What are you doing right now? Are you still reading this explanation of the video? If you’re not clear about how to use these two common time words, click on this video to find out the difference.
Tks teacher Alex. You’re very important to help us improve English
nice way for understanding………………?
yes u say wright.
Thank you teacher Alex and cheers from Athens.
Thank you Alex.
Tks teacher Alex. My test it’s 100% correct
Excellent to improve my english
I’m still keen on learning via engvid…….
A ? please:Can I use TO instead of FOR in this sentence: I’ve got a surprise for (to) you?!
Hi fatiima. I think that we use for , for a person and to, for others :
I am surprised to learn that………
We have some surprises in store for you.I hope I am right.Bye !
bye !
thanks alot teacher.
Hi Mr Alex,thank you for your valuable lesson
I am so happy to learn English with you. thanks a lot
how about give us a lesson like, still vs. yet?
thank you very much, it’s so interesting
Really cool
thanks :)
thank you sir for given us such good lessons… i do have a very serious problem with using ‘being’…can you please make a video giving lecture on being…(if i have done any grammatical mistake in my writing pls pls forgive me)
Thanks teacher Alex. u r perfect teacher
Very cool Lesson.. Thanks Alex..I killed the test now!..but i still need to learn more English.
Shing Mang Tun
Very cool lesson. Thanks Alex. I am killing the test now. But i still need to learn more English..
God bless!
Shing Mang Tun
Thank you great Alex and other teachers.
You do the best .
Thankful to Alex . I have breakfast with this video .
Wow ! Got 5/5 without watching
thank uuuuuuuuuuu
Thanks a lot
thanks so much about all the lessons. you’re very helpful !
thanks again :-)
cool thanks
Aloha! I am doing well this time but I still cannot speak well. help, help me!
Hi , Please could you give me your lesson order. Actually i am not that much good in english to writting big senteces like essay and letters, so i need your help to improve my writting skill, so please could you send me learning series to learn in proper order to undestand sentence writting.
Advance Thanks
thank u teacher alex, it was very useful
thanks a lot
s aamir
thakx mister alex!!!! you still make a very good lessons!!!! i’m right???? about my sentence???? :) take care.
Thank you Teacher Alex, this lesson was very interesting and important to me, thank you again.
Miguel Palacios
Hi Alex! Can you make a video about the Phrasal Verbs of “Take”?
Thank you so much, Alex.
I benefited from this lesson.
Thank you again!
Tks teacher, your explanation was very clear…
Tks a lot!
André Maia
Assalam-O-Allaikum .
Dear Sir, Madam,
It’s too nice too know about the that you have started the courses like this, by which peoples like me can get good benefit from the sites.I have done my F.Sc and now I am also bachelor’s student and I am fond of learning different languages so now I want to improve my English language and specially conversation. I have to face alot of problems to express my feelings to the others, So kindly as much possible help me and send me best trick to improving the language. I will check also the site …. thnx n specially thnx to velin
it is anice a start
Hi Mr Alex, thenk for you :)
so easy. now I know more. bye.
thanks a lot Mr Alex
Thanks Alex.
Hi Mr Alex.Thanks a lot for lesson, but I still have some questions. You mentioned that we can use “still” before an adjective, but can we use it with noun (e.g I’m still a student). And the second is: as I understood we can displace Present Perf.Progressive by “still”, Am I right?
Thanks a lot to all teachers. Very cool teaching… I’ve a confusion in using since and as, can you help me out?
Thanks a Lot mr Alex,it’s soo easy Now.
i hope u make new about passive and active voice
thanks alex! good lesson. I was thinking that I know the differences with these words. But you said something new for me. It is where I can use “now” in a sentence. I have a question for you: the word “still” have a rule like that?. Or just I have to use after the verb to be or before the verbs how you show us in your video. Thanks in advance
karen pty
Thank Alex, i understand more now!
happy for to learn this lesson!!
Very good lesson. I’m happy to start with you
i want to learn english
Alex, you are excellent. A good teacher. God bless you with a pile of money.
Teacher Alex, I would to see a video about the use of ought to
thnx it’s was quit fine explanation
“thanks it was quite “
Hi,Teacher Alex, my problem is, my English is not good and not past speak. Please, I want to learn a good English speaking.
thank you so much Mr: Alex
i have understand stii now and now still.thanks to you.
Very useful for me.
Thank you.
Great!@ Wow ! Got 5/5 100%
Thanks a lot.
thank you very much for all videos.
i am looking for the relative pronoun, have you any videos on it? pls show to me..
Can I say : Can you still in your house tomorrow?
Dear teachers,
you all are really doing an excellent job.
I am a student of social since (international relations, politics) there are many terms I don’t unrestrained. I am sure I am not the only one, that don’t understand the terms or vocabulary in the news Is there any possibility to give us lessen about political, international relations glossary. also most of the time it is very difficult to get the meaning or understand the words in the news papers.
thank you very much for efforts.
best regards.
Thank you Alex!! I enjoy your lesson
Really good lesson:)thank you very much!
hi try try till u succed
try try untill u succed
which one is right ans
thanks a lot you are amazing!!!!
larissa Seechis
you are very important Teacher Alex. I Improve my pronunciation with your explanation. Tks.
Thank you very much Alex
My test it’s 100% correct
wow i got5/5. thanks alex
thank you very much
hello alex sir its 14 march … many many happy returns of this special day … as we could get you as one of our teachers only bcoz of this day …enjoyyyyyyyy :-)
Is very useful and interesting lesson. Thank you!
Thank you for teaching. It’s very useful for me.
Tks teacher Alex. My test it’s 100% correct
Thank you my teacher this lesson is very easy .
Thank you Alex for wonderful lesson!
thanks alto
Thanks Alex you’re a good teacher. My scored was 5 out of 5. Great!
gracias Alex….
thank you very much ser alex.i love english .i try to learn it.it is deficald for my but i try.
tks teacher Alex i hope to continue like this.
Thanks Alex, nice lesson. I have completed the 5 quiz after watching the video. Got 5 out of 5. Nice teaching.
Thank you very much.every lesson is very useful for me. Alex u are the best teacher among others, ur lesson was really understanding for me.
yusuf sheikh
Thanks alex You help me everthink i need but if u can help me how to improv my writing please give feedback
Thunk u Alex..
thank you so much
my favorite!!
thank you for helping to learn english and i need to learn more english because i don’t know more english
Can we write word “still” at any order in sentence like we use “now”??
beginning, middle and end of the sentence
thank you so much! I learned a new lesson from you!
Greetings from the Philippines!
Hi teacher Alex.
Your pronunciation is very clear to me.
thanks teacher! your video help me a lot.
its nice and help me alot! thak u so much engvid’s all teachers. love u all:)
Tariq Jan
Alex is the best
its useful for me:)
thanks :)
very nice, thinkable, eager to hear more from engvid and you
raji kumar
Thanks Alex :)
wow its really good to learn english at home and the way you teach is awesome
Thanks Alex
Thanks Alex you are a great teacher. We proud of you.
Your explanations are so easy that I understand everything. You are great Alex!
Alex i like the way you teach.. and kindly give me examples of “yet”
you are really great teacher… thanks about everything! Don’t stop never, we need of you to learn it. =D
Thank u teacher, and may i ask u about ” can i say ( he doesn’t still live here anymore ) ”
And thank u too much
Hi Alex,
Thank u for teach us.
Abdul Qayum
I still live with my parents, am I wrong?)))
When we can use To Do and To Be?
for example: Are you hungry or Do you hungry?
“Are you hungry” is correct
“Do you feel hungry” would also be correct
Thank you very much prof Alex!
Hi Alex,
At first thank you for your wonderful videos about english. For this particular video, I have a question for you.
“She still lives with her parents.”
“She’s still living with her parents.”
What is the difference between the above two sentences? What is the proper way to use them?
Once again thank you.
Hi Manoj
Yours is a very good question. The two sentences are very close in meaning and are almost identical. Certainly in England most people would not see any difference. “She lives” suggests a more permanent situation than “She is living”. Because I live in England and always have done and will continue to live here I would say “I live in England”. If someone comes to England and knows they will be here for a year and will then leave they would say “I am living in England”. In the second case they might add “but I will be going back to Paris next year” or something similar. I think the same idea can be used in your sentences containing “still”.
I am about to start a course in Teaching English as a Foreign Language so by the end I may be able to give you a definite answer! PS only replying as no one from EngVid has responded.
nice explanation, thanks a lot
It’s a very good explanation to a good question.
mr. alex keep i’m watching your teaching.. its really good..
Thnaks alex!!
thanks alex.its really work for me.
Hello Alex,you,re a nice person and better teacher, your explanations are very clear which help us to understand or remain our knowledge of English.
Kisses from Spain (Barcelona)
Esther. C
Now,I m sure that i can speak a good english, Alex.I m still and still like the way you explain the lessons.
salomon pierre
Thanks I had 5 months for learn english but I am still do not learn anything .what is your advice to me please
what this mean ?must have sound technical communication???
thank you sir
WoW this site is amazing! Thanks so much.XD
Thanks from Poland;)
Sir alex i impress your teaching and you are my favorite teacher in all . sir please teach me how i use phrasal “come up with ” in sentences i will wait to your answer.
thanks you’re nice teacher
Thank you for your lessons
thank you
thank so much teacher and I want to know than the ways use “still” and ” yet”
Thank teacher for your lessons
Alex I love your lessons and I love this site, thanks so much for help me.
this place is amazing I still can´t believe that it is free
Thank you sir, for your lesson . . i hope i can be like you as english master . . :D
Everytime I visit this site,I can’t take the quiz if I didn’t leave a comment.Why?
pleeeeessss help…
thanks a lot
This problem should now be fixed. Please try again.
thans teacher !!
thhat’s really usefull
I still need Engvid
It’s easy if you try and try.Thank so much.I wish nothing but all the best for you.
Tks Alex so much. It’s really useful.
how to remember wat i learned today.. my memory is very bad.. @alex
can u help we regarding this
fantastic lesson sir.thanks for your lesson.
I’m don’t understand the word still so I usually see the word still in the book but I don’t know how to use it. so now I understand the word still
I like to being your student and learn more word from you thank you very much.
perfect lesson..and very easy way to explain)
Thanks Alex. I understood the difference between “now” and “still”. You are a good teacher.
thanks Alex
I need to give me lessons for TOEFL , please
I SO confused
Not OK
Cool lesson, excellent teacher! Thank you Alex!
hi thank you teacher
Can you help me !!!!!!!!
between can and could ????????
thankuuu. very easy to understand.
Hi Alex
u r such a nice person.
i got 10/10
can we use “STILL” before subject as like “NOW”.
I’m not Alex, and I apologize if non-teachers are not supposed to give replies here and I shouldn’t have done it. However, maybe this could help you a bit.
So, if you use ‘still’ as an adverb, you can put it at the beginning of a sentence. E.g.:
He can be crazy. Still, he’s harmless.
‘Still’ here means ‘however’, or ‘nevertheless’.
It’s okay! You’re absolutely right. :)
engVid Moderator
Thank you for your appreciation!
Hi Alex!
you teach is so good ! i understand all what u teach!thank u guy!!!Please, Have a good luck!!!
good way thank you
Hello teacher Alex!
you’re good teacher. i like English. but i am not native & no means to learn English.thanks to technology and charity groups(like you and you colleagues, now i am ready to learn and speak English. would you teach me more? please!
your teaching methodology is simple and understandable. i like it. therefore i hope, i will speak English soon.
Thank teacher Alex…this explanation was very clear to me..
Thanks Alex, I always wached your lessons, you are a great teacher and I appreciate your willing to help the biggeners like me.
Thanks again
Thank you, Sir! Got 5/5.
dear alex
your accent is best
i love you
Next explanation teacher….. The hardest u just make it simple
Thanks teacher.
Good Morning Alex,
We are so lukcy for find your…
Nihal TÜRK
thanks Alex I got it
Hi Alex, because of you i am geting celear from my english confuse. please put some lesson for preposition and perfect continuous tense. thanks a lot.
Thanks Alex, very nice!
Good lesson. Thank you.
Thank you, Sir! I got 4/5.
I got the perfect score :)
Dear sir
i have a little prob on the usage of ”where”..i know how to use it with all other ways besides this rule please help me..
I wanna know how to use ”where” with these words and what the grammar rule is..pls give me a few examples of your own ones..
1 Due to the volume of emails we receive we are unable to respond to the emails where the answer can be found on our web site itself
2 If you have gone to a website where you have to create an account for yourself..
3 This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged.
4 I heard a strange noise from the upstairs where the children were playing.
5 There is a stage in life where you can’t even hold a cup of tea.
Thanking you
Thanks a lot, Alex1
Thanks Alex, I’m sure, now I know how I can improve my english..
I will still saying the word from now to tomorow
I still learn your lessons because I try to improve my English. Now, I have more knowledge than I have.
Thanks a lot Alex. these lessons are very impotant for me.
I got 100 % . Thanks Alex.
Outstanding lesson! Thanks Alex!
nice mr.
Thanks Alex..
Thank u teacher.
Thank you for the very interesting class.
Thank you Alex,you are a great teacher!
Dorian Garcia
Thank you Alex, it very interesting
i want to speake english with one
hosain nassim
yes i got 5 without watching the video..Thank you this website it can help my english word..
thx Alex good lesson
good kid
I have one question. I think that I use “Now” and “at the moment” in present continues, but you use it in simple present. why?
Hello teacher Alex,I appreciate the work your doing for us.I have got a 100!
Thanks got 60%.
Abdul Qayum
thank you mate!
got 5/5 :)
Thanks Alex.. you are a very good teacher
what is the difference between ‘still’ and ’till’
dilbag italy
Thank you for your teaching.
I have 100%, so day by day I improve my English, thanks Alex
Thanks Alex.I really improved my speaking English,since I watch your videos.
My step-son is a dinosaur. He is hungry every time.
He ate a cow 10 minutes ago. NOW, he is still hungry.
Alex, you are the master! You look like a bank manager on this video wearing this tie.
Marcio de Moraes
it’s very interesting that you teach the same things that I need ! very very useful. Thank you very much.
Good lesson, thank you
good lesson.
Md.Akter Hossain
easy ans useful lesson
i got 10 out of 10
Thanks much Alex.
ann ann
Yehay! Right now, I’m very happy with my result. I got 5/5. I thought I’m going to have one mistake because I am confused with the fourth question.
Thanks Mr Alex. Very simple and useful. I do appreciate.
Well done Alex, that lesson was quite useful to me, because Now I clearly understand much more the difference between “now and still”, so, I’m still improved and of course, I gonna write a lots of mistakes, however, I´m doing my best!
Jonathas Wilhem
Now I got it all correct.
ann ann
. Are you full yet?
No, I’m hungry now.
No, I’m still hungry.
The correct answer for me is the first.
The second answer could be correct if the questione is “Aren’t you full yet?”.
It’s my opinion, I ask you to correct me if I am wrong.. thanks!
marina conti
Thank you Mr. Alex. Now I am ready to watch next lesson.
I watched this video twice on June 06, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 5.
mine date 5 November 2021 from Kazakhstan
best regards,Alex
Can I say: she hasn’t finished cooking yet. she is still cooking now. I mean is it correct grammatically to use still and now in the same sentence this way?
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Tks teacher Alex. You’re very important to help us improve English
nice way for understanding………………?
yes u say wright.
Thank you teacher Alex and cheers from Athens.
Thank you Alex.
Tks teacher Alex. My test it’s 100% correct
Excellent to improve my english
I’m still keen on learning via engvid…….
A ? please:Can I use TO instead of FOR in this sentence: I’ve got a surprise for (to) you?!
Hi fatiima. I think that we use for , for a person and to, for others :
I am surprised to learn that………
We have some surprises in store for you.I hope I am right.Bye !
bye !
thanks alot teacher.
Hi Mr Alex,thank you for your valuable lesson
I am so happy to learn English with you. thanks a lot
how about give us a lesson like, still vs. yet?
thank you very much, it’s so interesting
Really cool
thanks :)
thank you sir for given us such good lessons… i do have a very serious problem with using ‘being’…can you please make a video giving lecture on being…(if i have done any grammatical mistake in my writing pls pls forgive me)
Thanks teacher Alex. u r perfect teacher
Very cool Lesson.. Thanks Alex..I killed the test now!..but i still need to learn more English.
Very cool lesson. Thanks Alex. I am killing the test now. But i still need to learn more English..
God bless!
Thank you great Alex and other teachers.
You do the best .
Thankful to Alex . I have breakfast with this video .
Wow ! Got 5/5 without watching
thank uuuuuuuuuuu
Thanks a lot
thanks so much about all the lessons. you’re very helpful !
thanks again :-)
cool thanks
Aloha! I am doing well this time but I still cannot speak well. help, help me!
Hi , Please could you give me your lesson order. Actually i am not that much good in english to writting big senteces like essay and letters, so i need your help to improve my writting skill, so please could you send me learning series to learn in proper order to undestand sentence writting.
Advance Thanks
thank u teacher alex, it was very useful
thanks a lot
thakx mister alex!!!! you still make a very good lessons!!!! i’m right???? about my sentence???? :) take care.
Thank you Teacher Alex, this lesson was very interesting and important to me, thank you again.
Hi Alex! Can you make a video about the Phrasal Verbs of “Take”?
Thank you so much, Alex.
I benefited from this lesson.
Thank you again!
Tks teacher, your explanation was very clear…
Tks a lot!
Assalam-O-Allaikum .
Dear Sir, Madam,
It’s too nice too know about the that you have started the courses like this, by which peoples like me can get good benefit from the sites.I have done my F.Sc and now I am also bachelor’s student and I am fond of learning different languages so now I want to improve my English language and specially conversation. I have to face alot of problems to express my feelings to the others, So kindly as much possible help me and send me best trick to improving the language. I will check also the site …. thnx n specially thnx to velin
it is anice a start
Hi Mr Alex, thenk for you :)
so easy. now I know more. bye.
thanks a lot Mr Alex
Thanks Alex.
Hi Mr Alex.Thanks a lot for lesson, but I still have some questions. You mentioned that we can use “still” before an adjective, but can we use it with noun (e.g I’m still a student). And the second is: as I understood we can displace Present Perf.Progressive by “still”, Am I right?
Thanks a lot to all teachers. Very cool teaching… I’ve a confusion in using since and as, can you help me out?
Thanks a Lot mr Alex,it’s soo easy Now.
i hope u make new about passive and active voice
thanks alex! good lesson. I was thinking that I know the differences with these words. But you said something new for me. It is where I can use “now” in a sentence. I have a question for you: the word “still” have a rule like that?. Or just I have to use after the verb to be or before the verbs how you show us in your video. Thanks in advance
Thank Alex, i understand more now!
happy for to learn this lesson!!
Very good lesson. I’m happy to start with you
i want to learn english
Alex, you are excellent. A good teacher. God bless you with a pile of money.
Teacher Alex, I would to see a video about the use of ought to
thnx it’s was quit fine explanation
“thanks it was quite “
Hi,Teacher Alex, my problem is, my English is not good and not past speak. Please, I want to learn a good English speaking.
thank you so much Mr: Alex
i have understand stii now and now still.thanks to you.
Very useful for me.
Thank you.
Great!@ Wow ! Got 5/5 100%
Thanks a lot.
thank you very much for all videos.
i am looking for the relative pronoun, have you any videos on it? pls show to me..
Can I say : Can you still in your house tomorrow?
Dear teachers,
you all are really doing an excellent job.
I am a student of social since (international relations, politics) there are many terms I don’t unrestrained. I am sure I am not the only one, that don’t understand the terms or vocabulary in the news Is there any possibility to give us lessen about political, international relations glossary. also most of the time it is very difficult to get the meaning or understand the words in the news papers.
thank you very much for efforts.
best regards.
Thank you Alex!! I enjoy your lesson
Really good lesson:)thank you very much!
hi try try till u succed
try try untill u succed
which one is right ans
thanks a lot you are amazing!!!!
you are very important Teacher Alex. I Improve my pronunciation with your explanation. Tks.
Thank you very much Alex
My test it’s 100% correct
wow i got5/5. thanks alex
thank you very much
hello alex sir its 14 march … many many happy returns of this special day … as we could get you as one of our teachers only bcoz of this day …enjoyyyyyyyy :-)
Is very useful and interesting lesson. Thank you!
Thank you for teaching. It’s very useful for me.
Tks teacher Alex. My test it’s 100% correct
Thank you my teacher this lesson is very easy .
Thank you Alex for wonderful lesson!
thanks alto
Thanks Alex you’re a good teacher. My scored was 5 out of 5. Great!
gracias Alex….
thank you very much ser alex.i love english .i try to learn it.it is deficald for my but i try.
tks teacher Alex i hope to continue like this.
Thanks Alex, nice lesson. I have completed the 5 quiz after watching the video. Got 5 out of 5. Nice teaching.
Thank you very much.every lesson is very useful for me. Alex u are the best teacher among others, ur lesson was really understanding for me.
Thanks alex You help me everthink i need but if u can help me how to improv my writing please give feedback
Thunk u Alex..
thank you so much
my favorite!!
thank you for helping to learn english and i need to learn more english because i don’t know more english
Can we write word “still” at any order in sentence like we use “now”??
beginning, middle and end of the sentence
thank you so much! I learned a new lesson from you!
Greetings from the Philippines!
Hi teacher Alex.
Your pronunciation is very clear to me.
thanks teacher! your video help me a lot.
its nice and help me alot! thak u so much engvid’s all teachers. love u all:)
Alex is the best
its useful for me:)
thanks :)
very nice, thinkable, eager to hear more from engvid and you
Thanks Alex :)
wow its really good to learn english at home and the way you teach is awesome
Thanks Alex
Thanks Alex you are a great teacher. We proud of you.
Your explanations are so easy that I understand everything. You are great Alex!
Alex i like the way you teach.. and kindly give me examples of “yet”
you are really great teacher… thanks about everything! Don’t stop never, we need of you to learn it. =D
Thank u teacher, and may i ask u about ” can i say ( he doesn’t still live here anymore ) ”
And thank u too much
Hi Alex,
Thank u for teach us.
I still live with my parents, am I wrong?)))
When we can use To Do and To Be?
for example: Are you hungry or Do you hungry?
“Are you hungry” is correct
“Do you feel hungry” would also be correct
Thank you very much prof Alex!
Hi Alex,
At first thank you for your wonderful videos about english. For this particular video, I have a question for you.
“She still lives with her parents.”
“She’s still living with her parents.”
What is the difference between the above two sentences? What is the proper way to use them?
Once again thank you.
Hi Manoj
Yours is a very good question. The two sentences are very close in meaning and are almost identical. Certainly in England most people would not see any difference. “She lives” suggests a more permanent situation than “She is living”. Because I live in England and always have done and will continue to live here I would say “I live in England”. If someone comes to England and knows they will be here for a year and will then leave they would say “I am living in England”. In the second case they might add “but I will be going back to Paris next year” or something similar. I think the same idea can be used in your sentences containing “still”.
I am about to start a course in Teaching English as a Foreign Language so by the end I may be able to give you a definite answer! PS only replying as no one from EngVid has responded.
nice explanation, thanks a lot
It’s a very good explanation to a good question.
mr. alex keep i’m watching your teaching.. its really good..
Thnaks alex!!
thanks alex.its really work for me.
Hello Alex,you,re a nice person and better teacher, your explanations are very clear which help us to understand or remain our knowledge of English.
Kisses from Spain (Barcelona)
Now,I m sure that i can speak a good english, Alex.I m still and still like the way you explain the lessons.
Thanks I had 5 months for learn english but I am still do not learn anything .what is your advice to me please
what this mean ?must have sound technical communication???
thank you sir
WoW this site is amazing! Thanks so much.XD
Thanks from Poland;)
Sir alex i impress your teaching and you are my favorite teacher in all . sir please teach me how i use phrasal “come up with ” in sentences i will wait to your answer.
thanks you’re nice teacher
Thank you for your lessons
thank you
thank so much teacher and I want to know than the ways use “still” and ” yet”
Thank teacher for your lessons
Alex I love your lessons and I love this site, thanks so much for help me.
this place is amazing I still can´t believe that it is free
Thank you sir, for your lesson . . i hope i can be like you as english master . . :D
Everytime I visit this site,I can’t take the quiz if I didn’t leave a comment.Why?
pleeeeessss help…
thanks a lot
This problem should now be fixed. Please try again.
thans teacher !!
thhat’s really usefull
I still need Engvid
It’s easy if you try and try.Thank so much.I wish nothing but all the best for you.
Tks Alex so much. It’s really useful.
how to remember wat i learned today.. my memory is very bad.. @alex
can u help we regarding this
fantastic lesson sir.thanks for your lesson.
I’m don’t understand the word still so I usually see the word still in the book but I don’t know how to use it. so now I understand the word still
I like to being your student and learn more word from you thank you very much.
perfect lesson..and very easy way to explain)
Thanks Alex. I understood the difference between “now” and “still”. You are a good teacher.
thanks Alex
I need to give me lessons for TOEFL , please
I SO confused
Not OK
Cool lesson, excellent teacher! Thank you Alex!
hi thank you teacher
Can you help me !!!!!!!!
between can and could ????????
thankuuu. very easy to understand.
Hi Alex
u r such a nice person.
i got 10/10
can we use “STILL” before subject as like “NOW”.
I’m not Alex, and I apologize if non-teachers are not supposed to give replies here and I shouldn’t have done it. However, maybe this could help you a bit.
So, if you use ‘still’ as an adverb, you can put it at the beginning of a sentence. E.g.:
He can be crazy. Still, he’s harmless.
‘Still’ here means ‘however’, or ‘nevertheless’.
It’s okay! You’re absolutely right. :)
Thank you for your appreciation!
Hi Alex!
you teach is so good ! i understand all what u teach!thank u guy!!!Please, Have a good luck!!!
good way thank you
Hello teacher Alex!
you’re good teacher. i like English. but i am not native & no means to learn English.thanks to technology and charity groups(like you and you colleagues, now i am ready to learn and speak English. would you teach me more? please!
your teaching methodology is simple and understandable. i like it. therefore i hope, i will speak English soon.
Thank teacher Alex…this explanation was very clear to me..
Thanks Alex, I always wached your lessons, you are a great teacher and I appreciate your willing to help the biggeners like me.
Thanks again
Thank you, Sir! Got 5/5.
dear alex
your accent is best
i love you
Next explanation teacher….. The hardest u just make it simple
Thanks teacher.
Good Morning Alex,
We are so lukcy for find your…
thanks Alex I got it
Hi Alex, because of you i am geting celear from my english confuse. please put some lesson for preposition and perfect continuous tense. thanks a lot.
Thanks Alex, very nice!
Good lesson. Thank you.
Thank you, Sir! I got 4/5.
I got the perfect score :)
Dear sir
i have a little prob on the usage of ”where”..i know how to use it with all other ways besides this rule please help me..
I wanna know how to use ”where” with these words and what the grammar rule is..pls give me a few examples of your own ones..
1 Due to the volume of emails we receive we are unable to respond to the emails where the answer can be found on our web site itself
2 If you have gone to a website where you have to create an account for yourself..
3 This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged.
4 I heard a strange noise from the upstairs where the children were playing.
5 There is a stage in life where you can’t even hold a cup of tea.
Thanking you
Thanks a lot, Alex1
Thanks Alex, I’m sure, now I know how I can improve my english..
I will still saying the word from now to tomorow
I still learn your lessons because I try to improve my English. Now, I have more knowledge than I have.
Thanks a lot Alex. these lessons are very impotant for me.
I got 100 % . Thanks Alex.
Outstanding lesson! Thanks Alex!
nice mr.
Thanks Alex..
Thank u teacher.
Thank you for the very interesting class.
Thank you Alex,you are a great teacher!
Thank you Alex, it very interesting
i want to speake english with one
yes i got 5 without watching the video..Thank you this website it can help my english word..
thx Alex good lesson
good kid
I have one question. I think that I use “Now” and “at the moment” in present continues, but you use it in simple present. why?
Hello teacher Alex,I appreciate the work your doing for us.I have got a 100!
Thanks got 60%.
thank you mate!
got 5/5 :)
Thanks Alex.. you are a very good teacher
what is the difference between ‘still’ and ’till’
Thank you for your teaching.
I have 100%, so day by day I improve my English, thanks Alex
Thanks Alex.I really improved my speaking English,since I watch your videos.
My step-son is a dinosaur. He is hungry every time.
He ate a cow 10 minutes ago. NOW, he is still hungry.
Alex, you are the master! You look like a bank manager on this video wearing this tie.
it’s very interesting that you teach the same things that I need ! very very useful. Thank you very much.
Good lesson, thank you
good lesson.
easy ans useful lesson
i got 10 out of 10
Thanks much Alex.
Yehay! Right now, I’m very happy with my result. I got 5/5. I thought I’m going to have one mistake because I am confused with the fourth question.
Thanks Mr Alex. Very simple and useful. I do appreciate.
Well done Alex, that lesson was quite useful to me, because Now I clearly understand much more the difference between “now and still”, so, I’m still improved and of course, I gonna write a lots of mistakes, however, I´m doing my best!
Now I got it all correct.
. Are you full yet?
No, I’m hungry now.
No, I’m still hungry.
The correct answer for me is the first.
The second answer could be correct if the questione is “Aren’t you full yet?”.
It’s my opinion, I ask you to correct me if I am wrong.. thanks!
Thank you Mr. Alex. Now I am ready to watch next lesson.
I watched this video twice on June 06, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 5.
mine date 5 November 2021 from Kazakhstan
best regards,Alex
Can I say: she hasn’t finished cooking yet. she is still cooking now. I mean is it correct grammatically to use still and now in the same sentence this way?