I´m learning english and these videos are very helpful to me
Suzany Stock
Thank u
Yes you are right
hi,teacher thanks for lesson .
Understandably and clearly. Thank you!
thank u very much…absalute you do me great job…Engllish is a simple language, the more you practice then you achive…may GOD help us Ameen!
I don´t understand the last question the quiz
why the correct aswer is which restaurant did you go to???
That is the correct answer. Otherwise, you would need to say,
To which restaurant did you go?
That sounds too formal so people do not generally use that form. So instead, we add the word “to” at the end.
I know it seems awkward, but it is right. Think of the sentence:
I went to the restaurant.
There, we need to use the preposition “to” after the verb “go”. So when we convert it to a question, we need to add the preposition “to” at the end.
The same happens in these questions:
Who did you go with?
Who did you speak to?
All the best to you, Itzel.
thanx alot you teach us in very good and easyway
sarish khan
thanx alot you teach us in very good way
sarish khan
thanks dear best Rebecca for your nice easy explination i was confused whith why the correct aswer (( which restaurant did you go to??? ))and also How did you go? or
Where did you go? or
How did you go? or
When did you go? or
Why did you go? But now I can tell we ask with TO when we have it already at the question RIGHT ?
In my opinion your profile text should be like this;
I am studying english and I would be happy to contact and communicate people from all over the world to improve it. In addition to my native language swedish I also speak fluently finnish and french. We could discuss about a wide range of topics including politics,life,sports and even sex etc… Feel free to message me.
I also sent you an e-mail about that.
Now I understand ( with “to” at the end)
Hi Rebbeca…Thanks for your explanation. I have always had the doubt when the prepositions “to” and “with” appear at the end of a question.
hello ma’am Rebecca, thank you so much for that information. It help to me a lot.
hello ma’am Rebecca, thank you so much for that information. It help to me a lot.
ma’am… can we also say , With whom did you go ?
with whom did you speak ?or , to whom did you speak ?
How much these sentences are correct ?because i heard many people speaking these things in my country .
Ma’m Rebecca how it’s happened –he work but next one is
You went.the verb is changed
Jack Gangte
very good, i undertand every word! Saludos
Good job Rebecca!
Hello Rebecca!
You always help me the point.
7 correct out of 8
Thank you so much.
Thank you! It was really useful.
i would like to learn
Only 5 correct out of 8, I am really upset.
I have to work hard, before get to late.
Stay cool, you will get it!
All the best, Kumarikaren.
thank you ma’am your a good teacher
Mary Ann
Hey! I got 8 out of 8, but let me ask you one question please
When I was uninstalling my antivirus it showed a message “Why you are uninstalling”
I know this is not past indefinite tense, but could you help me out why sometimes people says Question W + Subject instead of
What/who/why/where + do/does/is/am/are + Subject
like “Who did break the T.V.”
Where is the library
or “Who broke the T.V.”
Where the library is
Thanks for your LESSONS
thank you, rebecca. your videos are necessary!
I got 7 out of 8! :) I had a mistake on number 8, pretty confusing :) but I did understand it well. Tnx Rebecca!
thanks very much…so helpful!
7 correct out of 8
Rebeca, thanks for lesson! :)
Ashu, I think the correct form is “Why are you uninstalling”. There is a mistake.
BUT, if the sentence is like this: “I wonder why you are uninstalling” – the correct is this form.
For the question “Who broke the TV” or “What happened yesterday” – this is the correct form. There is a special rule, I think our teacher can explain it much more better than me. Good luck!
I enjoyed your lessen. thank you.
hi,how r u.its nice lecture.U r right sometime we all will do this mistake.thanks
Yes, we all MAKE this mistake!
Good luck to you, Misbah.
Hi guys! I really wanted to view the videos on my smartphone (andriod ) but it doesn ’t work, what should i do? please tell me if there is a way to view it on my phone. Thank you
nice lesson,,easy to understand,,thnx
Thanks rebeca .
I just missed that I had to use ‘to’ at the end of the question “which restaurant did you go to?” :(.
Thanks a lot .
Thanks, it is helpful!
Thank you so much for this important lesson.
lovely lesson as always, hugs n’ kisses 2 u.
I am learning English from you. These lectures are very helpful and clearly understandable.
Thanks a lot.
Ok…what is the mean “go to” and explainme the difference between go to and go in the last question…
7 correct out of 8
Feeling good
Would you mind if I request you that I want the sound in the video more clearly? Thank you so much for your lesson.
nice lesson i learn some thing from you i like you
very good lesson I take the full mark …
thanks .
Since I don’t know where to ask this question, I’ll post it here. Where is Valen and why did she leave the fantastic crew? I love her voice and the way she explains. Is she going to come back?
I mean, everyone’s good in their own way. Rebecca is, obviously, a very smart woman. My advice to her: Smile more! You look so cute when you do that. :-) James has a sense of humour, which is very important for making a class interesting, Alex is very good with words and he can be funny at times, and Ronnie is the cutie, although I can be annoyed by her clicking sometimes. Jon is a new teacher and I watched only one video with him, so I can’t tell.
I’m watching the whole “video library” from the beginning and writing everything that I don’t know in an exercise book. I am sure I will improve my English that way.
P. S. I saw that some users requested transcripts of your videos because they can’t understand everything. I can help you with it. I am experienced with subtitle editing programs. There is an option on YouTube which allows you to upload closed captions/subtitles, so it’s pretty easy. I will do this as a “thank you” for everything you’ve done so far. If you are interested, of course.
thank you ,,
I got 7 out of 8, not too bad…
Kind regards,
Hello dear Rebecca, how are you? missed you very much teacher…!!!
Thank you for the lessons :)
very useful for me i like it rebecca u r the best !!!!! thanks
from uzbekistan QOBILBEK!!!!
this is very helpful for me…thanks…
Shashi Bhushan
Hi, Rebecca. I wanna ask you, I can useing replace the question How did you go? How you went? or not. and I why did you say in lesson this question? ” what did you do? I think correct what did you go? or not, thank you Rebecca, you are beautiful angel
Thanks for writing. No, you cannot ask,
“How you went?”. You need to say,
How did you go? or
Where did you go? or
How did you go? or
When did you go? or
Why did you go?
Hope this helps!
All the best with your English.
Who did you go with?
this lesson have been very importan for me because i learnd how to ask in enghish.
lisa leger
Good job Rebecca.It very useful for me i like it rebecca you are the best teacher !
These video lessons are fantastic and it easy to learn.
thnx teacher for the lesson
Thank you..
I am in confusion of did,does,do ..I need to learn a lot..It’s my first lesson ^^ Thanks
Keep at it – consult a good grammar book – do lots of practice – and watch some of our many lessons – I’m sure you’ll get it soon!
All the best to you.
Is I am correct..
“Did” and “Didn’t” always use for past tense with all pronoun.. He,She,It,They,We,I,You
“Does” and “Doesn’t” for present tense and Only use with third person singular.. He,She,It..etc
“Do” or “don’t” use for present tense with plural pronoun.. They,we,I,you..?
yay, I’m learning and I got a perfect score with the free exam you gave.. :D
thank you so much :)
very good and helpful
Thank you so much. It’s very useful.
how can i send you a private message? My e-mail is tractoryv@gmail.com. With all my respect. Is for an invitation to practice.
Thank you so much .
hello teacher i m so happy to see your lesson yyour method for learning is very good .AND anway im interesed the learning englich for speaking easly and quickly;finaly please send me your lessons in my email if you want
Thank you my teacher ^_^ , I’ve found these lessons are so useful for me and for students whose want to learn and improve their language.
thanks Miss Rebecca.
Gray Wolf
Hey.. Miss Rebecca thanks for the lesson I am learning a lot =))
thanks theacher
Its really good for learning English. Thanks……
I’m really a big fool, using net for 6 years but never tried earlier, its amazing, i’m really thankful for this easy learning language. thanks a lot Teacher.
very good lesson
in the quiz I have had a mistake in the number 8 but I don’t know why? can you tell me why?
It really nice..I like it.
thanks for the lesson i am learning a lot
really, this is helpful….. thank you
this is a good job done by you MAM, very much help full and informative thanks.
very good lesson
Thanks for lesson Rebecca!
could you please tell me is it right question:
“How many mistakes did I make?”
best regards
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks alot for your lecture.its very helpful. you are a great teacher, thanks for your sharing..and wish you all the best and looking forward to seeing your more lectures in this website..this is my first time to visit in this website..but from now on, i will be your student..Thank you so much!
Shing Mang Tun
i’m getting better and better
Dear Madam,
Thanks for the lesson and guidence.
Could you please advise me whether I can use “why did you go there yesterday” ?
thank you but i want to more explan lessons about agrammer
oh! good job, thanks for your lesson i fan
one mistake. not bad=)
I just got 100% on a quiz :D
Quick question if you don’t mind!
Where did ja comes from I’m always heard American says did ja !
I knew did you can be did ya, what about did ja?
Please keep up the good work.
Dear Teacher: Thank you very much for your good lessons,I am a beginner for studying english, but your teach very clear and easy to make me understant, after this lesson, I think I’ll make good question when I ask.
8 correct out of 8 , thank you teacher
Thank you very much Madam Rebecca.
God Bless You…
Thank you!
I can understand you explanation whithout problems because it´s very clear!!! Thank you very much,Rebecca!!!
Sally S
I’m studding inglish.
this website is very helpful for me.i like it.rebecca teacher !
Thank you for your lesson.
Hello teacher
I want to know a difference between “What might you say?” and “What do you say?” or “What could you ask them?” and “What do you ask them?”
thank you teacher
Hi Rebecca
I want to learn English and I like to start grammar and I sow (Overview of English Verb Tenses) I want which one is the next lesson of this
And please give me some advance how I learn the English and like some Exam also.
Thank you all the teachers
Good! but I think that she can to write on slate!
Erika Reis
Hi madam, this is Gowtham from India.. I thank the whole team for doing such a kind of service.. All your videos are really useful.. In the 2nd question i get a dought, why shld n’t we say Did you finished your work? I get confused where to use ‘ed’.. Can u explain this..
5 correct out of 8 , thank you teacher
What is the difference between:
Did you finshed your homework? and
Did you finsh your homework?
Did you finshed your homework? is grammatically incorrect..bocz fishined should be in the base form ie finish.
thank you for all members of engVid, t’ s very nice to learn english here, my englis is very bad, I know, but I come here to try will be better I hope :)
it works for me ma’am rebecca
do u have video for writting paragraph?
because im too worried about writting paragraph.
we got project and i need to write my autobiography.
thank you miss Rebecca for this useful videos
thank u for ur usefull videos
Thank you very much, there are good teacher.. Cheers
Just starting and I’m very happy.
All the best to everyone
Thanks teacher.
This lesson is helpfull.
It`s clearly . i like it . thanks ^^
thanks for the lesson..it really reminds the small mistakes done in daily routine.
my score: 100.00 I got 8 correct out of 8.
the lesson was very helpful
thank you so much^^
thank you, rebecca. your videos are necessary!
Teacher Rebeca.
Thanks to your lesson and movies, I’am learning English.
But, I can’t get well with the Perfect’ sentences.
Could you help me little with those Tenses?
Thank you,
A. Garcia.
A. Garcia
thanks for the lesson . It’s quite clear.But for the word “who” , is it possible to say “who arrived late?
Thank you.
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi rebacca , i hav one doubt
i went with my brother.
for the above statement which one of the following questions is correct
1) who did you go with?
2) with whom did you go?
if both r correct……how?
Both are correct.
“With whom did you go” is very formal, that’s all.
Walt Whitman
thank you,Rebecca. it’s very useful.
this lession it’s to easy
mario a
Dear Madam,
I have a dought.
Why “pay” is correct?
It is already “paid” know.
this lesson is helping me alot, because I am very weak in English and i need serious help before my exam next year.
Actually these lessons make it easier for everynone to grasp what they learn(including me, of course) Thank you
Thank you for this good job, this web site will help a lot of people like me, to improve the english language.Thank you again.
I got 8 out of 8. Thanx for the lesson..God bless you and this website…
Thanx Teacher Rebecca for a very good explanation!!I got 8 out of 8. God bless you and this website.
thank you….
thank you for this
nice lesson.
Hello Rebecca,
I read a book and I want to tell someone that I enjoy it. Should I write: I enjoyed or enjoy. What is the differenced?
Thank you
Well, I think the answer is pretty easy. If you say “I enjoyed it” you mean: “I read it in the past (two weeks ago, for example) and I enjoyed it”. You use “I enjoy it” in the sentence: “When I read a book I always enjoy it” (it’s a habit, you regularly enjoy reading books). You can also say: “I’m enjoying that book”. In this case, you want to say that you’re reading it these days and you like it very much.
Hope this helps you.
Walt Whitman
Im realy enjoyed your lesson .I hope you all succese in your life thanke you very much
Hi Rebbeca,
I like how you teach English in your videos!
I am going to Toronto next year to improve my English so I’d like to know where do you live?
thanks mss rebecca
thank you for your video. it make me understand.
Hi Rebecca,
I teach English as you do, but (unfortunately?) I’m Italian; I mean, I have always a lot of doubts about this wonderful language. Since I want my students to speak English in class, they often ask me for permission to speak their mother tongue. They say: Can we speak Italian?
Well, I sometimes feel something is wrong with that question. Isn’t it more correct to ask: can we speak IN Italian?
I also think they may be right because they aren’t actually asking themselves if they are able to speak their mother tongue. They’re simply asking for permission to use it.
I’m a bit confused. Could you please help me?
Walt Whitman
hi walt,
sorry to interrupt. i think ‘can’ could also mean ‘may’ in many situations. i’m an english teacher as well n (unfortunately) not native.. ;)
You are an excellent and nice teacher!…me piache.
Hi Rebecca,thanks to you.
I have a small problem with some verbs,please would you tell the witch verbs can i use with on or in,at (verb + on/on/at).
I´m learning english every day! These videos are very helpful to me
Hello Rebecca,
I’m a little bit confused. could more of this example show?
I like to thanks Rebecca. Did is a majic word to speak English. It has bring more confedence in me speak english You are very good tutor
thank you
Manu Mody
Manu Mody
I got 7 out of 8. I was a little bit confused with the number 8. Could you please give more examples? thank you…
yes,i understood your session but,if we use HAs/have to raise question.then how these two context will differ?
Thank you very much, you are huge teacher.
hello rebac
very interesting class..
“did you study?”
you are a wonderful teacher,I like the way you teach!!
thanks alot
Very nice…. Helpful thanks a lot.
hi iam confuse about the last one can you explain pleas
thank u very much
thanks teacher
Hi Rebecca,
Trust that everything is fine at your end. I would like to know which of the verbs don’t go with auxiliary verbs. For example:
1) He is come –> Correct one: He has come
2) He is gone –> Correct one: He has gone
I don’t know why item (1) and (2) are incorrect.
Similarly, I am confused with question formation
1) Is he come? –> It is incorrect
2) Has he come?
3) Did he come?
why item (1) is incorrect? and what scenarios item (2) and item(3) are used?
I Hope that you will clarify my queries
Thank you for this lesson, you are a good teatcher
Thank you!
Thank you very much Rebecca. It’s kind of you to give us these interesting lessons.
Best regards.
thanks a lot
Hello Rebecca. I´m improving my Enghish, thanks to your excellent videos. You have natural skills to be an excellent teacher and together with your very good knowledges, the results for students like me, are amazing and much appreciated.
Please keep releasing additional videos like you are doing.
Many thanks
I got 8 out of 8
These videos are very helpful to me . I am preparing for ‘IELTS’ At home.
Thanks Teacher !
Thank you for your lesson. I try to use your way of explanation for my students at Russian school in Siberia.
hi. Rebecca, i am an English teacher, i worked 2 year, and i marred, and next year i will work again, i forgot almost everything, how to begin? with from i have to begin yo know well? please write me, i am from Azerbaijan
HI,Rebecca!Thnak you very much for your great job!before i hated english grammar, but now you gave me a hope, thank you!But if its possibile please explain Present Perfect Continuos tense?thank you!
Thank Rebecca good work..now i become more confident to create a question
soo cool vids :)
i got a perfect score. thank you Ms. Rebecca you’re such an amazing teacher i learned a lot. ;)
roselle fajardo.
Thank you, Ms. Rebecca. I don’t believe this website is free.
thank you rebacca last one my incorrect i don’t know what ???????
ple help me
thank you for teacher’s lesson
I will learn your lesson by heart
thank you so much teacher :)
Mohammad Farooq
hi Rebecca . yes it’s really agood explanation about the past tense.
it is very helpful me
thank you
it is very helpful me
Really you are a good teacher who can teach to us in right way. thank you very much. Goodnight.
thanks mam.
thaks a lot
this program of yours help me and other to improve our english. thanks to engvid. more power!
thanks mam. your a good teacher
Hi everyone, i’m new here. My English is not good but i want to speak English fluently. thanks a lot this website.
how the difference of
Which restaurant did you go? and Which restaurant did you go to?
thank you very much for expression.
Thanks Rebecca ,it’s wonderful Teaching .God bless you.Wishing you the best day.
thank you so much..
Many of my friends asked me questions like “Did u saw ur result?” and “how did u saw that??” r they rigth? i think it is “did u see ur result and how did u see..” which is the correct one?? r both the senntenses correct?
hope i get clear it!
how did u learn English is it easy?
Thank you teacher for this lesson.you don’t know how did I love it.did is it correct.
Rissa ag Abdoulay
Million thank for yuo EngVid
I don’t believe this website is free)))
tank you great job
What did he work? What the fuck is that for christs sake ??? Great lesson in how to double check our work! Now gimmie o coffe and fuck off!
Dennis Leary
I really need help,I don’t know how to make sentence use the past tense verb..
Hi .It is me fist.
Thank you teacher.your lesson is very helpful..
hi madam,
i really apprecite your lesson.its quite interesting and simple to understand. thanks a lot.
hi madam,
i am thaer ghannam from Palestine i want to ask u about an Exercise we have in our book in university :
ASk Questions :
talk to friend of yours and find out through questions information about :
1. what time he usually leaves in the morning .
i answer it like this :
when do you leave in the morning ?
but why they dont remove the (s) from (leaves) ????
Hello Rebecca! Very clear and good your work. Thanks.
Hello Rebecca,
Everyday I study and watch your lessons. I spend two hours per a day. I started from the beginner lessons, they are very helpful. Just I wonder when will be I able to speak with confidence :)
thank teacher. its nice
naha khan
thank teacher. its nice
Thanks a lot.
Do I say ,for example : ” I think it’s about time you (left). ” or do I say : ” I think it’s about time you (leave). ?
Your help would be greatly appreciated
10 correct answer out of 10!!! yeeesss!!!! I’m amazing girl))) thank you Rebecca!!!
than you so much.very good for me.you good teacher for me.
i hope u can make a video for showing the difference between past continous and past simple and also the present simple & continous , the present perfect & past perfect
Isalm (loma)
Hi i just want to now. I think i am confuse.
In past tence
We have to use 2nd form with did( yes or no)
Please clear me
Did you finish your homework. Or. Did you finished your homework
Thanks a lot! :)
It was very good, but what do you need to know how to speak and read English?
Clarice Rwakabuba
Hello Rebecca, thank you for this lesson.
Here in first question I marked- what you did yesterday?
but the answer is- what did you do yesterday?
what rule I missed? kindly explain it?
Thanks again
7 correct out of 8.
Thank you very much. I will study with you next lessons.
a bundlle of thanks to you mam..
thats really much helpfull for every one biggners likewise for seniors too..
Thank you!
I only got 7 correct out of 8. The question number 2 confused me. But well I love the video. Thank you for helping us.
Looking forward for more video especially on how to write english in the correct grammar.
thank you :)
Thnx alot realy helpfull
Sumit gautam
thanks a lot Rebecca :)..i got all the answers correct…
Thank you ms Robaca
Hi Ms,
When I ask past tense questions, may I form questions without “did”?
For example
Why you called?
What you bought?
What you did?
I did it ^^ 8 of 8. Thank you very much!!!
My result 5 of 8, 63%
Thanks a lot!
The comments is the verb to be Past Simple Thank you
Thank you for this lesson.I’m improving my English,excelent video.Take care-teacher’s.
this is tuan phan. i ve been visiting this website, but i think there was a little problem on pronunciation, and vowels. so in my opinion, english vowels are very important for listening, also speaking. on the other hands, missing vowels can make different in English studying.
I did 7 to 8. Thank you teacher Rebecca.
I have got 7 correct out of 8. The question number 8 surprise me. It is good lesson!
Thank you!
are you single teacher, I would like to invite you to go out, let me know, ,,,lol
engVid Moderator
wow I’ve got 8 out of 8..thank to you teacher Rebecca you make this easy lesson more easier
hi Thank you video for basic question :)
xavier merino
I like engvid
It’s helpfull
Thank you
8 ot ouf 8 !!!
Thank you so much! :D
thanks for lesson it was so good
very much good
Hi teacher,i recently joined this site.
Did you had your dinner?OR
Did you have your dinner?
witch is correct.pls reply
thank you rebecca for teach a lesson kindly and sweetly.
thank you and i love your lessons …….
thanks. I injoy it. I like your lesson. I hope one day I can speak good english.
I would like to thank you for help many people to enhance their english language.
i got 7/8. i didn’t understand the last one .why it is required to add to at the end .
thank you Rebecca for the explanation. and i got 100 out of 100 in simple past tense asking questions.
thanks, Rebecca. It was so easy. You are master of explaining!
I’m little english but 8 at 8 correct.thanks rebecca.
howover, I can write.I can’t talk to english
Thank you Rebecca!! You are a very good teacher!!
8/8 thank you Rebecca !
good teachings
I clear my mind with this video.
Angela J.
which one is correct:
“who organized this party?”
“who did organize this party?”
Mam, iam in trouble coz wen i solved choose right tense ten got out out but in this got very low.in short am not going proper way .plz tel me proper way.& thanks for COACING.
Thank you so much.
hi id’nt understand this any body tell me what should i do
Pls am confused i cant watch the video on my nokia c1 phone pls anybody 2 guide me. Thanks. You can send it through my email adelekemutiatadenike@gmail.com
plzz I need ur help my english….bt my english is very bad…..thnkzz
thnkzz for ur time!!!!!!!!
like thiss
I’m very happy I got 100% thank you for this lesson
I have one mistake thank you rabica.
I don´t like how you teaching ….
you have to make more examples
Wow thanks teacher because you make me understand all of them. :)
This quiz was a little difficult, but I got only one wrong! :)
Thank you very much!!!! Very clear and helpful lesson.
I got 7\8
thanks a lot
You explain very clearly, thanks.
Thank you very much Rebecca,
But i want ti ask,I am following your lessons can i register for TOEFL exam after studying all your lessons?
Please answer me fast because i am already registered for the exam.
Hi Rebecca,
Instead of asking “Who did you go with?”, can I ask like this “Whom did you go?”.
2)Please, let me know if the following question is correct.
“Didn’t they finish the work, yesterday?”
I knew the answer of last question, but the computer did not give me this to do. :(
thanks Rebecca.
which one is correct and why ?(simple present tense)
where you are from ? or where are you from ?
Hi Rebecca,
I wanna ask you if the following sentence is grammatically correct
Where were you yesterday?
Hi thank you I have a question Is it correct Did you go to the park, yes I did go to the part. peaope uses like I did go
i got 7 out of 8 .The last question was a little bit confusing.but now i understood.i like your nice way of explanation
Thanks a lot!
you are a great teacher
Thanks you MS Robaca
Thanks you MRS Rebecca, I am so happy, your lecture is so understandable,
Abdul Auwal
Hi Rebecca, I have a problem,I can’t make the difference,how is correct, Why didn’t you leave ? or Why you didn’t leave ?
Hi Rebecca,
pls suggest ” What did you do to go their ? ”
is it correct.
Hi Rebecca,
pls suggest ” What did you do to go their ? ”
or ” What did you do to went their ? ”
which one is correct.
Thank you Rrebecca. You videos is very helpful.
Thanks,Rebbeca. I am liking this site so far. Keep up the good work.
Hi Rebecca,
thanks for your great explanantion.
Your lessons are very useful and help me improve
my English
Many thanks again and again , very easy and helpful
i have got 8 correct out of 8.
That is because of the very good explanation as usually from you my teacher Ms. Rebecca.
thank you mrs rebecca i have learned a lesson from you
Abdulwahid ali
HI ma’am…Thank a lot for the lessons…I like the way you explain the topics..please do upload more videos…..
thank you teacher. it’s help me
I got 100. Thanks for good lesson and very good quiz…
It helps me a lot!But I have to practice the other basic tenses more.Anyways I understand your lesson clearly. -xoxo <3
Helping me a lot to get better.
I shoulda listen first before taking the quiz LOL. Thank you Ms. Rebecca :)
Dear Rebecca thanks for this interesting lesson really you are a great teacher.I enjoy
very much with your class . Sincerely Capricubana.
Thank you Rebecca, really helps.
thank you
z tizazu
its simply superb:-)
Hi Rebeca
thanks for that.
Can you explain me about this tens sentence.
e.g I Am workED hard in this factory.
Subject + Tobe + Past tens
Thanks again
Thanks Rebecca!!!
Thank you very much Rebecca!extremly helpfull and super easy to understand
Dear Rebecca,
Lesson, simple, clear, and accurate. Thank you.
Best regards.
This teacher is very good! Thank you!
It’s Great……:)
Thank you teacher
Very helpful, thanks teacher!
it”s very helpfull lesson..thanks!
Thank you for your help Rebecca. All the best for you !
Thank you
Thank you very much.
Thank you so much Rebecca
Thanks teacher, i got 8/8
With respect to 8th Question, why option c is not the correct answer?????
Prajwal RL
yey! i got it all correctly! thanks ma’am Rebecca.
Thanks alot Miss,your lessons are really awsome,please give lecture on past perfect progressive.
i love this vedio,it really helpful.Thank you
Thanks a lot for this lesson
Thanks, Rebecca. It’s helpful lesson.
Thank you , Rebecca!
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
rebecca…. i have one question.. “can i come with you ” or “do i come with you” and “do i have it” or “can i have it”…. while you plz slove my confusion
Thank you so much Rebbeca for helping me to improve my English? Could you help me pls that I have a dilemma what is different between two of sentences and because we use HAVE in one of them and not in the other sentence
-Your collegue JUST RETURNED from a holiday …
-Your parents HAVE JUST RETURNED from en evening out…
these are by the best resources I’ve ever had.
david donaldo
i got 7 out of 8 i mistek last one
mirwais sahebzada
hi,teacher thanks for lesson .
Es-Salam Aleykum Rebecca!My score 100!
thank you very helpful
thank you
Shoug Alshamrri
Oh Gosh, Past tense is terrible! I have to study a lot.
This was an important lesson.
Thanks a lot!
thank you this is so helpful
Thankes i got 8 out of 8
This is awesome.
Hi told me you were gone back to US. what tence we use here?
hello . i get 88 percent i failed in last question
please could you provide us more explication please
your best wishes
raid abdellah
Hi , I really need you’re help to correct this exercice please :
it’s correct to say:
I was waiting for you to show up .You are late .
They wrote a ton of e-mails to him but he almost never replies
bla bla bla
Ms. Rebeca. your esplanation the class, I’m learning, each day more and more, your method is fantastico, thankyou.I’m very happy.
Thank you Ms.Rebeca your esplanation the class, I’m learning, each day more and more, your method is fantastico, thankyou.I’m very happy
Thank you Rebecca
I got 7/8! Beautiful lesson!
I liked the video!
Thanks ! Good One… I Really Appreciate Your Efforts That You Give Us :)
Now I am sure about the posibility of self-learning thanks
Hi mam iam trying to practice but am disappointed .I can’t get correct anwers.what i will do to learn english grammar
Hi mam iam trying to practice but am disappointed .I can’t get correct anwers.what i will do to learn english grammar.whether can i able to learn?
Thanks a lot for your great theaching
You got 7 correct out of 8.
thank you…
M kartal
Thank You so much
natanael s da costa
Rebecca, you are the best!!
thanks Rebecca, each lesson it`s very important for me,even this one with level for beginners. Thanks a lot to this website and their lessons and programs, I am improving little by little my English for TOEFL exam.
I have seen all the lessons of Emma and Ronnie,they are amazing,and now I am finishing with Rebecca´s lessons,more than 80 lessons but very useful for me,she is very good too.
only grammar I wanted to say.
Dr _Nawal
Ohhh, Thanks
Thank you
Kunjan Diyora
Thank you very much I got 88%
Damene Molla
Thank you so much Teacher.
San Niang
Thank you so much 10/10
San Niang
Thanks so much
San Niang
Thank you very much mam.
Thank you Rebecca.
I got 7/8
Thank you I liked
Thank you Rebeca.
Love from Bangladesh.
Md Mostafizur Rahman
Thanks dear teacher, each of your lesson is very important for me, I got 7 correct out of 8.
Abdul Salam Qaderi
I watched this video twice on September 06, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got seven out of 8.
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I´m learning english and these videos are very helpful to me
Thank u
Yes you are right
hi,teacher thanks for lesson .
Understandably and clearly. Thank you!
thank u very much…absalute you do me great job…Engllish is a simple language, the more you practice then you achive…may GOD help us Ameen!
I don´t understand the last question the quiz
why the correct aswer is which restaurant did you go to???
That is the correct answer. Otherwise, you would need to say,
To which restaurant did you go?
That sounds too formal so people do not generally use that form. So instead, we add the word “to” at the end.
I know it seems awkward, but it is right. Think of the sentence:
I went to the restaurant.
There, we need to use the preposition “to” after the verb “go”. So when we convert it to a question, we need to add the preposition “to” at the end.
The same happens in these questions:
Who did you go with?
Who did you speak to?
All the best to you, Itzel.
thanx alot you teach us in very good and easyway
thanx alot you teach us in very good way
thanks dear best Rebecca for your nice easy explination i was confused whith why the correct aswer (( which restaurant did you go to??? ))and also How did you go? or
Where did you go? or
How did you go? or
When did you go? or
Why did you go? But now I can tell we ask with TO when we have it already at the question RIGHT ?
In my opinion your profile text should be like this;
I am studying english and I would be happy to contact and communicate people from all over the world to improve it. In addition to my native language swedish I also speak fluently finnish and french. We could discuss about a wide range of topics including politics,life,sports and even sex etc… Feel free to message me.
I also sent you an e-mail about that.
Now I understand ( with “to” at the end)
Hi Rebbeca…Thanks for your explanation. I have always had the doubt when the prepositions “to” and “with” appear at the end of a question.
hello ma’am Rebecca, thank you so much for that information. It help to me a lot.
hello ma’am Rebecca, thank you so much for that information. It help to me a lot.
ma’am… can we also say , With whom did you go ?
with whom did you speak ?or , to whom did you speak ?
How much these sentences are correct ?because i heard many people speaking these things in my country .
Ma’m Rebecca how it’s happened –he work but next one is
You went.the verb is changed
very good, i undertand every word! Saludos
Good job Rebecca!
Hello Rebecca!
You always help me the point.
7 correct out of 8
Thank you so much.
Thank you! It was really useful.
i would like to learn
Only 5 correct out of 8, I am really upset.
I have to work hard, before get to late.
Stay cool, you will get it!
All the best, Kumarikaren.
thank you ma’am your a good teacher
Hey! I got 8 out of 8, but let me ask you one question please
When I was uninstalling my antivirus it showed a message “Why you are uninstalling”
I know this is not past indefinite tense, but could you help me out why sometimes people says Question W + Subject instead of
What/who/why/where + do/does/is/am/are + Subject
like “Who did break the T.V.”
Where is the library
or “Who broke the T.V.”
Where the library is
Thanks for your LESSONS
thank you, rebecca. your videos are necessary!
I got 7 out of 8! :) I had a mistake on number 8, pretty confusing :) but I did understand it well. Tnx Rebecca!
thanks very much…so helpful!
7 correct out of 8
Rebeca, thanks for lesson! :)
Ashu, I think the correct form is “Why are you uninstalling”. There is a mistake.
BUT, if the sentence is like this: “I wonder why you are uninstalling” – the correct is this form.
For the question “Who broke the TV” or “What happened yesterday” – this is the correct form. There is a special rule, I think our teacher can explain it much more better than me. Good luck!
I enjoyed your lessen. thank you.
hi,how r u.its nice lecture.U r right sometime we all will do this mistake.thanks
Yes, we all MAKE this mistake!
Good luck to you, Misbah.
Hi guys! I really wanted to view the videos on my smartphone (andriod ) but it doesn ’t work, what should i do? please tell me if there is a way to view it on my phone. Thank you
nice lesson,,easy to understand,,thnx
Thanks rebeca .
I just missed that I had to use ‘to’ at the end of the question “which restaurant did you go to?” :(.
Thanks a lot .
Thanks, it is helpful!
Thank you so much for this important lesson.
lovely lesson as always, hugs n’ kisses 2 u.
I am learning English from you. These lectures are very helpful and clearly understandable.
Thanks a lot.
Ok…what is the mean “go to” and explainme the difference between go to and go in the last question…
7 correct out of 8
Feeling good
Would you mind if I request you that I want the sound in the video more clearly? Thank you so much for your lesson.
nice lesson i learn some thing from you i like you
very good lesson I take the full mark …
thanks .
Since I don’t know where to ask this question, I’ll post it here. Where is Valen and why did she leave the fantastic crew? I love her voice and the way she explains. Is she going to come back?
I mean, everyone’s good in their own way. Rebecca is, obviously, a very smart woman. My advice to her: Smile more! You look so cute when you do that. :-) James has a sense of humour, which is very important for making a class interesting, Alex is very good with words and he can be funny at times, and Ronnie is the cutie, although I can be annoyed by her clicking sometimes. Jon is a new teacher and I watched only one video with him, so I can’t tell.
I’m watching the whole “video library” from the beginning and writing everything that I don’t know in an exercise book. I am sure I will improve my English that way.
P. S. I saw that some users requested transcripts of your videos because they can’t understand everything. I can help you with it. I am experienced with subtitle editing programs. There is an option on YouTube which allows you to upload closed captions/subtitles, so it’s pretty easy. I will do this as a “thank you” for everything you’ve done so far. If you are interested, of course.
thank you ,,
I got 7 out of 8, not too bad…
Kind regards,
Hello dear Rebecca, how are you? missed you very much teacher…!!!
Thank you for the lessons :)
very useful for me i like it rebecca u r the best !!!!! thanks
from uzbekistan QOBILBEK!!!!
this is very helpful for me…thanks…
Hi, Rebecca. I wanna ask you, I can useing replace the question How did you go? How you went? or not. and I why did you say in lesson this question? ” what did you do? I think correct what did you go? or not, thank you Rebecca, you are beautiful angel
Thanks for writing. No, you cannot ask,
“How you went?”. You need to say,
How did you go? or
Where did you go? or
How did you go? or
When did you go? or
Why did you go?
Hope this helps!
All the best with your English.
Who did you go with?
this lesson have been very importan for me because i learnd how to ask in enghish.
Good job Rebecca.It very useful for me i like it rebecca you are the best teacher !
These video lessons are fantastic and it easy to learn.
thnx teacher for the lesson
Thank you..
I am in confusion of did,does,do ..I need to learn a lot..It’s my first lesson ^^ Thanks
Keep at it – consult a good grammar book – do lots of practice – and watch some of our many lessons – I’m sure you’ll get it soon!
All the best to you.
Is I am correct..
“Did” and “Didn’t” always use for past tense with all pronoun.. He,She,It,They,We,I,You
“Does” and “Doesn’t” for present tense and Only use with third person singular.. He,She,It..etc
“Do” or “don’t” use for present tense with plural pronoun.. They,we,I,you..?
yay, I’m learning and I got a perfect score with the free exam you gave.. :D
thank you so much :)
very good and helpful
Thank you so much. It’s very useful.
how can i send you a private message? My e-mail is tractoryv@gmail.com. With all my respect. Is for an invitation to practice.
Thank you so much .
hello teacher i m so happy to see your lesson yyour method for learning is very good .AND anway im interesed the learning englich for speaking easly and quickly;finaly please send me your lessons in my email if you want
Thank you my teacher ^_^ , I’ve found these lessons are so useful for me and for students whose want to learn and improve their language.
thanks Miss Rebecca.
Hey.. Miss Rebecca thanks for the lesson I am learning a lot =))
thanks theacher
Its really good for learning English. Thanks……
I’m really a big fool, using net for 6 years but never tried earlier, its amazing, i’m really thankful for this easy learning language. thanks a lot Teacher.
very good lesson
in the quiz I have had a mistake in the number 8 but I don’t know why? can you tell me why?
It really nice..I like it.
thanks for the lesson i am learning a lot
really, this is helpful….. thank you
this is a good job done by you MAM, very much help full and informative thanks.
very good lesson
Thanks for lesson Rebecca!
could you please tell me is it right question:
“How many mistakes did I make?”
best regards
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks alot for your lecture.its very helpful. you are a great teacher, thanks for your sharing..and wish you all the best and looking forward to seeing your more lectures in this website..this is my first time to visit in this website..but from now on, i will be your student..Thank you so much!
i’m getting better and better
Dear Madam,
Thanks for the lesson and guidence.
Could you please advise me whether I can use “why did you go there yesterday” ?
thank you but i want to more explan lessons about agrammer
oh! good job, thanks for your lesson i fan
one mistake. not bad=)
I just got 100% on a quiz :D
Quick question if you don’t mind!
Where did ja comes from I’m always heard American says did ja !
I knew did you can be did ya, what about did ja?
Please keep up the good work.
Dear Teacher: Thank you very much for your good lessons,I am a beginner for studying english, but your teach very clear and easy to make me understant, after this lesson, I think I’ll make good question when I ask.
8 correct out of 8 , thank you teacher
Thank you very much Madam Rebecca.
God Bless You…
Thank you!
I can understand you explanation whithout problems because it´s very clear!!! Thank you very much,Rebecca!!!
I’m studding inglish.
this website is very helpful for me.i like it.rebecca teacher !
Thank you for your lesson.
Hello teacher
I want to know a difference between “What might you say?” and “What do you say?” or “What could you ask them?” and “What do you ask them?”
thank you teacher
Hi Rebecca
I want to learn English and I like to start grammar and I sow (Overview of English Verb Tenses) I want which one is the next lesson of this
And please give me some advance how I learn the English and like some Exam also.
Thank you all the teachers
Good! but I think that she can to write on slate!
Hi madam, this is Gowtham from India.. I thank the whole team for doing such a kind of service.. All your videos are really useful.. In the 2nd question i get a dought, why shld n’t we say Did you finished your work? I get confused where to use ‘ed’.. Can u explain this..
5 correct out of 8 , thank you teacher
What is the difference between:
Did you finshed your homework? and
Did you finsh your homework?
Did you finshed your homework? is grammatically incorrect..bocz fishined should be in the base form ie finish.
thank you for all members of engVid, t’ s very nice to learn english here, my englis is very bad, I know, but I come here to try will be better I hope :)
it works for me ma’am rebecca
do u have video for writting paragraph?
because im too worried about writting paragraph.
we got project and i need to write my autobiography.
thank you miss Rebecca for this useful videos
thank u for ur usefull videos
Thank you very much, there are good teacher.. Cheers
Just starting and I’m very happy.
All the best to everyone
Thanks teacher.
This lesson is helpfull.
It`s clearly . i like it . thanks ^^
thanks for the lesson..it really reminds the small mistakes done in daily routine.
my score: 100.00 I got 8 correct out of 8.
the lesson was very helpful
thank you so much^^
thank you, rebecca. your videos are necessary!
Teacher Rebeca.
Thanks to your lesson and movies, I’am learning English.
But, I can’t get well with the Perfect’ sentences.
Could you help me little with those Tenses?
Thank you,
A. Garcia.
thanks for the lesson . It’s quite clear.But for the word “who” , is it possible to say “who arrived late?
Thank you.
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi rebacca , i hav one doubt
i went with my brother.
for the above statement which one of the following questions is correct
1) who did you go with?
2) with whom did you go?
if both r correct……how?
Both are correct.
“With whom did you go” is very formal, that’s all.
Walt Whitman
thank you,Rebecca. it’s very useful.
this lession it’s to easy
Dear Madam,
I have a dought.
Why “pay” is correct?
It is already “paid” know.
this lesson is helping me alot, because I am very weak in English and i need serious help before my exam next year.
Actually these lessons make it easier for everynone to grasp what they learn(including me, of course) Thank you
Thank you for this good job, this web site will help a lot of people like me, to improve the english language.Thank you again.
I got 8 out of 8. Thanx for the lesson..God bless you and this website…
Thanx Teacher Rebecca for a very good explanation!!I got 8 out of 8. God bless you and this website.
thank you….
thank you for this
nice lesson.
Hello Rebecca,
I read a book and I want to tell someone that I enjoy it. Should I write: I enjoyed or enjoy. What is the differenced?
Thank you
Well, I think the answer is pretty easy. If you say “I enjoyed it” you mean: “I read it in the past (two weeks ago, for example) and I enjoyed it”. You use “I enjoy it” in the sentence: “When I read a book I always enjoy it” (it’s a habit, you regularly enjoy reading books). You can also say: “I’m enjoying that book”. In this case, you want to say that you’re reading it these days and you like it very much.
Hope this helps you.
Walt Whitman
Im realy enjoyed your lesson .I hope you all succese in your life thanke you very much
Hi Rebbeca,
I like how you teach English in your videos!
I am going to Toronto next year to improve my English so I’d like to know where do you live?
thanks mss rebecca
thank you for your video. it make me understand.
Hi Rebecca,
I teach English as you do, but (unfortunately?) I’m Italian; I mean, I have always a lot of doubts about this wonderful language. Since I want my students to speak English in class, they often ask me for permission to speak their mother tongue. They say: Can we speak Italian?
Well, I sometimes feel something is wrong with that question. Isn’t it more correct to ask: can we speak IN Italian?
I also think they may be right because they aren’t actually asking themselves if they are able to speak their mother tongue. They’re simply asking for permission to use it.
I’m a bit confused. Could you please help me?
Walt Whitman
hi walt,
sorry to interrupt. i think ‘can’ could also mean ‘may’ in many situations. i’m an english teacher as well n (unfortunately) not native.. ;)
You are an excellent and nice teacher!…me piache.
Hi Rebecca,thanks to you.
I have a small problem with some verbs,please would you tell the witch verbs can i use with on or in,at (verb + on/on/at).
I´m learning english every day! These videos are very helpful to me
Hello Rebecca,
I’m a little bit confused. could more of this example show?
I like to thanks Rebecca. Did is a majic word to speak English. It has bring more confedence in me speak english You are very good tutor
thank you
Manu Mody
I got 7 out of 8. I was a little bit confused with the number 8. Could you please give more examples? thank you…
yes,i understood your session but,if we use HAs/have to raise question.then how these two context will differ?
Thank you very much, you are huge teacher.
hello rebac
very interesting class..
“did you study?”
you are a wonderful teacher,I like the way you teach!!
thanks alot
Very nice…. Helpful thanks a lot.
hi iam confuse about the last one can you explain pleas
thank u very much
thanks teacher
Hi Rebecca,
Trust that everything is fine at your end. I would like to know which of the verbs don’t go with auxiliary verbs. For example:
1) He is come –> Correct one: He has come
2) He is gone –> Correct one: He has gone
I don’t know why item (1) and (2) are incorrect.
Similarly, I am confused with question formation
1) Is he come? –> It is incorrect
2) Has he come?
3) Did he come?
why item (1) is incorrect? and what scenarios item (2) and item(3) are used?
I Hope that you will clarify my queries
Thank you for this lesson, you are a good teatcher
Thank you!
Thank you very much Rebecca. It’s kind of you to give us these interesting lessons.
Best regards.
thanks a lot
Hello Rebecca. I´m improving my Enghish, thanks to your excellent videos. You have natural skills to be an excellent teacher and together with your very good knowledges, the results for students like me, are amazing and much appreciated.
Please keep releasing additional videos like you are doing.
Many thanks
I got 8 out of 8
These videos are very helpful to me . I am preparing for ‘IELTS’ At home.
Thanks Teacher !
Thank you for your lesson. I try to use your way of explanation for my students at Russian school in Siberia.
hi. Rebecca, i am an English teacher, i worked 2 year, and i marred, and next year i will work again, i forgot almost everything, how to begin? with from i have to begin yo know well? please write me, i am from Azerbaijan
HI,Rebecca!Thnak you very much for your great job!before i hated english grammar, but now you gave me a hope, thank you!But if its possibile please explain Present Perfect Continuos tense?thank you!
Thank Rebecca good work..now i become more confident to create a question
soo cool vids :)
i got a perfect score. thank you Ms. Rebecca you’re such an amazing teacher i learned a lot. ;)
Thank you, Ms. Rebecca. I don’t believe this website is free.
thank you rebacca last one my incorrect i don’t know what ???????
ple help me
thank you for teacher’s lesson
I will learn your lesson by heart
thank you so much teacher :)
hi Rebecca . yes it’s really agood explanation about the past tense.
it is very helpful me
thank you
it is very helpful me
Really you are a good teacher who can teach to us in right way. thank you very much. Goodnight.
thanks mam.
thaks a lot
this program of yours help me and other to improve our english. thanks to engvid. more power!
thanks mam. your a good teacher
Hi everyone, i’m new here. My English is not good but i want to speak English fluently. thanks a lot this website.
how the difference of
Which restaurant did you go? and Which restaurant did you go to?
thank you very much for expression.
Thanks Rebecca ,it’s wonderful Teaching .God bless you.Wishing you the best day.
thank you so much..
Many of my friends asked me questions like “Did u saw ur result?” and “how did u saw that??” r they rigth? i think it is “did u see ur result and how did u see..” which is the correct one?? r both the senntenses correct?
hope i get clear it!
how did u learn English is it easy?
Thank you teacher for this lesson.you don’t know how did I love it.did is it correct.
Million thank for yuo EngVid
I don’t believe this website is free)))
tank you great job
What did he work? What the fuck is that for christs sake ??? Great lesson in how to double check our work! Now gimmie o coffe and fuck off!
I really need help,I don’t know how to make sentence use the past tense verb..
Hi .It is me fist.
Thank you teacher.your lesson is very helpful..
hi madam,
i really apprecite your lesson.its quite interesting and simple to understand. thanks a lot.
hi madam,
i am thaer ghannam from Palestine i want to ask u about an Exercise we have in our book in university :
ASk Questions :
talk to friend of yours and find out through questions information about :
1. what time he usually leaves in the morning .
i answer it like this :
when do you leave in the morning ?
but why they dont remove the (s) from (leaves) ????
Hello Rebecca! Very clear and good your work. Thanks.
Hello Rebecca,
Everyday I study and watch your lessons. I spend two hours per a day. I started from the beginner lessons, they are very helpful. Just I wonder when will be I able to speak with confidence :)
thank teacher. its nice
thank teacher. its nice
Thanks a lot.
Do I say ,for example : ” I think it’s about time you (left). ” or do I say : ” I think it’s about time you (leave). ?
Your help would be greatly appreciated
10 correct answer out of 10!!! yeeesss!!!! I’m amazing girl))) thank you Rebecca!!!
than you so much.very good for me.you good teacher for me.
i hope u can make a video for showing the difference between past continous and past simple and also the present simple & continous , the present perfect & past perfect
Hi i just want to now. I think i am confuse.
In past tence
We have to use 2nd form with did( yes or no)
Please clear me
Did you finish your homework. Or. Did you finished your homework
Thanks a lot! :)
It was very good, but what do you need to know how to speak and read English?
Hello Rebecca, thank you for this lesson.
Here in first question I marked- what you did yesterday?
but the answer is- what did you do yesterday?
what rule I missed? kindly explain it?
Thanks again
7 correct out of 8.
Thank you very much. I will study with you next lessons.
a bundlle of thanks to you mam..
thats really much helpfull for every one biggners likewise for seniors too..
Thank you!
I only got 7 correct out of 8. The question number 2 confused me. But well I love the video. Thank you for helping us.
Looking forward for more video especially on how to write english in the correct grammar.
thank you :)
Thnx alot realy helpfull
thanks a lot Rebecca :)..i got all the answers correct…
Thank you ms Robaca
Hi Ms,
When I ask past tense questions, may I form questions without “did”?
For example
Why you called?
What you bought?
What you did?
I did it ^^ 8 of 8. Thank you very much!!!
My result 5 of 8, 63%
Thanks a lot!
The comments is the verb to be Past Simple Thank you
Thank you for this lesson.I’m improving my English,excelent video.Take care-teacher’s.
this is tuan phan. i ve been visiting this website, but i think there was a little problem on pronunciation, and vowels. so in my opinion, english vowels are very important for listening, also speaking. on the other hands, missing vowels can make different in English studying.
I did 7 to 8. Thank you teacher Rebecca.
I have got 7 correct out of 8. The question number 8 surprise me. It is good lesson!
Thank you!
are you single teacher, I would like to invite you to go out, let me know, ,,,lol
wow I’ve got 8 out of 8..thank to you teacher Rebecca you make this easy lesson more easier
hi Thank you video for basic question :)
I like engvid
It’s helpfull
Thank you
8 ot ouf 8 !!!
Thank you so much! :D
thanks for lesson it was so good
very much good
Hi teacher,i recently joined this site.
Did you had your dinner?OR
Did you have your dinner?
witch is correct.pls reply
thank you rebecca for teach a lesson kindly and sweetly.
thank you and i love your lessons …….
thanks. I injoy it. I like your lesson. I hope one day I can speak good english.
I would like to thank you for help many people to enhance their english language.
i got 7/8. i didn’t understand the last one .why it is required to add to at the end .
thank you Rebecca for the explanation. and i got 100 out of 100 in simple past tense asking questions.
thanks, Rebecca. It was so easy. You are master of explaining!
I’m little english but 8 at 8 correct.thanks rebecca.
howover, I can write.I can’t talk to english
Thank you Rebecca!! You are a very good teacher!!
8/8 thank you Rebecca !
good teachings
I clear my mind with this video.
which one is correct:
“who organized this party?”
“who did organize this party?”
Mam, iam in trouble coz wen i solved choose right tense ten got out out but in this got very low.in short am not going proper way .plz tel me proper way.& thanks for COACING.
Thank you so much.
hi id’nt understand this any body tell me what should i do
Pls am confused i cant watch the video on my nokia c1 phone pls anybody 2 guide me. Thanks. You can send it through my email adelekemutiatadenike@gmail.com
plzz I need ur help my english….bt my english is very bad…..thnkzz
thnkzz for ur time!!!!!!!!
like thiss
I’m very happy I got 100% thank you for this lesson
I have one mistake thank you rabica.
I don´t like how you teaching ….
you have to make more examples
Wow thanks teacher because you make me understand all of them. :)
This quiz was a little difficult, but I got only one wrong! :)
Thank you very much!!!! Very clear and helpful lesson.
I got 7\8
thanks a lot
You explain very clearly, thanks.
Thank you very much Rebecca,
But i want ti ask,I am following your lessons can i register for TOEFL exam after studying all your lessons?
Please answer me fast because i am already registered for the exam.
Hi Rebecca,
Instead of asking “Who did you go with?”, can I ask like this “Whom did you go?”.
2)Please, let me know if the following question is correct.
“Didn’t they finish the work, yesterday?”
I knew the answer of last question, but the computer did not give me this to do. :(
thanks Rebecca.
which one is correct and why ?(simple present tense)
where you are from ? or where are you from ?
Hi Rebecca,
I wanna ask you if the following sentence is grammatically correct
Where were you yesterday?
Hi thank you I have a question Is it correct Did you go to the park, yes I did go to the part. peaope uses like I did go
i got 7 out of 8 .The last question was a little bit confusing.but now i understood.i like your nice way of explanation
Thanks a lot!
you are a great teacher
Thanks you MS Robaca
Thanks you MRS Rebecca, I am so happy, your lecture is so understandable,
Hi Rebecca, I have a problem,I can’t make the difference,how is correct, Why didn’t you leave ? or Why you didn’t leave ?
Hi Rebecca,
pls suggest ” What did you do to go their ? ”
is it correct.
Hi Rebecca,
pls suggest ” What did you do to go their ? ”
or ” What did you do to went their ? ”
which one is correct.
Thank you Rrebecca. You videos is very helpful.
Thanks,Rebbeca. I am liking this site so far. Keep up the good work.
Hi Rebecca,
thanks for your great explanantion.
Your lessons are very useful and help me improve
my English
Many thanks again and again , very easy and helpful
i have got 8 correct out of 8.
That is because of the very good explanation as usually from you my teacher Ms. Rebecca.
thank you mrs rebecca i have learned a lesson from you
HI ma’am…Thank a lot for the lessons…I like the way you explain the topics..please do upload more videos…..
thank you teacher. it’s help me
I got 100. Thanks for good lesson and very good quiz…
It helps me a lot!But I have to practice the other basic tenses more.Anyways I understand your lesson clearly. -xoxo <3
Helping me a lot to get better.
I shoulda listen first before taking the quiz LOL. Thank you Ms. Rebecca :)
Dear Rebecca thanks for this interesting lesson really you are a great teacher.I enjoy
very much with your class . Sincerely Capricubana.
Thank you Rebecca, really helps.
thank you
its simply superb:-)
Hi Rebeca
thanks for that.
Can you explain me about this tens sentence.
e.g I Am workED hard in this factory.
Subject + Tobe + Past tens
Thanks again
Thanks Rebecca!!!
Thank you very much Rebecca!extremly helpfull and super easy to understand
Dear Rebecca,
Lesson, simple, clear, and accurate. Thank you.
Best regards.
This teacher is very good! Thank you!
It’s Great……:)
Thank you teacher
Very helpful, thanks teacher!
it”s very helpfull lesson..thanks!
Thank you for your help Rebecca. All the best for you !
Thank you
Thank you very much.
Thank you so much Rebecca
Thanks teacher, i got 8/8
With respect to 8th Question, why option c is not the correct answer?????
yey! i got it all correctly! thanks ma’am Rebecca.
Thanks alot Miss,your lessons are really awsome,please give lecture on past perfect progressive.
i love this vedio,it really helpful.Thank you
Thanks a lot for this lesson
Thanks, Rebecca. It’s helpful lesson.
Thank you , Rebecca!
Thanks you so much.
rebecca…. i have one question.. “can i come with you ” or “do i come with you” and “do i have it” or “can i have it”…. while you plz slove my confusion
Thank you so much Rebbeca for helping me to improve my English? Could you help me pls that I have a dilemma what is different between two of sentences and because we use HAVE in one of them and not in the other sentence
-Your collegue JUST RETURNED from a holiday …
-Your parents HAVE JUST RETURNED from en evening out…
these are by the best resources I’ve ever had.
i got 7 out of 8 i mistek last one
hi,teacher thanks for lesson .
Es-Salam Aleykum Rebecca!My score 100!
thank you very helpful
thank you
Oh Gosh, Past tense is terrible! I have to study a lot.
This was an important lesson.
Thanks a lot!
thank you this is so helpful
Thankes i got 8 out of 8
This is awesome.
Hi told me you were gone back to US. what tence we use here?
hello . i get 88 percent i failed in last question
please could you provide us more explication please
your best wishes
Hi , I really need you’re help to correct this exercice please :
it’s correct to say:
I was waiting for you to show up .You are late .
They wrote a ton of e-mails to him but he almost never replies
bla bla bla
Ms. Rebeca. your esplanation the class, I’m learning, each day more and more, your method is fantastico, thankyou.I’m very happy.
Thank you Ms.Rebeca your esplanation the class, I’m learning, each day more and more, your method is fantastico, thankyou.I’m very happy
Thank you Rebecca
I got 7/8! Beautiful lesson!
I liked the video!
Thanks ! Good One… I Really Appreciate Your Efforts That You Give Us :)
Now I am sure about the posibility of self-learning thanks
Hi mam iam trying to practice but am disappointed .I can’t get correct anwers.what i will do to learn english grammar
Hi mam iam trying to practice but am disappointed .I can’t get correct anwers.what i will do to learn english grammar.whether can i able to learn?
Thanks a lot for your great theaching
You got 7 correct out of 8.
thank you…
Thank You so much
Rebecca, you are the best!!
thanks Rebecca, each lesson it`s very important for me,even this one with level for beginners. Thanks a lot to this website and their lessons and programs, I am improving little by little my English for TOEFL exam.
I have seen all the lessons of Emma and Ronnie,they are amazing,and now I am finishing with Rebecca´s lessons,more than 80 lessons but very useful for me,she is very good too.
only grammar I wanted to say.
Ohhh, Thanks
Thank you
Thank you very much I got 88%
Thank you so much Teacher.
Thank you so much 10/10
Thanks so much
Thank you very much mam.
Thank you Rebecca.
I got 7/8
Thank you I liked
Thank you Rebeca.
Love from Bangladesh.
Thanks dear teacher, each of your lesson is very important for me, I got 7 correct out of 8.
I watched this video twice on September 06, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got seven out of 8.
thank you very much
I got 7/8.
Thank you! :)
Thank you!