Can you learn English by watching a space fantasy from 1977? Absolutely! In order to get ready for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, I re-watched the original Star Wars film. Watch this video and follow the adventure, as I look at dialogue and discuss scenes from the movie. I will teach you vocabulary, phrases, and grammar used in the movie. I also get to hold a lightsaber and argue with Emperor Palpatine. Use the Force and learn some English! If you can’t get enough of Star Wars, sign up for a FREE 30-day trial at Audible, where you can download an excellent, 5+ hour original Star Wars radio drama, as well as many other Star Wars audiobooks. Take the quiz on this lesson to test your mastery of the Force.
I had a ton of fun making this one. I hope you enjoy it!
Mr. Alex, you made a great video! I like it much. I got 11 correct answers out of 11, unexpectedly. :) I’m lucky. In fact, I don’t know the correct answer to the last question. But I chose the correct one by luck. :)
Haha. That’s amazing. Nice job!
I bet you did Alex; You did an excellent work!
However I need to go over the lesson to get a bit more familiar with the characters of this film; not to mention the new vocab presented.
I saw the first film long ago (it was dubbed into Spanish); now -with your help- I’m ready to understand it much better (Of course I’ll watch the film again, but on this occasion in English and with no subtitles).
Thanks a million for sharing this superb video-lesson with us Alex.
Happy Xmas Season!!!
Thanks, Regino. Enjoy the movie!
Mr. Alex, you made a great video! I like it much. I got 11 correct answers out of 11, unexpectedly. :) I’m lucky. In fact, I don’t know the correct answer to the last question. But I chose the correct one by luck. :) I love you, all my teachers. :)
Thanks again, Zenith! Nice job!
As always Alex you made a great lesson with different methods I hope you make like this lesson in the future
These types of lessons are a lot of work for me and our super talented video editors, but if people like them, we’ll do more.
Hello Alex,
Great lesson . I would be one of fools who follow you with this kinda bantha poodoo powered lesson . We will progress with a 75% higher speed rate but let’s not too cocky. The force is with you and stars gave you a gift for imitating voices. Take care not give in to the dark side.
Who makes palpatine ‘s voice , is it you ?
See you
Thanks for checking out this video!
Yes, I did all the sounds/voices in this video. It was a fantastic time!
Alex,you look like a samurai in the shogun.
Nice! I’ll take that compliment! Thanks!
Thank you Alex, it’s interesting.
Thanks a lot for watching!
Fantastic job,Alex.I really enjoyed this one by learning so many new words.I think you made English learning very simple and interesting by teaching it in this amazing manner.Thanks Alex for all your dedicated efforts.Now I am eager to watch your next video :)
Thanks! See you in the new year!
Thank you Alex, it was really interesting. Have a Nice day.
Alberto Marins
Thanks for checking out the video!
Congratulations! you’re the best teacher ever! What a exciting video!thx for such masterpiece!
carlos 2138
Ha. Thanks, Carlos. It was a pleasure to do this!
Perfect as usual
Bushra hg
You’re too kind. Thank you.
I’ve learned a lot! Thank you very much!
No problem! Thanks for watching!
Great lesson. Thank you very much. May the force be with you!
Thanks! Same to you!
I think that music in this video is kind of funny. This is wrong answer. But correct answer is that all answers are correct. It’s so embarrassing.
Haha. Thanks! It was a pleasure to “create” the music in this video.
The joke about “this is Sparta” is very funny!
Thanks. It came in the moment. Haha. I’m glad someone caught the joke.
Wonderfull effort and best lesson Alex… appreciated…
Looking forward for new lessons.
Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed this one!
ı got 9 correct out of 11 :D I thınk that ı confused little. But it is good anyway, isn’it Alex ?
For sure. Nice job!
I almost didn’t dare to watch this lesson, because I already fear the spoilers.
I will see the new part of Star Wars on Wednesday. :)
But I finally watched this lesson.
Thank you Alex.
Nice! This is about the original movie, so don’t worry about spoilers.
You always a great teacher Alex you motivated me to watch the movie.
Imtithal Saeed
Awesome! If I can get a few more people to watch the original Star Wars, I’ve done part of my job. :)
Congratulations, Alex! I really enjoyed this lesson. I have to admit one thing: I´ve never seen a Star Wars movie, but after watching this interesting video, I think I´ll do. It was funny and I learned a lot. There is no better way to learn grammar and vocabulary!Thanks a lot.
No problem! I hope you’ll check out the movies. They’re a lot of fun.
A good job indeed,among the other things you have trasported us back to the crazy, dreamy Seventies!
Awww yeah. It was a great decade.
Hi ALEX Thanks very much.Very pleased to see this lesson,so useful lesson.maybe I thinking about STAR WARS was wonderful lesson and interesting lesson.I hope This Music and his Lesson was amazing and a science fiction film.
Muad Abdiaziz
Awesome! I’m glad you enjoyed it! :)
And like I mentioned in the video, there is some disagreement about whether Star Wars is science fiction or fantasy. To me, it’s a space fantasy adventure.
Hi Alex!
Thank you very much!
How about one more Star Wars lesson? May be about 7th episode?
May the force be with you:)
I’d love to at some point! I saw the movie last Friday!
gm all of u
Thanks Alex! Very interesting, as you did with the book. This is a good and funny way for learning English.
Thanks! That’s my goal. It seems like many people are enjoying these videos. I’m happy to see that.
Really like your vedion Alex, I wish I had chance to watch this 10 years earlier and I might be an English teacher with the great passion!
Heidi Hwang
Thanks, Heidi! Hmm, I think the first time I watched Star Wars was…definitely over 20 years ago.
Well one, Alex! It’s a great lesson I saw. And it’s an epic movie in the world! Thanks for this and Happy New Year!
No problem! Thanks a lot for your support!
Hey Alex, It was very nice video. I feel you made great effort to do this. Respect
Thanks a lot! It was my pleasure!
It’s really a very interesting lesson.Thank you so much.honestly,I have not seen this movie.but I know it.I will watch it because of your interesting lesson.
That’s awesome! :) It’s a fun space adventure movie. I hope you like it.
Thank you Alex for give us knowledge in a science fiction film Star wars it is long statement of topic but useful.
Thanks, Ukrit. Yeah, it’s definitely long, but I hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks Mr. Alex, it is a really good lesson, I want to watch this video more and more and do practice all the words and phrases you used.
Hasib Nasir
Awesome! Thanks for the support, Hasib! It’s a long lesson, and I talk quickly at various points, so I can understand the need to watch it more than once.
I’m seeking for a real conversational partner speak English with him/her. I believe that this is a very good way of learning and practicing of English.
Hasib Nasir
Thanks, Alex.
I think it took a lot of energy to prepare and make this nice lesson.I send to you a big slice of Panettone with my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a great New Year.
Nice! I’ll take a calzone too if you have it!
Ehehe…another calzoneholic here:)
Unfortunately, i got only 9 out of 11.
i think that`s because I never watched Star Wars …:D
Haha. That’s okay. :) The last question is really tough.
Hi Alex
I wrote my IELTS (G) on Oct/24/2015. I got L-6, R-6, W-6, S-5.5 (overall 6) I need 7 actually. Therefore again I am going to write on coming Feb 20. How can I improve myself to score 7? Please guide me for getting 7. Now, I am confused with how to practice in each module. Your advice will be very helpful for me.
Thank You.
sudha v
Hi sudha, getting a 7+ is tough, but not impossible. It would really help if you were able to take a dedicated IELTS preparation course with an experienced teacher, especially with the time you’ve listed here.
I haven’t taught IELTS since about 2012, but I can say that you need to memorize some basic key phrases for at least the speaking and writing sections…
“I would say that…”
“If you were to ask me…”
“In my opinion/experience…”
“I’ve always believed that…”
“I am of the opinion that…”
“That’s quite difficult to answer, but I would say that…”
You need to have a logical flow. English writing is a formula: Introduction, body, conclusion. You also need to use time markers in your work like “First,” “Next,” “Finally,” etc. And don’t forget connectors like “Nevertheless,” “Moreover,” “In contrast,” etc.
I believe Emma and Adam have a lot of IELTS videos on these topics already.
Hi Alex, I wrote IELTS(G) on Oct/24. I got L-6, R-6, W-6, S-5.5. But I need 7. SO again I am going to write on coming Feb/20/2016. I would like to have your guidelines for getting 7. Hope this time will be enough. Your advice will be very helpful for me. After getting this 6 score, I am confused with how to practice for each module. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks Alex
sudha v
Thank you.
My pleasure!
Thanks a lot Alex. I really love the way that you explain the words.
Tran Thi Thuy Hang
Not a problem. Thanks for checking out the video.
Great lesson. Thank you so much. I really hope you having a great Christmas Time.
Thanks, spitz. My holidays were very good.
C’mon Alex, number 9 is so unfair… lol
Seriously, have a very Merry Christmas, thanks for yours funny lessons!
By the way, Star Wars VII is being almost impossible to be watched in my country, I will try again next week
Haha. It’s only unfair if you don’t read! Number 11 is definitely more unfair. :)
I’ve seen Episode VII twice now. Really enjoyed it.
11? Not for a nerd, hahaha
I saw last week, I like the classical visual, but not the new “villain”. Vader rocks, lol
a Happy New Year to you and entire engvid team, have a nice and prosperous 2016!
engvid…i kindly request you to do a lesson on PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES…including ”in favour of” …it would be a relief for all the students if you do this…Please Please Please teacher’s and sir’s….i cant understand when to use in favour of’ and it’s uses…your attention in this regard is highly appreciated….
Amanda De Silva
HI alex please can you give me the definition of prepositional phrase ‘in favour of’? i want to know the few definitions and their uses…i would be much thankfull ALEX..please reply to me…
Amanda De Silva
It means you support something or think something is a good idea.
“I’m in favour of changing the rules at work.” (I want this to happen…I support this…I think this is a good idea)
thanks Alex… you really helped when we wanted you… thank you very much..
Amanda De Silva
Lmao, loved the intro keep it up!
Thanks. I’m glad students enjoyed it!
thank you alex i really like your lessons
Thanks a lot for your support. I’m happy to help.
i got 11/11
Thanks Alex, the video is really amazing! I have seen it twice and I have learned and enjoyed a lot.
I studied the video first, and I watched the movie yesterday!! I enjoyed a lot recognizing the words and sentences you thaught us in this video!! I think it is easier to remember words and their meaning when you learn them in a context. So this video has been very useful for me. Thanks Alex again….and “The force will be with you, always” to teach us..!! Thank you for your great effort!
That’s awesome! You used the video in the way I hoped students would. Nice to see another Star Wars fan!
Taught….no thaught sorry
It was a pleasure to follow you through this amazing story, thank you very much for this lesson. Best regards!
Thanks for watching!
Great episode, Alex! Thank you very much!
It reminds my childhood 30 years ago. You may know that in the USSR there were a strict censorship and we had a chance to watch Star Wars only in 1990 (just before the collapse of the USSR). We could watch the film only in cinema because we had no video players at that time and we watched it again and again during the year until the mid 90s. And the cinema hall was ALWAYS overcrowded:)
I’ll enjoy lessons about the next 2 episodes, although I understand that not everyone is interested in it.
Vladislav UA
These posters are amazing!
engVid Moderator
I think the soviet painters made them without actually watching the movie:)
Vladislav UA
I think that’s obvious! Haha. I agree that these posters are amazing!
Oh yeah, EngVid has a big hardcover book called The Star Wars Poster Book that features all the many different and diverse Star Wars posters from different countries and the ones from Russia and Eastern Europe are definitely the best.
Can I get a copy of that?
Mr. Vladislav, (almost) everybody is intereted
in having more lessons like this.
The movie was a huge success in my country ( Brasil) and my granchildren love it as well.
I’m looking forward to having more classes like
Great job Alex,
Your work took me a wish to see the movie in original language. I saw it always in Italian, but now I’m ready. Please, if I made a mistake in this comment please correct me.
“Your work made me wish to see the movie in its original language. I always saw it in Italian, but now I’m ready.”
Good luck watching it in English!
Although I haven’t seen this movie,it’s a good idea to learn some new vocabulary within it. Actually it has so many new and difficult vocabularies for me!
It’s obvious that making such video lessons need time and energy to spend, thanks.
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching! The more you watch, the better you’ll become. :)
I have never watched the STAR WAR before,however,after listening to this lesson,I’m interested in this movie which has a long story and lots of characters,also accompanying lots people during their childhood.
Ariel Yen
YES! It’s important to at least become familiar with this type of material so you’re familiar with popular English culture.
Thanks Alex. I have joined a class. Let me try again. If anything I need, hope you will help. May I?
sudha v
Hi sudha, I will do my best to answer as much as I can.
thanks a lot.
No problem. It was my pleasure!
Are you going to make video lessons for the other films as well?
I would like to, but I’m not sure there are enough students who are interested.
Laughing until tomorrow with Darth Valen
YES! I’m glad that didn’t go unnoticed. Haha.
Very creative lesson!
As always, Thanks Alex!
Isaias Menezes Silva
No problem. Thanks for commenting, Isaias!
The TRAP gets me! D:
Nice Video, Alex!! I am anxious to watch all the movies, now.
That’s awesome! I haven’t re-watched the entire original trilogy in a few years. I think it’s time.
Tank you for this amazing video! I like SW and this video is what i search, cause i will improve my englisch. Thank you. Can i donate money?
Sure. There’s a “Donate” link at the bottom of the page.
Thanks for watching and for your support. :)
Mr. Alex your video is excellent, i am a fan of Star Wars movies, and you said the essence of Episode IV, i felt as if i was in the movies hahaha :), congratulations was amazing
Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed the video. If I was able to make a Star Wars fan happy with it, then I did my job.
thanks Alex for video. great job!
Thanks for watching and for your feedback! :) I’m glad you enjoyed this!
haha. I like this lesson!
Awesome! Thanks for clicking!
This was the best Engvid lesson ever! from a certain point of view.. lol. Thanks Alex
Haha. Thanks. Tell your friends. I’d love to do the entire trilogy. I’m happy to see that the people who have watched this have generally loved it, but I’d love to have a bigger audience for this.
Well, dear professor, I think you have a big
audience alredy.
Just please us with your teaching using this
“tool”. You are very good at it.
And, May the Force be with you, always.
Beat video ever Alex!
“Best video ever, Alex!”
Thanks! I had a ton of fun making it! Tell all of your friends and help me to make a video about The Empire Strikes Back!
Thank you very much Alex, I really appreciate all the time you spend making your videos, it is a great way to learn English, and you are a great teacher. I really like them.
Thank you very much, Ark. I love my job, so this is fun for me!
Hi Alex, I have been searching for sentence with new vocabularies which i found. But I couldn’t understand the exact meaning of the sentence in those websites. Can you suggest any website which is in a simple manner?
sudha v
I’m not sure what kinds of websites you mean, sudha. Do you mean ones that specifically focus on teaching English, or something else?
Alex thanks for the lesson, it’s great! But the answer in the quiz about the music is wrong. The correct is the music is amazing!)
Haha. Thanks!
Thanks Alex for this lesson about vocabulary!
You have really done a good job.
Fabio Cicerre
Thanks for the feedback. I’m glad you found it useful.
Thanks Alex !
You’re totally welcome!
Watching Star Wars, always brings back such nice memories with my dad and siblings. Luckily my husband is also a fan of it, and we’ve watched again the previous episodes before going to the movies to watch The Forse Awakens. Thanks a lot teacher Alex for such a wonderful lesson ???
You’re welcome! I’m glad I’m not the only one on engVid who loves this series of movies. Haha.
Hi Alex, let me explain.
eg:- a word ” globalization” a sentence by using this ward is, “thanks to globalization the world is moving closer together”
Likewise, can we find sentences for each word through net?
Hope now you understand my question.
Thank You.
sudha v
not a good score for me.
ann ann
That’s why we try again. :)
10/11, nice work i think.
It is a great lesson, the boggest one i watched yet.
Nice! It’s the biggest one I’ve ever done. I did my best to keep it interesting for the entire 32 minutes.
And you’ve sucseed!
Hope this phrase is correct)
I loved it! You are an artist! It was funny!!! Thx!
Elaine Bido
That’s very flattering. Thank you, Elaine. I enjoy getting a chance to be creative, and this gave me that opportunity.
Great job, Alex!
Thanks a lot for interesting lesson!
No problem! It was a ton of fun to put together. I’m glad engVid students are enjoying it.
Thank you so much, Alex!
I got only 9 correct out of 11.
It was interesting lesson, but not so easy for me. Sometimes I needed to read subtitles to understand you, especially when you spoke as Emperor Palpatine :)
Yeah, I know this lesson was more challenging than a lot of my other ones. I tried making Emperor Palpatine unique and entertaining, but still understandable. I totally understand why you had to use subtitles for him, though!
Thank you so much Teacher.
Andre Ricardo
You’re welcome! Thanks for studying with engVid, Andre!
I dont know understand:(
sevde erkn
It’s a long lesson and it’s meant for intermediate and advanced students. If it’s hard to understand, you should try other lessons first.
ben sana anlatırım
thinks teacher …. great job
karrar subhi
Hi Alex.
You are a terrific teacher. Congratulations!
All I can say is that you are an amazing teacher.
I love your lessons and they are always of enormous help to improve my speaking / writing.
But you know what? I really enjoyed seeing the
boy in you. You must have kids. (I’m 74, and I
still study English. We can never stop.)
You must be an awesome father.
God Bless you.
And May the Force be with you, always!
Thanks Alex, you’re great teacher. Congrats. And the force will be with you, always.
Great video, Alex, Thanks. May the force be with you~
I love this video.thank you Alex.The force will be with you
Hi Alex, thank you for this lesson.I don’t understand why Star Wars.Should not be stars war.In my mind is one war and many stars.Could take this question, please?
Carlos Alberto Silva Ferreira
Hi, Alex! It was really amazing! As a Star Wars fan, I loved it! Congratulations.
fabulous lesson, thank you
This the best lesson of all!!
I love Star Wars. Connection Star Wars and learning of English language is extraordinary. I have learnt a lot in that movie :)
Thanks Alex!Congratulations! Good video and clear lesson.So funny.
tsk, learn some about Star Wars
Awesome lesson, Alex. Thanks
Hey Alex, what a nice video!
I’m a great fan of Star Wars movies and when you started to speak about it, I felt with a friend! I’m listening a audiobook about Darth Plagueis and I’ve improved my listening substantially :)
Thank you!
Quite interesting Alex! I confess I only saw the 1st Episode when I was a child, so couldn’t understand the whole story. Your lesson has made it clearer.
Eduardo França
I past a really great time making the quiz, and it was a pretty fun lesson. thank you teacher Alex
10/11. I got the ninth question wrong. I answered “amazing”!!
my kids had so much fun watching it.It’s educational .Thanks for help.
10/11 :) I ❤???????❤ your lessons.
Adwait Shiva
Emperor Palatine was great. You are the best English teacher.
Adwait Shiva
Thank you, Alex!!Fun lesson!!
Hi Alex, I want to thank you for your help. You make english more fun. I watch all your videos. Could You make a video about the used of the word ONE. For example: Didn’t you see the “one” last year ? … Thas was a funny “one” ? … Etc. I will appreciate this a lot, since I am a little confused. Thank you very much.
It’s very funny video. i will see the movie one more tme.
I’m proud to be a geek.
Lorcy Gabriel
Hi Alex,
After watching your lesson, I couldn’t wait to watch Episode IV again!
Thank you.
Hi,Alex. I grew up watching Star Wars and I’m a fan, not that one who knows all characters’ names, places’ names or even characters’ lines. kkk
I got 11 out of 11, though.
Thanks for the video.
Just dropped by to watch this video for the 50th time,
I think. I love this lesson.I love movies,actually
I’m addicted to them.
I would like to congratulate you on such a brilliant
As I have already said ( written), you could go
on using this “tool” to explain us the points
in grammar you want to teach us.Of course you
don’t, necessarily,have to know the dialogues
by heart,but you could use them in yourlessons.
Am I asking for too much? Well,it’s worth trying,
isn’t it? It’s for a “just cause” By the way,do
you know this movie “Just cause”? It has Sean
Connery in it.
Again, you are an amazing teacher.
Great lesson,really.Thanks a mill.
I love Star Wars so much,and it’s very helpful to me.Because Ep.8 The Last Jedi is coming out.But I gonna watch MovieTalk subtitles!??
What a great lesson. I’m a Star Wars fan, too.
Thank you for this really interesting lesson!
Thank you ever so much Mr. Alex for the great lesson and the great story!
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I had a ton of fun making this one. I hope you enjoy it!
Mr. Alex, you made a great video! I like it much. I got 11 correct answers out of 11, unexpectedly. :) I’m lucky. In fact, I don’t know the correct answer to the last question. But I chose the correct one by luck. :)
Haha. That’s amazing. Nice job!
I bet you did Alex; You did an excellent work!
However I need to go over the lesson to get a bit more familiar with the characters of this film; not to mention the new vocab presented.
I saw the first film long ago (it was dubbed into Spanish); now -with your help- I’m ready to understand it much better (Of course I’ll watch the film again, but on this occasion in English and with no subtitles).
Thanks a million for sharing this superb video-lesson with us Alex.
Happy Xmas Season!!!
Thanks, Regino. Enjoy the movie!
Mr. Alex, you made a great video! I like it much. I got 11 correct answers out of 11, unexpectedly. :) I’m lucky. In fact, I don’t know the correct answer to the last question. But I chose the correct one by luck. :) I love you, all my teachers. :)
Thanks again, Zenith! Nice job!
As always Alex you made a great lesson with different methods I hope you make like this lesson in the future
These types of lessons are a lot of work for me and our super talented video editors, but if people like them, we’ll do more.
Hello Alex,
Great lesson . I would be one of fools who follow you with this kinda bantha poodoo powered lesson . We will progress with a 75% higher speed rate but let’s not too cocky. The force is with you and stars gave you a gift for imitating voices. Take care not give in to the dark side.
Who makes palpatine ‘s voice , is it you ?
See you
Thanks for checking out this video!
Yes, I did all the sounds/voices in this video. It was a fantastic time!
Alex,you look like a samurai in the shogun.
Nice! I’ll take that compliment! Thanks!
Thank you Alex, it’s interesting.
Thanks a lot for watching!
Fantastic job,Alex.I really enjoyed this one by learning so many new words.I think you made English learning very simple and interesting by teaching it in this amazing manner.Thanks Alex for all your dedicated efforts.Now I am eager to watch your next video :)
Thanks! See you in the new year!
Thank you Alex, it was really interesting. Have a Nice day.
Thanks for checking out the video!
Congratulations! you’re the best teacher ever! What a exciting video!thx for such masterpiece!
Ha. Thanks, Carlos. It was a pleasure to do this!
Perfect as usual
You’re too kind. Thank you.
I’ve learned a lot! Thank you very much!
No problem! Thanks for watching!
Great lesson. Thank you very much. May the force be with you!
Thanks! Same to you!
I think that music in this video is kind of funny. This is wrong answer. But correct answer is that all answers are correct. It’s so embarrassing.
Haha. Thanks! It was a pleasure to “create” the music in this video.
The joke about “this is Sparta” is very funny!
Thanks. It came in the moment. Haha. I’m glad someone caught the joke.
Wonderfull effort and best lesson Alex… appreciated…
Looking forward for new lessons.
Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed this one!
ı got 9 correct out of 11 :D I thınk that ı confused little. But it is good anyway, isn’it Alex ?
For sure. Nice job!
I almost didn’t dare to watch this lesson, because I already fear the spoilers.
I will see the new part of Star Wars on Wednesday. :)
But I finally watched this lesson.
Thank you Alex.
Nice! This is about the original movie, so don’t worry about spoilers.
You always a great teacher Alex you motivated me to watch the movie.
Awesome! If I can get a few more people to watch the original Star Wars, I’ve done part of my job. :)
Congratulations, Alex! I really enjoyed this lesson. I have to admit one thing: I´ve never seen a Star Wars movie, but after watching this interesting video, I think I´ll do. It was funny and I learned a lot. There is no better way to learn grammar and vocabulary!Thanks a lot.
No problem! I hope you’ll check out the movies. They’re a lot of fun.
A good job indeed,among the other things you have trasported us back to the crazy, dreamy Seventies!
Awww yeah. It was a great decade.
Hi ALEX Thanks very much.Very pleased to see this lesson,so useful lesson.maybe I thinking about STAR WARS was wonderful lesson and interesting lesson.I hope This Music and his Lesson was amazing and a science fiction film.
Awesome! I’m glad you enjoyed it! :)
And like I mentioned in the video, there is some disagreement about whether Star Wars is science fiction or fantasy. To me, it’s a space fantasy adventure.
Hi Alex!
Thank you very much!
How about one more Star Wars lesson? May be about 7th episode?
May the force be with you:)
I’d love to at some point! I saw the movie last Friday!
gm all of u
Thanks Alex! Very interesting, as you did with the book. This is a good and funny way for learning English.
Thanks! That’s my goal. It seems like many people are enjoying these videos. I’m happy to see that.
Really like your vedion Alex, I wish I had chance to watch this 10 years earlier and I might be an English teacher with the great passion!
Thanks, Heidi! Hmm, I think the first time I watched Star Wars was…definitely over 20 years ago.
Well one, Alex! It’s a great lesson I saw. And it’s an epic movie in the world! Thanks for this and Happy New Year!
No problem! Thanks a lot for your support!
Hey Alex, It was very nice video. I feel you made great effort to do this. Respect
Thanks a lot! It was my pleasure!
It’s really a very interesting lesson.Thank you so much.honestly,I have not seen this movie.but I know it.I will watch it because of your interesting lesson.
That’s awesome! :) It’s a fun space adventure movie. I hope you like it.
Thank you Alex for give us knowledge in a science fiction film Star wars it is long statement of topic but useful.
Thanks, Ukrit. Yeah, it’s definitely long, but I hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks Mr. Alex, it is a really good lesson, I want to watch this video more and more and do practice all the words and phrases you used.
Awesome! Thanks for the support, Hasib! It’s a long lesson, and I talk quickly at various points, so I can understand the need to watch it more than once.
I’m seeking for a real conversational partner speak English with him/her. I believe that this is a very good way of learning and practicing of English.
Thanks, Alex.
I think it took a lot of energy to prepare and make this nice lesson.I send to you a big slice of Panettone with my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a great New Year.
Nice! I’ll take a calzone too if you have it!
Ehehe…another calzoneholic here:)
Unfortunately, i got only 9 out of 11.
i think that`s because I never watched Star Wars …:D
Haha. That’s okay. :) The last question is really tough.
Hi Alex
I wrote my IELTS (G) on Oct/24/2015. I got L-6, R-6, W-6, S-5.5 (overall 6) I need 7 actually. Therefore again I am going to write on coming Feb 20. How can I improve myself to score 7? Please guide me for getting 7. Now, I am confused with how to practice in each module. Your advice will be very helpful for me.
Thank You.
Hi sudha, getting a 7+ is tough, but not impossible. It would really help if you were able to take a dedicated IELTS preparation course with an experienced teacher, especially with the time you’ve listed here.
I haven’t taught IELTS since about 2012, but I can say that you need to memorize some basic key phrases for at least the speaking and writing sections…
“I would say that…”
“If you were to ask me…”
“In my opinion/experience…”
“I’ve always believed that…”
“I am of the opinion that…”
“That’s quite difficult to answer, but I would say that…”
You need to have a logical flow. English writing is a formula: Introduction, body, conclusion. You also need to use time markers in your work like “First,” “Next,” “Finally,” etc. And don’t forget connectors like “Nevertheless,” “Moreover,” “In contrast,” etc.
I believe Emma and Adam have a lot of IELTS videos on these topics already.
Hi Alex, I wrote IELTS(G) on Oct/24. I got L-6, R-6, W-6, S-5.5. But I need 7. SO again I am going to write on coming Feb/20/2016. I would like to have your guidelines for getting 7. Hope this time will be enough. Your advice will be very helpful for me. After getting this 6 score, I am confused with how to practice for each module. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks Alex
Thank you.
My pleasure!
Thanks a lot Alex. I really love the way that you explain the words.
Not a problem. Thanks for checking out the video.
Great lesson. Thank you so much. I really hope you having a great Christmas Time.
Thanks, spitz. My holidays were very good.
C’mon Alex, number 9 is so unfair… lol
Seriously, have a very Merry Christmas, thanks for yours funny lessons!
By the way, Star Wars VII is being almost impossible to be watched in my country, I will try again next week
Haha. It’s only unfair if you don’t read! Number 11 is definitely more unfair. :)
I’ve seen Episode VII twice now. Really enjoyed it.
11? Not for a nerd, hahaha
I saw last week, I like the classical visual, but not the new “villain”. Vader rocks, lol
a Happy New Year to you and entire engvid team, have a nice and prosperous 2016!
engvid…i kindly request you to do a lesson on PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES…including ”in favour of” …it would be a relief for all the students if you do this…Please Please Please teacher’s and sir’s….i cant understand when to use in favour of’ and it’s uses…your attention in this regard is highly appreciated….
HI alex please can you give me the definition of prepositional phrase ‘in favour of’? i want to know the few definitions and their uses…i would be much thankfull ALEX..please reply to me…
It means you support something or think something is a good idea.
“I’m in favour of changing the rules at work.” (I want this to happen…I support this…I think this is a good idea)
thanks Alex… you really helped when we wanted you… thank you very much..
Lmao, loved the intro keep it up!
Thanks. I’m glad students enjoyed it!
thank you alex i really like your lessons
Thanks a lot for your support. I’m happy to help.
i got 11/11
Thanks Alex, the video is really amazing! I have seen it twice and I have learned and enjoyed a lot.
I studied the video first, and I watched the movie yesterday!! I enjoyed a lot recognizing the words and sentences you thaught us in this video!! I think it is easier to remember words and their meaning when you learn them in a context. So this video has been very useful for me. Thanks Alex again….and “The force will be with you, always” to teach us..!! Thank you for your great effort!
That’s awesome! You used the video in the way I hoped students would. Nice to see another Star Wars fan!
Taught….no thaught sorry
It was a pleasure to follow you through this amazing story, thank you very much for this lesson. Best regards!
Thanks for watching!
Great episode, Alex! Thank you very much!
It reminds my childhood 30 years ago. You may know that in the USSR there were a strict censorship and we had a chance to watch Star Wars only in 1990 (just before the collapse of the USSR). We could watch the film only in cinema because we had no video players at that time and we watched it again and again during the year until the mid 90s. And the cinema hall was ALWAYS overcrowded:)
Just look at the official soviet posters:
I’ll enjoy lessons about the next 2 episodes, although I understand that not everyone is interested in it.
These posters are amazing!
I think the soviet painters made them without actually watching the movie:)
I think that’s obvious! Haha. I agree that these posters are amazing!
Oh yeah, EngVid has a big hardcover book called The Star Wars Poster Book that features all the many different and diverse Star Wars posters from different countries and the ones from Russia and Eastern Europe are definitely the best.
Can I get a copy of that?
Mr. Vladislav, (almost) everybody is intereted
in having more lessons like this.
The movie was a huge success in my country ( Brasil) and my granchildren love it as well.
I’m looking forward to having more classes like
Great job Alex,
Your work took me a wish to see the movie in original language. I saw it always in Italian, but now I’m ready. Please, if I made a mistake in this comment please correct me.
“Your work made me wish to see the movie in its original language. I always saw it in Italian, but now I’m ready.”
Good luck watching it in English!
Although I haven’t seen this movie,it’s a good idea to learn some new vocabulary within it. Actually it has so many new and difficult vocabularies for me!
It’s obvious that making such video lessons need time and energy to spend, thanks.
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching! The more you watch, the better you’ll become. :)
I have never watched the STAR WAR before,however,after listening to this lesson,I’m interested in this movie which has a long story and lots of characters,also accompanying lots people during their childhood.
YES! It’s important to at least become familiar with this type of material so you’re familiar with popular English culture.
Thanks Alex. I have joined a class. Let me try again. If anything I need, hope you will help. May I?
Hi sudha, I will do my best to answer as much as I can.
thanks a lot.
No problem. It was my pleasure!
Are you going to make video lessons for the other films as well?
I would like to, but I’m not sure there are enough students who are interested.
Laughing until tomorrow with Darth Valen
YES! I’m glad that didn’t go unnoticed. Haha.
Very creative lesson!
As always, Thanks Alex!
No problem. Thanks for commenting, Isaias!
The TRAP gets me! D:
Nice Video, Alex!! I am anxious to watch all the movies, now.
That’s awesome! I haven’t re-watched the entire original trilogy in a few years. I think it’s time.
Tank you for this amazing video! I like SW and this video is what i search, cause i will improve my englisch. Thank you. Can i donate money?
Sure. There’s a “Donate” link at the bottom of the page.
Thanks for watching and for your support. :)
Mr. Alex your video is excellent, i am a fan of Star Wars movies, and you said the essence of Episode IV, i felt as if i was in the movies hahaha :), congratulations was amazing
Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed the video. If I was able to make a Star Wars fan happy with it, then I did my job.
thanks Alex for video. great job!
Thanks for watching and for your feedback! :) I’m glad you enjoyed this!
haha. I like this lesson!
Awesome! Thanks for clicking!
This was the best Engvid lesson ever! from a certain point of view.. lol. Thanks Alex
Haha. Thanks. Tell your friends. I’d love to do the entire trilogy. I’m happy to see that the people who have watched this have generally loved it, but I’d love to have a bigger audience for this.
Well, dear professor, I think you have a big
audience alredy.
Just please us with your teaching using this
“tool”. You are very good at it.
And, May the Force be with you, always.
Beat video ever Alex!
“Best video ever, Alex!”
Thanks! I had a ton of fun making it! Tell all of your friends and help me to make a video about The Empire Strikes Back!
Thank you very much Alex, I really appreciate all the time you spend making your videos, it is a great way to learn English, and you are a great teacher. I really like them.
Thank you very much, Ark. I love my job, so this is fun for me!
Hi Alex, I have been searching for sentence with new vocabularies which i found. But I couldn’t understand the exact meaning of the sentence in those websites. Can you suggest any website which is in a simple manner?
I’m not sure what kinds of websites you mean, sudha. Do you mean ones that specifically focus on teaching English, or something else?
Alex thanks for the lesson, it’s great! But the answer in the quiz about the music is wrong. The correct is the music is amazing!)
Haha. Thanks!
Thanks Alex for this lesson about vocabulary!
You have really done a good job.
Thanks for the feedback. I’m glad you found it useful.
Thanks Alex !
You’re totally welcome!
Watching Star Wars, always brings back such nice memories with my dad and siblings. Luckily my husband is also a fan of it, and we’ve watched again the previous episodes before going to the movies to watch The Forse Awakens. Thanks a lot teacher Alex for such a wonderful lesson ???
You’re welcome! I’m glad I’m not the only one on engVid who loves this series of movies. Haha.
Hi Alex, let me explain.
eg:- a word ” globalization” a sentence by using this ward is, “thanks to globalization the world is moving closer together”
Likewise, can we find sentences for each word through net?
Hope now you understand my question.
Thank You.
not a good score for me.
That’s why we try again. :)
10/11, nice work i think.
It is a great lesson, the boggest one i watched yet.
Nice! It’s the biggest one I’ve ever done. I did my best to keep it interesting for the entire 32 minutes.
And you’ve sucseed!
Hope this phrase is correct)
I loved it! You are an artist! It was funny!!! Thx!
That’s very flattering. Thank you, Elaine. I enjoy getting a chance to be creative, and this gave me that opportunity.
Great job, Alex!
Thanks a lot for interesting lesson!
No problem! It was a ton of fun to put together. I’m glad engVid students are enjoying it.
Thank you so much, Alex!
I got only 9 correct out of 11.
It was interesting lesson, but not so easy for me. Sometimes I needed to read subtitles to understand you, especially when you spoke as Emperor Palpatine :)
Yeah, I know this lesson was more challenging than a lot of my other ones. I tried making Emperor Palpatine unique and entertaining, but still understandable. I totally understand why you had to use subtitles for him, though!
Thank you so much Teacher.
You’re welcome! Thanks for studying with engVid, Andre!
I dont know understand:(
It’s a long lesson and it’s meant for intermediate and advanced students. If it’s hard to understand, you should try other lessons first.
ben sana anlatırım
thinks teacher …. great job
Hi Alex.
You are a terrific teacher. Congratulations!
All I can say is that you are an amazing teacher.
I love your lessons and they are always of enormous help to improve my speaking / writing.
But you know what? I really enjoyed seeing the
boy in you. You must have kids. (I’m 74, and I
still study English. We can never stop.)
You must be an awesome father.
God Bless you.
And May the Force be with you, always!
Thanks Alex, you’re great teacher. Congrats. And the force will be with you, always.
Great video, Alex, Thanks. May the force be with you~
I love this video.thank you Alex.The force will be with you
Hi Alex, thank you for this lesson.I don’t understand why Star Wars.Should not be stars war.In my mind is one war and many stars.Could take this question, please?
Hi, Alex! It was really amazing! As a Star Wars fan, I loved it! Congratulations.
fabulous lesson, thank you
This the best lesson of all!!
I love Star Wars. Connection Star Wars and learning of English language is extraordinary. I have learnt a lot in that movie :)
Thanks Alex!Congratulations! Good video and clear lesson.So funny.
tsk, learn some about Star Wars
Awesome lesson, Alex. Thanks
Hey Alex, what a nice video!
I’m a great fan of Star Wars movies and when you started to speak about it, I felt with a friend! I’m listening a audiobook about Darth Plagueis and I’ve improved my listening substantially :)
Thank you!
Quite interesting Alex! I confess I only saw the 1st Episode when I was a child, so couldn’t understand the whole story. Your lesson has made it clearer.
I past a really great time making the quiz, and it was a pretty fun lesson. thank you teacher Alex
10/11. I got the ninth question wrong. I answered “amazing”!!
my kids had so much fun watching it.It’s educational .Thanks for help.
10/11 :) I ❤???????❤ your lessons.
Emperor Palatine was great. You are the best English teacher.
Thank you, Alex!!Fun lesson!!
Hi Alex, I want to thank you for your help. You make english more fun. I watch all your videos. Could You make a video about the used of the word ONE. For example: Didn’t you see the “one” last year ? … Thas was a funny “one” ? … Etc. I will appreciate this a lot, since I am a little confused. Thank you very much.
It’s very funny video. i will see the movie one more tme.
I’m proud to be a geek.
Hi Alex,
After watching your lesson, I couldn’t wait to watch Episode IV again!
Thank you.
Hi,Alex. I grew up watching Star Wars and I’m a fan, not that one who knows all characters’ names, places’ names or even characters’ lines. kkk
I got 11 out of 11, though.
Thanks for the video.
Just dropped by to watch this video for the 50th time,
I think. I love this lesson.I love movies,actually
I’m addicted to them.
I would like to congratulate you on such a brilliant
As I have already said ( written), you could go
on using this “tool” to explain us the points
in grammar you want to teach us.Of course you
don’t, necessarily,have to know the dialogues
by heart,but you could use them in yourlessons.
Am I asking for too much? Well,it’s worth trying,
isn’t it? It’s for a “just cause” By the way,do
you know this movie “Just cause”? It has Sean
Connery in it.
Again, you are an amazing teacher.
Great lesson,really.Thanks a mill.
I love Star Wars so much,and it’s very helpful to me.Because Ep.8 The Last Jedi is coming out.But I gonna watch MovieTalk subtitles!??
What a great lesson. I’m a Star Wars fan, too.
Thank you for this really interesting lesson!
Thank you ever so much Mr. Alex for the great lesson and the great story!