Do you feel nervous when leaving a business voicemail? Do you say too much or too little? What should you say and how much should you say? Watch and learn exactly what to do and what NOT to do to leave an effective voicemail. You’ll learn a system you can follow every time, based on the who, when, why, and what of your call. Watch and practice to improve the professional quality of your messages and increase your chances of getting what you want.
Great lesson Rebecca. Is There a lesson, like that, about mensagens by whatsapp?
Josil Carlos
i’m delight to be here
Thank you very much, Rebecca, for the clear explanation.
Here are some short questions.
May I say greetings like “Regards”, “Best regards”, and so on at the end of the voicemail?
Is it possible to use the WH-scheme you’ve just told us to write a (voic)-email?)
Good question, urs68. We do not use “regards” or “best regards” in a voicemail, though we do use those expressions in letters. You might end a voicemail with “all the best” if it is relevant to the message, but that’s all. Regarding the question words, you can always use them to help guide your thinking before speaking or writing. I wish you continued success, urs68.
[100] Great. Thanks for this one.
Thank you 10/10
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you.
Great go
Sofi shahid
thank you
I loved this lesson, thank you….!!
Jakub Alvarez
so good but if you please I want some information About how to apply in fly emirits
tks rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
Your lecture is very clear and useful. I got 10 out of 10. I try to spend my time as much as possible to learn with engVid (at least 3 hours/day now).
Thank you very much for your help
Wow, keniuj! Thank you so much for watching and learning English with us. In my experience, serious students like you make a lot of progress in a short time as they are determined to succeed and master the language. Perhaps this lesson of mine will help, if you have not seen it already:
Thank you very much for your reply. This is the first time I got the response from engVid teachers. Thank you for sending me the link.
See you
Thank You Rebecca! More one excellent lesson!!
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much such a wonderful lecture . I got 8 out of 10. I want to learn more and more with engVid.
I got rejected many interview due to my communication skill then I stared to searching google finally I found your english tutorial video and started to watching and pratice .
Pankaj kumar
Thanks for watching and for writing, Pankaj. You can find many engvid lessons which help you prepare for interviews, as well as improve your English in general.Just type in the word “interview” in the search bar at the top right, above the video. In addition, you may find my list of interview questions helpful:
Hello, Rebecca. This is Celso from Brazil.
It’s tuesday, March 26 at 09:31 pm.
I’m calling to tell you that your class was amazing.
Please come back soon.
Again, It’s Celso from Brazil.
Thank you very much for your help.
This is perfect, celsofurtado! I love your message and your intelligent sense of humor.You nailed it! (This means you did it perfectly.) I wish you the very best, my friend.
Thank you, Rebekka! This way we learn English and get helpful advises about many things.
Thank you teacher.
I got 10/10! ?☺️Thanks for this lesson!
Zup Tim
Nice lesson. Thanks.
Nika Zheng
Nika Zheng
Great! I work at a call center, and it is very important to know how leave a professional voicemail to others.
So glad you found this lesson helpful for work purposes, Rony! Thanks for sharing that with me. You might like to check out this other video of mine, related to call centers:
Thank you teacher ?? i need more practice and conversation in English language so everyone interest to make practice with me my Skype add and contact fysl hand ? this my name Skype
It was easy
Leo Lima
It’s Tuesday, April 2, at 11:30p.m. in Guam.
Hello Rebecca, How are you? I always love your lessons.
I thank you to you always.
thanks for you time
Erik Javier
thank u rebecca, great lesson S2
Kenia Torres
It’s very useful, thank you!
Thanks teacher for great lessons
How can I watch business English lessons by sequences.
Rebeca, thanks a lot. I am preparing my IELTS by myself and your lessons are quite helpful for both grammar and listening skills.
Thank You So much
I wish if i know this site a long ago it’s very helpful
again Thank you very much Miss Rebecca
love it!!!! thanks miss Rebeccaaaaaa!!!
You are the best thank you
Eslam Ahmed 01271376675
thanks for this lesson
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Great one, as usual, Rebecca! Thanks soooooooooooooooo much for your wonderful lessons.
Reda Zaghloul
Thank you Ms. Rebecaca Thats really helpful for me
Mosay Jala
good lesson, I learned how to leave a message on voicemail. thanks rebecca for this lesson.
remark : if you can add a kind of notebook for each account by which we can know the courses we have already seen and the scores we have obtained
thanks again for this beautiful work.
Thank you ver much Miss Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca :) all your English lectures are very useful.
I got 10 out of 10. My first 10 since I get started with these lessons
Thank you Rebecca, I got 10 out of 10.your lessons are so useful.
Eartha Zeng
yaaay I GOT 100 …
A Thoughtful Lesson for Beginners like me – Once again Thanks a Lot, Mam
Hees Ben
Thank you Rebecca, great lesson.
Thank you, teacher, great lesson and really important.
Great lesson, thank you Rebecca
Omr Nagy
Thank you, what a valuable informations
Thank you very much
It’s so much interesting and I loved it. Go on
Great lesson, thank you Rebecca
thanks teacher
thank you teacher Rebecca. I like your R sound.
Aboubacar Maiga
I like it. It will help me
v nice and v clear perfect
Hello Rebecca, this is Toufik bouchouata from morocco , it is monday ar 21:00 , i am writting to tell you i have got 10/10. Thanks for your effort.
I am learning a lot from video lessons. Thank you very much.
Thanks Rebacca for teach us on this video, I get 8/10
great lesson, thank you very much
Aml Mounier
I can’t watch the videos. Where can I find the script for the lessons, thanks so much
Right now you can only view the transcript on YouTube. However, a lot of our videos are also available on Bilibili.
engVid Moderator
hello Rebecca thank you for you lesson.
Pablo Mollo
The lesson was productive for me, thanks a lot Mrs. Rebeca
Rebecca, You’re amazing! I love you explanations. ‘im studying english everyday in this quarentena and youe lessons are all the time in my studies. Thank you very much!!
Alex Oliv.ira
hi Rebecca i name is sanjay i like all your video for Grammar and tense it is very easy and understand .but please advise me i want buy book to get more practice how to make sentence base on tense and cover all grammar point
Rebecca have changed my life; I enjoying your classes and am improving my english because of you. I really appreciate what you do in order to help us to master this beautiful language. God bless you!!
*I’m enjoying….
Thanks for the lesson! You’re great!
Thank you so much!
100 100 very easy
al willis
Hello Rebecca, I would like to know if the expression “thanks a bunch” is common in both American and British English,and if it can be used in all situations and circumstances. Thank you very much. A Kamyab(Mr)
A Kamyab
Happy to see full marks!
Renu Khurana
Hello dear teacher!
great lesson, thank you very much, I got 10 correct out of 10.:D
Learn English for free with 2149 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
A great lesson
Thanks! I wish you all the best, Hemant.
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson.
Thank you miss Rebecca
Great lesson, thank you Rebecca
Great,thanks a lot.
Great! Excelent!
It was a nice lesson. Thanks Rebecca
very clearly learning Englis with your lessons,
Thank you all engvid teachers.
Great lesson Rebecca. Is There a lesson, like that, about mensagens by whatsapp?
i’m delight to be here
Thank you very much, Rebecca, for the clear explanation.
Here are some short questions.
May I say greetings like “Regards”, “Best regards”, and so on at the end of the voicemail?
Is it possible to use the WH-scheme you’ve just told us to write a (voic)-email?)
Good question, urs68. We do not use “regards” or “best regards” in a voicemail, though we do use those expressions in letters. You might end a voicemail with “all the best” if it is relevant to the message, but that’s all. Regarding the question words, you can always use them to help guide your thinking before speaking or writing. I wish you continued success, urs68.
[100] Great. Thanks for this one.
Thank you 10/10
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you.
Great go
thank you
I loved this lesson, thank you….!!
so good but if you please I want some information About how to apply in fly emirits
tks rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
Your lecture is very clear and useful. I got 10 out of 10. I try to spend my time as much as possible to learn with engVid (at least 3 hours/day now).
Thank you very much for your help
Wow, keniuj! Thank you so much for watching and learning English with us. In my experience, serious students like you make a lot of progress in a short time as they are determined to succeed and master the language. Perhaps this lesson of mine will help, if you have not seen it already:
I wish you all the best, keniuj.
Thank you very much for your reply. This is the first time I got the response from engVid teachers. Thank you for sending me the link.
See you
Thank You Rebecca! More one excellent lesson!!
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much such a wonderful lecture . I got 8 out of 10. I want to learn more and more with engVid.
I got rejected many interview due to my communication skill then I stared to searching google finally I found your english tutorial video and started to watching and pratice .
Pankaj kumar
Thanks for watching and for writing, Pankaj. You can find many engvid lessons which help you prepare for interviews, as well as improve your English in general.Just type in the word “interview” in the search bar at the top right, above the video. In addition, you may find my list of interview questions helpful:
I wish you much success, Pankaj.
nice lesson. teacher please send me my email
thanks , it is a very useful lesson
Thanks a lot Rebecca!!!
Was Great !! Tks Rebecca .
Hello, Rebecca. This is Celso from Brazil.
It’s tuesday, March 26 at 09:31 pm.
I’m calling to tell you that your class was amazing.
Please come back soon.
Again, It’s Celso from Brazil.
Thank you very much for your help.
This is perfect, celsofurtado! I love your message and your intelligent sense of humor.You nailed it! (This means you did it perfectly.) I wish you the very best, my friend.
Thank you, Rebekka! This way we learn English and get helpful advises about many things.
Thank you teacher.
I got 10/10! ?☺️Thanks for this lesson!
Nice lesson. Thanks.
Great! I work at a call center, and it is very important to know how leave a professional voicemail to others.
So glad you found this lesson helpful for work purposes, Rony! Thanks for sharing that with me. You might like to check out this other video of mine, related to call centers:
All the best to you, Rony7.
Thank you teacher ?? i need more practice and conversation in English language so everyone interest to make practice with me my Skype add and contact fysl hand ? this my name Skype
It was easy
It’s Tuesday, April 2, at 11:30p.m. in Guam.
Hello Rebecca, How are you? I always love your lessons.
I thank you to you always.
thanks for you time
thank u rebecca, great lesson S2
It’s very useful, thank you!
Thanks teacher for great lessons
How can I watch business English lessons by sequences.
Rebeca, thanks a lot. I am preparing my IELTS by myself and your lessons are quite helpful for both grammar and listening skills.
Thank You So much
I wish if i know this site a long ago it’s very helpful
again Thank you very much Miss Rebecca
love it!!!! thanks miss Rebeccaaaaaa!!!
You are the best thank you
thanks for this lesson
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Great one, as usual, Rebecca! Thanks soooooooooooooooo much for your wonderful lessons.
Thank you Ms. Rebecaca Thats really helpful for me
good lesson, I learned how to leave a message on voicemail. thanks rebecca for this lesson.
remark : if you can add a kind of notebook for each account by which we can know the courses we have already seen and the scores we have obtained
thanks again for this beautiful work.
Thank you ver much Miss Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca :) all your English lectures are very useful.
I got 10 out of 10. My first 10 since I get started with these lessons
Thank you Rebecca, I got 10 out of 10.your lessons are so useful.
yaaay I GOT 100 …
A Thoughtful Lesson for Beginners like me – Once again Thanks a Lot, Mam
Thank you Rebecca, great lesson.
Thank you, teacher, great lesson and really important.
Great lesson, thank you Rebecca
Thank you, what a valuable informations
Thank you very much
It’s so much interesting and I loved it. Go on
Great lesson, thank you Rebecca
thanks teacher
thank you teacher Rebecca. I like your R sound.
I like it. It will help me
v nice and v clear perfect
Hello Rebecca, this is Toufik bouchouata from morocco , it is monday ar 21:00 , i am writting to tell you i have got 10/10. Thanks for your effort.
I am learning a lot from video lessons. Thank you very much.
Thanks Rebacca for teach us on this video, I get 8/10
great lesson, thank you very much
I can’t watch the videos. Where can I find the script for the lessons, thanks so much
Right now you can only view the transcript on YouTube. However, a lot of our videos are also available on Bilibili.
hello Rebecca thank you for you lesson.
The lesson was productive for me, thanks a lot Mrs. Rebeca
Rebecca, You’re amazing! I love you explanations. ‘im studying english everyday in this quarentena and youe lessons are all the time in my studies. Thank you very much!!
hi Rebecca i name is sanjay i like all your video for Grammar and tense it is very easy and understand .but please advise me i want buy book to get more practice how to make sentence base on tense and cover all grammar point
Rebecca have changed my life; I enjoying your classes and am improving my english because of you. I really appreciate what you do in order to help us to master this beautiful language. God bless you!!
*I’m enjoying….
Thanks for the lesson! You’re great!
Thank you so much!
100 100 very easy
Hello Rebecca, I would like to know if the expression “thanks a bunch” is common in both American and British English,and if it can be used in all situations and circumstances. Thank you very much. A Kamyab(Mr)
Happy to see full marks!
Hello dear teacher!
great lesson, thank you very much, I got 10 correct out of 10.:D
Awesome lesson