How many verb tenses can you count in the following sentences? “If you practice every day, you will improve. But you also need to know that if you didn’t develop good study habits in the past, you might have trouble in the future.” There are several verb tenses in this excerpt, and they are all mixed together. But complex sentences like these are what make English a very rich and interesting language. In this challenging lesson, we will look at conditional sentences that mix tenses and even use the verb will in the if clause. Make sure to do the quiz at the end to practice and perfect your understanding of mixed tenses.
1st comment to this difficult but very well explained lesson!!
Thanks a lot Adam, this topic is really difficult for not native English speakers!!If I were a native speaker, I wouldn´t find this topic so hard XD
It’s all new for me… now I know why sometimes I’ve got confused about some sentences I crossed through
Big thanks …. really helpful
thanks Adam
but I think it’s a little confusing
anyway thank you. good lesson.
Thanks Adam, I wonder why do the mixed conditionals used instead of regular once? Is it used in daily language?
There are situations that need these as opposed to the regular ones. In EL classrooms they don’t teach these. I’m not sure why. The “regular” ones are just more common.
Thanks Adam. This is really useful.
Dear Adam thanks for these kind of lessons.
I want you to ask something about academic English.
I am aa envir. engineer Phd student and sometimes I’m really hard to understand some academic papers and when writing I locked many times… How can I overcome this kind of circumstances? could you give me some tips for improve academic and science english writing and reading? Thanks for your helps.
Hi Ahmeterd,
I understand what you mean. To tell you the truth, academic writing is not meant to be easy. Much of what you read in academic texts can be said much more clearly and briefly, but then many PhD students wouldn’t have enough word count for their papers. As for scientific writing, from my experience, science students aren’t the best writers. Their strength is in numbers.
As for yourself, the best thing to do is take extra time with the readings and whenever you come across something unclear, break down the sentences you’re having a hard time with. Figure out the independent clauses, then the main subjects and verbs, then the extra clauses and modifiers and then try to put it all back together in clearer forms. Keep in mind, though, that with enough practice, these writings will become easier. :)
thank you Adam for all efforts that you’ve done, about this situation, i remarked that us as we are not native speakers, always we forget our selves & trying speak English with our native language thoughts, specially in writing, my advice to ahmedterd is to try think & express in English,
if am wrong, i hope that y’ll correct to me Adam
Dear Adam, I made only 1 mistake mixed conditional but result appeared as 4 corrected. :)
Dear Adam, kindly get the sub-text removed . it is distracting us, weakening the lesson understanding and also making us difficult to see your written structures.
The sub-text – you mean subtitles? Subtitles can be easy removed in Youtube.
Hi Fauzia,
Look at the bottom of the video screen. You should see a button with cc on it. That is the closed caption button. You can click on that to remove the subtitles (captions).
As for the test score, try again and see if it works the second time.
locking subtext is ur’s dear
Imtithal Saeed
Hi Adam. I have watched the lesson twice, but I got only 70. Thank you!
Júlio César L Sousa
Dear Adam , I m confused at :
If it will help my case, I will take the test.
If it helps my case, I will take the test.
Ist mixed cond. Is clear but the difference between both the sentences is not.
You need to think of the first one not as a conditional but as a trade: I want this result, so I will take this action. It is not dependence as much as a cause and effect. taking the test will help, so I will do it. In the second, I will take the test on the condition that it helps.
Does this make it clearer?
Can we consider the first statement as a statement about not facts but opinions and decisions? And “full conditional” should be something as “As_far_as/if I know/guess/want it will help my case I will [decide] to take the test”?
Mikhail Osepyan
I got 6. It is very confusing. I thought my answers would also make sense. I cannot grasp the point you would want to make here…
Hi Sunhoek,
The point is that the common rules about conditionals do not always apply. There are exceptions (just as there are with other grammar rules).
Hi Adam, very interesting and very real situations the mixed conditionals, we use that expressions in the real life. It has been very useful for me. I really appreciate your videos. God Bless you!!!
Firstly,thank you for this very useful lesson dear Adam and secondly,I want to make a request.Can you make a video/course about prepositions,such as as to,as for,concerning,regarding and so on.They are quite confusing for me especially,when I try to read an academic article.
Tom Bombadil
I’ll get on that Tom ;)
thank you Adam.This lesson seems quiet difficult & confusing,but it is a useful one
It’s a little difficult lesson, but very interesting and important to improve our knowledgement in English. I need to watch this one a couple of times to understand better.
Thank you Adam.
Leandro Cleber
At the first sight it’s a very difficult lesson.
I got just 6 out of 10. I’m sure I need to watch again!
Thanks Adam for the opportunity to study so unusual subject.
Fatima Angelo
Is there a text version of this video? I mean the text of all examples considered in this lesson.
Hi Izinenko,
I’m afraid there is only the subtitles/captions. If you click on cc at the bottom of the video you can see these.
Difficult and confusing,any way,GOOD lesson.thanks Adams
Thank you, this lesson is very useful.
It is really confusing
I wish that you release anther lesson with more clarity.
but I still like the way of MR Adem of teaching English.
hi adam i have question regarding the tenses what is the difference between the tense and time ?
mani chandu
Hi Mani,
The time is future past and present. The tense is the relation to the time. There is simple, continuous, and perfect
(play, is playing, has played).
Does this help?
Hi Adam. Interesting topic. As for the question 2, “If it makes a difference, then I’ll take part. But I still have my doubts.” – is it just WRONG, in any context? Isn’t it still correct, just meaning something else, like in example 6 in your video?
Thank you.
Hi Tomek,
I’m not entirely sure I understand the question you’re asking, but this construct basically means “if you think it will make a difference, then I’ll take part. (I’ll do it because you think it will help). Does this help?
Hi Adam, thanks for your reply. If the sentence I quoted is correct, then there are two acceptable answers in question 2. At least. Moreover, there is an explanation at the end of the quiz, that this answer is incorrect. That was my point.
Fair enough Tomek. I guess you could read this two ways– the “will make” suggests result, but we can also use makes as in (if it makes a difference (to you), then I’ll take part, being here the conditional, but the dependent part is a slightly different meaning: makes a difference to you (or group), not to the end product.
The explanation could certainly have been better.
Hello Adam,
Thank you for your help. As you said, a tricky lesson for us.Who said that English is an easy language !!!
It’s a very tough subject! Especially that any grammar rules must not be only learned, but “felt” at the end. Remember all that rules is not possible
Thank you a lot, a very useful lesson. I guess it was a bit confusing, when you were talking about an example with a polygraph test. There was one more example in the quiz, it became a bit clearer!
I know that is not correct, but when using this conditionals is easy to me to think in my language
What???????I got 9/10 in such lesson!!!!!!!!I got disappointed before taking the quiz because of the horrific comments.
Hi Adam,
If I practice one by one of each your English lessons every day, I will improve my English and could speak like a native English speaker. I hope, hic hic….
You are a stupendous teacher. You’ve made my day. :)
Correction: I think I made a mistake, so I have to take the letter “each” out, and then I rewrite my sentence as ” If I practice one by one of your lessons every day, I will improve….”. I hope this time my sentence is correct! :)
Hi Chloe,
Actually, it’s,
If I practice each of your lessons, one by one every day, I will improve…
I am grateful for your teaching, Adam, you are the best. :)
I still feel confusing….. I got the lowest grade since I participated in the learning in our Engvid……what’s the problem…wish more teaching and explanation. Thank you in advance.
Hi Aurora,
This is a confusing lesson for sure. I’ll see about a follow-up video.
Wow, there are more and more subtle distinctions in English to discover. Thank you, Adam!
Amazing class Adam thank you
Bit confusion sir..but I understand somehow thank you
Thanks,Adam!Very good lesson!I think a good tip is to consider a time(present,past, future)in which clauses are happening.
Great master of very complicated and sophisticated lessons : ) Anyway thanks a lot!
very difficult. I got 40.
Dear Adam, In the third example of conditional, you said that both are the future clauses, i.e If you go, I will go too. Mixed in a sense that if clause talks about the future too. Right? but in the review of four conditionals, the sentence ” if you study hard, you will pass the test” also shows two future action. If you will work harder then you will pass the test. Then what is the difference?
if you study hard– refers to the present.(if you study hard this week, you will pass next week’s test)
If you will work harder– refers to the future.(You haven’t been studying hard. If you will study harder starting tomorrow , you will pass.
Does this help?
this really is helpful. everything is so well explained. Thank you so much Adam!
Well, can I make a request? I really confused about Using a gerund after ‘to’. would you please bring this material on your upcoming video?
Do not have an android application in Very convenient. I want it too much
Hello I don’t quite understand what different between 2 sentences below:
If I knew how to cook, I’d have made dinner instead
If I weren’t so busy, I’d go with you
Why don’t we use “would have” for the second?
Hi Tony,
In the second example we are talking about a future (go with you tomorrow). In the first example we are talking about a past (would have made dinner instead of buying it (last night, for instance)
Does this help?
Thank you so much, Adam :) You are such a gr8 teacher, honestly my favourite one ♥♥♥
Hi Alex! Really interested and helpful lesson, but i’ve little confused about that sentence:
– If I weren’t so busy…
Why we use this “weren’t” instead of “wasn’t” ? Thanks!
Hi Roman,
This is an example of a subjunctive voice. With “if” and “wish”, we use were , not was.
I wish I were rich.
She wishes she were married.
Hope this helps. :)
Sir can you please share link of wish conditional sentences
Thank you Adam! It is really helpful….I thought I understood the Grammar which you had taught. But when I had taken quiz that I was still making a mistake..
Mia Lee
hello sir ,could you please teach us how to write process and flow chart in writing task 1.if you colud that it will be appreciable
Hi Resmy,
I will make a video about that :)
Wouldn’t it be “If you hadn’t studied computers”, not “didn’t” as we’re talking about the past?
Hi AmJapple,
If we are talking about the past of a past (as in an unreal situation because you did study computers) then we’d use the perfect. But, in the sentence “if you didn’t do something then, you will have a hard time later” we are talking about a real situation (didn’t study) at a specific past time (then, in high school) and so use the simple past.
Does this help?
Good lesson thank you
Hi,Adam,this is a tricky lesson for me.I’ve seen the video for a couple of times but still feel a little bit confusing. I want to know that whether the sentence “If it will helps,I will take the test”means that I will take the test no matter it helps or not.Thank you
phil qi
Hi Phil,
Basically, you think that it will help and so you will take the test. Or, it is a fact that it will help. In other words, it does not depend on anything.
Does this make it clearer?
Yes,I understand it now.Thank you very much for your reply and look forward to your next video.Best wishes.
phil qi
Yes, I’m unhappy with my result 60pts
Hi Adam! Thank you very much for imparting us your knowledge. Before, I got confused how to construct these sentences properly. Until I watched your video, I finally got it correctly! You are such an inspration! :) Thank you so much Adam!
thank u adam..
Great, thx Adam.
Thank you Adam!…I think your lesson isn’t confused at all, rather it is very clear …so I would ask you some things about if clauses and time clauses : “she’ll come if it doesn’t rain” is a future if clause in a present situation; but if the situation was in the past, how would I have to say ? “she said that she would come if it didn’t rain” ? or “if it doesn’t rain” ? another example : “I’ll call you as soon as I get back” ; but how should I say if this phrase was said in the past? “as soon as I got back” ? or “as soon as I get back” ?; another example: “we’re not going to go out until the rain has stopped; how should I say this “has stopped” in a clause said in the past ?…Adam, if you have no time to answer me, could you please do another lesson about if and time clauses with as soon as, when, until, unless, before, after?
Hi Elena,
she’ll come if it doesn’t rain– She would have come if it hadn’t rained. (but it did rain and so she didn’t come, unreal)
she said (that) she would come if it didn’t rain– this is correct (reported speech, one tense back rule)
I’ll call you as soon as I get back– again, if going to a reported speech, the “she said she would call you as soon as she got back. or, I told you I would call you as soon as I got back (don’t forget to make the adjustments with pronouns)
we’re not going to go out until the rain has stopped– we weren’t going to go out until the rain had stopped.
I will make a lesson about these anyway ;)
Thank you Jame,
Thank you, Adam, sor so complicated piece of grammar. Interpreting any foreign language we always contrast it to our native one, we interpret it to ourselves, don’t we?
I want to say, sentences like “Listen, Randy, If you really want that promotion, you are going to have to put more effort into your work.” is illogical in Ukrainian, provided that we understand “be going to” as an arrangement for future. Hard to understand, how it implies a real conditional (for Randy). Therefore I’d never say so in English.
Natalie Rieznikov
Fair enough, Natalie. But… this is quite common in spoken English.
Adam, now that I’m rereading what I wrote yesterday, I’m realizing I didn’t express well….I asked you to give another lesson and mistakenly I used the word “do” in my request ( excuse me, in Italy we say to do a lesson to say to give a lesson )…then, just about the lesson I’d like you to give, I don’t know whether it was so understandable what I asked you to explain…I meant those future if and time clauses (with as soon as, when, until, unless, before, after), which were future in the past time…thank you again
Got it ;)
Thank you Jame,
Thank you
ashish pansuriya
this should be re-watched again and again. love studying grammar:)
I think you’re lying. Or maybe you’re just crazy ?!
Or maybe she loves it :)
And teachers are always right :) If they’re not, look at the previous sentence :)
Great lesson Adam, difficult but very well explained. Thank you!
wooow greate lesson adam
My question is not about above indicated title, but I really interesting how can I differentiate “in the park” from “at the park”, “in the hotel” or “at the hotel”? Also, “at night” and “in the night”. Thanks too much in advance. :)
learn to learn
Hi L2L,
in the park means inside the limits of the park. At the park means somewhere around the park (or inside). In is more definite than at.
On the corner is usually for buildings or things that stand. Again, at means in the general area.
We say in the morning, i the afternoon, in the evening, and at night. Not sure why that is. We say, however, in the middle of the night to show midpoint of that time period. Otherwise, in the night is not very commonly used.
On top of means on the surface or highest point. At the top is for a list or a ranking.
Does this help?
I have missed : ” on the top of sth” and at the top of sth” , “on the corner of sth” and “at the corner of sth ” I have asked about too much . :)
learn to learn
Hello,Adam,This is a great lesson for me. I watched this video and took the quiz over 3 times. I were asking you some questions in the quiz. But now, finally, I got it. Thanks a lot. I very much enjoy your English lesson. Thanks again, excellent teacher, Adam.
Thanks, Adam.
But I would like to ask what the difference between
‘features’ and ‘characteristics’.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Sophie,
A feature is a special part (added). A characteristic is a description of something as it is naturally. Cars have features, people have characteristics. But people can also have features, like a tattoo, a piercing, etc. that can distinguish them. Cars can have characteristics in terms of the maker. For example, a characteristic of a Mercedes is standard leather seats, or the hood ornament, which every model has.
Does this help?
Hi Adam! Fantastic lesson. Thank you very much.
Could you teach us the differences and when to use “little” and “small”?
Hello all , First of all that is most important lesson Adam , I have been really needed to increase up my conditional clause and how to use them in the daily english , I am too proud of what you do all , Thank you and continue with unique english grammar and exercises .
As for me I have understood nothing yet. I am sorry! I hope that after reading the subtitles to this lesson I’ll be able to get the idia. like… one thing is connection “the reason – the result” and another case is when connection of two phenomenona. I can’t comprehend these things now yet. If someone wants to talk about it and other Grammar rules in Skipe, just let me know with writing in my Skipe which is svt90034751967. Thanks for reading.
proverbial horse
This lesson is very importante.
Adam! Say me, which is correct, please:
1 Who has taken prises in the competition?
2 who have taken prises in the competition?
And more:
1 Who is buying handicrafts?
2 Who are buying handicrafts?
Thank you.
Is it depends on how many people are buying and how many people have taken prises? Thanks.
What about British? Are the rules similar?
Hi Katrin,
If you don’t know the answer, then it is a singular (who has taken, who is buying?). Generally, you are also asking about individual actions, so they will be singular.
Otherwise, Who of you (people)are buying…? but this is not very common.
In terms of grammar, rules are generally the same for British and others. It’s in spelling and usage and pronunciation that there are differences.
Thank you Adam. I really was mistaken. It’s quite a big help.
It was hard the lesson and the quiz too.
And Adam if you please help me with previous question. Wich was in the “10 ways to use the word WAY in English”. It’ coming up…
Adam, tell me please why the 3rd sentence you must make only in Past Simple.(more detail if you please)
Hi Katrin,
The best thing I learned/have learnt this year is to play football better. I learned/have learned some new technics.
My coach taught me. He has been my coach for
two years.
You can use simple past or present perfect with this year. It is understood that learning something takes time, so we can view ‘this year’ as a definite past period or an indefinite, meaning you did it sometime in the past year. More likely is the former.
Does this help?
Hi Katrin,
The fact that you learned or have learned some new techniques, means that you are done learning them. They are completed actions (the lessons). Therefore your coach taught them to you, not has been teaching , which would suggest you are still learning. But again, “the best thing” means one, which is presumed complete. Otherwise you’d have said, the best thing I’ve been learning this year…
Does this help?
Year,but why can’t I say: my coach has taught me?
Because it’s understood to be a completed action. If it’s continuing, then better to say my coach has been teaching me.
But Adam, doesn’t “My coach has taught me” mean a completed action? I’m realy confused…
(And what does it mean – compleated? Does it mean that action hadn’t had any continuance or just was ended in time of speaking?)
I (learned/have learned) some new technics and my coach taught me look similar to me. I really can’t see the difference. Maybe there’s a simple way to recognise the difference.(I mean to recognise in texts)
You can say he has taught me. However, you limited yourself to one thing (the best thing)and one time period (this year). In this case he finished teaching you this and might teach you new things next year.
You have to look at the entire situation and make sure that there is consistency in the verbs. Any reader will understand what you are saying either way (taught/has taught), but you always try to shorten when writing, so simple past works both in terms of style and syntax.
Adam I understood this case(but it’s still difficult to me).You should do a lesson about using PS and PP in speech with exemples. I’m sure this lesson will have a lot of views. Thank you.
I’ll get on that :)
Thank you very much, Adam, for this lesson!
You are a teacher of complex subjects, I see.
If you weren’t so experient in English grammar, you wouldn’t have presented this horrendous, although useful, topic to us!
Fabio Cicerre
Hi everyone ! I like are the teachers of but I HATE this English becouse of these are grammar rules … “p.p.” “Pr.Sm.” ext. . So I’ve got 6/10. ((((((((
It’s all good Vladkabatkovich.
If you think about your own language, it has grammar rules too and I’m sure I would have a hard time with them too. It’s just about being patient and trying again and again. Don’t give up.
Hi Adam ! You right – Russian – one of the most difficult languages in the world after the Chinese of course. But most of us Russians are lazy and stupid … like for instance I myself ?! )) And sorry me for my previos comment – what good could write a stupid (?) – Just stupid words. )
Eng is most inportant sight for me !!! Becouse it is the BEST !!!!!!!!!!! And thank you Adam for your Great job !!!!!!
Not stupid Vladkabatkovich, just a little frustrated. Believe me, it happens to lot of us.
One day you will look back and think how easy English is :)
Thank you a loot Adam ! ) Your friend, Vladislav.
Hi, Adam.
I hope you are doing well. I would like to address you a question about the usage of a grammatical construction called the bare infinitive. At first time I heard I find a bit strange but now it does not sound too strange to my ears. Anyway, we have been taught about how to use verbs together, and the main rule is that the second verb should come after “to” or in an “ing” form. The aforementioned construction does not follow this rule, for instance, “GO GET something for me,” “Let us GO SEE a movie,” and “COME HELP me with this problem.” All of them, I take from a web English class. Other examples that looks following the same rule are: “Let them go,” and “She heard they sing.” These last two samples I took from a grammar website, and to me, they seem interesting because they sound well until the moment I heard about bare infinitives. If possible and one of you don’t mind, it will be great to have a lesson about this subject matter.
Yours sincerely,
Hi Cesar,
Good topic :) I’ll make a video about this.
Keep in mind, that some are not infinitives (Go (to the kitchen)and get me a snack.)– two imperatives, go and get. The place (kitchen) is understood as is the conjunction, so they are not necessary, so we take them out.
I’ll make that lesson ;)
I think this your (about reading) is wery usefull advice !!!!!!! Thank you Adam very much !!!!!!!!!!!! And good luck in your difficolt and most important job !!!
Adam I tested my english vocabulary on TEST YOUR VOCAB and it was about 12.500 words. I’m not pleased because I find information there which says vocabulary of native speaker is about 20.000 words. It was not short way to get 12.000 words. And it seems to me 8000 words I’ll get only at the end of my life. I’m very upset.
Adam there is a word SLITHER. Is that a word which know everyone who was born in english-speaking country? And if you can give me some advice how to take 8000 words in 1 year.(I understand almost every speach)
Don’t be upset Katrin. The vocabulary a person has depends on how much they read. I read a lot so I have a higher number. People who don’t read a lot have a lower number. If you want to learn more words, read more (especially quality literary fiction). 8000 in one year is a lot. Read every day and it will definitely go up.
I think most people have heard at least one snake story in their life, which means they probably know the word slither ;)
I read every day Adam. And I’m going to follow your advice and read fiction! I hope you’re right. Maybe you will recommend some specific book or writer?
Thank you.
It all depends what you like Katrin. If you get bored with a book, it won’t help much. What kinds of books do you like to read in general?
I like romantic books and science fiction.(mostly classics)
Very interesting lesson. Thanks Adam.
Thanks everyone :)
I know it’s tricky, but keep practicing. It gets easier.
Hi. Adam.
You are a patient teacher to answer those questions.
Thank you again for your encouragement^^
HI Friends
i am very much weak in english
i wanted to improve my speacking skill as well as grammar.
if any body interest please connect with skype
my Skype is npkirankumarkoneru
kiran kumar
I just watched the same lesson as a second time and got 9 out of 10. I still don’t understand why 2)would have still been running is not right but 1)would be still running is right in question eight. Could you give me clear exaplanation how to choose a right answer in the question, please?
Oh! I made the same “mistake”!
proverbial horse
Hi Sunhoek,
The key is the word today– would would still be running is an unreal present situation. Would have run is a past situation. The past situation (lack of attention) has led to today’s unreal situation (would be running, but is not)
Does this help?
Hi everyone
I’ve been wondering about the 8th sentence
Shouldn’t it be ( if i WASN’T so busy, i’d go with you ) or it’s ( if I WEREN’T ……..) ?
Please reply me as soon as you can
Hi Zeena,
Technically, If I weren’t is correct, but many people use wasn’t these days.
This is called the subjunctive voice:
If I were
I wish I were
Does this help?
So what is the past of am?? I have been confused!!!
Imtithal Saeed
‘was’ is the past of ‘am’. But in the case above (subjunctive mood), ‘were’ is generally used for all subjects. No matter what kind of subject pronoun you use, ‘were’ is the aux verb that is grammatically correct.
so, in other words it will depend of the first action by the consequence could be in future, because sometimes we make any action with consequiences on the future, mmm I have a questions it is only to real situations?
Hi Adolfo,
Keep in mind that when we talk about the past, it is already unreal because the past can’t be changed. So if the past can’t be changed, the future is just hypothetical.
Does this help?
In the lesson “mixed conditional” you use “if I were…..”. Is the expression “if I was” wrong? Can you explain why? Thank you
Hi Maria,
Technically, If I were is correct, but many people use was these days.
This is called the subjunctive voice:
If I were…
If he were…
I wish I were…
Does this help?
Dear Adam:
I learn from your videos!
Which is the difference in those sentences.. I think it came from exercises number 7
If Laryy hadn´t missed all those meetings last month, the boss
a. will probably put in the list (future?)
b. would probably put in the list (present?)
Thanks for your response.
Hi BigChallenge,
The would implies that he will not put him on the list. But if Larry came to the meetings, then he would.
“because Larry always came on time, the boss will put him on the list.”
Does this help?
If I use “would”, that means that there is no more chance? cero posibility, wrigth?
9 out of 10. Great lesson!
Thanks, excellent classes. I’m your fan #1 Adam
Rossy Serrato
Hi there. Thanks a million dear Adam. Your videos are absolutely unparalleled and invaluable.
I’ve just done a mock IELTS exam. May I share the results with you? I’d like to have your expert advice. :)
By all means Mehrdad :)
If I had seen this explanation earlier, I would be like a native speaker now.
If I had seen this explanation earlier, I might have been better at speaking now.
10/10 Thanks, Adam.
Hossam el gezawy
Is the second sentence right?
Hossam el gezawy
Thank you so much,Adam. It’s a really confusing topic for non-native English learners. And also, it’s even very difficult to teachers to specifically clarify the grammar as well. But you did it very well. Really appreciate it !
Can anyone give me a detailed explanation on ” if it helps,I’ll take the test?” I understood “if it will help,I will take the test”
“If it helps, I’ll take the test”–this is a conditional clause, So the second sentence depends on the first one….so it means ” does it help?” If yes then i will take the test” there is no other options. It’s like a formula.
“If it will help,I will take the test”—this is not a conditional clause. The first sentence is a result for the action of taking the test. It means there maybe other results and this is one of them “it will help in my case”… I will take the test, so that might help me in my case.. So it also means that i have doubts or i’m not sure but i will do it anyway.
Hossam el gezawy
Hi adam…i like ur teqching style alot :-)
madeeha faizuddin
If i knew. I would tell u…if i had known i would’v told u…can we use both? Or they will b used according to the situation?..
madeeha faizuddin
Hello Adam, finally I started to understand a bit about mixed conditional, but still I have a doubt. I am now under the impression that unlike the type 1, 2 and 3 that are about possible future, unreal future and unreal past, mixed conditional seems to be all about present, that is, any event from the past that is now having a consequence in the present.
Great lesson as always! Thanks a lot Adam.
Can you explain why we use “WERE” with “I” in 8th sentence? I thought that “WERE” is for plural (we, you, they) and “WAS” for singular. Am I wrong?
Thanks alot for this marvelous lesson… it seems very hard but I did not expect to get 100% !
Thanks again .. it was very helpfull
Radwa essam
Why none of you guys has a lesson on ” Relative Pronoun ” . I wanna understand a little bit more about it
hi my dear teacher adam my problem internet cause i cannot watch lessons video plz send me only read letters and exercise thanks
I hate conditional, I just cannot understand it… But thank you Adams for you effort. I have to continue practices..
Thank you, Adam for your useful and really understandable videos, for the way you teach and explain! This one is not an exception and the Quiz is OK? I had only 1 mistake because the combination “are going to have to put” in the first sentence sounded rather complicated and even strange. Is it really common? Thanks in advance!
thank you for your all precious lessons’re really paying attention to teach this kind of confusing tasks..and absolutely better than our turkish teachers :D
Ali Kamil Torlak
Hi Adam! Thank you for this amazing lesson :)
I’ve watched this video at least 3-4 times but i still can’t get why you use ” I would have a great job” in the sentence ” If i had won the competition, i would have a great job now”
The first part is an imaginative statement about the past – if i had won, meaning that the person failed, which leads to the second part of the sentence — > ” i don’t have that job, because i missed on that opportunity”. Shouldn’t it be represented by the past form of the modal verb “would” –“would have had”?
You say that these 2 parts don’t depend on each other, but it seems to me that they do.. I’m a bit confused :(
In this situation that person has failed a real competition in the past and is making an unreal assumption – if i had won, that led to a real situation in the present – he doesn’t have that job now. so, why isn’t it – I would have had a job? because now he doesn’t and it seems those 2 parts are actually connected and lead from one to the other . or is it all because of this “now” in the second part?
thanks !
You are amazing :-)
Ivan Gubanov
I´m on my away to understand this lesson so I need to practice it more! Thank you Adams, IÍI watch it again.
Marta Mendes Valadades
Thanks for the great lesson
i have a question why can not we say in no 4
if i won the competition , i would have a great job now ?
Hi Adam,
for sentences
1. If i knew how to cook, i’d have made you a dinner instead.
2. If i won the competition, i’d have a great job.
How would we know when to use “would have v3” and “would v1”, because the conditional sentences in those 2 sentences have same form “simple past”?
Thank you
Howdy, Adam! That is a nice lesson again, thanks. If I had enough money, I would travel to Canada to improve my English. But Engvid teachers help me in this field and I don’t need to leave home! See you!
Eduardo França
Mohamed Sedky
Hello adam.
I would like to share a doubt with you.
I wish i had known what was wrong with my car.
I wish i knew what was wrong with my car.
Which one is correct and why?
Please reply.
Hey Adam,
I request you to post a video on the topic” how to differentiate between a direct object and an object complement.”
Or you can just reply here.
My mother made me a cake.
Here me is indirect object and cake is direct object
They called him a liar
Here him is not an indirect object. Is the word liar acting as an object complement.???
Thanks for this excellent lesson
Hi Adam,
I’m studying English on my own and I’m really happy I found your videos as they’re so much helpful for me. Thank you a lot for your lessons!
By the way, found out that most of the things we learn about English in Russian high schools have nothing to do with real language :D
Hello mr.Adam
you are the most glorious teacher i have ever heard to.i just want to ask what is the different between past perfect and the past tense in if conditions.i have got 8 out of 10
best regards
the wolf
Hi Adam.. thanks a lot to all your lessons I am sure this (engvid) is the bests way to learn English.. so i hope to make conversations with u please.. when u agree plz I will give my viber No. to u
Thx adam you are a very good teacher and this channel is great
is very difficult. I need to come again. Thank you anyway Adam you are my best teacher.
Imtithal Saeed
Hello Adam Sir,
I have recently started watching your lessons. You way of explaining the topic is very effective. This topic is tough too but nicely explained.
Thank you Mr. Adam.
I really appreciate your creativity in teaching English
I amazingly got %100
I can’t thank you enough
I must admit I am completely confused now. I learned that we can only mix the second and the third conditional, and the first sentence does not apply to this ( If you didn’t study computers in high school, you might find it difficult.) Why doesn
Thanks a lot. I will do my best next quiz
Hi please help me, this sentence is correct?
If i had known that i will have problems with my stomach, I would have changed my eating habits.
Thank you Adam,
I like your teaching style.
I don’t know if you give a privet classes if yes how to sign up.
I didn’t understand the difference between
“If it helps”/”If it will help me” or
“If if makes a difference”/”If it will make a difference”
If you say “If it makes a difference, I’ll do it” – is it wrong or just not commonly used?
thanks Adam
question please
in your example
if you will follow me ,I’ll show you your table
is it correct to say
if you follow me ,I’ll show you your table ?
Thanks for the explanation Adam, it’s very useful but I got confused with exercise number 7. I can’t understand why is it a hypothetical present situation.
thanks for a great lesson!
these lesson is quite hard, but If I trying this, early I will be great.
This is the best lesson I could find about Mixed Conditionals .Thanks a lot !!!Great teachers!
I have been living in England for 2 years.I work with English people.Yesterday I showed them and asked them what difference between : “If you called me I would not have been offended” and “If you had called me I would not be offended” They said to me that there is no difference,just use any of them,same meaning.Is it like that?or maybe some of them don`t know grammar :)
hi adam I’m still confuse to use if clause can u please give me an example for my advertisement homework
Hello, Adam! Thank you for that lesson! I noticed that there is little information about subjunctive mood. Could you explain following subjects: Subjunctive 1 and 2, conditional, suppositional. what it is, what the structure, where and how we can use it. If it is possible, please give links to the books or articles. Thanks in advance!
Thank you,, i got 70???
pls tell me difference b/w would and would have.
devendra dodwadiya
the lesson was usefull. thanks!!!
I have a question about test question 6 “Then why did you agree to the meeting if you don’t want to see her?”. This sentence form is “past simple+if present simple”. Is that mixed conditional or normal conditional , different type of adverbial clause? Mr.Adam i still waiting your adjective and adverbial clauses ! :D
I’ve just gotten 5 out 10. Is there anyone who got the same score as me? It is such a difficult grammar. I am good at 1,2,3 conditionals but that one is harder. I’ll practise a little bit more. Thank you Adam.
thanks adam , i got 80 !!!
Fouad alzoghbi
Hello Adam, Have you ever heard about if+will in the case, when action doesn’t matter? for example:
A:you aren’t going work tomorrow.are you going to sleep alot?
B:Even if i won’t go to work, i’ll get up early tomorrow, because i need to do cook breakfast.
Thank you in advance for reply
Thanks Adam. It was a good lesson.
Thanks a lot)
Nazerke Karina
thanks a lot!
it’s really helpful and useful.
thanks . I’m crazy about these confusing points ! Thanks again .
first of all, many thanks for your useful course,
kindly requesting to tell me the difference between the conditional 2 and 3 ( if + past, would infinitive / if + past perfect, would present perfect) in terms of meaning.
Hi Adam.thanks for you useful course
Thank you very much Adam. I am passionate about your lesson. I got only 70. I will repeat this lesson. It is complicated for me but it is very interesting. Thanks a lot
Ivan Gubanov
is it correct to say “what you said indicated you are warm heart”
can we mix the past with the present?
Jundu MD
Hi Adam,
I’m writing 2 sentence, let me know whether they’re correct.
If given a chance, what would you do? (Someone is offering me a chance right now or may be I will be offered a chance in future)
If you had given a chance, what you would have done? (If someone had offered me a chance in past)
Even if they’re correct, I don’t understand it. So please explain it and it matches to the which example of yours?
thanks a lot Amad,
If my quiz had not been so bad, I think my English is very good
My mother language has all these mixed conditionals and also ‘the four types’, but in Portuguese, we change the order of the sentences when we’re speaking and I really would like to know if I could do it in English, like: I would’ve invited you, If my parents weren’t going away (the last example of your video, but in a changed order that I mentioned.)
if i were there,i would have fucked the hell out of you. is this correct?is this subjunctive or conditional?
can you tell me the difference between subjunctive and conditional clauses? is subjunctive different from the conditional clauses or it is part of it?
why you use this sentences like this “If i weren’t so busy.I would go with you ”, Im confused , instead of use “”if i weren’t “” you should use “” I wasn’t.
Thanks I new i the web
Hello Adam,
I’m confused with using “will” in If clause.
I read in my book “top tatch3” this note:
Be careful! Don’t use would or could in the if clause.
And my teacher makes it sure and told me to not use it with if clause because it’s incorrect grammatically.
So please tell me what did you meant with that example?
what did you mean with that example? ***
I just got 5 out of 10, really bad in my point of view. But i have some doubts with conditionals, so i will watch again for sure. however, it was a intesting class. Thanks.
It was too hard that I got only 3/10.Another lecture should be given on the same topic.
Ahsan Ali
Thank you Adam for this important lesson and your clear explanations.
As a french learning english I have some questions about mixed conditionals in english.
Concerning the examples that you gave us, could it be correct to write :
”If I had won the competition, I’d have got (or had) a great job last year.” (In french we should write this literaly)
Second question : In french, if I translate, we normally write this :
If I knew how to cook, I’d make you dinner instead, now”
Or : ”If I had known how to cook, I’d have made you dinner instead, yesterday”
So, am I right if I say that mixed conditionals, in these two examples, are sometimes different between french and english ?
Are these sentences, which I write above, grammatically correct .
Last point, in the penultimate example, you wrote ”If I weren’t so busy, I’d go with you”
Is there a subjunctive in the first part of the phrase, which could explain ”weren’t” instead of ”wasn’t” ?
Thank you again Adam.
Best regards.
This was a great lesson, thanks Adam. On the test I got 9/10 however this was mainly due to guesswork rather than applying the grammar rules correctly. Would it be possible for you to do another lesson on this with more examples?
Dear adam thanks for your lessons and tips. Please arrange one session when to use Have Had, had had?
Thank you Adam
Thanks. I got 7.
Thank you Adam
thanks Adam This lesson very useful for me. I am preperin IELTS exam. so I lıke your lesson thanks.. If I will take 7 point , I will go to U.S.A. Is it correct? by the way this stuation is real.
Thank you Adam ….. It is not easy to understand promptly but I’ve received 10/10 … thx again :) good job and keep it up :)
Thanks Adam. Great Job. I got 100% on the test.
I have a strong feeling that “If Larry hadn’t missed all those meetings last month, the boss would have probably put him on that nominations list” is no mistake. You’re welcome to try to turn me round
Thank you very much Adam!
Thank you Adam
you have a wonderful way to give and express information’s
I taught I will cope with this exam, but I found it very hard! Thanks Adam anyway.
hi adam, i have been watching u for nearly 2 mounths, and frankly i am a big fun of you. I am getting straight to the point immediately. could u please make a video about modals. There is a lots of video out there in the internet which are related to the modals. However your sound is very relaxing :). And i can understand or comprehend easly and quickly as well from your tutorials/lessons. Thank u so much already.
with love from TURKEY…
Thanks Adam very useful!
Hello Adam, I’ve watched a few of your videos and they’re excellent! Thanks!
My question is ..Could I teach the four conditionals
using the example of a man who forgets his umbrella… and it looks like it might rain!
Zero Conditional
When it rains , we get wet
!st Conditional
If it rains, he’ll get wet
2nd Conditional
If it rained, he would get wet
3rd Conditional
If it had rained, he would have got wet.
I usually elicit…with, umbrella, rain and so on..Please confirm and tell me if it’s okay? I’ll appreciate your input. Thanks a lot.
Thank you Adam
Tia Aulia
hey thank you so much .and learn any word in albanian cuz is beautiful language
Hi! I have studied this material then it wasn’t so difficult but I have a doubt at one sentence..
“If I knew how to cook, I’d have made you dinner instead.” what it’d be “instead” ? “instead you not going to dinner?”
Good job!
can I say this?:
If you didn’t study computers in high school,you MAY(instead of might) find this course difficult.
Hi Adam , could you explain this sentence” If you were late, you’ll pay the price.” And can I say “If you will be late, you will pay the price.”?
Thank you!
Daphne W
Why you used ” If I weren’t so busy,………” instead of “If I wasn’t so busy,……….””?? I were or I was?
Hi Adam can we use these sentences in our essay.
Bhargav limbachiya
I have got 6, such a pity!
Hi Adam! Thank You very much for the video! I have one question: I would defenitely go meet her. But I feel that I want to say: I would defenitely go to meet her.
Would You be so kind to tell me the difference.
Thank You very much!
I got 70 and I REALLY enjoyed the lesson thank you I REALLY appreciate all your great effort ??
Thanks Adam. But, I’ m still confused to differ the contexts.
Hi Adam! This lesson is very interesting and useful) Thank you very much))
Sometimes I meet the following construct
….would + have + past participle…..
But it is used as an sentence by itself (without any conditions). What rule is it regulated by? I get confused when I see such sentences.
Hi Adam,
Good day!
While browsing the net about some stuff to learn about the English language, I have come across your videos on Youtube. All your videos, I’d say, are very instructive and informative. Thanks for sharing the gift of wisdom to everyone.
By the way, hope you could make a comprehensive lesson about the English tenses. I, being a second language learner too, understand the difficulty of those who are also studying your language. One of which is tense usage.
Maybe, some would argue that it’s easy as there are grammar books that prescribe it usage. However, I don’t find it that much helpful in dealing with complex structures, not to add, of course, the exceptions.
In all of my readings, I have seen discussed on grammar books about the use of the tenses, but , I feel, disconnection in it and it’s not enough to foreground or give any second language learner a better grounding of the English language.
I hope you could come up with a lesson that deals on how tenses operate in Clauses and what circumstances affect it. I have few examples below
What she said IS true versus What she said WAS true.
The man who went there last night IS my friend versus The Man who went there last night WAS my friend.
Hope you’ll be able to provide a discussion about the grammatical accuracy of those sample sentences whether they are acceptable usage or not and what are the semantical differences in the meaning if this structure is permissible.
Thanks heaps!
In the example ” What she said (last night) IS true” and “What she she said(last night) WAS true”, what makes me curious of is whether the tense in the Noun Clause used as a subject affects the main verb or not?
Another example would be the case of relative/adjective clause.
The car that I bought (yesterday) HAS a scratch or The car that I bought (yesterday) HAD a scratch.
My question in this structure is does the verb or even the time expression in the relative clause affect the verb of the main clause?
Hope you can shed light on this. Thanks
Hello Adam. The question which I would like to ask you doesn’t relate to this lesson, but I have no choice as I do not have your contact. The question is beneath
Polly saw Tom when he was going to school. She thinks he … her.
a) didn’t see
b) hasn’t seen
Please explain if it is possible
Thanks beforehand
Polly saw Tom when he was going to school. He thinks Tom didn’t see him.
I think thats the right sentence.
Relatively difficult. Any links for more details on the subject? Thanks.
Adam, I’ve got a question: Does engvid do online general English courses? If does, how much is it?
Hi, Adam. Thanks for making this video. Your explanation is understable. But i still get confused, what I learned in highschool is that conditional sentence has four types; type 0, type 1, type 2, type 3. And the sentence structure doesnt suit your explanation. I am completely confused, thats why i got bad score on your test, for i didnt watch your video firstly. And why i didnt watch your video? Because i just tested my knowledge about the theory of conditional sentence that i’ve learnt in high school. Thanks Adam, for reading this words, i am looking forward your reply. ?
Hi Adam
What kind of conditional this sentence is?
If you have time, call me. or
call me if you have time
confusing ones ;(
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thanks for the lesson, It´s so useful.
Hello Adam! Thank you for your great teaching!) And Id like to ask: why should we say “would still be running” and no “would have still run” in the sentence: “If Tim had paid more attention to his business, he ________ it today.”?
Thanks Adam for the lesson.
Kingsley Kunda
soooooooooooooo confusing. Why you didn’t make any rule.Theese are all example. I am fan of your videos but not this one.
I wouldn’t think I’d get it…but guess what ..!!
I got it.I got 90/100 in the test .Thanks so much for you.
Thanks Adam!
I would like to request if you have a lesson materials regarding this topic.
Paul Melvin
Hi Adam,I failed my test. I got 6/10. I need to follow again this lessons and do more test until I will get a good result.Thanks anyway
Thank you Adam,
I only got 7 correct answers out of the 10 questions, that’s not really good. These are the kind of English sentences I really struggle in writing and speaking, simply because it doesn’t follow the conventional English sentences rules.
Great topic , really have to put more efforts to understand where to put have or would etc. We have to understand the context of sentence. Thanks Adam for this wonderful lesson. Please put some more lessons on these conditionals so as to make us understand deep .
Hi Adams
Can you give me more examples such as if my parents weren’t going away.I’d have invited you. I confused with this one. Thank you!!! Great Job!!!
Antonis Evdaimon
Oh my Goodness! My favorite numbers came up for the lottery this week. If I had bought a ticket,I would be rich now.
Is this combination of Conditional Sentences type 2 and 3?
Well done Adam, thank you. It really helped me understand confusing lesson.
Ali Abdirahman
Hi adam
It’s a little difficult and confusing to me.
But This video helped me understand, thank you for the lesson.
Hi Adam, my compliment! I always enjoy your lessons.
I got 9 out of ten.
Patrizia Giovannelli
Hello Adam, I’m so grateful for the lesson! It was quite clearly, but need time to understand mixed conditional in detail ><". I have a little question about alternatives to “if”. In what cases can we use these forms: as long as, provided/providing (that), on condition (that), whether, supposing/suppose, and why? Thank you in advance, Maria.
Maria Tiktinskaya
Hi Adam,
thanks for your lessons. I’m learning a lot from them.
I have to ask for some clarification :)
I did the quiz, but I have problems understanding sentence n°7:
7. A: The Employee-of-the-Year awards are coming soon. Do you think the boss will nominate Larry?
B: If Larry hadn’t missed all those meetings last month, the boss ________ him on that nominations list.
I chose “would have probably put”, because I thought the speaker is implying that the boss decided not to put Larry on the list.
But the right answer is “would probably put”… I’m confused. Could you help me out, please?
Thanks Adam!would you please explain the third sentence in the quiz”If Jim didn’t have to take sarah to the doctor,he would definitely go meet you.”
Mh sakhr
Thank you, Adam. It is always nice to use your videos for my virtual classes. You are right about this kind of conditionals. They can be very confusing but your explanations the topic is a lot easier. I like your videos a lot. You are the best.
so in the question 7 in the test why we can’t say that this is a probable more than hypothetical so we can use (first condition of if )and put (will put him)
I got 7. if I paid attention, I would get 8. Thanks a lot, I am physicist. But now English seems interesting!
Wow, I had 50 points from 10 questions. It means I have to learn more… thank you Adam
Hi Adam. You have really explained it well. But my question is that why all of the options are correct for question 1? I mean, I used “will have”, but how can one use ” you are going to have to put” efforts ?
Hi Adam,
Thanks so much for your lesson. I would like to ask one question about the following sentence. “Would it be ok if we include some small added language and my name at the end of the memo?” I just wanted to know why use “would” in this sentence? Is it a conditional sentence or just a polity way?
Hi, Adam.
Is it okay to use past continuous with If??
Thank you, teacher
Thanks Teacher Adam. I got 90.
Amira Abdulaziz
Most of us speak our mother languages without knowing much about grammar therefore it’s okay
The teacher have left the chat yet. Stand for yourself alone.
It’s a high quality of explanation, and it has been helped me a lot when i have any difficult with grammar lessons.
Hi, Adam. Thanks for the helpful lesson, well done! “If you have kept my present,statue of lord Hanuman, you could worship him repeating the Mantra I’ve given you before”. I wonder if this structure makes sense : present perfect (likely possibility) + present (giving advice)
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
1st comment to this difficult but very well explained lesson!!
Thanks a lot Adam, this topic is really difficult for not native English speakers!!If I were a native speaker, I wouldn´t find this topic so hard XD
It’s all new for me… now I know why sometimes I’ve got confused about some sentences I crossed through
Big thanks …. really helpful
Hi, you should to visit this page:
thanks Adam
but I think it’s a little confusing
anyway thank you. good lesson.
Thanks Adam, I wonder why do the mixed conditionals used instead of regular once? Is it used in daily language?
There are situations that need these as opposed to the regular ones. In EL classrooms they don’t teach these. I’m not sure why. The “regular” ones are just more common.
Thanks Adam. This is really useful.
Dear Adam thanks for these kind of lessons.
I want you to ask something about academic English.
I am aa envir. engineer Phd student and sometimes I’m really hard to understand some academic papers and when writing I locked many times… How can I overcome this kind of circumstances? could you give me some tips for improve academic and science english writing and reading? Thanks for your helps.
Hi Ahmeterd,
I understand what you mean. To tell you the truth, academic writing is not meant to be easy. Much of what you read in academic texts can be said much more clearly and briefly, but then many PhD students wouldn’t have enough word count for their papers. As for scientific writing, from my experience, science students aren’t the best writers. Their strength is in numbers.
As for yourself, the best thing to do is take extra time with the readings and whenever you come across something unclear, break down the sentences you’re having a hard time with. Figure out the independent clauses, then the main subjects and verbs, then the extra clauses and modifiers and then try to put it all back together in clearer forms. Keep in mind, though, that with enough practice, these writings will become easier. :)
thank you Adam for all efforts that you’ve done, about this situation, i remarked that us as we are not native speakers, always we forget our selves & trying speak English with our native language thoughts, specially in writing, my advice to ahmedterd is to try think & express in English,
if am wrong, i hope that y’ll correct to me Adam
Dear Adam, I made only 1 mistake mixed conditional but result appeared as 4 corrected. :)
Dear Adam, kindly get the sub-text removed . it is distracting us, weakening the lesson understanding and also making us difficult to see your written structures.
The sub-text – you mean subtitles? Subtitles can be easy removed in Youtube.
Hi Fauzia,
Look at the bottom of the video screen. You should see a button with cc on it. That is the closed caption button. You can click on that to remove the subtitles (captions).
As for the test score, try again and see if it works the second time.
locking subtext is ur’s dear
Hi Adam. I have watched the lesson twice, but I got only 70. Thank you!
Dear Adam , I m confused at :
If it will help my case, I will take the test.
If it helps my case, I will take the test.
Ist mixed cond. Is clear but the difference between both the sentences is not.
You need to think of the first one not as a conditional but as a trade: I want this result, so I will take this action. It is not dependence as much as a cause and effect. taking the test will help, so I will do it. In the second, I will take the test on the condition that it helps.
Does this make it clearer?
Can we consider the first statement as a statement about not facts but opinions and decisions? And “full conditional” should be something as “As_far_as/if I know/guess/want it will help my case I will [decide] to take the test”?
I got 6. It is very confusing. I thought my answers would also make sense. I cannot grasp the point you would want to make here…
Hi Sunhoek,
The point is that the common rules about conditionals do not always apply. There are exceptions (just as there are with other grammar rules).
Hi Adam, very interesting and very real situations the mixed conditionals, we use that expressions in the real life. It has been very useful for me. I really appreciate your videos. God Bless you!!!
Firstly,thank you for this very useful lesson dear Adam and secondly,I want to make a request.Can you make a video/course about prepositions,such as as to,as for,concerning,regarding and so on.They are quite confusing for me especially,when I try to read an academic article.
I’ll get on that Tom ;)
thank you Adam.This lesson seems quiet difficult & confusing,but it is a useful one
It’s a little difficult lesson, but very interesting and important to improve our knowledgement in English. I need to watch this one a couple of times to understand better.
Thank you Adam.
At the first sight it’s a very difficult lesson.
I got just 6 out of 10. I’m sure I need to watch again!
Thanks Adam for the opportunity to study so unusual subject.
Is there a text version of this video? I mean the text of all examples considered in this lesson.
Hi Izinenko,
I’m afraid there is only the subtitles/captions. If you click on cc at the bottom of the video you can see these.
Difficult and confusing,any way,GOOD lesson.thanks Adams
Thank you, this lesson is very useful.
It is really confusing
I wish that you release anther lesson with more clarity.
but I still like the way of MR Adem of teaching English.
hi adam i have question regarding the tenses what is the difference between the tense and time ?
Hi Mani,
The time is future past and present. The tense is the relation to the time. There is simple, continuous, and perfect
(play, is playing, has played).
Does this help?
Hi Adam. Interesting topic. As for the question 2, “If it makes a difference, then I’ll take part. But I still have my doubts.” – is it just WRONG, in any context? Isn’t it still correct, just meaning something else, like in example 6 in your video?
Thank you.
Hi Tomek,
I’m not entirely sure I understand the question you’re asking, but this construct basically means “if you think it will make a difference, then I’ll take part. (I’ll do it because you think it will help). Does this help?
Hi Adam, thanks for your reply. If the sentence I quoted is correct, then there are two acceptable answers in question 2. At least. Moreover, there is an explanation at the end of the quiz, that this answer is incorrect. That was my point.
Fair enough Tomek. I guess you could read this two ways– the “will make” suggests result, but we can also use makes as in (if it makes a difference (to you), then I’ll take part, being here the conditional, but the dependent part is a slightly different meaning: makes a difference to you (or group), not to the end product.
The explanation could certainly have been better.
Hello Adam,
Thank you for your help. As you said, a tricky lesson for us.Who said that English is an easy language !!!
It’s a very tough subject! Especially that any grammar rules must not be only learned, but “felt” at the end. Remember all that rules is not possible
Thank you a lot, a very useful lesson. I guess it was a bit confusing, when you were talking about an example with a polygraph test. There was one more example in the quiz, it became a bit clearer!
I know that is not correct, but when using this conditionals is easy to me to think in my language
What???????I got 9/10 in such lesson!!!!!!!!I got disappointed before taking the quiz because of the horrific comments.
Hi Adam,
If I practice one by one of each your English lessons every day, I will improve my English and could speak like a native English speaker. I hope, hic hic….
You are a stupendous teacher. You’ve made my day. :)
Correction: I think I made a mistake, so I have to take the letter “each” out, and then I rewrite my sentence as ” If I practice one by one of your lessons every day, I will improve….”. I hope this time my sentence is correct! :)
Hi Chloe,
Actually, it’s,
If I practice each of your lessons, one by one every day, I will improve…
I am grateful for your teaching, Adam, you are the best. :)
I still feel confusing….. I got the lowest grade since I participated in the learning in our Engvid……what’s the problem…wish more teaching and explanation. Thank you in advance.
Hi Aurora,
This is a confusing lesson for sure. I’ll see about a follow-up video.
Wow, there are more and more subtle distinctions in English to discover. Thank you, Adam!
Amazing class Adam thank you
Bit confusion sir..but I understand somehow thank you
Thanks,Adam!Very good lesson!I think a good tip is to consider a time(present,past, future)in which clauses are happening.
Great master of very complicated and sophisticated lessons : ) Anyway thanks a lot!
very difficult. I got 40.
Dear Adam, In the third example of conditional, you said that both are the future clauses, i.e If you go, I will go too. Mixed in a sense that if clause talks about the future too. Right? but in the review of four conditionals, the sentence ” if you study hard, you will pass the test” also shows two future action. If you will work harder then you will pass the test. Then what is the difference?
if you study hard– refers to the present.(if you study hard this week, you will pass next week’s test)
If you will work harder– refers to the future.(You haven’t been studying hard. If you will study harder starting tomorrow , you will pass.
Does this help?
this really is helpful. everything is so well explained. Thank you so much Adam!
Well, can I make a request? I really confused about Using a gerund after ‘to’. would you please bring this material on your upcoming video?
Hi Tia,
Actually, Emma just did a lesson on this:
Let me know if this helps.
Good lesson thank you
Do not have an android application in Very convenient. I want it too much
Hello I don’t quite understand what different between 2 sentences below:
If I knew how to cook, I’d have made dinner instead
If I weren’t so busy, I’d go with you
Why don’t we use “would have” for the second?
Hi Tony,
In the second example we are talking about a future (go with you tomorrow). In the first example we are talking about a past (would have made dinner instead of buying it (last night, for instance)
Does this help?
Thank you so much, Adam :) You are such a gr8 teacher, honestly my favourite one ♥♥♥
Hi Alex! Really interested and helpful lesson, but i’ve little confused about that sentence:
– If I weren’t so busy…
Why we use this “weren’t” instead of “wasn’t” ? Thanks!
Hi Roman,
This is an example of a subjunctive voice. With “if” and “wish”, we use were , not was.
I wish I were rich.
She wishes she were married.
Hope this helps. :)
Sir can you please share link of wish conditional sentences
Thank you Adam! It is really helpful….I thought I understood the Grammar which you had taught. But when I had taken quiz that I was still making a mistake..
hello sir ,could you please teach us how to write process and flow chart in writing task 1.if you colud that it will be appreciable
Hi Resmy,
I will make a video about that :)
Wouldn’t it be “If you hadn’t studied computers”, not “didn’t” as we’re talking about the past?
Hi AmJapple,
If we are talking about the past of a past (as in an unreal situation because you did study computers) then we’d use the perfect. But, in the sentence “if you didn’t do something then, you will have a hard time later” we are talking about a real situation (didn’t study) at a specific past time (then, in high school) and so use the simple past.
Does this help?
Good lesson thank you
Hi,Adam,this is a tricky lesson for me.I’ve seen the video for a couple of times but still feel a little bit confusing. I want to know that whether the sentence “If it will helps,I will take the test”means that I will take the test no matter it helps or not.Thank you
Hi Phil,
Basically, you think that it will help and so you will take the test. Or, it is a fact that it will help. In other words, it does not depend on anything.
Does this make it clearer?
Yes,I understand it now.Thank you very much for your reply and look forward to your next video.Best wishes.
Yes, I’m unhappy with my result 60pts
Hi Adam! Thank you very much for imparting us your knowledge. Before, I got confused how to construct these sentences properly. Until I watched your video, I finally got it correctly! You are such an inspration! :) Thank you so much Adam!
thank u adam..
Great, thx Adam.
Thank you Adam!…I think your lesson isn’t confused at all, rather it is very clear …so I would ask you some things about if clauses and time clauses : “she’ll come if it doesn’t rain” is a future if clause in a present situation; but if the situation was in the past, how would I have to say ? “she said that she would come if it didn’t rain” ? or “if it doesn’t rain” ? another example : “I’ll call you as soon as I get back” ; but how should I say if this phrase was said in the past? “as soon as I got back” ? or “as soon as I get back” ?; another example: “we’re not going to go out until the rain has stopped; how should I say this “has stopped” in a clause said in the past ?…Adam, if you have no time to answer me, could you please do another lesson about if and time clauses with as soon as, when, until, unless, before, after?
Hi Elena,
she’ll come if it doesn’t rain– She would have come if it hadn’t rained. (but it did rain and so she didn’t come, unreal)
she said (that) she would come if it didn’t rain– this is correct (reported speech, one tense back rule)
I’ll call you as soon as I get back– again, if going to a reported speech, the “she said she would call you as soon as she got back. or, I told you I would call you as soon as I got back (don’t forget to make the adjustments with pronouns)
we’re not going to go out until the rain has stopped– we weren’t going to go out until the rain had stopped.
I will make a lesson about these anyway ;)
Thank you Jame,
Thank you, Adam, sor so complicated piece of grammar. Interpreting any foreign language we always contrast it to our native one, we interpret it to ourselves, don’t we?
I want to say, sentences like “Listen, Randy, If you really want that promotion, you are going to have to put more effort into your work.” is illogical in Ukrainian, provided that we understand “be going to” as an arrangement for future. Hard to understand, how it implies a real conditional (for Randy). Therefore I’d never say so in English.
Fair enough, Natalie. But… this is quite common in spoken English.
Adam, now that I’m rereading what I wrote yesterday, I’m realizing I didn’t express well….I asked you to give another lesson and mistakenly I used the word “do” in my request ( excuse me, in Italy we say to do a lesson to say to give a lesson )…then, just about the lesson I’d like you to give, I don’t know whether it was so understandable what I asked you to explain…I meant those future if and time clauses (with as soon as, when, until, unless, before, after), which were future in the past time…thank you again
Got it ;)
Thank you Jame,
Thank you
this should be re-watched again and again. love studying grammar:)
I think you’re lying. Or maybe you’re just crazy ?!
Or maybe she loves it :)
And teachers are always right :) If they’re not, look at the previous sentence :)
Great lesson Adam, difficult but very well explained. Thank you!
wooow greate lesson adam
My question is not about above indicated title, but I really interesting how can I differentiate “in the park” from “at the park”, “in the hotel” or “at the hotel”? Also, “at night” and “in the night”. Thanks too much in advance. :)
Hi L2L,
in the park means inside the limits of the park. At the park means somewhere around the park (or inside). In is more definite than at.
On the corner is usually for buildings or things that stand. Again, at means in the general area.
We say in the morning, i the afternoon, in the evening, and at night. Not sure why that is. We say, however, in the middle of the night to show midpoint of that time period. Otherwise, in the night is not very commonly used.
On top of means on the surface or highest point. At the top is for a list or a ranking.
Does this help?
I have missed : ” on the top of sth” and at the top of sth” , “on the corner of sth” and “at the corner of sth ” I have asked about too much . :)
Hello,Adam,This is a great lesson for me. I watched this video and took the quiz over 3 times. I were asking you some questions in the quiz. But now, finally, I got it. Thanks a lot. I very much enjoy your English lesson. Thanks again, excellent teacher, Adam.
Thanks, Adam.
But I would like to ask what the difference between
‘features’ and ‘characteristics’.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Sophie,
A feature is a special part (added). A characteristic is a description of something as it is naturally. Cars have features, people have characteristics. But people can also have features, like a tattoo, a piercing, etc. that can distinguish them. Cars can have characteristics in terms of the maker. For example, a characteristic of a Mercedes is standard leather seats, or the hood ornament, which every model has.
Does this help?
Hi Adam! Fantastic lesson. Thank you very much.
Could you teach us the differences and when to use “little” and “small”?
Hi Audry,
I made a lesson on this:
Let me know if this helps.
thanks for you teacher Adam
Hello all , First of all that is most important lesson Adam , I have been really needed to increase up my conditional clause and how to use them in the daily english , I am too proud of what you do all , Thank you and continue with unique english grammar and exercises .
As for me I have understood nothing yet. I am sorry! I hope that after reading the subtitles to this lesson I’ll be able to get the idia. like… one thing is connection “the reason – the result” and another case is when connection of two phenomenona. I can’t comprehend these things now yet. If someone wants to talk about it and other Grammar rules in Skipe, just let me know with writing in my Skipe which is svt90034751967. Thanks for reading.
This lesson is very importante.
Adam! Say me, which is correct, please:
1 Who has taken prises in the competition?
2 who have taken prises in the competition?
And more:
1 Who is buying handicrafts?
2 Who are buying handicrafts?
Thank you.
Is it depends on how many people are buying and how many people have taken prises? Thanks.
What about British? Are the rules similar?
Hi Katrin,
If you don’t know the answer, then it is a singular (who has taken, who is buying?). Generally, you are also asking about individual actions, so they will be singular.
Otherwise, Who of you (people)are buying…? but this is not very common.
In terms of grammar, rules are generally the same for British and others. It’s in spelling and usage and pronunciation that there are differences.
Thank you Adam. I really was mistaken. It’s quite a big help.
It was hard the lesson and the quiz too.
And Adam if you please help me with previous question. Wich was in the “10 ways to use the word WAY in English”. It’ coming up…
Adam, tell me please why the 3rd sentence you must make only in Past Simple.(more detail if you please)
Hi Katrin,
The best thing I learned/have learnt this year is to play football better. I learned/have learned some new technics.
My coach taught me. He has been my coach for
two years.
You can use simple past or present perfect with this year. It is understood that learning something takes time, so we can view ‘this year’ as a definite past period or an indefinite, meaning you did it sometime in the past year. More likely is the former.
Does this help?
Hi Katrin,
The fact that you learned or have learned some new techniques, means that you are done learning them. They are completed actions (the lessons). Therefore your coach taught them to you, not has been teaching , which would suggest you are still learning. But again, “the best thing” means one, which is presumed complete. Otherwise you’d have said, the best thing I’ve been learning this year…
Does this help?
Year,but why can’t I say: my coach has taught me?
Because it’s understood to be a completed action. If it’s continuing, then better to say my coach has been teaching me.
But Adam, doesn’t “My coach has taught me” mean a completed action? I’m realy confused…
(And what does it mean – compleated? Does it mean that action hadn’t had any continuance or just was ended in time of speaking?)
I (learned/have learned) some new technics and my coach taught me look similar to me. I really can’t see the difference. Maybe there’s a simple way to recognise the difference.(I mean to recognise in texts)
You can say he has taught me. However, you limited yourself to one thing (the best thing)and one time period (this year). In this case he finished teaching you this and might teach you new things next year.
You have to look at the entire situation and make sure that there is consistency in the verbs. Any reader will understand what you are saying either way (taught/has taught), but you always try to shorten when writing, so simple past works both in terms of style and syntax.
Adam I understood this case(but it’s still difficult to me).You should do a lesson about using PS and PP in speech with exemples. I’m sure this lesson will have a lot of views. Thank you.
I’ll get on that :)
Thank you very much, Adam, for this lesson!
You are a teacher of complex subjects, I see.
If you weren’t so experient in English grammar, you wouldn’t have presented this horrendous, although useful, topic to us!
Hi everyone ! I like are the teachers of but I HATE this English becouse of these are grammar rules … “p.p.” “Pr.Sm.” ext. . So I’ve got 6/10. ((((((((
It’s all good Vladkabatkovich.
If you think about your own language, it has grammar rules too and I’m sure I would have a hard time with them too. It’s just about being patient and trying again and again. Don’t give up.
Hi Adam ! You right – Russian – one of the most difficult languages in the world after the Chinese of course. But most of us Russians are lazy and stupid … like for instance I myself ?! )) And sorry me for my previos comment – what good could write a stupid (?) – Just stupid words. )
Eng is most inportant sight for me !!! Becouse it is the BEST !!!!!!!!!!! And thank you Adam for your Great job !!!!!!
Not stupid Vladkabatkovich, just a little frustrated. Believe me, it happens to lot of us.
One day you will look back and think how easy English is :)
Thank you a loot Adam ! ) Your friend, Vladislav.
Hi, Adam.
I hope you are doing well. I would like to address you a question about the usage of a grammatical construction called the bare infinitive. At first time I heard I find a bit strange but now it does not sound too strange to my ears. Anyway, we have been taught about how to use verbs together, and the main rule is that the second verb should come after “to” or in an “ing” form. The aforementioned construction does not follow this rule, for instance, “GO GET something for me,” “Let us GO SEE a movie,” and “COME HELP me with this problem.” All of them, I take from a web English class. Other examples that looks following the same rule are: “Let them go,” and “She heard they sing.” These last two samples I took from a grammar website, and to me, they seem interesting because they sound well until the moment I heard about bare infinitives. If possible and one of you don’t mind, it will be great to have a lesson about this subject matter.
Yours sincerely,
Hi Cesar,
Good topic :) I’ll make a video about this.
Keep in mind, that some are not infinitives (Go (to the kitchen)and get me a snack.)– two imperatives, go and get. The place (kitchen) is understood as is the conjunction, so they are not necessary, so we take them out.
I’ll make that lesson ;)
I think this your (about reading) is wery usefull advice !!!!!!! Thank you Adam very much !!!!!!!!!!!! And good luck in your difficolt and most important job !!!
Adam I tested my english vocabulary on TEST YOUR VOCAB and it was about 12.500 words. I’m not pleased because I find information there which says vocabulary of native speaker is about 20.000 words. It was not short way to get 12.000 words. And it seems to me 8000 words I’ll get only at the end of my life. I’m very upset.
Adam there is a word SLITHER. Is that a word which know everyone who was born in english-speaking country? And if you can give me some advice how to take 8000 words in 1 year.(I understand almost every speach)
Don’t be upset Katrin. The vocabulary a person has depends on how much they read. I read a lot so I have a higher number. People who don’t read a lot have a lower number. If you want to learn more words, read more (especially quality literary fiction). 8000 in one year is a lot. Read every day and it will definitely go up.
I think most people have heard at least one snake story in their life, which means they probably know the word slither ;)
I read every day Adam. And I’m going to follow your advice and read fiction! I hope you’re right. Maybe you will recommend some specific book or writer?
Thank you.
It all depends what you like Katrin. If you get bored with a book, it won’t help much. What kinds of books do you like to read in general?
I like romantic books and science fiction.(mostly classics)
Very interesting lesson. Thanks Adam.
Thanks everyone :)
I know it’s tricky, but keep practicing. It gets easier.
Hi. Adam.
You are a patient teacher to answer those questions.
Thank you again for your encouragement^^
HI Friends
i am very much weak in english
i wanted to improve my speacking skill as well as grammar.
if any body interest please connect with skype
my Skype is npkirankumarkoneru
I just watched the same lesson as a second time and got 9 out of 10. I still don’t understand why 2)would have still been running is not right but 1)would be still running is right in question eight. Could you give me clear exaplanation how to choose a right answer in the question, please?
Oh! I made the same “mistake”!
Hi Sunhoek,
The key is the word today– would would still be running is an unreal present situation. Would have run is a past situation. The past situation (lack of attention) has led to today’s unreal situation (would be running, but is not)
Does this help?
Hi everyone
I’ve been wondering about the 8th sentence
Shouldn’t it be ( if i WASN’T so busy, i’d go with you ) or it’s ( if I WEREN’T ……..) ?
Please reply me as soon as you can
Hi Zeena,
Technically, If I weren’t is correct, but many people use wasn’t these days.
This is called the subjunctive voice:
If I were
I wish I were
Does this help?
So what is the past of am?? I have been confused!!!
‘was’ is the past of ‘am’. But in the case above (subjunctive mood), ‘were’ is generally used for all subjects. No matter what kind of subject pronoun you use, ‘were’ is the aux verb that is grammatically correct.
so, in other words it will depend of the first action by the consequence could be in future, because sometimes we make any action with consequiences on the future, mmm I have a questions it is only to real situations?
Hi Adolfo,
Keep in mind that when we talk about the past, it is already unreal because the past can’t be changed. So if the past can’t be changed, the future is just hypothetical.
Does this help?
In the lesson “mixed conditional” you use “if I were…..”. Is the expression “if I was” wrong? Can you explain why? Thank you
Hi Maria,
Technically, If I were is correct, but many people use was these days.
This is called the subjunctive voice:
If I were…
If he were…
I wish I were…
Does this help?
Dear Adam:
I learn from your videos!
Which is the difference in those sentences.. I think it came from exercises number 7
If Laryy hadn´t missed all those meetings last month, the boss
a. will probably put in the list (future?)
b. would probably put in the list (present?)
Thanks for your response.
Hi BigChallenge,
The would implies that he will not put him on the list. But if Larry came to the meetings, then he would.
“because Larry always came on time, the boss will put him on the list.”
Does this help?
If I use “would”, that means that there is no more chance? cero posibility, wrigth?
9 out of 10. Great lesson!
Thanks, excellent classes. I’m your fan #1 Adam
Hi there. Thanks a million dear Adam. Your videos are absolutely unparalleled and invaluable.
I’ve just done a mock IELTS exam. May I share the results with you? I’d like to have your expert advice. :)
By all means Mehrdad :)
If I had seen this explanation earlier, I would be like a native speaker now.
If I had seen this explanation earlier, I might have been better at speaking now.
10/10 Thanks, Adam.
Is the second sentence right?
Thank you so much,Adam. It’s a really confusing topic for non-native English learners. And also, it’s even very difficult to teachers to specifically clarify the grammar as well. But you did it very well. Really appreciate it !
Can anyone give me a detailed explanation on ” if it helps,I’ll take the test?” I understood “if it will help,I will take the test”
“If it helps, I’ll take the test”–this is a conditional clause, So the second sentence depends on the first one….so it means ” does it help?” If yes then i will take the test” there is no other options. It’s like a formula.
“If it will help,I will take the test”—this is not a conditional clause. The first sentence is a result for the action of taking the test. It means there maybe other results and this is one of them “it will help in my case”… I will take the test, so that might help me in my case.. So it also means that i have doubts or i’m not sure but i will do it anyway.
Hi adam…i like ur teqching style alot :-)
If i knew. I would tell u…if i had known i would’v told u…can we use both? Or they will b used according to the situation?..
Hello Adam, finally I started to understand a bit about mixed conditional, but still I have a doubt. I am now under the impression that unlike the type 1, 2 and 3 that are about possible future, unreal future and unreal past, mixed conditional seems to be all about present, that is, any event from the past that is now having a consequence in the present.
Great lesson as always! Thanks a lot Adam.
Can you explain why we use “WERE” with “I” in 8th sentence? I thought that “WERE” is for plural (we, you, they) and “WAS” for singular. Am I wrong?
Thanks alot for this marvelous lesson… it seems very hard but I did not expect to get 100% !
Thanks again .. it was very helpfull
Why none of you guys has a lesson on ” Relative Pronoun ” . I wanna understand a little bit more about it
hi my dear teacher adam my problem internet cause i cannot watch lessons video plz send me only read letters and exercise thanks
I hate conditional, I just cannot understand it… But thank you Adams for you effort. I have to continue practices..
Thank you, Adam for your useful and really understandable videos, for the way you teach and explain! This one is not an exception and the Quiz is OK? I had only 1 mistake because the combination “are going to have to put” in the first sentence sounded rather complicated and even strange. Is it really common? Thanks in advance!
thank you for your all precious lessons’re really paying attention to teach this kind of confusing tasks..and absolutely better than our turkish teachers :D
Hi Adam! Thank you for this amazing lesson :)
I’ve watched this video at least 3-4 times but i still can’t get why you use ” I would have a great job” in the sentence ” If i had won the competition, i would have a great job now”
The first part is an imaginative statement about the past – if i had won, meaning that the person failed, which leads to the second part of the sentence — > ” i don’t have that job, because i missed on that opportunity”. Shouldn’t it be represented by the past form of the modal verb “would” –“would have had”?
You say that these 2 parts don’t depend on each other, but it seems to me that they do.. I’m a bit confused :(
In this situation that person has failed a real competition in the past and is making an unreal assumption – if i had won, that led to a real situation in the present – he doesn’t have that job now. so, why isn’t it – I would have had a job? because now he doesn’t and it seems those 2 parts are actually connected and lead from one to the other . or is it all because of this “now” in the second part?
thanks !
You are amazing :-)
I´m on my away to understand this lesson so I need to practice it more! Thank you Adams, IÍI watch it again.
Thanks for the great lesson
i have a question why can not we say in no 4
if i won the competition , i would have a great job now ?
Hi Adam,
for sentences
1. If i knew how to cook, i’d have made you a dinner instead.
2. If i won the competition, i’d have a great job.
How would we know when to use “would have v3” and “would v1”, because the conditional sentences in those 2 sentences have same form “simple past”?
Thank you
Howdy, Adam! That is a nice lesson again, thanks. If I had enough money, I would travel to Canada to improve my English. But Engvid teachers help me in this field and I don’t need to leave home! See you!
Hello adam.
I would like to share a doubt with you.
I wish i had known what was wrong with my car.
I wish i knew what was wrong with my car.
Which one is correct and why?
Please reply.
Hey Adam,
I request you to post a video on the topic” how to differentiate between a direct object and an object complement.”
Or you can just reply here.
My mother made me a cake.
Here me is indirect object and cake is direct object
They called him a liar
Here him is not an indirect object. Is the word liar acting as an object complement.???
Thanks for this excellent lesson
Hi Adam,
I’m studying English on my own and I’m really happy I found your videos as they’re so much helpful for me. Thank you a lot for your lessons!
By the way, found out that most of the things we learn about English in Russian high schools have nothing to do with real language :D
Hello mr.Adam
you are the most glorious teacher i have ever heard to.i just want to ask what is the different between past perfect and the past tense in if conditions.i have got 8 out of 10
best regards
Hi Adam.. thanks a lot to all your lessons I am sure this (engvid) is the bests way to learn English.. so i hope to make conversations with u please.. when u agree plz I will give my viber No. to u
Thx adam you are a very good teacher and this channel is great
is very difficult. I need to come again. Thank you anyway Adam you are my best teacher.
Hello Adam Sir,
I have recently started watching your lessons. You way of explaining the topic is very effective. This topic is tough too but nicely explained.
Thank you Mr. Adam.
I really appreciate your creativity in teaching English
I amazingly got %100
I can’t thank you enough
I must admit I am completely confused now. I learned that we can only mix the second and the third conditional, and the first sentence does not apply to this ( If you didn’t study computers in high school, you might find it difficult.) Why doesn
Thanks a lot. I will do my best next quiz
Hi please help me, this sentence is correct?
If i had known that i will have problems with my stomach, I would have changed my eating habits.
Thank you Adam,
I like your teaching style.
I don’t know if you give a privet classes if yes how to sign up.
I didn’t understand the difference between
“If it helps”/”If it will help me” or
“If if makes a difference”/”If it will make a difference”
If you say “If it makes a difference, I’ll do it” – is it wrong or just not commonly used?
thanks Adam
question please
in your example
if you will follow me ,I’ll show you your table
is it correct to say
if you follow me ,I’ll show you your table ?
Thanks for the explanation Adam, it’s very useful but I got confused with exercise number 7. I can’t understand why is it a hypothetical present situation.
thanks for a great lesson!
these lesson is quite hard, but If I trying this, early I will be great.
This is the best lesson I could find about Mixed Conditionals .Thanks a lot !!!Great teachers!
I have been living in England for 2 years.I work with English people.Yesterday I showed them and asked them what difference between : “If you called me I would not have been offended” and “If you had called me I would not be offended” They said to me that there is no difference,just use any of them,same meaning.Is it like that?or maybe some of them don`t know grammar :)
hi adam I’m still confuse to use if clause can u please give me an example for my advertisement homework
Hello, Adam! Thank you for that lesson! I noticed that there is little information about subjunctive mood. Could you explain following subjects: Subjunctive 1 and 2, conditional, suppositional. what it is, what the structure, where and how we can use it. If it is possible, please give links to the books or articles. Thanks in advance!
Thank you,, i got 70???
pls tell me difference b/w would and would have.
the lesson was usefull. thanks!!!
I have a question about test question 6 “Then why did you agree to the meeting if you don’t want to see her?”. This sentence form is “past simple+if present simple”. Is that mixed conditional or normal conditional , different type of adverbial clause? Mr.Adam i still waiting your adjective and adverbial clauses ! :D
I’ve just gotten 5 out 10. Is there anyone who got the same score as me? It is such a difficult grammar. I am good at 1,2,3 conditionals but that one is harder. I’ll practise a little bit more. Thank you Adam.
thanks adam , i got 80 !!!
Hello Adam, Have you ever heard about if+will in the case, when action doesn’t matter? for example:
A:you aren’t going work tomorrow.are you going to sleep alot?
B:Even if i won’t go to work, i’ll get up early tomorrow, because i need to do cook breakfast.
Thank you in advance for reply
Thanks Adam. It was a good lesson.
Thanks a lot)
thanks a lot!
it’s really helpful and useful.
thanks . I’m crazy about these confusing points ! Thanks again .
first of all, many thanks for your useful course,
kindly requesting to tell me the difference between the conditional 2 and 3 ( if + past, would infinitive / if + past perfect, would present perfect) in terms of meaning.
Hi Adam.thanks for you useful course
Thank you very much Adam. I am passionate about your lesson. I got only 70. I will repeat this lesson. It is complicated for me but it is very interesting. Thanks a lot
is it correct to say “what you said indicated you are warm heart”
can we mix the past with the present?
Hi Adam,
I’m writing 2 sentence, let me know whether they’re correct.
If given a chance, what would you do? (Someone is offering me a chance right now or may be I will be offered a chance in future)
If you had given a chance, what you would have done? (If someone had offered me a chance in past)
Even if they’re correct, I don’t understand it. So please explain it and it matches to the which example of yours?
thanks a lot Amad,
If my quiz had not been so bad, I think my English is very good
My mother language has all these mixed conditionals and also ‘the four types’, but in Portuguese, we change the order of the sentences when we’re speaking and I really would like to know if I could do it in English, like: I would’ve invited you, If my parents weren’t going away (the last example of your video, but in a changed order that I mentioned.)
if i were there,i would have fucked the hell out of you. is this correct?is this subjunctive or conditional?
can you tell me the difference between subjunctive and conditional clauses? is subjunctive different from the conditional clauses or it is part of it?
why you use this sentences like this “If i weren’t so busy.I would go with you ”, Im confused , instead of use “”if i weren’t “” you should use “” I wasn’t.
Thanks I new i the web
Hello Adam,
I’m confused with using “will” in If clause.
I read in my book “top tatch3” this note:
Be careful! Don’t use would or could in the if clause.
And my teacher makes it sure and told me to not use it with if clause because it’s incorrect grammatically.
So please tell me what did you meant with that example?
what did you mean with that example? ***
I just got 5 out of 10, really bad in my point of view. But i have some doubts with conditionals, so i will watch again for sure. however, it was a intesting class. Thanks.
It was too hard that I got only 3/10.Another lecture should be given on the same topic.
Thank you Adam for this important lesson and your clear explanations.
As a french learning english I have some questions about mixed conditionals in english.
Concerning the examples that you gave us, could it be correct to write :
”If I had won the competition, I’d have got (or had) a great job last year.” (In french we should write this literaly)
Second question : In french, if I translate, we normally write this :
If I knew how to cook, I’d make you dinner instead, now”
Or : ”If I had known how to cook, I’d have made you dinner instead, yesterday”
So, am I right if I say that mixed conditionals, in these two examples, are sometimes different between french and english ?
Are these sentences, which I write above, grammatically correct .
Last point, in the penultimate example, you wrote ”If I weren’t so busy, I’d go with you”
Is there a subjunctive in the first part of the phrase, which could explain ”weren’t” instead of ”wasn’t” ?
Thank you again Adam.
Best regards.
This was a great lesson, thanks Adam. On the test I got 9/10 however this was mainly due to guesswork rather than applying the grammar rules correctly. Would it be possible for you to do another lesson on this with more examples?
Dear adam thanks for your lessons and tips. Please arrange one session when to use Have Had, had had?
Thank you Adam
Thanks. I got 7.
Thank you Adam
thanks Adam This lesson very useful for me. I am preperin IELTS exam. so I lıke your lesson thanks.. If I will take 7 point , I will go to U.S.A. Is it correct? by the way this stuation is real.
Thank you Adam ….. It is not easy to understand promptly but I’ve received 10/10 … thx again :) good job and keep it up :)
Thanks Adam. Great Job. I got 100% on the test.
I have a strong feeling that “If Larry hadn’t missed all those meetings last month, the boss would have probably put him on that nominations list” is no mistake. You’re welcome to try to turn me round
Thank you very much Adam!
Thank you Adam
you have a wonderful way to give and express information’s
I taught I will cope with this exam, but I found it very hard! Thanks Adam anyway.
hi adam, i have been watching u for nearly 2 mounths, and frankly i am a big fun of you. I am getting straight to the point immediately. could u please make a video about modals. There is a lots of video out there in the internet which are related to the modals. However your sound is very relaxing :). And i can understand or comprehend easly and quickly as well from your tutorials/lessons. Thank u so much already.
with love from TURKEY…
Thanks Adam very useful!
Hello Adam, I’ve watched a few of your videos and they’re excellent! Thanks!
My question is ..Could I teach the four conditionals
using the example of a man who forgets his umbrella… and it looks like it might rain!
Zero Conditional
When it rains , we get wet
!st Conditional
If it rains, he’ll get wet
2nd Conditional
If it rained, he would get wet
3rd Conditional
If it had rained, he would have got wet.
I usually elicit…with, umbrella, rain and so on..Please confirm and tell me if it’s okay? I’ll appreciate your input. Thanks a lot.
Thank you Adam
hey thank you so much .and learn any word in albanian cuz is beautiful language
Hi! I have studied this material then it wasn’t so difficult but I have a doubt at one sentence..
“If I knew how to cook, I’d have made you dinner instead.” what it’d be “instead” ? “instead you not going to dinner?”
Good job!
can I say this?:
If you didn’t study computers in high school,you MAY(instead of might) find this course difficult.
Hi Adam , could you explain this sentence” If you were late, you’ll pay the price.” And can I say “If you will be late, you will pay the price.”?
Thank you!
Why you used ” If I weren’t so busy,………” instead of “If I wasn’t so busy,……….””?? I were or I was?
Hi Adam can we use these sentences in our essay.
I have got 6, such a pity!
Hi Adam! Thank You very much for the video! I have one question: I would defenitely go meet her. But I feel that I want to say: I would defenitely go to meet her.
Would You be so kind to tell me the difference.
Thank You very much!
I got 70 and I REALLY enjoyed the lesson thank you I REALLY appreciate all your great effort ??
Thanks Adam. But, I’ m still confused to differ the contexts.
Hi Adam! This lesson is very interesting and useful) Thank you very much))
Sometimes I meet the following construct
….would + have + past participle…..
But it is used as an sentence by itself (without any conditions). What rule is it regulated by? I get confused when I see such sentences.
Hi Adam,
Good day!
While browsing the net about some stuff to learn about the English language, I have come across your videos on Youtube. All your videos, I’d say, are very instructive and informative. Thanks for sharing the gift of wisdom to everyone.
By the way, hope you could make a comprehensive lesson about the English tenses. I, being a second language learner too, understand the difficulty of those who are also studying your language. One of which is tense usage.
Maybe, some would argue that it’s easy as there are grammar books that prescribe it usage. However, I don’t find it that much helpful in dealing with complex structures, not to add, of course, the exceptions.
In all of my readings, I have seen discussed on grammar books about the use of the tenses, but , I feel, disconnection in it and it’s not enough to foreground or give any second language learner a better grounding of the English language.
I hope you could come up with a lesson that deals on how tenses operate in Clauses and what circumstances affect it. I have few examples below
What she said IS true versus What she said WAS true.
The man who went there last night IS my friend versus The Man who went there last night WAS my friend.
Hope you’ll be able to provide a discussion about the grammatical accuracy of those sample sentences whether they are acceptable usage or not and what are the semantical differences in the meaning if this structure is permissible.
Thanks heaps!
In the example ” What she said (last night) IS true” and “What she she said(last night) WAS true”, what makes me curious of is whether the tense in the Noun Clause used as a subject affects the main verb or not?
Another example would be the case of relative/adjective clause.
The car that I bought (yesterday) HAS a scratch or The car that I bought (yesterday) HAD a scratch.
My question in this structure is does the verb or even the time expression in the relative clause affect the verb of the main clause?
Hope you can shed light on this. Thanks
Hello Adam. The question which I would like to ask you doesn’t relate to this lesson, but I have no choice as I do not have your contact. The question is beneath
Polly saw Tom when he was going to school. She thinks he … her.
a) didn’t see
b) hasn’t seen
Please explain if it is possible
Thanks beforehand
Polly saw Tom when he was going to school. He thinks Tom didn’t see him.
I think thats the right sentence.
Relatively difficult. Any links for more details on the subject? Thanks.
Adam, I’ve got a question: Does engvid do online general English courses? If does, how much is it?
Hi, Adam. Thanks for making this video. Your explanation is understable. But i still get confused, what I learned in highschool is that conditional sentence has four types; type 0, type 1, type 2, type 3. And the sentence structure doesnt suit your explanation. I am completely confused, thats why i got bad score on your test, for i didnt watch your video firstly. And why i didnt watch your video? Because i just tested my knowledge about the theory of conditional sentence that i’ve learnt in high school. Thanks Adam, for reading this words, i am looking forward your reply. ?
Hi Adam
What kind of conditional this sentence is?
If you have time, call me. or
call me if you have time
confusing ones ;(
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thanks for the lesson, It´s so useful.
Hello Adam! Thank you for your great teaching!) And Id like to ask: why should we say “would still be running” and no “would have still run” in the sentence: “If Tim had paid more attention to his business, he ________ it today.”?
Thanks Adam for the lesson.
soooooooooooooo confusing. Why you didn’t make any rule.Theese are all example. I am fan of your videos but not this one.
I wouldn’t think I’d get it…but guess what ..!!
I got it.I got 90/100 in the test .Thanks so much for you.
Thanks Adam!
I would like to request if you have a lesson materials regarding this topic.
Hi Adam,I failed my test. I got 6/10. I need to follow again this lessons and do more test until I will get a good result.Thanks anyway
Thank you Adam,
I only got 7 correct answers out of the 10 questions, that’s not really good. These are the kind of English sentences I really struggle in writing and speaking, simply because it doesn’t follow the conventional English sentences rules.
Great topic , really have to put more efforts to understand where to put have or would etc. We have to understand the context of sentence. Thanks Adam for this wonderful lesson. Please put some more lessons on these conditionals so as to make us understand deep .
Hi Adams
Can you give me more examples such as if my parents weren’t going away.I’d have invited you. I confused with this one. Thank you!!! Great Job!!!
Oh my Goodness! My favorite numbers came up for the lottery this week. If I had bought a ticket,I would be rich now.
Is this combination of Conditional Sentences type 2 and 3?
Well done Adam, thank you. It really helped me understand confusing lesson.
Hi adam
It’s a little difficult and confusing to me.
But This video helped me understand, thank you for the lesson.
Hi Adam, my compliment! I always enjoy your lessons.
I got 9 out of ten.
Hello Adam, I’m so grateful for the lesson! It was quite clearly, but need time to understand mixed conditional in detail ><". I have a little question about alternatives to “if”. In what cases can we use these forms: as long as, provided/providing (that), on condition (that), whether, supposing/suppose, and why? Thank you in advance, Maria.
Hi Adam,
thanks for your lessons. I’m learning a lot from them.
I have to ask for some clarification :)
I did the quiz, but I have problems understanding sentence n°7:
7. A: The Employee-of-the-Year awards are coming soon. Do you think the boss will nominate Larry?
B: If Larry hadn’t missed all those meetings last month, the boss ________ him on that nominations list.
I chose “would have probably put”, because I thought the speaker is implying that the boss decided not to put Larry on the list.
But the right answer is “would probably put”… I’m confused. Could you help me out, please?
Thanks Adam!would you please explain the third sentence in the quiz”If Jim didn’t have to take sarah to the doctor,he would definitely go meet you.”
Thank you, Adam. It is always nice to use your videos for my virtual classes. You are right about this kind of conditionals. They can be very confusing but your explanations the topic is a lot easier. I like your videos a lot. You are the best.
so in the question 7 in the test why we can’t say that this is a probable more than hypothetical so we can use (first condition of if )and put (will put him)
I got 7. if I paid attention, I would get 8. Thanks a lot, I am physicist. But now English seems interesting!
Wow, I had 50 points from 10 questions. It means I have to learn more… thank you Adam
Hi Adam. You have really explained it well. But my question is that why all of the options are correct for question 1? I mean, I used “will have”, but how can one use ” you are going to have to put” efforts ?
Hi Adam,
Thanks so much for your lesson. I would like to ask one question about the following sentence. “Would it be ok if we include some small added language and my name at the end of the memo?” I just wanted to know why use “would” in this sentence? Is it a conditional sentence or just a polity way?
Hi, Adam.
Is it okay to use past continuous with If??
Thank you, teacher
Thanks Teacher Adam. I got 90.
Most of us speak our mother languages without knowing much about grammar therefore it’s okay
The teacher have left the chat yet. Stand for yourself alone.
It’s a high quality of explanation, and it has been helped me a lot when i have any difficult with grammar lessons.
Hi, Adam. Thanks for the helpful lesson, well done! “If you have kept my present,statue of lord Hanuman, you could worship him repeating the Mantra I’ve given you before”. I wonder if this structure makes sense : present perfect (likely possibility) + present (giving advice)