You’ve heard it from native English speakers… finally understand what they are freaking talking about in this slang lesson! This lesson was requested by one of our students, 11rabby!
thank you, it is really very usefull to know “bad” words, its meanings and situations to use them.
Hi again
if i say “What a freaking beauty?” is that correct expression ?
yes, that expression is good!
hi. you’ve a great way for learning english. could you plaese put a lesson on “just” and its uses. thanks
Hi Constantin could u explain me, what’s the mean that expression “what a freaking beauty” or when can i say that?
“What a freaking beauty” means that thing/person is really really beautiful!
Thank you so much for this useful information.
Baneen Majeed
thank you. Now I Know why a “friend” of my son called him “freaky”, though I´m totally sure he didn´t know its meaning because He´s a complete ass. He have never read a word. He just quote other people say.
And also can you make a lesson about “as” and “like”
Roses for you
i will try to do that for you!
plz……… condiationals.. from one to 3 and… unreal past. and wishes is so confuse sometimes….
GREAT LESSON thank u very much teacher . i was leve u msg befor that i want contact with u for privet lessons in skype i still want that i realy need it plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz hope to till me ur opinion?? and thanks again
Amro Al-fadil
sorry I dont offer skype lessons anymore! Just keep watching the site!
i just wanted to ask you about my situation…..ok i understand every single word in the inglish language but when i speak it people be like uh? i need to improve my speaking
Hi Ronnie,
it was Rick James who did the song “Superfreak,” it must have been in the late 70s.
Mc Hammer sampled the famous bassline from “Superfreak” and turned it into his “Can’ touch this” in 1992 or 1993, if I remember it correctly.
Not that this is superimportant, I just thought I’d share that info.
Grettings from Germany
hi how r u teacher i’m new student……plz tell me your skype id i’ll add you…..
hi… Ronnie
I come from thailand. I like to learn english with you from youtube. But sometime I don’t understand when you said. I know I have to leran english more than this. I’m try. I hopr that, one day I can speak english like you. Take care yourself. See you soon.
guy from Thailand
hi everybody in engVid, I’am a new student , I’d like to hear the song ” Super Freak” Thanks for yours lessons ;
tha was freaking cool. thank u
hello Ronnie
I like your way to teache english so i wish if you can do more lessens and videos
Thank you
Hello everybody. I’m new student on this site.Now I know another ..bad word.. and will use it instead of .. f**king.. and vers versa.Thanks for lesson. BR.
I would like to thank you for the effort u put in this lessong.
I’ve learnt something in a fun way.
Would like to join your lesson on Skyp.
Have a good day.
sorry I don’t offer skype classes anymore!! just keep on watching the site!
Dear Ronnie,
Could you please enlighten us if there are other teachers who offer this service to practice with them , and what would be the cost for each hour of online practice, also are there any interactive classes for more than one candidate at the same time so that we benefit from brainstorming and different ideas and inquiries raised by others?
I’m sorry, but I don’t know of any other teachers who offer such a service.
Thank you for your kind and prompt response.
OK I’m an ESL teacher…love your stuff…freakin’ great. Don’t agree with the word ‘slang”. This word & derivations has been in wide usage since the 60s. And what about “clothes freak” pizza freak” for a positive, enthusiastic fan of something…?
Hola a todos desde España
Me encanta esta página web de curso de inglés. Felicidades po la manera de presentar las clases. La próxima vez, intentaré escribir en Inglés.
See you next time
engvid teachers are the best :)
sorry, I meant to say does anyone knows
hi i ieked
Dear. Teacher Lonney
Hi, are you happy today? I hope so.
and thanks for teaching me.
I have a question about your behavior on this video.
What is your gesture mean?
I can describe like below sentence.
you made a “V” by using your finger.
like photo pose.
If you face Digital Camera, you may make a smiling and make a V finger and also you say “cheese.”
What is your V mean?
even sometimes you bended your finger.
like rabbit ear.
Can you tell me that your V gesture mean?
Your truly,
From Korea.
Hi Ronnie!!!! I have watched your videos, and I liked all of them!! you are a really good teacher… !! please put more videos to learn more and more and more! jijiji… You know…I`m peruvian, and I`m studying for being an English Teacher!!!! It`s a really nice language, and teaching it is fantastic, so I wanna learn more! thanks for this videos!!
PD. Please!! videos about prepositions!! thanks!!!!!!!! and good luck!!
Thank you very much for u teaching me. but can’t get the meaning Super freak yet. What does mean ? Please RSVP
Thank you.
php Laossssssssss
english yang baik guru yang baik
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks teacher
you receive the best teacher because you teach me once again thank you please respond to comments I l ya teachers
Hi teacher.
I’m a new student in this engvid .
nice to be your student.
bye bye :)
hi! .. teacher
I am overwhelmed with the lessons that you’ve made.
it makes me more smoothly with the English that I have learned ?!!…
thank you teacher ..!
I’d like to know more about phrasal verbs. May you explain more about that, for example phrasal verbs with “get”.
I’ve been watching the most of your videos and let me tell ya you’re a good teacher, there are so many teachers but not all them know how to explain like you; same as teacher James.
Thanks for the lesson
i like the way you tolk with your self and blame it i wish if
you r my teacher i like you as ( a teacher )
driss hafed morocco
Thank you You are very, very good teacher you are used to the best way in education
maher elhelw
GREAT LESSON thank u very much teacher
بائع الياسمين
hi again .iam so hopfully and enjoyable for your lesson.and iwould like to contnue with u by your email? how?
hi. dear teacher.. ispeak eng fluently,write corectly and better.but my problem is that when english person speak to me ,icouldnt understand to him at the first time ? also the translation to the arabic language also is the problem .how can you advise me to be perfect in my loveable language thanku alot
hi there.
hye teacher how are you??
Thanks for the lessons
Thank you for your effort to make English much easier for us.
you are realy an extraordinary teacher.
thanks a lot :)
Thanks so much Ms Ronnie. I could learn a lot from your lessons. I have a good background in English but i have some pronunciation problems. Your lessons are very helpful.
Thanks one more time for the trouble you take to help non native Americans.
Have a nice weekend.
I ♡ it………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
hi teacher ronnie.. c0uld u please teach us how to use do did and does? thank u so much =)
Excuse me, If I say a Sentence like this “Do you want know a Freak thing” is that correct. Or I should say “Do you want know a Freaking thing”
Can you tell me if that is correct, to see if I understood the lesson?
thank you . my dream is learning English languge .
thank you alot
I need people to work the smile that conversation to help me develop my being a novice
let’s f**k/ing out = let’s freak/ing out?
both of sentences are an invitation for jumping around and acting like a crazy ?
anyway thank for your lesson
firstly i would like to present hello to miss ronnie from the core and deepest senses of my heart secondly i would like to appreciate ronnie for her hard by self is astudent in afghanistan kabul in my part time i am always listening this program .I wish i had ateacher like u in afghanistan .I really like ur t eaching method one thing if put my feet on the ground u found aplace in my heart
have abal miss ronnie miss ronnie .
Ronnie in my job usually use this word “Freaking Friday” so what´s mean that?
Iam learning english as asecond language
so this is anew word for me
thank u alot teacher
mahmoud omar
This is an interesting… :)… thanks…
Good Evening Maam ,
I really like the way u teach .I would like to give exam of Ielts can u give tips for writing task and reading
Thanking you
thanks teacher. i had problem with this world. i love you.
when i writing a letter it’s so complicating why we use like (it will be done) in when we are talking about something in presentanse
It’s so complicating me why should peoples are using like (It will be done) as long as they are talking in present tense
all lessons are good
how do we use the want and won’t?
Hello Teacher, your teaching style is too good!
I like it very much and I would also be happy if you send me your skype address so that I can discuss with you on some matters.
Thank you a lot!
Ketema Sileshi
You are a great teacher Ronnie. I have learned a lot from your videos. By the way, I am from Karachi, Pakistan. Cheers!
i have listen this lang inno few movies and now i know what means, thank you my pretty blonde lady!
if i say like “she is freaking crazy” , then its correct or not???
maha khan
Yes, that is correct!
yeah that’s right
Emraan khan
thank you very much
but sometime your lesspn freaking out me.
thanks again Respected Teacher
bilal Shumail
Thank you very much for your lesson. Your accent is very good so very very easy to understand; Please would you train us with strong accents: Scotich, American,Australian etc Thank you very much
I’m sorry, I cannot train you in different accents! I only have my accent! You will have to listen to native Scottish, American and Australian speakers to learn!
I love you very much
Hey Ronnie ¡ Thanks a lot¡ you’re a very good teacher, I’ve learned a lot from you and I love your accent ¡
love from Chile ¡
u r great teacher !!! i hope to learn more…thank you so much..^_^
Hi ,Thank`s for this lesson, Slang is complicated and difficult to understand ,It needs to live in the place used it because I know slang present in all countries as in Egypt my country the slang differ from place to place but in Arabic .
suzy farg
Good Lesson
can u teach me “gone & went” and “suppose & if”..
ur teaching is gud, thank u:)
Sure… “gone” is the past participle of go. “Went” is the simple past. So you say “I have gone” (present perfect), or “I went” (simple past)!
thank you
I like thus lesson
I hope some one be my friend
Dear Ronnie… thanks for teaching. Please confirm if I say “What a freaking video” or “Suddenly he has been freaking out of controls” or “They have freak style”. Kindly confirm these tenses are correct?? Thanks
You have to say “He has been freaking out of control” (not controls) The other two are okay, but I have never heard “They have freak style”!
I really like this song!!!!
I just wanna say that this is freaking good!!
(is this right?;; I’m not quite sure;;)
Thank u so much!!
All respect and appreciation
Summary explanation of how the manual and easy to deliver information
Thank you very much my teacher
nice ^^
thank you 4 the lesson
cAN u plz give us a lesson about when we use this kind of sintens “I’ve heard” the subjecut + have + the v in p.p
Ronnie, tell me what is better way of learning english… by listening, or reading ??? Thanks in advance
It depends… if you want to to learn grammar, reading is best. Speaking is best to learn by listening!
Ok! I will try!
We use that in the present perfect tense to talk about a past action!
We use this when there is no time marker, eg; yesterday,last week… If there is a time marker we use simple past! No time marker — use present perfect!
thank you 4 afast replay
thank you very much
is that right if i say
I saw my sister yestarday .
I’vent seen her ronnie :p .
thank you again :)
wow, you are so great! i really liked the funny way you teach us everything! keep doing more videos, ok? I’m brazilian and i entered here today for the first time! congrats!
Pls teach us on presentation skills…………
Its a very good way to teach English, and i was looking for it from many days now ive found this engvid thanks to Engvid’s admin and teachers.
thanks Ronnie, U R gr8!
I just wanted to let you know that i like your classes alot…you are very funny and funn to watch to
Ask me questions here!
if there is no query its mean u tought very good lesson.u improve my skills and motivate me very much ….thank you …..
hin ronnie i have question plzz
when we can Pronounce the c latter k and when we can Pronounce clatter cccc
plzz ronnie help me
thank you
you very extrem helpful and your video very useful its funny and helpful and you speake slowly and clear and simple words soo any beginners can understand what you try learn them .
It is difficult when to know if the letter is said “K” (hard k sound) or C (like s). The only thing I can tell you is that
If there is one of “a,o,u” after “c” , “c” is pronunced as the sound “k” in cat-cow-cut. If there is one of “e,i” after “c” , “c” is pronunced as the sound “s” in celtic-cinema. However, not all words follow this rule. This is just a general rule!
i want to improve my English langauge
hi dear teacher i like your teaching it is very very interesting for me
hi roonie .can i know when can i say i have been and when can i say i had been? plzzzzz waiting ur answer eagerly. with my best wishes for u lovely roonie
Have been (or have + past participle) is present perfect. Present perfect we use to talk about the past. Eg.. I have been to London. I haven’t been to India.
Had been (or had + past participle) is PAST perfect. We use past perfect to talk about 2 (or more) events that happened in the past. Eg….. I had eaten an apple, then I saw the elephant. The event that happened first, we put into past perfect, the 2nd event, we use simple past!
Hope that helps! Thanks for watching!
thaks roonie for ur suffecient answer.i would like to know what is the difference between used to and accustomed. with my best regards my smart teacher.
Used to means you did this in the past and quit doing it. When I was a child I used to play with dolls. (I don’t play with dolls now)
Accustomed to means that you are doing/have done something that is unusual or uncomfortable, but with time you became comfortable with. I grew accustomed to taking my shoes off at the door. Accustomed also means familiar!
I think this is freak lesson!!! can I say that if I wanna say that this lesson is verry good? please answer it. And thanks a million for you Ronnie :)
You can say I think this is a freaking good lesson!
Hello, I´m from Brazil and it´s been great to watch your lessons!!!
hello,I’ve found your program recently ,your methods are great,I dont know where is your school?I wish i could talk english as a native.I like you and i follow your lesson.
thank you for your lessons
zamime omar
Hello! Iam from Malaysia! And yes your videos are really helpful!!:)
I’m 8 years old .I fun with this lesson and i like the song in eng vid. I like teaching me. I am a stdent in thai land but I like to learn english that why, I learn english. I like engish.
I like super freak
Hi Ronnie i embarrassing when i ask my question but really i seroius for learning engilsh & if i shy ask something miss understand not learn. So,i search as you told us in googel search to know “Super Freak” but not know i get this meaning or no.when i was married from girlfriend going to bed to get “Super Freak”. Correct me if i wrong & tell me true if i right
First NEVER be embarrassed to ask something!
“Freak” in the song “Super Freak” talks about how a girl is “kinky” or super sexy (in bed).
Freak in English has many different meanings as I said in the video. It can replace the “bad” word F$ck, but we use the “f-word” to talk about how great something is. English slang can be confusing but you have to understand that one word can have many different meanings!
Hope that helps! Good luck.
super freak= verey sexy is not ???
& you make me confusing coz i was understand “freak” is bad word this meaning same meaning this word “fucking” but when someone had been aske you in commant [You can say I think this is a freaking good lesson!
] i gett diffrent meaning for same word once in veido is bad & once in commant is good . maybe i’m stupied student but need to learning & serious for that
thanks for everythings.
Thank you for explaining these. Teenagers know more slang than their teachers. Your lessons are very useful because they are easily understood.
thank you soooooooo much
Thanks for your lessons,but i have one question for you-“super freak” What does it mean?
hi miss hoe are you…?
your lessons are very usefull for me and not only me i recommrnded my friends also.and you doing good job…
ok now i ask you doubt for me
how can diffrenciate this past participle, simple past, present perfect,..?
Unfortunately, The only way to know the differences between the past participle (p.p) and simple past is to memorize the verbs!
Present perfect is always either I, They, We, You (have + p.p) or He, She, It (has + p.p.)!
Hope that helps!
hi ronnie i’m a new in this site and i am not good in english.. i am a pilipina and hard to speak english can you help me
This is a new meaning word for me,I like your method of teaching Ronni.
I´d like to know if all teachers who have in this site work in the same English school.I intend to study in Canada and I would love to class with you.
NO, we all work at different English schools! The school I work at is very $$$ and there is no guarantee that if you come to my school that you will get me as your teacher. If you are interested, I offer private lessons if you are in Toronto!!!!! Let me know if you are interested!!!!!!!!
even i wud luv to join u
Really i like ur lessons much. it gives more interest to watch and learn easily. keep up your great work. Thanks!
Merci beaucoup pour les cours d’anglais.
on a besoin de tes cours
thank you very much
De rien!
Hey im new here.
Nice to meet everyone!
Hope you all have a good day
thank u ronnie……:)
hello ms Ronnie .how are you?
I think this is a freaking good lesson!
hi there,
would you mind to tell the meaning of superfreak?
thanks in advance
Superfreak is slang and means very very freaky!
I love you, you’re a really good teacher! Thank you for sharing your knowleges!
thk u
thanks teacher ronnie..
Hello Ronnie. I have a quetion concerning your lesson. Can we use ‘freak sb out’ meaning ‘scare sb to death’ or something close to it?
Yes freak someone out means to make someone scared! Good work!
Hi, Ronnie! Thanks for the lesson! Can I say “What a freaking mess have you done here?”; is that correct? Thakn you again!
I am a new student from south korea.
your lesson is amazing!! thanks a lot!
hi deat RONNI,,,i love the way you teach . it was nice to learn about {freak} good lesson ..can we talk online if it is possible ..
sameer ahemd
thank you my teacher now i could understand it
hai! Ronni, hope u r fine and pray for it.
it was a presious one for me
i misunderstood this word meaning like ” freak or freak guy” is nice to call somebody
Can you help me, please?
I want more example of freak.
Thank your for the lesson. I know the meaning
I’ve got 4 out of 4. and it’s freaking me out!!!
Hello Ronnie,i want to ask one question which is,
What the difference and use between these two word 1)RIGHT NOW and 2)RIGHT AWAY
Thanks | Samuel Sam
Thanks Ronnie mam 4 replying but where i can use these two word.
ronnie,there is a word which mostly people used for slang,and itz Vile,what does it mean?
Vile means disgusting. It is not slang….it is just an old word.
thanks Ronnie, i like watching yr all lessons that you’s interesting.i don’t feel get broad. good job!
Hey dear,cant we use freaking as disgusting,he was reall y a freaking guy!iz it right to say?
feak and disgust have different meanings,i’m also from pak, and love to learn eng
Emraan khan
the baby is craying is not he or she please answer me quicckly ronnie
ali hassan
HI ronnie! the mosquitos are freaking me out, here in my house, BRB got to aply something against them!!!!!!
Tnx 2 U…. jajajajaja I like it
Hi Ronnie,
You are cool. I like your teaching style.
not having a girl is freakig me out, 4 real. thanks Ronnie 4 the lesson.
thanks Ronnie for the lesson.
Can i say: don´t freaking me!!!
meaning: don´t bother me ?
Thank you
paulo roberto
that’s great i have learnt so many new things thanx to Engvid
Emraan khan
this lesson is very deep and exciting!!!
hi Ronnie! i want to know how i can prounce this word, “i’d” ?
Emraan khan
thank u miss Ronnie, 1 more thing Eyed is short form of i would?
yes because English is very important in communicating with other countries and can explore what the meaning of the English language
This video helps me lot, Thanks Ronnie, Since I have gone through all your videos here.
Hello Ms. Ronnie,
You are an amazing teacher. I appreciate.
Hi Ms Ronnie!a million thank you for your exellent lessons they are really helpful. i have problem with these alphabets in reading, i dont know if you already have any lessons on these alphabets? a,when to pronounce it as (e)./ i as (ai),sometime (i)./ and e sound as isometime it’s sound like an (er) as presentation .is there any roules for there? thanks in advance.
Unfortunately, there are so many differences with vowel sounds that I cannot begin to tell you an easy way to learn them! I would suggest learning vocabulary and how to say each word! In the meantime, I will try to find a resource for you! Also, you can search on the internet – “vowel sounds in English”.
Cool job!
You are super. I was really having difficulty in understanding the difference. between them,
your TEACHING is amazing.. Thanks..
oohhh,,u are the best teacher ever.. I watches ur video everyday…before I met u, it was hard to learning english..and now, all about english is really fun ..i’m enjoy because of you..thx…
Great! Thanks for watching!~
I loved this lesso as other all. This site is very good. I am Brazilian and want to know people from other coutries. Plese, send me an e-mail:
The students that you teach in your classes are lucky to have you, thank you!
i nid to speck engliche plyse help my
nice lesson….
bestest teacher love you ronnie
Dear, EngVid!
Why do use “eating borscht” here in such meaning. Borsch (without t) is a national dish in Ukraine. That’s offensive for my country.
Hello ivan:
I don’t think that they’ve used that phrase to offend your country. It could have been an alternative that came up out of the blue :) Let me tell you that I’m interested in getting to know about your culture, because I’m interested in a Ukrainian girl :)
Just chill out man!
hi ronnie u r a grt teacher ..plz can do a lesson when we use “would”,”could”,”ain’t”
when to use word different and word difference
thank you so much
The word “different” is an adjective and it is used to describe a noun.
The word “difference” is a noun.
Ex.. I have a different dog than she does.
What’s the difference between an ape and a monkey?
how to prnounce word “ain’t”
thank you so much.
hi ronnie you are really wonderful teacher and i like your style of teaching and i wanna ask you about the something is that right if i say i have no or wrong
i like this …teacher ronnie …. good
Ronnie very very clown teacher …. I liked your style of teaching tnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx teacher … merci ma prof
thank u mam take care to teach like this for more time
I’ve been searching for blogs about english slang and I stumble upon this blog. Very useful though, thanks for creating such a useful website. For people who are searching for more try visiting
Nice page!
what is the meaning of ‘computer freak’?
A persons who LOVES computers.
good explanation
Is it possible I am at a new language and I want to learn the language I know May Be Btgah start a place Is there anyone capable of learning language, and be thoughtful to him all my life just needed someone to talk to me at mic and thank you.this is my mail yaoo
Hi, you are actually a great teacher so do you recommend taking the lessons of the above-mentioned Advertisement “speak English Fast” as an advanced English course? thank you in advance…
Sorry, I do not know that course!
I have heard somewhere that focusing on too much grammar will slow down your communication skills.what do you think Mam?My primary focus is to learn to communicate properly.Do I need to focus on grammar?Am not too strong in grammar(I knew the basics).I have studied all my life in English Medium school and College.But I can’t properly communicate just because We don’t have given training in talking.Do u have any tips?
I agree that too much focus on grammar will impede your communication ability. I learned Japanese by talking/listening. I did not learn any grammar but I could communicate with people!!!
oh my god !!!this lesson was freaking excellent!!!!
Hi Ronny
Thanks for your good lessons.
When we can use the word ?
Is it formal word or casual ?
It is formal and causal! I pulled a prank on you = played a joke/trick.
sorry ,the word is prank
Ronnie, I freaking love u! U r the best teacher, ever :)
please gave a lesson about if and being
jiwan maan
hi teacher beace be upon you
can I say ‘What a freaking beauty ‘
I meant by that ‘a lesson’
i name u ronnie as a funny teacher u knw with out googling i got 4 out of 4 yahoo
hello , just wanna ask about the meaning of this phrase “” I’ll knock you out “” or “” knock out “” ? and thanx ,useful lesson :)
i enjoy the music ronnie!
gosh ronnie… i don’t know who sung that song… (do i really have to google it before i get the quiz?) :)
Hey Rony even thought im pretty advanced,i still have a lot to learn. this lesson was so freaking helpful to me lol
nice !!!
such agreat site with agreat teachers.and you’r the best
thank you
he is freaking me out
i thouth means : he is scaring me
ami wrogn?
I love this lesson!!!
hey ronnie i just like the way you speak your english and you kind of funny when you teach, you know i like it so keep it up
prompt guy
It is said that when you want good lessons you have to pay a lot, here it’s for free, that’s weird, THANK YOU SO MUCH
You´re my favorite teacher. Freaking good! thanks for my improvement lately. my regards and a hug.
jorge luiz
I remember I read another application: ” a freak of nature”. by the way, I am from Brazil and at disposal for interchange with people from all over the world.
lately my e-mail got blocked and i am fixing, meanwhile i am at the FACEBBOOK
jorge luiz
Hi Ronnie,how u doin ?
i just want to know if my sentence is correct or no,can u give me a hand ?
” I can’t imagine how much we were freakin’ out ”
is it right ?
so can i use freakin out insted of scared ?..or ” going crazy ” only ?
Hi Ronnie,
you are the great teacher i’ve ever seen.
you can teach any topic very simply.i really really like your lessons,great work……..
thanks teacher Ronnie. really exciting lesson.
but please would you explain more about slang words.for example(ya kinda gotta gonna)
and more.would explain it in lesson
hussein syd
Hi Ronnie!
How about saying ” I like those shoes so freaking bad “?
By the way, I’ve heard a song sang by Bruno Mars – The Lazy Song, and he did mention this word ” Cause in my castle I’m the FREAKING MAN “, I kinda don’t get this. I think that’s bad meaning, right?
And thanks a million for your lessons too, I’m very interested in videos that you’ve made about ” Slang “, they are really cool :) Hope you’ll make more about it ^^ And your voice is slow and clear enough for me to follow, i love it :)
You can say I freaking love those shoes!
I’m the freaking man is not negative, it means that he’s really cool!
i love your entrance it freak me out lol. JK.
wow u came from above. nice entrance. it’s freaking good… :D ijust love it.
Hi Ronnie!
I confused with the prounonciation of the words “automatic” or “automatically” I heart a “r sound” in America pronounciation.
thanks 4U.
What a freakin useful lesson ! Thank-you!
Hi, Ronnie Did you know ? you are awesome, Good luck
hii ronnie….thanx for teaching the lesson about freak……u knw this word was really confused for me but now its o…kk.. n one more thing i want to sae…..its really fun to learn from you
hi ronnie i like your teaching very good
Hi Ronnie in some music I hear that word (goer) and some artist say it what’s the meaning (goer) ?
HI Ronny is that correct say you freak me out ?
Thanks Ronny by Lesson Now I can “say” somethings otherwise. Hugs
Thanks alort Ronnie.A friend once told me that i were a freaking idiot :(
hello Ronnie you’re such a wonderful teacher i like your lessons a lot, i wanna ask you about the meaning of ( Technicolor) cause i cant find the meaning of that word in my dictionary
wanna be better
It’s a kind of colour film — for filming movies. Technicolor films have really bright, rich colours, and so “Technicolor” can also be used to describe anything that is really colourful.
engVid Moderator
thank you very much engvid you are awesome
wanna be better
It is interesting.
Yuriy Karpenko
you freak me out does it mean that you make me crazy or can we say that could mean you scared me also ?
wanna be better
i love the way you teach :)
will i am
Is there a web siete like this, to learn french?
Sorry, I don’t know!
engVid Moderator
Superfreak is a very kinky girl, Is that right? RONNIE
Wow Ronnie!
You are amazing, incredible, awesome, mindblowing, a killer…
And a helluva teacher also…
it’s freaking interesting lesson =)
Very good lesson teacher i really need to learn listening and speaking and get better my communication ability. With your lessons i’m learning that. Thanks a lot!
thanks Ronnie for your help!
I’ve been hearing these words in TV shows/movies: “hell”, “bet”. Just want to use it properly. So i hope you could help. THANKS.
Hi, Ronnie!
What about freakish or freakishly?
Could you tell us about that?
Sorry if you have already talked about.
if someone says ‘something(movie,bug etc) freaks him/her out ‘ . what does that mean?
knowledge seeker
Love this lesson! Thank you Ronnie <3 <3 <3 Lots of love from Malaysia!
i didn’t do the assignment, i don’t who sung super freak…..ahh.. it’s freaking me out mow !
ann ann
I didn’t get the question, who sung the super freak. But it’s okay for me because i got the rest. The you ma’am Ronnie you’re the best.
Thank you. Very useful lesson.
Rick James, 1981 (Super Freak), I used to love this song…makes me dance
Virginia Paes
Thank you.
Thanks ronnie, you are so crazy, but the best!
cesar leal
Hello.Thanks for your great teaching.
mohammad hossein
thanks ronnie
So, what does “superfreak” means? Worse than a freak or what?
Hi Ronnie I like your teaching very much
Ratan kumar das
You got 1 correct out of 4.
I told you I am not good at freaking thinks.
M kartal
I made a mistake. I chose MC Hammer :(
Edgar Leite
4/4! Could Freak use with friends? I think to use this word with my dudes is funny.
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank you, it is really very usefull to know “bad” words, its meanings and situations to use them.
Hi again
if i say “What a freaking beauty?” is that correct expression ?
yes, that expression is good!
hi. you’ve a great way for learning english. could you plaese put a lesson on “just” and its uses. thanks
Hi Constantin could u explain me, what’s the mean that expression “what a freaking beauty” or when can i say that?
“What a freaking beauty” means that thing/person is really really beautiful!
Thank you so much for this useful information.
thank you. Now I Know why a “friend” of my son called him “freaky”, though I´m totally sure he didn´t know its meaning because He´s a complete ass. He have never read a word. He just quote other people say.
And also can you make a lesson about “as” and “like”
Roses for you
i will try to do that for you!
plz……… condiationals.. from one to 3 and… unreal past. and wishes is so confuse sometimes….
GREAT LESSON thank u very much teacher . i was leve u msg befor that i want contact with u for privet lessons in skype i still want that i realy need it plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz hope to till me ur opinion?? and thanks again
sorry I dont offer skype lessons anymore! Just keep watching the site!
i just wanted to ask you about my situation…..ok i understand every single word in the inglish language but when i speak it people be like uh? i need to improve my speaking
Hi Ronnie,
it was Rick James who did the song “Superfreak,” it must have been in the late 70s.
Mc Hammer sampled the famous bassline from “Superfreak” and turned it into his “Can’ touch this” in 1992 or 1993, if I remember it correctly.
Not that this is superimportant, I just thought I’d share that info.
Grettings from Germany
hi how r u teacher i’m new student……plz tell me your skype id i’ll add you…..
hi… Ronnie
I come from thailand. I like to learn english with you from youtube. But sometime I don’t understand when you said. I know I have to leran english more than this. I’m try. I hopr that, one day I can speak english like you. Take care yourself. See you soon.
hi everybody in engVid, I’am a new student , I’d like to hear the song ” Super Freak” Thanks for yours lessons ;
tha was freaking cool. thank u
hello Ronnie
I like your way to teache english so i wish if you can do more lessens and videos
Thank you
Hello everybody. I’m new student on this site.Now I know another ..bad word.. and will use it instead of .. f**king.. and vers versa.Thanks for lesson. BR.
I would like to thank you for the effort u put in this lessong.
I’ve learnt something in a fun way.
Would like to join your lesson on Skyp.
Have a good day.
Hi teacher I want to take English lessons from you on skypee. please send your address you use on skypee at my email
sorry I don’t offer skype classes anymore!! just keep on watching the site!
Dear Ronnie,
Could you please enlighten us if there are other teachers who offer this service to practice with them , and what would be the cost for each hour of online practice, also are there any interactive classes for more than one candidate at the same time so that we benefit from brainstorming and different ideas and inquiries raised by others?
I’m sorry, but I don’t know of any other teachers who offer such a service.
Thank you for your kind and prompt response.
OK I’m an ESL teacher…love your stuff…freakin’ great. Don’t agree with the word ‘slang”. This word & derivations has been in wide usage since the 60s. And what about “clothes freak” pizza freak” for a positive, enthusiastic fan of something…?
Hola a todos desde España
Me encanta esta página web de curso de inglés. Felicidades po la manera de presentar las clases. La próxima vez, intentaré escribir en Inglés.
See you next time
engvid teachers are the best :)
sorry, I meant to say does anyone knows
hi i ieked
Dear. Teacher Lonney
Hi, are you happy today? I hope so.
and thanks for teaching me.
I have a question about your behavior on this video.
What is your gesture mean?
I can describe like below sentence.
you made a “V” by using your finger.
like photo pose.
If you face Digital Camera, you may make a smiling and make a V finger and also you say “cheese.”
What is your V mean?
even sometimes you bended your finger.
like rabbit ear.
Can you tell me that your V gesture mean?
Your truly,
From Korea.
Hi Ronnie!!!! I have watched your videos, and I liked all of them!! you are a really good teacher… !! please put more videos to learn more and more and more! jijiji… You know…I`m peruvian, and I`m studying for being an English Teacher!!!! It`s a really nice language, and teaching it is fantastic, so I wanna learn more! thanks for this videos!!
PD. Please!! videos about prepositions!! thanks!!!!!!!! and good luck!!
Thank you very much for u teaching me. but can’t get the meaning Super freak yet. What does mean ? Please RSVP
Thank you.
php Laossssssssss
english yang baik guru yang baik
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks teacher
you receive the best teacher because you teach me once again thank you please respond to comments I l ya teachers
Hi teacher.
I’m a new student in this engvid .
nice to be your student.
bye bye :)
hi! .. teacher
I am overwhelmed with the lessons that you’ve made.
it makes me more smoothly with the English that I have learned ?!!…
thank you teacher ..!
I’d like to know more about phrasal verbs. May you explain more about that, for example phrasal verbs with “get”.
I’ve been watching the most of your videos and let me tell ya you’re a good teacher, there are so many teachers but not all them know how to explain like you; same as teacher James.
Thanks for the lesson
i like the way you tolk with your self and blame it i wish if
you r my teacher i like you as ( a teacher )
Thank you You are very, very good teacher you are used to the best way in education
GREAT LESSON thank u very much teacher
hi again .iam so hopfully and enjoyable for your lesson.and iwould like to contnue with u by your email? how?
hi. dear teacher.. ispeak eng fluently,write corectly and better.but my problem is that when english person speak to me ,icouldnt understand to him at the first time ? also the translation to the arabic language also is the problem .how can you advise me to be perfect in my loveable language thanku alot
hi there.
hye teacher how are you??
Thanks for the lessons
Thank you for your effort to make English much easier for us.
you are realy an extraordinary teacher.
thanks a lot :)
Thanks so much Ms Ronnie. I could learn a lot from your lessons. I have a good background in English but i have some pronunciation problems. Your lessons are very helpful.
Thanks one more time for the trouble you take to help non native Americans.
Have a nice weekend.
I ♡ it………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
hi teacher ronnie.. c0uld u please teach us how to use do did and does? thank u so much =)
Excuse me, If I say a Sentence like this “Do you want know a Freak thing” is that correct. Or I should say “Do you want know a Freaking thing”
Can you tell me if that is correct, to see if I understood the lesson?
thank you . my dream is learning English languge .
thank you alot
I need people to work the smile that conversation to help me develop my being a novice
let’s f**k/ing out = let’s freak/ing out?
both of sentences are an invitation for jumping around and acting like a crazy ?
anyway thank for your lesson
firstly i would like to present hello to miss ronnie from the core and deepest senses of my heart secondly i would like to appreciate ronnie for her hard by self is astudent in afghanistan kabul in my part time i am always listening this program .I wish i had ateacher like u in afghanistan .I really like ur t eaching method one thing if put my feet on the ground u found aplace in my heart
have abal miss ronnie miss ronnie .
Ronnie in my job usually use this word “Freaking Friday” so what´s mean that?
Iam learning english as asecond language
so this is anew word for me
thank u alot teacher
This is an interesting… :)… thanks…
Good Evening Maam ,
I really like the way u teach .I would like to give exam of Ielts can u give tips for writing task and reading
Thanking you
thanks teacher. i had problem with this world. i love you.
when i writing a letter it’s so complicating why we use like (it will be done) in when we are talking about something in presentanse
It’s so complicating me why should peoples are using like (It will be done) as long as they are talking in present tense
all lessons are good
how do we use the want and won’t?
Hello Teacher, your teaching style is too good!
I like it very much and I would also be happy if you send me your skype address so that I can discuss with you on some matters.
Thank you a lot!
You are a great teacher Ronnie. I have learned a lot from your videos. By the way, I am from Karachi, Pakistan. Cheers!
i have listen this lang inno few movies and now i know what means, thank you my pretty blonde lady!
if i say like “she is freaking crazy” , then its correct or not???
Yes, that is correct!
yeah that’s right
thank you very much
but sometime your lesspn freaking out me.
thanks again Respected Teacher
Thank you very much for your lesson. Your accent is very good so very very easy to understand; Please would you train us with strong accents: Scotich, American,Australian etc Thank you very much
I’m sorry, I cannot train you in different accents! I only have my accent! You will have to listen to native Scottish, American and Australian speakers to learn!
I love you very much
Hey Ronnie ¡ Thanks a lot¡ you’re a very good teacher, I’ve learned a lot from you and I love your accent ¡
love from Chile ¡
u r great teacher !!! i hope to learn more…thank you so much..^_^
Hi ,Thank`s for this lesson, Slang is complicated and difficult to understand ,It needs to live in the place used it because I know slang present in all countries as in Egypt my country the slang differ from place to place but in Arabic .
Good Lesson
can u teach me “gone & went” and “suppose & if”..
ur teaching is gud, thank u:)
Sure… “gone” is the past participle of go. “Went” is the simple past. So you say “I have gone” (present perfect), or “I went” (simple past)!
thank you
I like thus lesson
I hope some one be my friend
Dear Ronnie… thanks for teaching. Please confirm if I say “What a freaking video” or “Suddenly he has been freaking out of controls” or “They have freak style”. Kindly confirm these tenses are correct?? Thanks
You have to say “He has been freaking out of control” (not controls) The other two are okay, but I have never heard “They have freak style”!
I really like this song!!!!
I just wanna say that this is freaking good!!
(is this right?;; I’m not quite sure;;)
Thank u so much!!
All respect and appreciation
Summary explanation of how the manual and easy to deliver information
Thank you very much my teacher
nice ^^
thank you 4 the lesson
cAN u plz give us a lesson about when we use this kind of sintens “I’ve heard” the subjecut + have + the v in p.p
Ronnie, tell me what is better way of learning english… by listening, or reading ??? Thanks in advance
It depends… if you want to to learn grammar, reading is best. Speaking is best to learn by listening!
Ok! I will try!
We use that in the present perfect tense to talk about a past action!
We use this when there is no time marker, eg; yesterday,last week… If there is a time marker we use simple past! No time marker — use present perfect!
thank you 4 afast replay
thank you very much
is that right if i say
I saw my sister yestarday .
I’vent seen her ronnie :p .
thank you again :)
wow, you are so great! i really liked the funny way you teach us everything! keep doing more videos, ok? I’m brazilian and i entered here today for the first time! congrats!
Pls teach us on presentation skills…………
Its a very good way to teach English, and i was looking for it from many days now ive found this engvid thanks to Engvid’s admin and teachers.
thanks Ronnie, U R gr8!
I just wanted to let you know that i like your classes alot…you are very funny and funn to watch to
Ask me questions here!
if there is no query its mean u tought very good lesson.u improve my skills and motivate me very much ….thank you …..
hin ronnie i have question plzz
when we can Pronounce the c latter k and when we can Pronounce clatter cccc
plzz ronnie help me
thank you
you very extrem helpful and your video very useful its funny and helpful and you speake slowly and clear and simple words soo any beginners can understand what you try learn them .
It is difficult when to know if the letter is said “K” (hard k sound) or C (like s). The only thing I can tell you is that
If there is one of “a,o,u” after “c” , “c” is pronunced as the sound “k” in cat-cow-cut. If there is one of “e,i” after “c” , “c” is pronunced as the sound “s” in celtic-cinema. However, not all words follow this rule. This is just a general rule!
i want to improve my English langauge
hi dear teacher i like your teaching it is very very interesting for me
hi roonie .can i know when can i say i have been and when can i say i had been? plzzzzz waiting ur answer eagerly. with my best wishes for u lovely roonie
Have been (or have + past participle) is present perfect. Present perfect we use to talk about the past. Eg.. I have been to London. I haven’t been to India.
Had been (or had + past participle) is PAST perfect. We use past perfect to talk about 2 (or more) events that happened in the past. Eg….. I had eaten an apple, then I saw the elephant. The event that happened first, we put into past perfect, the 2nd event, we use simple past!
Hope that helps! Thanks for watching!
thaks roonie for ur suffecient answer.i would like to know what is the difference between used to and accustomed. with my best regards my smart teacher.
Used to means you did this in the past and quit doing it. When I was a child I used to play with dolls. (I don’t play with dolls now)
Accustomed to means that you are doing/have done something that is unusual or uncomfortable, but with time you became comfortable with. I grew accustomed to taking my shoes off at the door. Accustomed also means familiar!
I think this is freak lesson!!! can I say that if I wanna say that this lesson is verry good? please answer it. And thanks a million for you Ronnie :)
You can say I think this is a freaking good lesson!
Hello, I´m from Brazil and it´s been great to watch your lessons!!!
hello,I’ve found your program recently ,your methods are great,I dont know where is your school?I wish i could talk english as a native.I like you and i follow your lesson.
thank you for your lessons
Hello! Iam from Malaysia! And yes your videos are really helpful!!:)
I’m 8 years old .I fun with this lesson and i like the song in eng vid. I like teaching me. I am a stdent in thai land but I like to learn english that why, I learn english. I like engish.
I like super freak
Hi Ronnie i embarrassing when i ask my question but really i seroius for learning engilsh & if i shy ask something miss understand not learn. So,i search as you told us in googel search to know “Super Freak” but not know i get this meaning or no.when i was married from girlfriend going to bed to get “Super Freak”. Correct me if i wrong & tell me true if i right
First NEVER be embarrassed to ask something!
“Freak” in the song “Super Freak” talks about how a girl is “kinky” or super sexy (in bed).
Freak in English has many different meanings as I said in the video. It can replace the “bad” word F$ck, but we use the “f-word” to talk about how great something is. English slang can be confusing but you have to understand that one word can have many different meanings!
Hope that helps! Good luck.
super freak= verey sexy is not ???
& you make me confusing coz i was understand “freak” is bad word this meaning same meaning this word “fucking” but when someone had been aske you in commant [You can say I think this is a freaking good lesson!
] i gett diffrent meaning for same word once in veido is bad & once in commant is good . maybe i’m stupied student but need to learning & serious for that
thanks for everythings.
Thank you for explaining these. Teenagers know more slang than their teachers. Your lessons are very useful because they are easily understood.
thank you soooooooo much
Thanks for your lessons,but i have one question for you-“super freak” What does it mean?
hi miss hoe are you…?
your lessons are very usefull for me and not only me i recommrnded my friends also.and you doing good job…
ok now i ask you doubt for me
how can diffrenciate this past participle, simple past, present perfect,..?
Unfortunately, The only way to know the differences between the past participle (p.p) and simple past is to memorize the verbs!
Present perfect is always either I, They, We, You (have + p.p) or He, She, It (has + p.p.)!
Hope that helps!
hi ronnie i’m a new in this site and i am not good in english.. i am a pilipina and hard to speak english can you help me
This is a new meaning word for me,I like your method of teaching Ronni.
I´d like to know if all teachers who have in this site work in the same English school.I intend to study in Canada and I would love to class with you.
NO, we all work at different English schools! The school I work at is very $$$ and there is no guarantee that if you come to my school that you will get me as your teacher. If you are interested, I offer private lessons if you are in Toronto!!!!! Let me know if you are interested!!!!!!!!
even i wud luv to join u
Really i like ur lessons much. it gives more interest to watch and learn easily. keep up your great work. Thanks!
Merci beaucoup pour les cours d’anglais.
on a besoin de tes cours
thank you very much
De rien!
Hey im new here.
Nice to meet everyone!
Hope you all have a good day
thank u ronnie……:)
hello ms Ronnie .how are you?
I think this is a freaking good lesson!
hi there,
would you mind to tell the meaning of superfreak?
thanks in advance
Superfreak is slang and means very very freaky!
I love you, you’re a really good teacher! Thank you for sharing your knowleges!
thk u
thanks teacher ronnie..
Hello Ronnie. I have a quetion concerning your lesson. Can we use ‘freak sb out’ meaning ‘scare sb to death’ or something close to it?
Yes freak someone out means to make someone scared! Good work!
Hi, Ronnie! Thanks for the lesson! Can I say “What a freaking mess have you done here?”; is that correct? Thakn you again!
I am a new student from south korea.
your lesson is amazing!! thanks a lot!
hi deat RONNI,,,i love the way you teach . it was nice to learn about {freak} good lesson ..can we talk online if it is possible ..
thank you my teacher now i could understand it
hai! Ronni, hope u r fine and pray for it.
it was a presious one for me
i misunderstood this word meaning like ” freak or freak guy” is nice to call somebody
Can you help me, please?
I want more example of freak.
Thank your for the lesson. I know the meaning
I’ve got 4 out of 4. and it’s freaking me out!!!
Hello Ronnie,i want to ask one question which is,
What the difference and use between these two word 1)RIGHT NOW and 2)RIGHT AWAY
Thanks | Samuel Sam
Thanks Ronnie mam 4 replying but where i can use these two word.
ronnie,there is a word which mostly people used for slang,and itz Vile,what does it mean?
Vile means disgusting. It is not slang….it is just an old word.
thanks Ronnie, i like watching yr all lessons that you’s interesting.i don’t feel get broad. good job!
Hey dear,cant we use freaking as disgusting,he was reall y a freaking guy!iz it right to say?
feak and disgust have different meanings,i’m also from pak, and love to learn eng
the baby is craying is not he or she please answer me quicckly ronnie
HI ronnie! the mosquitos are freaking me out, here in my house, BRB got to aply something against them!!!!!!
Tnx 2 U…. jajajajaja I like it
Hi Ronnie,
You are cool. I like your teaching style.
not having a girl is freakig me out, 4 real. thanks Ronnie 4 the lesson.
thanks Ronnie for the lesson.
Can i say: don´t freaking me!!!
meaning: don´t bother me ?
Thank you
that’s great i have learnt so many new things thanx to Engvid
this lesson is very deep and exciting!!!
hi Ronnie! i want to know how i can prounce this word, “i’d” ?
thank u miss Ronnie, 1 more thing Eyed is short form of i would?
yes because English is very important in communicating with other countries and can explore what the meaning of the English language
This video helps me lot, Thanks Ronnie, Since I have gone through all your videos here.
Hello Ms. Ronnie,
You are an amazing teacher. I appreciate.
Hi Ms Ronnie!a million thank you for your exellent lessons they are really helpful. i have problem with these alphabets in reading, i dont know if you already have any lessons on these alphabets? a,when to pronounce it as (e)./ i as (ai),sometime (i)./ and e sound as isometime it’s sound like an (er) as presentation .is there any roules for there? thanks in advance.
Unfortunately, there are so many differences with vowel sounds that I cannot begin to tell you an easy way to learn them! I would suggest learning vocabulary and how to say each word! In the meantime, I will try to find a resource for you! Also, you can search on the internet – “vowel sounds in English”.
Cool job!
You are super. I was really having difficulty in understanding the difference. between them,
your TEACHING is amazing.. Thanks..
oohhh,,u are the best teacher ever.. I watches ur video everyday…before I met u, it was hard to learning english..and now, all about english is really fun ..i’m enjoy because of you..thx…
Great! Thanks for watching!~
I loved this lesso as other all. This site is very good. I am Brazilian and want to know people from other coutries. Plese, send me an e-mail:
The students that you teach in your classes are lucky to have you, thank you!
i nid to speck engliche plyse help my
nice lesson….
bestest teacher love you ronnie
Dear, EngVid!
Why do use “eating borscht” here in such meaning. Borsch (without t) is a national dish in Ukraine. That’s offensive for my country.
Hello ivan:
I don’t think that they’ve used that phrase to offend your country. It could have been an alternative that came up out of the blue :) Let me tell you that I’m interested in getting to know about your culture, because I’m interested in a Ukrainian girl :)
Just chill out man!
hi ronnie u r a grt teacher ..plz can do a lesson when we use “would”,”could”,”ain’t”
thank you very much to help me for learn english
when to use word different and word difference
thank you so much
The word “different” is an adjective and it is used to describe a noun.
The word “difference” is a noun.
Ex.. I have a different dog than she does.
What’s the difference between an ape and a monkey?
how to prnounce word “ain’t”
thank you so much.
hi ronnie you are really wonderful teacher and i like your style of teaching and i wanna ask you about the something is that right if i say i have no or wrong
i like this …teacher ronnie …. good
Ronnie very very clown teacher …. I liked your style of teaching tnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx teacher … merci ma prof
thank u mam take care to teach like this for more time
I’ve been searching for blogs about english slang and I stumble upon this blog. Very useful though, thanks for creating such a useful website. For people who are searching for more try visiting
Nice page!
what is the meaning of ‘computer freak’?
A persons who LOVES computers.
good explanation
Is it possible I am at a new language and I want to learn the language I know May Be Btgah start a place Is there anyone capable of learning language, and be thoughtful to him all my life just needed someone to talk to me at mic and thank you.this is my mail yaoo
Hi, you are actually a great teacher so do you recommend taking the lessons of the above-mentioned Advertisement “speak English Fast” as an advanced English course? thank you in advance…
Sorry, I do not know that course!
I have heard somewhere that focusing on too much grammar will slow down your communication skills.what do you think Mam?My primary focus is to learn to communicate properly.Do I need to focus on grammar?Am not too strong in grammar(I knew the basics).I have studied all my life in English Medium school and College.But I can’t properly communicate just because We don’t have given training in talking.Do u have any tips?
I agree that too much focus on grammar will impede your communication ability. I learned Japanese by talking/listening. I did not learn any grammar but I could communicate with people!!!
oh my god !!!this lesson was freaking excellent!!!!
Hi Ronny
Thanks for your good lessons.
When we can use the word ?
Is it formal word or casual ?
It is formal and causal! I pulled a prank on you = played a joke/trick.
sorry ,the word is prank
Ronnie, I freaking love u! U r the best teacher, ever :)
please gave a lesson about if and being
hi teacher beace be upon you
can I say ‘What a freaking beauty ‘
I meant by that ‘a lesson’
i name u ronnie as a funny teacher u knw with out googling i got 4 out of 4 yahoo
hello , just wanna ask about the meaning of this phrase “” I’ll knock you out “” or “” knock out “” ? and thanx ,useful lesson :)
i enjoy the music ronnie!
gosh ronnie… i don’t know who sung that song… (do i really have to google it before i get the quiz?) :)
Hey Rony even thought im pretty advanced,i still have a lot to learn. this lesson was so freaking helpful to me lol
nice !!!
such agreat site with agreat teachers.and you’r the best
thank you
he is freaking me out
i thouth means : he is scaring me
ami wrogn?
I love this lesson!!!
hey ronnie i just like the way you speak your english and you kind of funny when you teach, you know i like it so keep it up
It is said that when you want good lessons you have to pay a lot, here it’s for free, that’s weird, THANK YOU SO MUCH
You´re my favorite teacher. Freaking good! thanks for my improvement lately. my regards and a hug.
I remember I read another application: ” a freak of nature”. by the way, I am from Brazil and at disposal for interchange with people from all over the world.
lately my e-mail got blocked and i am fixing, meanwhile i am at the FACEBBOOK
Hi Ronnie,how u doin ?
i just want to know if my sentence is correct or no,can u give me a hand ?
” I can’t imagine how much we were freakin’ out ”
is it right ?
so can i use freakin out insted of scared ?..or ” going crazy ” only ?
Hi Ronnie,
you are the great teacher i’ve ever seen.
you can teach any topic very simply.i really really like your lessons,great work……..
thanks teacher Ronnie. really exciting lesson.
but please would you explain more about slang words.for example(ya kinda gotta gonna)
and more.would explain it in lesson
Hi Ronnie!
How about saying ” I like those shoes so freaking bad “?
By the way, I’ve heard a song sang by Bruno Mars – The Lazy Song, and he did mention this word ” Cause in my castle I’m the FREAKING MAN “, I kinda don’t get this. I think that’s bad meaning, right?
And thanks a million for your lessons too, I’m very interested in videos that you’ve made about ” Slang “, they are really cool :) Hope you’ll make more about it ^^ And your voice is slow and clear enough for me to follow, i love it :)
You can say I freaking love those shoes!
I’m the freaking man is not negative, it means that he’s really cool!
i love your entrance it freak me out lol. JK.
wow u came from above. nice entrance. it’s freaking good… :D ijust love it.
Hi Ronnie!
I confused with the prounonciation of the words “automatic” or “automatically” I heart a “r sound” in America pronounciation.
thanks 4U.
What a freakin useful lesson ! Thank-you!
Hi, Ronnie Did you know ? you are awesome, Good luck
hii ronnie….thanx for teaching the lesson about freak……u knw this word was really confused for me but now its o…kk.. n one more thing i want to sae…..its really fun to learn from you
hi ronnie i like your teaching very good
Hi Ronnie in some music I hear that word (goer) and some artist say it what’s the meaning (goer) ?
HI Ronny is that correct say you freak me out ?
Thanks Ronny by Lesson Now I can “say” somethings otherwise. Hugs
Thanks alort Ronnie.A friend once told me that i were a freaking idiot :(
hello Ronnie you’re such a wonderful teacher i like your lessons a lot, i wanna ask you about the meaning of ( Technicolor) cause i cant find the meaning of that word in my dictionary
It’s a kind of colour film — for filming movies. Technicolor films have really bright, rich colours, and so “Technicolor” can also be used to describe anything that is really colourful.
thank you very much engvid you are awesome
It is interesting.
you freak me out does it mean that you make me crazy or can we say that could mean you scared me also ?
i love the way you teach :)
Is there a web siete like this, to learn french?
Sorry, I don’t know!
Superfreak is a very kinky girl, Is that right? RONNIE
Wow Ronnie!
You are amazing, incredible, awesome, mindblowing, a killer…
And a helluva teacher also…
it’s freaking interesting lesson =)
Very good lesson teacher i really need to learn listening and speaking and get better my communication ability. With your lessons i’m learning that. Thanks a lot!
thanks Ronnie for your help!
I’ve been hearing these words in TV shows/movies: “hell”, “bet”. Just want to use it properly. So i hope you could help. THANKS.
Hi, Ronnie!
What about freakish or freakishly?
Could you tell us about that?
Sorry if you have already talked about.
if someone says ‘something(movie,bug etc) freaks him/her out ‘ . what does that mean?
Love this lesson! Thank you Ronnie <3 <3 <3 Lots of love from Malaysia!
i didn’t do the assignment, i don’t who sung super freak…..ahh.. it’s freaking me out mow !
I didn’t get the question, who sung the super freak. But it’s okay for me because i got the rest. The you ma’am Ronnie you’re the best.
Thank you. Very useful lesson.
Rick James, 1981 (Super Freak), I used to love this song…makes me dance
Thank you.
Thanks ronnie, you are so crazy, but the best!
Hello.Thanks for your great teaching.
thanks ronnie
So, what does “superfreak” means? Worse than a freak or what?
Hi Ronnie I like your teaching very much
You got 1 correct out of 4.
I told you I am not good at freaking thinks.
I made a mistake. I chose MC Hammer :(
4/4! Could Freak use with friends? I think to use this word with my dudes is funny.