and when to use me
in English? Which one is a subject pronoun and which one is an object pronoun? Watch this important lesson to learn the difference between these two commonly confused pronouns. This basic, serious mistake could cost you grades, jobs, and promotions. Make sure you know what’s correct every single time, to optimize your English communication. Next, watch the other lesson of mine that I mention in this lesson: “I” or “Me”, “She” or “Her”, “They” or “Them”.
10/10. Thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca excellent lesson. I used to make this kind of mistake when I first started to learn ESL. It is good refreshment lesson.
Thanks Rebecca mam
I guess I’m not such a polite person. I chose the second variant “I and Bob” in the fifth question. =/
Can we talk
hi alesia
I am also learning.
Maybe, we can help each other to learn English better
SURE, MY SKYPE IS danielam2212
Full :) . Thank you Rebecca! Useful lesson as ever <3
thanks for improvements
Thanks Rebecca :))
Thank you ever so much Ms. Rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca.
It is very helpful … Thanks a lot
hi and thank you.
i just wanted to ask you for talking about differences between “college & university” and “search & research”
tnx alot
So cool Rebbeca! Thanks for helping me. Your explanation is good! Step by step I gonna go there.
So cool Rebecca! Thanks for helping me. Your explanation is good! Step by step I gonna go there.
do you have time to practice English with me
Top Rebbeca !
Thank you ever so much
Hi, Husam
Hi rebecca. speaking about one of the sentences you gave as an axample, if the gift is from Sarah and I, so I’m part of that action why should I use “me”. In this case we’re not receivng the gift but giving it, causing the action. I’ll appreciate your answer.
Hi Sebenit
I try an explanation.
You just have to know who is the subject of the verb .
the gift is from Sarah and me , the gift is the subject of “is” . “From Sarah and me ” is the object .
Sarah and I give a gift , it is “Sarah and I” the subject of give ,
You could use the passive form to say the same thing : A gift is given by Sarah and me . The subject is ” a gift” .
no matter the verb is an action verb or not . All is a matter of who is the subject of the verb .
Hope this helps
I got 9/10, the number 8 question wrong by me, My classmate all over in the world and I thank Rebecca so much, hope see your next lesson in the next week
Thank you Rebecca. It has been a very useful lesson.
Thanks Rebeca!
My co-worker & I are watched this video together.
thank you Rebecca
I want someone to talk to me, i wanna improve my English slills
Could you plz check 10 question.i think it should be why are you not talking to me.
Question 10 is right—”why aren’t you…” is just a shorter way of saying “why are you not…”
Thanks, Rebecca, I am a beginner. Step by step
Thank you…!!
Distinguishing between the subject and object role of the speaker is great, but why didn’t you mention the grammatical cases? Just wondering.
Thank you Rebecca..
Hi Rebecca .
Thank you for this lesson .
I have just found out something that confuses me . In a case where the subject of a verb is a person may I say ; try to find who is the subject of the verb or which is the subject ?
Thanks for your feed back
See you
9/10! Thank rebecca/
Hello Rebecca, could you help me in clearing the below answer.
Q1: I’m tired..
Q2: I had cheese burger for my breakfast…
Reply: me too or I too
Read “me too” as “the same applies to me, too”. “I too” is incorrect because the predicate (the verb phrase) of the sentence is missing. “I’m tired, too” would be correct.
thanks Rebecca…
It is an interesting lesson.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot. I got 9 of 10 :)
Hello Rebecca, this is may first lesson with yoy. You’re fantastic. tks.
I’m Edi from Brazil
Thanks, Rebecca…^^
Thank you very mach Rebecca.
hi engvid thanks .i liked my frist lesson
Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you very much!
Thank you!!!
Hi Rebecca. What about the “It is me” vs. “It is I” controversy? Do you guarantee “It’s you and me in this photo” will be evaluated as correct even in “academic writing”?
“It is me” is not grammatically correct in the academic sense.
This is me?
09|10 Almost there <3
Thnk You a lot Rebecca
Thank You a lot Rebecca
Thank you rebeca for this lesson
thank you Rebecca
Thank you!
Thank you so much Rebecca!!!
Thank you Rebecca for your great help!
Thank you, Rebecca. It’s useful to remind this simple rule.
I very understand because you.
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Thank you
7/10 Thank you Rebecca
thank you
Thank you, I will try to improve my English skills.
9/10, I will be better outher time
Hi rebecca. Could you please make a lesson video on these words.. Istead, rather/rather than, untill, till. These words are very confusing I really can’t understand how and when to use it.
Very useful. Thank you very much☺️
Thanks Rebeca I need to practice and practice.
it will help me as well as you
You explained me in an interesting way. It’s help me and I like the way you explained it. Thank you, Rebecca. I subscribe you or you subscribe me. xD xD xD
Thank you
Excellent, very clear and easy to understand for me
Thanks Rebecca
I got 10/10
Thank you
Thank you so much . I’m improving my English by watching your videos
Thank you 8/10.
Uhhh, so important. Thanks a los.
thanks rebecca
Thank you so much I learned all topic
Thanks rebecca
I get 9 out of 10
Thank you 100
rebeca thank you it useful to me
Thank you Rebecca, I enjoyed your video and it’s helpful.
Excellent very useful, Thank you.
Hi ? Rebecca, thanks for the lesson.
Your explanation about the lesson very calm and simple.
i got 100, thank you :)
10 out of 10
Thank you
Good lesson, but please correct the hard part.
“she runs faster than I/Me?” — Explain this
“It is always I/Me who does the work”– kindly explain.
Thanks a lot again for the lessons.
Rama krishna
She = subject; me = object
it = subject; me = object
10/10 Thanks
thank u very much .
I got 8 correct out of 10. thanks you.
Thank you very much for this lesson.
Thank you Rebecca
thank you that helps a lot.
I got 10\10
Thank you so much!
Thank you rebecca madam .i answered 10 out of 10 question correctly.
Thanks a lot.
It is so easy but really helpful! Thank you so much!
Thank very much teacher I Laren a lot for your classes God bless you
Thank you, teacher! You speak very fast, but you’re great. I loved that. ;)
amazing lesson rebeka thank you so much
I loved it.
i got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you EngVid!!!
Thank you so much, it’s an interest lesson and i wish you go foreword and support students,
i got 8/10, out of 10,
I got 10 of correct out of 10,
HI Rebecca
Got it 10/10
Wow! I got 100. Thank you very much Rebecca.
You gave us very simple to understand. I do appreciate.
Great! Thank you so much Rebecca!
Thank you very much
Got it 10/10. Thanks!
thank you very much
Thanks Rebecca, I need to review my English grammar knowledge. I really appreciate your lesson. Thank you
thank you may teacher
Ta very much Ribbica
I’m thinking about the answer of these two questions
who did Mark call? me
who called Mark? I
is that right?
First: Mark = subject; me = object
Second: Mark = object; I = subject
Thank you so much for this lesson teacher ?☺
I rarely confused with this. 9 out of 10. Thanks
Thank you Rebecca.
thanks very much Rebecca
Before i study (I Me)
i always confused when i speak some one.
i would like to thank here all the teachers of
i would like to ask you one gueistion
is it simple to get gaitline of engvid?
i got 9 correct out of 10
thanks my dear Rebecca.
Thanks madam .I was looking for, this kind of practice test them you so much .now I can learn very easily
Thanks Rebecca
Good teaching
thank you very much i made a lot of mistakes with questions like these but now i got all of the questions correct
I’m glad learn from you.
Thank you very much for your great job!
Thanks Rebecca
Thanks a lot Mrs.Rebecca
was easy and great lessen
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for lesson.
(Subject & Object : very fine idea … !!)
Thank you Rebecce. This lesson was really great. :)
Thank you Rebbeca ,
Thank You So Much Rebecca Ma’am ! ♥ ?
thanks!!!! I got it.
Awww thank you:(
I got 90% that means i do not learn correctly
Things are getting better now thank God.
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca
thank you Rebecca
Thanks you very much teacher reberca
Can I stady English in UK with scholarships if its disposable ?
Miss Rebeca, once again, thank you so much for your dedication. You are a pretty much a good English teacher. Your smile and kindness are such a nice . Even on time I cried seen one video of you, you teach us as mother.. God bless you!!
Thank you Rebecca.
Such a good teacher
Thank you Ma’am Rebecca
It’s useful lesson, I got the lesson perfectly. Thank you Rebecca.
I’ll give you and you will give me
10/10 – thanks for the refreshing lesson on the confusing and tricky subject.
10/10 thanks for your great efforts
thank you Rebecca
Is this sentence correct? My mother took my brother and I on a road trip. I think it should be ‘me’ here.
Thank you rebecca
10/10. Thanks a lot!
Excellent explanation. Thank you
Thank mama Rebecca
It’s wonderful
Thank you very much for this lesson but I still confuse little bit.
In your exemple you said : the gift is from Sarah and me.
Her as foreign learner I feel that the doer are me and Sara we gave or we do something in this case we gave him/them a gift.
Could you please help me to understand this sentence?
Thank you
Please anyone can help?
Please anyone can help ?
The sentence “the gift is from Sarah and me” means: you and Sarah give a gift to someone.
100 :) thank you very much.
Great! I got 10/10. Thanks Rebecca for explanations.
Thank you, Rebecca. Now I am beginning to understand a little bit more the English grammar mechanism.
I really liked your style of teaching!
9/10 thank you Rebecca
Thanks a lot
Why “I” is capital letter? Is it for an esthetic reason or not?
Thanks you Rebecca.
Respected Rebecca,
Great class
Thank you Rebecca, 100%
Thank you Rebecca, got 100%.
You and I like your class very much. hahah
You are the best! Gracias
thanks Rebecca I got 100.
I got 10 out of 10 but still i have some doubts related to this topic. For example
1. He is as good as _____ (I,me)
2. Let you and ____ try what we can do. (I,me)
3. You know that as well as ____. (I,me)
1.(I) 2.(me) 3.(I)
Can you explain these examples?
10/10. Thank you Rebecca!
Got 100.Day by day improving.
Quiz no 8 why her and me is the answer?
Thanks Rebeca , God bless you.
Too easy.
9/10 Thank you Rebecca
thanks teacher your another very useful lesson.stay blessed.
9/10 teacher Rebecca you are the best teacher for all, but I need a little bit of practice.
Thank you Rebecca mam.
Thanks Rebecca.
Valo asos tumi brother
Thanks a lot, teacher Rebecca. (Azores islands, 02Mar2021);
Nice question
Thank’s Ma’am
after some years i understand the difference
Thank you so much، I appreciate your diligent explanation.
I got 9/10.tnx Ma’am Rabecca
I am very happy. Good job my teacher Rebecca, congratulations.
thanks rebecca for your lessson about I and Me
Your video was really informative thank you I scored 90%
Rebeca your English class about the pronouns was amazing. Keep teaching English in this simple and calm way…..Thank you so much.
I watched this video twice on July 15, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten out of 10.
Rebeca you made me smart. Thanks
10/10. Thank you very much!
9/10 Thanks, Rebecca.
10/10 Thank you very much, Rebecca.
I’ve got it. Yeah!!! 100% Thanks a lot.
Thank you Rebecca
well done, Rebecca, hugs (Kazakhstan 22 Nov2021)
Thank u Rebecca mam… Its amazing
Thank you so much Rebecca for all your lessons. Congratulations! Your explanation is clear and easy to understand. Thanks so much.
Thank you ma’am Rebecca… 10/10
Thank you I appreciate your teaching method
you made concepts simple and understandable…..
I’ve got 100.
Thanks a lot!!!
Thank you very much, Rebecca.
thanks you Rebecca
Thank you so much. Rebecca :)
He is taller than me or I?
Thank you so much Rebecca. I got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you so much, for this lesson.
thank you so much
Thank you Rebecca for the amazing lesson.
Is the rule the same for British English?
Rebecca, thank you for your help!
I got 10/10.
Thank you!
Thanks for amazing explaining!
My daughter and I watched this video lesson together. ☺
thank you mss rebecca
it’s really helpful thank you Rebecca.
10/10 thanks teacher
Thank you so much, Mam.
Thanks, it was an exceptional exercise
thank you mss rebecca
Thanks Becky for this clear explanation greetings from Surco