Do you have problems saying H in English? Do you mix up the R, A, and H sounds? Learn how to say H words and distinguish between words that begin with A, R and H! This lesson will be especially useful for people from Brazil and France.
Hi, Ronnie. I just want to know which is correct? What are the places have you been to? or What were the places you have been to?
Both are correct.
thanks Ronnie but i want know speak good english
Hi Ronnie. Thanks for pronunciation video..
I have little problem pronunciation with following words..
every time i got failed in interview because of these word meaning . i have Little bit MTI(Mother Tongue influence ) Problem. how can i rid it. please tell me. specially these word who ends with (sure)
Hi Ronnie This is Deepak From India, I have a Doubt on ‘H’ prounciation whis related to this topic. How to PRONUNCE words -HEIR,HEIRESS AND the last word Where-WAY+AIR…shall we pronunce as u told in Video W-can be pronunced like a kissing this case ,W becomes silent or shall i pronunce like kissing someoneelse.
One more doubt, JUDGEMENT,ADJACENT,BRIDGE–you see DG,DJ in phonectic expert in india told D becomes silent in these cases,shall i pronunce AJACENT is it rite way of pronuncing?
Deepak workaholic
I can’t pronounce (t) sound like (d) sound in (little)
Ronnie, Thanks for your support.
boring but good
good teaching
Hi Ronnie,thank you very much for the great classes. I would like to know whether you’ve any private classes to improve my English speaking skills.
Thanks a lot for teaching us.
Dr. Waleed
thanks ronnie, thank you for share all this with us.
Hola Cortez!
Me gustaria ayudarte con algo.
En tu frase debes transformar el “share” en “sharing” pues solo puedes dar gracias por algo non por un verbo en ingles. Te doy la gracias por algo. Este algo se transforma tiene un nombre. Si quieres transformar un verbo en nombre tienes que poner el “ing” en el final.
Asi tienes:
Thank you for sharing !
Thank you for closing the door!
Thank you for motivating me!
Es lo mismo con el verbo “To like”
I like sharing.
I like swimming.
I like jumping.
Que tengas un buen día.
thank you for your advice ^^ i will practice more now.
The H sound sometimes is silent in some words such as hour.
Cuong ta
Best video ever. I am also from Brazil and I live in the city of Recife, and those mistakes are very common. By the way Ronnie, I teach English and I’m 18.
I’d like to ask one thing:
Could you do a video about pronouncing the words you’re and your, he’s and his,they’re and there and their,etc. They all seem to be pronounced the same way. And sometimes it’s very difficult to distinguish which one the native speakers are sayin’.
Oi Henrique!
Eu gostaria de te ajudar.
You’re = iuur / Your= iór
He’s= rris (rr como o duplo r em carro) / His= rrês
They’re = Deiiir (obs: Você deve por a lingua entre os dentes antes de pronunciar o D) / There e their = Dér
Espero que vc entenda a minha explicação e que ela te ajude de alguma maneira.
Tenha um bom dia.
Thank you very much…Glad you put pronunciation lessons in here…
Hi, Ronnie. Thanks for helping us. you’re such a great English teacher. Bye.
Rowelto Dumale
Brazil as a huge country has many diffent accents, we who live In the easthiest part of it (Recife) has a more strong accent. As you had described very well Ronnie. It’s look like The southern part of The USA.
Hi, Ronie. Thanks
First of all, I love all your videos I think you’re a great teacher! About the name Rio, this is a good example, but once it’s a Portuguese name brazilians can pronounce in its original sound without constituting a mistake. If I’m in the US, in Canada, England I can either say Rio (Hio) or Rio. Thanks for all the time spent with us.
Thank you so much for lesson. It’s very helpful
Thanks Ronnie…
in previous video I asked you this question if you please feed me back.Thanks
why you can’t use (that) in relative clauses with extra information?
You CAN use relative clauses with THAT!
hi Ronie i want say something
learning more pronunciation
please can you help me ? if you can’t please
wright me
thanks Ronie
i want say something can you focus
about more pronunciation? if you can’t
please right me ?
Thanks Ronnie, I live in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
I’m from Recife, too. And Ronnie, thank you. You’re my best teacher online. I love your classes.
Hi Ronnie, thanks a lot for this lesson. I have a proposition. Could you teach us when and how correct use:
into, onto, upon and this kind of preposition. It is very confusing! Pleas help!
Hi, Ronnie,great lesson, thanks
Hi Ronnie that was really helpful for me.
I would like to know what are the words in what I can use ´´TO´´ after the verb. for example
´´WAIT ME´´ or ´´WAIT FOR ME´´
IF there is somthing else I want to know.
thank you and blesings.
Hi Ronnie that was really helpful for me.
I would like to know what are the words in what I can use ´´FOR´´ after the verb. for example
´´WAIT ME´´ or ´´WAIT FOR ME´´
IF there is somthing else I want to know.
thank you and blesings.
I have listent it benefits me I like it
Thank you so much Ronnie
I love advanced vocabulary in text
Hey Ronnie.
Thanks for the lesson!
Thanks for dedicating this EXCELLENT lesson! It’s a pleasure to teach English, I love it!
You rock! Kisses!
thanx Ronnie.
I get it meaning, but difficult for me…
I try do the best.
Hi, Ronnie! I am brazilian and I live in the north part of the country! Thanks for your kindness! I just love you and the way you teach!
Oi Janilza!
Eu gostaria de compartir uma informação com você.
parte norte = northern part
Have a nice day.
Oh, you are right, Carlos! Thank you very much!
Olá querida
Espero que a vontade de ser bons amigos e aprender Inglês juntos
Eu estou esperando por sua resposta
Hi, my friend…That’s very kind of you and thanks for writing in Portuguese! But, I think we are already learning English together here on, aren’t we? ;)
Hi, my friend…Thanks for writing in Portuguese. That’s very kind of you. Well, I think we are already learning English together here on EngVid, aren’t we? :)
hello dear
you are welcome
i hope to improve our english with conversation together
hello dear
yes we are ready right now
hope to give me your skype and let us learn and chat
Thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie you were great as always and this time you earns an extra point for your beautiful hair that’s always nice but especially in this video !
Interesting thing about the R’s, you did a nice job explaining it. The thing to know is that São Paulo’s pronunciation of the letter R is similar to the american R because of the foreign influence and I know that they fancy looking and speaking like americans. In the rest of the country we pronounce the letter R like the H with some variations depending on the region. My name sounds “americanzed” when Paulistas says it in portuguese. That may be the reason why they have a facility to pronounce the R sound. Au revoir mon amie et bonne continuation.
Hello Carlos77 I would like to help you with something.
In your sentence “this time you earnS an extra…” Remember that when it is second person singular you must not write an S at the end, you just write it when it’s third person singular. I hope I’ve helped you. Have a good day =)
Hi! Indeed I made a mistake with the extra S.
Thank you for correcting me and welcome to the game ^^.
In fact there’s two reasons why I correct people:
First I help people to communicate better by sharing my knowledge and secondly I practise writing in English.
So I advise you to do the same as it’s a nice training.
Have a nice day
It’s been my pleasure buddy :-) I hope you have a nice day too.
BTW it’s there are two reasons (plural) n.n see ya ! and take care.
hugs n’ kisses 4 u lovely, funny,gorgeous,pretty, smart Ronnie.
Efrain Dominguez
very interesting … Love it.
Your classes are wonderful, thank you so much….
I wanna create a new topic. My doubt is about the 2 sound of the “i” letter. Is there a rule about what sound this letter have in a word or other?
hi, salutes. could you teach me usage of “do” in affirmative sentence to emphasis or stress the point which we expect. ex. I do all the work lonely without anybody’s help.
what is the difference between it is quite normal and it is normal. explain it with your natural style which will make us remember for ever and whenever we use and see the word, we will get remember your style and accent.
amuden, india.
thanks so much you are a great teacher and you have a nice hair .
i love you
Thank You.
Obrigado. suas aulas são ótimas. I line
Dear Ronnie,
Thank you very much by lesson,but I’m waiting your answer about my big wish of make my exchange in Canada,please please please talk to me,give me your address email,please.
What information do you need?
First all, thanks for opportunity,…ok let’s go. I intends to make exchange in Canada and really love your method of teach. Give me some information or tips about what school,where stay(for exemplo: home-stay),how much money I’ll go spend with course during about a month,if is possible studying in school that you work,so on…
Help me please, I’ll stay glad to meet you,Thanks,bless you God.
Hi Neris..I’m making plans to study in Canada the next year.I suggest you search this site: canadaparabrasileiros. My husband and I listened (Am I right?) a lot of podcasts and they said about our doubts. But I agree whit you, would be great to have Ronnie as our teatcher. I’m lovin(this costinouus tense exist?) every class from her. XOXO and good luck!!!
Thank You
Thank you so much for the lesson. You are the One Ronnie.
Hi,Thanks for your lessons. I have a lot of problems trying to pronounce words that have “V” and “B”. In Spanish there is not much difference between these two words but in English make a huge difference.
Thank you and I will really appreciate your help.
Hi Rosny, I d like to know which form is more appropriate from the following:
The mental & physical development are harmed.
Or the mental & physical development is harmed.
Thanks in advance
Good lesson!
Thanks o lot Ronnie.
I would like to say that my english skill’s increased, especially after that I became engVid student.
Thank’s a lot.
Hello Ronnie, I love how you teach. You’re very funny and look like a amazing person. I’m here learning English every day. Since when I was a child, my dream was learning English and all you are helping me.
Thank you so much.
I should write: “You seem to be an amazing person”, I’m so sorry =D
Thank you Ronnie
I would like explain to us The different between rapid ,quick and fast. many thanks to you
thank you so much :)
Thanks a lot!
Suraj rai
Hi, Ronnie.
Do you gays working in a English School or something?
Hi mam RONNIE you’re great i mean outstanding. YOU’RE TEACHING STYLE IS SO NICE.thanks for all the lessons.
2- IS IT RIGHT SENTENCE– I’m not gonna
be a doctor anymore.
Also = and. Use it to add extra information!
I’m not gonna
be a doctor anymore. Is how we speak but you should not write gonna. You should write going to.
Dear Ronnie!
Thanks for the lesson!
I have a question about pronunciation of the “t” sound. How would you say “right away”? How about “see you later”, “hiatus”, “congratulations”? I have heard Americans could pronounce “righD away”, “hiaDus”, “see you laDer”, “congraDulations”. Do Canadians speak these phrases and words in this way?
Yes, both Canadians and Americans change the T sound to a D. I have no idea why!!!
Thank you very much. All of you are “greats Teachers”. I’m very hapy following this course. Up to know i’ve watched all the episodes. Thank you again.
Dear Ronnie,
thank you for this toturial
but iwant ask you , how i can learn english in very small time
i ask you for a method please send me email to my mail ” ”
thank you Ronnie .
thank you teacher
I hope you teach us how to Pronounce the most popularly words with different words
Thank you
Greetings from Brazil Ronnie (not Honnie LOL)
Another example!
hi Ronnie
do you give private lessons at skipe?
Thank you Ronnie
thanks ^_^
Hi Ronnie I always see your lessons, That’s outstanding !! And Thanks for mention my country =D !
Thanks a lot!
Thank you
Really appreciated sir and if you could please write your Facebook ID or if you have any page in Facebook please send me that.
Thanks mom
badshadin qiame
Hi Ronnie, Thank you very much
Hi Ronnie…I am from Brazil and I love your classes!!!You are so cute.
Thanks for this lesson.
hi, people from, I’d like to suggest you a lesson on Defining and Non-defining Caluses. Is it possible? Tahnks a lot
this is very usefull to communication skills
hay …can i get some explanation for this focusing on language
“in case -although -unless”
Dear Ronnie,
It`s me ahmed marzouk , medical student from Egypt …I really appreciate your amazing work.
I’d like to suggest you a lesson on Difference Between 1st,middle,Last Name & Surname with example ahmed marzouk Fathy Abdl-karim as in my ID…It`s very confusing & I really need it Urgently to apply for US college.
Ahmed Marzouk
Family name, last name and surname are all the same. All the people in your family have the same last name.
Your first name is the name your parents gave you. In English speaking countries, we call people by their first names.
Middle names are just extra and no one really uses them.
Hi Ronnie,
When you mentioned about the strong RRR sound so remarkable in Brazil, I felt good because you regarded my country with affection.
Everyday I watch Engvid and yours are the funniest. You incredible!
Marcos Wilker
Hi Ronnie,
How to pronounce jewelry? Could be a good one.
Thank you so much for teaching us.
Great lesson!!!
thanks sooooooooooooooooo much .
thank you to teaching us and i want to learn english
Can anybody tell me what is the meaning of It’s been very kind and tell me the right use of this sentence.
Hi everyone! I want to improve my English and I would like talk to someone in English. if there is somebody who wants to be my pen friend write me in Email:
P.S Rpni you are the best teacher in the world.
teacher ronnie,ı dont know how ı explain.just ı am so happy to see a teacher like you.1 have been learning english for many years.
but never learn perfectly.
when ı watch your teaching english vids,ı learnt everything thanks to you.
so you are,friendly,so sympathetic,so joker.that ı wish you will be happy forever.
Thanks Ronnie, you are an amazing teacher.
Gratz from Brazil.
Nyc!!! and v v useful
hi Ronnie
thank you a lot for lesson I like to speak like English native . do you think i can do that ? if i try and practice hard i can ?
If I’m allowed talk Aayza and writing remains GOOD in English Vaaml any íÇŃíĘ deteriorated quickly
thank u so much mrs.ronie
have nice Ms/ Ronnie …………? this is my last messaged why are you not replay my word’s
tell me something abut the Videos least ion is not opened the videos ( how do i opened videos please need your help ?
please ……………….. need your help now?
thank you
Olá boa tarde!
Pessoal estou de volta, vou começar tudo de novo, parabenizo a Ronnie pela qualidade das aulas e aproveito para fazer um agradecimento aos professores… Muito obrigado.
thank a lot .
but i have problem for Sh,Ch, L,R too .Could you tell me how was different . thank you
hi ronny thank for teaching us. what is the pronunciation of ”ed” in th end of preterit verbes? thank
hi ronny thank you for this lesson
your way is very very good more useful and flexible
Thanks Ronnie….u teach us verry verry well…
Hi, Ronnie.
You’re a great teacher. I’m very satisfield with this class.
thank you so much
Hi Ronny. I’m Irina from Argentina. Well.. Today was the first time i saw ur video, and let me tell u that is cool because i can understand u so clearly :) thnx too much.
Forgive my bad way to write, because is so similar to how many teenagers and the youngs write :s
To be brief i wanna ask u if in your college or academy – dont know bout it well- i just wonder if u accept interchange students? Because i wanna make a trip to an english speaking country o improve my english.
And the last thing u’re a great teacher :)) and wht i’d you teach sth bout translation. Or sth bout being an interpreter please!
Thank u
I wanna learn English = your desire.
I should learn English = it is important.
They are different!
Your surname is the name you share with your mom, dad, and brothers and sisters.
Osman Mies rannie I average in English, what I do to be excellent in English and speak fluently Osman pink quickly
Osman Mies rannie I average in English, what I do to be excellent in English and speak fluently please answer quickly
Hi Ronnie! I am from a little country of America ‘El Salvador’ and I am so thankful with your lessons. Hope that God bless you.
Thank so much
The teacher is so lovely.
So clear lesson
Hi Ronnie, Thank you very much
Hi Ronnie, Thank you so much.. your teaching is so noce..i would like to learn about IELTS. if it is possible. please upload your IELTS classes videos please… G.K.
Hi Ronnie, Thank you very much
i am so happy to learn with ur video, thank you for your kindness generosity.
thank u for teaching us. i want to learn the correct voice of all alphabet. plz help me ,i will be very thankfull to u.
You Ronnie is very, very, very… interesting. (With all due respect)
Thanks you !!!!!!!!!!! Es genniiiaaaal !!!!
Hi Ronnie, hello!!..I like the way you teach..especially with some gestures; easier to understand, and to follows quickly. Thanks a lot!.
Hi Ronnie,
In Egypt a lot of people are having problem pronouncing the, that, they, there,
they say it like sa, sat, say, sere……
Please, we would like to have a video about th.
I enjoyed your video a lot, I have a friend from Nigeria, say Ospital for hospital, ear for here.
hey ronnie can u please help me ..
i can’t pronounciate words like BATH , BIRTH .. i can’t speak the last ‘th’ part of the word..i m tryin to adopt the american accent .. and i have adopted it well.. but words like BATH , BOOTH , BIRTH ,BATHROOM really confuse me..
please help :)
Ronnie, you are really good teacher, and I like your stile to tech us.
Hi Ronnie,thank you for the lessons! You are a pleasure to be with!
how to pronounce SCHEDULE
thanks for your lesson
Thank you :)
Tnx for always sharing ur knowledge god bless olways ronnie :)
thank you miss ronnie for all this lessons. English pronounciation is more difficult but with practice it will be easier.
Hi Ronnie, could you give a lesson about the pronunciation differences between calm (calming) and come (coming)and set some other examples with these vowel sounds? Thank you.
Thank you Ronnie :))
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for all your lessons. I’m really enjoying learning.
Please could we have some tricks to know when use we “up” “down” “off” “on” with verbs and what do they change in the verb meaning.
Ex: get off, get down, get up …
thanks ronnie
thanks ronnie you very good
Thank for your great lessons.
I learned how French and Brazilian are liable to pronounce R and H and A.
It was very interesting.
I remembered when my father gave me a uniform of French football player,henry and I was surprised at the spell.
i just can say thanks very much Ronnie My Mom was right you’re the best :)
thank you ronnie
Thanks Ronnie, i love yours examples, make it so easy.(tax in pen or hug).
I Like it..thx Ronnie :)
thanks , i like it
miss for kind consulting you.
and good lessons i hope you will learn some more about passive voice.
Thanks for the lesson. These lessons will help me write without the help of Google Translator.
thank you
Hello! Ronnie,
How are you ?
I’m your new student. I’m from Brazil and my city is called Joao Pessoa-Paraiba (state) My accent is strong.I am very happy with you. You are very beautiful and I feel that you are very happy person! I am enjoying yours lessons. Thank you.
it is nice one, but i hate this lesson because you do not have QUIZ
I’d like to know how to say ‘H’ in Which, Why and etc.
very good study
best teacher
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ^_^
i love English
Thank you so much. This video has been a lot of fun :)
Hi Ronnie, i’m new here, i’m brazilian too… So… My question is… How about pronunciation in words like “VEHICLE” , my wife is american and i can’t hear the sound of H when she pronounce, i asked her about, but she doesn’t had the answer.. Lol… Can you help me?
Hi .. so you smart Teacher..:D
I love your lesson..
Thank you very much..^^
Thank you
thanks once again for your such good teaching and important is that i have got this lesson. thank and keep teaching like that and take care.
Thank you.
thank you
thank you Ronnie. What is your email anyway.
could u talk about asia,india not only brazil
Ronnie you so good! but you so crazy. XOXO. YOU SO GR8! BEST WISHES
Thank you always for your fun lesson, Ronnie. I enjoy and smile :)
Thank you for your support Ronnie
Thank you very much
Thx Ronnie! smack! ;*
Tnx. Ronnie
brahim askour
thank, Ronnie
thank you!
Hi Ronnie, can teach us pronunciation “r”. Russians have R, but its so tough sond. And when we should to say it in a word, when not. pleeeese THX
Thank You dear Ronnie. You do a brilliant work for us. I do appreciate it. good luck.
Amir Siami
thanks sooooo much.
Excellent, as always.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie!!
thank you very much.
Noi namviset
You are a lovely,genial,delightful,cool,charming…(I take a breath),best ever,valuable,laudable,right(wait,I’m looking on google,I am back),rare,greatest teacher in the universe,no,all universies(you know what I mean,space).Thank you a zillion of times!I love You Ronnie,and a big thank to EngVid and all teachers!!!
Pronunciation in english is my big problem. i know i’ll learn them very well. i must practice them.without practice no one can learn this language. Thank you for all lessons.
Ronnie Thank you very much
ronnie you very goodteachier
sam mayyas
thanks you , you are funny
THANK YOU! i love the way you are!
thank a lot [ ขอบคุณมากๆครับ ]
Ronnie LOVE u so much!!!
Ronnie, you are the best!
Great Ronnie!! thanks!!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!
Hi Ronnie,
Many thanks for you
You the only teacher that you learn our how to speak
Thank you for teach me the pronunciation :D
can anyone help me
with the pronunciation HER and HAIR?
i speak Portuguese from Brazil.
thanks ronnie
really U teach me more and more.
fady 99
thank u Ronnie
Hy Ronnie! I Like a lot of his classes.
You are very funny!
Thank you
thank you
ann ann
Hi, Ronnie!
Please, make a video talking about the pronunciation of letter “h”, age, ate and number “8”. For me, all these pronunciations is the same, but I don’t know if it’s correct.
Thanks you so much
Marta Lopez
hi ma’am,
I can easily understand your lessons.Thank you.
suman balaiah
Thanks you so much
Thanks a lot for the lessons T. Ronnie. Your lessons have been very helpful. I usually check your lessons if I need help, especially with confusing words in English. :-)
Thank you Ronnie! I like a lot :D
Thank you.
Where can i find quizzes?
Thanks alot
Thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie! I’m Gabriel — the one you dedicate this video to. I’m also a teacher trainer now and I’m SO thankful for the lessons you taught me when I started studying English. Everytime I tell my students about EngVid, I brag about this video… hahaha
Thanks a million once again.
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi, Ronnie. Thank you very much for teaching us.
Hi, Ronnie. I just want to know which is correct? What are the places have you been to? or What were the places you have been to?
Both are correct.
thanks Ronnie but i want know speak good english
Hi Ronnie. Thanks for pronunciation video..
I have little problem pronunciation with following words..
every time i got failed in interview because of these word meaning . i have Little bit MTI(Mother Tongue influence ) Problem. how can i rid it. please tell me. specially these word who ends with (sure)
Hi Ronnie This is Deepak From India, I have a Doubt on ‘H’ prounciation whis related to this topic. How to PRONUNCE words -HEIR,HEIRESS AND the last word Where-WAY+AIR…shall we pronunce as u told in Video W-can be pronunced like a kissing this case ,W becomes silent or shall i pronunce like kissing someoneelse.
One more doubt, JUDGEMENT,ADJACENT,BRIDGE–you see DG,DJ in phonectic expert in india told D becomes silent in these cases,shall i pronunce AJACENT is it rite way of pronuncing?
I can’t pronounce (t) sound like (d) sound in (little)
Ronnie, Thanks for your support.
boring but good
good teaching
Hi Ronnie,thank you very much for the great classes. I would like to know whether you’ve any private classes to improve my English speaking skills.
Thanks a lot for teaching us.
thanks ronnie, thank you for share all this with us.
Hola Cortez!
Me gustaria ayudarte con algo.
En tu frase debes transformar el “share” en “sharing” pues solo puedes dar gracias por algo non por un verbo en ingles. Te doy la gracias por algo. Este algo se transforma tiene un nombre. Si quieres transformar un verbo en nombre tienes que poner el “ing” en el final.
Asi tienes:
Thank you for sharing !
Thank you for closing the door!
Thank you for motivating me!
Es lo mismo con el verbo “To like”
I like sharing.
I like swimming.
I like jumping.
Que tengas un buen día.
thank you for your advice ^^ i will practice more now.
The H sound sometimes is silent in some words such as hour.
Best video ever. I am also from Brazil and I live in the city of Recife, and those mistakes are very common. By the way Ronnie, I teach English and I’m 18.
I’d like to ask one thing:
Could you do a video about pronouncing the words you’re and your, he’s and his,they’re and there and their,etc. They all seem to be pronounced the same way. And sometimes it’s very difficult to distinguish which one the native speakers are sayin’.
Oi Henrique!
Eu gostaria de te ajudar.
You’re = iuur / Your= iór
He’s= rris (rr como o duplo r em carro) / His= rrês
They’re = Deiiir (obs: Você deve por a lingua entre os dentes antes de pronunciar o D) / There e their = Dér
Espero que vc entenda a minha explicação e que ela te ajude de alguma maneira.
Tenha um bom dia.
Veja este vídeo da Rachel, ela ensina.
Thank you very much…Glad you put pronunciation lessons in here…
Hi, Ronnie. Thanks for helping us. you’re such a great English teacher. Bye.
Brazil as a huge country has many diffent accents, we who live In the easthiest part of it (Recife) has a more strong accent. As you had described very well Ronnie. It’s look like The southern part of The USA.
Hi, Ronie. Thanks
First of all, I love all your videos I think you’re a great teacher! About the name Rio, this is a good example, but once it’s a Portuguese name brazilians can pronounce in its original sound without constituting a mistake. If I’m in the US, in Canada, England I can either say Rio (Hio) or Rio. Thanks for all the time spent with us.
Thank you so much for lesson. It’s very helpful
Thanks Ronnie…
in previous video I asked you this question if you please feed me back.Thanks
why you can’t use (that) in relative clauses with extra information?
You CAN use relative clauses with THAT!
hi Ronie i want say something
learning more pronunciation
please can you help me ? if you can’t please
wright me
thanks Ronie
i want say something can you focus
about more pronunciation? if you can’t
please right me ?
Thanks Ronnie, I live in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
I’m from Recife, too. And Ronnie, thank you. You’re my best teacher online. I love your classes.
Hi Ronnie, thanks a lot for this lesson. I have a proposition. Could you teach us when and how correct use:
into, onto, upon and this kind of preposition. It is very confusing! Pleas help!
Hi, Ronnie,great lesson, thanks
Hi Ronnie that was really helpful for me.
I would like to know what are the words in what I can use ´´TO´´ after the verb. for example
´´WAIT ME´´ or ´´WAIT FOR ME´´
IF there is somthing else I want to know.
thank you and blesings.
Hi Ronnie that was really helpful for me.
I would like to know what are the words in what I can use ´´FOR´´ after the verb. for example
´´WAIT ME´´ or ´´WAIT FOR ME´´
IF there is somthing else I want to know.
thank you and blesings.
I have listent it benefits me I like it
Thank you so much Ronnie
I love advanced vocabulary in text
Hey Ronnie.
Thanks for the lesson!
Thanks for dedicating this EXCELLENT lesson! It’s a pleasure to teach English, I love it!
You rock! Kisses!
thanx Ronnie.
I get it meaning, but difficult for me…
I try do the best.
Hi, Ronnie! I am brazilian and I live in the north part of the country! Thanks for your kindness! I just love you and the way you teach!
Oi Janilza!
Eu gostaria de compartir uma informação com você.
parte norte = northern part
Have a nice day.
Oh, you are right, Carlos! Thank you very much!
Olá querida
Espero que a vontade de ser bons amigos e aprender Inglês juntos
Eu estou esperando por sua resposta
Hi, my friend…That’s very kind of you and thanks for writing in Portuguese! But, I think we are already learning English together here on, aren’t we? ;)
Hi, my friend…Thanks for writing in Portuguese. That’s very kind of you. Well, I think we are already learning English together here on EngVid, aren’t we? :)
hello dear
you are welcome
i hope to improve our english with conversation together
hello dear
yes we are ready right now
hope to give me your skype and let us learn and chat
Thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie you were great as always and this time you earns an extra point for your beautiful hair that’s always nice but especially in this video !
Interesting thing about the R’s, you did a nice job explaining it. The thing to know is that São Paulo’s pronunciation of the letter R is similar to the american R because of the foreign influence and I know that they fancy looking and speaking like americans. In the rest of the country we pronounce the letter R like the H with some variations depending on the region. My name sounds “americanzed” when Paulistas says it in portuguese. That may be the reason why they have a facility to pronounce the R sound. Au revoir mon amie et bonne continuation.
Hello Carlos77 I would like to help you with something.
In your sentence “this time you earnS an extra…” Remember that when it is second person singular you must not write an S at the end, you just write it when it’s third person singular. I hope I’ve helped you. Have a good day =)
Hi! Indeed I made a mistake with the extra S.
Thank you for correcting me and welcome to the game ^^.
In fact there’s two reasons why I correct people:
First I help people to communicate better by sharing my knowledge and secondly I practise writing in English.
So I advise you to do the same as it’s a nice training.
Have a nice day
It’s been my pleasure buddy :-) I hope you have a nice day too.
BTW it’s there are two reasons (plural) n.n see ya ! and take care.
hugs n’ kisses 4 u lovely, funny,gorgeous,pretty, smart Ronnie.
very interesting … Love it.
Your classes are wonderful, thank you so much….
I wanna create a new topic. My doubt is about the 2 sound of the “i” letter. Is there a rule about what sound this letter have in a word or other?
hi, salutes. could you teach me usage of “do” in affirmative sentence to emphasis or stress the point which we expect. ex. I do all the work lonely without anybody’s help.
what is the difference between it is quite normal and it is normal. explain it with your natural style which will make us remember for ever and whenever we use and see the word, we will get remember your style and accent.
thanks so much you are a great teacher and you have a nice hair .
i love you
Thank You.
Obrigado. suas aulas são ótimas. I line
Dear Ronnie,
Thank you very much by lesson,but I’m waiting your answer about my big wish of make my exchange in Canada,please please please talk to me,give me your address email,please.
What information do you need?
First all, thanks for opportunity,…ok let’s go. I intends to make exchange in Canada and really love your method of teach. Give me some information or tips about what school,where stay(for exemplo: home-stay),how much money I’ll go spend with course during about a month,if is possible studying in school that you work,so on…
Help me please, I’ll stay glad to meet you,Thanks,bless you God.
Hi Neris..I’m making plans to study in Canada the next year.I suggest you search this site: canadaparabrasileiros. My husband and I listened (Am I right?) a lot of podcasts and they said about our doubts. But I agree whit you, would be great to have Ronnie as our teatcher. I’m lovin(this costinouus tense exist?) every class from her. XOXO and good luck!!!
Thank You
Thank you so much for the lesson. You are the One Ronnie.
Hi,Thanks for your lessons. I have a lot of problems trying to pronounce words that have “V” and “B”. In Spanish there is not much difference between these two words but in English make a huge difference.
Thank you and I will really appreciate your help.
Hi Rosny, I d like to know which form is more appropriate from the following:
The mental & physical development are harmed.
Or the mental & physical development is harmed.
Thanks in advance
Good lesson!
Thanks o lot Ronnie.
I would like to say that my english skill’s increased, especially after that I became engVid student.
Thank’s a lot.
Hello Ronnie, I love how you teach. You’re very funny and look like a amazing person. I’m here learning English every day. Since when I was a child, my dream was learning English and all you are helping me.
Thank you so much.
I should write: “You seem to be an amazing person”, I’m so sorry =D
Thank you Ronnie
I would like explain to us The different between rapid ,quick and fast. many thanks to you
thank you so much :)
Thanks a lot!
Hi, Ronnie.
Do you gays working in a English School or something?
Hi mam RONNIE you’re great i mean outstanding. YOU’RE TEACHING STYLE IS SO NICE.thanks for all the lessons.
2- IS IT RIGHT SENTENCE– I’m not gonna
be a doctor anymore.
Also = and. Use it to add extra information!
I’m not gonna
be a doctor anymore. Is how we speak but you should not write gonna. You should write going to.
Dear Ronnie!
Thanks for the lesson!
I have a question about pronunciation of the “t” sound. How would you say “right away”? How about “see you later”, “hiatus”, “congratulations”? I have heard Americans could pronounce “righD away”, “hiaDus”, “see you laDer”, “congraDulations”. Do Canadians speak these phrases and words in this way?
Yes, both Canadians and Americans change the T sound to a D. I have no idea why!!!
Thank you very much. All of you are “greats Teachers”. I’m very hapy following this course. Up to know i’ve watched all the episodes. Thank you again.
Dear Ronnie,
thank you for this toturial
but iwant ask you , how i can learn english in very small time
i ask you for a method please send me email to my mail ” ”
thank you Ronnie .
thank you teacher
I hope you teach us how to Pronounce the most popularly words with different words
Thank you
Greetings from Brazil Ronnie (not Honnie LOL)
Another example!
hi Ronnie
do you give private lessons at skipe?
Thank you Ronnie
thanks ^_^
Hi Ronnie I always see your lessons, That’s outstanding !! And Thanks for mention my country =D !
Thanks a lot!
Thank you
Really appreciated sir and if you could please write your Facebook ID or if you have any page in Facebook please send me that.
Thanks mom
Hi Ronnie, Thank you very much
Hi Ronnie…I am from Brazil and I love your classes!!!You are so cute.
Thanks for this lesson.
hi, people from, I’d like to suggest you a lesson on Defining and Non-defining Caluses. Is it possible? Tahnks a lot
this is very usefull to communication skills
hay …can i get some explanation for this focusing on language
“in case -although -unless”
Dear Ronnie,
It`s me ahmed marzouk , medical student from Egypt …I really appreciate your amazing work.
I’d like to suggest you a lesson on Difference Between 1st,middle,Last Name & Surname with example ahmed marzouk Fathy Abdl-karim as in my ID…It`s very confusing & I really need it Urgently to apply for US college.
Family name, last name and surname are all the same. All the people in your family have the same last name.
Your first name is the name your parents gave you. In English speaking countries, we call people by their first names.
Middle names are just extra and no one really uses them.
Hi Ronnie,
When you mentioned about the strong RRR sound so remarkable in Brazil, I felt good because you regarded my country with affection.
Everyday I watch Engvid and yours are the funniest. You incredible!
Hi Ronnie,
How to pronounce jewelry? Could be a good one.
Thank you so much for teaching us.
Great lesson!!!
thanks sooooooooooooooooo much .
thank you to teaching us and i want to learn english
Can anybody tell me what is the meaning of It’s been very kind and tell me the right use of this sentence.
Hi everyone! I want to improve my English and I would like talk to someone in English. if there is somebody who wants to be my pen friend write me in Email:
P.S Rpni you are the best teacher in the world.
teacher ronnie,ı dont know how ı explain.just ı am so happy to see a teacher like you.1 have been learning english for many years.
but never learn perfectly.
when ı watch your teaching english vids,ı learnt everything thanks to you.
so you are,friendly,so sympathetic,so joker.that ı wish you will be happy forever.
Thanks Ronnie, you are an amazing teacher.
Gratz from Brazil.
Nyc!!! and v v useful
hi Ronnie
thank you a lot for lesson I like to speak like English native . do you think i can do that ? if i try and practice hard i can ?
If I’m allowed talk Aayza and writing remains GOOD in English Vaaml any íÇŃíĘ deteriorated quickly
thank u so much mrs.ronie
have nice Ms/ Ronnie …………? this is my last messaged why are you not replay my word’s
tell me something abut the Videos least ion is not opened the videos ( how do i opened videos please need your help ?
please ……………….. need your help now?
thank you
Olá boa tarde!
Pessoal estou de volta, vou começar tudo de novo, parabenizo a Ronnie pela qualidade das aulas e aproveito para fazer um agradecimento aos professores… Muito obrigado.
thank a lot .
but i have problem for Sh,Ch, L,R too .Could you tell me how was different . thank you
hi ronny thank for teaching us. what is the pronunciation of ”ed” in th end of preterit verbes? thank
hi ronny thank you for this lesson
your way is very very good more useful and flexible
Thanks Ronnie….u teach us verry verry well…
Hi, Ronnie.
You’re a great teacher. I’m very satisfield with this class.
thank you so much
Hi Ronny. I’m Irina from Argentina. Well.. Today was the first time i saw ur video, and let me tell u that is cool because i can understand u so clearly :) thnx too much.
Forgive my bad way to write, because is so similar to how many teenagers and the youngs write :s
To be brief i wanna ask u if in your college or academy – dont know bout it well- i just wonder if u accept interchange students? Because i wanna make a trip to an english speaking country o improve my english.
And the last thing u’re a great teacher :)) and wht i’d you teach sth bout translation. Or sth bout being an interpreter please!
Thank u
I wanna learn English = your desire.
I should learn English = it is important.
They are different!
Your surname is the name you share with your mom, dad, and brothers and sisters.
Osman Mies rannie I average in English, what I do to be excellent in English and speak fluently Osman pink quickly
Osman Mies rannie I average in English, what I do to be excellent in English and speak fluently please answer quickly
Hi Ronnie! I am from a little country of America ‘El Salvador’ and I am so thankful with your lessons. Hope that God bless you.
Thank so much
The teacher is so lovely.
So clear lesson
Hi Ronnie, Thank you very much
Hi Ronnie, Thank you so much.. your teaching is so noce..i would like to learn about IELTS. if it is possible. please upload your IELTS classes videos please… G.K.
Hi Ronnie, Thank you very much
i am so happy to learn with ur video, thank you for your kindness generosity.
thank u for teaching us. i want to learn the correct voice of all alphabet. plz help me ,i will be very thankfull to u.
You Ronnie is very, very, very… interesting. (With all due respect)
Thanks you !!!!!!!!!!! Es genniiiaaaal !!!!
Hi Ronnie, hello!!..I like the way you teach..especially with some gestures; easier to understand, and to follows quickly. Thanks a lot!.
Hi Ronnie,
In Egypt a lot of people are having problem pronouncing the, that, they, there,
they say it like sa, sat, say, sere……
Please, we would like to have a video about th.
I enjoyed your video a lot, I have a friend from Nigeria, say Ospital for hospital, ear for here.
hey ronnie can u please help me ..
i can’t pronounciate words like BATH , BIRTH .. i can’t speak the last ‘th’ part of the word..i m tryin to adopt the american accent .. and i have adopted it well.. but words like BATH , BOOTH , BIRTH ,BATHROOM really confuse me..
please help :)
Ronnie, you are really good teacher, and I like your stile to tech us.
Hi Ronnie,thank you for the lessons! You are a pleasure to be with!
how to pronounce SCHEDULE
thanks for your lesson
Thank you :)
Tnx for always sharing ur knowledge god bless olways ronnie :)
thank you miss ronnie for all this lessons. English pronounciation is more difficult but with practice it will be easier.
Hi Ronnie, could you give a lesson about the pronunciation differences between calm (calming) and come (coming)and set some other examples with these vowel sounds? Thank you.
Thank you Ronnie :))
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for all your lessons. I’m really enjoying learning.
Please could we have some tricks to know when use we “up” “down” “off” “on” with verbs and what do they change in the verb meaning.
Ex: get off, get down, get up …
thanks ronnie
thanks ronnie you very good
Thank for your great lessons.
I learned how French and Brazilian are liable to pronounce R and H and A.
It was very interesting.
I remembered when my father gave me a uniform of French football player,henry and I was surprised at the spell.
i just can say thanks very much Ronnie My Mom was right you’re the best :)
thank you ronnie
Thanks Ronnie, i love yours examples, make it so easy.(tax in pen or hug).
I Like it..thx Ronnie :)
thanks , i like it
miss for kind consulting you.
and good lessons i hope you will learn some more about passive voice.
Thanks for the lesson. These lessons will help me write without the help of Google Translator.
thank you
Hello! Ronnie,
How are you ?
I’m your new student. I’m from Brazil and my city is called Joao Pessoa-Paraiba (state) My accent is strong.I am very happy with you. You are very beautiful and I feel that you are very happy person! I am enjoying yours lessons. Thank you.
it is nice one, but i hate this lesson because you do not have QUIZ
I’d like to know how to say ‘H’ in Which, Why and etc.
very good study
best teacher
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ^_^
i love English
Thank you so much. This video has been a lot of fun :)
Hi Ronnie, i’m new here, i’m brazilian too… So… My question is… How about pronunciation in words like “VEHICLE” , my wife is american and i can’t hear the sound of H when she pronounce, i asked her about, but she doesn’t had the answer.. Lol… Can you help me?
Hi .. so you smart Teacher..:D
I love your lesson..
Thank you very much..^^
Thank you
thanks once again for your such good teaching and important is that i have got this lesson. thank and keep teaching like that and take care.
Thank you.
thank you
thank you Ronnie. What is your email anyway.
could u talk about asia,india not only brazil
Ronnie you so good! but you so crazy. XOXO. YOU SO GR8! BEST WISHES
Thank you always for your fun lesson, Ronnie. I enjoy and smile :)
Thank you for your support Ronnie
Thank you very much
Thx Ronnie! smack! ;*
Tnx. Ronnie
thank, Ronnie
thank you!
Hi Ronnie, can teach us pronunciation “r”. Russians have R, but its so tough sond. And when we should to say it in a word, when not. pleeeese THX
Thank You dear Ronnie. You do a brilliant work for us. I do appreciate it. good luck.
thanks sooooo much.
Excellent, as always.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie!!
thank you very much.
You are a lovely,genial,delightful,cool,charming…(I take a breath),best ever,valuable,laudable,right(wait,I’m looking on google,I am back),rare,greatest teacher in the universe,no,all universies(you know what I mean,space).Thank you a zillion of times!I love You Ronnie,and a big thank to EngVid and all teachers!!!
Pronunciation in english is my big problem. i know i’ll learn them very well. i must practice them.without practice no one can learn this language. Thank you for all lessons.
Ronnie Thank you very much
ronnie you very goodteachier
thanks you , you are funny
THANK YOU! i love the way you are!
thank a lot [ ขอบคุณมากๆครับ ]
Ronnie LOVE u so much!!!
Ronnie, you are the best!
Great Ronnie!! thanks!!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!
Hi Ronnie,
Many thanks for you
You the only teacher that you learn our how to speak
Thank you for teach me the pronunciation :D
can anyone help me
with the pronunciation HER and HAIR?
i speak Portuguese from Brazil.
thanks ronnie
really U teach me more and more.
thank u Ronnie
Hy Ronnie! I Like a lot of his classes.
You are very funny!
Thank you
thank you
Hi, Ronnie!
Please, make a video talking about the pronunciation of letter “h”, age, ate and number “8”. For me, all these pronunciations is the same, but I don’t know if it’s correct.
Thanks you so much
hi ma’am,
I can easily understand your lessons.Thank you.
Thanks you so much
Thanks a lot for the lessons T. Ronnie. Your lessons have been very helpful. I usually check your lessons if I need help, especially with confusing words in English. :-)
Thank you Ronnie! I like a lot :D
Thank you.
Where can i find quizzes?
Thanks alot
Thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie! I’m Gabriel — the one you dedicate this video to. I’m also a teacher trainer now and I’m SO thankful for the lessons you taught me when I started studying English. Everytime I tell my students about EngVid, I brag about this video… hahaha
Thanks a million once again.
*Every time
Thanks, Ronnie!