Do you need to take the IELTS? I will teach you everything you need to get a higher score in Task 1 of the Speaking section of the exam! A lot of people have to take the IELTS exam when they immigrate or study overseas. Even if your English is good, you could get a low score in the Speaking section if you are not prepared. If you are taking this test, this video will help you. I’ll tell you what to expect and give you a lot of tips and strategies to do well! For more IELTS tips, strategies, secrets, and sample questions and answers, go to Good Luck IELTS.
Hey Emma, It’s good to see you again..
wish I can get the IELTS but unfortunately it doesn’t available in my country..thanks a lot for your great efforts..
I have a question: can you or anyone tells me why you often saying “Could I get” instead of saying “Can I get” although Could is the past of Can, plus what’s the difference bettween “My father works at the hospital” and “My father works in the hospital..thank you once again
They use “Could I get” because this expression is more polite.
“at” refers to a location, whereas “in” refers to the inside. The former, “at”, could refer to either the outside or the inside of a building. Both of these are correct.
Speakers might use “at” instead of “in” when location itself is more important than being inside that location and doing something.
For example,
I’m at the HOSPITAL, waiting for the doctor.
I’m in the hospital, WAITING for the doctor.
How are you doing Jerry,
I really appreciate your explanation but what if I said “I tried my best but I couldn’t” and “I tried my best but I can’t” the different so big, the same thing with Could I get and Can I get so can you explain a little bit more…
regarding to “at” and “in” it’s pretty clear now, Thanks
Very good explanation, Jerrychen!
Hey, Taha, here’s some explanations about this whole thing “CAN”
“CAN” is one of the most commonly modal verb used in English. It’s used to express: ABILITIES, OPPORTUNITIES, TO REQUEST or OFFER PERMISSION and SHOW POSSIBILITY or IMPOSSIBILITY.
Here are some examples:
#1. I CAN speak English beautifully. (Ability)
#2. We CAN buy it when it’s in OFF. (Opportunity)
#3. He CAN hang out with his friends as soon as he finishes his homework up. (Permission)
#4. Mom, CAN I now hang out? I’m already done with my homework! (REQUEST)
#5. You CAN get sick if you have much junk food! (Possibility or impossibility)
However, your sentence fits in the option ability.
Look closely.
Your sentences:
I tried my best, but I couldn’t do my test all by myself.*
I always try my best, but I can never do a test all by myself.**
* In the first one you used the main verb (to try) in the past, so the modal verb (can) must come also in the past. You made an attempt, you tried, but you didn’t manage doing the test.
** the second one the main verb (to try) is in the present, so the modal (can) must be also in the present in order to make sense!
Hope it helps, see you around…
Hey Thalinho,
I really appreciate your help, It’s pretty clear now..your examples made it easy to understand.
With deep respect and appreciation
Thalinho !!your answer is fantastic ,, u r too good in english ,could u please me to improve my english ?? i got 6 bands only and my requirements are higher ,, mr kavan shukla 36 male india
Thalinho !! as i read u r a English teacher i m keen to get in touch with u , undoubtablly my intentions are very clear to learn english only ,, is there any way to be in touch with u ? my id is ,,jerry chen`s comment is also good .. jerry is there any way to get in touch with u buddy ??
hey taha,
sorry for the intervention, but from my humble opinion, i think that when you say could i get it’s the same of can i get but the first sentence is more pullied.
then when you say i tried my best but i couldn’t is the right way cause you are refering to something in the past that you couldn’t do then when you say i tried my best but i can’t it dosen’t make sence cause you are talking about the past and present in the same time but you can say i tried my best but i can’t do that any more here is the right way cause you are refering to some thing you did in the past and you can’t repeat it refers to the present.
Hey Alani,
that is very kind of you.
thanks a lot my brother,
thank you .
What I have think , you said that.
well .I am not perfect at all .But I am learning English.
where r u from?
Hello Taha. You could approach me if you need help. I would be honored to help you.
Warm Regards,
Victoria ❤
Hey Emma, It’s good to see you again..
wish I can get the IELTS but unfortunately it doesn’t available in my country..thanks a lot for your great efforts..
I have a question: can you or anyone tells me why you often saying “Could I get” instead of saying “Can I get” although Could is the past of Can, plus what’s the difference between “My father works at the hospital” and “My father works in the hospital..thank you once again
Thank you, Emma!
I used some of your tips when I had an interview, where I spoke English. I got the job.
Hi If you pleas
If continuance that explain task two and task three
Your explanation is clear and you use all detail to show the especial points. thank you.
my favorite teacher
Thanks a lot Emma! You always have prepared a lot before teach us. I love it and really appreciate!
How easy English is with you Emma ! ! !
Would you please show us a written form of the interview between both parties. next month i am going to have a work interview, i hope your lesson will help me getting the new job.
Thants alot.
Hi Mansour,
I am masum. sorry for intervention. I would like to inform that you can practice to friends or relative about your work Confrontaion, traits, Enthusiasm, work ethic, dedication etc.Can you practice to me. this is my skype;masumdsbc
Hi Emma,
Thank you so much,Your explanation is so informative with suitable examples…i appreciate you..
Hi Emma,
I still beginner in english , But i want to know what’s the difference between American english and British english , what one do you teaching.
I wish that all my comment is correct. Respect Emma from Morocco , you’re the best Teacher in engvid.
yes 100% :)
hi Emma.very interesting lesson. thanks for the recommended.
I am a new user of engVid. Is there any way to communicate with you? Because I have a question, actually many, that what is the meaning of “it sucks”. I know its a slang. But I have to know it because you (English people) use it frequently. I am sorry to get you into embarrassing situation.
Please Add me on Skype : Berajaal
thank’s very helpful for me.
I have a question here that may not belong to this lesson but really confused me, anyway the question is
1.Can I ask a question ?
2.Could I ask a question ?
which one is correct and which can be more polite so please reply me
I will be thankful
so please reply me
Excellent video, Emma, as you ever do!
Thank You Very Much..
Both questions are ok. My husband who is American, says that to his ear, it sounds a little more polite with could.
I hope this helps you.
i feel very difficult to speak in english what is the way that makes me to improve my communication?
hi emma…could you please make more videos on most used english phrases to help us in speaking and listening… ^_^
Dear Emma,
I would greatly appreciate it if you kindly help me. Firstly, I get confused when someone says smth like “I’m feeling better”. Is this sentence grammatically correct? As I know we only use “feeling” as a noun, but not a pres. continious verb.
Secondly, my another question refers to using of “have have” in sentences with verbs in the past perfect form. For example, which of the sentences are preffered to use if I want to say that I ALREADY have a particular book:
“I’ve already have this book” or simple “I’ve got this book.”
Thanks in advance!
sorry, I meant using verbs in the present perfect form when we say about possession.
Which is preffered: “I’ve already had this book” or “I’ve got this book”?
Emma, thanks, this video really helped improve my english.
nice video .. very helpful teacher :)
this lesion is very useful for me) Thank you so much, Emma.
I’ve always wanted to post pictures of skin lesions every time someone says that :P
engVid Moderator
Thanks Emma really a good video
and unfortunately i don’t have people speaking English to encourage me practice with them and i forgot a lot of phrase and vocabulary
and i can’t speak english quickly as the level that i want to be at
This is a very good lesson not only for the IELTS but for everyone who wants to improve their skills in English language. Thank you and greetings from Athens.
I just wanna say HI 2 u,dear prof.
:) Regards!
thank you for lesson my teacher
thanks Ms. Emma i hope you can give more video lesson for new member. cheers :-)
Thank you
Hi I am a novice in English Can you help me
OH emma for the first lesson i realy inderstand it the way u make us focus it is imbelivebale thank you so much :)
thanks Emma can you give lessons for TOEFL
Hello Emma
Thanx for video.I did not get someting which i wanna learn.
You used ”make things up” when you talk about lie in this video.But What exatly does it mean ? or it can be meant an other thing as well ?
Thank you!
thanks a lot
Hello Emma. When should I use the simple future and when going to?
Great lesson Emma, I´ll take my exam soon and it was very usefull for my, thanks
My exam is coming soon, so thinks for your video!
when i download this video it’s voiceless if some one know how can i fix it please tell me as soon as you can
thanks Emma You’re best teacher I’ve a problem with listening but I understand you well
All of your lesson are excellent
that was incredibly interesting, thanks for that
sorry, but i have a question
where i can download this video
We don’t make the videos available for download, so you’ll have to find another way.
engVid Moderator
thanks emma you are really a good teacher i understand from you
I intend to do IELTS test
I made a lot of spelling mistakes while writing How can I improve my writing quickly
Thank you so much. The phrase “you don’t need to be perfect to get a band of 9 in an IELTS is exam” enlightened me. :)
Hi Emma, thanks you very much fo such great videos. i just wanted to know what if we don’t really know how to answer a question, can we change the subject, for e.g Am not keen of sports but i rather like to play games at home or enjoy with my friends. Thank you
thank you so much :)
Hello Emma, I really love you style to teach english, I’m enjoying each video and I can understand very well, Thanks for teach me.
Hi Emma , i really appreciate your help and i would like to thank you and all EngVid team for these great efforts .
Hi Emma,
i wish if i can meet friends speak clearly as you .. lol
warm regards
i recognized some my mistakes when i see this video. thanks for advice <3
Hello Ms Emma, I am Victoria. I’m currently living in Singapore and I would like to request you to do a video on oral communication. I really enjoy this website a lot and thank you so much.
Victoria ❤
Hi Ms Emma! this video is pretty helpful to me. Thanks a lot!
tran thai my
thanks mam giving instruction for IELTS. But I have one confussion if in the speaking task examiner ask me question and I am not understand the question the I would ask the examiner for repeat or tell me question again?
hi emma
i really enjoy your lesson thnks alot, keep going ^_^
Good morning Emma, Thank you so much for this class ! Obviously you really enjoy teaching and because of that it is almost impossible not to learn quickly from you ! Have a nice day, best regards from Argentina.
Dear Emma,
I really love your lessons.
Thank you very much.
Miaochiu Chien
Thank you very much! You’re fantastic teacher. :x :)))
Dear Emma, thank you for the lessons.
this graet emma but i need the one for toefl
Hi Emma. I’m very glad to know about you.
You gave a lesson very clearly and made me understand about what you say. I hope that i can get move with step by step.
I really enthusiastic about your lesson.
Hai … Dina ,, could you teach me english ? Im a beginner, i do not know where i should start, Please give me recommendations. Thanks
Abdul Basyid
thank you madam for your valuable tips
vamsi anil krishna chandu
this is best English training Website I scanned for free. Thank all team guys’ effort.
There were a lot of useful tips for me in this lesson.
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Emma
how are you?
and where are you from?
I enjoyed a lot this lesson!
Thank you
Marcio R Santos
excellent explanation Emma
many thanks .
taha there Ielts exam in Erbil and also Baghdad
you can check this web site for more information
Hi Emma how are you . you know Emma u are best teacher . I want to make test with Can I
priya bector
Hii! Emma, you’re really an excellent teacher! What I like best is your glamourous way to express yourself! Would be glad to learn from you again and again! Hopeful, with your help, I’ll finally pass IELTS in 2014)) With you, it doesn’t seem that undoable)) Great respect in your precious job you’re doing for us! Thank you, dear!
Thank you
Thanks Ms Emma, I got 80%.
Abdul Qayum
Thanks for the lesson and tips :)
It was ery nice for me to have joined to you my dear friends at Emma’s online teaching with your comments. I am a researcher and i have been learning english by myself since my 44 years old, here there are no english courses or someone to practice. So i do all my progress in inglish with the help of internet. Great thanks to them, who help with learning english online free.
It would be so appriceated if someone help me with my english, particularly in writing science paper for international journals.
hope to hear from you soon,
Dear Emma,
Thank you so much for these videos !
I got my IELTS(academic) results today.
Overall band score-7.0
I followed your every tip as much as I can. This is my first time taking IELTS and I came up with successful results ! Thousand times thank you …. thank you !!!
Thanks :)
thanks emma
hello emma. i loved to your explanation style in all the topics of ilets my speaking test will be tomorrow………….. thank u for making awesome classes on this web <3 LOVE YOU <3
Asim janjua
Thanks Emma, lovely session about part 1 IELTS speaking. You have done excellent job. Now on I make sure I will follow these instructions without breakdown.
really useful!! thanks a lot!
really useful!! thanks a lot!
I enjoy ur way of teaching Emma .
Michel Z
hey guys,
I will get IELTS exam on 15th of February. But I’m not pleased my speaking part. If someone is interested to improve language ability. just contact me? Good luck
thank you
Thanks Emma. you are doing wonderful job.
just love your teachings. Thanks a lot :)
Thanks Emma. you are doing wonderful job.
just love your teachings. Thanks a lot :)
Thanks so much for the lessons and tips !
hi my teacher thank you for you do best to teach us i hope i can like you fluent and cinfident
thank you my instructor for all of your advises. next month i have IELTS examination. if anyone help me i appreciate. i am studying at English university, and i have to get more than 5.5 from IELTS to pass this year.
Thank you Emma
What is the best way to improve my vocabulary and grammar simultaneously?
falah tawfeeq
Easy Quiz :D 10/10
Hi Emma, i benefit a lot from this lesson. I have an inquiry. you said that we should use different tenses, the problem is that the first section of IELTS speaking is concerning facts about my life, therefor i am forced to use present simple most of the time. What do you think?
Nour Ahmed
Hi Emma!
Well…I have done all these things you mention, really help but somehow I used Japanese while interview( i mean for some vocab but not the whole sentence)accidentally. Rare but it really happened…Quite sad as my language system seems become chaos
Fellis Seth
In God willing,I’m going to have IELTS next fortnight,I hope to do well.
thank you Emma i really interest
rashad yehya
Emma you are a great teacher, thanks
i got 100% understanding :)
well-done Emma, but you said you would present more lessons about task 1and describing the other forms of charts…. .I hope you record a vid about this part. thanks loads.
Hiiii my name is jay and I am only here to speak about Emma , if anybody remember then yes the sweet speaker on engvid’s videos. She is an amazing tutor even I have found many easy tips about IELTS from Emma’s videos.
I would like to say her ,keep doing it and you are doing brilliant job here .
hi dear Emma , you are realy cine. I enjoy it
Emma as usual Excellent :)
any body looking for practice in speaking I’m here friends :)
Moheb Bazaak
+100 ;)
I enjoyed it, thanks EMMA
Thanks Emma you are a great teacher.
thank a lot emma. you are really wonderful teacher. i wish may you live long.
sudipta saha
hi, emma ,
i listen your lecture here on video, i really appreciate your speaking style , your good impression ,your smiling face ,
Hi Emma. I started with engvid with IELTS speaking because this would help me a lot in my work. I love how the way you presented it. I can’t wait to see the next one. Thanks! :-)
Pretty good session. Thank you for such free modules.
If it was posible to answer quastions of the IELTS exam just with body language I have answred all of quastions fantasticaily.
dear emma, your explaining very clearly
nice work
Hello everybody you know that they say “This wordly life has an end” wordly what does this mean? can anybody explain that?
mam i liked ur class very much ..pray for me
sebastian k
hi emma
i want to ask you about tha speak part 1
when i did the exam the examiner asked what is your name and some questions but he does not started
recording first part od exam
how they give me score ?
great Ms. Emma
Hi Emma, thanks. You are really nice.
hi emma ….its good to see u…u r lecture videos on english are really awesome..i have learnt a lot from ur teaching…i have a basic dout to share with u…where we can use word speak….where we can use the word talk..wat is the basic differece between the usage of those two words
rajasekhar patnaik
Really useful vedio
Aman Dhiman
Thank you
Thank you Emma:)
thank you emma about your tips you real good teacher but plz i need free web sit to interaction in speaking plz help me in this issue
english is pretty adore with emma!it’s really awesome.
noman abdulla
hello emma madam. you are really helpful for me.
my favorite teacher is mis. emma i like her lesssions
you are very good ^^
bassam sherif
Sorry, we only make them available on Youtube. Our teachers make money through Youtube ads, which helps us keep these lessons free!
engVid Moderator
great 100% thanks ms emma
my quiz emma! I am used to getting:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
The first time to come here.Thank you,your lesson is perfect. I really appreciate it.I got 8 correct out of 10.
i’m so happy EMMA that you are being my teacher.i really respects u.thank u GOD for giving me like EMMA teacher.i’m so proud of it. again i got 10 correct out of 10..i’m going good :)
I can’t believe I got 10 yahoo! thanks Ms. Emma your tips about DOs and DON’Ts will be very useful
i crazy
100% rightsssssss yeeees and thenk uuu
Zainab Awni
Thak **
Zainab Awni
I envied myself hhhhh .. Thanks*
Zainab Awni
nice 90% for me it’s pretty good…))))))))
Thanks a lot Emma! This video of yours helped me to increase my vocabulary as well as my confidence in speaking English. Hopefully I will take IELTS by the end of this month or probably next month.
Thank you
Such information is very helpful because it helps you to bring your thoughts together and gives a plan of a model answer. I’m sure these tips help lots of students to get high scores! Thanks a lot!
Hi Emma thank you for wonderful lesson
Thank you for wonderful lesson, It helped a lot for me and given confidence.
Hi! thanks for helpfull lesson.It give me more confidence.
Hi Emma, your lesson is very helpful! Thanks a lot!
Hi Emma, It’s really a great help in listening and watching your videos.. thanks a lot.
ronald bermil
Great! Its very helpful for both of us me and my wife. We are going to preparing for IELTS exam to emigrant to canada.
you are awesome <3
Thanks a lot it was very helpful :)
Moustafa Omar
It was very good.
This is my first experience with the IELS or other tests. I am so far, enjoying the class and trying to learn all I can,
wanda clement
Hey Emma, It was really a excellent lecture. I would love to say you Thanks for adorable teach. Thank you again.
But my English fluency is not much fast. I prefer to give my skype: gauravbadyal
so that if anyone want to discuss so please contact me skype. So we all can suave our E
nglish language.
Great Job Emma
Hey Emma,
I found your each n every video very usefull. You are doing such a fine job. Please keep doing it. May God bless you with best.
I got 10 out of 10 = 100% :)
The lesson was very beneficial.
I appreciate that.
aykut cihangir
Excellent video, Emma, Thanks for everythink :))
Thanks Emma
I got 10/10 =)
Thanks, Emma!
prfect.thanks you are the best
Well , I want someone to practice English speaking on skype etc. reply me if someone is interested. Thanks.
Need a practice partner for English speaking ….
whatsapp+imo+viber and messenger +8801711106648
plese fill free contact with me…
Enamul Rashid Khandakar
Hello emma!
i’v written a report in a fixed time of 20 mints, could you please send me the feed back and your prediction about my band score please?
here’s the report;
(there were a table chart and a pie chart)
The charts demonstrates why the adults go on for the studies and how cost of studies must be shared.
firstly, in the bar chart, interest in the subjects makes up the highest percentage of the total at 40% following by gaining qualifications which accounts for 38 percent of total at thirty eight percent. the third reason for which adults go for the studies is being helpful for current jobs by a percentage of 22%. some other adults keep their studies going on for the cause of improving the prospects of promotion and enjoying learning which stands for 20 percent who have chosen the both reasons. meanwhile a small percentages regarded the reasons of being able to change jobs and to meet people.
the pie chart illustrates how the cost of each course should be shared. a very large percentage stands for individuals precisely 42 percent which makes the largest percentage. employers makes up the second high percentage of a total at 35 percent and finally the tax payers accounts for 25 percent of the total.
Rezwan ali
Dja give an IELTS exam?
Or where should I prepare myself for ielts?
If u know feel free to share ur information with me
Thanks bro!
FB: Masood Niazai
i got score 70/10 = 70% i need more practice in this test
thank you so much Emma you have giving the ielts tips
/i got 905 score 9/10=90%
thanks Emma this was very helpful
hi, Emma I´d like you do a video about how to say a German but in an offensive way and gypsy and so other expresión like that. I´m not sure but I think kraut is the Word. thans a lot
Thank You Emma For Your Advices :)
that was really helpful video , i really benefited from it
Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma. It’s was à good lesson for those who want to take the IELTS. Good luck to all.
i want to take ielts… tq for the lesson…
Thanks Emma..for speaking info
video has helpful advice. thanks emma
Thanks, Emma. I got 90.
you are the best guide, i declare that she talks gracefully.
Tamer Bey
Thanks Emma! I got full mark in your quiz. I liked most when you said ‘don’t worry too much to be perfect, and even native speakers make mistakes in their speaking. Again, thanks a lot for the course and the useful tips you brought in here.
Dear Ms. Emma,
How are you, hope you help me with some issues for the Ielts exam, I am not English native speaker but I am working in English school in my country and having no problem dealing and communicate everyday with other English colleagues, when I do the speaking test I got very nervous, sweating too much and show a lot of hesitation ( erm, ooh, err….) my score between 5 and 6 how can I avoid this, I am not doing this in real life. What advise also can you give me for other parts of exam to get high score.
Thank you in advance.
Armani 1
hi emma thank you
Hello Emma this lecture is really interesting, i appreciate this help you provided, anyways thanks a lot for these lectures.
looking for IELTS speaking buddy
Name:Hady Afifi
Time Zone:+2 GMT
Date of Exam: mid June
Target Score in Speaking: 7
Overall Target:7
Time of Availability: flexible
Well done!
Yours faithfully,
Thank you Emma
So helpful, most appreciation dear Emma,
I got 9 out of 10
Thank you Emma !
Thanks Emma, All The Best Wishes :)
Ahmed Samir 1974
nice job emmaa i appreciate
Hi my dear teacher Emma, I really appreciate your teaching, your fulfil in teaching!
Shake rasa
You got 9 correct out of 10Thanks
M kartal
Hi Emma; I’ve been watched hers classes for once
and in according to quiz I understand it perfectly, I’m very happy because I have been studied English only and I think my English has improved a lot! What is your opinion?
i got 6 out of 10 :P
thanks ema after watching this video got 10 out of 10
So you do the quiz twice the times? LOL!
Thanks Emma!
hi, every one here to talk to each other in order to be prepared in IELTS exam? my Skype id is amirm60
I remember when I 8 years old, it is the first time I do the Speaking test with the Native Speaker when she asked me: “Why you learn English?” I answer: “English is my weapon and I’m in my war! I need English to get the scholarship!” – it is the first time I talk to the Native Speaker so I really scare!
Then she said: “If English is your weapon, you must make it sharper like speak English louder!” I realize I’m so shy and I train my self to speak louder and better after that day! :)
Thx Emma great lesson! Have a nice day!
I need someone to practice my speaking with him . please anyone>>>thanks
The tips not only for IELTS test we could use for a interview.
Hi Emma
Thanks for your words. How can I obtaining more and more words
menatallah mohammed
Thanks a lot Emma^-^
thank you so much Emma……….
Great lesson, thank you Emma.
Haider 76
thanks Emma, I’ll prepare for IETLS in 2020.
edi wilson
Emma this lesson is great, awesome video, thanks!!!
it is vary good information
thank you allot
mahmoud khaled 89
I’ved learned this video ,How to improve my english .
Agnes Cadampog
Thank you for you honorebel guide, It the honor time for me to you teach me and illuminate my future
Faithfully yours
Sayed Burhanuddin
9/10. I’m 39 years old! This lesson also useful for me, in spite of I will not take IELTS task,
Jerry Gu
8/10, I feel good with this mark, I worked all the time and I ‘m tired right now
Thanks Emma
Tips are valuable.
Dr Atreja
hello everybody
Thank my teacher emma got quiz 10/10 perfect quiz got out exam avrage 100% average results exam 100%
Ahmed Aden Elimi 12
Thank you Teacher Emma. My God Bless you.
10/10 thank you ma’am Emma
Hi Emma Thanks a lot for the tips it’s really helpful ^_^
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hey Emma, It’s good to see you again..
wish I can get the IELTS but unfortunately it doesn’t available in my country..thanks a lot for your great efforts..
I have a question: can you or anyone tells me why you often saying “Could I get” instead of saying “Can I get” although Could is the past of Can, plus what’s the difference bettween “My father works at the hospital” and “My father works in the hospital..thank you once again
They use “Could I get” because this expression is more polite.
“at” refers to a location, whereas “in” refers to the inside. The former, “at”, could refer to either the outside or the inside of a building. Both of these are correct.
Speakers might use “at” instead of “in” when location itself is more important than being inside that location and doing something.
For example,
I’m at the HOSPITAL, waiting for the doctor.
I’m in the hospital, WAITING for the doctor.
How are you doing Jerry,
I really appreciate your explanation but what if I said “I tried my best but I couldn’t” and “I tried my best but I can’t” the different so big, the same thing with Could I get and Can I get so can you explain a little bit more…
regarding to “at” and “in” it’s pretty clear now, Thanks
Very good explanation, Jerrychen!
Hey, Taha, here’s some explanations about this whole thing “CAN”
“CAN” is one of the most commonly modal verb used in English. It’s used to express: ABILITIES, OPPORTUNITIES, TO REQUEST or OFFER PERMISSION and SHOW POSSIBILITY or IMPOSSIBILITY.
Here are some examples:
#1. I CAN speak English beautifully. (Ability)
#2. We CAN buy it when it’s in OFF. (Opportunity)
#3. He CAN hang out with his friends as soon as he finishes his homework up. (Permission)
#4. Mom, CAN I now hang out? I’m already done with my homework! (REQUEST)
#5. You CAN get sick if you have much junk food! (Possibility or impossibility)
However, your sentence fits in the option ability.
Look closely.
Your sentences:
I tried my best, but I couldn’t do my test all by myself.*
I always try my best, but I can never do a test all by myself.**
* In the first one you used the main verb (to try) in the past, so the modal verb (can) must come also in the past. You made an attempt, you tried, but you didn’t manage doing the test.
** the second one the main verb (to try) is in the present, so the modal (can) must be also in the present in order to make sense!
Hope it helps, see you around…
Hey Thalinho,
I really appreciate your help, It’s pretty clear now..your examples made it easy to understand.
With deep respect and appreciation
Thalinho !!your answer is fantastic ,, u r too good in english ,could u please me to improve my english ?? i got 6 bands only and my requirements are higher ,, mr kavan shukla 36 male india
Thalinho !! as i read u r a English teacher i m keen to get in touch with u , undoubtablly my intentions are very clear to learn english only ,, is there any way to be in touch with u ? my id is ,,jerry chen`s comment is also good .. jerry is there any way to get in touch with u buddy ??
hey taha,
sorry for the intervention, but from my humble opinion, i think that when you say could i get it’s the same of can i get but the first sentence is more pullied.
then when you say i tried my best but i couldn’t is the right way cause you are refering to something in the past that you couldn’t do then when you say i tried my best but i can’t it dosen’t make sence cause you are talking about the past and present in the same time but you can say i tried my best but i can’t do that any more here is the right way cause you are refering to some thing you did in the past and you can’t repeat it refers to the present.
Hey Alani,
that is very kind of you.
thanks a lot my brother,
thank you .
What I have think , you said that.
well .I am not perfect at all .But I am learning English.
where r u from?
Hello Taha. You could approach me if you need help. I would be honored to help you.
Warm Regards,
Victoria ❤
Hey Emma, It’s good to see you again..
wish I can get the IELTS but unfortunately it doesn’t available in my country..thanks a lot for your great efforts..
I have a question: can you or anyone tells me why you often saying “Could I get” instead of saying “Can I get” although Could is the past of Can, plus what’s the difference between “My father works at the hospital” and “My father works in the hospital..thank you once again
Thank you, Emma!
I used some of your tips when I had an interview, where I spoke English. I got the job.
Hi If you pleas
If continuance that explain task two and task three
Your explanation is clear and you use all detail to show the especial points. thank you.
my favorite teacher
Thanks a lot Emma! You always have prepared a lot before teach us. I love it and really appreciate!
How easy English is with you Emma ! ! !
Would you please show us a written form of the interview between both parties. next month i am going to have a work interview, i hope your lesson will help me getting the new job.
Thants alot.
Hi Mansour,
I am masum. sorry for intervention. I would like to inform that you can practice to friends or relative about your work Confrontaion, traits, Enthusiasm, work ethic, dedication etc.Can you practice to me. this is my skype;masumdsbc
Hi Emma,
Thank you so much,Your explanation is so informative with suitable examples…i appreciate you..
Hi Emma,
I still beginner in english , But i want to know what’s the difference between American english and British english , what one do you teaching.
I wish that all my comment is correct. Respect Emma from Morocco , you’re the best Teacher in engvid.
yes 100% :)
hi Emma.very interesting lesson. thanks for the recommended.
I am a new user of engVid. Is there any way to communicate with you? Because I have a question, actually many, that what is the meaning of “it sucks”. I know its a slang. But I have to know it because you (English people) use it frequently. I am sorry to get you into embarrassing situation.
Please Add me on Skype : Berajaal
thank’s very helpful for me.
I have a question here that may not belong to this lesson but really confused me, anyway the question is
1.Can I ask a question ?
2.Could I ask a question ?
which one is correct and which can be more polite so please reply me
I will be thankful
so please reply me
Excellent video, Emma, as you ever do!
Thank You Very Much..
Both questions are ok. My husband who is American, says that to his ear, it sounds a little more polite with could.
I hope this helps you.
i feel very difficult to speak in english what is the way that makes me to improve my communication?
hi emma…could you please make more videos on most used english phrases to help us in speaking and listening… ^_^
Dear Emma,
I would greatly appreciate it if you kindly help me. Firstly, I get confused when someone says smth like “I’m feeling better”. Is this sentence grammatically correct? As I know we only use “feeling” as a noun, but not a pres. continious verb.
Secondly, my another question refers to using of “have have” in sentences with verbs in the past perfect form. For example, which of the sentences are preffered to use if I want to say that I ALREADY have a particular book:
“I’ve already have this book” or simple “I’ve got this book.”
Thanks in advance!
sorry, I meant using verbs in the present perfect form when we say about possession.
Which is preffered: “I’ve already had this book” or “I’ve got this book”?
Emma, thanks, this video really helped improve my english.
nice video .. very helpful teacher :)
this lesion is very useful for me) Thank you so much, Emma.
In writing, we need to be very careful also as this will change the idea you wanted to say. :-)
I’ve always wanted to post pictures of skin lesions every time someone says that :P
Thanks Emma really a good video
and unfortunately i don’t have people speaking English to encourage me practice with them and i forgot a lot of phrase and vocabulary
and i can’t speak english quickly as the level that i want to be at
This is a very good lesson not only for the IELTS but for everyone who wants to improve their skills in English language. Thank you and greetings from Athens.
I just wanna say HI 2 u,dear prof.
:) Regards!
thank you for lesson my teacher
thanks Ms. Emma i hope you can give more video lesson for new member. cheers :-)
Thank you
Hi I am a novice in English Can you help me
OH emma for the first lesson i realy inderstand it the way u make us focus it is imbelivebale thank you so much :)
thanks Emma can you give lessons for TOEFL
Hello Emma
Thanx for video.I did not get someting which i wanna learn.
You used ”make things up” when you talk about lie in this video.But What exatly does it mean ? or it can be meant an other thing as well ?
Thank you!
thanks a lot
Hello Emma. When should I use the simple future and when going to?
Great lesson Emma, I´ll take my exam soon and it was very usefull for my, thanks
My exam is coming soon, so thinks for your video!
when i download this video it’s voiceless if some one know how can i fix it please tell me as soon as you can
thanks Emma You’re best teacher I’ve a problem with listening but I understand you well
All of your lesson are excellent
that was incredibly interesting, thanks for that
sorry, but i have a question
where i can download this video
We don’t make the videos available for download, so you’ll have to find another way.
thanks emma you are really a good teacher i understand from you
I intend to do IELTS test
I made a lot of spelling mistakes while writing How can I improve my writing quickly
Thank you so much. The phrase “you don’t need to be perfect to get a band of 9 in an IELTS is exam” enlightened me. :)
Hi Emma, thanks you very much fo such great videos. i just wanted to know what if we don’t really know how to answer a question, can we change the subject, for e.g Am not keen of sports but i rather like to play games at home or enjoy with my friends. Thank you
thank you so much :)
Hello Emma, I really love you style to teach english, I’m enjoying each video and I can understand very well, Thanks for teach me.
Hi Emma , i really appreciate your help and i would like to thank you and all EngVid team for these great efforts .
Hi Emma,
i wish if i can meet friends speak clearly as you .. lol
warm regards
i recognized some my mistakes when i see this video. thanks for advice <3
Hello Ms Emma, I am Victoria. I’m currently living in Singapore and I would like to request you to do a video on oral communication. I really enjoy this website a lot and thank you so much.
Victoria ❤
Hi Ms Emma! this video is pretty helpful to me. Thanks a lot!
thanks mam giving instruction for IELTS. But I have one confussion if in the speaking task examiner ask me question and I am not understand the question the I would ask the examiner for repeat or tell me question again?
hi emma
i really enjoy your lesson thnks alot, keep going ^_^
Good morning Emma, Thank you so much for this class ! Obviously you really enjoy teaching and because of that it is almost impossible not to learn quickly from you ! Have a nice day, best regards from Argentina.
Dear Emma,
I really love your lessons.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much! You’re fantastic teacher. :x :)))
Dear Emma, thank you for the lessons.
this graet emma but i need the one for toefl
Hi Emma. I’m very glad to know about you.
You gave a lesson very clearly and made me understand about what you say. I hope that i can get move with step by step.
I really enthusiastic about your lesson.
Hai … Dina ,, could you teach me english ? Im a beginner, i do not know where i should start, Please give me recommendations. Thanks
thank you madam for your valuable tips
this is best English training Website I scanned for free. Thank all team guys’ effort.
There were a lot of useful tips for me in this lesson.
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Emma
how are you?
and where are you from?
I enjoyed a lot this lesson!
Thank you
excellent explanation Emma
many thanks .
taha there Ielts exam in Erbil and also Baghdad
you can check this web site for more information
Hi Emma how are you . you know Emma u are best teacher . I want to make test with Can I
Hii! Emma, you’re really an excellent teacher! What I like best is your glamourous way to express yourself! Would be glad to learn from you again and again! Hopeful, with your help, I’ll finally pass IELTS in 2014)) With you, it doesn’t seem that undoable)) Great respect in your precious job you’re doing for us! Thank you, dear!
Thank you
Thanks Ms Emma, I got 80%.
Thanks for the lesson and tips :)
It was ery nice for me to have joined to you my dear friends at Emma’s online teaching with your comments. I am a researcher and i have been learning english by myself since my 44 years old, here there are no english courses or someone to practice. So i do all my progress in inglish with the help of internet. Great thanks to them, who help with learning english online free.
It would be so appriceated if someone help me with my english, particularly in writing science paper for international journals.
hope to hear from you soon,
Dear Emma,
Thank you so much for these videos !
I got my IELTS(academic) results today.
Overall band score-7.0
I followed your every tip as much as I can. This is my first time taking IELTS and I came up with successful results ! Thousand times thank you …. thank you !!!
Thanks :)
thanks emma
hello emma. i loved to your explanation style in all the topics of ilets my speaking test will be tomorrow………….. thank u for making awesome classes on this web <3 LOVE YOU <3
Thanks Emma, lovely session about part 1 IELTS speaking. You have done excellent job. Now on I make sure I will follow these instructions without breakdown.
really useful!! thanks a lot!
really useful!! thanks a lot!
I enjoy ur way of teaching Emma .
hey guys,
I will get IELTS exam on 15th of February. But I’m not pleased my speaking part. If someone is interested to improve language ability. just contact me? Good luck
thank you
Thanks Emma. you are doing wonderful job.
just love your teachings. Thanks a lot :)
Thanks Emma. you are doing wonderful job.
just love your teachings. Thanks a lot :)
Thanks so much for the lessons and tips !
hi my teacher thank you for you do best to teach us i hope i can like you fluent and cinfident
thank you my instructor for all of your advises. next month i have IELTS examination. if anyone help me i appreciate. i am studying at English university, and i have to get more than 5.5 from IELTS to pass this year.
Thank you Emma
What is the best way to improve my vocabulary and grammar simultaneously?
Easy Quiz :D 10/10
Hi Emma, i benefit a lot from this lesson. I have an inquiry. you said that we should use different tenses, the problem is that the first section of IELTS speaking is concerning facts about my life, therefor i am forced to use present simple most of the time. What do you think?
Hi Emma!
Well…I have done all these things you mention, really help but somehow I used Japanese while interview( i mean for some vocab but not the whole sentence)accidentally. Rare but it really happened…Quite sad as my language system seems become chaos
In God willing,I’m going to have IELTS next fortnight,I hope to do well.
thank you Emma i really interest
Emma you are a great teacher, thanks
i got 100% understanding :)
well-done Emma, but you said you would present more lessons about task 1and describing the other forms of charts…. .I hope you record a vid about this part. thanks loads.
Hiiii my name is jay and I am only here to speak about Emma , if anybody remember then yes the sweet speaker on engvid’s videos. She is an amazing tutor even I have found many easy tips about IELTS from Emma’s videos.
I would like to say her ,keep doing it and you are doing brilliant job here .
hi dear Emma , you are realy cine. I enjoy it
Emma as usual Excellent :)
any body looking for practice in speaking I’m here friends :)
+100 ;)
I enjoyed it, thanks EMMA
Thanks Emma you are a great teacher.
thank a lot emma. you are really wonderful teacher. i wish may you live long.
hi, emma ,
i listen your lecture here on video, i really appreciate your speaking style , your good impression ,your smiling face ,
Hi Emma. I started with engvid with IELTS speaking because this would help me a lot in my work. I love how the way you presented it. I can’t wait to see the next one. Thanks! :-)
Pretty good session. Thank you for such free modules.
If it was posible to answer quastions of the IELTS exam just with body language I have answred all of quastions fantasticaily.
dear emma, your explaining very clearly
nice work
Hello everybody you know that they say “This wordly life has an end” wordly what does this mean? can anybody explain that?
mam i liked ur class very much ..pray for me
hi emma
i want to ask you about tha speak part 1
when i did the exam the examiner asked what is your name and some questions but he does not started
recording first part od exam
how they give me score ?
great Ms. Emma
Hi Emma, thanks. You are really nice.
hi emma ….its good to see u…u r lecture videos on english are really awesome..i have learnt a lot from ur teaching…i have a basic dout to share with u…where we can use word speak….where we can use the word talk..wat is the basic differece between the usage of those two words
Really useful vedio
Thank you
Thank you Emma:)
thank you emma about your tips you real good teacher but plz i need free web sit to interaction in speaking plz help me in this issue
english is pretty adore with emma!it’s really awesome.
hello emma madam. you are really helpful for me.
my favorite teacher is mis. emma i like her lesssions
you are very good ^^
Sorry, we only make them available on Youtube. Our teachers make money through Youtube ads, which helps us keep these lessons free!
great 100% thanks ms emma
my quiz emma! I am used to getting:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
The first time to come here.Thank you,your lesson is perfect. I really appreciate it.I got 8 correct out of 10.
i’m so happy EMMA that you are being my teacher.i really respects u.thank u GOD for giving me like EMMA teacher.i’m so proud of it. again i got 10 correct out of 10..i’m going good :)
I can’t believe I got 10 yahoo! thanks Ms. Emma your tips about DOs and DON’Ts will be very useful
i crazy
100% rightsssssss yeeees and thenk uuu
Thak **
I envied myself hhhhh .. Thanks*
nice 90% for me it’s pretty good…))))))))
Thanks a lot Emma! This video of yours helped me to increase my vocabulary as well as my confidence in speaking English. Hopefully I will take IELTS by the end of this month or probably next month.
Thank you
Such information is very helpful because it helps you to bring your thoughts together and gives a plan of a model answer. I’m sure these tips help lots of students to get high scores! Thanks a lot!
Hi Emma thank you for wonderful lesson
Thank you for wonderful lesson, It helped a lot for me and given confidence.
Hi! thanks for helpfull lesson.It give me more confidence.
Hi Emma, your lesson is very helpful! Thanks a lot!
Hi Emma, It’s really a great help in listening and watching your videos.. thanks a lot.
Great! Its very helpful for both of us me and my wife. We are going to preparing for IELTS exam to emigrant to canada.
you are awesome <3
Thanks a lot it was very helpful :)
It was very good.
This is my first experience with the IELS or other tests. I am so far, enjoying the class and trying to learn all I can,
Hey Emma, It was really a excellent lecture. I would love to say you Thanks for adorable teach. Thank you again.
But my English fluency is not much fast. I prefer to give my skype: gauravbadyal
so that if anyone want to discuss so please contact me skype. So we all can suave our E
nglish language.
Great Job Emma
Hey Emma,
I found your each n every video very usefull. You are doing such a fine job. Please keep doing it. May God bless you with best.
I got 10 out of 10 = 100% :)
The lesson was very beneficial.
I appreciate that.
Excellent video, Emma, Thanks for everythink :))
Thanks Emma
I got 10/10 =)
Thanks, Emma!
prfect.thanks you are the best
Well , I want someone to practice English speaking on skype etc. reply me if someone is interested. Thanks.
Need a practice partner for English speaking ….
whatsapp+imo+viber and messenger +8801711106648
plese fill free contact with me…
Hello emma!
i’v written a report in a fixed time of 20 mints, could you please send me the feed back and your prediction about my band score please?
here’s the report;
(there were a table chart and a pie chart)
The charts demonstrates why the adults go on for the studies and how cost of studies must be shared.
firstly, in the bar chart, interest in the subjects makes up the highest percentage of the total at 40% following by gaining qualifications which accounts for 38 percent of total at thirty eight percent. the third reason for which adults go for the studies is being helpful for current jobs by a percentage of 22%. some other adults keep their studies going on for the cause of improving the prospects of promotion and enjoying learning which stands for 20 percent who have chosen the both reasons. meanwhile a small percentages regarded the reasons of being able to change jobs and to meet people.
the pie chart illustrates how the cost of each course should be shared. a very large percentage stands for individuals precisely 42 percent which makes the largest percentage. employers makes up the second high percentage of a total at 35 percent and finally the tax payers accounts for 25 percent of the total.
Dja give an IELTS exam?
Or where should I prepare myself for ielts?
If u know feel free to share ur information with me
Thanks bro!
FB: Masood Niazai
i got score 70/10 = 70% i need more practice in this test
thank you so much Emma you have giving the ielts tips
/i got 905 score 9/10=90%
thanks Emma this was very helpful
hi, Emma I´d like you do a video about how to say a German but in an offensive way and gypsy and so other expresión like that. I´m not sure but I think kraut is the Word. thans a lot
Thank You Emma For Your Advices :)
that was really helpful video , i really benefited from it
Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma. It’s was à good lesson for those who want to take the IELTS. Good luck to all.
i want to take ielts… tq for the lesson…
Thanks Emma..for speaking info
video has helpful advice. thanks emma
Thanks, Emma. I got 90.
you are the best guide, i declare that she talks gracefully.
Thanks Emma! I got full mark in your quiz. I liked most when you said ‘don’t worry too much to be perfect, and even native speakers make mistakes in their speaking. Again, thanks a lot for the course and the useful tips you brought in here.
Dear Ms. Emma,
How are you, hope you help me with some issues for the Ielts exam, I am not English native speaker but I am working in English school in my country and having no problem dealing and communicate everyday with other English colleagues, when I do the speaking test I got very nervous, sweating too much and show a lot of hesitation ( erm, ooh, err….) my score between 5 and 6 how can I avoid this, I am not doing this in real life. What advise also can you give me for other parts of exam to get high score.
Thank you in advance.
hi emma thank you
Hello Emma this lecture is really interesting, i appreciate this help you provided, anyways thanks a lot for these lectures.
looking for IELTS speaking buddy
Name:Hady Afifi
Time Zone:+2 GMT
Date of Exam: mid June
Target Score in Speaking: 7
Overall Target:7
Time of Availability: flexible
Well done!
Yours faithfully,
Thank you Emma
So helpful, most appreciation dear Emma,
I got 9 out of 10
Thank you Emma !
Thanks Emma, All The Best Wishes :)
nice job emmaa i appreciate
Hi my dear teacher Emma, I really appreciate your teaching, your fulfil in teaching!
You got 9 correct out of 10Thanks
Hi Emma; I’ve been watched hers classes for once
and in according to quiz I understand it perfectly, I’m very happy because I have been studied English only and I think my English has improved a lot! What is your opinion?
i got 6 out of 10 :P
thanks ema after watching this video got 10 out of 10
So you do the quiz twice the times? LOL!
Thanks Emma!
hi, every one here to talk to each other in order to be prepared in IELTS exam? my Skype id is amirm60
I remember when I 8 years old, it is the first time I do the Speaking test with the Native Speaker when she asked me: “Why you learn English?” I answer: “English is my weapon and I’m in my war! I need English to get the scholarship!” – it is the first time I talk to the Native Speaker so I really scare!
Then she said: “If English is your weapon, you must make it sharper like speak English louder!” I realize I’m so shy and I train my self to speak louder and better after that day! :)
Thx Emma great lesson! Have a nice day!
I need someone to practice my speaking with him . please anyone>>>thanks
The tips not only for IELTS test we could use for a interview.
Hi Emma
Thanks for your words. How can I obtaining more and more words
Thanks a lot Emma^-^
thank you so much Emma……….
Great lesson, thank you Emma.
thanks Emma, I’ll prepare for IETLS in 2020.
Emma this lesson is great, awesome video, thanks!!!
it is vary good information
thank you allot
I’ved learned this video ,How to improve my english .
Thank you for you honorebel guide, It the honor time for me to you teach me and illuminate my future
Faithfully yours
9/10. I’m 39 years old! This lesson also useful for me, in spite of I will not take IELTS task,
8/10, I feel good with this mark, I worked all the time and I ‘m tired right now
Thanks Emma
Tips are valuable.
hello everybody
Thank my teacher emma got quiz 10/10 perfect quiz got out exam avrage 100% average results exam 100%
Thank you Teacher Emma. My God Bless you.
10/10 thank you ma’am Emma
Hi Emma Thanks a lot for the tips it’s really helpful ^_^
thank you madam for this lesson
I really enjoy your lessons Emma.