‘As long as’ is a very common English phrase. Find out what it means and three different ways to use it in this essential grammar lesson. In it, you will learn how to talk about duration, conditions, and emphasis with ‘as long as’. As long as you’re here, why don’t you click on this video? It’s my 100th video to date!
Congratulations Alex! You’re a great teacher and your videos are so useful. Thank you! :)
hi.agree with you. really a great lessons
Thanks for your support!
Hi Alex, where can I submit my questions? .. tku :)
Greetings from Mexico City, xx! :)
Teacher Alex, I just want to thank you for all the amazing videos you’ve made so far. Keep up the good work! You’re such an amazing teacher!
Greetings from Peru. I hope you can visit my country someday :)
You will have always our support. ( Is that correct? )
No it’s wrong.
You can construct it this way.
– You will always have our support.
Thanks so much for your lesson.
I know that “As long as” also have a meaning like “because”. But i haven’t seen this meaning in your lesson.
Could you tell me whether you usually use “as long as” with a meaning like “because” ?
hello teacher! i am a newcomer. thank you for great lessons
phuong lan
Hello. Can you help me for learn english?
Thanks again Alex, You’re GREAT, I got 10/10.
Keep doing it, you help me a lot, soon I’ll realize my dream.
Agree with you. Alex is a great teacher. Thank you for teaching. :)
that’s right for this lesson I got 90 thank you Alex
American flag with half moon! What’s that?
That is not a American flag and that one is a flag of Malaysia.
hi alex,can you make any lessons about thr right correct of the the verbs,can,could,may,might,be able,shall,should,will,would.please if you can,im from dominican republic,i have an advenced english
Hi beauty =)
I agree with you. it is really useful.
it was a nice expirience thanks
I will learn English as long as i live :)
Oh you’re poor ))) I think, you will have learned it A little earlier
That’s the spirit! Me too!
Thank you for your great lessons. Congratulations, Alex!
thank u ))) how we can use “as far as” and ” as soon as”
Congratulations, my dear Alex,
Thanks for all your videos, I hope to see at least one hundred more (don’t lose your keenness teaching English).
I closely follow your lessons from Barcelona
Congratulations teacher Alex for all 100 videos, me too i follow your new videos from Athens. Keep doing. Cheers!
It’s always incredible to find out that people have seen these videos in so many places around the world. Thanks so much.
People wants to see one thousand video!
Thank so much to you!
Tks a lot,,,,!,,,
How about as soon as.I don’t think this is comparision.
Hi cuong la!
Alex your teaching skills are superb.
Hearty congratulations for your 100th video.
Thanks Alex !
It is really amazing ! Thanks ! 10 out of 10 ))
Congrtaulations Alex ! for you 100 videos and one honest word to say you did great and you have been teaching us a really great stuffs Thank you and Keep it up
Alex! Thanks for this video. I like you style of teaching. My congratulations with your jubilee)). I wish you all the best
Thank you very much!
Yeah, that’s incredible! Congratulations, Alex. Thank you so much.
Hello, Alex! Thank you so much for the lessons. Could you please leave your skype ID
Thanks a lot!
I really like this lesson!
hi Alex.thanks for your lessons:)
how can I learn English by my self?my english isnot good,i dont know how can I improve that,I dont have anyone to speak English,so I alwayes forget lessons.
congratulation alex for the 100 vidéos that you did and thank you
please alex i have a bit confiuse of using the simpl past and the past perfect..thx
Hello Alex.
I wish you only the best.
Congratulations for 100 lessons and for your wonderful job, Alex. Thanks for teaching us in such especial way…
Excellent lesson, thank you ALEX!
Thank you Alex!
Thank you Alex for your great class, I’ll remember you as long as I study English, I can not forgot you sound “HUMMMMM”, you are the best.
waldecy coelho
Greatful lesson! Thanks alex
Thanks a lot,Alex.
A great lesson, I really love the way that you explained, easy to understand and remember ! you are very professional teacher. Sir Alex
Thanks , Alex. I understand it completely.
Thanks, Alex! Congrats for having made 100 videos. This lesson was very easy to follow.
Thanks a lot Alex , I am waiting for more lessons .
Thanks Alex.Your lesson is very useful.I will watch your videos as long as I still learn English.
I will learn english from this web as long as I am fluent in english :D
“I will keep on using this web site as long as it takes for me to be fluent in English” ;-)
oh thx u very much. My writing skill is so bad :D
thanks Alex!
question No.9 was a little strange!
Thank you Alex. Cheers!!
omg i misclicked omg
thx Alex :)
@EngVid Why not a bit more of interaction with users?
Happy 100th! You don’t look that old :D
#suggestion “as long as” => “provided (that)” (in the second example)
Most of us have jobs and/or families outside of the website, so it’s hard to respond to everything. I definitely try my best to keep on top of things, though. Thanks for the compliment about my age!
Thank you Alex for all the 100 videos!
Thank u! (Спасибо – In Russian)
So simple and so clear!
thanks Alex
Thanks Alex for another nice lesson. can you please do a lesson explaining taking/take for granted . I would appreciate a lot . cheers
:) Congratulation for superb century and also thank u for providing us incredible lessons. I hope u will make a lot of new remarkable lessons.
Got 10 out of 10.. Thanks Alex for this useful lesson and for the other 99 you have done so far…. Greetings from the U.S.A.
Got 10 out of 10.. Thanks Alex for this useful lesson and for the other 99 you have done so far…. Greetings from the U.S.A.
Thanks Alex. Good video.
Congratulations Alex on getting your goals. You will do it even better as long as you believe it.
thank you.You are very nice teacher.
Thanks Alex! Congratulations for the incredible work you have done for us. I enjoy learning by your lessons, you are a great teacher and talk about important english topics, thanks again!
Alex. It´s so nice to see your videos. It´s easy understand what you say.
Congratulations and thanks from Spain, Alex. We really appreciate your effort during all this time. I hope you will carry on helping us to improve our English during a long time.
I came here (login) just to congratulate you!
God bless you.
Your classes always help
It’ s great lesson thank you
Long life to Alex & Engvid!! I wish you thousands of other videos!!
Hi there…
It’s a pleasure 2 meet u dear milly!
:) Wish u LUCK.
Hi Fatiima, thanks for your comment. Good luck to you too! Regards.
Now I understand the song “As long as you love me” Thanks.
Thanks??? No, thank You! for this service. congrats for your 100.
Congrats i like and enjoy very much your videos, plus to learn !!! happy 100 videos. :)
thanks Alex ^^
I got 100
Thank you
As long as I am learning English , I will remember your words …. Thanks Alex …
Congrats for your hundredth video, Allex, and as you can see, people all over the world have actually been watching and learning a lot from yours and from the teachers’ videos… I’m here once again standing for Brazilians, who thank you so much, great job, man!
thanks Alex i love all of your lessons cheers for you from Azerbaijan
Thanks a lot Alex! Your lessons so usefull and interesting! Congratulations with the 100-th lessons!
thanks Alex , you are a great teacher , i am looking forward your 1000th video.
i got 10 out of 10…..you’re doing a great job. keep it up!
Thanks Alex, You’re a wonderful teacher.
thank you.You are very nice teacher.
Hi Alex, Congrats for your century.
Hi Alex, Congratulations from Mexico, you are a great teacher and your lessons are fantastic
Thanks Alex. I have a question for you!! How come all of you do lessons for free? I mean, it’s great, but I was just wondering the reason why, you know I don’t know anybody else who is so keen on helping people on internet! Do they take skype lessons or something like that?
Anyway thank you very much!! I really appreciate all of you!!
Congratulations by the videos! Great class!
Thanks you very much .
The monkey of Jemaa el-Fna
Congratulations, Alex.
Best regards from Serbia.
Hi Alex this vídeo a lot helped. Tks
Congratulations Alex. All your lessons has been so great and helpful. You are a great professor.
Thank you very much,Alex!
Congratulations, Alex!! You are really my best teacher! At the birthday class, I got 9/10… This quiz was very difficult because you included others lessons in the answers! Towards the thousand class!
Another question, Alex. Is this phrase correct?
“If you were here, you could play a round of poker with us.”.
Because I’d like knowing if it’s possible to use “as long as” as long as I were using imperfect present?
Thanks, Teacher!!
Thank you sir
I’ve got 100%! Thank for this lesson, it was nice and well explained.
alex can you can teach about the conecters
that’s so interesting
thank you from Gran Canaria
thanks Alex!!!…from Chile!!…best regards!
the 100th lesson u r a very good teacher!
Congratulations Alex! And thanks for all of your videos you have recorded so far, they have been really useful to me. I can only encourage you to keep doing such a great job! Regards from Mexico.
your lessons are prefect but how can we download these lessons
Congratulations Alex!
Can I ask a question?
I missed only No.9.
Is it correct “He is worked..”
I think just “He worked” would be better.
Please let me know the answer. Thanks.
Hi Alex. Good job! You used to live in Poland, didn’t you?
I’m from Poland.
I have a question that is connected with English grammar.
How many tenses are there in English?
In my opinion there are only TWO tenses (present and past) Am I right?
e.g. Pres. Cont. is aspect
Thank you, Alex!
And congratulations, man!
Many thanks,Alex!!! Congratulations from Ukraine!
Your lessons are really helpful. Thanh you very much! :)
You are a great teacher!! Thanks and congrats!!
You’re a great teacher, Thank you so much
70 percent
i am try it again
Thanks a lot, Alex. We learn a lot from your videos. Your style is special and i like it so much.
I want to know when could I use comma and semicolon.
Thanks Alex! It is pretty lesson i like it very much.
Thank you so much teacher!
dear friends, I’m sorry about asking this question here which is not related to topic;
I can’t upload my avatar photo and as I searched in website, couldn’t find the support center.
when I choose my photo and click on the upload button, it says that the web page can’t be found.
what should I do?
Hmmm. What’s the file size of the photo you’re trying to upload?
engVid Moderator
thank you for responding;
it’s about 30 KB
and have another question which is:
“can I communicate (chat and sending messages) with English teachers, and English learners here?”
Good lesson Alex…
I would like to watch a lesson about subjet questions…thank you
you make a good job….
Great lesson Alex, thank you so much for your time!
Thanks a lot.
May I have the pleasure to communicate with u sir.I want to ask u some doubt.
conratulations for your 100th lesson Alex…
I’ve never found a website as good as this one and I really appreciate your job…
I wish all the best for you from Rome.
congratulation “alex” as long as you are reached this achievement.
thank you very much you taught me to good English..
Thank you!!!
congratulation mister Alex, as long as you give us lesson, we can just thank you !
Thank you very much.
colors view
Hello Alex,
My question is about 2d sentance form your examples. So, we have a sentance: “You can come as long as YOU’RE quiet”. Why we use YOU’RE and don’t use “…as long as YOU’LL BE quiet”?
Thanks a lot for your lessons,
Alex said at the beginnig of the lesson that the expression “as long as” is generally use in present tense….try to listen the video for another times!! Bye :)
Thanks paolo85 for you comment.
I got that we use ‘as long as’ expresion only for present tense and what about transaltion? How should we translate ‘…as long as YOU’RE quiet’ As future?
I think so….I suppose that we have to write the sentence with present tense but we can translate as future!!! Are you agree??
Thank you Alex. There is very useful.
Thank you Alex for your time!!
Hi Alex, congratulations!!!
You’re one of the best teachers I ever had. Even just via web.
I haven’t watched all of the 100 lessons yet, but I’ll, promise!
And I hope there is another 100 coming up!
tks for all great lessons and keep going that way!
I really surprise of got 10 correct
thanks you so much ^_^
All my answers are correct :].. thanks Alex
Ibrahim Yousri
Thank u Alex for this great lesson.^_^
Great teacher! Thank You so much!!! It easy to understand everything! Blessings to you!
This is the best lesson
Alex, congrats from Brazil. You’re a great teacher!
Your lesson are very helpful thanks a lot. kip it up because just like me who is really needful this type of lesson. God bless you. your work really appreciable. Thanks and you are a great teacher and i like engvid team.
I have been studying English on my own for years and I found useful things on internet, but this one, EngVid definetely it’s the best that I ever seen!!
Congratulations for the 100 video!!!!
Alex,you are the best teacher I’ve ever had,as you make the lessons very easy to understand and funny. Thanx a lot for the help with the language!
thanks your useful video .
Very interesting lesson and useful. :-)
thankx a lot teacher :)
i really like your class :)
keep this way
Thaks you!
It’s very easy to understand. :)
i love English as long as i live … thks so much :)
le anh tu
I hope that I will learn English as long as i have time :)
Great video Alex
8 og 10.Think it is not bad result. Thanks Alex this subject ok.
Anar Hafiz
Amazing video and very useful .keep working you are proficinal teacher
thank you very much for your lessons, it’s helpful, i got 100% :D
I’ve got 9 correct answers…so informative…thank you sir Alex…
Cherelee ochoa
Thanks so much!
I could get my thoughts straight!
thanks alex,, i got 9 correct out of 10.. hmmmm.. not bad…
woww…this website is amazing, I do english course, but here is a unique opportunity to improve my english, and your explanation is very good too!!Congrats!
well done Alex!
After I examine those little important rules of the language carefully then I watch your engvid classes to have a great command of the subject.
All your lessons are quite beneficial for learners around the world! Thank you!
Thanks Alex
Hi from Russia) May I ask you,Alex, more about “as long as” (on condition that)? Is the meaning of this phrase and “if” the same? or there are some differences.
Hi Alex, the question 9 SEEMS TO ME incorrect . can you pls clarify? thanks
Oops. 3 wrong answers due to my mistakes..
Thanks Alex, got 70%
Abdul Qayum
actually,my english will go strenght to strenght as long as i watch your lessons!
thnx Alex!
thank you very very very mach teacher Alex you are hellping me
congratulations Alex,and thx for lesson
hello,thank you for your best teaching
hurr…i got 90 marks..
Hi alex, first of all congratulations for everYthing that you have done in this amazing site.
I ask for you to keep teaching us. Your job is great..
By the way, congratulations to all Engvid`s team.
Best regards, NJDS
my english will be improved as long as i learn from you .. that’s 10/10 again .. :)
i’m still confused about as long as teacher.
i just got 6/10
Congratulation Alex on 100th Video. Thanks for helping us with English. you are a great teacher. We will never forget you as long as we live.
NightHawk KB
As long as EngVid has fantastic lecturer’s support, it achieves great mile stones.
Good lesson!
Quiz is very simple, thought.
I got a 90 thanks Alex.
I got 10 out of 10… thank you very much indeed.
This useful website have helped me a lot to obtain a better knowledge of some daily expressions and use the grammar properly.
congratulations man.. keep uploading more videos.
Btw, Is it my statement correct ?
Thanks Alex from Italy
thank you
Many tas Alex
Rodrigo Menger
I got 100. you’re awesome! Thank you teacher!
Thanks a lot Alex.
It’s a great lesson. take care
Congrats Alex, and thank you for all those incredible and helpful videos :)
thank you for teaching.
Great ! The lesson was very interesting ! Thank you a lot !
i nee some expression of number 9 and 10
i need……
i got 8/10
it’s amazing test…!!!!
Many thanks for the useful lesson
Thanks a lot for the explanation!!!!
hi, alex, can you make for me one video for how to use the word ” just”?.I don’t know use it! thanks a lot!
I can learn English well as long as I watch your video every day. :-)
Congratulations Alex! You’re a great teacher and your videos are so useful. Thank you! :)
i will get 100 as long as alex teaching here. Tnx alex
pray God for you to reach a million videos not only 100. Respect from Morocco
Respect from Morocco
Is this sentence correct- as soon as I have finished compiling I will put in the folder for you.- thanks in advance:)
it’s a useful video with me.
This lesson is very great.Thank you Alex.
Great Lesson again. Thank you so much.
Thank you!
i’ll emphasize the way that you’ll need help, you’re very lazy. “it’s just an example, i train.
I got 9/10. Thanks so much for yours lessons
Alex thanks so much for your lessons, they are very useful for me..
i got 8 of 10
Congratulations teacher for your 100 videos, keep going! :) you’re one of the best!
thank u so much Alex
Hi Alex, thanks for the video. Could you please tell me what is the meaning of emphasis ? Thx
Got 100. Not easy rules, but very well explained. 100 more lessons, Alex!
Angela M.
thank you so much Alex
hi Alex,
thank you so much.
this lesson was actually terrific.
it very useful thank you alex ^^
Raheel Babar
Thank you Alex
Thank you Alex
Thanks Alex!!You really help me understand another ways to use as lon as…that’s great!! Appreciate that!!
Thank you Alex
Thank you Alex. I really like your pronunciation. I can follow you and correct mine. Also, you help me understand the use of “as long as…”
Thank you Alex
Ayumi Takizawa
carlos 2138
its nice one
Thank you. I got 100.
Great thanks Alex
I will learn English as long as Alex is here …
Thanks Alex, I got 100% correct. You’re a great teacher.
tony wang
I’ve got 90%. Godd lesson.Thanks a lot
I got 9 out of 10 after watching the video.
Alex you are my favorite teacher among all the engvid teacher.very useful lesson
Thank you Alex for this interesting lesson. I’m looking forward many others lessons. I’m very happy when I learn something new, and always with you, Alex, we learn something new, so as long as we keep watching Alex’s lessons, we’ll be always happy.
Congratulation for the 100th video and we hope celebrate your 200th video soon ;).
I assume full responsibility for all organization work as long as you support me. is that correct???
anyway thanx a million :)
Hanan salame
thank’s alex
Thank you Alex and Congratulation for 100th video. It’s a blessing for students as long as teachers like you are there :)
vipin agarwal
thanks . you help us alot.
i will be your student as long as your my teacher
rebi hassen
Got 7 out of 10. Was a good lesson. :)
Thank you so much for all your video lessons!
As long as I watch the EngVid.com I certainly learn English. I am sure!
Incredible! I’ve got 10 out of 10! I thought I would get 8 out of 10 or even less. Thank you Alex.
thank you.
your section was very useful
i will consentrate in your lessons as long as i have watch it.
Thanks again, Alex! I’ll watch more of your lessons.
Thanks Alex,but i am kind of confused about the question 9 of the quiz
very good lesson
i got 90 percent
Hi Alex. Is there any difference between “for” , ” since” and ” as long as ” when the meaning comes to the duration? Can they be used in place of each other from that meaning? Besides, is it possible to use ” as long as ” when we have conditional in any form of it instead?
Thank you
My English will improve as long as i learn from engvid teachers
Fariya hamid
Thank u Alex for amazing videos you have made so far
Rajesh namala
Sir, can you please help me in question number three? I am having troubles and confusions on it.
A wonderful lesson …thx u
congrats on youre 100 video
thank you
Thank you..lesson is very understanding and really helpful to us.
Great teacher.Thanks from Iran
thanks sir ,i got 80.
husam simawi
good sir
balakrishna ch
I can study English here as long as I log in an engVid.com.
We can join engVid.com and learn English as long as all the teachers help us.am I right Alex?
Merci pour cette centième leçon toujours de qualité.
Ma petite fille adolescente a apprécié le professeur.
Bon vent, Alex.
Hi there,
I should learn English as long as I will command it fluently. As long as I will learn English I be able to said I am educated person. I think when individual is not able to speak foreign language can’t call yourself as educated. Acc to this I am half educated individual because of (my estimation) I know English in 50% I think.
Grzegorz Bak
hi,Alex!ur lessons are great!i hope i could meet u some day!
So pleased to have you here Alex thanks for another useful video, this will help us a lot
Thank you :)
Thank you Mr. Alex for a good lesson!
Thanks Alex. Excellent explanation. You are a great teacher.
I will learn english as a second language as long as I practice and study every single day.
The teaching was good, i appreciate you m. Alex. I’d like to know how to get a certificate after a periode of studying?
very good, thank you
Hi Alex!
my question is: Why the verb “allow” is in Envid’s list of verbs that SHOULD be followed by gerunds, if the verb Allow can be followed by an object + the infinitive, by a gerund, or by a noun. The gerund is used when the subject of the action the gerund describes is unnecessary, as in for general statements.
Her parents allowed her to go to the party.
Her parents don’t allow smoking in the house.
My parents don’t allow dogs.
Do we have to take out “Allow” of that list in your web? or there is any explanation?
I watched this video twice on June 05, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
mines date too 02/11/21 from Kazakhstan
best regards, Alex
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Congratulations Alex! You’re a great teacher and your videos are so useful. Thank you! :)
hi.agree with you. really a great lessons
Thanks for your support!
Hi Alex, where can I submit my questions? .. tku :)
Greetings from Mexico City, xx! :)
Teacher Alex, I just want to thank you for all the amazing videos you’ve made so far. Keep up the good work! You’re such an amazing teacher!
Greetings from Peru. I hope you can visit my country someday :)
You will have always our support. ( Is that correct? )
No it’s wrong.
You can construct it this way.
– You will always have our support.
Thanks so much for your lesson.
I know that “As long as” also have a meaning like “because”. But i haven’t seen this meaning in your lesson.
Could you tell me whether you usually use “as long as” with a meaning like “because” ?
hello teacher! i am a newcomer. thank you for great lessons
Hello. Can you help me for learn english?
Thanks again Alex, You’re GREAT, I got 10/10.
Keep doing it, you help me a lot, soon I’ll realize my dream.
Agree with you. Alex is a great teacher. Thank you for teaching. :)
that’s right for this lesson I got 90 thank you Alex
American flag with half moon! What’s that?
That is not a American flag and that one is a flag of Malaysia.
hi alex,can you make any lessons about thr right correct of the the verbs,can,could,may,might,be able,shall,should,will,would.please if you can,im from dominican republic,i have an advenced english
Hi beauty =)
I agree with you. it is really useful.
it was a nice expirience thanks
I will learn English as long as i live :)
Oh you’re poor ))) I think, you will have learned it A little earlier
That’s the spirit! Me too!
Thank you for your great lessons. Congratulations, Alex!
thank u ))) how we can use “as far as” and ” as soon as”
Congratulations, my dear Alex,
Thanks for all your videos, I hope to see at least one hundred more (don’t lose your keenness teaching English).
I closely follow your lessons from Barcelona
Congratulations teacher Alex for all 100 videos, me too i follow your new videos from Athens. Keep doing. Cheers!
It’s always incredible to find out that people have seen these videos in so many places around the world. Thanks so much.
People wants to see one thousand video!
Thank so much to you!
Tks a lot,,,,!,,,
How about as soon as.I don’t think this is comparision.
Hi cuong la!
Alex your teaching skills are superb.
Hearty congratulations for your 100th video.
Thanks Alex !
It is really amazing ! Thanks ! 10 out of 10 ))
Congrtaulations Alex ! for you 100 videos and one honest word to say you did great and you have been teaching us a really great stuffs Thank you and Keep it up
Alex! Thanks for this video. I like you style of teaching. My congratulations with your jubilee)). I wish you all the best
Thank you very much!
Yeah, that’s incredible! Congratulations, Alex. Thank you so much.
Hello, Alex! Thank you so much for the lessons. Could you please leave your skype ID
Thanks a lot!
I really like this lesson!
hi Alex.thanks for your lessons:)
how can I learn English by my self?my english isnot good,i dont know how can I improve that,I dont have anyone to speak English,so I alwayes forget lessons.
congratulation alex for the 100 vidéos that you did and thank you
please alex i have a bit confiuse of using the simpl past and the past perfect..thx
Hello Alex.
I wish you only the best.
Congratulations for 100 lessons and for your wonderful job, Alex. Thanks for teaching us in such especial way…
Excellent lesson, thank you ALEX!
Thank you Alex!
Thank you Alex for your great class, I’ll remember you as long as I study English, I can not forgot you sound “HUMMMMM”, you are the best.
Greatful lesson! Thanks alex
Thanks a lot,Alex.
A great lesson, I really love the way that you explained, easy to understand and remember ! you are very professional teacher. Sir Alex
Thanks , Alex. I understand it completely.
Thanks, Alex! Congrats for having made 100 videos. This lesson was very easy to follow.
Thanks a lot Alex , I am waiting for more lessons .
Thanks Alex.Your lesson is very useful.I will watch your videos as long as I still learn English.
I will learn english from this web as long as I am fluent in english :D
“I will keep on using this web site as long as it takes for me to be fluent in English” ;-)
oh thx u very much. My writing skill is so bad :D
thanks Alex!
question No.9 was a little strange!
Thank you Alex. Cheers!!
omg i misclicked omg
thx Alex :)
@EngVid Why not a bit more of interaction with users?
Happy 100th! You don’t look that old :D
#suggestion “as long as” => “provided (that)” (in the second example)
Most of us have jobs and/or families outside of the website, so it’s hard to respond to everything. I definitely try my best to keep on top of things, though. Thanks for the compliment about my age!
Thank you Alex for all the 100 videos!
Thank u! (Спасибо – In Russian)
So simple and so clear!
thanks Alex
Thanks Alex for another nice lesson. can you please do a lesson explaining taking/take for granted . I would appreciate a lot . cheers
:) Congratulation for superb century and also thank u for providing us incredible lessons. I hope u will make a lot of new remarkable lessons.
Got 10 out of 10.. Thanks Alex for this useful lesson and for the other 99 you have done so far…. Greetings from the U.S.A.
Got 10 out of 10.. Thanks Alex for this useful lesson and for the other 99 you have done so far…. Greetings from the U.S.A.
Thanks Alex. Good video.
Congratulations Alex on getting your goals. You will do it even better as long as you believe it.
thank you.You are very nice teacher.
Thanks Alex! Congratulations for the incredible work you have done for us. I enjoy learning by your lessons, you are a great teacher and talk about important english topics, thanks again!
Alex. It´s so nice to see your videos. It´s easy understand what you say.
Congratulations and thanks from Spain, Alex. We really appreciate your effort during all this time. I hope you will carry on helping us to improve our English during a long time.
I came here (login) just to congratulate you!
God bless you.
Your classes always help
It’ s great lesson thank you
Long life to Alex & Engvid!! I wish you thousands of other videos!!
Hi there…
It’s a pleasure 2 meet u dear milly!
:) Wish u LUCK.
Hi Fatiima, thanks for your comment. Good luck to you too! Regards.
Now I understand the song “As long as you love me” Thanks.
Thanks??? No, thank You! for this service. congrats for your 100.
Congrats i like and enjoy very much your videos, plus to learn !!! happy 100 videos. :)
thanks Alex ^^
I got 100
Thank you
As long as I am learning English , I will remember your words …. Thanks Alex …
Congrats for your hundredth video, Allex, and as you can see, people all over the world have actually been watching and learning a lot from yours and from the teachers’ videos… I’m here once again standing for Brazilians, who thank you so much, great job, man!
thanks Alex i love all of your lessons cheers for you from Azerbaijan
Thanks a lot Alex! Your lessons so usefull and interesting! Congratulations with the 100-th lessons!
thanks Alex , you are a great teacher , i am looking forward your 1000th video.
i got 10 out of 10…..you’re doing a great job. keep it up!
Thanks Alex, You’re a wonderful teacher.
thank you.You are very nice teacher.
Hi Alex, Congrats for your century.
Hi Alex, Congratulations from Mexico, you are a great teacher and your lessons are fantastic
Thanks Alex. I have a question for you!! How come all of you do lessons for free? I mean, it’s great, but I was just wondering the reason why, you know I don’t know anybody else who is so keen on helping people on internet! Do they take skype lessons or something like that?
Anyway thank you very much!! I really appreciate all of you!!
Congratulations by the videos! Great class!
Thanks you very much .
The monkey of Jemaa el-Fna
Congratulations, Alex.
Best regards from Serbia.
Hi Alex this vídeo a lot helped. Tks
Congratulations Alex. All your lessons has been so great and helpful. You are a great professor.
Thank you very much,Alex!
Congratulations, Alex!! You are really my best teacher! At the birthday class, I got 9/10… This quiz was very difficult because you included others lessons in the answers! Towards the thousand class!
Another question, Alex. Is this phrase correct?
“If you were here, you could play a round of poker with us.”.
Because I’d like knowing if it’s possible to use “as long as” as long as I were using imperfect present?
Thanks, Teacher!!
Thank you sir
I’ve got 100%! Thank for this lesson, it was nice and well explained.
alex can you can teach about the conecters
that’s so interesting
thank you from Gran Canaria
thanks Alex!!!…from Chile!!…best regards!
the 100th lesson u r a very good teacher!
Congratulations Alex! And thanks for all of your videos you have recorded so far, they have been really useful to me. I can only encourage you to keep doing such a great job! Regards from Mexico.
your lessons are prefect but how can we download these lessons
Congratulations Alex!
Can I ask a question?
I missed only No.9.
Is it correct “He is worked..”
I think just “He worked” would be better.
Please let me know the answer. Thanks.
Hi Alex. Good job! You used to live in Poland, didn’t you?
I’m from Poland.
I have a question that is connected with English grammar.
How many tenses are there in English?
In my opinion there are only TWO tenses (present and past) Am I right?
e.g. Pres. Cont. is aspect
Thank you, Alex!
And congratulations, man!
Many thanks,Alex!!! Congratulations from Ukraine!
Your lessons are really helpful. Thanh you very much! :)
You are a great teacher!! Thanks and congrats!!
You’re a great teacher, Thank you so much
70 percent
i am try it again
Thanks a lot, Alex. We learn a lot from your videos. Your style is special and i like it so much.
I want to know when could I use comma and semicolon.
Thanks Alex! It is pretty lesson i like it very much.
Thank you so much teacher!
dear friends, I’m sorry about asking this question here which is not related to topic;
I can’t upload my avatar photo and as I searched in website, couldn’t find the support center.
when I choose my photo and click on the upload button, it says that the web page can’t be found.
what should I do?
Hmmm. What’s the file size of the photo you’re trying to upload?
thank you for responding;
it’s about 30 KB
and have another question which is:
“can I communicate (chat and sending messages) with English teachers, and English learners here?”
Good lesson Alex…
I would like to watch a lesson about subjet questions…thank you
you make a good job….
Great lesson Alex, thank you so much for your time!
Thanks a lot.
May I have the pleasure to communicate with u sir.I want to ask u some doubt.
conratulations for your 100th lesson Alex…
I’ve never found a website as good as this one and I really appreciate your job…
I wish all the best for you from Rome.
congratulation “alex” as long as you are reached this achievement.
thank you very much you taught me to good English..
Thank you!!!
congratulation mister Alex, as long as you give us lesson, we can just thank you !
Thank you very much.
Hello Alex,
My question is about 2d sentance form your examples. So, we have a sentance: “You can come as long as YOU’RE quiet”. Why we use YOU’RE and don’t use “…as long as YOU’LL BE quiet”?
Thanks a lot for your lessons,
Alex said at the beginnig of the lesson that the expression “as long as” is generally use in present tense….try to listen the video for another times!! Bye :)
Thanks paolo85 for you comment.
I got that we use ‘as long as’ expresion only for present tense and what about transaltion? How should we translate ‘…as long as YOU’RE quiet’ As future?
I think so….I suppose that we have to write the sentence with present tense but we can translate as future!!! Are you agree??
Thank you Alex. There is very useful.
Thank you Alex for your time!!
Hi Alex, congratulations!!!
You’re one of the best teachers I ever had. Even just via web.
I haven’t watched all of the 100 lessons yet, but I’ll, promise!
And I hope there is another 100 coming up!
tks for all great lessons and keep going that way!
I really surprise of got 10 correct
thanks you so much ^_^
All my answers are correct :].. thanks Alex
Thank u Alex for this great lesson.^_^
Great teacher! Thank You so much!!! It easy to understand everything! Blessings to you!
This is the best lesson
Alex, congrats from Brazil. You’re a great teacher!
Your lesson are very helpful thanks a lot. kip it up because just like me who is really needful this type of lesson. God bless you. your work really appreciable. Thanks and you are a great teacher and i like engvid team.
I have been studying English on my own for years and I found useful things on internet, but this one, EngVid definetely it’s the best that I ever seen!!
Congratulations for the 100 video!!!!
Alex,you are the best teacher I’ve ever had,as you make the lessons very easy to understand and funny. Thanx a lot for the help with the language!
thanks your useful video .
Very interesting lesson and useful. :-)
thankx a lot teacher :)
i really like your class :)
keep this way
Thaks you!
It’s very easy to understand. :)
i love English as long as i live … thks so much :)
I hope that I will learn English as long as i have time :)
Great video Alex
8 og 10.Think it is not bad result. Thanks Alex this subject ok.
Amazing video and very useful .keep working you are proficinal teacher
thank you very much for your lessons, it’s helpful, i got 100% :D
I’ve got 9 correct answers…so informative…thank you sir Alex…
Thanks so much!
I could get my thoughts straight!
thanks alex,, i got 9 correct out of 10.. hmmmm.. not bad…
woww…this website is amazing, I do english course, but here is a unique opportunity to improve my english, and your explanation is very good too!!Congrats!
well done Alex!
After I examine those little important rules of the language carefully then I watch your engvid classes to have a great command of the subject.
All your lessons are quite beneficial for learners around the world! Thank you!
Thanks Alex
Hi from Russia) May I ask you,Alex, more about “as long as” (on condition that)? Is the meaning of this phrase and “if” the same? or there are some differences.
Hi Alex, the question 9 SEEMS TO ME incorrect . can you pls clarify? thanks
Oops. 3 wrong answers due to my mistakes..
Thanks Alex, got 70%
actually,my english will go strenght to strenght as long as i watch your lessons!
thnx Alex!
thank you very very very mach teacher Alex you are hellping me
congratulations Alex,and thx for lesson
hello,thank you for your best teaching
hurr…i got 90 marks..
Hi alex, first of all congratulations for everYthing that you have done in this amazing site.
I ask for you to keep teaching us. Your job is great..
By the way, congratulations to all Engvid`s team.
Best regards, NJDS
my english will be improved as long as i learn from you .. that’s 10/10 again .. :)
i’m still confused about as long as teacher.
i just got 6/10
Congratulation Alex on 100th Video. Thanks for helping us with English. you are a great teacher. We will never forget you as long as we live.
As long as EngVid has fantastic lecturer’s support, it achieves great mile stones.
Good lesson!
Quiz is very simple, thought.
I got a 90 thanks Alex.
I got 10 out of 10… thank you very much indeed.
This useful website have helped me a lot to obtain a better knowledge of some daily expressions and use the grammar properly.
congratulations man.. keep uploading more videos.
Btw, Is it my statement correct ?
Thanks Alex from Italy
thank you
Many tas Alex
I got 100. you’re awesome! Thank you teacher!
Thanks a lot Alex.
It’s a great lesson. take care
Congrats Alex, and thank you for all those incredible and helpful videos :)
thank you for teaching.
Great ! The lesson was very interesting ! Thank you a lot !
i nee some expression of number 9 and 10
i need……
i got 8/10
it’s amazing test…!!!!
Many thanks for the useful lesson
Thanks a lot for the explanation!!!!
hi, alex, can you make for me one video for how to use the word ” just”?.I don’t know use it! thanks a lot!
I can learn English well as long as I watch your video every day. :-)
Congratulations Alex! You’re a great teacher and your videos are so useful. Thank you! :)
i will get 100 as long as alex teaching here. Tnx alex
pray God for you to reach a million videos not only 100. Respect from Morocco
Respect from Morocco
Is this sentence correct- as soon as I have finished compiling I will put in the folder for you.- thanks in advance:)
it’s a useful video with me.
This lesson is very great.Thank you Alex.
Great Lesson again. Thank you so much.
Thank you!
i’ll emphasize the way that you’ll need help, you’re very lazy. “it’s just an example, i train.
I got 9/10. Thanks so much for yours lessons
Alex thanks so much for your lessons, they are very useful for me..
i got 8 of 10
Congratulations teacher for your 100 videos, keep going! :) you’re one of the best!
thank u so much Alex
Hi Alex, thanks for the video. Could you please tell me what is the meaning of emphasis ? Thx
Got 100. Not easy rules, but very well explained. 100 more lessons, Alex!
thank you so much Alex
hi Alex,
thank you so much.
this lesson was actually terrific.
it very useful thank you alex ^^
Thank you Alex
Thank you Alex
Thanks Alex!!You really help me understand another ways to use as lon as…that’s great!! Appreciate that!!
Thank you Alex
Thank you Alex. I really like your pronunciation. I can follow you and correct mine. Also, you help me understand the use of “as long as…”
Thank you Alex
its nice one
Thank you. I got 100.
Great thanks Alex
I will learn English as long as Alex is here …
Thanks Alex, I got 100% correct. You’re a great teacher.
I’ve got 90%. Godd lesson.Thanks a lot
I got 9 out of 10 after watching the video.
Alex you are my favorite teacher among all the engvid teacher.very useful lesson
Thank you Alex for this interesting lesson. I’m looking forward many others lessons. I’m very happy when I learn something new, and always with you, Alex, we learn something new, so as long as we keep watching Alex’s lessons, we’ll be always happy.
Congratulation for the 100th video and we hope celebrate your 200th video soon ;).
I assume full responsibility for all organization work as long as you support me. is that correct???
anyway thanx a million :)
thank’s alex
Thank you Alex and Congratulation for 100th video. It’s a blessing for students as long as teachers like you are there :)
thanks . you help us alot.
i will be your student as long as your my teacher
Got 7 out of 10. Was a good lesson. :)
Thank you so much for all your video lessons!
As long as I watch the EngVid.com I certainly learn English. I am sure!
Incredible! I’ve got 10 out of 10! I thought I would get 8 out of 10 or even less. Thank you Alex.
thank you.
your section was very useful
i will consentrate in your lessons as long as i have watch it.
Thanks again, Alex! I’ll watch more of your lessons.
Thanks Alex,but i am kind of confused about the question 9 of the quiz
very good lesson
i got 90 percent
Hi Alex. Is there any difference between “for” , ” since” and ” as long as ” when the meaning comes to the duration? Can they be used in place of each other from that meaning? Besides, is it possible to use ” as long as ” when we have conditional in any form of it instead?
Thank you
My English will improve as long as i learn from engvid teachers
Thank u Alex for amazing videos you have made so far
Sir, can you please help me in question number three? I am having troubles and confusions on it.
A wonderful lesson …thx u
congrats on youre 100 video
thank you
Thank you..lesson is very understanding and really helpful to us.
Great teacher.Thanks from Iran
thanks sir ,i got 80.
good sir
I can study English here as long as I log in an engVid.com.
We can join engVid.com and learn English as long as all the teachers help us.am I right Alex?
Merci pour cette centième leçon toujours de qualité.
Ma petite fille adolescente a apprécié le professeur.
Bon vent, Alex.
Hi there,
I should learn English as long as I will command it fluently. As long as I will learn English I be able to said I am educated person. I think when individual is not able to speak foreign language can’t call yourself as educated. Acc to this I am half educated individual because of (my estimation) I know English in 50% I think.
hi,Alex!ur lessons are great!i hope i could meet u some day!
So pleased to have you here Alex thanks for another useful video, this will help us a lot
Thank you :)
Thank you Mr. Alex for a good lesson!
Thanks Alex. Excellent explanation. You are a great teacher.
I will learn english as a second language as long as I practice and study every single day.
The teaching was good, i appreciate you m. Alex. I’d like to know how to get a certificate after a periode of studying?
very good, thank you
Hi Alex!
my question is: Why the verb “allow” is in Envid’s list of verbs that SHOULD be followed by gerunds, if the verb Allow can be followed by an object + the infinitive, by a gerund, or by a noun. The gerund is used when the subject of the action the gerund describes is unnecessary, as in for general statements.
Her parents allowed her to go to the party.
Her parents don’t allow smoking in the house.
My parents don’t allow dogs.
Do we have to take out “Allow” of that list in your web? or there is any explanation?
I watched this video twice on June 05, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
mines date too 02/11/21 from Kazakhstan
best regards, Alex