bye bye
Thanks!!! aproved my skill english grammar good more.
I tried your test and I thought to choose (id) for the verb “appreciate”. Can you tell me why the correct answer is (d) instead? Thank you.
thanks for your lesson
hello, thanks for your lessons, I have a question, I’ve done the quiz, and I thaught for long that “appreciated” is pronounced with ‘id’ rather than’d’, so how could we differenciate between “negotiated” or “granted”?
how to speaking English.
hello, thanks for your lessons, I have a question, I’ve done the quiz, and I thaught for long that “appreciated” is pronounced with ‘id’ rather than’d’, so how could we differenciate between “negotiated” or “granted”?
Thank you Rebecca excellent lesson about pronunciation…thanks again
hi. i really engoy ur program. thanks so much, but i can’t acces the video ,so what will i do to get u on video, please help…thanks and keep on teaching.
hi. Ribecca is u i sent the isue of video for.
Hello Rebecca
I want to thank you, this lesson is very useful for me.
I have a remark concerning the quiz:
according to the rule ‘appreciated’ must pronounce like ‘id’, but in the correction I found the correct answer is ‘t’.
Thank you a lot Im learning a lot from you :)
negotiate d is added to form negotiated . so d sound heard .
appreciate add d , too. d sound heard .
I feel confused , why say id sound in the verb –negotiated ?
I thought I had trapped myself . verbs which end by de or te + d , but still pronounce id.
I wonder if the answer was wrong — appreciated pronounced d rather than id ?
tnx teacher for teaching me
a bunch of flower for u.
love, miss hana
“appreciated” – please tell me, how it can be pronounced with only sound “d” at end of the word?…
absolutely agree with you) I think it just was an unfortunate misprint
Good lesson
Hi james … i’m from india, ‘m trying to speak like native english speaker but could not able to speak like a native speaker , i cn’t control my mother tongue slang in my english speech ?? i asked you b’cz you are from US ?? i hope you can clarify me ?? Could you ?? …
Hi Rebecca. In the question 4, appreciated final sound is id or d?, I answered id, would you mind explaining me why it is incorrect?, thanks for your help.
Good lesson!
Hi rebeca. I have the same question of jose delgado. Is it correct the pronunciation of appreciated with d instead of id?
Good Video, Keep Going!
Thanks Rebecca! I need more practice. But you are helping me out improving my English skills
Hi Rebecca! Than kou very much for this lesson. I got a 90 on the quiz, but I really have a doubt. The answer I had wrong was that one about the pronunciation of the verb “appreciated”. According to your explanation and to the grammar I have learned so far, the final “ed” in this case should be pronunciated as “id”, nevertheless, the system tells me that it should be “d”. I’d like you to explain that to me, please.
very helful. thanks so much miss
I was confused about the quiz. I got 6 correct out of 10 :( I should be careful about pronunciation. Never give up! Thank you, Rebecca :)
Wrong I look forward to meet you.
Right I look forward to meeting you.
Rebecca could u help me here to understand why i will use v+ing form after To (infinitive)???
When I will arrive, I will call you.
When I arrive, I will call you.
why ” when I Arrive” will be in a present indefinite form???
good job my lovely teacher
if someone wants to practice english language with me please contact with me through skype english.learning58
thank u
It is very nice that you help others to improve theirs language skills. For me English pronunciation is very difficult, I think I cannot speak English and it is something that stops me from speaking.
Thank you,now I can understood how to pronounce the verb in past tense. Thanks once again. I hope I’ll use this correctly.
Thanks I got 60%.
Hi Rebecca,
could you help me how to identify /d/ /t/ and /id/ sounds?
Thank You Ma’am Rebecca, Another Wonderful lesson.
Thank you
Hi Rebecca.., because of slow internet connection i could not see your video … , i have doubt in overwhelmed …. , how to pronounce ?? is L is silent ?
yah I too have the same problem as Sandra has.
Hi Rebecca,
thanks fot your lesson
take care
Thank you
Hey rebecca,
really you are a good teacher.please let me know correct words sometime i have to send an email to all colleauge for the meeting but really i dont have any correct please send me exact email sample…if you could do this for me..
Thank you Rebecca!
nice website!
Very nice. Thank you
Hello Rebecca,
I’m really appreciate your video lessons.
Thanks in advance.
where’s the sound……..i can’t hear anything else here.
It was really hard for me..HaHa!
The first lesson is good, thanks Rebacca.
APpRECIATED is written with “TED”
why this word is not pronounced with “ID” ?
thanks so much
Thank you so much for the video. I’m having one question regarding the quiz: Can it be that it is a little programming mistake regarding pronunciation of ed – in appreciated? – I clicked on – – id and it was shown as a mistake and the solution was shown as being – d. When I pronounce the word – appreciated – I have the feeling that I pronounce the ed ending – as id and not as d. – – I love all your work and also appreciate all your effort. My lines here should not come as a complaint at all. It’s just a small hint. It can happen. – thanks again for your work . best wishes, Rachel
Pronunciation is not easy
i cant differentate the sound t and d?what should i do?
thank you Rebecca really these lesson so helpful and good for the students who they don not have basis about English language.
Thank you so much i got 9 0f 10 . That makes me understand more than before.
i appreciated your efforts.Thank you:)
Teacher your class is excelent, thank you for your time.
I have a question, What is the pronunciation of “played”? that word ends at “t” or “d”. I hope you answer my question i’m confused.
Hello Rebecca! I thank you for your slowly pronunciation! It’s so good for me who can’t speak English very well!
what is sign sound of t, d, and id
thanks a lot
My question is:
what is the criteria to differentiate the pronunciation of -ed is t, d or id ?
t, d, id
Honestly not a very clear lesson! I mean when do we use t d or I’d sounds ?
I need learn Englısh for my work.How I learn quckly.ı dont know grammer.please help me for grammer.
Hello Rebecca!
In the quiz nr 4 says that “appreciated” should be pronounced with “d” but I consider it should be “id”. Which one is correct? Thank you!
Dear Ms rebecca ,
Many thankes to you for teaching us this english in esay way I’m happy to find this site and I want to offer many thanks to and your team
do you mind to give me or us your link such as email or your account on facebook or tiwtter to talk with you
I have problm in english i kown many vocablary but when I want to talk in english iI don’t know how i put the worh one after one and about grammer i ask you nicely to teach us more about grammer like how to use if
and what I can do in my problem
many thanks to you
by the way I listen to you when you saying
little pit
what does it mean and I wort it right
Thank you rebecca,I have not concentrated this subject.I will be careful
Happy women’s day!!!
first exercise in which i get 5 correct answers out of 10. its not that difficult, just need to get used to it…..
thanks Rebecca
when pronounced with +, d, id. :(. There is some rule to know?
thanks a lot it is very helpful
hello miss Rebeca
thanks for your teaching.
in this video the sound wasn’t clear . it had some noisy.
This lesson was interesting, thanks a lot!
thank ur
Dear Rebecca,
Everything is clear, but I need some practice.
Best regards.
Thank you .I do best
I’ve passed the quiz and i have a question.
Why end of “negotiated” sounds like -id, but “appreciated” sounds like -d?
Both of them end with -te in their infinitive form: negotiate, appreciate.
did you find out what is right ?
Hi Rebecca, thank you.
I understood that exist three forms to pronounce the end of verbs in past tense.
But i have a question:
How I can do to identify when pronounce the “t” or “d”?
In which verbs I pronounce the “t” and which verbs the “d”?
I appreciate your support
İ derived so basic knowledge from your class.tank you very much.
I have finished your all lesson from last march until today;Monday 3 Aug 2015
Congrotulation to me Rebecca.I also finished Emma lesson,Jade,Ronnie before march.Ronnie is the teacher I like the most
I really love your lessons.. Thanks a lot…. I have 60%
Dear Ms. Rebecca
Thanks for the lesson.
I have lots of problem with the pronunciation.
I have a question: Where could I find the rules about D T ID for the past simple?
Best regards
Hello=)Thank you so much for your explanation)
good explanation this lesson
thank u very much
thanks so much
I`m so pleased of these lessons.This is so excited way to learn English here.I don`t know to describe my feeling so i just thanks and i wish every day to finding a new one lesson.
Thank you very much
Dear Rebecca;
First of all, thank you so much for your useful lessons. I think “d” and “ed” realised as “t”after unvoised letters except “t”., and “d” after voiced letters except “d”. And they realised as “id” after D, and T. What I would like to ask you about is in the quiz there are two verbs which are “appreciate “, and “negotiate”. It is realised after the first one as”d”, and realised after the second one as”id”
Could you please explain it for me?
Thank you again for you.
thank you for my first lesson on this site. Now I know more.
i want to learn english grammer from begging please suggest me some good ideas to start,
Hello Rebecca! it is so amazing lesson! could give me some advise about speaking please! thank you so much!!!!!!!
thanks rebecca
it was 8 years ago)))8 years ago i was studying in college and even didn’t guess that i’ll be learning English… I was young and stupid patriot)))
I’ve been studying english for the last 3 years, and i have still problem with the pronunciation of past regular verb, so i review these lessons usually. Thanks rebeca one more time!
hi, rebecca! your lessons very well,your teaching easy to understand peoples,
iam venky from india, iam not able to speack english, i want learn from basic english to advanced,please give me your sggetions and reference sites,
Great lesson, thanks.
I got 8 of 10.
doctor i want to thank you for this best video but i have a question , in this video the verbs are examples but i want a rule to apply it , what is the rule to apply it in the pronunciation of any word ? so if i apply it i will know if it is (t) ,(d) or (id)
The sound of video in not so good and confuse me
Teacher Rebbeca,
Thanks very well.
thanxs for the class
Thank you Rebecca.
4. appreciated
The ending of the word sounds like ‘id’, not ‘d’ as it’s shown in the test
hi every body. I very like english. iI’d love to talk to foreign friends.But my english is not good. I want you to help me so I can confidently talk and make friends with many foreign friends.
Thank you very much
Hi, my name is Diva Pena, first i congratulations for leraning to class, but I have a question about the word (appreciated)
when I say the word (appreciated) I hear the termination (id) and is really with termination (d), I thank you if I can solve the doubt.
I appreciate your kindness. Diva Pena
I got 80 of 100
Hi, My Name is Nader , i like English, But unfortunately i can ‘t speak English fluently, i want you to help me for improving my communication in english as soon as posible.
i feel better to improve my English
Hi Rebbeca, I loved this lesson :) My doubts were solved. Thanks.
Thank you very much
hi Rebbeca, Thanks for your lesson. I’ve got 9 out of 10. But I want to ask about the verb ” appreciated”, I thought that the “ed” ending should be pronounced as /id/, but I found that it was with /d/. Can you explain it please? Thanks.
thank u !
Thank you ?
aaaaa I have the same problem as others here.
Anybody could me explain ?
I’ve got 9 out of 10. But I want to ask about the verb ” appreciated”, I thought that the “ed” ending should be pronounced as /id/, but I found that it was with /d/.
Dear Rebecca My score was not good but I will try to get better my understanding of English,
its great
Thanks teacher .
Thank you very much.
I started once again with the lessons, thank you very much
thank you teacher i got 60
6/10. Very bad, Sorry. Very important topic, though. I’ll try to be better next time. Thank you! Where can I exercise more in this topic? I’d like to stress it.
Its so fun to repeat those words and also the questions are fun too… I’ve got 80 pts.
Hello! 9/10 I guess, there is a mistake in this quiz:
4. appreciated
id (I chose this one and I was wrong. But why? |əˈpriːʃieɪtɪd|)
Thank you.
hello whats the complete words for ESL in ESL lesson
Is there any connection that when verb end with k word in the past simple must sound t ?
or there was same rule that we should know.
Thank you
thank you
I got 60! Thanks!
I got 7.
Now I’m shocked with the result.
I have to review about that.
Thank you.
thank you so much
Great advice, thank you!
the more that I Study more that I’m wrong :(
Hello Rebecca,
I’m really appreciate your video lessons.
thank’s so much my teacher
interesting lesson i like it now practice
Thanks, great lesson.
Hello Rebecca great lesson.I took the quiz but I got 90 … I don’t understand why the question appreciated at the answer id it correct to d , because it ends at t then the pronunciation I think is id but , is it an exception ? I would like to know , ty
Yeah me too I wana to knoe that
If you don’t mind dear Rebecca
I have the same question. Please, let us know. Thank you!!
You got 6 correct out of 10.
thank you so much.
This is my last video of Rebecca.
thank you
Thank you
Thank you
I got 5/10 jajajaja,
I don’t understand your expectation, tanks
how i know what sound use, what tips i need to know
Ma’am Kindly check this sentence …
He did not take good sleep since last night
Or from last night… Which is correct ..please tell me
I got 70%.
Thanks, but i want to know other rule added when a word finished with a consonant or vowel…
Thank you so much for the real Service
Your answer to number four of the quiz is wrong. The word is appreciate. And the correct answer should be ‘id’ not ‘d’
Hello, thank you for the lesson. the answer for “appreciated” is with final “id” thanks again :)
thank you , i appreciate your efforts for u all.
Hi Rebecca! First of all, thank you for the great lessons!
I want to know if there is a reason why the pronunciations of “paid” and “said” are different. I know it’s about phonetics, but I’m a teacher and a student has asked me about it!
By the way, do you recommend a great material about phonetics?
Thanks a lot!
I’m totally confused plz tell me anyone which teacher read whole teacher’s or one teacher plz help me guz
Hi, great work, thank you Rebecca :)
Hi. I’m confused about “appreciated” pronunciation. It ends in t, I think it’s a “id” sound, but in the quiz review you say is a “d” sound. Please let me know. Thanks!!
I made the same mistake.
What do we depend on when choosing the word end?
I also really appreciate your video lesson, but after doing the quiz and chcecking the answers I can’t understand why we pronounce ‘ed’ in the verb ‘appreciated’ as ‘d’ not ‘id’…
It was nice lesson
Thank you teacher ?
great Rebeca thanks
Hi.. Is there any way to know where to use each pronunciation.
Like, if there is a word ‘reached’ how could i know that i have to use “t” instead of “id/d”.
good day Teacher Rebecca.great .Thanks
Hi, thanks for your help us.
Hi, Rebecca thanks for the lesson. Could you please review question # 4 of the quiz?
appreciated (Id) ending sound.
Advise me how to start I am a beginner
appreciated [əˈpriːʃɪeɪtɪd] = ID. I guess it is just a system error
I guess too
*(( hiii Teacher ))*
Thank you, teacher, for this lesson, could you please give more examples? or any lesson that explains more about this topic.
Thank you
thank you teacher. you are very pleasant.and your lessons are very clear.
The video quality was not so good but the lesson was useful thank you so much
Rebeca, you are a phenomenal teacher! How can I become your student, and how can I contact you in private email?
Thank you so much your videos have been helping me a lot.
thanks 9/10
Thank you Mrs. Rebecca for the explanation
Thanks a lot Rebecca it was really useful. I appreciate your effort
thank a lot Rebecca(Kazakhstan 17 oct2021)
very usefull for me lesson
Thanks you a lot ROBECCA
I got 8/10. I like watching your videos Mrs. Rebecca. Thank you for making videos for English grammar its can help other people to learn English for their second language. I’m just waiting for your videos about the confusing words like this
words pick-peak, etc. Thank you very much❤ God bless and keep safe always.
Thank you very much.
You the best teacher.
Hello Rebecca: it is hard form me understand the difference among worked, talked, cooked, kissed
and played, turned, stayed, rained. All of these words end in ED so how should I know when to pronounce T or D?
Thanks for the information! However, I do not understand why the final -ed sound of the word “appreciated” is /d/ instead of /id/.
Thank you!
Thanks Rebecca.
so we can talk about the three ways that is right
I must hard study.
It’s the first chance for join lesson for Mrs.Rebecca in this Web. Thank you.
Great lesson for all the learners.
Oh I only got 6/10
7 of 100 not bad
I got 9/10
Thank you Rebecca.
You are special teacher, you help me a lot.
you are a very good teacher thank you
Thank you so much miss
Hi Miss Rebecca, my name is Alfredo and I am Peruvian. I like your classes and my goal is get a good command about listening and speaking with your help. I studied English language ten years ago and I got advance level but is very difficult for me understand a movie or a song or a native speaker. Thanks. Take care.
I noted that any word ends in (sh, ch or k) it’s taking t-sound and any word ends in (t)it’s taking id-sound and the other things take d-sound, isnt it right?
Thank you for your lesson teacher R.