Improve your communication skills with these 17 common English idioms and phrases for talking about success, chance, risk, and luck. With clear explanations and fun examples, you’ll master these phrases in no time. Face it, tiger. You just hit the jackpot. Watch, learn, and then start using these expressions in your English.
Hi Benjamin. Thank for your lesson very interesting as usual. One suggestion. I’m fan of rugby.But , when I’m watching rugby on the TV, I can’t understand what the English referee is telling to the players! How about one (or two) lesson about rugby’s vocabulary? Merci pour votre attention.
Thanks a lot, Mr.Benjamin
The way I see it, the learning English language ups our ante in job promoting
Benjamin your lesson has puzzled me a bit but when I began to lessen it was a different tone. thanks for such taught
Dornmarie Francis
Thank you, Benjamin!
Is it right if I say: “-The cards are on the table”, meaning that I have done everything possible for something to happen?
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Hi Benjamin. Thank for your lesson very interesting as usual. One suggestion. I’m fan of rugby.But , when I’m watching rugby on the TV, I can’t understand what the English referee is telling to the players! How about one (or two) lesson about rugby’s vocabulary? Merci pour votre attention.
Thanks a lot, Mr.Benjamin
The way I see it, the learning English language ups our ante in job promoting
Benjamin your lesson has puzzled me a bit but when I began to lessen it was a different tone. thanks for such taught
Thank you, Benjamin!
Is it right if I say: “-The cards are on the table”, meaning that I have done everything possible for something to happen?
Thank you! It was very interesting!