engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.



Wow, I’m the first to comment… Great explanation as always, Adam! Thank you so much! (I got 9 correct)!


    it’s by yourself?


      Sorry, but I didn’t get what you mean… Do you want to know if it was another person and not myself who took the quiz? I really did not undesrtand you question…


        Anyway…Yes! It was by myself! :D


          you the best i am happy for you


    why i cant leave a comment,i can just reply to anyone’s comment.but anyway thanks for lesson.i got 8 correct :)


      Same thing for me.I can’t comment,only reply.. :'(


      same thig to me, I can’t leave a comment

      soha s

Thanks! I did very well in this lesson!


Thank you for so useful lesson, Adam!
Only one question: the 9th question in the test.
“Adam: What happened to the pizza?”
“James: I ate it.”
“Adam: _________ it?!”

Why the option with “The whole” isn’t appropriate?
I can understand, that the question is about the complete “it” – the whole pizza, can’t I?


    I’m not sure if I’m right, but try to think about pieces of that pizza. You know, you don’t eat a pizza as one piece, you just take piece one by one and eat them. So, “all of it” means that you ate all the pieces of the pizza.


      Thank you for answering!


    Adam explained that you need to add “of” with a pronoun.So, you can say “the whole pizza” but you must say ” the whole of it” or ” all of it”.


      Thank you for answering!
      I missed this point.


        You are welcome!


      I agree.You’re very helpful!Thanks a lot! I missed this point too.


      You can’t say (the whole of it) only you can say (all of it)


    Hi, I think that the answer is in your question.
    You wrote “I can understand, that the question is about the complete it – the whole pizza”. So, if there was the word “pizza” at the end the answer would have been “the whole” because you would have been talking straight about the pizza but as there was a “it” that references to the pizza, you have to use “All of” that references to all of the pieces of the pizza. The point is that you must use the combination “whole + exactly what you are talking about” and there’s never a “of” after whole because it’s the opposite of the meaning. Whole = Complete | of = part of.
    Examples : I ate some of the pizza. I ate a part of the pizza. I ate 7 slices of the pizza.
    BUT : I ate the whole pizza.
    Imagine as if whole was an adjective of what you’re about to say.

    I hope I could help you as much as explaining to you helped me. I hope you understand the whole text not just a part of it.


      Or, Merely “It” is not a package then we shouldn’t use to WHOLE.


      Thank you!


    I think that Adam have no sure if James has eaten the whole pizza. Adam asked about ALL THE PIZZA. Then, in the following question, James explain that he ate THE WHOLE PIZZA.”

    I think this.


      I guess that Adam have no sure if James had eaten the whole pizza. Adam asked about ALL THE PIZZA. Then, in the following question, James explain that he eat THE WHOLE PIZZA.

      I correct the grammar of my comment.


        People DO NOT “have sure”, people are sure!

        Different from Portuguese!

        Best regards.


          Nice to meet you, Thalinho!! Thank you for your help.
          Then, how I say “””don’t have sure.”””… When I have 90% of sure? Thank you.

          I know this question is beside the point, sorry. But I need learn this.


          almost sure?


          U can say :
          …I’m not totally sure
          …I’m not quite sure
          …I’m almost sure

          U have 2 use ” I’m not sure ” not ” I don’t have sure ” .
          :) Glad if I could help!


          Thanks, Fattima.
          Your explaination was very good. Now, I’m sure about when and how I should use my sure. :)).
          All the best for you.


          Or you could say ” I might be totally off ” :)


          It’s a pleasure man, in this case you must say I’m not sure or I’m not completely sure.

          In order to be more accurate you can say: I’m 90% sure =)


      Thank you for answering!


    I agree with you, i have written the same, but it seemed wrong :(((
    And in another question: danced all the time, because he explained that all the time- stops, does, and it is impossible to dance without stopping, that is why i wrote all the time, they danced, drank, maybe talked, because “all the time is correct ” i consider..


      You said correctly. I agree with you on this case. Nobody can non-stop dance the whole time.
      I think that guy was really crazy.


        :) you would be surprised what some people do for a good time.


          I think that they didn’t dance the whole time, just all of the time (they drank, went to the bathroom, sat down and talked). I just like the way Adam finds his way out of the situation and does not admit that he made a mistake when creating the test. But you are my favorite engvid teacher and I forgive you. DON’T YOU STOP MAKING VIDEOS. watching a video and taking a quiz is so much better than studying grammar books.


          Hi.. Adam. Good evening. I’m Kamakshi from India. In your video, you said “Use ‘all’ when you do (one activity)something many times (taking some breaks in between)in that duration. But when you do something continuously without taking any breaks (non-stop), then use ‘whole’.” So, for the 3rd one I chose all the time (danced with taking some breaks in between) and for the 4th one I chose the whole time(watched the movie continuously). But I was said the answers were wrong. Can you plz explain why?

          Kamakshi Hariharan

      i also did the same…. :O and the correct ans is Whole time…


    Hi Maxim,

    there are some good replies here. I will add that you could say “the whole thing.” Thing being the pizza, and suggesting the complete item. ‘it’ here is a referent to the pizza that was mentioned, so we are asking how much of it, what part of it, etc. Mainly the ‘of’ is the key word here though.


      Thank you!


excellent lesson ! Thanks a ton Adam, wish u all the best :)


All the lessons were taught by you,very interesting,The whole lesson for today is very excellent.Thanks Adam.


I had problem only with the “club” question. I just can’t imagine people dancing for 5 hours straight. xD


    Me too!!!! How can it be possible?????


    Me too! I thought people were dancing, but sometimes they stopped to drink something or to go to the bathroom…


    well… keep in mind that people do tend to exaggerate when telling stories, but then again, there parties where people just won’t stop, or at least feel like they never stopped dancing.

    Anyway, people are more likely to say that than all the time.


Thanks Adam for this useful video.
Can you do a video about how to use comma and semicolon?


Adam, you said “I think that many native English users don’t use the past perfect (simple or continuous) correctly because they might not really know it very well” — could you please give me some examples, I mean what people say and what should say?


    Ok. Someone will tell you they went to Disney World. You’ll ask if it was their first time. They’ll answer “Yeah, I’ve never been there before.” which technically means they still haven’t been there.


      So, the correct answer would be “I never was there before”?

      I wonder how to answer these questions.
      “Have you been on vacation this year?” or “Were you on vacation this year?”
      Do I have to use the same tense as in the question for the answer?

      I feel I should answer, “No, because the flight was canceled.”
      Which – hopefully – makes it clear that there was no flight, so I couldn’t fly and therefore I haven’t traveled yet.
      But what about “No, because the flight was cancelled”?
      It tells nothing about the present, but because of the word “no” it should be clear that I didn’t travel (yet).


Adam, I have also a question concerning sounds. I often see words written in this way: chillin’ , walkin’ , makin’ , etc. Normally, the “ng” sound is represented by “ŋ” sign. When a word is written in that way — n’, is this the same sound as in the case of “ng”, or is it a true “n” sound represented by “n” in IPA?


    Hey, Morfik, how do you do? Fine? Hope so!

    Man, the words that are written in -ing form without being in -ing form (SING) for instance, receives that “ŋ” phonetic sound, but the words in -ing form DO NOT, they are pronounced as an “n” phonetic sound!

    See ya, dude.


      I think you are wrong. Take a look at this vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_yuDRfZ3X4

      No matter if “ng” is in “sing” or in “doing” — “ng” is “ng” and is pronounced as “ŋ”. And I’m asking what exactly happens when a word is written without “g” like doin’.


      Hi Thalinho, you blew my mind with your explanation ^^
      Your explanation looks like a loop. Anyway if you meant what I understood I don’t agree. The verb “sing” is represented with a “ŋ sound” as well as the gerund of the verbs which ends in “ing”. Try using websites specialized in this matter.


        I didn’t mean to be rude ! I read myself and realized that I could be misunderstood. So I apologize.


          I know you didn’t mean to be rude!


          It’s amazing the power that words can have without sounds or gestures to balance them out.

          Good note Carlos :)


    I would say that it is a true ‘n’ sound. That’s part of the point of it I would guess. Kind of hard to get the idea across with words, but imagine doin’ as do-win, as in “What’s doin’?” Nothin’, Chillin’

    It’s all about shirt and sweet.
    Does that help at all?


      short and sweet


      So, basically if it is the true n sound, people will understand me without a problem when I say do-win, right?


        Native speakers would. Non-natives? hard to say.


      Yeap, Therefore, it’s a true “n” sound! I guess I was right, again!

      Thanks Teacher!


Thank you. It is very helpful lesson for me.


Fantastic explanation!
Thank you very much.


dance the whole time.that means (dance continuously without stopping and resting )I think this person has excellent Heath)question #3.


    :) or a good imagination


Την καλημέρα μου απο την Αθήνα!!
I don’t think someone can watch a movie without to see and something else except on the screen and must be very healthy to dance whole the time. Of course i can do it if i’m sleeping whole the time at the cinema or if i’m drunk at the pub. I don’t know am i correct? Please if you have a little time correct me. I’m not a writer but a simple waiter.


    I think you hit the nail on the head. I’ve been to parties where I had a few too many drinks and didn’t even notice time passing. :)


      Thank you for your comments and cheers with a glass of wine full of Greece.




Thanx for lession,
What is the difference between All of the students went home and All students went home


    I think “all students” means the students from any place.”All the students” (“of” is not necessary, Adam explained it) means that they are a part of a group – for example “all the students in my class”


    Hi Sheri,

    Arinamg gave a good answer. Remember what ‘the’ does- it specifies a particular group or person, or thing, etc. All of the students, means a particular group of. All students, means in general. A lot depends on the context.

    Does that help?


I got 70 scores.
It was not easy to understand the whole thing what you explained in the video.
Thank you for your good teaching.


9 out of 10, as always, make me think, thanks Adam.


    Adam, I know I can be thorn in one’s side, but how about make a lesson about semicolon and other punctuation marks? I meant, for example Russian’s rules of punctuation marks are quite different from English.
    It can be kind of silly but it will be useful for everybody, at least, I believe in that. ;)


      Hi Poslegg,

      Not silly at all. Actually, Have had a few requests for it lately. I will try to get it to you soon.


        Thank you Adam. I will look forward to it.
        P.S. Adam, you are rock! Keep it up mate.


          lol. Thanks. Not sure if it’s what you meant, but the expression is ‘you rock’ (you are a rock means you are strong (mentally, emotionally))


          Yea…, It was my mistake.))I hadn’t had checked the text before I sent it.


          *I hadn’t checked the text before I sent it.

          The bad day for my grammar.))))


I am a newbie in the study


    welcome :)


Thank you Adam!
I got 9 out of 10. I disagree with my mistake in number 3, though. I think both all the and the whole can be used. They have a subtle difference in meaning, if you say all the it means they stopped sometimes, and if you say the whole it means they didn’t stop at all. But people do stop sometimes :)
BTW, can I please request a video? I don’t really understand all the difference between it and this, these words have so close meaning, and it seems that sometimes I misuse them.
I’m really looking forward to watch your video!


    Oops, the last sentence is supposed to be “I’m really looking forward to watching your video”


      Mann, you rock, Haha


    Hey, Vlalimpiev, how are you, again? rs

    Man, we use the pronoun “it” as indefinite pronoun in sentences that we don’t mention the name of it such as:

    » let’s think there’s someone at your door and you cannot see that person/people, you would probably ask: Who is (it)? In this case “it” stands for that person/people you can’t see…

    » You can also use “it” for inanimate subjects such as: animals and objects.

    Look, it’s my wallet, do not touch it! (object)
    It’s my dog, its name is Bob! (animal)

    However, you can use the demonstrative pronouns this/that/these/those in order to emphasize something…

    » Who is this? (it’s near you)
    » Who is that “in blue jeans”? (it’s far from you)

    BUT, in my point of view you can only use demonstrative pronoun when you can see the thing, otherwise it wouldn’t be DEMONSTRATIVE pronoun, rs.

    I might be wrong though.

    Hope it helps, see you around!


      Hey Thalinho, how are you doing,
      can you tell me what is the difference among the sentences listed below, I mean when should I say each one of them:
      “I reviewed the revised copy”
      “I have reviewed the revised copy”
      “I had reviewed the revised copy”
      Awaiting your sooner reply..Thanks



        Hey Taharaad,
        Check the difference:
        I reviewed the revised copy – you just put it as it is, your highlight the past but it doesn’t tell whether you make something with that copy or not;
        The second one tells us that it is in the present now. For example I have reviewed the revised copy it means that I just have reviewed and for example I am doing nothing now;
        The third one tells us that I reviewed copy before that something happened.
        I had reviewed copy before you sent me a copy
        Hope it helps.
        To be simple
        Past Simple tells that sth happened but what was after that you can only guess
        Pr Pf tells the result that active now
        Past Perfect tells the something that happened before another action.
        Have to check that out.


          Great explanation, poslegg. Thanks for explaining!

          Hope you, Taha, might have learned!

          See you around!


      Thank you very much, you really clarified that difference for me!
      As I understand, I can say both ‘How much does this/that cost?’ and ‘How much does it cost?’, but if I’m pointing at something, it’s more common to use the first sentence?


        You can use either if it. Just remember that you can use the pronoun “it” for singular and plural forms, this/that for singular form and these/those for plural forms…

        If you are going to buy 2 apples,3 pineapples and 1 watermelon you’d probably say: how much are these?

        Got it?

        See ya around.


          Yeah, thank you!


          Just say the words, butty!


    Hi Vlalimpiez,

    I’ll accept your argument for number 3. It is all about context at the end of the day. Just keep in mind, most people will say the whole in this case to ‘build up’ the story.

    As for it vs. this, I will get on that. I know that it can be confusing.


I got 30 scores. Tks Mr Adam. :v


thank you very much Adam, i just got %60 but i will continue studying hard to learn it very well, have a good one.


thanks adam, it’s very helpful ^^


Adam, is there an option to say “the whole group of my friends came”?


    Hi Spiridolga,

    yes, but you wold have to say ‘my whole group of friends came.’


it’s difficult but I understood a lot. thank you Adam, you’re very profissional.


Hi Adam
I like so much your lessons. Thank you so much.
But engVid becomes too much boring because every time I click on the progression bar I’m redirected to an other page which is an ad for “Woozgo”.
Is there any setting in my browser to prevent such a trouble?
Best regards,


    I will look into that JP


      Thank you so much Adam for the reply. But I must say I have fixed the problem. Actually I have deleted all the cookies on my hard disk. By then everything is OK.
      I regret to have bothered you with such an issue.
      At any rate your lessons are very nice : you speak so clearly that I understand 100% of what you say.
      Many thanks.


        Glad to hear it :)




Hi dear prof. , Adam!
All the best of mine 4 U as always.

Kind Regards,
:) fatiima!


Thank, Adam. I’ve watched all the your lessons and i’ve understood the whole lesson about “whole” and “all”.
See you! Thank you!




thanks..but was not good I have to studay again then again




It’s difficult for me to get this lesson.
If it is right:The whole class needs to~~.I think the following sentence should be changed
“Whole cities were destroyed.
;Whole city was destroyed.”


    Hi Ea,

    1- “Whole cities were destroyed.
    2- “THE whole city was destroyed.”

    In 1, we are talking in a general way without saying exactly which cities. In 2, we are talking about one particular city, so need ‘the.’

    Does that help?


Hi Adam,
At the beginning of this lesson, can you please explain why don’t you wrote “I studied all the time”?
I feel a litte bit confused about this.


    Hi Rocketeer,

    I’m not sure exactly where you are referring to. If it’s about I studied all day, it’s just an example.

    But, when I was in high school, I studied all the time because i wanted to get into a good university.

    Does that help?


I am keenly interested to have some vocabulary related to ghost. please if you can help.


(I studied all the tilme)means I studied from the beginning to the end,I studied. Only without anything else studied and taking a break and keep going like that. (I studied the whole time)means I have studied continuously without taking any break.


    hey,do you have a skype account ?


    Hi cuongta,
    Thanks for your clear explanation.:)


Thank you Adam, beautifully done.


Hi Adam,
I am Hanan from Egypt.
Firstly, I wanna thank u for all your lessons, they’re very useful. secondly, would you mind explaining how can we pronounce words end in (ths, thes)like (baths,maths,months,strengthens……)
I’ll be really grateful if you explain that, because they sometimes confuse me.
Thanks in advance.


    HI Hanan,

    It’s a little difficult to do without actually hearing it. I’ll try to make a video of it soon.


Thanks Adam, very useful lesson!


hi. you are great. i wish i could give you a goog compliment for such great teaching


    You just did. Thanks :)


hi. you are great. i wish i could give you a good compliment for such great teaching


I mixed 9 and 10 ((((((((((
And, franky, I see no difference between them :(


    Hi Kenzoll,
    It’s all of it vs. the whole thing:

    In this case, you are right, they are pretty interchangeable. If you write ‘the whole of it’ it would be ok, but most people don’t bother with that construction- they just replace ‘of it’ with thing.

    Does that help?


      Yes, now it seems clearer. Many thanks!


Adam! My name is Vanya, I am from Russia. I understand more of you group of lessons. You are great teacher. I would like to study with you by online. You would tell me about price, if you agree.


    Hi Vanya,

    Thank you, but right now I’m not doing online lessons. I might start in the summer though. Check again in July or August.


Be honest Teacher! I always hear the word ” whole” but I never know what does it mean and how to use it as well. Then many thanks for your nice lecture. It’s really great and useful for me and my kids too.






Could you explain what is the different between any childs or any children. What is correct ?


    “Children” is the right plural.

    engVid Moderator

    Hi Moni,

    You would have to be a bit more specific iin terms of context. You could say though, ‘any child’s’ or ‘any children’ or ‘any children’s’… but I’d need more.


I have a issue. Why in question 9 is asked “What happened to the pizza?” instead What did happen to the pizza? Is that correct gramatically?
By the way, thank you for the lesson.


    We can make a question without an auxiliary verb when we are asking about subject of sentence.
    For example: Who made it? or What happened to him?
    I hope it helps.


      Yes, it helped me. Thanks!


Thank you so much for this wonderful class.
Now, I have a subject which I’d like to know more about it. It’s the difference between “in the end our beginning” vs “at the beginning ou at the end”. I’ve been hearing native people using both of them but as I read on a grammar book, thet correct is AT and no IN. So, Could you dedicate one class for this matter? Thank you so much1


    Hi Viviane,

    In the beginning- mostly from Bible, but also when we talk about the very beginning of something.
    At the beginning- starting point.

    At the end- end place.
    in the end – finally.

    Hope that helps, but I’ll think of more examples.


Hello, Adam.
Could you, please, make a lesson about using “in order to” and “so as to”?


    Hi Bob,
    Sounds good. Will get on it.


Hi sgmmn, how are things going?

To find out the answer, we need to understand the difference between subject questions (questions about the subject of a sentence) and object questions (questions about the object of a sentence).

Look at this sentence:

Thalinho wrote an explanation.

A question about the object would be:

What did Thalinho write?

The answer – ‘an explanation’ is the object of the verb write.

A question about the subject would be:

Who wrote the explanation?

And the answer is ‘Thalinho’: the subject of the verb ‘wrote’.

So when the question is about the object , we use an auxiliary verb and an infinitive:

What did Thalinho write ?

But when the question is about the subject, we use the verb in the correct tense without an auxiliary:

Who wrote the explanation o?

Now let’s look at your examples:

What happened?
What did happen?

Is the word “what” asking a question about the subject or object of the verb happen?

Let’s imagine some possible answers to the question – using the verb happen, of course. Which ones are grammatically correct?

» Something happened to me.

»Nothing happened to them.

»I happened something.

»They happened nothing.

The first two are correct, of course. This means that we are asking a question about the subject of the sentence, so to make the correct question, we use the verb in the correct tense without an auxiliary: What happened?

The second example you give – What did happen? – is grammatically incorrect. However, if you are making a yes/no question, you need an auxiliary, so a yes/no question about the subject could be:

Did anything happen?
Did it happen to you?
Has anything happened yet?

But we would not normally say What did happen?


    Indeed. I understood your explanation thalinho. Don’t make sense to use “did” when the subject doesn’t exist in a question. Thanks man.


      Anytime, butty!


Thank Adam!!


Hi! Thanks for this great lesson, Adam. It is very interesting. but the quiz is difficult for me.


thx adam 4 the lesson . and I just wonder what is the difference between the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous . are both similar? i have difficulty using them when I speak because i’m kinda confused O.o


    Hi Sarah,

    That would take a whole lesson to answer (and I’ll try to make a vid if I can), but for now:

    In many cases you can interchange them. keep in mind what is the situation NOW. If the action continues, use the continuous. If the action is complete, use the simple.

    Hope that helps a little :)


      thx,I got it and i will be thankful if u make a vid about these tenses :)


I get nervous when I get 60% of Quiz. anyway I`m improving so fast now because I had decided to study phrases. I gave up grammar and my way to understand correctly change. I have no word to thanks the team in whole. Iam extremely thanks.


i can’t understand part of countible and uncountible nouns when we must use whole, all


    Hi Turanoza,

    We can say all the money, but not the whole money, because money is uncountable, meaning it has no whole, no complete package. All the money is talking about specific money, like all the money in my pocket.
    The whole time is talking about a specific amount of time, not time in general.

    Does that help?


thanks. it’s very useful for me


I was wrong in Q9 T.T


Hi from. chile! So good lessons :)


Thank you very much for such a great lesson.
I improved much by your videos. May be i’ll come to CANADA someday then i’d meet you.



Thanks a lot. :)


It was great man, your website is awesome! Thanks


Yeah thanks Adam, your explanation was just perfect…


That’s very very interesting. Thank you very much teach Adam. I never think that there was a different between these words.


Thank you Adam!…I got 8

and how different between ‘the WHOLE world’ and ‘the ENTIRE world’


    HI Dhissie,

    In most situations, these two words are synonymous. There are some constructions in which they are not, because whole can be different parts of speech, entire is only an adjective. In your example, they are synonyms.
    Check: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whole?show=0&t=1370874560

    hope that helps.

    Does that help?


      Thank you so much!


Dear Sir,
you explain topics best.would you please explain the difference between “what” and “which”


    Hi Ammad,

    that’s a good question, but I’m afraid it would take a whole, long lesson to do that. I’ll try to make a vid about it.

    For now, you need to be more specific: are you asking about questions or clauses? In clauses, ‘what’ for noun clause, ‘which’ for adjective clause.


thank you so much. I think it is easy but when I did the quiz sadly I get 80 only so I have to study hard .


Thanks for this lesson.
I’ve been reading the book Percy Jackson, and sometimes when he has bad dreams he says I woke with a start.
What does it mean “woke with a start”?


    Hi Henrique,

    It means woke up scared. A start is like a little shock. For example, if someone waits behind a door, then jumps out and yells at you, you will be startled; you will jump with a start.

    Keep in mind it’s a little old-fashioned English.


      sorry. START or STARTLE ??


Hi Adam. How re you? Thank you very much for the lesson. It was very clear. I only got confused with the quiz… It so difficult understand what people mean to say without a context… But i got 8/10. I am waiting for new lessons, bye!

Sally S

thanks Adam I love the way you teach :)


Hello Adam, I would like you can give us a lesson about the way we can use: by, for, in, on and at. Thank you :)


    Hi Fab8,

    I will look into that , but search this sight- we have a few lessons on prepositions.


Please can you take a lesson on when to use I and me.Thanks.


    Good idea Stnramya. I’ll get on that.

    For now:
    I- subject


Hello Adam, Thanks you :)


many thanks!


thank youuuuuuuuuu))))


Hi Adam,thanks alot,wonderful lesson.


All cities, all day, but all the day etc. What´s the difference?


    HI Aripitkamaki,

    I wouldn’t say ‘all the day’. All the cities, yes. It’s more about general things or specific things. If it’s specific, need to add ‘the’.

    Not sure if I answered the question though. Can you give me an example?


      Hi Adam,
      Why you say ‘the whole day’ and ‘all day’ (without ‘the’). Can we say ‘whole day’ or ‘all the day’?


Asslamu Alukom , I got 6 incorrect !!
That’s bad, the difference is complicated relatively. Do you agree me !? :/ :)


    thats good enough, at least you’ve tried :)

    Saiful Anwar

    This time 6, next time 7, soon enough 10. Keep trying :)


Hi Adam,
Thank you very much for your lessons.
Would you please make a video on using these adverbs: “quite” ,”rather”,”pretty” and “fairly”?
I am particularly interested in the cases where quite means completely as opposed to where it means to some degree.
Thank you in advance.


    Hi Hosna,

    Good idea. I’ll get on that. As far as ‘quite’ meaning completely, that might be a British English thing, but I’ll have to check that.


I got 8 :)

Hi mr Adam, can you plese explain the differences between PERFECT and PROPER??

by, Iful

Saiful Anwar

    Hi Lful,

    Not sure exactly what you’re after here. perfect generally means without flaw, no errors, etc. Proper means correct for the situation.

    Can you give me an example where these were confusing?


      Well here are some examples:

      We have to make the party go perfectly!!
      We have to make the party go properly!!

      Saiful Anwar

Hi Adam,

Very helpful lesson. Thank you so much.


Hello, it was very useful.
Please talk abut how we can speak automatically, without thinking and without too much effort.
Thanks a lot.


    That’s a tough one Farhad. It’s mostly about time and practice. The main thing is to stop translating in your head. Also, don’t be afraid of mistakes, just speak. It’ll come.


      Thanks a million Mr.Adam


Hi Adam,
Could you explain, why did you say
“I studied all day” not “I studied all the day”?
Where is ‘the’?
Thank you a lot for your lessons !!!


    Hi Modx

    ‘all day’ is a measure of time. We’re not speaking about the day itself, but rather about how much time I spent studying. If I speak about a specific day, I would say ‘all of that day.’
    When I say ‘all of the cities were destroyed,’ I am talking about the cities themselves.

    Does that help?


Hi Adam, could you explain what the difference between “Effect” and “Affect”, how can we use it in proper situation, Thanks


    Hi George,

    The common answer is that effect is a noun (result) and affect is a verb (to influence). But, effect can also be a verb, meaning to bring about a situation.
    They started the revolution to effect change.

    Hope that helps


that was interesting and confusing,, but i got 7 out of 10 thaks for quiz Mr Adam


Thank you very much for your lessons :-)
I did only 60 :-((


What is the best way to improve the pronunciation?


    Hi Marystela,

    You can use a dictionary with a phonetic spelling of difficult words to ‘see’ how they sound. Also, record yourself speaking- if it sounds strange to you, then try to say it differently.
    m-w.com is a good dictionary and also has sound files.


I got 3 out of 10 :(
I understand the lesson , but I don’t why I did not know how to answer :(


Quite interesting Adam! I’d fancy you to give us a lesson about how to use the words who, whose and whom or the difference among them. I get confused especially when using who and whom!


    Will do Dalki. It’s a good request.

    For now:
    who -always subject position
    whom- always object position.


Hi,Adam how are you. Thanks for the great lesson. I have some question to you ^_^
I saw many sentences that used ” was + v-3 ” I haven’t understood what does it means.
example ; The stock “was seen” as an excellent investment.
; The meeting “was taken up” with irrelevant discussion,wasting everybody’s time.
Pleas explain me what does it means and when I should be use?


    Hi Princi,

    V3 is the past participle.
    eg., v1- eat v2- ate v3- eaten
    v1- go v2- went v3- gone

    the examples you gave are passive voice, when the subject doesn’t do the action, but receives the action.

    Does that help?


I learn a lot of thing in this video, thank you.


Thanks all of it! The whole lesson was useful!


Hi, useful as always thanks.but my request is to compare have/let/make with third person. in other words why we say Let it go (not goes) and so.


    Hi Badami,

    That will make a good vid. I’ll get on it.

    For now, keep in mind that in your example the ‘go’ is part of the verb ‘let’, so is really a base verb, not a tense verb. Another example: You are hanging out a window. I am holding your hand so you don’t fall, and I say “don’t worry, won’t let go.” This is the same let go as your example.

    Does this help?


Great Work ! Teachers And Students . Thank you for the explanations


I thank you you so much for big help and I will want to learn more…


Thanks Adam,
I love your lesson very much, after i learnt it i can understand how to use ALL and WHOLE. and i got 90 out of 100. WOW what’s a wonderful job?
Thanks again,
Heng Lay


Thanks Adam I got 8 correct :)


where can I found the quizes


    It’s right above the comment section! Click here and tell me if you still can’t see the quiz. :)

    engVid Moderator

Excellent work everyone. Keep it up :)


    Hi our good teacher. In Henry’s question the verb is START or STARTLE. I will be thankful if you answer.


Thanks Adam :)


Thanks Adam I got 9 correct


Great! 9/10 points. I got it right!!! Thanks


got 6 correct , soooo bad


Thanks Adam I got 8 correct :)


Thanks Adam I got 9 correct :)


i love it!! thank you and god bless!




I got 100 percent in the quiz :) Thanks Adam


    Good for you otherwise Adam was not an awsome teacher.


By the way it was one of the toughest quiz for me scored 7 out of 10. It was tough means I learned many things from this lesson. Thanks a lot.


I Got 9 out of 10..the only Question i did wrong is the no.3..
i did All the time..bcs i think we cannot dance thoroughly,we stop and again dance, so the ans is Whole???


thanks a lot for helping us to learn English.but I’m in a bad need to learn more grammar but gradually not from the beginning but tenses ,active and passive like this.another request i want to know how to download ur videos.i wish you can help me. thanks


still difficult =(
we do need financial contributions from ________ group.
i chosen the whole as u said but it’s wrong answer


thank u Mr.Adam i listened over and over even felt this lesson so easy.


9 :(


Thank you Adam. You are a good teacher


Hi Adam, I always confused with should and would have. Con you explain that.


Thanks Adam I really like your lectures ..


You are a good teacher Adam!
Speaking of that, What’s the difference between ‘All the’ and ‘All’, ‘The whole’and ‘Whole’?


Thank you very much
Thanks to your lectures I become more and more sure of my English


Just reading comment gives me so much information and knowledge. Thanks all, especially Adam!


I am learning and enjoying myself reading all the comments too. Thanks


Excellent work. Thanks Adam.


Thank you so much for the lessons. This lesson was very useful and very understandable. I’ve always been wondering about the difference between ‘whole’ and ‘all’. But I still have one more question. Like among the example sentences you gave in the lecture. Would it be okay if I say ‘ All students need to….’ without ‘the’ between ‘all’ and ‘students’? Thank you for your time. I look forward to the next one.


Thank You for your lesson, but I got 7 out of 10
:( I need to learn more, so I will watch again


I really got the lesson and also replied the quiz correctly thanks to you Mr Adam


thank you Adam for your efforts I need to teach me contacting words between sentences I can not speak long sentences just short, i mean words like (who,that,which)+ new sentences. I focus on slang language

thank you sir


thank you a lot Adam i’m really glad to learn that lesson from you i have a little impriving my english …….have luck …


Why is the correct answer ‘all of’ in 9th guestion? I thougth ‘the whole’


Thank you! I got 100%.


Hi Adam.
I enjoy watching your lessons – great job!
As Fab8, I also would like a lesson with prepositions:to, about, at, from, for, in, into, of, on, with etc. Verbs + prepositions, adjectives + prepositions…


    :( no answer


“all” your lessons are useful.:)

Mahmoud Mohammed

Could you explain how to use bored & boring?


Thanks Adam for this useful video
I got 7 out of 10
but i have more confusing about question 3,4
in question 4
“whole” means non stop (action= watch)
is similar to Example, which was explained in video “the baby cried the whole time”
Please explain


thanks Agam

yomna labib

First of all thanks you Adam. I have question.
We should say — we do need —
or –we need–?

Anar Sadiqli

Adam, please why question 5 the answer is all and not whole?

5. When almost ________ the tickets were sold, the band decided to add another show to their tour.
the whole
the all


Hi there! Thanks for the class Adam, as usual it was very enlightening.
However I’m still confused with the following sentence:
*I ate the whole cake. (according to the rules just presented, i belive this sentence is ok)
* I ate all the cake. (Is this one also possible?)
Thank you!


heloo adam sir can u tell me about tens? please…..


Thank you, you´re an awesome teacher


Hi Adam Sir.
can you explain me could, should and would word use in where…………
i confused in this words…….
that is request to you so pls explain this words

Manjit Sharma

Hi Mr. Adam,

Appreciate your commitment.

I would like to requesrt from you to do a lessoon on ” Has Been, Have Been , basically using of BEEN”.

Thanks you.


Hi Mr. Adam,
Appreciate your commitment.
I would like to request from you to do a lesson on ” Has Been, Have Been , basically using of BEEN”.
Thanks you.


I appreciate all the Adam’s leasons. Tks


Very strange experience after quiz ! Before I ”learn” the rules, I know by heart the usage of all and whole. After, was another story: 6 correct out 10. I don’t have any explanation :-)


I’m sorry ! * I learned…
Thank you for your lesson, Mr. Adam.


hi Adam, thank u for the lesson.
I have a question.I think u said, for uncountable nouns we use all not whole.Then what about ‘Time’.Should we use all for time? what about question number 9, ‘we danced the whole time’?!! I become confused, please help me.


You got 10 correct out of 10.
Interesting lesson, thank you.


Hi Adam, I have practised the above mentioned topic with my textbook and there is one sentence which is not in accordance with the rules. “They have finished the whole work and went home” Noun “work” is uncountable, isn’t it ? Is there some exception ? I thought the correct sentence should have looked by that way:”They have finished all work and went home”


The tenses in this sentence are also confusing. Present perfect with Past tense in one sentence. Right way: “After they had finished all work, they went home” Is it correct ?


i got 8/10


What is the difference between these two sentences:
All students need to come to class early.
Students need to come to class early.

Mustafa Rezazadah

100% thanks, Adam


Thanks 50%

Abdul Qayum

thanks Adam I got 10 out of 10, you made my life changed and you made me move up a level :D


Hey Adam can u teach me/us about direct speech and reported speech?


The complex noun phrase???? please some information about it


great explaining thank you adam you are the best teacher in my life


thank you, Adam ! what a good lesson :D


“3. That club was so much fun; we stayed until 3 A.M. and danced __________ time.
– all the
the all
whole the
+ the whole”

I answered “all the” because, in my opinion, it’s impossible to dance the whole time until 3 A.M. without stopping.


    >without stopping.
    without any stops.


Can you please explain when to use the preposition “THE” with “whole” and “all”.

1. all day
2. all THE time
3. all cities
4. whole cities
5. all THE money
6. all students
7. THE whole class


Hello, Adam! Thank you for this lesson very much! It helped me to understand more about ‘all’ and ‘whole’.
I made a mistake in the 3d sentence about the club, because I remembered about the sentence about the crying baby, so I decided, that it would be difficult to dance for hours.
But still I have one question.
We have a sentence – The baby cried the whole time. If it is a non-stop action, can we use Continuous and say – The baby was crying the whole time.
Thanks in advance)


i am really intersting in this lesson but i can’t make difference between whole and all because some situations are difficlt


Hi adams i got 10 after i try 3 time …i confused between use it but i understand that all use it as general and whole as agroup (special)
Thanx alot i like your method in teaching
I want to help me to find ansewr this question
Did you get my letter ?
Yes,i …… Just received it
D- have
I chose was because it is the past tense but myfriend say that correct answer d
I want to explain why chose have

Ibtehal Alshareef

    Hi, your friend is right. The correct answer is letter “D” that tense is present perfect, I think you know something about this, and the word JUST shows us that is the time ago is not so far, is recently (a short time ago) … I hope this helps you to clarify your doubt. Bye for now :)


      sorry for the mistake… it was …the word “JUST” shows us that the time is not so far, is recently (a short time ago) … I hope this helps you to clarify your doubt. :)


Adam, I love the way you explain things! And I understand your canadian-english so well ( sorry all you british guys, nothing personal ;-)
Regards from Germany


Hi Ada, what is the difference between All the students and The whole students

narsimha sharma

Hi Adam is this below sentence correct.
The whole time my friend was in home town when I am having grammar classes.


Hi ^___^!! Adam i’m new student for you .
Thank you for explain how to use “all and whole” is very useful for me. In this sentence may be i’m type wrong grammar but i’m gonna improve my English very quick because i’ve professional teacher like you

Pim berry

hi i’m a new student. thank you for your useful lesson .


I think ‘the whole city was destroyed’ is better.
thx your course.


Thank you Adam


Thanks,teacher! :) Your explanation is very easy to understand. Could you please,make a video lesson about difference(in detail) between work and job ? I have some difficulties with this. Thank you in advance.


please help me. so or very? what should I use?


Tank you, Adam))it was interesting, useful and great!


Hi Adam could u make some lessons about British English accent


thanks adam, yours lessons useful for me. i undertand different between all and whole. thanks you very much.


hi Adam, iam ayoub from Algeria why we can not say i watch it the whole time instead of saying all the time , because i thing when i love that movie i do nothing else but watching the movie an concentrate on it all the time


    i agree with you but i think mostly people who don’t watch only movie sometimes they go out to toilet or do anything.


i learned this lesson twice , the first i got 5 out of 10.i was not quite satisfied so i learned it again and took a quiz then i got 9 out of 10.It was very nice. Thanks Adam. This lesson is useful for me, until now some words sticks on my mind, “package” “group” bla bla


Your lesson is really useful! Thanks.


Many thanks!


Thank you Adam.


thank teacher so much
I’m bored ,because i got 6 out of 10


Thank you for sharing teacher Adam.


Hi Adam, You are really great teacher. Very useful lesson, Thanks a lot.

Deesh Pasupuleti

can you teach me about 26 tenses. but the correct tenses only 16.


thank you Adam from syria


Thanks Adam .. all the lessons you did are useful also the whole site is very interesting :D


i have only 6 correct :( but video soooo useful, thanks so much from Ukraine!!!


hi adam, i still confused of using ”the whole” and ”whole”


but fortunately i have 9 correct


All your lessons are wonderful!Thanks Adam :)


thank’s Adam ,I’ve got 5 correct answer, could you tell me about number 9 , i can’t understand ,why is that the answer ?


This lesson was quite difficult. When I studied it seem not very difficult but when I did the quiz “OMG” it was very hard to select the correct choice. So I got only 6/10. However, your examples were very useful. Thanks for teaching us. I really appreciated.


Hi Adam! I love your videos! You speak clearly and you give a lot of examples that make easy the comprehension for who don’t have the english as your native language. And you are likable and funny.
But about the use of “all” and “whole” I don’t understood. For instance, in the quiz there is the sentence: “_________ world is experiencing climate change.”. Why the answer in this case is “whole” considering that the world is very big for someone say that the “whole world” is experiencing climate change. The word “whole” don’t means “complete”. I think that a lot of countries in the world is experiencing climate change, but I wouldn’t say that the whole world is experiencing climate change. I don’t know the entire world to say this. And I think that this would be impossible. Am I crazy for think this way? :( Sorry if doesn’t make sence.


Hi Adam!!!Very good lesson, but, tell the truth, i didn’t understand it correctly.Only 50 from 100((((


Mr. Adam, thank you, these are awesome videos, I’ll be grateful if you explain to us in the coming videos the difference from all sides between”
Whole and Entire, also difference between
I think, I believe, I guess.

Cinderella MAN

Hey Adam, could you explain the last part of the video. Because I don’t understand the ” all followed by the plural” and ” whole followed by the singural”. Did you understand my question?


How poor I am! I got only 6 of 10.

Yihok Chea

Thank you!

lina maria

Hi! My test results are 9/10 but I still don’t understand why I should say “all members” instead of “all THE members”?


Adam, you’re awesome. I could marry you.


Thanks for a great lesson, Adam!


Thanks for this lesson Sir Adam i lost my mind but i never give up for this learning about English.


Hi Adam, could you explain, why did you use the Past Simple in your example “The baby cried all the time”. Why not Continuous? Thanks.


Hi. Can you explain please? I don’t understand, why when we talk “Whole cities were destroyed” we use plural. I think that it is about one citi which was completely destroyed. No?


Thank you


I got 7 correct.


Hello, very good lesson, I just need to ask about question Nr. 5, can I use the sentence like this: “..all tickets were sold?” or it has to be like “all THE tickets were sold”. Thank you

Sasha J.

Hai, the great lesson about all vs whole. Thanks Adam. I will more practice again to study english..


the leccion is very confused in my language(spanish) all and whole is it same


thank you teacher


Hi teacher Adam you’re so wonderful, I always follow your all lessons for improving my English. I think I’m not good I got 5 scores. I try my best to get best scores.


Awesome !!!

Lais Almeida

I am very thankful for this lesson. I was realy very worried about how making the difference between those words. Thank you again.


You help me once again Adam, thanks for your explanation.


3. That club was so much fun; we stayed until 3 A.M. and danced __________ time.
all the
the whole

Both answers are correct. )) They might as well have had a break (have drunk water or have gone in toilet)


    HI ,Ninon
    your right but in that question they think like they are enjoying whole day.sometime it seems like that .
    i think am i clear..
    good luck to you


Thank you for this lesson, Adam!
I’ve got 90%


Thanks! It helps me to improve my english very well! I got 100% :) The video is very great and awesome!!


thanks for the lesson, my good teacher, Mr.Adam!

ibrahim muhammad amin

Question no 7 & 8 are same but answers are difrent, why sir?


    no, they are not. the 7th question is without clarification, i.e. did you eat pizza? – yes, i did. Just ate it ALL. In 8th question, he asks, did you eat every single piece? And as Adam said, in such case you need to use THE WHOLE.


I’ve got 7 correct :( I’m gonna watch your lesson again and do the quiz one more time!

Uyen Ninh

Thank you a lot!


Thx for the lesson, Adam.
You did good job!


I haven’t ever thought of the difference between these words. Actually, I was surprised) Thank you for the great explanation. Thanks to you, my English got a bit better:)


I have a one mistake.
Its really useful lessons! Thank you so mach!
p.s. I like your pronunciation. I can understand you and its so cool! :D


I got 10 out of 10!!! thank u Adam


great lesson, 9/10 :)


Thank you Adam! The lesson is very helpful. Could you explain the difference between “it is” and “this is”?


9/10 .A bit confused with “dancing”.thanks.


Hello Adam, you tell the themes very good. It is so exciting and interessting to watch your videos. Thank you so much for teaching…


Thanks, Adam! Everithing’s clear, but there is one moment I don’t understand.

“Adam: What happened to the pizza?
James: I ate it.
Adam: _________ it?!”

Why do we have to say “All of it”? We’re talking about the whole pizza, aren’t we?


    I’ve already found the answer) Thanks again.


I see dead people…
… all the time!


10/10. Thanks . very important and useful.


Thank you again! You’re my favorite teacher!!!




Yeah!.. i got 9 out of 10, i only made a mistake at question #9.. thanks adam..


thank you Adam.


Thank you Adam! Why couldn’t be the 3rd question letter ‘a’?


Guys I get 7 and 8 Scores is it common or it means Im Bad?


Hi Adam,
while taking the quiz I found 7th and 8th are the
same questions but having different answers. What is the reason behind it?


Hi Adam!

There’s two sentences that you wrote, here are:
1)All cities were destroyed.
2)Whole cities were destroyed.

What I don’t get clearly understood is:
Why in the previously sentences you said that “All” means everything, one etc. But rather in “Whole” means complete package of something, however, you said in the second one sentence that “Some cities were completely destroyed but, other cities would be fine/ok.” Regarding this, why it is some cities?


got 10/10. thanks your video was awesome


The explanation is clear. I got 100.


I got 6. I need more practice of this particular topic.


Hi Adam! Firstly congratulations for your channel and lessons are both fantastic and really useful!
I did not understand something, if “all the” is used with uncountable singular nouns, why in the example about the pizza it says “All of it?” instead of “whole of it”? Thanks! :)


Great lesson! Thanks!


aa… so helpful… but please sir..i need to know about the topic”subject verb agreement”.. please make a lesson of it as soon as possible.. #adam sir

Ashik ur rahman

Hello Adam, how are you? Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!!! So, about the topic All and whole, “you are all my history” or “you are my whole history” please Is the sentence correct?


I made 10 out of 10. Once again, I learnt a little bit more with you, Adam! Thanks! (:

Guilherme Cota

it is an important english lesson Adam, I will read and investigate more about it, thanks for your time


Is there any difference of pronunciation between the words “hole” and “whole”?


    certainly not because phonetically they are transcribed the same way just like the words Weather and Whether.

    Yann B

Sorry, guys. Can you explain me the difference between “whole” and “entire”? Thanks in advance.


Thank you teacher !!! I didn´t understand the example about All cities and whole cities in the presentation, maybe there is a mistake with the meaning of the sentence.


Hi Adam

could we use a with (whole)?
EXP.”Kleen Brite is a whole new concept in toothpaste.”


Thank you for your good lecture..


Adam! Thank you so much!


thanks Adam i have got 9 out of 10.you did explain well this lesson.

Yann B

Dear Adam.Thank you for your clearly explanation.I learned a lot.

Shu Hua Chen

Hi MR. Adam and everyone . May I ask you a question . is there a diffirent between whole and the whole?


Thank you, teacher.


Hi Adam and all other teachers, I have 2 requests. I am in Moscow teaching the Russians our beautiful English language. They struggle a lot with distinguishing between the pronunciation of the “i” sound as in “I like something” and the other “schwa” sound as in “I live in Moscow” I wish I can tell them a rule when to do the correct pronunciation but I doubt there is something to help me. The second request is, when do we use “someone” and when do we use “somebody?” Thanks everyone for the good work and explanations.

Markus Pienaar

thanks, Adam.


It’s kind of confusing..! But thanks

Alan Cabezas

Thanks nice lesson

margaret kleinhenz

Thanks for useful video, Adam.
my score is 70 :)


in the first question, why not say that now not ‘the whole’ world is experiencing climate change?
I may suggest maybe some of the countries does not experience this change – and if so ‘All’ is need to be used?
Didn’t it?


thank you, Adam
I have a doubt when to use “the whole” and “whole”.


Thank you, Adam!


Thank you, Adam!


In the example with dancing, I choose “all the time” because I usually have some brakes to drink coctails=)


Great! Thank you again!


Thank you, Adam, for such a great video! 9 / 10 for the test. Hope I will able to put it into practice (hope it sounds correctly in english).


Hi Adam!

Could you explain me difference between 7 and 8?


What a beautiful lesson! Thanks a lot! I’ve got 9 correct! ?


Thanks Adam! You’re a great teacher!


Thank you for the lesson Adam.. I got 100%..

Mas Ton

Thanks Adam, the class was so useful and illustrative.


Thanks, Adam, I got 8. I know it is not enough good, but I try harder to learn more. Actually, I want to watch all lessons that you taught. I think the whole students should watch your videos.


Hello joined new
I want to know English from beginning
And I want to improve my English vocabulary
I need advice

Tamana Tamkin

Hi, Adam! Thank you very much for your amazing lessons! Could you help me to figure out one thing, please? There are two very similar sentences:
1)”That club was so much fun; we stayed until 3 A.M. and danced (the whole) time.”
2) I love that movie. I watch it (all the) time.
My question is why in the second case we have to use “all the” when in the first case we use “the whole”?? I’m confused about that because I think that the meaning is “watching the film without being distracted), so we have to use “the whole”…


    Nastya, in the second case the sentence means that somebody watch one monie all tha time – many times, again and again



What’s the difference between “all the day” and “all day”?



Thank you teacher, one question, I didn’t know it’s right to say, “why don’t I say instead of why I don’t say” I could hear you the first one


It was not so difficult ;)

Andrey Alekseev

Hi Adam,
Can I say ” All the world is being experienced climate change”?
Is that right?
Please, explain that.


    The world is the whole (completed) thing.
    I’d say – All countries are being experienced climate change.
    Adam, help us, please. Where are you?


Hi Adam! Thank you for cool lessons!I’ve got 9 correct))


i’m fascinated to learn the difference between all & Whole , i always made mistakes ! now i got it , thank you so much @Adam


hello Adam,
Can you please do a video lesson about:
Thank you


thank you soooooooooooooo much


Only 7 from 10! sometimes the difference is so subtle…
Thanks, Adam!


Greetings from INDIA
Got 10/10. Thanks, Adam!:)


Wow! It was a great quiz! I’ve got 9 of 10 correct (I’ve failed in 9th question)






I have a difficulty in quantifiers, is there any video for this subjec? answer please I have an exam :/ :)


hi. I love your lessons .its very handy to learn well the grammar. greetings from Mexico City


i only got 4 out of 10. I don’t understand,
although i study all day.
Where can i find exercises about these words?
Do you have any? Please, text to me if yes.

Happy easter everyone :)


In question number 3 “time” is uncountable so how can we use ” the whole”?


Thank you ever so much Mr. Adam.


I really love listening to the lessons. I hope to be free.

Wang Dianzhen

Thanks, i did good on my first try, thanks it help me alot.


Hi Adam! Could you please explain to me if both of the sentences below are correct?

1 )As we ALL know, the weather can be forecast.
2) As we know, the weather can be forecast.

Native speaker’s explanation:
“The generality requires ALL: as we ALL know. Most (good) writers would consider “as we know” vacuous”

Is he right?


Hi Adam!
I have a question about your lesson. I will appreciate if you can answer me. I did not understand when we should use “The” after the word “all”?
For example, I studied all day, or All cities were destroyed, You did not write “the” after “all” in those sentences, and It made me a little confused. Thank you for your lesson.


Hi Adams! So what about those songs that say for example:-” with all of my love instead of all my love..
Is it correct? I’ll appreciate your help.
By the way, could you please explain the use of *Indeed*, *Actually* and *In reality?
Thanks so much!


I’m sorry . I need to do anymore the questions.


Oh please


I give up


Hahaha…. ‘I studied the whole time’ We won’t say it again!!!!

Sunny Tian

It’s not bad. I got 8 of 10, I could’ve got 10 if I weren’t distracted. I’ve been following you since last year and you don’t even imagine how helpful are your videos when I look for very specific topics about grammar, writing, even your pronunciation when you are explaining. Thank you Adam


9/10! Great! Good marks! I’ve understood this whole lesson. Let me check the previous video, I need to remember all tips Adam taught.

Jerry Gu

it was clear ………thnx


Thnak you so much for this course


Mr Adam
It’s very difficult for me to understand english. How can ou help please ?


I can’t understand this question number 3,
That club was so much fun; we stayed until 3 A.M. and danced __________ time. why here use the whole time not all the time , I think if we go to club or restaurant you can’t dance the whole time without eating or drinking . so I think if we use all the time it will be better .

Abu Qaba

All I can say is, Thanks!


next one please


100 :D


It’s difficult.
I got 60.

Only engVid members can ask questions and comment.
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