Upgrade your English with 9 easy expressions from everyday life! I’ll show you how work expressions such as on strike, on call, and on duty. You will also learn more general expressions, including on purpose, on edge, on sale, and on board. Watch now to speak and understand English easily and confidently.
Funny thing, with this lesson I finally understand how to pronounce word schedule in US way. I mean why it sounds so weird XD It’s like I should replace ch with k and then d+u become something like dz sound or similar to that. Love your videos Rebecca <3 <3 <3
What does stillwater mean?
If you had been my teacher at school, my English skills would have already been much better in the past! Thank you for your intelligent teaching in a friendly manner.
Thank you Rebecca!
Thanks for understandable teaching
Hi dear Rebecca,
thank for your nice lesson.
Would it be possible, in the 9.expression, ON TIME ?
These english shortcuts were really awesome. I have enjoyed the lesson very much. Thank you.
Arijit Sinha
Thank I got 9/10
What was your mistake?
Thanks mam
Thanks REBECA I got 8/10
Thanks Rebecca! Very useful, as always!
Thanks Ma’am
Bushra Tayeb@
Excellent explanation
Gustavo Mizrahi
Thank you
Thanks a lot for the lesson.
it was great Leason
Iam so excited
thanks teacher
Abdikarin Ahmed
Thanks so much ma. Your teaching is really helpful.
I appreciate this class, I am learning so much.
Edna Silva
I had fun ..
Malek shaheen
It is very useful,
thank you!
Wow! Got 10 correct out of 10. Thank you teacher!
thank you teacher I got 8/10
Thank a lot rebecca it was a golden lesson
Adem Giappa
Thanks so much!!!
Roberto 3.0 dual core
Thank you rebecca, I learnt some new word and I got 10/10
Learn English for free with 2149 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you Rebecca!
Funny thing, with this lesson I finally understand how to pronounce word schedule in US way. I mean why it sounds so weird XD It’s like I should replace ch with k and then d+u become something like dz sound or similar to that. Love your videos Rebecca <3 <3 <3
What does stillwater mean?
If you had been my teacher at school, my English skills would have already been much better in the past! Thank you for your intelligent teaching in a friendly manner.
Thank you Rebecca!
Thanks for understandable teaching
Hi dear Rebecca,
thank for your nice lesson.
Would it be possible, in the 9.expression, ON TIME ?
These english shortcuts were really awesome. I have enjoyed the lesson very much. Thank you.
Thank I got 9/10
What was your mistake?
Thanks mam
Thanks REBECA I got 8/10
Thanks Rebecca! Very useful, as always!
Thanks Ma’am
Excellent explanation
Thank you
Thanks a lot for the lesson.
it was great Leason
Iam so excited
thanks teacher
Thanks so much ma. Your teaching is really helpful.
I appreciate this class, I am learning so much.
I had fun ..
It is very useful,
thank you!
Wow! Got 10 correct out of 10. Thank you teacher!
thank you teacher I got 8/10
Thank a lot rebecca it was a golden lesson
Thanks so much!!!
Thank you rebecca, I learnt some new word and I got 10/10
Thank you so much, Teacher.