Begin improving your vocabulary in this very essential lesson. When do we use start? When do we use begin? Is there a difference? What are you waiting for? Start the video!
Thanks Alex for the understandale way you teach us :)
Hi! Alek
May I use “He’s starting annoying me!” because a verb that after start must be used “gerund”.
you should avoid repeating two gerunds. It is better to say : He is starting to annoy me
You’re also using the present continuous form of “start,” which you should follow with an infinitive.
Thank you so much Alex, the explanation was terrific as always!
A few days ago I made a couple of requests for a video about linking words, but I got no evidence that your saw them. I’m kindly ask you to comment, if you did.
I’m still looking forward to watching your video(s). As I previously wrote in other messages, that topic may be useful for almost all non-native speakers.
Thank you for your help in English acquisition one more time!
Nice job, Alex.
When the lesson started, I noticed that it was very good. Now, I´m going to start the quiz.
See you later!
A useful lesson! thanks!
thank uuuuuuuu
10 correct out of 10. Blimey, it was plate full of awesomesauce!!!!!!!
Thanks Alex
Very Good lesson.
Thank you very much :)
What!!! you mean Robb Stark?, I’m starting seeing 3th season today..
No, I think Robb Stark is still okay, don’t worry! Arya, though…
As always a great explanation!!! Everytime I come here I learn something very useful to improve my English skills!
Thanks a billion all of you!!!
Nice lesson,thanks
thank my teacher
ALex you read ARGH in the last quetion.
what Does ARGH mean? and thank you very much for this lesson!
It’s just an exclamation that shows frustration. Kind of like “Oh no!”
Now I see.
When do we use ‘commence’?
When do we use ‘kick off’?
Terrific, Alex!
thanks Alex as always you great
Thank you for the way you give the lessons. I normally don’t register in any web page but this one is interesting!
That’s quite really useful as i haven’t already known when i should use them in proper way. The way of explain was extremely fantastic and quite clear. Thanx a lot Mr.Alex………….
I still have a confuse with them i can not understand what is the different between them , thank you teacher .
Thanks! I got only 70 but I understood my mistakes. Nice lesson!
Please, explain the difference between “each” and “every” if it exists.
Hey kenzoll, you ok? Hope so!
“Each” and “every” mean the same thing and are considered singular nouns so they take singular verbs.
(Note the singular verbs in the following examples.)
If you want to get technical, you can use “each” to emphasize the individual items or people:
#1.: Each car is carefully checked out.
#2.: Inspectors scrutinize each egg to make sure it isn’t cracked.
And you can use “every” to emphasize the larger group:
#1.: Every car should use hybrid technology.
#2.: The Egg Farmers of America want eggs on every table for breakfast.
People often say “each and every” for emphasis, but it is redundant, and I almost always advise brevity when it comes to usage.
Thank you VERY much!!! :) Great and clear explanation, I will remember it! :))
Bless u,
Just say the word, butty!
i would like knowing your skype’s address
you know, to practice for a while.
i’m, good speaking english however, i need to improve it
nice lesson Alex!
hey man, i thought iwas just the only one from dominican republic. it`s been a wonderful suprise indeed. keep improving buddy!!
Thanks a lottt !
How can i chat to improve english!
thank you
Hello Alex. I got 90. I appreciate what you are doing, but, could you explain in video différences between impact and influence and also make, have and get if it possibles ?
In advance, thank you.
nice.. gracias, gordito..
Yeah, I definetly started crying when Robb was killed!
Much thanks!
Thank you|! A very helpful video!
Thank you very much alex
Thanks Alex, I feel I’m always learning new things about english here…thanks again
Hey Alex
I want to ask what “Plus” means ’cause sometimes English speakers say it on movies.I know that it has nothing to do with mathematics, I guess it’s just a way of saying…
And they also say I’m done, I’m gone, etc. what’s does it mean?
Try using this website:
There you can find the meaning of all these words you’re looking for.
See you around!
It is useful sir
Only 7 correct… It was not a good score… But the lesson was excellent! :)
Great Job!!!
Very nice lesson, Thanks Alex :)
Thanks very Alex:)
I love your lesson.
i did very great job on your quiz. i got 90 out of 100. WOW. Thanks again.
Heng Lay
No problem! Thanks for your support!
Thank you!! Alex
it is helpful
Thank You for all your help, I would like to have your account on Skype, if it possible
Crystal clear, good job as usual!.
Thanks a lot.
it`s been a good lesson.
thanks alex. by the way i also would like practicing my speaking through skype.
“I started to cry when Robb was killed”
Loved the reference to Game of thrones
Thanks Alex
I have a question:
I started _______________ when Robb was killed.
to cry, crying, or both are okay
Is there difference in meaning between (to cry) and (crying?)
As Emma explained in her other video:
You got 10 correct out of 10 … :D
I think I am starting to improve ..
Thank you very much for the lesson Alex ..
i wann some audio lectures .can i found any way.
can i found audio lectures.please.
thanks for your explanation Alex, your lesson was very interesting and I I’ve learned a lot with it.
Thanks Alex!
Hi, Alex ! Good lesson ! 9 out of 10.
Thanks a lot teacher. Very helpful lesson. Keep doing the best.
thank you soooo much :*
Wow, this video is really interesting, helpful. Thank you for this video!
good work alex,thank you very much.
very helpful Alex! I enjoyed your jokes
thanks Alex.
this lesson is not hilarious, but it is very useful. thanks Alex
Thak you sir, very useful to me
thank you Alex!!!!
Thanks a lot!!! I clarified some doubts with this lesson :)
Hi Alex, I´m bit confused. It seems to me that when we have 02 verbs. The 1ª could be Past, and gerund and 2ª infinitive and gerund. How does it work, is there some rule for this ? If possible, can you make a lesson about 02 verbs together? bye
Thank you…
Thanks a lot o many Thanks!!! Very goos lesson! Cheers
my result was bad , crying
HELP HELP HELP!!Are they the same?
The classroom is dirty,but it is easy to clean.
The classroom is dirty,but it is easy to clean it.
i need your the way i want to thank you for the class you made! it is perfect! i learnt a lot!
Yes, they mean the same thing!
engVid Moderator
Hello Im news in this site
thank you Alex^^
Thanks,it’s amazing
Thanks, your class is very good.
thank you so much sir Alex! 8-10
Hello Alex! I like your videos! I would like that you made a class about meaning and pronunciation about these words: though, thought, tough, through. It’s very complicated for me! Thanks!
thank Alex :)
Thanks Alex!!
Thanks a lot Alex.
Thanks Mr. Alex. You are teachers without border. Thanks again.
It’s a long time since I’ve come at Engvid… and there are some many great changes!! Subtitles, direct links to the website at the end of the lessons… Great job Mister J!!
Thanks it was very clear
First thing i want to say thank you Alex . Second thing to everone here , Let us descision across skype and exchanging infromations among us . My account skype is Stylesaw
Thank you so much Alex, the explanation was terrific as always! I begin understanding when I first learn with you.
Is it grammatically correct to say ‘My car won’t begin to start’?
thanks for this lesson..
Thank you very much, I learn english with ENGVID by myself and absolutly free, I am very happy, You guys really are helping me. I want to thank who created this project. I like your lessons. There are very easily to understand and no compleceted. Thus give us great opportunity to improve our english at home, Thank you! (I apologize for mistakes)
Thank you Alex!
I got 5 correct out of 10 :( OMG! I was confused. haha
I have to review and try the quiz again. I think “start” and “begin” are necessary and I sometimes use.
Thank you, Alex :)
Thank you so much for the helpful lesson. You are so great. I can easily understand what you talk about. I got 7 out of 10. I feel good, though.
Thank you so much.
Thank you Alex. It was very useful to me :)
Sally S
thanks Alex. Hopefully, you will make more lessons in the future…
Nice Lesson… Thank You!
I am in a ambiguous position because I got 6, but my 4 pseudo mistakes were correct answers with BOTH, then I got 10 points, however I am happier than sad. Thanks a lot Alex.
Thank you very much!
Thank you Alex.
thank you so much
Thanks Mr. Alex, got 70%
Abdul Qayum
8/10.. 2 mistakes.. Thanks Alex
yesterday i got 6/10; and today i revise the lesson and i got 10/10 ; i was afraid that i can’t answer well ,, but ,, thanks GOD :)
Ir is good.
Rodrigo Menger
Thanks Alex!!!!
Thank you Alex and I need more about this
I could not understand all about this lesson only after I watched it 2 times. But I am so happy to be able to do English lessons all in spoken English and I can managed to understand these lessons because teachers do speak very clearly and understandably. Thank you very much.
Thanks as always it is great job..
Alex, thank you for this lesson! Everything was clear!
Thank you Alex
hi Alex!
after I watched the video, I noticed it that you didn’t write the first sentences as you said it at the end of the video!
so I got confused!!
He began working here 2 years ago. o
He began to work here 2 years ago.
Which is better????
i think both are okay.
i got 7 out of 10
thank you for this great lesson , iwould like to ask wich one use better in present tense i start to cry or istart crying in some grammer book , they say after start and stop we use a verb + ing i really need an explaination to that please
thank u :)
ann ann
Hi, Alex!
Please, answer me about these pairs:
Can we use the “begin/finish” or “start/end” pairs to designate a beggining and an end of some process, work, competition and so on?
Thank you Alex. I am really learning English with you.
Thank you so much! I just see your video yesterday. I subscribed after that immediately. I really like this web.
but I still have a question: what is difference between “started to work” and “started working” ? and we only use “start or begin” in present continuos tense and past simple tense?
Thank you so much!
Xuan Thanh Thanh
Alex, in the last step you’ve taught that when the begin/start is used as present continous is preferred to use the next verb with infinite form, ok, i got it, so, can I apply this “rule” for the other verbs from list of verbs followed by gerunds (44 verbs with exceptions)? Like verbs advise, can’t bear, continue, hate…?
Thanks Alex It was very usefull and helped me a lot
My answers were correct but I think a BUG happened! For example, I marked “To sing” option in the fourth question, but the correction told me that I marked the “both” option!
The same erro occurs in two browsers, Chrome and Mozzila Firefox!
Thank you very much!
Thanks Alex It was very useful
Thanks Alex you are good teacher …
useful lesson
Thanks Alex!
Jonathas Wilhem
thanks mr alex its was wonderful lesson. thank you again and again
rooble abdillahi
thanks the class was good!
Can you make another class using the same verbs start and begin with gerunds and infinitives? will be cool!!
I don’t believe that i got all right! damn it!
it is helpful
musa latjor
Thank you Mr. Alex; a nice quiz!
Hi Alex, Your videos are excelent as always, thanks alot!
I have a doubt, I heard you using (run out of room) to mean space, what’s the difference between the two of them room and space?
David Nin
best wishes,Alex from Kazakhstan 11 Dec2o21:)
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank you …..yes is really helpful
thank you Alex
Thznks Alex
Thank you Alex!
Thanks Alex for the understandale way you teach us :)
Hi! Alek
May I use “He’s starting annoying me!” because a verb that after start must be used “gerund”.
you should avoid repeating two gerunds. It is better to say : He is starting to annoy me
You’re also using the present continuous form of “start,” which you should follow with an infinitive.
Thank you so much Alex, the explanation was terrific as always!
A few days ago I made a couple of requests for a video about linking words, but I got no evidence that your saw them. I’m kindly ask you to comment, if you did.
I’m still looking forward to watching your video(s). As I previously wrote in other messages, that topic may be useful for almost all non-native speakers.
Thank you for your help in English acquisition one more time!
Nice job, Alex.
When the lesson started, I noticed that it was very good. Now, I´m going to start the quiz.
See you later!
A useful lesson! thanks!
thank uuuuuuuu
10 correct out of 10. Blimey, it was plate full of awesomesauce!!!!!!!
Thanks Alex
Very Good lesson.
Thank you very much :)
What!!! you mean Robb Stark?, I’m starting seeing 3th season today..
No, I think Robb Stark is still okay, don’t worry! Arya, though…
As always a great explanation!!! Everytime I come here I learn something very useful to improve my English skills!
Thanks a billion all of you!!!
Nice lesson,thanks
thank my teacher
ALex you read ARGH in the last quetion.
what Does ARGH mean? and thank you very much for this lesson!
It’s just an exclamation that shows frustration. Kind of like “Oh no!”
Now I see.
When do we use ‘commence’?
When do we use ‘kick off’?
Terrific, Alex!
thanks Alex as always you great
Thank you for the way you give the lessons. I normally don’t register in any web page but this one is interesting!
That’s quite really useful as i haven’t already known when i should use them in proper way. The way of explain was extremely fantastic and quite clear. Thanx a lot Mr.Alex………….
I still have a confuse with them i can not understand what is the different between them , thank you teacher .
Thanks! I got only 70 but I understood my mistakes. Nice lesson!
Please, explain the difference between “each” and “every” if it exists.
Hey kenzoll, you ok? Hope so!
“Each” and “every” mean the same thing and are considered singular nouns so they take singular verbs.
(Note the singular verbs in the following examples.)
If you want to get technical, you can use “each” to emphasize the individual items or people:
#1.: Each car is carefully checked out.
#2.: Inspectors scrutinize each egg to make sure it isn’t cracked.
And you can use “every” to emphasize the larger group:
#1.: Every car should use hybrid technology.
#2.: The Egg Farmers of America want eggs on every table for breakfast.
People often say “each and every” for emphasis, but it is redundant, and I almost always advise brevity when it comes to usage.
Thank you VERY much!!! :) Great and clear explanation, I will remember it! :))
Bless u,
Just say the word, butty!
i would like knowing your skype’s address
you know, to practice for a while.
i’m, good speaking english however, i need to improve it
nice lesson Alex!
hey man, i thought iwas just the only one from dominican republic. it`s been a wonderful suprise indeed. keep improving buddy!!
Thanks a lottt !
How can i chat to improve english!
thank you
Hello Alex. I got 90. I appreciate what you are doing, but, could you explain in video différences between impact and influence and also make, have and get if it possibles ?
In advance, thank you.
nice.. gracias, gordito..
Yeah, I definetly started crying when Robb was killed!
Much thanks!
Thank you|! A very helpful video!
Thank you very much alex
Thanks Alex, I feel I’m always learning new things about english here…thanks again
Hey Alex
I want to ask what “Plus” means ’cause sometimes English speakers say it on movies.I know that it has nothing to do with mathematics, I guess it’s just a way of saying…
And they also say I’m done, I’m gone, etc. what’s does it mean?
Try using this website:
There you can find the meaning of all these words you’re looking for.
See you around!
It is useful sir
Only 7 correct… It was not a good score… But the lesson was excellent! :)
Great Job!!!
Very nice lesson, Thanks Alex :)
Thanks very Alex:)
I love your lesson.
i did very great job on your quiz. i got 90 out of 100. WOW. Thanks again.
Heng Lay
No problem! Thanks for your support!
Thank you!! Alex
it is helpful
Thank You for all your help, I would like to have your account on Skype, if it possible
Crystal clear, good job as usual!.
Thanks a lot.
it`s been a good lesson.
thanks alex. by the way i also would like practicing my speaking through skype.
“I started to cry when Robb was killed”
Loved the reference to Game of thrones
Thanks Alex
I have a question:
I started _______________ when Robb was killed.
to cry, crying, or both are okay
Is there difference in meaning between (to cry) and (crying?)
As Emma explained in her other video:
You got 10 correct out of 10 … :D
I think I am starting to improve ..
Thank you very much for the lesson Alex ..
i wann some audio lectures .can i found any way.
can i found audio lectures.please.
thanks for your explanation Alex, your lesson was very interesting and I I’ve learned a lot with it.
Thanks Alex!
Hi, Alex ! Good lesson ! 9 out of 10.
Thanks a lot teacher. Very helpful lesson. Keep doing the best.
thank you soooo much :*
Wow, this video is really interesting, helpful. Thank you for this video!
good work alex,thank you very much.
very helpful Alex! I enjoyed your jokes
thanks Alex.
this lesson is not hilarious, but it is very useful. thanks Alex
Thak you sir, very useful to me
thank you Alex!!!!
Thanks a lot!!! I clarified some doubts with this lesson :)
Hi Alex, I´m bit confused. It seems to me that when we have 02 verbs. The 1ª could be Past, and gerund and 2ª infinitive and gerund. How does it work, is there some rule for this ? If possible, can you make a lesson about 02 verbs together? bye
Thank you…
Thanks a lot o many Thanks!!! Very goos lesson! Cheers
my result was bad , crying
HELP HELP HELP!!Are they the same?
The classroom is dirty,but it is easy to clean.
The classroom is dirty,but it is easy to clean it.
i need your the way i want to thank you for the class you made! it is perfect! i learnt a lot!
Yes, they mean the same thing!
Hello Im news in this site
thank you Alex^^
Thanks,it’s amazing
Thanks, your class is very good.
thank you so much sir Alex! 8-10
Hello Alex! I like your videos! I would like that you made a class about meaning and pronunciation about these words: though, thought, tough, through. It’s very complicated for me! Thanks!
thank Alex :)
Thanks Alex!!
Thanks a lot Alex.
Thanks Mr. Alex. You are teachers without border. Thanks again.
It’s a long time since I’ve come at Engvid… and there are some many great changes!! Subtitles, direct links to the website at the end of the lessons… Great job Mister J!!
Thanks it was very clear
First thing i want to say thank you Alex . Second thing to everone here , Let us descision across skype and exchanging infromations among us . My account skype is Stylesaw
Thank you so much Alex, the explanation was terrific as always! I begin understanding when I first learn with you.
Is it grammatically correct to say ‘My car won’t begin to start’?
thanks for this lesson..
Thank you very much, I learn english with ENGVID by myself and absolutly free, I am very happy, You guys really are helping me. I want to thank who created this project. I like your lessons. There are very easily to understand and no compleceted. Thus give us great opportunity to improve our english at home, Thank you! (I apologize for mistakes)
Thank you Alex!
I got 5 correct out of 10 :( OMG! I was confused. haha
I have to review and try the quiz again. I think “start” and “begin” are necessary and I sometimes use.
Thank you, Alex :)
Thank you so much for the helpful lesson. You are so great. I can easily understand what you talk about. I got 7 out of 10. I feel good, though.
Thank you so much.
Thank you Alex. It was very useful to me :)
thanks Alex. Hopefully, you will make more lessons in the future…
Nice Lesson… Thank You!
I am in a ambiguous position because I got 6, but my 4 pseudo mistakes were correct answers with BOTH, then I got 10 points, however I am happier than sad. Thanks a lot Alex.
Thank you very much!
Thank you Alex.
thank you so much
Thanks Mr. Alex, got 70%
8/10.. 2 mistakes.. Thanks Alex
yesterday i got 6/10; and today i revise the lesson and i got 10/10 ; i was afraid that i can’t answer well ,, but ,, thanks GOD :)
Ir is good.
Thanks Alex!!!!
Thank you Alex and I need more about this
I could not understand all about this lesson only after I watched it 2 times. But I am so happy to be able to do English lessons all in spoken English and I can managed to understand these lessons because teachers do speak very clearly and understandably. Thank you very much.
Thanks as always it is great job..
Alex, thank you for this lesson! Everything was clear!
Thank you Alex
hi Alex!
after I watched the video, I noticed it that you didn’t write the first sentences as you said it at the end of the video!
so I got confused!!
He began working here 2 years ago. o
He began to work here 2 years ago.
Which is better????
i think both are okay.
i got 7 out of 10
thank you for this great lesson , iwould like to ask wich one use better in present tense i start to cry or istart crying in some grammer book , they say after start and stop we use a verb + ing i really need an explaination to that please
thank u :)
Hi, Alex!
Please, answer me about these pairs:
Can we use the “begin/finish” or “start/end” pairs to designate a beggining and an end of some process, work, competition and so on?
Thank you Alex. I am really learning English with you.
Thank you so much! I just see your video yesterday. I subscribed after that immediately. I really like this web.
but I still have a question: what is difference between “started to work” and “started working” ? and we only use “start or begin” in present continuos tense and past simple tense?
Thank you so much!
Alex, in the last step you’ve taught that when the begin/start is used as present continous is preferred to use the next verb with infinite form, ok, i got it, so, can I apply this “rule” for the other verbs from list of verbs followed by gerunds (44 verbs with exceptions)? Like verbs advise, can’t bear, continue, hate…?
Thanks Alex It was very usefull and helped me a lot
My answers were correct but I think a BUG happened! For example, I marked “To sing” option in the fourth question, but the correction told me that I marked the “both” option!
The same erro occurs in two browsers, Chrome and Mozzila Firefox!
Thank you very much!
Thanks Alex It was very useful
Thanks Alex you are good teacher …
useful lesson
Thanks Alex!
thanks mr alex its was wonderful lesson. thank you again and again
thanks the class was good!
Can you make another class using the same verbs start and begin with gerunds and infinitives? will be cool!!
I don’t believe that i got all right! damn it!
it is helpful
Thank you Mr. Alex; a nice quiz!
Hi Alex, Your videos are excelent as always, thanks alot!
I have a doubt, I heard you using (run out of room) to mean space, what’s the difference between the two of them room and space?
best wishes,Alex from Kazakhstan 11 Dec2o21:)