Are you stuck when you have to introduce yourself? Do you avoid introducing people because you don’t know how? Don’t be afraid anymore! Watch this lesson and learn what to say and do! Develop your confidence to be more successful in personal and professional life.
It’s very nice to know Rebecca,sometime I’m confuse how to introduce myself . Thank you ,it’s helpful.
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
hello, would you like to join me on skype or watapp and viber +919930541487
bhuvnesh kumar
Thanks for your feedback and hope it will be easier for you to introduce yourself from now on. My best to you.
rabecca in my country is not common introduce someone with their last name/family name like number:10. You need to introduce two colleagues to each other. Their names are Mrs. Pamela Svendson and Mr. David Whitehorn. You say:
Mrs. Pamela, this is Mr. David.
Mrs. Svendson, this is Mr. Whitehorn.
We always use the last names with titles such as Mr., Mrs. or Ms. in my country using first name.
chakim hamzah
but in formal context/thesis writing/ Indonesian and english are the same.
chakim hamzah
This is a good lesson.Thnx Robecca
Yep! I agree with you. What I liked most about it was the additional recommendations (the protocol and the attitudes one shuld take on).
Bye for now
Dear Rebecca, just one observation. According to the video “You introduce the older person to the younger one first”.
However, if you select this statement as the answer for question 5, you get the question wrong, why?
I love your video lessons Rebecca, they are marvelous. Thanks a lot.
Hi Regino, I’ve noticed the same “mistake”. As I know the younger person should be introduced to the older one…
hey ma’m can we talk….
I like so much your class
Like always it’s a good lesson. Thanks Rebecca for share it.
Hi it’s nice lesson. Thanks.
This is very interesting !! Thanks.
Can i say only, “i’m plasure”?
No, that would not be a good idea. It could mean something slightly sexual, which I don’t think you mean. Better to stick with what I have mentioned in the lesson! My best wishes to you.
Great lesson (:
Really make sense.
Thank you, Rebecca. I’m pleasure to see you :)
It’s nice to meet you, Ms Rebecca.
But I have a question.
If Mr A is older than Mrs B, who should I talk with first to introduce them?
Is it right? Firstly: Mrs B, this is Mr A. and then: Mrs A, this is Mr B.
No, actually it should be the other way around. It’s like this:
Mr Older Person, please meet Mr Younger Person.
Hope that helps! All the best to you.
It doesn’t matter if the people involved are male or female. What matters is the age, if you can tell who is older! In business situations, the person with the higher position is often named first, like the older person in my example.
I got such a nice Knowledge
Ahmed Raza Arain
Nice Lesson
Ahmed Raza Arain
thank Rebecca very much.
thank you Rebecca… :)
Dear Rebecca,
in general English i’ve a doubts could you please explain the topics
my topics
SENTENCE REARRANGEMENT …ect, those who are preparing for competitive exams it must helpful for the job to creak an exam … Rebecca would you please focus on this sections (yours programs and way of teaching,it should change helpful for all the job seekers in world )
Thanks Rebecca for this simple but important lesson:)
thanks teacher .. it was easy and useful
Thank you so much.
Hi guys! Two sentences: 1. I am doing cutting. 2. I am cutting. They are similar enough. But are they grammatically correct?
Thanks teacher it is nice and easy way
Asmorom 75
Thank you Rebecca
Nice lesson, I like it so much
Thank you :)
Actually,it’s easy for beginning.
Hi. Your lesson is always so helpful.Thanks for that. Today. I’M a little confused. Did you say that we should introduce older person to younger person first in this lesson? I know the opposite way. Or this was my listening mistake?
Joy Joung
You would need to say:
Mr Older Person, please meet Mr Younger Person.
All the best to you.
So why put question with exactly same line as in the video if the answer is completely opposite? At 5:07 you said “you introduce the older person to the younger person” but that is wrong according to question’s 5 answer.
Nice lesson, Rebecca
Miss Rebecca i want to ask you, what is the difference between “Perhaps” and “Maybe” ??
Ahmad Maswadeh
The way you write them. They both mean exactly the same. They are synonyms.
Juan Jose Toro
Yes, Ahmad, Juan is right. They are the same. Thanks you, Juan, and all the best to both of you.
Thank you Very much Rebecca
Hello Everyone !!
I’m looking for someone to help me to improve my english , cause my English aint very good. Add me on skype : waldrinoo
Nice lesson . Thank you for this lessons
Hello Mrs. Rebeca, I am Alexander. It’s a pleasure to see and listening You.
Hi, I’m Jorge, haven’t we met before.
Jorge Pedroso
I believe we have, indeed :-)
Thanks Rebecca I like this lesson although it is simple but I’m often use wrong context. anyone can add me to share english knowledge to me.
Thanks you my skype is ukrit_2011
Easy lesson but is always a pleasure hear your correct english, thanks
This my first day to know about english, pls teachers help me to be speak english well
We’re trying to do just that, my friend. Be brave and determined and you will achieve your goals. All the best to you.
Thank you Rebecca it will help me in the future
Hajer mohammed
tks you!!
I love your voice then I watched the lesson again :3 It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rebecca.
Thank you! It is a usefull lesson for me. God bless you!
Konstantyn Yefimov
5. Generally speaking, you should:
introduce the younger person to the older person first.
introduce the older person to the younger person first.
(my answer is wrong coz i choosed “introduce the older person to the younger) but when i listened again to the video i found that my answer was right .. so what is wrong wiz my answer?
manar maher
Sorry if it was confusing. Please follow this rule:
Mr Older Person, please meet Mr Younger Person.
All the best to you.
Dear Rebecca. Thank you for fine lessons.
I think, the misunderstanding by introduccion old/young Man’s related with difference in National Culture in East and West Countries.
Thank you for this wonderful lesson, but still I’ve some doubts that are:
while introducing myself to someone else is it necessary to say my last name(I’m talking about formal situation) since my last name is pronounced with a lot of difficulty and the other person generally never gets it,can’t I simply say hello I’m Irina?
well, my next doubt is that when once I introduced my mom to a person saying “this is my mom”, that other person in response said “nice to meet you mom” I got a bit confused, was it okay of him to call my mom “mom”. I mean is it normal thing or he was trying to be too friendly. Kindly reply.
Rebecca I like all your lessons and your simple yet effective style of teaching.Thank you once again.
Well, your friend was trying to be friendly, partly because you did not give him your Mom’s name. So if your Mom’s name is Mary, you should have said:
This is my Mom, Mary.
Then your friend knows what to call your Mom. He was trying to be cute but also tell you that he didn’t have your Mom’s name since you had not provided it. All the best to you.
I want to say thanks in a different way how could i say?
asad razzaq
Thanks Ms . Rebecca….seeing your lessons after very long time…..Thanks your pertinent answers to the questions for formal and informal situations…I have no cognizance on this lesson when you talk about introducing older people to younger people …After watching your video I passed the quiz with flying colours…
Deepak workaholic
Simple and useful lesson.Thank you Rebecca.
hello kate would you like to join me on skype or watapp and viber +919930541487
bhuvnesh kumar
It’s a good school of english!
Mikolaj Garbien
Thanks for your kind comment. We hope to help as many people as we can around the world to improve their English for free through our lessons. All the best to you.
Wow this explication is useful
Glad you found the explanation helpful. My best to you.
great lesson Ms Rebecca, thank you
Edson Valenzuela
Great lesson.
Good lesson!I like it very much!
Mary Dou
Hi Rebecca! Thanks for nice lesson!
Good class, easy to understand.
Thank you.
hello ,Rebecca .
it’s pleasure to meet you .
ma’am ,you taught us if i have to introduce a younger and older ones to each other ,then first introduces older to younger one .but in your quiz says opposite to what you taught in the video .
other than this ,your video is helpful as always .
thank you !
Sorry for any confusion. It should be like this:
Mr Older Person, please meet Mr Younger Person.
All the best to you.
Thanks Miss Rebecca,I’m Eric Chan.It’s a pleasure to meet you,Miss Rebecca.Thanks for your interesting and useful courses,i benefit a lot by listening your lessons.Btw,could i ask you a question about the difference btw China’s and Chinese please ? Thank you in advance.Have a good day.
Eric Chan
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you alot!)
Thank you Rebecca,
nice lesson thank’s teacher
cool lesson, simple and very important!
Thank you! It is an interesting lesson!
hi every one .why videos are not palying?? help me please
Mushtaq Channa
If you’re visiting from Pakistan, Youtube may be blocked. Try using a VPN?
engVid Moderator
Thanks Rebecca
razaka minjiva
Thank you very much Rebecca, in my opinion your videos are better than other lessons that we can find on internet.
I have a question: what you think is the best way to improve my english?
I’m whatching your videos and I I’m doing exercises but when I talk with a english collegues I’m never sure to use correct phrases to describe what I’m thinking.
Do you think is necessary only continue talking in english?
join me , i ll try to help you to correct you english , even i ll also get a practics thankx
skype id – bhuvnesh.kumar69
+919930541487 add on watapp or viber
bhuvnesh kumar
Yes, it is important to speak more often but as you know, it is also important to speak correctly. So you should have someone like a teacher who can give you feedback about your English, or tell a few close English-speaking friends to please feel free to correct any English mistakes you make. Otherwise, people may not correct you as they would consider it rude to do so. I wish you all the best, Stefano.
Nice lesson.
Madam, Thank you very much. I have learnt a lot from this lecture.
S V R Kiran
You’re very welcome. My pleasure. All the best to you.
thank you a lot its very importent lesson
thank you Mr Rebecca. /3
Thank you very much
this is funny lesson
its nice
Thank you.
good lesson, thank you!
Thank you, my nice and favorite pedagogue, i got 90% without watching the lesson.
Abdul Qayum
So, watch and get 100%, my friend. That way you can get better than you are already. All the best to you, Abdul.
I don’t understand:
Who introduce first the younger guy or the older?
And between a younger woman and an older man who’s the first?
Mr Older Person, please meet Mr Younger Person.
Doesn’t matter if the people involved are male or female. All the best to you.
there is mistake in question 5
I really like this lesson, it’s very interesting! thank you for this great lesson!!!!!
Thank you! :)
hello kate would you like to join me on skype or watapp and viber +919930541487
bhuvnesh kumar
Yes I really interest this English lesson
Thanks Rebecca, I like her. She softly voice I attractive very much.
Very good lessons! Thank You!
Thank you so much Rebecca for this lesson.
Helpful lesson presented wonderfully. Thanks a ton)))).
hi! dear madam rebecca
i am a student. I really like the way you teaching english, I don’t know how to thank you, wowwww thank you very very much. I like all teachers on, I also say thanks to all teachers specially emma, adam, ronnie and alex. I spend all my free time in us. It’s was a pleasure to met us in my life
your faithfully
Thanks for all your kind feedback. It means a lot to us. All the best to you.
I got a great lesson.i was not sure how to introduce both of formal and informal ways before.But i clearly got it now
Thet thinzar
Great! So glad the lesson helped you. Thanks for yoru feedback and all the best to you.
thank you so much Rebecca.
I’m gonna try to introduce myself to other people.
Good for you, my friend. That’s the way! My best wishes to you.
Thanks Rebecca.
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you, too, Jeff!
All the best to you.
You got 9 correct out of 10… :)
Thank you Rebecca for the awsm lesson…..
Thank you for this very helpful tips. :)
hi thank you for a good teacher,you know i learned a lot from you. im still watching your video,for helping
me how to speak English well.
lilibeth alegre
Thanks for your kind feedback. I am sure you are going to achieve your goal of speaking English well. I wish you all the best.
Thank you very much! :)
Thank you very much, Rebecca :)
hello kate would you like to join me on skype or watapp and viber +919930541487
bhuvnesh kumar
Greetings from Canada! Thanks for watching and for your feedback. My best wishes to you.
Thanks a lot for your lesson
thanks…please sent me video beginner…
Thank you for the lesson‼ Iwould like to make another class as giving and request addresses that extend this theme, thanks again and bye.
fabricio galo
You might find this lesson helpful, though it is focused more on the grammar of giving your address:
Hello, Rebecca i have question for you. We learn with you british or americain english? Thanks
Niss Cor
I am based in Canada and the English I teach is more American than British. Sometimes, the spelling we use in Canada is more British so you may see that when I write comments. Thanks, and all the best.
Hi, remembering a Rolling Stone’s song, I have a question: Does “Pleased to meet you” mean the same as “Pleasure to meet you”?
Thanks a lot
Yes it is, and thanks for reminding me of an awesome song :D
engVid Moderator
thank you, Rebecca it’s useful for me.
Thanks Rebecca simple & useful
Hareesh A
Great lesson! Thank You.
Really useful lesson!thank you
sruthi s
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson:)
Teacher Rebecca, you are great! Thanks a lot!
hello, would you like to join me on skype or watapp and viber +919930541487
bhuvnesh kumar
Hello, I’m a English learner. This website is awesome! I’ll study English using this website and I want to share it to Japanese. Because I’m a Japanese and I want to change that almost Japanese can’t understand English:)
Welcome to engvid. Thank you for writing and glad to know you find our lessons useful. My best wishes to you, tennisboy3104.
Thanks teacher. It is usefull the lesson
I should learn more,,thank you teacher
thank you teacher ..
this lesson will help me to be more confident at functions.
Wonderful. I like to hear that! All the best to you.
thank you
thanks all teacher students and other members
wish to reach our goals all of us
Thanks for your feedback. I wish you all the best.
Thank you, Rebecca !
Thanks for useful lessons! I have suggestion to make lesson about word “account”. This word appears pretty often and in pare with different repositions has wide range of meanings. Sometimes I find it difficult to understand it in sentences. And I believe many students have similar problem with “account”. So we would really appreciate such lesson. Thanks.
Thanks for your suggestion. I will pass it on to all the teachers. My best wishes to you.
Thanks rebecca mam.
Hi Rebecca,
I have signed up on this website today and your this lesson is very interesting and inspiring too for speaking in English.
now i can end up my search for finding best sites for learning English.
Thanks Engvid
Reshma Banu
Greetings from Canada to India! Welcome to engvid. I am glad you found the lesson useful. There are so many other lessons available, so do explore. All the best to you, Reshma.
thank u so much
lolo lila
thank you, it was an interesting lesson
this lesson is caracterized by its simplicity but also by its big importance to enter into the world of relationship by its big door.thanks teacher.god bless you.
Well, thank you. I must say you have a way with words. I wish you all the best.
it was helpful
It was very supportive to me.
Aung Zay
hi ma`am Rebecca
it was helpful lesson for me,thank you, :)
It’s very helpful lesson, I’m gonna remember about this rules in introducing situacions :)
hello kate would you like to join me on skype or watapp and viber +919930541487
bhuvnesh kumar
doris ayorinde
nice lesson.
Vinod Hire
One of my favorite lesson :)
Glad to hear it. Thank you. My best wishes to you.
thank u
simran preet
Thanks Rebecca
guys and bells plz add me on skype – bhuvnesh.kumar69
add watapp and viber too
I am good in english grammer i hope i ll help you to improve your grammer mistakes
bhuvnesh kumar
guys and bells plz add me on skype – bhuvnesh.kumar69
I am good in english grammer i hope i ll help you to improve your grammer mistakes
bhuvnesh kumar
anybody here to chat and for call or video call with me
my info – +919930541487
SKYPE- bhuvnesh.kumar69
bhuvnesh kumar
Nice teaching, easy to understand.
Thank you.
Great Lesson :) thank you very much Teacher Rebecca !
Lucilene Oliveira
5 Generally speaking, you should:
? introduce the younger person to the older person first.
x introduce the older person to the younger person first.
The correct answer in this quiz doesn´t make sense according to the lesson, maybe not my gramma either…
Sorry for any confusion. This is the rule:
Mr Older Person, please meet Mr Younger Person.
My best wishes to you.
Thank you Teacher Rebecca let me learn more and more english.
John chen
this is great lesson thanks alot
thank you very much i am from morocco and i enjoy your lessons
Thank you Teacher Rebecca I am Latinamerican and I enjoy your lessons
Nice to meet you! Thanks for your kind feedback. My best wishes to you.
Thank you very much.
Thank You Rebecca :)
hi all.
Nice class
Thank you Rebecca ^______^
Thank You Rebecca ^^
Thanks to all of you for your feedback. I hope you will now have the confidence to introduce yourself to others without fear. I wish you all the best.
You are one of the best teacher, not only for your metod of teaching but also for responsing the bellow of you videos ! I think it`s wonderful because of any body has less time an you certainly.
Please if possible rewrite my sentences correctly
this lesson is very useful and interesting ,it helps me a lot about learning english,thank you so much,Rebecca :)
Just,thanks a lot.Beautiful!
Great lesson….lots of love for u Rebecca…<3
rahim badsha
Thanks for you miss. Rebecca. Your videos are so important for me, because I’m a beginner student.
Dana Khalil
Ok I get 7
i get7
Amzad mukul
Thank you
Are you sure you want to post your phone number on the Internet?
engVid Moderator
Thanks Rebbecca.
Thank you Rebecca. Very useful vocabulary.
You are good teacher.
woooooow! i enjoyed the lesson.Thanks you Rebecca.
Ramis justin
thanks Rebecca , your rule in my education is very important and joyful <3
Mohammad Asiri
9/10 Thanks :)
I got 9 correct out of 10. Thanks Rebecca.
tony wang
“introduce the younger person to the older person first.”
Excellent lesson. Thank you.
Its a great video .. you are a good teacher ,thank you
Thank you very much!
Sergei Ter-Tumasov
Thanks Rebecca!!! Your lesson is very important for me
Thank you,
Hi…i got 10 of 10, but now the problem is what say after to introduce myself :D… i’m beginner and i’m improving my english for future experience in England!!!
ints simple but its workrd
8/10 .. Thank you teacher.
Sheikha87 I would like to do practice of English conversation. Would you please mentioned your skipe ID?
Dear Rebecca,
After having learned how to make contact verbally and physically,
we’ll never be stuck.
Thanks for everything Ms Rebecca,
So, my question is :
In formal part : Why susan answer with “Hi” and not with “Hello”? there is a difference ?
Thank you again !
This is a good lesson.Thnx Robecca
Hi Rebecca, May you explain the different between “Have you met before?”and “Did you met before?” Thanks
its good lesson for a beginner like me.thank u rebacca
Hello Ms. Rebecca i would like to say something about you, you are always excel in your language skills the way you describe your lesson everyone can understand with easy manners.
You are such an grate teacher in the world.
I salute you and your team.
Thanks Rebecca.
rebecca mam i am really thankfull to u
jithendra kota
I got almost 10 :s I miss the last one.. thanks so much Rebecca <3
I got 10/10 thanks Rebecca :D
I GOT 8/10 Many thanks Rebecca by by
Rebecca mam thanks
Thank you Ml #Rebecca , I’m always follow your videos , Take care :D
Thank you very mach Rebeca!!!
Your lessons are of great help for me to practice my English.
Violet Iris
Thank you for the lesson. It is very important for me.
It’s a nice lesson. Thank you <3
hi. my name is Tural)))
hi. it is pleasure to me to watch this lesson!! thank a lot!!
Its a pleasure to learn this lesson thnk you so much,!
Hi, Rebecca! Nice lesson! Thank you!
Júlio César L Sousa
Hi, Nice lesson. Thank you!
nice to know you Rebecca , your method in teaching is very acceptable and beautiful, i am understand the lesson ,Thanks for your time …..
i am interested to speak english…if any of them is interested to learn so please help me
ramana balaji
Mr.Ramana’oh thnak oyu so much for ur support,,i want toimporve mine also. so lets see.
Harsh kaur
Thank a lot for this good lesson,MAM
Harsh kaur
Thank you very much, teacher!
Thanks mam this is very useful me
it’s nice lesson. Thanks you.
thank’s very much Ms,Rebecca but how I must intrduce myself on phone?
This lesson is very useful. Thanks)
Aigerim Kenzheturayeva
Good lesson.thank you! I learnt something.
Methmina Binara
Hi,Rebeca can you tell me the reasons of,why we introduce the younger person to older person first.thank you so much have a good one.
farhad hasib
wow teacher it’s full of people.
You are so clear in your exposure.
claudio molina
hi Rebeca … its looking relay simple but i learned lots of from this.. and how could i get your lesson A to Z, because i newly join to this website .
Thank u
Thanuja Munasinghe
very nice and very easy thx
abdulrahaman khamees
Thank you Rebecca. You’re a good teacher.
Thanks :)
Thank you Rebecca, I am so pleasure about your video how to introduce self, and it really helps me in teaching students in the future.
Thank you. :)
Thank you Rebecca for this video really i enjoy to watch your videos you are a great teacher
GHILANI Muhammed
Before I watched this I was confuse, but I understand when I watched this
I’m so happy to learn English.
2 incorrect answers of 10 questions as below.
1. “In a form situation” as I read to “An inform situation”. aha~~~ I want to hit my head now.
2. “When shake hand.” I think in violently is totally wrong, then my choose between “softly” or “firmly”, I think softly is more polite. Hit my head again.
Very interesting course and very interesting me! :-)
Thank you Ms Rebecca
Hello Rebecca! I like of the your explanation,l came from Brazil to the USA to study,but when l havê time l watch your videos. Thank you so much
In the video, I thought I learnt that we should introduce the older person to the younger person first.
However, in the quiz, the correct answer is the first one: introduce the younger person to the older person first.
Which one is correct, please?
Excuse me, but I don’t know where to ask the following question: where can I change my password? Thank you for your response in advance.
Simple and effective, as always. Thank you Rebecca.
Luiz Alberto
Your lesson is very useful.
Thank you Rebecca.
thank you
Thanks,for sharing to us.
Greetings from Turkey! Thank you Rebecca.
Thank u teacher
This is a good lesson.Thanks
I greet you Mrs. Rebecca, can you speak for hausa?
Hello Mrs Rebecca. It is a pleaure to meet you.
Thanks for this lesson.
Shiva Hadisi
hello Rebecca, I’am Fella. It’s a real pleasure to meet.
Thank you for all.
\o/ I got a 9,0 ………. Thank’s Rebecca :)
Wow! I learn a lot in this lesson. Thank you teacher Rebecca. . Im not good in english. So i keep watching your video lessons to inhance my english grammar.
hello Rebecca,
Fine . It’s a great pleasure to attend your course, once more again.
I got 9/10! Thanks Rebecca for your useful lesson!
thanks for this lesson.
sanjeev kumar singh
Hello Rebecca, I am shakir from Dubai UAE, I am great fan of your teachings skills.It’s very clear and polite. Thanks and best regards
Thank you Rebecca….All the best with well english
Thank you, mam, for new informatics lesson
Hi. I had seen engVideos before on YouTube. But never got stuck to any teacher. I recently found you, fortunately. And I enjoy each of your lesson thoroughly. Please make more videos on improving speaking skills, a short public speaking playlist will be a great idea.
Thank you so much for such high quality lessons!
Is Very good!!!
thanks for lesson Mrs. Rebecca! nice to meet you!
You got 7 correct out of 10.
M kartal
9 of 10,
number 5, I answered incorrectly
Nicely explained
Imtiyaz learnenglish
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson: In the video you explained that we have to introduce the older person to the younger person, but in the quizz it’s incorrect ? Could you please explain ? Thanks
I learned a lot from your tutorial videos.
Great teacher :).
Thanks Rebecca
Good Job teacher Rebecca!
Patrick Stives
great teacher thanks a lot
very useful thanks
Thanks so much for this great class Ms. Rebeca.
(In quiz) I don’t understand this part:
5. Generally speaking, you should:
introduce the younger person to the older person first.
But in this video was told :
introduce the older person to the younger person first.
Which answer is right?
thank you teacher
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you so much.
Thank you for your lecture.
The quiz is confusing.
3 out of 10 questions wrong.
JD kim
Merci Rebecca ! I used your lesson to teach my grandchildren some English.
thank you very much for the lesson
Thank you, Ma’am Rebecca
Keanu Acosta
Thank you so much Rebecca.
Very informative, got 9 but gained gained great lesson. Lots of thanks!
Renu Khurana
correct me if i’m wrong for the no.5 question.
my answer was introduce first the older person to the younger. that is base on our culture.
if the real answer introdue first younger to older.
i can’t do something about it. at least now i know the proper.
thanks a lot rebecca
good morning miss Rebecca how are you?
Hi, am shadiahkarim, it’s pleasure to meet you madam Rebecca thanks for teaching us we really appreciate
The leson was so nice! Hugs for all members
The lesson was so nice! Hugs for all members
It’s very useful
Thank you so much.
in a nutshell this lesson teaches us that
in formal way hello, i am abhinav
its a pleasure to meet you
You are experct in this flied may allah strength your effort
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
It’s very nice to know Rebecca,sometime I’m confuse how to introduce myself . Thank you ,it’s helpful.
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
hello, would you like to join me on skype or watapp and viber +919930541487
Thanks for your feedback and hope it will be easier for you to introduce yourself from now on. My best to you.
rabecca in my country is not common introduce someone with their last name/family name like number:10. You need to introduce two colleagues to each other. Their names are Mrs. Pamela Svendson and Mr. David Whitehorn. You say:
Mrs. Pamela, this is Mr. David.
Mrs. Svendson, this is Mr. Whitehorn.
We always use the last names with titles such as Mr., Mrs. or Ms. in my country using first name.
but in formal context/thesis writing/ Indonesian and english are the same.
This is a good lesson.Thnx Robecca
Yep! I agree with you. What I liked most about it was the additional recommendations (the protocol and the attitudes one shuld take on).
Bye for now
Dear Rebecca, just one observation. According to the video “You introduce the older person to the younger one first”.
However, if you select this statement as the answer for question 5, you get the question wrong, why?
I love your video lessons Rebecca, they are marvelous. Thanks a lot.
Hi Regino, I’ve noticed the same “mistake”. As I know the younger person should be introduced to the older one…
hey ma’m can we talk….
I like so much your class
Like always it’s a good lesson. Thanks Rebecca for share it.
Hi it’s nice lesson. Thanks.
This is very interesting !! Thanks.
Can i say only, “i’m plasure”?
No, that would not be a good idea. It could mean something slightly sexual, which I don’t think you mean. Better to stick with what I have mentioned in the lesson! My best wishes to you.
Great lesson (:
Really make sense.
Thank you, Rebecca. I’m pleasure to see you :)
It’s nice to meet you, Ms Rebecca.
But I have a question.
If Mr A is older than Mrs B, who should I talk with first to introduce them?
Is it right? Firstly: Mrs B, this is Mr A. and then: Mrs A, this is Mr B.
No, actually it should be the other way around. It’s like this:
Mr Older Person, please meet Mr Younger Person.
Hope that helps! All the best to you.
It doesn’t matter if the people involved are male or female. What matters is the age, if you can tell who is older! In business situations, the person with the higher position is often named first, like the older person in my example.
I got such a nice Knowledge
Nice Lesson
thank Rebecca very much.
thank you Rebecca… :)
Dear Rebecca,
in general English i’ve a doubts could you please explain the topics
my topics
SENTENCE REARRANGEMENT …ect, those who are preparing for competitive exams it must helpful for the job to creak an exam … Rebecca would you please focus on this sections (yours programs and way of teaching,it should change helpful for all the job seekers in world )
Thanks Rebecca for this simple but important lesson:)
thanks teacher .. it was easy and useful
Thank you so much.
Hi guys! Two sentences: 1. I am doing cutting. 2. I am cutting. They are similar enough. But are they grammatically correct?
Thanks teacher it is nice and easy way
Thank you Rebecca
Nice lesson, I like it so much
Thank you :)
Actually,it’s easy for beginning.
Hi. Your lesson is always so helpful.Thanks for that. Today. I’M a little confused. Did you say that we should introduce older person to younger person first in this lesson? I know the opposite way. Or this was my listening mistake?
You would need to say:
Mr Older Person, please meet Mr Younger Person.
All the best to you.
So why put question with exactly same line as in the video if the answer is completely opposite? At 5:07 you said “you introduce the older person to the younger person” but that is wrong according to question’s 5 answer.
Nice lesson, Rebecca
Miss Rebecca i want to ask you, what is the difference between “Perhaps” and “Maybe” ??
The way you write them. They both mean exactly the same. They are synonyms.
Yes, Ahmad, Juan is right. They are the same. Thanks you, Juan, and all the best to both of you.
Thank you Very much Rebecca
Hello Everyone !!
I’m looking for someone to help me to improve my english , cause my English aint very good. Add me on skype : waldrinoo
Nice lesson . Thank you for this lessons
Hello Mrs. Rebeca, I am Alexander. It’s a pleasure to see and listening You.
Hi, I’m Jorge, haven’t we met before.
I believe we have, indeed :-)
Thanks Rebecca I like this lesson although it is simple but I’m often use wrong context. anyone can add me to share english knowledge to me.
Thanks you my skype is ukrit_2011
Easy lesson but is always a pleasure hear your correct english, thanks
This my first day to know about english, pls teachers help me to be speak english well
We’re trying to do just that, my friend. Be brave and determined and you will achieve your goals. All the best to you.
Thank you Rebecca it will help me in the future
tks you!!
I love your voice then I watched the lesson again :3 It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rebecca.
Thank you! It is a usefull lesson for me. God bless you!
5. Generally speaking, you should:
introduce the younger person to the older person first.
introduce the older person to the younger person first.
(my answer is wrong coz i choosed “introduce the older person to the younger) but when i listened again to the video i found that my answer was right .. so what is wrong wiz my answer?
Sorry if it was confusing. Please follow this rule:
Mr Older Person, please meet Mr Younger Person.
All the best to you.
Dear Rebecca. Thank you for fine lessons.
I think, the misunderstanding by introduccion old/young Man’s related with difference in National Culture in East and West Countries.
Thank you for this wonderful lesson, but still I’ve some doubts that are:
while introducing myself to someone else is it necessary to say my last name(I’m talking about formal situation) since my last name is pronounced with a lot of difficulty and the other person generally never gets it,can’t I simply say hello I’m Irina?
well, my next doubt is that when once I introduced my mom to a person saying “this is my mom”, that other person in response said “nice to meet you mom” I got a bit confused, was it okay of him to call my mom “mom”. I mean is it normal thing or he was trying to be too friendly. Kindly reply.
Rebecca I like all your lessons and your simple yet effective style of teaching.Thank you once again.
Well, your friend was trying to be friendly, partly because you did not give him your Mom’s name. So if your Mom’s name is Mary, you should have said:
This is my Mom, Mary.
Then your friend knows what to call your Mom. He was trying to be cute but also tell you that he didn’t have your Mom’s name since you had not provided it. All the best to you.
I want to say thanks in a different way how could i say?
Thanks Ms . Rebecca….seeing your lessons after very long time…..Thanks your pertinent answers to the questions for formal and informal situations…I have no cognizance on this lesson when you talk about introducing older people to younger people …After watching your video I passed the quiz with flying colours…
Simple and useful lesson.Thank you Rebecca.
hello kate would you like to join me on skype or watapp and viber +919930541487
It’s a good school of english!
Thanks for your kind comment. We hope to help as many people as we can around the world to improve their English for free through our lessons. All the best to you.
Wow this explication is useful
Glad you found the explanation helpful. My best to you.
great lesson Ms Rebecca, thank you
Great lesson.
Good lesson!I like it very much!
Hi Rebecca! Thanks for nice lesson!
Good class, easy to understand.
Thank you.
hello ,Rebecca .
it’s pleasure to meet you .
ma’am ,you taught us if i have to introduce a younger and older ones to each other ,then first introduces older to younger one .but in your quiz says opposite to what you taught in the video .
other than this ,your video is helpful as always .
thank you !
Sorry for any confusion. It should be like this:
Mr Older Person, please meet Mr Younger Person.
All the best to you.
Thanks Miss Rebecca,I’m Eric Chan.It’s a pleasure to meet you,Miss Rebecca.Thanks for your interesting and useful courses,i benefit a lot by listening your lessons.Btw,could i ask you a question about the difference btw China’s and Chinese please ? Thank you in advance.Have a good day.
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you alot!)
Thank you Rebecca,
nice lesson thank’s teacher
cool lesson, simple and very important!
Thank you! It is an interesting lesson!
hi every one .why videos are not palying?? help me please
If you’re visiting from Pakistan, Youtube may be blocked. Try using a VPN?
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you very much Rebecca, in my opinion your videos are better than other lessons that we can find on internet.
I have a question: what you think is the best way to improve my english?
I’m whatching your videos and I I’m doing exercises but when I talk with a english collegues I’m never sure to use correct phrases to describe what I’m thinking.
Do you think is necessary only continue talking in english?
join me , i ll try to help you to correct you english , even i ll also get a practics thankx
skype id – bhuvnesh.kumar69
+919930541487 add on watapp or viber
Yes, it is important to speak more often but as you know, it is also important to speak correctly. So you should have someone like a teacher who can give you feedback about your English, or tell a few close English-speaking friends to please feel free to correct any English mistakes you make. Otherwise, people may not correct you as they would consider it rude to do so. I wish you all the best, Stefano.
Nice lesson.
Madam, Thank you very much. I have learnt a lot from this lecture.
You’re very welcome. My pleasure. All the best to you.
thank you a lot its very importent lesson
thank you Mr Rebecca. /3
Thank you very much
this is funny lesson
its nice
Thank you.
good lesson, thank you!
Thank you, my nice and favorite pedagogue, i got 90% without watching the lesson.
So, watch and get 100%, my friend. That way you can get better than you are already. All the best to you, Abdul.
I don’t understand:
Who introduce first the younger guy or the older?
And between a younger woman and an older man who’s the first?
Mr Older Person, please meet Mr Younger Person.
Doesn’t matter if the people involved are male or female. All the best to you.
there is mistake in question 5
I really like this lesson, it’s very interesting! thank you for this great lesson!!!!!
Thank you! :)
hello kate would you like to join me on skype or watapp and viber +919930541487
Yes I really interest this English lesson
Thanks Rebecca, I like her. She softly voice I attractive very much.
Very good lessons! Thank You!
Thank you so much Rebecca for this lesson.
Helpful lesson presented wonderfully. Thanks a ton)))).
hi! dear madam rebecca
i am a student. I really like the way you teaching english, I don’t know how to thank you, wowwww thank you very very much. I like all teachers on, I also say thanks to all teachers specially emma, adam, ronnie and alex. I spend all my free time in us. It’s was a pleasure to met us in my life
your faithfully
Thanks for all your kind feedback. It means a lot to us. All the best to you.
I got a great lesson.i was not sure how to introduce both of formal and informal ways before.But i clearly got it now
Great! So glad the lesson helped you. Thanks for yoru feedback and all the best to you.
thank you so much Rebecca.
I’m gonna try to introduce myself to other people.
Good for you, my friend. That’s the way! My best wishes to you.
Thanks Rebecca.
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you, too, Jeff!
All the best to you.
You got 9 correct out of 10… :)
Thank you Rebecca for the awsm lesson…..
Thank you for this very helpful tips. :)
hi thank you for a good teacher,you know i learned a lot from you. im still watching your video,for helping
me how to speak English well.
Thanks for your kind feedback. I am sure you are going to achieve your goal of speaking English well. I wish you all the best.
Thank you very much! :)
Thank you very much, Rebecca :)
hello kate would you like to join me on skype or watapp and viber +919930541487
Greetings from Canada! Thanks for watching and for your feedback. My best wishes to you.
Thanks a lot for your lesson
thanks…please sent me video beginner…
Thank you for the lesson‼ Iwould like to make another class as giving and request addresses that extend this theme, thanks again and bye.
You might find this lesson helpful, though it is focused more on the grammar of giving your address:
All the best to you, Fabricio.
Thanks a lot
Thank u so much
Very usefull class! thank you.
hi i’m elmurat it was nice lesson tanks
Hello, Rebecca i have question for you. We learn with you british or americain english? Thanks
I am based in Canada and the English I teach is more American than British. Sometimes, the spelling we use in Canada is more British so you may see that when I write comments. Thanks, and all the best.
He wanted to say Thanks!
Hi, remembering a Rolling Stone’s song, I have a question: Does “Pleased to meet you” mean the same as “Pleasure to meet you”?
Thanks a lot
Yes it is, and thanks for reminding me of an awesome song :D
thank you, Rebecca it’s useful for me.
Thanks Rebecca simple & useful
Great lesson! Thank You.
Really useful lesson!thank you
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson:)
Teacher Rebecca, you are great! Thanks a lot!
hello, would you like to join me on skype or watapp and viber +919930541487
Hello, I’m a English learner. This website is awesome! I’ll study English using this website and I want to share it to Japanese. Because I’m a Japanese and I want to change that almost Japanese can’t understand English:)
Welcome to engvid. Thank you for writing and glad to know you find our lessons useful. My best wishes to you, tennisboy3104.
Thanks teacher. It is usefull the lesson
I should learn more,,thank you teacher
thank you teacher ..
this lesson will help me to be more confident at functions.
Wonderful. I like to hear that! All the best to you.
thank you
thanks all teacher students and other members
wish to reach our goals all of us
Thanks for your feedback. I wish you all the best.
Thank you, Rebecca !
Thanks for useful lessons! I have suggestion to make lesson about word “account”. This word appears pretty often and in pare with different repositions has wide range of meanings. Sometimes I find it difficult to understand it in sentences. And I believe many students have similar problem with “account”. So we would really appreciate such lesson. Thanks.
Thanks for your suggestion. I will pass it on to all the teachers. My best wishes to you.
Thanks rebecca mam.
Hi Rebecca,
I have signed up on this website today and your this lesson is very interesting and inspiring too for speaking in English.
now i can end up my search for finding best sites for learning English.
Thanks Engvid
Greetings from Canada to India! Welcome to engvid. I am glad you found the lesson useful. There are so many other lessons available, so do explore. All the best to you, Reshma.
thank u so much
thank you, it was an interesting lesson
this lesson is caracterized by its simplicity but also by its big importance to enter into the world of relationship by its big door.thanks teacher.god bless you.
Well, thank you. I must say you have a way with words. I wish you all the best.
it was helpful
It was very supportive to me.
hi ma`am Rebecca
it was helpful lesson for me,thank you, :)
It’s very helpful lesson, I’m gonna remember about this rules in introducing situacions :)
hello kate would you like to join me on skype or watapp and viber +919930541487
nice lesson.
One of my favorite lesson :)
Glad to hear it. Thank you. My best wishes to you.
thank u
Thanks Rebecca
guys and bells plz add me on skype – bhuvnesh.kumar69
add watapp and viber too
I am good in english grammer i hope i ll help you to improve your grammer mistakes
guys and bells plz add me on skype – bhuvnesh.kumar69
I am good in english grammer i hope i ll help you to improve your grammer mistakes
anybody here to chat and for call or video call with me
my info – +919930541487
SKYPE- bhuvnesh.kumar69
Nice teaching, easy to understand.
Thank you.
Great Lesson :) thank you very much Teacher Rebecca !
5 Generally speaking, you should:
? introduce the younger person to the older person first.
x introduce the older person to the younger person first.
The correct answer in this quiz doesn´t make sense according to the lesson, maybe not my gramma either…
Sorry for any confusion. This is the rule:
Mr Older Person, please meet Mr Younger Person.
My best wishes to you.
Thank you Teacher Rebecca let me learn more and more english.
this is great lesson thanks alot
thank you very much i am from morocco and i enjoy your lessons
Thank you Teacher Rebecca I am Latinamerican and I enjoy your lessons
Nice to meet you! Thanks for your kind feedback. My best wishes to you.
Thank you very much.
Thank You Rebecca :)
hi all.
Nice class
Thank you Rebecca ^______^
Thank You Rebecca ^^
Thanks to all of you for your feedback. I hope you will now have the confidence to introduce yourself to others without fear. I wish you all the best.
You are one of the best teacher, not only for your metod of teaching but also for responsing the bellow of you videos ! I think it`s wonderful because of any body has less time an you certainly.
Please if possible rewrite my sentences correctly
this lesson is very useful and interesting ,it helps me a lot about learning english,thank you so much,Rebecca :)
Just,thanks a lot.Beautiful!
Great lesson….lots of love for u Rebecca…<3
Thanks for you miss. Rebecca. Your videos are so important for me, because I’m a beginner student.
Ok I get 7
i get7
Thank you
Are you sure you want to post your phone number on the Internet?
Thanks Rebbecca.
Thank you Rebecca. Very useful vocabulary.
You are good teacher.
woooooow! i enjoyed the lesson.Thanks you Rebecca.
thanks Rebecca , your rule in my education is very important and joyful <3
9/10 Thanks :)
I got 9 correct out of 10. Thanks Rebecca.
“introduce the younger person to the older person first.”
Excellent lesson. Thank you.
Its a great video .. you are a good teacher ,thank you
Thank you very much!
Thanks Rebecca!!! Your lesson is very important for me
Thank you,
Hi…i got 10 of 10, but now the problem is what say after to introduce myself :D… i’m beginner and i’m improving my english for future experience in England!!!
ints simple but its workrd
8/10 .. Thank you teacher.
Sheikha87 I would like to do practice of English conversation. Would you please mentioned your skipe ID?
Dear Rebecca,
After having learned how to make contact verbally and physically,
we’ll never be stuck.
Thanks for everything Ms Rebecca,
So, my question is :
In formal part : Why susan answer with “Hi” and not with “Hello”? there is a difference ?
Thank you again !
This is a good lesson.Thnx Robecca
Hi Rebecca, May you explain the different between “Have you met before?”and “Did you met before?” Thanks
its good lesson for a beginner like me.thank u rebacca
Hello Ms. Rebecca i would like to say something about you, you are always excel in your language skills the way you describe your lesson everyone can understand with easy manners.
You are such an grate teacher in the world.
I salute you and your team.
Thanks Rebecca.
rebecca mam i am really thankfull to u
I got almost 10 :s I miss the last one.. thanks so much Rebecca <3
I got 10/10 thanks Rebecca :D
I GOT 8/10 Many thanks Rebecca by by
Rebecca mam thanks
Thank you Ml #Rebecca , I’m always follow your videos , Take care :D
Thank you very mach Rebeca!!!
Your lessons are of great help for me to practice my English.
Thank you for the lesson. It is very important for me.
It’s a nice lesson. Thank you <3
hi. my name is Tural)))
hi. it is pleasure to me to watch this lesson!! thank a lot!!
Its a pleasure to learn this lesson thnk you so much,!
Hi, Rebecca! Nice lesson! Thank you!
Hi, Nice lesson. Thank you!
nice to know you Rebecca , your method in teaching is very acceptable and beautiful, i am understand the lesson ,Thanks for your time …..
i am interested to speak english…if any of them is interested to learn so please help me
Mr.Ramana’oh thnak oyu so much for ur support,,i want toimporve mine also. so lets see.
Thank a lot for this good lesson,MAM
Thank you very much, teacher!
Thanks mam this is very useful me
it’s nice lesson. Thanks you.
thank’s very much Ms,Rebecca but how I must intrduce myself on phone?
This lesson is very useful. Thanks)
Good lesson.thank you! I learnt something.
Hi,Rebeca can you tell me the reasons of,why we introduce the younger person to older person first.thank you so much have a good one.
wow teacher it’s full of people.
You are so clear in your exposure.
hi Rebeca … its looking relay simple but i learned lots of from this.. and how could i get your lesson A to Z, because i newly join to this website .
Thank u
very nice and very easy thx
Thank you Rebecca. You’re a good teacher.
Thanks :)
Thank you Rebecca, I am so pleasure about your video how to introduce self, and it really helps me in teaching students in the future.
Thank you. :)
Thank you Rebecca for this video really i enjoy to watch your videos you are a great teacher
Before I watched this I was confuse, but I understand when I watched this
I’m so happy to learn English.
2 incorrect answers of 10 questions as below.
1. “In a form situation” as I read to “An inform situation”. aha~~~ I want to hit my head now.
2. “When shake hand.” I think in violently is totally wrong, then my choose between “softly” or “firmly”, I think softly is more polite. Hit my head again.
Very interesting course and very interesting me! :-)
Thank you Ms Rebecca
Hello Rebecca! I like of the your explanation,l came from Brazil to the USA to study,but when l havê time l watch your videos. Thank you so much
In the video, I thought I learnt that we should introduce the older person to the younger person first.
However, in the quiz, the correct answer is the first one: introduce the younger person to the older person first.
Which one is correct, please?
Excuse me, but I don’t know where to ask the following question: where can I change my password? Thank you for your response in advance.
Simple and effective, as always. Thank you Rebecca.
Your lesson is very useful.
Thank you Rebecca.
thank you
Thanks,for sharing to us.
Greetings from Turkey! Thank you Rebecca.
Thank u teacher
This is a good lesson.Thanks
I greet you Mrs. Rebecca, can you speak for hausa?
Hello Mrs Rebecca. It is a pleaure to meet you.
Thanks for this lesson.
hello Rebecca, I’am Fella. It’s a real pleasure to meet.
Thank you for all.
\o/ I got a 9,0 ………. Thank’s Rebecca :)
Wow! I learn a lot in this lesson. Thank you teacher Rebecca. . Im not good in english. So i keep watching your video lessons to inhance my english grammar.
hello Rebecca,
Fine . It’s a great pleasure to attend your course, once more again.
I got 9/10! Thanks Rebecca for your useful lesson!
thanks for this lesson.
Hello Rebecca, I am shakir from Dubai UAE, I am great fan of your teachings skills.It’s very clear and polite. Thanks and best regards
Thank you Rebecca….All the best with well english
Thank you, mam, for new informatics lesson
Hi. I had seen engVideos before on YouTube. But never got stuck to any teacher. I recently found you, fortunately. And I enjoy each of your lesson thoroughly. Please make more videos on improving speaking skills, a short public speaking playlist will be a great idea.
Thank you so much for such high quality lessons!
Is Very good!!!
thanks for lesson Mrs. Rebecca! nice to meet you!
You got 7 correct out of 10.
9 of 10,
number 5, I answered incorrectly
Nicely explained
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson: In the video you explained that we have to introduce the older person to the younger person, but in the quizz it’s incorrect ? Could you please explain ? Thanks
I learned a lot from your tutorial videos.
Great teacher :).
Thanks Rebecca
Good Job teacher Rebecca!
great teacher thanks a lot
very useful thanks
Thanks so much for this great class Ms. Rebeca.
(In quiz) I don’t understand this part:
5. Generally speaking, you should:
introduce the younger person to the older person first.
But in this video was told :
introduce the older person to the younger person first.
Which answer is right?
thank you teacher
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you so much.
Thank you for your lecture.
The quiz is confusing.
3 out of 10 questions wrong.
Merci Rebecca ! I used your lesson to teach my grandchildren some English.
thank you very much for the lesson
Thank you, Ma’am Rebecca
Thank you so much Rebecca.
Very informative, got 9 but gained gained great lesson. Lots of thanks!
correct me if i’m wrong for the no.5 question.
my answer was introduce first the older person to the younger. that is base on our culture.
if the real answer introdue first younger to older.
i can’t do something about it. at least now i know the proper.
thanks a lot rebecca
good morning miss Rebecca how are you?
Hi, am shadiahkarim, it’s pleasure to meet you madam Rebecca thanks for teaching us we really appreciate
The leson was so nice! Hugs for all members
The lesson was so nice! Hugs for all members
It’s very useful
Thank you so much.
in a nutshell this lesson teaches us that
in formal way hello, i am abhinav
its a pleasure to meet you
You are experct in this flied may allah strength your effort
Nice one
thank you Rebecca
I got 8/10.
Thank you! :)
Thank you, Rebecca! It’s of vital importance.
Very good explanation. Thank you, Rebeca!
thank you so much,Rebecca
Thank you, i am ssd…
Maybe,i do the best..thnks
Thank you .Is it possible to teach me live
Thank you so much