“Where?” In this ESL lesson, I look at some basic vocabulary that can help you answer that simple question. I explain the words “under,” “on top of,” “behind,” “in front of,” “beside,” “inside,” “outside,” and “between.”
Yo Alex! Its easy lesson butt you make it clean. Pls to put more advanced levell lesson in future.
I am sorry but I don’t understand what you said.
me also.
I hope you are enjoying the more advanced lessons that are now on the website!
Hi alex,
I have been following your Lesssons for past few days. They are very helpful. I have learnt a lot from your lessons. Thanku very much
I think it should has subtitle.
I don’t.
But thank you for the suggestion!
Aaqib ali
to Aaqib ali i think that in 2009 there was no subtitle
Yes, our older videos do not have subtitles! All of our newer ones do, however.
engVid Moderator
I think so too!!
thank you very much for your lessons.
Thanks and God bless you
Robina younas
Hi Alex,
Very simple, we need little tough.
Please next time.
Thanks a million.
mohammed osman
Thank you so much Alex,
I can understand perfectly what you have taught. I am currently studying English in Canada. I am at NBCC Moncton campus, NB. I am from Chile. I am planning to study more English in the future. thanks again.
we need more lessons, please.
HI Alex
It’s always interesting to watch your nice lesson.
Good job teacher
P.s. – I have missed the little test about this lesson.
dear alex.
your lesson is very ineresting …..it is very suitable for the begining learner like me one especially on your lesson was how to use (a few. a little.few.littlte now i can understand of these words ).i think that it is batter if you make a more clip ……
i very enjoy your lesson thank anyway
kaka kiki
It is a good and simple lesson, thanks Alex
thanx !!.. ur not just a teacher ! .. also ur a painter … hhh .. thanx again ..
Hi alex, nice teaching.
you mentioned ‘( in the middle of) during the lossen.
could you kindly explain to me when we use it instead of betwen or the uses of this phrase. thanks
Hi Akram,
You use “between” when something is surrounded on at least two sides.
For example, if I type ABA, the letter B is between the two As. I can also say it is in the middle of the two As.
In the middle can be used in more situations. For example, you can say “I am standing in the middle of the store,” but you cannot say, “I am standing between the store.” To be BETWEEN something, you need to have something surrounding you on at least two sides. So, you CAN say “I am standing between the music store and the library,” but the meaning is much different than “I am standing in the middle of the music store.”
I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask!
very good explanation, thanks for do it very well.
Hi, thank for the lesson.
Could you teach how use “among” and “into”.
ah~~ I understand..^^ thank you for this comment
Hi Alex,what about the quiz.
Thank you very much Alex , we need more vocabulary lesson , please !
I will make more vocabulary lessons in the future. Thank you for the suggestion!
Thank you!
Marcelo M. Silveira
It’s very good,
thank you.
Alex!You are very pleasant person
Dear Alex
Greetings Here’s how your education is very good and easy
maher elhelw
You can also say “the mug is on the table”, right?
Hi Alex ! I ‘m very glad to learn english with you again ! Very good lesson. I enjoyed it.
Dear Alex,
Thank you very much for this lesson.
Maybe I was confused, but I heard you said “Ma scuzati” at 6:27 ^^.
I was so surprised and I couldn’t believe in my ears. I don’t know why, and how to say, but I felt extremely happy when I heard these words.
-a foreign student from your motherland country-
You talk very clear sir, thnx.
You’re a great teacher ever!!!I really love to watched your videos because i learn a lot from you…
hi i learnt from you a lot……….. i reallly want to thak you n i hav seen more vdo of yours
Thanks Alex for this great lesson.I have one question may you answer me . When do we use among ?
west coast
hi alex thank for your teaching us.the lesson is vey easy.i hope you will give out more intersting lesson
Are there any differences between these three words?”Beside , Next to , Near ”
And also
Could I learn “on top of” and “above” have the same meaning?
Fibally I want to thank you and the other teachers.
Take care of yourselves , all you are great.
yusuf duzgun
very useful lesson…..Thanks.
Hi Alex, thank you a lot!
hi Alex,thank you lot of.
please i want your emai;?
hi good job
which is correct if i am inside the theatre
a)in the theatre (or)
b) at the theatre
I like these lessons and I try to remember the pronunciation
thank you
Hi Alex , your a good teacher , and thank you so much
i liked it to head u lot of mistake has been cleared
hafiz ubaid
Thanks. Where is the quiz?
Hi.. my name’s ifah i’m from indonesia.. thank you so much.. your lesson is very interesting sir…
hi,Alex……please ,start teaching more complex subjects for intermediate level….OK
hi sir alex..kindly please make lesson for intermediate….a bundle of thanks for teaching us..
u r gr8
Hi Alex,
I want more lesson for beginner.Actually I have a hesitation for spoken english in public place.And when I saw your video I improved lots of so thats why I want more lesson…
Hi.. i would like to thank you very much teacher because all your lessons are useful. question here teacher Alex. ( wiche correct..i said: behind me or at my back? because i heard some people are using both.!) thank you again and also take care..!
“Behind me” is much more common. The other phrase is more formal.
Very good…
I learnt so much for this video, I am happy that I found this site coz it’s very helpful.
Thank you teacher.
God bless!!!
hi Alex,
its nice to know about english usage.i am poor in english pronunciation.how can i improve my pronounce..thank you for your precious time concern with us..
Hi alex!
You can do good job teacher.
May I ask you some questions as below.
Could you tell me how to use although, however, anyway..
Thanks in advance.
can we use side by side for the boy and girl that standing beside each other?
Of course. You can say “The boy and the girl are standing side by side.”
Great lesson for beginners…keep it up…
thank you so much alex
really i want to speak English very will i hope you help me
thank you
Hi Alex thanks for your taught , take care
thank alex for your ujession
thanks alex for this lesson. to know more about since and for.
hi alex thank you so much that is nice
can you teach us about the using of could and should please
Hi aisha,
“Should” is used for speculation and advice, while “Could” is used for past ability, present suggestion, and speculation. For more information, go here:
hi sir please mr alex this time you have to talk about defrent of could and can and hear and lisen and i say you good like thank you
kamal rahi
Hi! can you also explain to us the meanings of UNDERNEATH and BENEATH. I’m quite confuse between these two. Thanks in advance!
Both have a similar meaning to “under.”
“My bag is underneath the table,” and “My bag is beneath the table,” have the same meaning. However, “underneath” is a bit stronger because it implies that something is almost directly under something else. “Beneath” implies that something is lower than something else. At least, that is my understanding of the two words.
Hello. Your videos are great and interesting! I am pleasure to see they. But i have a question. I don’t understand all words. Has your videos got the subtitles? Or do you have your lessens on pdf format or other?
Thanks very much for your videos and your work!
Your lessons are excellent.. I am learning lot from you! thank you!
thanks so much
hello. I understand that you have a lot of work, but i want to see your answer for my question.
hello alex, how can i improve my english speaking? i can understand but difficulties in speaking.
good one alex….
Hi Alex,
I didn’t understand the idiom “boys in blue”.Will you please explain it?
Thanks a lot.
Hi Sweety,
“Boys in blue” refers to the police. For example:
“I saw a car accident. The boys in blue (the police) came 20 minutes later.”
It is an idiom that you may hear in American films especially.
grand hello ,how are you been the best teacher,really i like you way becouse you way is very good ,but i love your way teach ,i went to amreca in fact ,i didnt have any information about enghlish but now ,iam starting good,and i became very nice in enghlish,and when speak some one with body undersand him,please i wanna tell you thank you so much for any present ,and i wish to preset any more for us ,right onw i have some qution about you is ,i would ilike defference between him them her him ,and please you have to make some exemple about them.and when i said ,iwas going to , is like i went to ok farwell
kamal rahi
Me, You, Him, Her, Them, and Us are all object pronouns. They always receive an action. For example:
“I like him.”
“He saw her on the bus.”
“She talked to us about her classes.”
Here is the list of subjects and their object pronoun parts:
I = Me
You = You
He = Him
She = Her
It = It
We = Us
They = Them
I hope this helps!
great.thank Sir.Alex
This site is really great! It really helps me a lot. I discovered certain rules and grammars that I don’t know. I just would like to say thank you for your passion, more power and God Bless…^_^
Thanks to all teacher, especially to sir alex…
Hi sir! what’s the difference between in and under.
“In” is like “inside.”
Here, the ball is in the box.
Here, the ball is under the table.
I hope you understand this! :)
Thanks a lot Mr Alex . Could you please tell me something about ” ONTO ” ?
hi sir alex,i have just started to see your nice videos,i asked for your skype account to improve my spoken skills but in vain,plz respond!!i am looking forward…
Hello Alex! Thank you for such interesting grammar lessons! I find them very useful and helpful, especially for not native speakers. Please tell more about peculiarities of a spoken english. Tnanks again and good luck!
Best wishes,
Michael V. Koryakin
hello alex, i’m from brazil and I would like to share with you all my gratitude, i’m a teacher and before all my classes i study the subjects also with your videos. Hey engVid guys, you are amazing…thanks a lot. Take Care
Unfortunately, Alex, I’ve watched all your lessons, and now I’m waiting another to apply. While your new lessons are making, I’m going to watch lessons of some other teacher from http://www.engvid.com. Only I have some request, Please in the future make lessons for advanced students. Thank you in advance
Thank you … alex you help me know about english…
Hi, Alex I’m Gulfan Hashmi From India. I’m your fan and like your teaching way. Your teaching way is very simple and every person can understand your lesson. I’m beginner of English pl. suggest me how can I increase my Vocabulary power and speaking English
Gulfan Ali Hashmi
Dogman, Butt and levell??! double words. XD.
hello, I was wondering about the diference of saying “between” or “in the middle of”, are they the same or there is a deference?
I will thank you a lot for your response.
wooow Mr.Alex
really really i like this video
Thaaank you so much for learning All people..
keep going Mr
graeting for you
thanks alax, i am very weak in preposition but this video really help me thank you.
So i want to ask one question about the idiom :It is raining cats and dogs.It is something connected with rain or sth else.
What about the preposition via? When i can use it?
HI Alext
Very clear, can I ask you further what are diffrences between in the frontand in fron, and also on top also on the top?
Hi Alex. Would you please elaborate more on when to use under/below and above/on top of.
Dear Alex it is useful your lession, thank you for your teaching.
Best regard
Hello alex please i need learn more about english but am confuse i need more guide lines from u thanks
king usman
Hello James,
I would like to know what is the differences between can and may, could and might, into and onto and finally between and among. I will appreciate if you can help me. Thanks a lot.
hj teacher . thank you very much for your video .I have a problem on learning English :would you please explain this sentence : “you will be going to her party next week “. I can’t understand why in this sentence ” will ” and ” be going to ” are used simultaneously .GOD BLESS YOU.
thanks a lot alex
thanks alex the lessons very useful
excellent teacher
Hello teacher Alex, thanks for your teaching.it very useful for me.
why we say in difficulty instead of under difficulty?
hi alex,me and my son ali loves the way u teach,u r such a decent and polite guy and u know how to teach the kids,thanks for ur hardwork,keep it up plz.
I had awersome repetition!Thank you Alex!
Any Russia
hey alex i like your way to teach i could say that your is my best teacher of all and thank you for your videos.
mr. alex is behind of cam so i can see you in front of computer..
thak you so much Mr Alex.you helped me a lot)
Hi Alex. Can explain to me about these words: bottom, above, top, below? With regards…. Thnx.
Zhiar Taher Rashid
thanks Alex.
i’ve gained a lot in engvid,and I’d like to think you and all teachers.
I suggest you to add a part of live conversation,i think if we could talk to our teachers it’d be better.
Tx in advance,
Is it possible 2 u 2 explain what d difference between back n behind is plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?!
Hi Alex.. thank you so much
hiiiiiiii sir
your lessons are very good to learn us english.
thanks a lot for learning english
Moolchand singh
Your English this good for me
:)) Very funny lesson. Liked it!
The way you explain things is awesome!! Super!
How to use Beneath????
Lessons are surely admirable.
The lesson designed for BEGINNER level. So why your speach so FAST? It make lesson is difficult for understanding. Can you speak slowly!
hi sir,
your way of teaching is excellent.these lectures are very nice and helps students
Mukesh singh
Thank you very much for explanations , I think you’re the one on this site among teachers who explaine in easy way to everyone . I am just happy to watch videos with you and at the same time I use to teach my kids too.
thank you alex
Hey Alex,
When do we use the word “beneath”???
Hey sorry , just saw its given in the above comments!!
thanks Alex
Hello Alex,
Could you write me this. What is the difference between among and between?
Use among with three or more items. or something in mass.
Hey Alex. I hope everything’s going well with you. I’m an English teacher in Iran. I always use your videos in my classes and candidly speaking they have always been of great assistance to me. I’m just writing this to THANK YOU. I’d really like to be in contact with you via email if that’s ok. Anyways, I’m happy to have been able to find your site. Thank you all guys and all the efforts you put in. Wish you the best.
Alex, you’re good in teaching. As an Indonesian, I’m assisted a lot to comprehend it. Formal word is my favorite. Give me some more in advanced level. Great job, Pal.
Al Banna
karan rajput
thankfull teacher Alex Please provide us with your great lessons until we can speak english fleuntly.
don’t thank donate money
Thank you very much Alex!
Nice learning love you Brother your learning is so fantastic hope you will upload more eng vidz
Hi Alex!
I am Diyah from Indonesia. I want to ask you about the diference into and onto.Thank you for your attention
Thank you so mutch Alex
Teacher Alex Thnk you
i am new this lesson is important 4 me
i am beginner
i Really love Your Teaching
Thank you so much, it’s interesting, your pronunciation is very clear, it was easy to understand you and to follow your lesson.
I hope you’ll upload more videos.
Thanks thanks thanks wish you all the best Alex.
thank you Alex, your lessons will benefit me in the training college I wish I can do as fantastic as you do .
very good lesson thank you sir
hello alex sir.why u did not use only “on” instead of “on top of”.
Abid Rehman
sir Alex first of all thank you so much for these useful lessons… you are doing a very well job. i have lot of fond in English speaking. so please tell me how can i prove my conversation…..?
Azeem malik
thanks Alex for that basic lesson it helps a lot.
Hi Alex!
Superb lessons, thank you!
I have a question on a grammatical issue that is getting me confused.
I often read and listen to many expressions like “in the middle of”. On the contrary, sometimes I hear people say “in the middle of town”. I don’t understand why the article “the” is missing in the second expression. I mean, when is it proper to put “the” following “in the middle of”, and when not? Thanks in advance!Best wishes
May I have your e-mail address.
Mr. Myat Win Htun
Sorry, we don’t give out teachers’ personal emails!
engVid Moderator
Thank you Alex……..its nice
u are good teacher
Calil M-zade
Hi Alex, Nice Lesson (topic). I want another examples, if it possible. Nice to meet You
Hello! Thanks for this video. But I have a question, What’s the difference between beside and next to, under and below, on and on top of ?
Hi Alex,
You Rocks. All Engvid Teachers are great and really helping people like me free of cost. would you mind explaining above, underneath and ahead words as well as where to use these and their mean with examples. Do we have any lesson for these words on Engvid.com. I’ll appreciate if you to reply to sharma06sunny@gmail.com.
One more thing I would like to ask, would not “in front of” be Face to face? in your example boy and girl were not seeing eachother’s faces (Girls was behind boy’s back? I am really confused in it.
Hi, thaks for the lesson, I have a question: what is the different between (I realized that I don’t know another words if I want to make a comparison =() “between” and “among”??
Thanks for the help
Once you said: “They are (the boy and the girl) standing beside each other” and later: “They are next to one another”. What’s the difference between each other and one another?
good lessons Thank You Alex.
A very good lesson Alex…thank you very much
Thanks Alex
This class is very awesome! I’m always in front of my computer learning news things with my teacher Alex!
Hi Alex great job as always!
Could you tell me the difference between ON the table and ON TOP OF the table please?
Thanx Ales, u’r lessones very clear.
thank you Alex
it is easy lesson
very goooooood Alex
This the best way for me
Hi Alex,thank you for this lesson, it’s very useful
always, i make mistakes with those prepositions. i classify some prepositions and adjectives as follows:
(on top of,over)#under
(ahead,in front of)#behind
thanks to help me if there is mistake.
Alex, thanks for sharing your knowledge and ideas for drawing.
thanks Alex that’s amazing
At the beggining was too hard to understand the lessons, but now everything has become clear to me. Thanks for your lessons, you teach in a way that everyone can understand.
thank you sir…but i think, it should has a search box to find easy the lessons.
It is easy and I understand, but I wait lessons most difficult. Thank you
Thank you very much Alex.
Thank you alex :)
Guesmi Wajdi
short 7 nice lesson
thnx Mr.Alex
Hi Alex, I’m a little confused about something. Do I say “in front of the girl” even if my back is the part of my body that she’s seeing? Is it also right if I say, “ahead the girl”? Thanks in advance.
Thank you very much. Your lessons are really helpful.
Excelente explicación Alex. Directo a la lista de vídeos favoritos.
Mil gracias.
Take care!
Yair Carreno
Hi Alex,
thanks a lot for useful lesson.
take care
Hi alex
I like your way of teaching and thank you very much
Thank you Teacher
Malak AlOtaibi
thnaks so much for this lesson Alex..
Great work!
Marcelo Matos
Thanks Alex very helpful….
Thank you for the lesson.
You are very clear in explanations.
Greeting from Italy.
Thank very mush
thanks very much
teacher, i have a question. can you tell me the difference between “i’m in a house” and “i’m inside a house”, please?
hola, I have a question and what happens with words like >> “ON” – “IN” and “OVER?
how we can use them?
hi I’m just starting to learn English as a start to learn Englisch?
thank you
On your list of the 126 lessons , could you please:
(1) enumerate the lessons. It will help a lot to follow the lessons;
(2) sequenciate the QUIZES – if I go to take the quiz test , I can’t return to the next lesson .
Thanks a lot marcomarino2002@gmail.com
You are a wonderful man, I have benefited a lot from your lessons thank you very much, your style and wonderful
Thanks a lot
Tchin Shi
i face problem when i use would have, would
and unreal condition .pls help me
prem panwar
ti’s easy as a lesson, but it interesting, thanks Alex
Many thanks to you. It was a good lesson.
Hi Alex :-)
but where is the exam for Spatial Location?
Hi teacher Alex!
All your classes are very useful for me.
I would like to know the meaning of “above”, and which situation I should use this word?
Hi there.
Mansour Salamat
I’m sorry but ???
Alex Great Video! Thank you very much
Can you add subtitles to your videoes, please?
We started subtitling our videos a while back — you’ll have to turn them on in Youtube by clicking the “CC” button in the bar at the bottom of the video.
engVid Moderator
Thanks, Alex. Very well explained.
thank you so much .but where is the Quiz?
In fact, the cup is ‘on the table’. ‘on the top of the table?’ It’s a joke, isn’t it?
If my girlfriend were behind me, it’s impossible she was ‘in front of me’.
And so on.
Is this a big joke? Well. It’s no funny.
Great lessonce !!!
thanks Alex!!
Thank you very much Alex.
Your explanation about the different topics in the lessons is excellent. I like a lot.
Teacher, I would like that you explain the use of the words “INTO” and “ONTO”.
Thanks in advance.
You are an excellent teacher.
Thx u Alex!
very useful and clear. Thanks a million Alex
Thank you so much,
Thnx so important :)
ABody Al-NajjaR
Thank you very much alex
Bashayer yousef
thank you
ann ann
Hi Alex,
Can we use ‘in the middle of’ in this sentence?
The child is standing in the middle of two persons.
if not, then please give the reason.
Which preposition is used after the word surround, ‘by’ or ‘on’?
Then i began watching video at EngVid.com i decided to see all video from Alex to beginners, i was the last of them, thank you Alex,. Now i’ll try to watch video for Intermediate.
Thank you very much for this lesson.
Thank you teacher.
Learning English was scares me,because of you i take courage to learn. thanks teacher!
Thank You for the lesson!
Thankyou so much sir!
i hope , all teacher in engvid, can talk and teach slow same Alex, will easy for study, thank.
Thank you, I enjoyed your lesson
Thanks a lot I learn a new word
thanks Alex :)
Thank you so much, very useful.
Marta Lopez
It’s very useful for me.
Thank you!
Young Kyung Lee
Hello Sir,
Your explanation is excellent.could you please give some more example for “in between”….?Thank you so much….!!
No quiz? as always Love your lession
thanks a lot for this video ….
but if you please what is the difference between ” on the ” & ” above ” ?
Aisha Mahmoud Mohamed
thanks for your explanation
Thanks for the lesson!
good, thank.
Very easy to be understanding, thank alex, under, on top of, behind, in front of, beside, inside, outside, in between of
thank you for this good lessen. my questions are can we use on only not on top of? and what is across. merci
you’re not bad as i thought well done.
Thank you Alex
Thanks Alex.
ann ann
Hi Alex, I’am from Brazil, in 2019 i wish living in Canada.
Thanks,for your time teaching english for us !
Thanks, Alex
Sunny Muffin
thank’s so much teacher alex nice leason thank’s so much you hekp me a lot thank’s so much i love you my teacher alex <3
Thank you very much Alex!
Jonathas Wilhem
thanks a lot Mr Alex
very good explanation, thanks for do it very well.
good explanation!! tks!
your teaching sytle is very nice and understandable.but i cant see any example of text. if we done a text about spatial location, it would be better
Hi, Alex! Very nice and clear lesson! Thanks! These words are basic, useful and essencial! See ya!
Marcos Paulo Ventura
Hi Alex,
what is the difference between Next and Beside?
Could I also say the boy is next to the girl?
or do we use next for another situations?
Sonia Faisal
At present I am out of good command English language but I hope after couple of engVid lesson, I will be on the top, we will see.
Grzegorz Bak
hi,im like so much your videos
Hi Alex, I’m new entry this canal but I want follow all your lessons of first to the last.
For me is that very good end very interesting :) Thank you Alex
Thank you Teacher Alex, finally I understood this spatial locations, I was always confused with some.
any one have face time i wanna talk to someone to practise Thanks
Thank you
rehab alaraby 666
thank you teacher Alex, I understood this place or position.
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Yo Alex! Its easy lesson butt you make it clean. Pls to put more advanced levell lesson in future.
I am sorry but I don’t understand what you said.
me also.
I hope you are enjoying the more advanced lessons that are now on the website!
Hi alex,
I have been following your Lesssons for past few days. They are very helpful. I have learnt a lot from your lessons. Thanku very much
I think it should has subtitle.
I don’t.
But thank you for the suggestion!
to Aaqib ali i think that in 2009 there was no subtitle
Yes, our older videos do not have subtitles! All of our newer ones do, however.
I think so too!!
thank you very much for your lessons.
Thanks and God bless you
Hi Alex,
Very simple, we need little tough.
Please next time.
Thanks a million.
Thank you so much Alex,
I can understand perfectly what you have taught. I am currently studying English in Canada. I am at NBCC Moncton campus, NB. I am from Chile. I am planning to study more English in the future. thanks again.
we need more lessons, please.
HI Alex
It’s always interesting to watch your nice lesson.
Good job teacher
P.s. – I have missed the little test about this lesson.
dear alex.
your lesson is very ineresting …..it is very suitable for the begining learner like me one especially on your lesson was how to use (a few. a little.few.littlte now i can understand of these words ).i think that it is batter if you make a more clip ……
i very enjoy your lesson thank anyway
It is a good and simple lesson, thanks Alex
thanx !!.. ur not just a teacher ! .. also ur a painter … hhh .. thanx again ..
Hi alex, nice teaching.
you mentioned ‘( in the middle of) during the lossen.
could you kindly explain to me when we use it instead of betwen or the uses of this phrase. thanks
Hi Akram,
You use “between” when something is surrounded on at least two sides.
For example, if I type ABA, the letter B is between the two As. I can also say it is in the middle of the two As.
In the middle can be used in more situations. For example, you can say “I am standing in the middle of the store,” but you cannot say, “I am standing between the store.” To be BETWEEN something, you need to have something surrounding you on at least two sides. So, you CAN say “I am standing between the music store and the library,” but the meaning is much different than “I am standing in the middle of the music store.”
I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask!
very good explanation, thanks for do it very well.
Hi, thank for the lesson.
Could you teach how use “among” and “into”.
ah~~ I understand..^^ thank you for this comment
Hi Alex,what about the quiz.
Thank you very much Alex , we need more vocabulary lesson , please !
I will make more vocabulary lessons in the future. Thank you for the suggestion!
Thank you!
It’s very good,
thank you.
Alex!You are very pleasant person
Dear Alex
Greetings Here’s how your education is very good and easy
You can also say “the mug is on the table”, right?
Hi Alex ! I ‘m very glad to learn english with you again ! Very good lesson. I enjoyed it.
Dear Alex,
Thank you very much for this lesson.
Maybe I was confused, but I heard you said “Ma scuzati” at 6:27 ^^.
I was so surprised and I couldn’t believe in my ears. I don’t know why, and how to say, but I felt extremely happy when I heard these words.
-a foreign student from your motherland country-
You talk very clear sir, thnx.
You’re a great teacher ever!!!I really love to watched your videos because i learn a lot from you…
hi i learnt from you a lot……….. i reallly want to thak you n i hav seen more vdo of yours
Thanks Alex for this great lesson.I have one question may you answer me . When do we use among ?
hi alex thank for your teaching us.the lesson is vey easy.i hope you will give out more intersting lesson
Are there any differences between these three words?”Beside , Next to , Near ”
And also
Could I learn “on top of” and “above” have the same meaning?
Fibally I want to thank you and the other teachers.
Take care of yourselves , all you are great.
very useful lesson…..Thanks.
Hi Alex, thank you a lot!
hi Alex,thank you lot of.
please i want your emai;?
hi good job
which is correct if i am inside the theatre
a)in the theatre (or)
b) at the theatre
I like these lessons and I try to remember the pronunciation
thank you
Hi Alex , your a good teacher , and thank you so much
i liked it to head u lot of mistake has been cleared
Thanks. Where is the quiz?
Hi.. my name’s ifah i’m from indonesia.. thank you so much.. your lesson is very interesting sir…
hi,Alex……please ,start teaching more complex subjects for intermediate level….OK
hi sir alex..kindly please make lesson for intermediate….a bundle of thanks for teaching us..
u r gr8
Hi Alex,
I want more lesson for beginner.Actually I have a hesitation for spoken english in public place.And when I saw your video I improved lots of so thats why I want more lesson…
Hi.. i would like to thank you very much teacher because all your lessons are useful. question here teacher Alex. ( wiche correct..i said: behind me or at my back? because i heard some people are using both.!) thank you again and also take care..!
“Behind me” is much more common. The other phrase is more formal.
Very good…
I learnt so much for this video, I am happy that I found this site coz it’s very helpful.
Thank you teacher.
God bless!!!
hi Alex,
its nice to know about english usage.i am poor in english pronunciation.how can i improve my pronounce..thank you for your precious time concern with us..
Hi alex!
You can do good job teacher.
May I ask you some questions as below.
Could you tell me how to use although, however, anyway..
Thanks in advance.
can we use side by side for the boy and girl that standing beside each other?
Of course. You can say “The boy and the girl are standing side by side.”
Great lesson for beginners…keep it up…
thank you so much alex
really i want to speak English very will i hope you help me
thank you
Hi Alex thanks for your taught , take care
thank alex for your ujession
thanks alex for this lesson. to know more about since and for.
Hi sukhman,
We have a couple of videos available that talk about ‘for’ and ‘since.’ Look here: https://www.engvid.com/english-grammar-since-for/
hi alex thank you so much that is nice
can you teach us about the using of could and should please
Hi aisha,
“Should” is used for speculation and advice, while “Could” is used for past ability, present suggestion, and speculation. For more information, go here:
hi sir please mr alex this time you have to talk about defrent of could and can and hear and lisen and i say you good like thank you
Hi! can you also explain to us the meanings of UNDERNEATH and BENEATH. I’m quite confuse between these two. Thanks in advance!
Both have a similar meaning to “under.”
“My bag is underneath the table,” and “My bag is beneath the table,” have the same meaning. However, “underneath” is a bit stronger because it implies that something is almost directly under something else. “Beneath” implies that something is lower than something else. At least, that is my understanding of the two words.
Hello. Your videos are great and interesting! I am pleasure to see they. But i have a question. I don’t understand all words. Has your videos got the subtitles? Or do you have your lessens on pdf format or other?
Thanks very much for your videos and your work!
Your lessons are excellent.. I am learning lot from you! thank you!
thanks so much
hello. I understand that you have a lot of work, but i want to see your answer for my question.
hello alex, how can i improve my english speaking? i can understand but difficulties in speaking.
good one alex….
Hi Alex,
I didn’t understand the idiom “boys in blue”.Will you please explain it?
Thanks a lot.
Hi Sweety,
“Boys in blue” refers to the police. For example:
“I saw a car accident. The boys in blue (the police) came 20 minutes later.”
It is an idiom that you may hear in American films especially.
grand hello ,how are you been the best teacher,really i like you way becouse you way is very good ,but i love your way teach ,i went to amreca in fact ,i didnt have any information about enghlish but now ,iam starting good,and i became very nice in enghlish,and when speak some one with body undersand him,please i wanna tell you thank you so much for any present ,and i wish to preset any more for us ,right onw i have some qution about you is ,i would ilike defference between him them her him ,and please you have to make some exemple about them.and when i said ,iwas going to , is like i went to ok farwell
Me, You, Him, Her, Them, and Us are all object pronouns. They always receive an action. For example:
“I like him.”
“He saw her on the bus.”
“She talked to us about her classes.”
Here is the list of subjects and their object pronoun parts:
I = Me
You = You
He = Him
She = Her
It = It
We = Us
They = Them
I hope this helps!
great.thank Sir.Alex
This site is really great! It really helps me a lot. I discovered certain rules and grammars that I don’t know. I just would like to say thank you for your passion, more power and God Bless…^_^
Thanks to all teacher, especially to sir alex…
Hi sir! what’s the difference between in and under.
“In” is like “inside.”
Here, the ball is in the box.
Here, the ball is under the table.
I hope you understand this! :)
Thanks a lot Mr Alex . Could you please tell me something about ” ONTO ” ?
hi sir alex,i have just started to see your nice videos,i asked for your skype account to improve my spoken skills but in vain,plz respond!!i am looking forward…
Hello Alex! Thank you for such interesting grammar lessons! I find them very useful and helpful, especially for not native speakers. Please tell more about peculiarities of a spoken english. Tnanks again and good luck!
Best wishes,
Michael V. Koryakin
hello alex, i’m from brazil and I would like to share with you all my gratitude, i’m a teacher and before all my classes i study the subjects also with your videos. Hey engVid guys, you are amazing…thanks a lot. Take Care
Unfortunately, Alex, I’ve watched all your lessons, and now I’m waiting another to apply. While your new lessons are making, I’m going to watch lessons of some other teacher from http://www.engvid.com. Only I have some request, Please in the future make lessons for advanced students. Thank you in advance
Thank you … alex you help me know about english…
Hi, Alex I’m Gulfan Hashmi From India. I’m your fan and like your teaching way. Your teaching way is very simple and every person can understand your lesson. I’m beginner of English pl. suggest me how can I increase my Vocabulary power and speaking English
Dogman, Butt and levell??! double words. XD.
hello, I was wondering about the diference of saying “between” or “in the middle of”, are they the same or there is a deference?
I will thank you a lot for your response.
wooow Mr.Alex
really really i like this video
Thaaank you so much for learning All people..
keep going Mr
graeting for you
thanks alax, i am very weak in preposition but this video really help me thank you.
So i want to ask one question about the idiom :It is raining cats and dogs.It is something connected with rain or sth else.
What about the preposition via? When i can use it?
HI Alext
Very clear, can I ask you further what are diffrences between in the frontand in fron, and also on top also on the top?
Hi Alex. Would you please elaborate more on when to use under/below and above/on top of.
Dear Alex it is useful your lession, thank you for your teaching.
Best regard
Hello alex please i need learn more about english but am confuse i need more guide lines from u thanks
Hello James,
I would like to know what is the differences between can and may, could and might, into and onto and finally between and among. I will appreciate if you can help me. Thanks a lot.
hj teacher . thank you very much for your video .I have a problem on learning English :would you please explain this sentence : “you will be going to her party next week “. I can’t understand why in this sentence ” will ” and ” be going to ” are used simultaneously .GOD BLESS YOU.
thanks a lot alex
thanks alex the lessons very useful
excellent teacher
Hello teacher Alex, thanks for your teaching.it very useful for me.
why we say in difficulty instead of under difficulty?
hi alex,me and my son ali loves the way u teach,u r such a decent and polite guy and u know how to teach the kids,thanks for ur hardwork,keep it up plz.
I had awersome repetition!Thank you Alex!
hey alex i like your way to teach i could say that your is my best teacher of all and thank you for your videos.
mr. alex is behind of cam so i can see you in front of computer..
thak you so much Mr Alex.you helped me a lot)
Hi Alex. Can explain to me about these words: bottom, above, top, below? With regards…. Thnx.
thanks Alex.
i’ve gained a lot in engvid,and I’d like to think you and all teachers.
I suggest you to add a part of live conversation,i think if we could talk to our teachers it’d be better.
Tx in advance,
Is it possible 2 u 2 explain what d difference between back n behind is plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?!
Hi Alex.. thank you so much
hiiiiiiii sir
your lessons are very good to learn us english.
thanks a lot for learning english
Your English this good for me
:)) Very funny lesson. Liked it!
The way you explain things is awesome!! Super!
How to use Beneath????
Lessons are surely admirable.
The lesson designed for BEGINNER level. So why your speach so FAST? It make lesson is difficult for understanding. Can you speak slowly!
hi sir,
your way of teaching is excellent.these lectures are very nice and helps students
Thank you very much for explanations , I think you’re the one on this site among teachers who explaine in easy way to everyone . I am just happy to watch videos with you and at the same time I use to teach my kids too.
thank you alex
Hey Alex,
When do we use the word “beneath”???
Hey sorry , just saw its given in the above comments!!
thanks Alex
Hello Alex,
Could you write me this. What is the difference between among and between?
Use among with three or more items. or something in mass.
Hey Alex. I hope everything’s going well with you. I’m an English teacher in Iran. I always use your videos in my classes and candidly speaking they have always been of great assistance to me. I’m just writing this to THANK YOU. I’d really like to be in contact with you via email if that’s ok. Anyways, I’m happy to have been able to find your site. Thank you all guys and all the efforts you put in. Wish you the best.
Alex, you’re good in teaching. As an Indonesian, I’m assisted a lot to comprehend it. Formal word is my favorite. Give me some more in advanced level. Great job, Pal.
thankfull teacher Alex Please provide us with your great lessons until we can speak english fleuntly.
don’t thank donate money
Thank you very much Alex!
Nice learning love you Brother your learning is so fantastic hope you will upload more eng vidz
Hi Alex!
I am Diyah from Indonesia. I want to ask you about the diference into and onto.Thank you for your attention
Thank you so mutch Alex
Teacher Alex Thnk you
i am new this lesson is important 4 me
i am beginner
i Really love Your Teaching
Thank you so much, it’s interesting, your pronunciation is very clear, it was easy to understand you and to follow your lesson.
I hope you’ll upload more videos.
Thanks thanks thanks wish you all the best Alex.
thank you Alex, your lessons will benefit me in the training college I wish I can do as fantastic as you do .
very good lesson thank you sir
hello alex sir.why u did not use only “on” instead of “on top of”.
sir Alex first of all thank you so much for these useful lessons… you are doing a very well job. i have lot of fond in English speaking. so please tell me how can i prove my conversation…..?
thanks Alex for that basic lesson it helps a lot.
Hi Alex!
Superb lessons, thank you!
I have a question on a grammatical issue that is getting me confused.
I often read and listen to many expressions like “in the middle of”. On the contrary, sometimes I hear people say “in the middle of town”. I don’t understand why the article “the” is missing in the second expression. I mean, when is it proper to put “the” following “in the middle of”, and when not? Thanks in advance!Best wishes
May I have your e-mail address.
Sorry, we don’t give out teachers’ personal emails!
Thank you Alex……..its nice
u are good teacher
Hi Alex, Nice Lesson (topic). I want another examples, if it possible. Nice to meet You
Hello! Thanks for this video. But I have a question, What’s the difference between beside and next to, under and below, on and on top of ?
Hi Alex,
You Rocks. All Engvid Teachers are great and really helping people like me free of cost. would you mind explaining above, underneath and ahead words as well as where to use these and their mean with examples. Do we have any lesson for these words on Engvid.com. I’ll appreciate if you to reply to sharma06sunny@gmail.com.
One more thing I would like to ask, would not “in front of” be Face to face? in your example boy and girl were not seeing eachother’s faces (Girls was behind boy’s back? I am really confused in it.
Hi, thaks for the lesson, I have a question: what is the different between (I realized that I don’t know another words if I want to make a comparison =() “between” and “among”??
Thanks for the help
Once you said: “They are (the boy and the girl) standing beside each other” and later: “They are next to one another”. What’s the difference between each other and one another?
good lessons Thank You Alex.
A very good lesson Alex…thank you very much
Thanks Alex
This class is very awesome! I’m always in front of my computer learning news things with my teacher Alex!
Hi Alex great job as always!
Could you tell me the difference between ON the table and ON TOP OF the table please?
Thanx Ales, u’r lessones very clear.
thank you Alex
it is easy lesson
very goooooood Alex
This the best way for me
Hi Alex,thank you for this lesson, it’s very useful
always, i make mistakes with those prepositions. i classify some prepositions and adjectives as follows:
(on top of,over)#under
(ahead,in front of)#behind
thanks to help me if there is mistake.
Alex, thanks for sharing your knowledge and ideas for drawing.
thanks Alex that’s amazing
At the beggining was too hard to understand the lessons, but now everything has become clear to me. Thanks for your lessons, you teach in a way that everyone can understand.
thank you sir…but i think, it should has a search box to find easy the lessons.
It is easy and I understand, but I wait lessons most difficult. Thank you
Thank you very much Alex.
Thank you alex :)
short 7 nice lesson
thnx Mr.Alex
Hi Alex, I’m a little confused about something. Do I say “in front of the girl” even if my back is the part of my body that she’s seeing? Is it also right if I say, “ahead the girl”? Thanks in advance.
Thank you very much. Your lessons are really helpful.
Excelente explicación Alex. Directo a la lista de vídeos favoritos.
Mil gracias.
Take care!
Hi Alex,
thanks a lot for useful lesson.
take care
Hi alex
I like your way of teaching and thank you very much
Thank you Teacher
thnaks so much for this lesson Alex..
Great work!
Thanks Alex very helpful….
Thank you for the lesson.
You are very clear in explanations.
Greeting from Italy.
Thank very mush
thanks very much
teacher, i have a question. can you tell me the difference between “i’m in a house” and “i’m inside a house”, please?
hola, I have a question and what happens with words like >> “ON” – “IN” and “OVER?
how we can use them?
hi I’m just starting to learn English as a start to learn Englisch?
thank you
On your list of the 126 lessons , could you please:
(1) enumerate the lessons. It will help a lot to follow the lessons;
(2) sequenciate the QUIZES – if I go to take the quiz test , I can’t return to the next lesson .
Thanks a lot
You are a wonderful man, I have benefited a lot from your lessons thank you very much, your style and wonderful
Thanks a lot
i face problem when i use would have, would
and unreal condition .pls help me
ti’s easy as a lesson, but it interesting, thanks Alex
Many thanks to you. It was a good lesson.
Hi Alex :-)
but where is the exam for Spatial Location?
Hi teacher Alex!
All your classes are very useful for me.
I would like to know the meaning of “above”, and which situation I should use this word?
Hi there.
I’m sorry but ???
Alex Great Video! Thank you very much
Can you add subtitles to your videoes, please?
We started subtitling our videos a while back — you’ll have to turn them on in Youtube by clicking the “CC” button in the bar at the bottom of the video.
Thanks, Alex. Very well explained.
thank you so much .but where is the Quiz?
In fact, the cup is ‘on the table’. ‘on the top of the table?’ It’s a joke, isn’t it?
If my girlfriend were behind me, it’s impossible she was ‘in front of me’.
And so on.
Is this a big joke? Well. It’s no funny.
Great lessonce !!!
thanks Alex!!
Thank you very much Alex.
Your explanation about the different topics in the lessons is excellent. I like a lot.
Teacher, I would like that you explain the use of the words “INTO” and “ONTO”.
Thanks in advance.
You are an excellent teacher.
Thx u Alex!
very useful and clear. Thanks a million Alex
Thank you so much,
Thnx so important :)
Thank you very much alex
thank you
Hi Alex,
Can we use ‘in the middle of’ in this sentence?
The child is standing in the middle of two persons.
if not, then please give the reason.
Which preposition is used after the word surround, ‘by’ or ‘on’?
Then i began watching video at EngVid.com i decided to see all video from Alex to beginners, i was the last of them, thank you Alex,. Now i’ll try to watch video for Intermediate.
Thank you very much for this lesson.
Thank you teacher.
Learning English was scares me,because of you i take courage to learn. thanks teacher!
Thank You for the lesson!
Thankyou so much sir!
i hope , all teacher in engvid, can talk and teach slow same Alex, will easy for study, thank.
Thank you, I enjoyed your lesson
Thanks a lot I learn a new word
thanks Alex :)
Thank you so much, very useful.
It’s very useful for me.
Thank you!
Hello Sir,
Your explanation is excellent.could you please give some more example for “in between”….?Thank you so much….!!
No quiz? as always Love your lession
thanks a lot for this video ….
but if you please what is the difference between ” on the ” & ” above ” ?
thanks for your explanation
Thanks for the lesson!
good, thank.
Very easy to be understanding, thank alex, under, on top of, behind, in front of, beside, inside, outside, in between of
thank you for this good lessen. my questions are can we use on only not on top of? and what is across. merci
you’re not bad as i thought well done.
Thank you Alex
Thanks Alex.
Hi Alex, I’am from Brazil, in 2019 i wish living in Canada.
Thanks,for your time teaching english for us !
Thanks, Alex
thank’s so much teacher alex nice leason thank’s so much you hekp me a lot thank’s so much i love you my teacher alex <3
Thank you very much Alex!
thanks a lot Mr Alex
very good explanation, thanks for do it very well.
good explanation!! tks!
your teaching sytle is very nice and understandable.but i cant see any example of text. if we done a text about spatial location, it would be better
Hi, Alex! Very nice and clear lesson! Thanks! These words are basic, useful and essencial! See ya!
Hi Alex,
what is the difference between Next and Beside?
Could I also say the boy is next to the girl?
or do we use next for another situations?
At present I am out of good command English language but I hope after couple of engVid lesson, I will be on the top, we will see.
hi,im like so much your videos
Hi Alex, I’m new entry this canal but I want follow all your lessons of first to the last.
For me is that very good end very interesting :) Thank you Alex
Thank you Teacher Alex, finally I understood this spatial locations, I was always confused with some.
any one have face time i wanna talk to someone to practise Thanks
Thank you
thank you teacher Alex, I understood this place or position.
Thank you!
Thanks Alex.
Great, it is my first lesson
That’s classy!
Thanks a lot for this amazing lesson.