Do conditionals in English drive you crazy? They’re so easy to get mixed up! There are four conditionals in English grammar, numbered zero through three. So in this lesson I’ll give you an overview of all four, with examples of each. If you watch this video and do the quiz, you will have a better understanding of conditionals in English. (That last sentence is an example of the first conditional!)
Thanks for the good explanations. All 4 conditionals – important for me to see it on a view. A little strange to use the simple past in the second conditional.
I agree to Berliner. Shouldn’t it be “If I win a lot of money I would buy a big house” because it hasn’t happened yet. So I’m thinking it should be “If I won a lot of money I would have bought a big house.”
Fely Pina
Agreed ?
Yes, the first example she came up with for the second conditional was wrong.
San Saman
San Saman, the second example was correct. The same example is in Cambridge Press. student book.
You could use 1st Conditional
It is the most best explanation of conditionals I have ever seen! Thank You!
9 out of 10 I would have get 10 out of 10 if I had more careful
Am I correct?
*I would have gotten 10 out of 10 if I had been more careful
thanks for ur explanation about the conditional
Selpiana Sembiring
thank you so much :)
you’re the best! Thanks a million!
Thanks teacher Gill. I will do my best to the next lesson.
thanks for explaining in detail.
Anuj Rana
What an excellent lesson from you.
I will always remember it now:)
elsa zekaryas
Thank you so much for the explanation.
Thank teacher Gill.
Afonso Heraldo Petta
thank you so much. it ‘s a very usuful lesson!
If I had discovered before your lessons online, I had already improved my English.
Thank you very much, Gill, bravissima!
GREAT Teacher, thank you
thanks Gill! You make me remembers grandmother.
Anh Ngoc Dinh
thaaanks <3
Learning by video lessons is a very good idea.. Thanks
Mutaz Baghdadi
Great class!
I learn a lot from you?
Mahboubeh Mohammadi
thanks Gill :) Finally I know how use those conditionals. You make English grammar easy and simple
Thanks, was a good class.
Thank you so much teacher Gill, it was an excellent class!
What an interesting lesson. Thank you Gill.
Thank you so much! You explained it so clear!! I got 10 correct out of 10 :)
I got 100 as well
Thank you :-)
Norbert 1973
Love your lesson! After I watched 2 times your YouTube I get ? 100 for this exam:)
thanks you very much Ms. Gill
Aml Mounier
Thank you so much.
Thank you, Jill. Could I ask you write more such lesson. It’s very useful for your pupils. And tell me more about FUTURE IN THE PAST. Thanks a lot.
hi Gill..thank your for this lesson. I would like to ask you whether, in general, one conditional is more used than the others in the everyday talks.
Hi – thanks for your question. I’d say that all four conditionals are used in everyday conversation – maybe the third conditional is slightly less used, for people who don’t think in a theoretical or hypothetical way about what might have happened if … :-)
think you so much for the conditional course Ms GILL
Thanks teacher! It´s good to remember english grammar like this way.
Jose Azzi
Thank you, Jill! Your lessons are the best! I understand every single word :))
Ashik V.A
I would never understand this topic if I didn’t see your explanation
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much teacher Gill..
I try to use these expressions in a real conversation.
You are the best Gill! :) Thx!
May i ask you to give us a lesson about mixed conditionals? really i don’t how or when to use’em in sentences.
Aml Mounier
Hi Gill, I love your lesson and your way of speaking. Thanks a lot.
The numerology of tenses startig from “zero” a bit confused me and 10th question I anwsered wrong, but anyway it was great lesson with exellent explaination :) :) :)
Dima Sviridow
Hi Gill, first of all, congrats for your amazing teaching!!!
Then, could you explain to me or prepare a lesson on the following points:
there is a lot or there are a lot ?
there is no + singular or plural?
Hi – thanks for your kind words :-)
There is a lot of milk in the fridge.
(milk = singular/uncountable noun)
There are a lot of eggs in the fridge.
(eggs = plural)
There is no car in the garage.
(is = singular, car)
There are no cars in the garage.
(are = plural, cars)
I hope these examples help to clarify :-)
Hi Gill, I’m Paola from Chile. I need to learn with you the present perfect. Already, just, ready examples.
For, since, ago examples. Have you a lesson with that?
thanks a lot! Paola.
den paolita
thank you so much :)
Thank you Gill, may you and your family stay healthy.
Thank you so much! it was very clear.
why cant i see the video?
Our videos are on YouTube, so if you are viewing the site from China, the videos will be blocked. However, you can also watch some of our videos on Bilibili.
engVid Moderator
Amazing Gill, in just 20 minutes I have internalized the differences between the 4 types of conditionals. Thanks a lot.
Thank you very much Gill, your explanations are always good to clarify!
Thanks for the lesson your explanation is very clarify
you are great! thank you from a brazilian gurl living in Orlando/FL/USA
you are great! thank you from a brazilian girl living in Orlando/FL/USA
Thank you very much I learned lot
Good day, you deserve the title ” The Best “
Ugo LoBianco
Thank you. One of the best explanations I’ve ever heard.
Liliana Amort
Thank you! Very helpful!
Thank you so much. Your teaching is very clear and understandable.
Thank you so much for your lesson. I understand the definition of each types of conditions.
It was really amazing and outstanding lesson.
You are the best!
Great leason!!! Thank you!!!
Antonis Evdaimon
lesson sorry
Antonis Evdaimon
Hi Gill, would you consider making a short (presumably/supposedly) video about these words – presumably, supposedly (and maybe more if come to you mind). What is the difference between presume and assume? what is the difference between presumably and supposedly – and which of them should I have used above?
If I hadn’t been studying hard, I would never have found this great lesson!!
Sunny Tian
I am an English teacher and I asked my son to watch your video for his lesson about conditionals because it is simply the best. Well done Gill and thank you.
Yung Mai
teacher is very hard that lesson but no imposible, thankss
Wilson Barrera
thanks Gill. that was very helpful and useful.
That was a great and good lesson, Thank you for this one i’m grateful.
Domar Silva
thanks everyday i learn something else so if i had money i would pay you
Thank you very much. You explain really good!
Good morning, Gill!
Very enlightening and didactic class!
Thank you a lot!!
Could you help me, please?
I get a bit confused. How is the name of the tense with “would + have + verb ( past participle)?
I know your time is valuable and I appreciate your attention!
Good class !!!
thank you so much.
I’ve read a lot of textbooks and have listened to many lessons but only got muddle about conditionals sentences. And now, thanks to Jill’s simple and clear explanation, conditionals have come in order in my head.
thank you very much 100
10 out of 10
Thank you so much !!! The best explanation I have ever heard before!!
Thank you so much! it was clear for me! good class!
thanks so much, this lesson was very clear for me
lida velasquez
Thanks very much, i got a 100 in my quiz, the classes are very well, it was clear for me
hi gill thank you for the lesson a question in my school we have studied zero conditional but we called it open conditional, are they the same?
thank you so much for the explanation if clauses
AR Hakimi
Thanks a million mam for your wonderful lesson!It’s so useful,very clear,more informative.I love your lesson as always.If I learn English daily i will speak with great fluency.These four conditionals are very useful for me.
Thank you so much!
The best explanation.
Thank you Gill, I got it.
great ! I do understand all . Thanks for Gill
I’ve got 10 out of 10 ???
Thanks, teacher ?
Your lesson was amazing for me
It is like magic, I’ve studied “If Conditional for many many times and couldn’t understand, but finally, I understand now, I can use it when I talk confidently
Thank you from my deepest of my heart ❤
Celina MO
Yeeeeeey. I got 10/10. Great Lesson.
Thank you so much, Gill! I think I got it now! So helpfui!
Thank you very much. Teaching is an art. You are a great teacher.
Thank you so much for explanation, Gill! Finally, I got it.
If I didn´t see in the whiteboard 4 conditional in the same time, I wouldn’t understand this.
Thanks Gill for explanation, a topic very hard and you teached very clear.
Thank you, I have learned a lot with you.
i got a 10 on 10
thankx gill ma’am you really helped me
may Allah bless you
hammad hassan
your class make me happy
Hello Ms. Gill, I have been watching your videos since a week or more. I have really enjoyed and learnt a lot. Thank you indeed.
Fakhri Al Balkhi
Thank you so much for the explanation.
Stela Maris
I really understood it now. Thank Gil
Bernardo Lamparina
Thank you for this video.
I have a question: Why conditional start with zero?
Hi teacher
Thin Wityee Htun
Not prefect yet. I got 8 points. I would have read more careful..Next time it will be better. I was a little confused about the question 9 & 10 so I swapped them. Thanks Gill
Thank you so much madam…It is very clear now. How can I take personal tuition from you. I want to improve my speaking ability
Hi Gill, I’d like to start by saying that you’re da bomb diggity!!! I luv luv luv every single lesson of yours that I’ve seen! Question – is the zero conditional really necessary from a practical standpoint? Doesn’t the 1st conditional sort of cover that ground – and therefore when you say “If you press this button, the TV comes on” or “If you press this button, the TV will come on” – aren’t you, in essence saying the same thing? Personally, I’ve never been taught the zero conditional and there’s never been an emphasis on the possibility/probability of the action; the focus has been on the correct “sequence of tenses” in each clause under the separate conditionals (“the formula” if you will) and I guess once I immersed myself into the English-speaking world, the sense of what conditional to use sort of “happened” naturally and effortlessly without having to consider the possibility/probability factors.
Another piece of advice that I’d like to solicit from you if you may – what’s the best approach to acquiring RP other than moving to the UK and surrounding yourself only with people who use RP regularly?
Thanks a million, Gill!!! I love ya to Della Reese’s pieces! Mwah!
Sorry for the typos… Me *shakes head* at me own boo-boo’s :)
Really good explain. Thank you!
Thank you ms. Gill, your explanation was very helpful in my english exam.
Valentina Grass
Thank you, Gill
thanks for your lesson :-) love you Gill
thanks it has been very helpfull
Thank you very much Gıll. Thanks to you, I understoodthe subject that ı did not understand for a long time :))))))
Thanks ? fro everything my teacher that lesson it was amazing
thank you so much, teacher, I hope if I get a chance to improve my English
Hussein umar
Thank you so much. for the 8th question of the quiz, which is written at the bottom, can’t we also use might have?
If he had worked harder at school, he __________ got a place at university. (3rd conditional)
Thank you so much! I have 10 out of 10
The 3RD conditional is difficult, I will practice more to maintain this
thank you so much ?
souska souska
Dear Ms. Gill, thank you so much for the lesson! It was quite clearly, in detail and easy for understanding. I have a little about alternatives to “if”. In what cases can we use these forms: as long as, provided/providing (that), on condition (that), whether, supposing/suppose, and why? Faithfully yours, Maria.
Maria Tiktinskaya
*have a little question, sorry.
Maria Tiktinskaya
thank you
Hussein umar
wow really nice one
Hussein umar
Thanks, a very good explanation.
It was really helpful, Thanks a lot ?
If I had met you before i would have been able to learn much faster certain topics that were difficult to me, greetings from Peru
Thank you thank you and thank you <3
I like very much this video! thanks :)
9/10 You are among the best teachers of English, Gill.
Thanks, Gill for another good and clear explanations. Your classes are very usefull!
Thanks, Gill, Greetings from Germany
This is so cool thanks
This option to take quizzes after each lesson is a great idea!
One year in college and it always confused me, and in 21 minutes of video, I’m clearer than ever.
hello, my dear teacher. your teaching was excellent and complete.
I enjoyed your wonderful teaching.
have a good time.
It seems easy (10 out of 10), but easy isn’t; for sure. This is a kind of lesson that I’ll enjoy revise time and time again.
Good teaching
JOHIR Uddin @
Thank you good teaching but I have to improve myself
Thank you for your efforts to help us to learn English.
Osman Musse
Excellent explanation Gill. Got 9 out of 10. Thanks, Greetings from Kazakhstan
It’s cool thanks.
Dewthilina Shashan
thanks for the lesson
Abel Fernandes
Great Class.
A 10/10 and it’s my first time too very thankful for the teacher for teaching me the four conditionals cool ?
Prince Cedric
Thank you very much Teacher the lesson is useful for me.
Dzung Nguyen Khac
Thanks a lot, very helpful!
Yina Z
What a great and excellent teacher you are
Mrs (Gill). To tell the truth, I really enjoyed the lesson and it was a very useful lesson.
I am very pleased and satisfied to take this lesson from a very very very good teacher.
Appreciate you Mrs. Gill and thank you so much.
Hamada Hussein Ali
I think we should add something when talking about the 2nd conditional.
The conditional verb is always “were” That’s slightly different from normal past simple tense, which uses “was” or “were”
eg: If I were you, I would buy this car.
I don’t know whether I am wrong or not
I like her teaching
LIJO 8585
I got 10 correct out of 10 ♥
If i study this conditionals lesson more often, i´ll be able to enhance my english fluency. I would have practised these lesson earlier. It´s too late, i guess.
Thank you Jill, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 06 october2021)
Excellent explanation as usual
10/10 ???? Thanx a bunch ???
Bilal Bosnali
Thanks Gill, you´ve made this topic much more clear to me.
Great lessons, Gill! Thank you a lot for detailed explanation. It seems clear, but if we say: If you hadn’t smoken, you’d have felt better (instead of 2 conditional), what changes? Also: If she went to the university, she’d find a job (instead of 3 conditional).
Mikhail Yu.
I’m grateful to you for your good teaching :)
Good teaching method ?
Muhammad Shahzul
Thank you very much please, make a lesson for mixed conditionals
Aml Mounier
Thank you so much.I got 10/10 you are great teacher(CHOCRAN)!????
A big thank you for the lesson! I am enjoying these videos a lot.
Conditionals are my Achilles’ heel. In fact, my English isn’t going further than conditional zero!
However, I still believe in Gill power to encourage mine skill in english language. Thank so much dear teatcher Gill.
Hello Gill,
Grammar books say that imperative is the first conditional. But I saw a teacher here in engvid who says that it’s zero. Can you make it clear?
so su
great and jurassic lesson by the first English teacher in the world, greetings from surco
marc anthony
thank you for your amazing lesson.
Thank you Teacher Gill. I got 10/10.
Amira Abdulaziz
Thanks, ms Gill ur way of teaching is awesome
I loved this lesson. I got 10/10
thank you very much Ms Gill for such a lesson
Thank you – perfect explanation
Thank you so much Gill. You are a wonderful teacher.
Thank you teacher, I got all conditional tenses in English, I appreciate your effort.
Thanks so much but I’m afraid the answer to number 5 is wrong.
Which of the following is an example of the third conditional?
The TV will work if you plug it in first.
If we had a more modern TV set, we would have a lot more channels to choose from.
I would have watched my favourite TV program last night if we had not had a power cut.
I will watch my favourite TV program tonight if I can finish my work in time.
I can’t watch my favourite TV program tonight because it has been replaced with a football match.
‘If we had a more modern TV set, we would have a lot more channels to choose from’ is the 3rd conditional. Isn’t it? Please send me your comment to my email address, Thanks.
Thank you so much. I got 10 correct. Conditional tenses aren’t my strong suit. But this lesson helped me a lot!!
Nora Kami
I so love Teacher Gill’s lesson, it really help me a lot and make more clear
Thank you so much
thank you!!
Thank you for the class!
I liked the way the teacher taught.
She made it easy for me to learn the English course.
Learn English for free with 2149 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks for the good explanations. All 4 conditionals – important for me to see it on a view. A little strange to use the simple past in the second conditional.
I agree to Berliner. Shouldn’t it be “If I win a lot of money I would buy a big house” because it hasn’t happened yet. So I’m thinking it should be “If I won a lot of money I would have bought a big house.”
Agreed ?
Yes, the first example she came up with for the second conditional was wrong.
San Saman, the second example was correct. The same example is in Cambridge Press. student book.
You could use 1st Conditional
It is the most best explanation of conditionals I have ever seen! Thank You!
9 out of 10 I would have get 10 out of 10 if I had more careful
Am I correct?
*I would have gotten 10 out of 10 if I had been more careful
thanks for ur explanation about the conditional
thank you so much :)
you’re the best! Thanks a million!
Thanks teacher Gill. I will do my best to the next lesson.
thanks for explaining in detail.
What an excellent lesson from you.
I will always remember it now:)
Thank you so much for the explanation.
Thank teacher Gill.
thank you so much. it ‘s a very usuful lesson!
If I had discovered before your lessons online, I had already improved my English.
Thank you very much, Gill, bravissima!
GREAT Teacher, thank you
thanks Gill! You make me remembers grandmother.
thaaanks <3
Learning by video lessons is a very good idea.. Thanks
Great class!
I learn a lot from you?
thanks Gill :) Finally I know how use those conditionals. You make English grammar easy and simple
Thanks, was a good class.
Thank you so much teacher Gill, it was an excellent class!
What an interesting lesson. Thank you Gill.
Thank you so much! You explained it so clear!! I got 10 correct out of 10 :)
I got 100 as well
Thank you :-)
Love your lesson! After I watched 2 times your YouTube I get ? 100 for this exam:)
thanks you very much Ms. Gill
Thank you so much.
Thank you, Jill. Could I ask you write more such lesson. It’s very useful for your pupils. And tell me more about FUTURE IN THE PAST. Thanks a lot.
hi Gill..thank your for this lesson. I would like to ask you whether, in general, one conditional is more used than the others in the everyday talks.
Hi – thanks for your question. I’d say that all four conditionals are used in everyday conversation – maybe the third conditional is slightly less used, for people who don’t think in a theoretical or hypothetical way about what might have happened if … :-)
think you so much for the conditional course Ms GILL
Thanks teacher! It´s good to remember english grammar like this way.
Thank you, Jill! Your lessons are the best! I understand every single word :))
I would never understand this topic if I didn’t see your explanation
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much teacher Gill..
I try to use these expressions in a real conversation.
You are the best Gill! :) Thx!
May i ask you to give us a lesson about mixed conditionals? really i don’t how or when to use’em in sentences.
Hi Gill, I love your lesson and your way of speaking. Thanks a lot.
The numerology of tenses startig from “zero” a bit confused me and 10th question I anwsered wrong, but anyway it was great lesson with exellent explaination :) :) :)
Hi Gill, first of all, congrats for your amazing teaching!!!
Then, could you explain to me or prepare a lesson on the following points:
there is a lot or there are a lot ?
there is no + singular or plural?
Hi – thanks for your kind words :-)
There is a lot of milk in the fridge.
(milk = singular/uncountable noun)
There are a lot of eggs in the fridge.
(eggs = plural)
There is no car in the garage.
(is = singular, car)
There are no cars in the garage.
(are = plural, cars)
I hope these examples help to clarify :-)
Hi Gill, I’m Paola from Chile. I need to learn with you the present perfect. Already, just, ready examples.
For, since, ago examples. Have you a lesson with that?
thanks a lot! Paola.
thank you so much :)
Thank you Gill, may you and your family stay healthy.
Thank you so much! it was very clear.
why cant i see the video?
Our videos are on YouTube, so if you are viewing the site from China, the videos will be blocked. However, you can also watch some of our videos on Bilibili.
Amazing Gill, in just 20 minutes I have internalized the differences between the 4 types of conditionals. Thanks a lot.
Thank you very much Gill, your explanations are always good to clarify!
Thanks for the lesson your explanation is very clarify
you are great! thank you from a brazilian gurl living in Orlando/FL/USA
you are great! thank you from a brazilian girl living in Orlando/FL/USA
Thank you very much I learned lot
Good day, you deserve the title ” The Best “
Thank you. One of the best explanations I’ve ever heard.
Thank you! Very helpful!
Thank you so much. Your teaching is very clear and understandable.
Thank you so much for your lesson. I understand the definition of each types of conditions.
It was really amazing and outstanding lesson.
You are the best!
Great leason!!! Thank you!!!
lesson sorry
Hi Gill, would you consider making a short (presumably/supposedly) video about these words – presumably, supposedly (and maybe more if come to you mind). What is the difference between presume and assume? what is the difference between presumably and supposedly – and which of them should I have used above?
If I hadn’t been studying hard, I would never have found this great lesson!!
I am an English teacher and I asked my son to watch your video for his lesson about conditionals because it is simply the best. Well done Gill and thank you.
teacher is very hard that lesson but no imposible, thankss
thanks Gill. that was very helpful and useful.
That was a great and good lesson, Thank you for this one i’m grateful.
thanks everyday i learn something else so if i had money i would pay you
Thank you very much. You explain really good!
Good morning, Gill!
Very enlightening and didactic class!
Thank you a lot!!
Could you help me, please?
I get a bit confused. How is the name of the tense with “would + have + verb ( past participle)?
I know your time is valuable and I appreciate your attention!
Good class !!!
thank you so much.
I’ve read a lot of textbooks and have listened to many lessons but only got muddle about conditionals sentences. And now, thanks to Jill’s simple and clear explanation, conditionals have come in order in my head.
thank you very much 100
10 out of 10
Thank you so much !!! The best explanation I have ever heard before!!
Thank you so much! it was clear for me! good class!
thanks so much, this lesson was very clear for me
Thanks very much, i got a 100 in my quiz, the classes are very well, it was clear for me
hi gill thank you for the lesson a question in my school we have studied zero conditional but we called it open conditional, are they the same?
thank you so much for the explanation if clauses
Thanks a million mam for your wonderful lesson!It’s so useful,very clear,more informative.I love your lesson as always.If I learn English daily i will speak with great fluency.These four conditionals are very useful for me.
Thank you so much!
The best explanation.
Thank you Gill, I got it.
great ! I do understand all . Thanks for Gill
I’ve got 10 out of 10 ???
Thanks, teacher ?
Your lesson was amazing for me
It is like magic, I’ve studied “If Conditional for many many times and couldn’t understand, but finally, I understand now, I can use it when I talk confidently
Thank you from my deepest of my heart ❤
Yeeeeeey. I got 10/10. Great Lesson.
Thank you so much, Gill! I think I got it now! So helpfui!
Thank you very much. Teaching is an art. You are a great teacher.
Thank you so much for explanation, Gill! Finally, I got it.
If I didn´t see in the whiteboard 4 conditional in the same time, I wouldn’t understand this.
Thanks Gill for explanation, a topic very hard and you teached very clear.
Thank you, I have learned a lot with you.
i got a 10 on 10
thankx gill ma’am you really helped me
may Allah bless you
your class make me happy
Hello Ms. Gill, I have been watching your videos since a week or more. I have really enjoyed and learnt a lot. Thank you indeed.
Thank you so much for the explanation.
I really understood it now. Thank Gil
Thank you for this video.
I have a question: Why conditional start with zero?
Hi teacher
Not prefect yet. I got 8 points. I would have read more careful..Next time it will be better. I was a little confused about the question 9 & 10 so I swapped them. Thanks Gill
Thank you so much madam…It is very clear now. How can I take personal tuition from you. I want to improve my speaking ability
Hi Gill, I’d like to start by saying that you’re da bomb diggity!!! I luv luv luv every single lesson of yours that I’ve seen! Question – is the zero conditional really necessary from a practical standpoint? Doesn’t the 1st conditional sort of cover that ground – and therefore when you say “If you press this button, the TV comes on” or “If you press this button, the TV will come on” – aren’t you, in essence saying the same thing? Personally, I’ve never been taught the zero conditional and there’s never been an emphasis on the possibility/probability of the action; the focus has been on the correct “sequence of tenses” in each clause under the separate conditionals (“the formula” if you will) and I guess once I immersed myself into the English-speaking world, the sense of what conditional to use sort of “happened” naturally and effortlessly without having to consider the possibility/probability factors.
Another piece of advice that I’d like to solicit from you if you may – what’s the best approach to acquiring RP other than moving to the UK and surrounding yourself only with people who use RP regularly?
Thanks a million, Gill!!! I love ya to Della Reese’s pieces! Mwah!
Sorry for the typos… Me *shakes head* at me own boo-boo’s :)
Really good explain. Thank you!
Thank you ms. Gill, your explanation was very helpful in my english exam.
Thank you, Gill
thanks for your lesson :-) love you Gill
thanks it has been very helpfull
Thank you very much Gıll. Thanks to you, I understoodthe subject that ı did not understand for a long time :))))))
Thanks ? fro everything my teacher that lesson it was amazing
thank you so much, teacher, I hope if I get a chance to improve my English
Thank you so much. for the 8th question of the quiz, which is written at the bottom, can’t we also use might have?
If he had worked harder at school, he __________ got a place at university. (3rd conditional)
Thank you so much! I have 10 out of 10
The 3RD conditional is difficult, I will practice more to maintain this
thank you so much ?
Dear Ms. Gill, thank you so much for the lesson! It was quite clearly, in detail and easy for understanding. I have a little about alternatives to “if”. In what cases can we use these forms: as long as, provided/providing (that), on condition (that), whether, supposing/suppose, and why? Faithfully yours, Maria.
*have a little question, sorry.
thank you
wow really nice one
Thanks, a very good explanation.
It was really helpful, Thanks a lot ?
If I had met you before i would have been able to learn much faster certain topics that were difficult to me, greetings from Peru
Thank you thank you and thank you <3
I like very much this video! thanks :)
9/10 You are among the best teachers of English, Gill.
Thanks, Gill for another good and clear explanations. Your classes are very usefull!
Thanks, Gill, Greetings from Germany
This is so cool thanks
This option to take quizzes after each lesson is a great idea!
One year in college and it always confused me, and in 21 minutes of video, I’m clearer than ever.
hello, my dear teacher. your teaching was excellent and complete.
I enjoyed your wonderful teaching.
have a good time.
It seems easy (10 out of 10), but easy isn’t; for sure. This is a kind of lesson that I’ll enjoy revise time and time again.
Good teaching
Thank you good teaching but I have to improve myself
Thank you for your efforts to help us to learn English.
Excellent explanation Gill. Got 9 out of 10. Thanks, Greetings from Kazakhstan
It’s cool thanks.
thanks for the lesson
Great Class.
A 10/10 and it’s my first time too very thankful for the teacher for teaching me the four conditionals cool ?
Thank you very much Teacher the lesson is useful for me.
Thanks a lot, very helpful!
What a great and excellent teacher you are
Mrs (Gill). To tell the truth, I really enjoyed the lesson and it was a very useful lesson.
I am very pleased and satisfied to take this lesson from a very very very good teacher.
Appreciate you Mrs. Gill and thank you so much.
I think we should add something when talking about the 2nd conditional.
The conditional verb is always “were” That’s slightly different from normal past simple tense, which uses “was” or “were”
eg: If I were you, I would buy this car.
I don’t know whether I am wrong or not
I like her teaching
I got 10 correct out of 10 ♥
If i study this conditionals lesson more often, i´ll be able to enhance my english fluency. I would have practised these lesson earlier. It´s too late, i guess.
Thank you Jill, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 06 october2021)
Excellent explanation as usual
10/10 ???? Thanx a bunch ???
Thanks Gill, you´ve made this topic much more clear to me.
Great lessons, Gill! Thank you a lot for detailed explanation. It seems clear, but if we say: If you hadn’t smoken, you’d have felt better (instead of 2 conditional), what changes? Also: If she went to the university, she’d find a job (instead of 3 conditional).
I’m grateful to you for your good teaching :)
Good teaching method ?
Thank you very much please, make a lesson for mixed conditionals
Thank you so much.I got 10/10 you are great teacher(CHOCRAN)!????
A big thank you for the lesson! I am enjoying these videos a lot.
Conditionals are my Achilles’ heel. In fact, my English isn’t going further than conditional zero!
However, I still believe in Gill power to encourage mine skill in english language. Thank so much dear teatcher Gill.
Hello Gill,
Grammar books say that imperative is the first conditional. But I saw a teacher here in engvid who says that it’s zero. Can you make it clear?
great and jurassic lesson by the first English teacher in the world, greetings from surco
thank you for your amazing lesson.
Thank you Teacher Gill. I got 10/10.
Thanks, ms Gill ur way of teaching is awesome
I loved this lesson. I got 10/10
thank you very much Ms Gill for such a lesson
Thank you – perfect explanation
Thank you so much Gill. You are a wonderful teacher.
Thank you teacher, I got all conditional tenses in English, I appreciate your effort.
Thanks so much but I’m afraid the answer to number 5 is wrong.
Which of the following is an example of the third conditional?
The TV will work if you plug it in first.
If we had a more modern TV set, we would have a lot more channels to choose from.
I would have watched my favourite TV program last night if we had not had a power cut.
I will watch my favourite TV program tonight if I can finish my work in time.
I can’t watch my favourite TV program tonight because it has been replaced with a football match.
‘If we had a more modern TV set, we would have a lot more channels to choose from’ is the 3rd conditional. Isn’t it? Please send me your comment to my email address, Thanks.
Thank you so much. I got 10 correct. Conditional tenses aren’t my strong suit. But this lesson helped me a lot!!
I so love Teacher Gill’s lesson, it really help me a lot and make more clear
Thank you so much
thank you!!
Thank you for the class!
I liked the way the teacher taught.
She made it easy for me to learn the English course.
I got 100 ❤️🩹❤️🩹
Thanks Gill