Do you want to know how to use ‘all’ and ‘every’ correctly all of the time? Every time? Find out the exact meaning and usage of these words in this advanced English grammar lesson, then take the free quiz to test your understanding.
its really nyc n enjoyble u can learn lots good stuff from there
I don’t know how could I leave a comment without reply anyone. Sorry about that.
I have a question, what is the difference between “whole” and “every”? Becuase I thought that “whole” meant a complete grupo as “every”.
Your videos are excellent, thank you in advance.
Whole means: the WHOLE pie.
But every mean: every pie individually in a group!
All of the people on engvid fond of u mr/James
Thanks James, your time is valueble for us.
This is great James All the time I used this without think abou it!!! now I´m watching your lessons many times and getting a hand of if!!!!
Everyone in Spain needs to learn English and you all are doing an awesome effort!!!! Thanks again.!!! My regards!!!
it’s best to use it without thinking abt it….dont change..
thanks mr. james , u r teaching very well .
y r so talented thank y for the great explanations
abd essamad
This is what I looked since long time.Thanks very much James your lesson is greatest!
Hi James! I Adore your classes!!
Paulinha Argentina
Thanks James! Your lesson is so intersting
All the time I have found good lessons in this website, for that reason I think that everyone should go to visit this place.
Thank teacher
thanks for your’s very interesting
Not good..unable to understand properly. when to use or not
i apricet u. thank u keep cary on
Thanks a lot James. It’s a very good lesson. I’d like to download it for my students.
Teresa Sierra
Can I know whether you are teaching British English or American English
Actually, James is Canadian. This means most of the expressions and grammar will be from American English, but sometimes the spelling of words will be British.
how can i check the mistakes!!
Please take the quiz again. There was a problem earlier, but it is fixed now.
i learned a lot from your lesseons.
thanks james.
hi,may i know where can i find the lesson which is teaching about “when can we join every with a noun and leave a space?” thanks in advance
Hi, james it was really great, everytime i enjoys your lesson.Thanks
Could you please make a lesson or just explain me the difference by reply abouts the words-
tend to and intend to
these words confuse me always. Waiting for reply
thankyou very much
Hi Amy. James is busy, but I can answer this question for you. These two expressions ‘tend to’, and ‘intend to’, sound very similar, but they have different meanings.
tend to – This is used to talk about something you do often. ‘tend’ here comes from the word ‘tendency’ — like a habit. For example: “I tend to bite my nails.” or “Amy tends to comment on James’s lessons.” or “The teacher tends to wear black.”
intend to – This is used to talk about something you plan to do. ‘intend’ comes from the word ‘intension’. For example: “I intend to fly to Paris in December.” or “I intend to buy a car for my wife.”
Hope that helps you out.
Thanks James….:) Your lesson is so interesting and you are funny one :)
hi everybody!please,when did disappear all mark in quiz??now it is not comfortable to it return??thank u!!!
There was a problem with the quizzes for one day. It should be fixed now.
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Evgenia A
you have done a remarkable work . i was always using these two expressions wrongly whenever i talked in english language but now i corrected my mistakes regarding these two words . i hope you will bring us such lessons in future which will be very useful for us
i am confused about the noun implementation i know the word implement means a tool or any other instrument used for particular purpose . but i have found people using the noun implementation in different way . whats the difference please answer my quesion to finish this confusion . im waiting for your answer impatiently
Hi,i’m a vienamese.i’m trying to learn english.I want to say “thank you” to you,Mr.James and another teachers.your lessons are very good and it right?if i type wrong,you can help me to wishes!!!
i love mj
Well. your girlfriend have all the reasons in the world lol… thank you for the video!!! Regards from Vancouver, BC.
Iuliana Maria
Thanks for this explanation it’s very clear if someday I get a creditcard I will support this webpage. I really enjoy your lessons
I’ve heard that there is some way to personal learning english with some of the teachers from here, is that correct?
If so, then I’d like to ask James, does he teach a personal(may be by skype)?
How and with whom can I connect about this question?
Friend hypersense,
Can you tell me how can i download Jame’s videos??
Sorry, Eng.pupil, I don’t know. May be it can be done trough the Download Helper – a litle tool for firefox.
I think these lesson on this webside are very good. I want to download it. Could you show me some skills to do that?
i made it all right :)
yeha “You scored 5 out of 5.”
everytime I watch james´s lesson learn a lot!!
hi jamesESL
i have been watching your video since this staff it help, but i got a question, how can you improve the english expression.
i get passed in all the auestions/ i get passed in every question is it right
you are very lovely and cute,i am teacher too,i would like be friends this is my emaile.your teaching is great.hey james i write for u.
this is my firs time I am visiting this web and I am so glad I am here:D
hey that video is very good . i like style to teaching
I don’t know how to thank you.
really i thank u coz u taught me and i will waiting more and more
ma7moud eljoker
I like your style of teaching.
Hi.I need to know differences between “under/down/below/low” &”above/up/over “?how &where we can use it correctly?plz explain 4 me and others who dont know it.tanx a lot
Hi, please explain for me & friends the modifiers…
Hi, please explain for me & friends the modifiers lesson in grammar :)…
Hi,can you explain for me the modifiers lesson?
I’m in grade six…
Thank you for your lesson. Could you speak clearly ? I can hear well.
kyoung mi
Thank you for your teaching. Could you speak clearly ? I can’t hear well.
kyoung mi
thank you!!!
thaks a lot mr.james
Hello james, I now know how to use the word all and every correctly. Thanks to you, you are a great teacher, you make it so easy to understand keep up the good work. You are making a difference.
Hi James:
What is the differende in could and would?
thanks mr.james you teaching very well .
Because we are Eng teachers we are in need for such lessons thanks sooo much
i was searching for a good and informative english lectures. i found your lectures. very well plan. very well executed. thanks. keep improving. you are not an ordinary man…..!
imran nawaz
can you please explain the difference between following word?
hi everyone.
thanks a lot. To be honest, your lesson in very helpful.
hey 1 how can i change the nik name face ???
no comments about teacher James, he’s always ! great ! thanks !
NancyStela, we will be changing the way you change your picture on the site soon, by the end of October 2010. Please wait until then!
Hi James. I’m from Italy. Great your English Lessons ! I appreciate them in general. But I am a little confused about the differences between ALL and EVERY. I am a Math, so “All men are mortal” and “Every man is mortal” … is equivalent as “statement”. Hence, I would think that the difference is only grammatical but not in the meanings. But It seems to me that your exposition has got something of Mathematic. So, at the end, I’m a little confused …. Is your exposition a mathematical or grammatical exposition ?
Anyway, thanks a lot ! I really like your shows and they help me a lot.
Dear James
Really thanks
Great teacher you are, James! Congratulations!
thank my teacher for all lessons
I haven’t understood that lesson well, but I like it. Maybe after next watch I’ll understand :).
Best Regard from Poland.
Hi James…
i have a question about your exemple (8:54):
All people enjoyed themselves.
Everyone enjoyed …
You didn’t write on question is: Everyone enjoyed themselves?? like first example?
obs.: Everyone is here… or even a part of a song: Everyone is someone in L.A…
I’m so confused right now…help me..
[You didn’t write on question is: Everyone enjoyed themselves?? like first example?]
He said “enjoyed themselves, bla, bla,…”, which means so on?!?
I think so :)
Could you please explain what “obs” stands for?
By the way, my name’s Uy, from Viet Nam, nice to see you there. :)
My question is if “Everyone” is always used as “he/she” combining with “is”…and if “Everyone” combine with “itself” or “themselves”…
That is it! Did u got it??
See ya!
Dear EngVid,
I find your videos useful and it’s helped me a lot. Tks! :)
I would like to ask you a few questions. :D
In one paragraph, I read that in some cases native speakers prefer being called by name to being added an extra word – like “Mr” or “Mrs” before their names.
My old teacher, from New Zealand, used to call himself Michael. We thought it would be more polite to add “Mr” before “Michael”. :( We did so, and he was called “Mr Michael” during his time with us (a 24-student class)
Therefore, I was rather disappointed when I read about this. Can explain more clearly to me? On which occasion can I call one “Mr.” or “Mrs” ???
Tks once again!
Best regards from Viet Nam
Sorry, our dear teachers
Please you explain for me this doubt between using Mr or Mrs, or only your names.
Thank you so mach
Rosalino Rita
Rosalino Rita
sorry teacher i want to ask ?
i don’t know the different between (during an in}
I ve studied english for 8 months and now I just study with James. He is the best teacher.
Are you an actor or a teacher ?????
Go on in this way. Hugs from Italy.
i like Mr. James and ur lessons, its very interesting. i often enter this site to improve my English. I like James the most,but can i have an suggestion? I like listen to lessons but he speak very fast and its difficult to hear cleanly. Hope he can speak clearly and cleanly. Thanks very much!
wonderful!thanks a lot Mr James.
I love your programme. I just want to say thank you.
Hey You’re my dream teacher. I love the way you teach… You’re amazing
I’m hoping to understand difference between anything and everytging for example…” I love her more than everything” I love her more than anything…. I know how to use but I am not native speaker so I can not explain this to my friend
Thank you :)
It’s very interesting for me to understannd clearly about ” All” and ” Every “
hi, i m joy wicth this page now, i m from Brasil.
cam i meke a lavel test? i intend in the next year, make a american english program during one month. But first i need a test.
thanks so much, it was great.
Jairo Angel
Thank you James, your way of learning is very awesome and useful!!!You are always joking and it helping us to understand you)))
I’ve been having problem in this topic but I’m ok now. thanks and God bless.
Thank you James! your class is great.
Great! This teacher is the funniest!
too bad “I scored 3 out of 5 in this test” I think english grammar is very difficult
I didn’t understand everything , but I’ll watch it again ..
thanks mr james
Does it bother you that most of these comments are grammatically incorrect? I do love your videos. I love to write but I’ve also been needing to polish my skills for English at school. I appreciate your videos. Thank you.
Thanks!!! In my opinion it’s the best web site to learn english!!
James, as result of every lesson I watched , I concluded all of them are very goods!. I will keep on learning as every of engvid pupils must!
hi! james you r give me inspiration
Thank you Sir James! I learned a lot. God bless you!
Thank you for your lesson
Henry Wilson
Which is correct?
Not all water is treacherous OR Not all waters are treacherous OR Not all water are the same ? Thank you
Hi James!
I would like to ask u about this sentence.
I am sorry for being late in writing to you or for writing to you.Please answer
Thank u
All of the people who watched this video surely learned. :)
everytime james differnt i like you james you so funny man
hi jemes i realy like the way that you use to teach and i am learning from it too much.
thank u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
The lesson is great. Thanks. I think all of the people in my class will like this video.
thank james! i have learned to you
very well explained,thank you.
it was great:d but ı stucked on what was the dirrences between all the time and every time? ? or i didn’t stuck? oww whatever :D ı’ll watch again :D thanks james you are keeping good your lessons on :D
It’s a very useful lesson. Thanks James
Thank you James for this lesson!
Have a great day!
Edyta from Poland
every time I watch your lessons ,I learn something that can not be forgotten.
Thank you
thank u i am learning a lot from u so i can go to the army
thank you very much super james , i said super because before i watch ur lessons i was disapointed . and now feel much better . thank you james and thank you mr.E :D
thank you so much james
thank you so much james
Thanks James
thanks a lot James..have a great day
wow that was super-effective! as a teacher, i look forward to checking out All of your other presentations ;)
Thanks James, I’m really well understood from your English lessons, I have been studying English for 8 years I have never seen a teacher as great as you…
hello everyone i’m Anas from Thailand i love english so much ,so i wanna speak English with somebody. i ‘d like to make high TOEFL score.
My skype is Anas_024 thanks….
Good deal, buddy.
Thats was very helpful and useful :)
Hi James,
Thanks for your usefull video. However, could you explain more clearly about statement: All people had a good time at the concert , why is it incorrect? Hope your reply soon! Thanks so much!
I really like this page is very useful !!
hi ! i need rejoinder and please with alot of examples
this lesson was amazing to me.. thank James
Do we say “Everybody/everyone enjoy themselves” or “… enjoys him/herself”?
Everybody/one enjoyed themselves.(past)
help a lot and can pratice really help….can see again,and again!!!
larissa Seechis
this is great!
tnx james…you are indeed a good english teacher… everytime i watch videos from this website i truly learn something, something that is very helpful to improve my knowledge about english.
thank you mr james you help me understand more than before
thank you James
thank you teacher James
Thank for All lessons you made,and every lesson is really useful.
heloo,i really need your help i should find 10 exception in english,i searched a lot about it but it wasn’t usefull if it’s possible send me some info about it!
thanx 4 ur favor
Hello! Teacher James
I am very happy to write comment to your English video lessons. I have been studying English with these videos lessons and I have now finished one program that helped me improve my English skills. But by the time i went to that program, i was studying the English lessons from you.
Thank you A lot sir..
Zaw Zaw
Zaw Zaw
I really enjoy Ronnie’s lessons
Thanks James. Your class is very important to me.From now on I´ll pay close attention when I use these words.
Thank you so much James for the lesson .It’s really intresting.
I just want to ask you about the difference between the two prep. (in)and(at)if you have a time to answer me !!!!
thank you so much james
Thank you so much. I learnt the usage of All and Everything.
woow this lesson is awesome thank u so much james.
thanks alot.
I hope that it is interesting for all of the people.
is there a lesson plan for watching these videos??i randomly watch them and sometimes its too much going back and forth searching for a missing link.thankyou.
I Adore your lessons!!!! i also share the question what was asked by inyaki?? thank you!!!!
thanks brother you are number one here
thanks Mr Jame
good teacher
So all of the people at the party has the same meaning as everyone at the party? confused!
hey! tnx a lot James! you have a very funny and useful way to teach!
it’s well known that we learn faster and better if it is fun
Great! Now it’s so clear to me…
Humberto Sosa
I’ve just aced this quiz as well. I guess I will become a teacher’s pet very soon.
Hwy James What The Difference Not And Non….
what we Can Say? For Exepl Its Non Ur Business Or Its Not Ur Business? Thank you
thank u to my teach on engvid. And would also request to my friends to skype id that we should practice it.
plz add…!
saji hussain
This is great James All the time I used this without think about it!!! now I´m watching your lessons many times and getting a hand of!
la la
Everything is clear now…
hi James, Have you ever chased the dragon?))
ohh noo, i didnt know that my comment wasnt gonna be shown here unless it was approved by engvid)))
I don’t know about it ?????
thanks mr james
Thank you Mr.James,
we very like you leassons.
You not a fishing man? Because you drow everytime the worm.
Rosa and John
every studet likes you class.
Jose a garcia
Thank you for teaching and I got 5 out of 5.
I am still confused :(
Thank you James.You are the best teacher.
AWESOME your explanation!!! I wish you were one of my mates!!!
Thank You.Your teaching is very easy to understand.
But I don understand why…:
– All the people / All of the people
– All the time / All of the time
Did I explain myself? ;)
This is great, thank you so much
thanks for teaching
jan I hope lean new things best regard
Really Love to Learn your Lesson >,,< LoL
thanks Teacher James !!!
hi James,
thanks for this lesson,i all understood just one trick,that when we use the words (every + noun) so, do we consider it conjugally as third singular subject?
100 por el buche!!! (100 in your face).
100 Points again and again , … i feel so clever , but my English is actually still bad. The tests must be more difficult :/
btw, really good lesson !!! entertainment and study at the same time :D:D
That was very educational and useful! Thank you!
Thanks, helpful and enjoyable, with Mr E.
thanks it was helpful.
I have to say that all your videos are really worth seeing. Thank you mr James and thank you EngVid for doing this valuable job.
Please,could you make a lesson about confusing words.
Many thanks in advance…
brian j
Dear James….I hate the worm!!!!!!
Elena Campos
Yahoo!! 5 out of 5. Thank you!
wow…..i got 5 correct out of 5.
4/5. Not too bad. But thanks a lot James.
good lesson
mahmoud feteh
Score 100 %. Thanks again.
100 are a great teacher!
100 again!you are a good teacher!
100 again!
Could you help me with this one?
All children like to play with water.
All children, in my family, like to play with water.
The second sentence sounds weird for me.
Would you be so kind as to explain me why I
don’t feel it’s right?
Thanks in advance, James
i still dont get why “all the time” and “every time are not the same meaning
I very like your lessons!) Keep doing it!)
Here I go again!!
Question: Is it true there is a phrasal verb for
each verb?
Is the “each” correctly used here?
Thanks in advance
Thank you.
Thank you, James. Great explanation.
Hi there. I wonder if anyone could resolve this doubt: I’m trying to convert this sentence (this is where everything ends) with using “all”, and I figure it would be something like: this is where it all ends. However, I can’t find the grammar rule for the inclusion of “it” Does someone knows it?
Tkanks James for your lessons, you are really a good teacher and other your collegues shoud use your method in teaching english
Dear Sir.James,
Very nice lesson indeed. I was wondering if I might ask you a question?
Would it be possible to be pleased with a lesson on two words.
Let me explain presently: Anyone; Any One; Everyone; Every One; Everybody; Every Body. Be that as it may on web there is a strongly confusion. Pay my respect to you Sir. H
Briklend Handersson
Hello James,
you talked about : All Of et All About
but there are All + the proposition FROM
could you please help us to understand the difference between All From and All Of ?
Every time when I am watching your lessons, I learn lots of new things!
I improve my English skills all the time due to you are teacher with a passion!
I would like to ask you for lesson about Cleft sencence.
Thanks for lesson. I love it!
Please tell me the meanings of tend to? And its usage.
What is the deference between Each and every? Sir
hi . can i use “everyone” instead of “anyone” in this tense :
“he loved you more than anyone in this world”
I’m confused “any” should use in negative and question tense why they used it in this form
All for whole and every for an individual, and all of them in groups, then I have understood the lesson but it would be necessary to see more examples reading and comparing them. Thanks a lot, teacher James from Engvid, a good explanation.
All of sessions that you present it are perfect
I got full score
Thank you James
How about the way to use everything and anything ?
Thanks James! Very happy to see you again.
Thanks for the lesson, yet I got 3 out 5.
Kingsley Kunda
Hi james,
how’ve you been.? I got 5/5. I’m jubilant ;)
I do like your sense of humour. I think it’s better than sour complexion of every teacher from my school.
I look forward to next lesson from you.
I hope you are doing well.
Take care.
Talk soon.
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
its really nyc n enjoyble u can learn lots good stuff from there
I don’t know how could I leave a comment without reply anyone. Sorry about that.
I have a question, what is the difference between “whole” and “every”? Becuase I thought that “whole” meant a complete grupo as “every”.
Your videos are excellent, thank you in advance.
Whole means: the WHOLE pie.
But every mean: every pie individually in a group!
All of the people on engvid fond of u mr/James
Thanks James, your time is valueble for us.
This is great James All the time I used this without think abou it!!! now I´m watching your lessons many times and getting a hand of if!!!!
Everyone in Spain needs to learn English and you all are doing an awesome effort!!!! Thanks again.!!! My regards!!!
it’s best to use it without thinking abt it….dont change..
thanks mr. james , u r teaching very well .
y r so talented thank y for the great explanations
This is what I looked since long time.Thanks very much James your lesson is greatest!
Hi James! I Adore your classes!!
Thanks James! Your lesson is so intersting
All the time I have found good lessons in this website, for that reason I think that everyone should go to visit this place.
Thank teacher
thanks for your’s very interesting
Not good..unable to understand properly. when to use or not
i apricet u. thank u keep cary on
Thanks a lot James. It’s a very good lesson. I’d like to download it for my students.
Can I know whether you are teaching British English or American English
Actually, James is Canadian. This means most of the expressions and grammar will be from American English, but sometimes the spelling of words will be British.
how can i check the mistakes!!
Please take the quiz again. There was a problem earlier, but it is fixed now.
i learned a lot from your lesseons.
thanks james.
hi,may i know where can i find the lesson which is teaching about “when can we join every with a noun and leave a space?” thanks in advance
Hi, james it was really great, everytime i enjoys your lesson.Thanks
Could you please make a lesson or just explain me the difference by reply abouts the words-
tend to and intend to
these words confuse me always. Waiting for reply
thankyou very much
Hi Amy. James is busy, but I can answer this question for you. These two expressions ‘tend to’, and ‘intend to’, sound very similar, but they have different meanings.
tend to – This is used to talk about something you do often. ‘tend’ here comes from the word ‘tendency’ — like a habit. For example: “I tend to bite my nails.” or “Amy tends to comment on James’s lessons.” or “The teacher tends to wear black.”
intend to – This is used to talk about something you plan to do. ‘intend’ comes from the word ‘intension’. For example: “I intend to fly to Paris in December.” or “I intend to buy a car for my wife.”
Hope that helps you out.
Thanks James….:) Your lesson is so interesting and you are funny one :)
hi everybody!please,when did disappear all mark in quiz??now it is not comfortable to it return??thank u!!!
There was a problem with the quizzes for one day. It should be fixed now.
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have done a remarkable work . i was always using these two expressions wrongly whenever i talked in english language but now i corrected my mistakes regarding these two words . i hope you will bring us such lessons in future which will be very useful for us
i am confused about the noun implementation i know the word implement means a tool or any other instrument used for particular purpose . but i have found people using the noun implementation in different way . whats the difference please answer my quesion to finish this confusion . im waiting for your answer impatiently
Hi,i’m a vienamese.i’m trying to learn english.I want to say “thank you” to you,Mr.James and another teachers.your lessons are very good and it right?if i type wrong,you can help me to wishes!!!
Well. your girlfriend have all the reasons in the world lol… thank you for the video!!! Regards from Vancouver, BC.
Thanks for this explanation it’s very clear if someday I get a creditcard I will support this webpage. I really enjoy your lessons
I’ve heard that there is some way to personal learning english with some of the teachers from here, is that correct?
If so, then I’d like to ask James, does he teach a personal(may be by skype)?
How and with whom can I connect about this question?
Friend hypersense,
Can you tell me how can i download Jame’s videos??
Sorry, Eng.pupil, I don’t know. May be it can be done trough the Download Helper – a litle tool for firefox.
I think these lesson on this webside are very good. I want to download it. Could you show me some skills to do that?
i made it all right :)
yeha “You scored 5 out of 5.”
everytime I watch james´s lesson learn a lot!!
hi jamesESL
i have been watching your video since this staff it help, but i got a question, how can you improve the english expression.
i get passed in all the auestions/ i get passed in every question is it right
you are very lovely and cute,i am teacher too,i would like be friends this is my emaile.your teaching is great.hey james i write for u.
this is my firs time I am visiting this web and I am so glad I am here:D
hey that video is very good . i like style to teaching
I don’t know how to thank you.
really i thank u coz u taught me and i will waiting more and more
I like your style of teaching.
Hi.I need to know differences between “under/down/below/low” &”above/up/over “?how &where we can use it correctly?plz explain 4 me and others who dont know it.tanx a lot
Hi, please explain for me & friends the modifiers…
Hi, please explain for me & friends the modifiers lesson in grammar :)…
Hi,can you explain for me the modifiers lesson?
I’m in grade six…
Thank you for your lesson. Could you speak clearly ? I can hear well.
Thank you for your teaching. Could you speak clearly ? I can’t hear well.
thank you!!!
thaks a lot mr.james
Hello james, I now know how to use the word all and every correctly. Thanks to you, you are a great teacher, you make it so easy to understand keep up the good work. You are making a difference.
Hi James:
What is the differende in could and would?
thanks mr.james you teaching very well .
Because we are Eng teachers we are in need for such lessons thanks sooo much
i was searching for a good and informative english lectures. i found your lectures. very well plan. very well executed. thanks. keep improving. you are not an ordinary man…..!
can you please explain the difference between following word?
hi everyone.
thanks a lot. To be honest, your lesson in very helpful.
hey 1 how can i change the nik name face ???
no comments about teacher James, he’s always ! great ! thanks !
NancyStela, we will be changing the way you change your picture on the site soon, by the end of October 2010. Please wait until then!
Hi James. I’m from Italy. Great your English Lessons ! I appreciate them in general. But I am a little confused about the differences between ALL and EVERY. I am a Math, so “All men are mortal” and “Every man is mortal” … is equivalent as “statement”. Hence, I would think that the difference is only grammatical but not in the meanings. But It seems to me that your exposition has got something of Mathematic. So, at the end, I’m a little confused …. Is your exposition a mathematical or grammatical exposition ?
Anyway, thanks a lot ! I really like your shows and they help me a lot.
Dear James
Really thanks
Great teacher you are, James! Congratulations!
thank my teacher for all lessons
I haven’t understood that lesson well, but I like it. Maybe after next watch I’ll understand :).
Best Regard from Poland.
Hi James…
i have a question about your exemple (8:54):
All people enjoyed themselves.
Everyone enjoyed …
You didn’t write on question is: Everyone enjoyed themselves?? like first example?
obs.: Everyone is here… or even a part of a song: Everyone is someone in L.A…
I’m so confused right now…help me..
[You didn’t write on question is: Everyone enjoyed themselves?? like first example?]
He said “enjoyed themselves, bla, bla,…”, which means so on?!?
I think so :)
Could you please explain what “obs” stands for?
By the way, my name’s Uy, from Viet Nam, nice to see you there. :)
My question is if “Everyone” is always used as “he/she” combining with “is”…and if “Everyone” combine with “itself” or “themselves”…
That is it! Did u got it??
See ya!
Dear EngVid,
I find your videos useful and it’s helped me a lot. Tks! :)
I would like to ask you a few questions. :D
In one paragraph, I read that in some cases native speakers prefer being called by name to being added an extra word – like “Mr” or “Mrs” before their names.
My old teacher, from New Zealand, used to call himself Michael. We thought it would be more polite to add “Mr” before “Michael”. :( We did so, and he was called “Mr Michael” during his time with us (a 24-student class)
Therefore, I was rather disappointed when I read about this. Can explain more clearly to me? On which occasion can I call one “Mr.” or “Mrs” ???
Tks once again!
Best regards from Viet Nam
Sorry, our dear teachers
Please you explain for me this doubt between using Mr or Mrs, or only your names.
Thank you so mach
Rosalino Rita
sorry teacher i want to ask ?
i don’t know the different between (during an in}
I ve studied english for 8 months and now I just study with James. He is the best teacher.
Are you an actor or a teacher ?????
Go on in this way. Hugs from Italy.
i like Mr. James and ur lessons, its very interesting. i often enter this site to improve my English. I like James the most,but can i have an suggestion? I like listen to lessons but he speak very fast and its difficult to hear cleanly. Hope he can speak clearly and cleanly. Thanks very much!
wonderful!thanks a lot Mr James.
I love your programme. I just want to say thank you.
Hey You’re my dream teacher. I love the way you teach… You’re amazing
I’m hoping to understand difference between anything and everytging for example…” I love her more than everything” I love her more than anything…. I know how to use but I am not native speaker so I can not explain this to my friend
Thank you :)
It’s very interesting for me to understannd clearly about ” All” and ” Every “
hi, i m joy wicth this page now, i m from Brasil.
cam i meke a lavel test? i intend in the next year, make a american english program during one month. But first i need a test.
thanks so much, it was great.
Thank you James, your way of learning is very awesome and useful!!!You are always joking and it helping us to understand you)))
I’ve been having problem in this topic but I’m ok now. thanks and God bless.
Thank you James! your class is great.
Great! This teacher is the funniest!
too bad “I scored 3 out of 5 in this test” I think english grammar is very difficult
I didn’t understand everything , but I’ll watch it again ..
thanks mr james
Does it bother you that most of these comments are grammatically incorrect? I do love your videos. I love to write but I’ve also been needing to polish my skills for English at school. I appreciate your videos. Thank you.
Thanks!!! In my opinion it’s the best web site to learn english!!
I love ur lessons Jamis ( Thnx a lOt )
Thanks teacher..I really enjoyed learning English..cheers!!
James, as result of every lesson I watched , I concluded all of them are very goods!. I will keep on learning as every of engvid pupils must!
hi! james you r give me inspiration
Thank you Sir James! I learned a lot. God bless you!
Thank you for your lesson
Which is correct?
Not all water is treacherous OR Not all waters are treacherous OR Not all water are the same ? Thank you
Hi James!
I would like to ask u about this sentence.
I am sorry for being late in writing to you or for writing to you.Please answer
Thank u
All of the people who watched this video surely learned. :)
everytime james differnt i like you james you so funny man
hi jemes i realy like the way that you use to teach and i am learning from it too much.
thank u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
The lesson is great. Thanks. I think all of the people in my class will like this video.
thank james! i have learned to you
very well explained,thank you.
it was great:d but ı stucked on what was the dirrences between all the time and every time? ? or i didn’t stuck? oww whatever :D ı’ll watch again :D thanks james you are keeping good your lessons on :D
It’s a very useful lesson. Thanks James
Thank you James for this lesson!
Have a great day!
Edyta from Poland
every time I watch your lessons ,I learn something that can not be forgotten.
Thank you
thank u i am learning a lot from u so i can go to the army
thank you very much super james , i said super because before i watch ur lessons i was disapointed . and now feel much better . thank you james and thank you mr.E :D
thank you so much james
thank you so much james
Thanks James
thanks a lot James..have a great day
wow that was super-effective! as a teacher, i look forward to checking out All of your other presentations ;)
Thanks James, I’m really well understood from your English lessons, I have been studying English for 8 years I have never seen a teacher as great as you…
hello everyone i’m Anas from Thailand i love english so much ,so i wanna speak English with somebody. i ‘d like to make high TOEFL score.
My skype is Anas_024 thanks….
Good deal, buddy.
Thats was very helpful and useful :)
Hi James,
Thanks for your usefull video. However, could you explain more clearly about statement: All people had a good time at the concert , why is it incorrect? Hope your reply soon! Thanks so much!
I really like this page is very useful !!
hi ! i need rejoinder and please with alot of examples
this lesson was amazing to me.. thank James
Do we say “Everybody/everyone enjoy themselves” or “… enjoys him/herself”?
Everybody/one enjoyed themselves.(past)
help a lot and can pratice really help….can see again,and again!!!
this is great!
tnx james…you are indeed a good english teacher… everytime i watch videos from this website i truly learn something, something that is very helpful to improve my knowledge about english.
thank you mr james you help me understand more than before
thank you James
thank you teacher James
Thank for All lessons you made,and every lesson is really useful.
heloo,i really need your help i should find 10 exception in english,i searched a lot about it but it wasn’t usefull if it’s possible send me some info about it!
thanx 4 ur favor
Hello! Teacher James
I am very happy to write comment to your English video lessons. I have been studying English with these videos lessons and I have now finished one program that helped me improve my English skills. But by the time i went to that program, i was studying the English lessons from you.
Thank you A lot sir..
Zaw Zaw
I really enjoy Ronnie’s lessons
Thanks James. Your class is very important to me.From now on I´ll pay close attention when I use these words.
Thank you so much James for the lesson .It’s really intresting.
I just want to ask you about the difference between the two prep. (in)and(at)if you have a time to answer me !!!!
thank you so much james
Thank you so much. I learnt the usage of All and Everything.
woow this lesson is awesome thank u so much james.
thanks alot.
I hope that it is interesting for all of the people.
is there a lesson plan for watching these videos??i randomly watch them and sometimes its too much going back and forth searching for a missing link.thankyou.
I Adore your lessons!!!! i also share the question what was asked by inyaki?? thank you!!!!
thanks brother you are number one here
thanks Mr Jame
good teacher
So all of the people at the party has the same meaning as everyone at the party? confused!
hey! tnx a lot James! you have a very funny and useful way to teach!
it’s well known that we learn faster and better if it is fun
Great! Now it’s so clear to me…
I’ve just aced this quiz as well. I guess I will become a teacher’s pet very soon.
Hwy James What The Difference Not And Non….
what we Can Say? For Exepl Its Non Ur Business Or Its Not Ur Business? Thank you
thank u to my teach on engvid. And would also request to my friends to skype id that we should practice it.
plz add…!
This is great James All the time I used this without think about it!!! now I´m watching your lessons many times and getting a hand of!
Everything is clear now…
hi James, Have you ever chased the dragon?))
ohh noo, i didnt know that my comment wasnt gonna be shown here unless it was approved by engvid)))
I don’t know about it ?????
thanks mr james
Thank you Mr.James,
we very like you leassons.
You not a fishing man? Because you drow everytime the worm.
every studet likes you class.
Thank you for teaching and I got 5 out of 5.
I am still confused :(
Thank you James.You are the best teacher.
AWESOME your explanation!!! I wish you were one of my mates!!!
Thank You.Your teaching is very easy to understand.
But I don understand why…:
– All the people / All of the people
– All the time / All of the time
Did I explain myself? ;)
This is great, thank you so much
thanks for teaching
jan I hope lean new things best regard
Really Love to Learn your Lesson >,,< LoL
thanks Teacher James !!!
hi James,
thanks for this lesson,i all understood just one trick,that when we use the words (every + noun) so, do we consider it conjugally as third singular subject?
100 por el buche!!! (100 in your face).
100 Points again and again , … i feel so clever , but my English is actually still bad. The tests must be more difficult :/
btw, really good lesson !!! entertainment and study at the same time :D:D
That was very educational and useful! Thank you!
Thanks, helpful and enjoyable, with Mr E.
thanks it was helpful.
I have to say that all your videos are really worth seeing. Thank you mr James and thank you EngVid for doing this valuable job.
Please,could you make a lesson about confusing words.
Many thanks in advance…
Dear James….I hate the worm!!!!!!
Yahoo!! 5 out of 5. Thank you!
wow…..i got 5 correct out of 5.
4/5. Not too bad. But thanks a lot James.
good lesson
Score 100 %. Thanks again.
100 are a great teacher!
100 again!you are a good teacher!
100 again!
Could you help me with this one?
All children like to play with water.
All children, in my family, like to play with water.
The second sentence sounds weird for me.
Would you be so kind as to explain me why I
don’t feel it’s right?
Thanks in advance, James
i still dont get why “all the time” and “every time are not the same meaning
I very like your lessons!) Keep doing it!)
Here I go again!!
Question: Is it true there is a phrasal verb for
each verb?
Is the “each” correctly used here?
Thanks in advance
Thank you.
Thank you, James. Great explanation.
Hi there. I wonder if anyone could resolve this doubt: I’m trying to convert this sentence (this is where everything ends) with using “all”, and I figure it would be something like: this is where it all ends. However, I can’t find the grammar rule for the inclusion of “it” Does someone knows it?
Tkanks James for your lessons, you are really a good teacher and other your collegues shoud use your method in teaching english
Dear Sir.James,
Very nice lesson indeed. I was wondering if I might ask you a question?
Would it be possible to be pleased with a lesson on two words.
Let me explain presently: Anyone; Any One; Everyone; Every One; Everybody; Every Body. Be that as it may on web there is a strongly confusion. Pay my respect to you Sir. H
Hello James,
you talked about : All Of et All About
but there are All + the proposition FROM
could you please help us to understand the difference between All From and All Of ?
Every time when I am watching your lessons, I learn lots of new things!
I improve my English skills all the time due to you are teacher with a passion!
I would like to ask you for lesson about Cleft sencence.
Thanks for lesson. I love it!
Please tell me the meanings of tend to? And its usage.
What is the deference between Each and every? Sir
hi . can i use “everyone” instead of “anyone” in this tense :
“he loved you more than anyone in this world”
I’m confused “any” should use in negative and question tense why they used it in this form
All for whole and every for an individual, and all of them in groups, then I have understood the lesson but it would be necessary to see more examples reading and comparing them. Thanks a lot, teacher James from Engvid, a good explanation.
All of sessions that you present it are perfect
I got full score
Thank you James
How about the way to use everything and anything ?
Thanks James! Very happy to see you again.
Thanks for the lesson, yet I got 3 out 5.
Hi james,
how’ve you been.? I got 5/5. I’m jubilant ;)
I do like your sense of humour. I think it’s better than sour complexion of every teacher from my school.
I look forward to next lesson from you.
I hope you are doing well.
Take care.
Talk soon.
thank you Teacher James. I got 5/5.
hey guys