The word ‘should’ doesn’t follow the normal rules in English, when used in the past tense. In this grammar lesson, I explain how to use ‘should’ in the past tense to form sentences like “I should have watched the lesson” and “You shouldn’t have come here.”
thanx alex..Could u pls explain me, where to use WOULD HAVE,WOULD HAVE BEEN.i hope u help me.
Hi Eddee,
This is a good idea for a future lesson. Thank you.
Essentially, “would have” also expresses a type of regret in the past, and is used as a conditional. You use it to express something you would have done, if certain conditions were met. For example:
“I would have called you if I had known you were available.”
In this sentence, the past situation has already happened. In the past, the person you “would have” called WAS available, but you didn’t know it. IF you had known that the person was available, you WOULD HAVE called. Basically, you didn’t call in the past because you didn’t know that the person was available.
I hope this helps!
Dear Alex, i really like ur video, but i have one confusion over ur comment in following example can we write both way ??
1, I would have called u, if i had known you were available.
2, I should have called u, if i had known you were available.
what is diff. in both of above statements ??
thanks Alex.
Nirav Bhatt
Yes Please, will you do more videos on Conditional Verb Forms. I often get confuse when and how to use them. Please. Thanks Alex
teacher,please in Tunisia we studie just british english,so:Do i have to use should have or should v ….normaly we use should have,but i need your advise
think you sir
hY Alex ………relly ur way of teaching is awsm ….gyana frm India …plz replY ….thnx a lot …u r wel cm n india …cm for a vac.
what is the difference between “would have” and “would have been”
“should have” and “should have been”
Hello Alex , regarding should have +P.P , it’s suitable to add (to) to be (should have to +INV) like to say (I’m sorry , i shouldn’t have to be like this) or it is better to say (i shouldn’t have been like this)? Thanks for your help
It’s better to say (I shouldn’t have been like this) or (I shouldn’t have to be like this)? thanks
Hi Alex.My name is Valery.Im from Moldova.
Can you help me with this exercise:
Make up and write down two short situations using the past forms of should and ought to. Share them with the class and explain the meaning that the modals convery in each of them.
Thank you so much!
8 OUT OF 8!!!))
Alex.You are so ingenious by analyzing would have in this way it’s so nice and clear thank you so much
Omar Abdullah85
we can’t find the proper words to thank u mr/alex
Thank you for the lesson, but is only should not follow the rules in the past, how about another models verb?
You can also use this with other modals in the past as well. For example:
“I might have studied.”
“I could have been there.”
“He may not have finished the exam.”
However, the meanings of these sentences and their uses changes depending on the modal.
Good class, now I know how to user should have.
I didn´t know how to pronounce “should´ve, and shouldn´t have” so i´m getting a hand of it!!!
hi alex, thank you for this lesson it’s important lesson.
how can I write “I shouldn’t ve studied”?
HI Alex
lesson was good.How do I know if u post a new
lesson,I tried to sign up but I cant.awaiting for ur reply
hi alex..thnk you so much for this help me a i got a litle bit confidence in my speaking.i love it!
thanks alot it was really really helpful
Dear Alex.
You are a good teacher.But somtimes you have said so fast.
thanks for the lesson
please i need either..or neither..nor rule
Thanks Alex, I really like this lesson.
thanks a lot………
The site is great but I don’t get to know the right asnwer…Only the score…
Please try again now. The quizzes were not working correctly for one day.
this one also good i almost gotit all thinku Sr u are very good teatcer.Mesi from Botswana
meseret L D
sr how can i lern how to write good english?
meseret L D
Masha Allah, Masha Allah, this was really helpful thank you for your sacrifice and may Allah guide us to the right path.
i should have saw ur web site last month NOT now
thank you so much!
for everything on this website, they really excellent.
thanks alot alex i m appreciate your knowlege and method of teaching?
sheran khan
thank you so much!
thanks Alex!
faran ali
thanks and I feel proud of you you teaches very well. I hop! I can improve my englis over here thanks again
Thanks a lot for this lesson I really practise and have a good time learning here, I should have known about this site a long time ago
Hello my teacher:
Thanks for this lesson and also thanks form this web site .
Thak you so much Alex. I must study the lesson again to attain a good score in the quiz. It’s a very interesting leson.
Thanks Alex, i think i need to practice a little more to what i’ve learned from you.
Thanks teacher, could you explain how to use the verb “allow”? thanks.
wow nice lesson! I got it perfect. I should have known this site before so I learned it earlier.
Hello Alex!
I am really liked this lesson. And I have one quetsion about it. Why do we need to use ‘He should HAVE studied’ instead of ‘He should HAS studied’?
Thanks a lot in advance.
When you use a modal like “should,” the auxiliary verb or regular verb that follows it will always be in its base form.
Thanks a lot for that lesson it was awesome .I am really have enjoyed to listen.I am with ”QuangKy” I want to know how to use the verb ”allow”
thanks man it was really helpful
you are the best teacher in engvideo
Hello Alex,thanks for all the lesson,i just have one question, about ”Should”,to complete a sentence with ” i should have” i have to complete it only with participles? in advance thank you very much.
You must follow it with a past participle, yes.
thank u can we use this subject+should+have+to+-verb
Thanks God I found this site, and thank you very much Alex because I really need to know, how it pronounces the contractions of would, should on positive and negative sentences and many other doubts that I have about English, I’ll keep going seeing this interesting site of you guys!!! :)
WOW , I like it so much .
Thanks very much Alex,the use of “should” is one of the english grammar keys.
I think any of these options is not good, but the answer considered right was the last.. Now I am confuse …
Tanya came home late, so her parents were angry. She…
shouldn’t have come home.
should have come home late.
shouldn’t have make her parents angry.
shouldn’t have come home late.
Thank you so much.
thnx so mush
Please help me. Could you please show me the difference in meanings of 1. My eyes don’t see nobody but you 2. My eyes (do) nobody but you? I think My eyes (do) see nobody but you is correct… but some one says it’s all weird gramatically.. and so.
Viet Hung
The first sentence is a double negative and is technically grammatically incorrect. The second sentence is also grammatically strange and incorrect. You want to say the following:
“My eyes see nobody but you,”
“My eyes don’t see anybody but you.”
I hope this helps.
thank y 4 this lesson h should have studied hard
thank y 4 this lesson i should have studied hard
I got a perfect score, thanks! Alex for a wonderful lesson…
I felt it is different to understand. Do you have more topic about of pasttense of should. Thanks
thank u 4 this lesson.
Jairo Angel
Thanks for the great lesson. keep it up.
can you explain when to use should have PP or would have PP ?
Hi pegi,
I commented on this near the top of the page. I will try to do a future lesson on “would have.”
thanks alot
Excellent teaching!Thank you so much.
Good bless you Alex. You’re the Man
hi …I’m new on here and really all my greetings for every one on here specially Mr. Alex and the other great teachers really i like Ur way for teaching i just have a question .. I’m just don’t know how to start learning ..i mean i don’t know what is my level and I’m just confusing how to start and which lesson i should to start i just need a guide to put me on the right way … thanx once again Mr. Alex
8 off 8
Great job Rinat!
Tnank you.
I should have studied before ))))), but now its OK!
Thank you Alex!
My scored was 8 out of 8. I dont know how the hell I did it, holy cows.
I saw the same lesson about regrets and mistakes by teacher Ronnie. She sad that in everyday speech we replace “have” whit “of”. (For example: I should of study.) But you didnt say anithing like that. Why?
Hi alex
i ‘m confuse about where i can use BEING .OR BEEN can you give some lesson of these
Hi Alex, may i know the different uses of have, had, has and their proper way of uses in a sentence. Thanks!
what’s the main clear difference between used to and would?
Both are used for regular behaviour or habits in the past, but “used to” can be used in more cases such as:
Past location (“I used to live in Tanzania.”
Past jobs (“I used to be a grocery store cashier.”)
Past emotions/states (“I used to be depressed.”)
I hope this helps a little.
It is good to have some hope, however your explanation is opposit to my “feeling of the use of English”.
Could you write down three or four examples with would?
Hi my friends, wow..!! I’m from Colombia, and i just want to say thanks all of you teachers, all the lessons i’ve already seen all of them are amazing, i’m in intermediate english , and i’d like to know much more about how to use WERE in the conditionals, i already saw the video which you talk about it, but i don’t get it… please help me. thank you so much
Shirley Ulloque
I want to know about which cases i have to put OF or ‘s,when i’m talking about things to belong to someone, i don’t know how to use it.. Thank you very much. :)…
Shirley Ulloque
no doubt Alex is the best teacher on Engvid
he alex ; i have a question for you: the verb wake could be waked and also woken in the past participle? thank for your teaching you are great!
Hi gaby,
“Wake” is the present form, “woke” is the simple past, and “woken” is the past participle.
I hope this helps!
hai alex..thx u
hi sir alex. Im still confusing how to use the verb tenses. can u please discuss it all the verb tenses. for me its most difficult. what are the rules? and how to use it. i really really want to learn english thats why im always watching dis video. i hope u answer my questions.
Hi karyll,
There are 12 verb tenses in English. You can watch a video about all of them here:
Thank you so much Alex and also the rest of the team of engvid for helping people to learn in English.
more power and keep it up
great online lesson!Thanks!
Hi Alex!
I would like to ask you about this sentence.
I am sorry for being late to write to you or for write to you.please answer as soon as possible.
Thank u
thanks a lot teacher alex
Alex, you are very good teacher, actualy one of the best. . . It is very pleasant to watch your lessons every day. I have learnt a lot of new things with you, and I hope you won’t stop to teach us. Almost I wathed all your lessons, so try to make new as soon as possible. All the best to you Alex
from now on i don’t think i should have missed your lessons.keep up alex
Hi Alex, I was looking for a teacher like you for a long period(years!!).Finally i got in you. Thanks a lot.
Srini B , Hyderabad
Hi Alex,
Thank you very much for your lesson.
Is it possible for us to use ‘must’ in a negative sentence?
thank you alex I realy enjoy your lesson and grab concept very easy. my question is when will be good time to use should writen english or speaking or I can use both. thank you very much.
You are agood Teacher , thank you very match
Why we can’t use in this sentence) we shouldn’t listened (to )teacher ?
Why we can’t use in this sentence) we shouldn’t have listened (to )teacher ?
I do the test and I take 8/8
anyway thank you .
hi alex i am still coufusing how to use tenses.
Me too…
Thank you so much for helping us
thanks for the nice teaching.i’m not clear about the ‘should have’form.What i understand is ‘someone already done the job but he shouldn’t do that’Is that meaning some like this?
omar faruk
Your are such a good teacher Alex
hi there,how is it going,iam really telling you thinks so much,and do not worry about anything we are going better than fist, bz evrything statr eazy with know how,we staart feeling nice in english,however all you less to hellping up about how follow our way for get better watever we shoud be try undrstand anything with what s meaning, we are enjoyingthank you again
rahim kamal
Hi Mr Alex before this video i had asked from a lot of teachers that how i can use (should/ should not) in the past tense , but they could not satisfied me . And when i watched this video sure i have been satisfied by you . Thanks
Diyar khan
Hi Alex,
This lecture on Past tense of SHOULD was a fantastic video.
But can you tell me why we cannot combine or contract shouldn’t with have or we have to read them (shouldn’t’ve)? This point confused me…
Reply from the engvid guys or from Alex.
Hi dear teacher
what’s the meaning of this reply “I wish I could have accepted it” when you have recieved a gift from a friend.
Hi Alex thank you very much for you support of learning english and i say well done
Thank for your lesson. Could you pls show me the difference between I would have… and I could have…
thanks alax will you plz explain me the diffrence beten would/would have and could/could have
Hi teacher, thank you very much for your clase is very good.
Im sorry Iam confuse with the verb should, and should have, thank for you help.
Alex is the best teacher on….
Alex is the best teacher on…You make it easy for me to understand what you’re teaching me…Thanks a lot,and I’ve got a lot respect for you
Shakimm Thibou
“I should have rang” or “I should have rung”, Which is correct?
Laura Leonard
i love the lesson so much. thx^^
James Yueng
I’ve got a question
She shouldn’t have come home late.
The verb “come” is not in past or past participle
Why do you write it in present?
José Ricardo
don’t mind anything …I was just reading the comments of the members here and found your comment .I can answer it -the three forms of come are-come/came/come-here the verb has been changed to its participle form. The rule states when a main verb is used with a helping verb like “have”, it must be expressed in participle form…hope it will help you to clarify your doubt…
sona sharma
thanks for his lesson, is great..
I really like this game; test of English grammar.
the best source of resolving grammatical problems, thanks. from all of you.
7 out of 8. one silly mistake)A very useful sentences!I’m looking forward to your new awersome Lessons, Alex!
Any Russia
thank you .for helping the illiret people without any looking your good n brihgt future.
mohammed abdullah
Hi Alex I know that english language has many tenses but really what(which?) you use more everyday life you dont use all tenses did you? Thanks
thank you teacher alex
che che
please teach us the difference of (I shall and I must)
thank you Alex, you realy solve my problem in using structure of should + have + pp
my problem is cann’t speak with others.
Hi Alex,
Is it there any video on WOULD HAVE or WOULD HAVE BEEN ?
Hiii alex…It’s sona from India.I watched this video and understood the content but I have a question to you-suppose I have two friends-one is mike and another is terry-I actually want to tell u a story and understand the usage of “would have pastparticiple”.suppose I have a good relationship with mike but can not get along with terry for some reasons.It may be that terry behaved very bad last week with me and was also seen with one of my friends while walking on the street.Suppose Yesterday ,I phoned my friend mike while terry was present there but I didn’t know it.We talked for 15 minutes and then put the receiver down.Meanwhile ,terry calls me today and asks me why I didn’t talk with her yesterday.Now the total story turns into a complicated state.I tell her that I saw her entering into a bar holding my friend’s hand and leaning towards his lips.It made me totally upset and very sad-felt very bad,got hurt-now if I say that “I would not have phoned mike if had known you were there” because I don’t want to talk with you anymore and end up all relationship with you.It is all over.Now tell me that have I used the conditional in correct situation and correct context. Also check the errors in my sentences and let me know about my english level..looking forward to your reply..
sona sharma
Another great lesson. Cheers.
Thanks Alex
Hi Alex…I`m learning english(I think…)…for now i`m realy bad with this language but I enjoy all your lessons…cheers from Argentina.-
by the way…i took the test(i don`t know if i must use the verb to take or to do for a tes) and in the last quiz even when i chose the right one, the sentence “shouldn’t have been on the movie” it doesn`t seem te be wrong for me…can you tell me why?
l love grammar lessons…l want to improve my writing..Thanks to your effort Great teaching.
thank you a lot!!! i am so grateful to you for this explanation…
all the best, Eugene.
thank you
Alex , you are the best English teacher!!!! I watched your lesson: Past tense of SHOULD – “I should have…”, “You shouldn’t have. After I passed the test and scored 8 out of 8. Thank you for your job!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Eddle
I had an idea how to use those modal verbs; however, it was not as clear as now. Thank you very much this is very helpful.
How about the usage of would of,should of …are these appropriate?
When you’re being casual or informal…so, not in an essay or a business meeting.
engVid Moderator
Good lesson thanks.
I have seen some of your interesting videos that I am sure they are very useful for my own english learning. and I have some questions or doubts that i would like you to answer. it is about the MUST´VE, COULD´VE AND SHOUKD´VE pronunciation. please I would be really grateful if you help me with this. thank you in advance
I am enjoying … thank you for posting these, the teachers are great! hugs! Rosangela
this lesson is a great help, i will try to recall it everytime i have to speak english. thanks, by the way is my grammar correct, i was noit that confident…
Hello if i said if i was you i would have been happy with this motorbike.
is that right?
hi thanks
for ur lesson :0
im a little bit confused abaut no6 why its have+come why itsnt have came home late. thx
I really learned a lot from your video on Past tense of SHOULD…
Thank you.
Alex you are really a great help!
Thanks so much!
dear sir, please explain about may have ,might have, must hve,,,passive
alex you are the best teacher i ever saw thank you for your lessons it helps me alot
sir,here is a sentence-‘one would have told you a fool, if u did not do that!’ hope the sentence is correct.. my question is,in what tense should i place this type of sentence? would is the past form of will and there is ‘have’ which is present in form. but what tense is it? is it past tense? if yes,then which subdivision of past tense. plz explain to me. thnk you.
i’m curious about something. why we say : She/He/It should have…… why it is not “She/He/It should HAS … ?
thanks in advance.
In this case, “should” is the main verb that gets inflected, so you don’t have to do anything to the second verb.
engVid Moderator
Nice teaching
Thank you so much for this english lesson, this is exactly what i want to know. Thank you~:)
thank you very much:)
Hi, Alex
Why do some people use “have had/has had/had had” in their sentences??
Are these sentences correct grammatically? Do these sentences follow grammar rules?
I have got some sentences which made me so confused-
1. Have they had their breakfast yet?
2. Have you had a nice evening?
3. Have you always had hay fever?
4.I’ve had a headache since early morning.
Please make me understand anyhow.:)
And do correct if there are any grammatical mistakes.
Thank you!
hi , i wanna learn structer of been to . plz plz make learn to me, iwill be very thank full to u
Why do some people use “have had/has had/had had” in their sentences??
Are these sentences correct grammatically? Do these sentences follow grammar rules?
I have got some sentences which made me so confused-
1. Have they had their breakfast yet?
2. Have you had a nice evening?
3. Have you always had hay fever?
4.I’ve had a headache since early morning.
Please make me understand anyhow.:)
And do correct if there are any grammatical mistakes.
Thank you!i wanna learn strutter of been to . pl z pl z make learn to me, i will be very thank full to u
teacher , I wanna ask you “shouldn’t have” mean something happen . for example , can i say ” i shouldn’t have left my apartment ” mean i have already left . please give me the correct answer . thank you …….
should have . something didn’t happen
shouldn’t have , also something didn’t happen , so which different between two sentences , it makes me confuse until now
THANKS mr alex, but there is a some problem about this lesson ,i should have understood this lesson but when i treid the test and all the quastion i feild. i did’t the problem. for example I didn’t wake up early yesterday. I… (express regret)
should have wake up early.
should have waked up early.
should have woken up early.
should not have waked up early.
Hi teacher, very nice thanks so much.
Ali Murad
Really great Alex. You are awsome!! ;-)
Hi Alex,
You should have given reward because of this. Thanks a lot.
Hi Sir Alex I’ve got a 6 out of 8 scores in your pre-test.
so informative Alex…thanku…
Hi ALex! Thanks for your lesson. I learned from it. I am always confused with the use of “should” N0w I understand. Thanks so much! Hope to hear more from you. :)
take a vacation , go to college , sell it , go to the doctor
1. your car is very old . i think you ……….
2. they need a rest . i ………
3. he looks terrible ……….
4 . she’s very intelligent . ……….
Hi Alex and everyone!
What about questions with “should” in the past?
Is it ok to ask “Should I have written this word that way?”?
Thanks in advance, for some reason I can’t find the answer to this question on the internet.
thank you very much for your good lesson
i am confused in the sentence (if i were rich i would help the i am confused that whether i write it .if i had been a rich i would help the poor and wht is the difference between would and would have
thanks Alex!
what about should have come – come is is in the present tense?
i just got an mistake
Hi sir Alex,
would you tell me when to use have had and had had together in english?
Hi sir Alex,
whats the difference in these two sentences.
1.If i had money,i would buy new house.
2.If i had money,i would have bought new house.
sir please provide a class on “should have been” “would have been” “could have been” “must have been”
is very interesting the lesson i like lesson
This is really helping me… Would like to know more on — when to use ‘nevertheless,would’.
Thanks !!
Hi Alex….I am confused about how to use future progressive,future perfect anf future perfect continuous…plz rply me as soon as possible…
thank you..i had a good test
8/8 :)
thank you for great explanation…
you are really cool!!!
hii alex..Could u please explain where to use MAY, MIGHT, WOULD,…
Hi Alex thanks for your lessons and thanks for speak slowly
i want to join this site so that i can learn more on this………..
Neil Gino-o
thnk u..
Could u pls explain me, where to use WOULD,MAY MIGHT.
hi everyone,could u tell me,is this sentence correct:
when i came at home,my mother sad me,i should go to the market.
Hi Alex,
English is my first language yet I have a question about doesn’t, wouldn’t, won’t, and shouldn’t when it’s used in a question to reassure a statement. I was writing a comment about starvation and part my comment says, “If a girl changes her looks and [her boyfriend] likes it wouldn’t that mean he doesn’t really like her for who she is?” I don’t understand if I should use the word wouldn’t or something else. Wouldn’t means ‘would not’ but that is not what I want to use it for and if I used it I would be saying would not and does not in the same sentence which does not make sense. I’m confused. Is it proper (in informal) to say wouldn’t in such a way? What should I say instead if not and why do people say this? I’ve heard wouldn’t, shouldn’t, won’t, and doesn’t being used the same way. What about in an essay? Can you or someone else make a lesson for this, maybe it’s at a higher level or something? Please help me.
Thank you Mr. Alex , these lessons are really helpful.
Than you!
Thank you
I should have watched these lessons before.
Really I feel my English get better by these videos.
Thank you again.
thank you Mr.Alex for his lesson, is great.
Wow, 8/8!
Thank you very much your teaching. I couldn’t make 6th question. I thought ‘ She should’t have came home late.’ Is this like true? Thanks again.
Hasan Karabulut
thanks sir alex this video helps me a lot.
Dear Alex, first of all, It was an awesome class! Thank you!
Alex, can you explain the difference the meaning about the following sentences?
1)I should have studied harder to get a better grade.
2)I had to study harder to get a better grade.
Can I use the sentence number 2 to say that I have an obligation in the past and I didn’t it?
Thank you! I’m your fan! See you!
Vinicius Arcanjo
Thanks ! it start making sens to me ! still need to learn about couldn’t and have had been so bad in languages
I am too old to learn English. I should have founded earlier.
I’m correct?
Commando 27/53
Commando 27/53
i really don’t understand your lesson about SHOULD in the past… please sir alex another explanation of this…please.. thanks sir…
Alex, Great Lesson.
But for the quiz, Tanya came home late, so her parents were angry. She…
Ans : shouldn’t have come home late.
what is the correct verb here? Come or came?
hey guys, how about question form?
its realy helping :)
hi every one, please help me to correct this: I shouldn’t have gone to the movies with you yesterday ? .. Correct ?
Peter P
Thanks Alex!
nice lesson …
thanks Alex.
8/8 Thanks Alex for this leason.
Lesson sorry..
7/8 I think that right
Thank You Very Much Alex.
Thanks for your lesson Alex! I´d like what are the difference among artificial/phony/ sham /counterfeit
thanx alot
Thanks prof.
thanks :)
i should have seen this lesson before
sameh 1178
thank u for the lesson teacher , i should have lerned more…. lol …. in the test…
Thanks. I have got 100 from the quiz.
Thanks Alex.. this topic helped a lots
wow your answer was awesome.thanks a lott
the 3 person ins’t has. she should has come early. why use have? isn’t it present perfect is it?
Hello Alex,
I really appreciate your efforts for helping us to learn English, I have a question on this topic,
If i regret about something now whicj I have done before, then which of the following sentences are correct? Or are the correct?
A) I should have known you before I proposed you.
B) I should have known you before I had proposed you.
C) I should have known you before proposing you.
Which of them is correct? And why? Please help me out, I am in trouble.
I’ll go for B)
Personal opinion.
Hello Alex! I’ve been wondering is there any difference between the following sentences?
“You should have come. You missed a great party.
which one is better answer:
1. If you had called me I would have come.
or 2. I would have come if you had called me.
Does the sentence changes somehow?
Thanks, Regards !
Thank you so much i shoud have studied :)
Thank you!! Great lesson!!
Hi Alex
It was very tricky for me.I will still practicing.
Thanks! :)
What an exiting lesson
The lossen was more than good
Thanks Alex
I have been need a lossen like that
i need to study more this lesson thank you
i got it perfect
ann ann
you are so smart.
thanks. I should have studied this lesson since a long time ago.
Hey Alex, I love your lessons! I just saw this sentence from CNN.
“Clearly it was reckless in terms of the driving by the engineer. There’s no way in the world he should have been going that fast into the curve.”
Could you plz explain the kind tense this is “should have been going”?
Thx a million!!
I should have learned better English at school.
It will make my life much more easy )))
Thank you
I am really interesting in your teaching, thank you very much.
thank u for the lesson.
I just have one question.
Why u said “We should have listened to THE teacher”.
Can I say ” … to A teacher” ? or it is mistake?
Im confused…
in the test in the first question I’ve chosen the ” I should have waked up early ” but the correct was ” I should have woken up early ‘
Im confused because I thought the past of wake up is waked up, what is that woken up stuff ??
Thank you, Alex.
Excellent lesson and I had a good grade on the Quiz.
My biggest problem are prepositions! it is so difficult to get them. For instance: on the plain or in the plain or in the city on long island…
I didn’t know these things, interesting lesson, tank you very much Alex.
thnx 4 vrythng
abdoo maatouq
6/8 thanks
You gave good example on using past form that should. thanks
Thanks Alex, the lesson was excellent!!! :)
100 ! Thanks.
Thanks a lot!
J’aurais du regarder cette leçon plus tôt.
Merci Alex.
thank you Alex
Hi Alex,
thanks a lot for this lesson, it was really useful for me. I have a doubt in the use of would in the past.
Could I say: as agreed, I would have waited for your call before leaving.
It is not clear to me how to use would in the past.
Thanks a lot for claryfing this
Thanks Alex, I really like this lesson.
good and useful lesson
i got 100 %
I don’t know what to say ! Excellent ! Thank you very much .
Could you just explain the usage of should think and should have thought?
Because should sometimes is the past of shall and sometimes is the obligation .
I couldn’t find elaborate explanation,can you help?
i took the exam first and i got 2.. after watching the video, i tried again and i got perfect 8 =) thanks for this!
Good Class, Alex.Greeting from Perú.
The lesson is great whilst the sound – not so much. You should have used a better recording equipment. :-)
Hi Alex
You explain very well
I enjoy your teaching.
Thank you Mr. Alex.
thanks Mr Alex
@sign ofcross 01
I watched this video twice on June 08, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight correct out of 8.
thank you teacher Alex for this lesson, sometimes is very difficult the grammar but is very interesting and fun.
Learn English for free with 2149 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thanx alex..Could u pls explain me, where to use WOULD HAVE,WOULD HAVE BEEN.i hope u help me.
Hi Eddee,
This is a good idea for a future lesson. Thank you.
Essentially, “would have” also expresses a type of regret in the past, and is used as a conditional. You use it to express something you would have done, if certain conditions were met. For example:
“I would have called you if I had known you were available.”
In this sentence, the past situation has already happened. In the past, the person you “would have” called WAS available, but you didn’t know it. IF you had known that the person was available, you WOULD HAVE called. Basically, you didn’t call in the past because you didn’t know that the person was available.
I hope this helps!
Dear Alex, i really like ur video, but i have one confusion over ur comment in following example can we write both way ??
1, I would have called u, if i had known you were available.
2, I should have called u, if i had known you were available.
what is diff. in both of above statements ??
thanks Alex.
Yes Please, will you do more videos on Conditional Verb Forms. I often get confuse when and how to use them. Please. Thanks Alex
teacher,please in Tunisia we studie just british english,so:Do i have to use should have or should v ….normaly we use should have,but i need your advise
think you sir
hY Alex ………relly ur way of teaching is awsm ….gyana frm India …plz replY ….thnx a lot …u r wel cm n india …cm for a vac.
what is the difference between “would have” and “would have been”
“should have” and “should have been”
Hello Alex , regarding should have +P.P , it’s suitable to add (to) to be (should have to +INV) like to say (I’m sorry , i shouldn’t have to be like this) or it is better to say (i shouldn’t have been like this)? Thanks for your help
It’s better to say (I shouldn’t have been like this) or (I shouldn’t have to be like this)? thanks
Hi Alex.My name is Valery.Im from Moldova.
Can you help me with this exercise:
Make up and write down two short situations using the past forms of should and ought to. Share them with the class and explain the meaning that the modals convery in each of them.
Thank you so much!
8 OUT OF 8!!!))
Alex.You are so ingenious by analyzing would have in this way it’s so nice and clear thank you so much
we can’t find the proper words to thank u mr/alex
Thank you for the lesson, but is only should not follow the rules in the past, how about another models verb?
You can also use this with other modals in the past as well. For example:
“I might have studied.”
“I could have been there.”
“He may not have finished the exam.”
However, the meanings of these sentences and their uses changes depending on the modal.
Good class, now I know how to user should have.
I didn´t know how to pronounce “should´ve, and shouldn´t have” so i´m getting a hand of it!!!
hi alex, thank you for this lesson it’s important lesson.
how can I write “I shouldn’t ve studied”?
HI Alex
lesson was good.How do I know if u post a new
lesson,I tried to sign up but I cant.awaiting for ur reply
hi alex..thnk you so much for this help me a i got a litle bit confidence in my speaking.i love it!
thanks alot it was really really helpful
Dear Alex.
You are a good teacher.But somtimes you have said so fast.
thanks for the lesson
please i need either..or neither..nor rule
Thanks Alex, I really like this lesson.
thanks a lot………
The site is great but I don’t get to know the right asnwer…Only the score…
Please try again now. The quizzes were not working correctly for one day.
this one also good i almost gotit all thinku Sr u are very good teatcer.Mesi from Botswana
sr how can i lern how to write good english?
Masha Allah, Masha Allah, this was really helpful thank you for your sacrifice and may Allah guide us to the right path.
i should have saw ur web site last month NOT now
thank you so much!
for everything on this website, they really excellent.
thanks alot alex i m appreciate your knowlege and method of teaching?
thank you so much!
thanks Alex!
thanks and I feel proud of you you teaches very well. I hop! I can improve my englis over here thanks again
Thanks a lot for this lesson I really practise and have a good time learning here, I should have known about this site a long time ago
Hello my teacher:
Thanks for this lesson and also thanks form this web site .
Thak you so much Alex. I must study the lesson again to attain a good score in the quiz. It’s a very interesting leson.
Thanks Alex, i think i need to practice a little more to what i’ve learned from you.
Thanks teacher, could you explain how to use the verb “allow”? thanks.
wow nice lesson! I got it perfect. I should have known this site before so I learned it earlier.
Hello Alex!
I am really liked this lesson. And I have one quetsion about it. Why do we need to use ‘He should HAVE studied’ instead of ‘He should HAS studied’?
Thanks a lot in advance.
When you use a modal like “should,” the auxiliary verb or regular verb that follows it will always be in its base form.
Thanks a lot for that lesson it was awesome .I am really have enjoyed to listen.I am with ”QuangKy” I want to know how to use the verb ”allow”
thanks man it was really helpful
you are the best teacher in engvideo
Hello Alex,thanks for all the lesson,i just have one question, about ”Should”,to complete a sentence with ” i should have” i have to complete it only with participles? in advance thank you very much.
You must follow it with a past participle, yes.
thank u can we use this subject+should+have+to+-verb
Thanks God I found this site, and thank you very much Alex because I really need to know, how it pronounces the contractions of would, should on positive and negative sentences and many other doubts that I have about English, I’ll keep going seeing this interesting site of you guys!!! :)
WOW , I like it so much .
Thanks very much Alex,the use of “should” is one of the english grammar keys.
I think any of these options is not good, but the answer considered right was the last.. Now I am confuse …
Tanya came home late, so her parents were angry. She…
shouldn’t have come home.
should have come home late.
shouldn’t have make her parents angry.
shouldn’t have come home late.
Thank you so much.
thnx so mush
Please help me. Could you please show me the difference in meanings of 1. My eyes don’t see nobody but you 2. My eyes (do) nobody but you? I think My eyes (do) see nobody but you is correct… but some one says it’s all weird gramatically.. and so.
The first sentence is a double negative and is technically grammatically incorrect. The second sentence is also grammatically strange and incorrect. You want to say the following:
“My eyes see nobody but you,”
“My eyes don’t see anybody but you.”
I hope this helps.
thank y 4 this lesson h should have studied hard
thank y 4 this lesson i should have studied hard
I got a perfect score, thanks! Alex for a wonderful lesson…
I felt it is different to understand. Do you have more topic about of pasttense of should. Thanks
thank u 4 this lesson.
Thanks for the great lesson. keep it up.
can you explain when to use should have PP or would have PP ?
Hi pegi,
I commented on this near the top of the page. I will try to do a future lesson on “would have.”
thanks alot
Excellent teaching!Thank you so much.
Good bless you Alex. You’re the Man
hi …I’m new on here and really all my greetings for every one on here specially Mr. Alex and the other great teachers really i like Ur way for teaching i just have a question .. I’m just don’t know how to start learning ..i mean i don’t know what is my level and I’m just confusing how to start and which lesson i should to start i just need a guide to put me on the right way … thanx once again Mr. Alex
8 off 8
Great job Rinat!
Tnank you.
I should have studied before ))))), but now its OK!
Thank you Alex!
My scored was 8 out of 8. I dont know how the hell I did it, holy cows.
I saw the same lesson about regrets and mistakes by teacher Ronnie. She sad that in everyday speech we replace “have” whit “of”. (For example: I should of study.) But you didnt say anithing like that. Why?
Hi alex
i ‘m confuse about where i can use BEING .OR BEEN can you give some lesson of these
Hi Alex, may i know the different uses of have, had, has and their proper way of uses in a sentence. Thanks!
what’s the main clear difference between used to and would?
Both are used for regular behaviour or habits in the past, but “used to” can be used in more cases such as:
Past location (“I used to live in Tanzania.”
Past jobs (“I used to be a grocery store cashier.”)
Past emotions/states (“I used to be depressed.”)
I hope this helps a little.
It is good to have some hope, however your explanation is opposit to my “feeling of the use of English”.
Could you write down three or four examples with would?
Hi my friends, wow..!! I’m from Colombia, and i just want to say thanks all of you teachers, all the lessons i’ve already seen all of them are amazing, i’m in intermediate english , and i’d like to know much more about how to use WERE in the conditionals, i already saw the video which you talk about it, but i don’t get it… please help me. thank you so much
I want to know about which cases i have to put OF or ‘s,when i’m talking about things to belong to someone, i don’t know how to use it.. Thank you very much. :)…
no doubt Alex is the best teacher on Engvid
he alex ; i have a question for you: the verb wake could be waked and also woken in the past participle? thank for your teaching you are great!
Hi gaby,
“Wake” is the present form, “woke” is the simple past, and “woken” is the past participle.
I hope this helps!
hai alex..thx u
hi sir alex. Im still confusing how to use the verb tenses. can u please discuss it all the verb tenses. for me its most difficult. what are the rules? and how to use it. i really really want to learn english thats why im always watching dis video. i hope u answer my questions.
Hi karyll,
There are 12 verb tenses in English. You can watch a video about all of them here:
Good luck!
Thank you so much Alex and also the rest of the team of engvid for helping people to learn in English.
more power and keep it up
great online lesson!Thanks!
Hi Alex!
I would like to ask you about this sentence.
I am sorry for being late to write to you or for write to you.please answer as soon as possible.
Thank u
thanks a lot teacher alex
Alex, you are very good teacher, actualy one of the best. . . It is very pleasant to watch your lessons every day. I have learnt a lot of new things with you, and I hope you won’t stop to teach us. Almost I wathed all your lessons, so try to make new as soon as possible. All the best to you Alex
from now on i don’t think i should have missed your lessons.keep up alex
Hi Alex, I was looking for a teacher like you for a long period(years!!).Finally i got in you. Thanks a lot.
Hi Alex,
Thank you very much for your lesson.
Is it possible for us to use ‘must’ in a negative sentence?
thank you alex I realy enjoy your lesson and grab concept very easy. my question is when will be good time to use should writen english or speaking or I can use both. thank you very much.
You are agood Teacher , thank you very match
Why we can’t use in this sentence) we shouldn’t listened (to )teacher ?
Why we can’t use in this sentence) we shouldn’t have listened (to )teacher ?
I do the test and I take 8/8
anyway thank you .
hi alex i am still coufusing how to use tenses.
Me too…
Thank you so much for helping us
thanks for the nice teaching.i’m not clear about the ‘should have’form.What i understand is ‘someone already done the job but he shouldn’t do that’Is that meaning some like this?
Your are such a good teacher Alex
hi there,how is it going,iam really telling you thinks so much,and do not worry about anything we are going better than fist, bz evrything statr eazy with know how,we staart feeling nice in english,however all you less to hellping up about how follow our way for get better watever we shoud be try undrstand anything with what s meaning, we are enjoyingthank you again
Hi Mr Alex before this video i had asked from a lot of teachers that how i can use (should/ should not) in the past tense , but they could not satisfied me . And when i watched this video sure i have been satisfied by you . Thanks
Hi Alex,
This lecture on Past tense of SHOULD was a fantastic video.
But can you tell me why we cannot combine or contract shouldn’t with have or we have to read them (shouldn’t’ve)? This point confused me…
Reply from the engvid guys or from Alex.
Hi dear teacher
what’s the meaning of this reply “I wish I could have accepted it” when you have recieved a gift from a friend.
Hi Alex thank you very much for you support of learning english and i say well done
Thank for your lesson. Could you pls show me the difference between I would have… and I could have…
thanks alax will you plz explain me the diffrence beten would/would have and could/could have
Hi teacher, thank you very much for your clase is very good.
Im sorry Iam confuse with the verb should, and should have, thank for you help.
Alex is the best teacher on….
Alex is the best teacher on…You make it easy for me to understand what you’re teaching me…Thanks a lot,and I’ve got a lot respect for you
“I should have rang” or “I should have rung”, Which is correct?
i love the lesson so much. thx^^
I’ve got a question
She shouldn’t have come home late.
The verb “come” is not in past or past participle
Why do you write it in present?
don’t mind anything …I was just reading the comments of the members here and found your comment .I can answer it -the three forms of come are-come/came/come-here the verb has been changed to its participle form. The rule states when a main verb is used with a helping verb like “have”, it must be expressed in participle form…hope it will help you to clarify your doubt…
thanks for his lesson, is great..
I really like this game; test of English grammar.
the best source of resolving grammatical problems, thanks. from all of you.
7 out of 8. one silly mistake)A very useful sentences!I’m looking forward to your new awersome Lessons, Alex!
thank you .for helping the illiret people without any looking your good n brihgt future.
Hi Alex I know that english language has many tenses but really what(which?) you use more everyday life you dont use all tenses did you? Thanks
thank you teacher alex
please teach us the difference of (I shall and I must)
thank you Alex, you realy solve my problem in using structure of should + have + pp
my problem is cann’t speak with others.
Hi Alex,
Is it there any video on WOULD HAVE or WOULD HAVE BEEN ?
Hiii alex…It’s sona from India.I watched this video and understood the content but I have a question to you-suppose I have two friends-one is mike and another is terry-I actually want to tell u a story and understand the usage of “would have pastparticiple”.suppose I have a good relationship with mike but can not get along with terry for some reasons.It may be that terry behaved very bad last week with me and was also seen with one of my friends while walking on the street.Suppose Yesterday ,I phoned my friend mike while terry was present there but I didn’t know it.We talked for 15 minutes and then put the receiver down.Meanwhile ,terry calls me today and asks me why I didn’t talk with her yesterday.Now the total story turns into a complicated state.I tell her that I saw her entering into a bar holding my friend’s hand and leaning towards his lips.It made me totally upset and very sad-felt very bad,got hurt-now if I say that “I would not have phoned mike if had known you were there” because I don’t want to talk with you anymore and end up all relationship with you.It is all over.Now tell me that have I used the conditional in correct situation and correct context. Also check the errors in my sentences and let me know about my english level..looking forward to your reply..
Another great lesson. Cheers.
Thanks Alex
Hi Alex…I`m learning english(I think…)…for now i`m realy bad with this language but I enjoy all your lessons…cheers from Argentina.-
by the way…i took the test(i don`t know if i must use the verb to take or to do for a tes) and in the last quiz even when i chose the right one, the sentence “shouldn’t have been on the movie” it doesn`t seem te be wrong for me…can you tell me why?
l love grammar lessons…l want to improve my writing..Thanks to your effort Great teaching.
thank you a lot!!! i am so grateful to you for this explanation…
all the best, Eugene.
thank you
Alex , you are the best English teacher!!!! I watched your lesson: Past tense of SHOULD – “I should have…”, “You shouldn’t have. After I passed the test and scored 8 out of 8. Thank you for your job!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Eddle
I had an idea how to use those modal verbs; however, it was not as clear as now. Thank you very much this is very helpful.
How about the usage of would of,should of …are these appropriate?
When you’re being casual or informal…so, not in an essay or a business meeting.
Good lesson thanks.
I have seen some of your interesting videos that I am sure they are very useful for my own english learning. and I have some questions or doubts that i would like you to answer. it is about the MUST´VE, COULD´VE AND SHOUKD´VE pronunciation. please I would be really grateful if you help me with this. thank you in advance
I am enjoying … thank you for posting these, the teachers are great! hugs! Rosangela
this lesson is a great help, i will try to recall it everytime i have to speak english. thanks, by the way is my grammar correct, i was noit that confident…
Hello if i said if i was you i would have been happy with this motorbike.
is that right?
hi thanks
for ur lesson :0
im a little bit confused abaut no6 why its have+come why itsnt have came home late. thx
I really learned a lot from your video on Past tense of SHOULD…
Thank you.
Alex you are really a great help!
Thanks so much!
dear sir, please explain about may have ,might have, must hve,,,passive
alex you are the best teacher i ever saw thank you for your lessons it helps me alot
sir,here is a sentence-‘one would have told you a fool, if u did not do that!’ hope the sentence is correct.. my question is,in what tense should i place this type of sentence? would is the past form of will and there is ‘have’ which is present in form. but what tense is it? is it past tense? if yes,then which subdivision of past tense. plz explain to me. thnk you.
i’m curious about something. why we say : She/He/It should have…… why it is not “She/He/It should HAS … ?
thanks in advance.
In this case, “should” is the main verb that gets inflected, so you don’t have to do anything to the second verb.
Nice teaching
Thank you so much for this english lesson, this is exactly what i want to know. Thank you~:)
thank you very much:)
Hi, Alex
Why do some people use “have had/has had/had had” in their sentences??
Are these sentences correct grammatically? Do these sentences follow grammar rules?
I have got some sentences which made me so confused-
1. Have they had their breakfast yet?
2. Have you had a nice evening?
3. Have you always had hay fever?
4.I’ve had a headache since early morning.
Please make me understand anyhow.:)
And do correct if there are any grammatical mistakes.
Thank you!
hi , i wanna learn structer of been to . plz plz make learn to me, iwill be very thank full to u
Why do some people use “have had/has had/had had” in their sentences??
Are these sentences correct grammatically? Do these sentences follow grammar rules?
I have got some sentences which made me so confused-
1. Have they had their breakfast yet?
2. Have you had a nice evening?
3. Have you always had hay fever?
4.I’ve had a headache since early morning.
Please make me understand anyhow.:)
And do correct if there are any grammatical mistakes.
Thank you!i wanna learn strutter of been to . pl z pl z make learn to me, i will be very thank full to u
teacher , I wanna ask you “shouldn’t have” mean something happen . for example , can i say ” i shouldn’t have left my apartment ” mean i have already left . please give me the correct answer . thank you …….
should have . something didn’t happen
shouldn’t have , also something didn’t happen , so which different between two sentences , it makes me confuse until now
THANKS mr alex, but there is a some problem about this lesson ,i should have understood this lesson but when i treid the test and all the quastion i feild. i did’t the problem. for example I didn’t wake up early yesterday. I… (express regret)
should have wake up early.
should have waked up early.
should have woken up early.
should not have waked up early.
Hi teacher, very nice thanks so much.
Really great Alex. You are awsome!! ;-)
Hi Alex,
You should have given reward because of this. Thanks a lot.
Hi Sir Alex I’ve got a 6 out of 8 scores in your pre-test.
so informative Alex…thanku…
Hi ALex! Thanks for your lesson. I learned from it. I am always confused with the use of “should” N0w I understand. Thanks so much! Hope to hear more from you. :)
take a vacation , go to college , sell it , go to the doctor
1. your car is very old . i think you ……….
2. they need a rest . i ………
3. he looks terrible ……….
4 . she’s very intelligent . ……….
Hi Alex and everyone!
What about questions with “should” in the past?
Is it ok to ask “Should I have written this word that way?”?
Thanks in advance, for some reason I can’t find the answer to this question on the internet.
thank you very much for your good lesson
i am confused in the sentence (if i were rich i would help the i am confused that whether i write it .if i had been a rich i would help the poor and wht is the difference between would and would have
thanks Alex!
what about should have come – come is is in the present tense?
i just got an mistake
Hi sir Alex,
would you tell me when to use have had and had had together in english?
Hi sir Alex,
whats the difference in these two sentences.
1.If i had money,i would buy new house.
2.If i had money,i would have bought new house.
sir please provide a class on “should have been” “would have been” “could have been” “must have been”
is very interesting the lesson i like lesson
This is really helping me… Would like to know more on — when to use ‘nevertheless,would’.
Thanks !!
Hi Alex….I am confused about how to use future progressive,future perfect anf future perfect continuous…plz rply me as soon as possible…
thank you..i had a good test
8/8 :)
thank you for great explanation…
you are really cool!!!
hii alex..Could u please explain where to use MAY, MIGHT, WOULD,…
Hi Alex thanks for your lessons and thanks for speak slowly
i want to join this site so that i can learn more on this………..
thnk u..
Could u pls explain me, where to use WOULD,MAY MIGHT.
hi everyone,could u tell me,is this sentence correct:
when i came at home,my mother sad me,i should go to the market.
Hi Alex,
English is my first language yet I have a question about doesn’t, wouldn’t, won’t, and shouldn’t when it’s used in a question to reassure a statement. I was writing a comment about starvation and part my comment says, “If a girl changes her looks and [her boyfriend] likes it wouldn’t that mean he doesn’t really like her for who she is?” I don’t understand if I should use the word wouldn’t or something else. Wouldn’t means ‘would not’ but that is not what I want to use it for and if I used it I would be saying would not and does not in the same sentence which does not make sense. I’m confused. Is it proper (in informal) to say wouldn’t in such a way? What should I say instead if not and why do people say this? I’ve heard wouldn’t, shouldn’t, won’t, and doesn’t being used the same way. What about in an essay? Can you or someone else make a lesson for this, maybe it’s at a higher level or something? Please help me.
Thank you Mr. Alex , these lessons are really helpful.
Than you!
Thank you
I should have watched these lessons before.
Really I feel my English get better by these videos.
Thank you again.
thank you Mr.Alex for his lesson, is great.
Wow, 8/8!
Thank you very much your teaching. I couldn’t make 6th question. I thought ‘ She should’t have came home late.’ Is this like true? Thanks again.
thanks sir alex this video helps me a lot.
Dear Alex, first of all, It was an awesome class! Thank you!
Alex, can you explain the difference the meaning about the following sentences?
1)I should have studied harder to get a better grade.
2)I had to study harder to get a better grade.
Can I use the sentence number 2 to say that I have an obligation in the past and I didn’t it?
Thank you! I’m your fan! See you!
Thanks ! it start making sens to me ! still need to learn about couldn’t and have had been so bad in languages
I am too old to learn English. I should have founded earlier.
I’m correct?
i really don’t understand your lesson about SHOULD in the past… please sir alex another explanation of this…please.. thanks sir…
Alex, Great Lesson.
But for the quiz, Tanya came home late, so her parents were angry. She…
Ans : shouldn’t have come home late.
what is the correct verb here? Come or came?
hey guys, how about question form?
its realy helping :)
hi every one, please help me to correct this: I shouldn’t have gone to the movies with you yesterday ? .. Correct ?
Thanks Alex!
nice lesson …
thanks Alex.
8/8 Thanks Alex for this leason.
Lesson sorry..
7/8 I think that right
Thank You Very Much Alex.
Thanks for your lesson Alex! I´d like what are the difference among artificial/phony/ sham /counterfeit
thanx alot
Thanks prof.
thanks :)
i should have seen this lesson before
thank u for the lesson teacher , i should have lerned more…. lol …. in the test…
Thanks. I have got 100 from the quiz.
Thanks Alex.. this topic helped a lots
wow your answer was awesome.thanks a lott
the 3 person ins’t has. she should has come early. why use have? isn’t it present perfect is it?
Hello Alex,
I really appreciate your efforts for helping us to learn English, I have a question on this topic,
If i regret about something now whicj I have done before, then which of the following sentences are correct? Or are the correct?
A) I should have known you before I proposed you.
B) I should have known you before I had proposed you.
C) I should have known you before proposing you.
Which of them is correct? And why? Please help me out, I am in trouble.
I’ll go for B)
Personal opinion.
Hello Alex! I’ve been wondering is there any difference between the following sentences?
“You should have come. You missed a great party.
which one is better answer:
1. If you had called me I would have come.
or 2. I would have come if you had called me.
Does the sentence changes somehow?
Thanks, Regards !
Thank you so much i shoud have studied :)
Thank you!! Great lesson!!
Hi Alex
It was very tricky for me.I will still practicing.
Thanks! :)
What an exiting lesson
The lossen was more than good
Thanks Alex
I have been need a lossen like that
i need to study more this lesson thank you
i got it perfect
you are so smart.
thanks. I should have studied this lesson since a long time ago.
Hey Alex, I love your lessons! I just saw this sentence from CNN.
“Clearly it was reckless in terms of the driving by the engineer. There’s no way in the world he should have been going that fast into the curve.”
Could you plz explain the kind tense this is “should have been going”?
Thx a million!!
I should have learned better English at school.
It will make my life much more easy )))
Thank you
I am really interesting in your teaching, thank you very much.
thank u for the lesson.
I just have one question.
Why u said “We should have listened to THE teacher”.
Can I say ” … to A teacher” ? or it is mistake?
Im confused…
in the test in the first question I’ve chosen the ” I should have waked up early ” but the correct was ” I should have woken up early ‘
Im confused because I thought the past of wake up is waked up, what is that woken up stuff ??
Thank you, Alex.
Excellent lesson and I had a good grade on the Quiz.
My biggest problem are prepositions! it is so difficult to get them. For instance: on the plain or in the plain or in the city on long island…
I didn’t know these things, interesting lesson, tank you very much Alex.
thnx 4 vrythng
6/8 thanks
You gave good example on using past form that should. thanks
Thanks Alex, the lesson was excellent!!! :)
100 ! Thanks.
Thanks a lot!
J’aurais du regarder cette leçon plus tôt.
Merci Alex.
thank you Alex
Hi Alex,
thanks a lot for this lesson, it was really useful for me. I have a doubt in the use of would in the past.
Could I say: as agreed, I would have waited for your call before leaving.
It is not clear to me how to use would in the past.
Thanks a lot for claryfing this
Thanks Alex, I really like this lesson.
good and useful lesson
i got 100 %
I don’t know what to say ! Excellent ! Thank you very much .
Could you just explain the usage of should think and should have thought?
Because should sometimes is the past of shall and sometimes is the obligation .
I couldn’t find elaborate explanation,can you help?
i took the exam first and i got 2.. after watching the video, i tried again and i got perfect 8 =) thanks for this!
Good Class, Alex.Greeting from Perú.
The lesson is great whilst the sound – not so much. You should have used a better recording equipment. :-)
Hi Alex
You explain very well
I enjoy your teaching.
Thank you Mr. Alex.
thanks Mr Alex
I watched this video twice on June 08, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight correct out of 8.
thank you teacher Alex for this lesson, sometimes is very difficult the grammar but is very interesting and fun.
It’s good,
Thanks for the class!