In this grammar lesson, you’ll learn an easy way to tell the difference between the past simple and present perfect. Find out how asking the right question can give you the correct answer simply and quickly.
Ms.Rebbeca thank u for uploading another video about grammer i hope i see more of that paricular subject because my weakest point in english is grammer
nice thank you so mush rebeka
thanks so much so i will continue following up your lessons cause realy you explain the subject clearly so i understood thank you agin teacher.
much not mush =))
YAAAAAAAY 10/10 ,,, &_&
bravo my bro
ayoub maati
Rebecca has been taught us these kind of topic 4 the fifth time, but we need another 5 times to understand. thanks Rebecca.
Efrain Dominguez
HELL MISS Rebecca ,
thank you so much miss.
Thank you very much for this nice lesson ! although, i am familiar with these tenses, i am really interested to remember them from time to time !
Good for you! Nothing like review to help you master the tenses. All the best.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca, It’s so wonderful. Just today I registered. Awesome.
S.N (from India).
i think, you could say : how long have you been out of work.
Thanks for the remind :)
You mean “reminder”! My pleasure; glad I could help. All the best to you.
thank you for this wonderful lesson,your teaching make it easier to understand.
thanks again
Really it’s very easy to improve my english with your speech. It is very logical. Thanks a lot!, with teachers like kou, is lovely to learn English.
Rose from (Barcelona)
When did she have baby ?when did you complete your phd?the answer should be pass simple tense instead of present simple or present perfect tense,please correct me if I am wrong.
Cuong ta
Great lesson. I also noticed these mistakes in the quiz. The answers should have been :past tense instead of present tense. But this quiz only proves that nobody is perfect, doesn’t it
I love , love, love these classes
Hello teachers, I am from Brazil and i am learning English. I moved to USA a couple of days ago and i would like to know if you guys give some private classes through skype. If the answer is yes, i am interested. Contact me please. Congratulations for the site, it is great.
Leticia Viana Costa
Welcome to North America, Leticia! At this time, I do not give Skype lessons but will pass your message on to the other teachers, who may or may not do so. I wish you all the best with your English and with your new life.
10/10 l am happy
Good lesson. Thank you
Teacher Rebecca, thanks a lot…
Thank you Rebecca!!
Thanks allot. I love the Quiz and specially the way the questions is asked.
I always love your lessons, because I can understand them clearly when you teach. :)
Good lesson. Thank you
Thanks for your classes, it really helps to improve Eng.
There is a mistake in the QUIZ,there is no PRESENT SIMPLE at all, but in answers it’s shown as correct one.
You’re right, Yury. There was a problem with the answers for this quiz. This has now been fixed.
tanks Rebecca, gooood lesson…..
dear tearcher iwas trobling to get the defferce of these conditions in my life for the last 50 years now igot it thank you so much for your excelent way of teaching
daya karunasekara
So glad I could help you, after you waited so long! All the best to you.
Thank you so much Rebecca
question 3&4 pls check ,answer is past simple ,but wrote there present simple is it correct?
That’s correct. There was a problem with the quiz answers. This has now been fixed. It’s good that you caught it, bujunnd.
Hi Rebecca, are you sure that your the test is correct?
I can’t understand
First – When did she have the baby?
If I right understand it is Past Simple.
Why the answer contain only Present tense.
Petr — there was a problem with the quiz. I’m glad you caught it! We’ve now fixed the problem.
Good Teaching.
Thank you
Nella seconda, terza e quarta risposta correggere Present simple con Past simple.
There are two mistakes at the Q2 and Q3 in the Quiz:
2. How long have you been in England?
Present Simple -> This one =]
Present Perfect
3. When did she have the baby?
Present Simple -> This one =]
Present Perfect
Hope you will fix it!
BTW this lesson is really great! :D
You’re right! Sorry for the error! We’ve now fixed the quiz.
There’re two misprints in that quiz.
Yours presentation is very easily, and you’re a good teacher
That’s a very clear explanation. Thank you so much. I’m preparing to the TOEFL exam and this helped me. I socred 10 out of 10 in the quiz.
Tiago Ferreira
Thanks Rebecca your teaching sooooooo good .I love your way of teaching so cleary ,keep going. you’re the best teacher .God bess you.
Thanks Rebecca your teaching sooooooo good .I love your way of teaching so clearly ,keep going. you’re the best teacher .God bess you.
Thank you kindly. My best wishes to you, too.
thank you
perfect and easy to understand,thank you ms.rebacca
Thank you so much for your good explanation about past simple and present perfect
Kirby Anana
Thank you my teacher Rebecca.
Ali Murad
hi, Rebecca. one more wonderful, great, amazing lesson. you are too much. i have to tell you that my fluency in english and my listening skill are improving day by day because of you. i just love your lessons. thank you so much.
Daniel C Herculano
Thank you, Daniel. I am very glad that you find the lessons so helpful. My bets wishes to you.
My best wishes to you, I meant!
Hi Rebecca,
Just would like to thank you for your efforts in helping us to improve our engish,thats great and,I have to confess that,I find your videos very usufull and, very easy to understand your lessons without any difficulties
My englisg is getting better andand better .
Many thanks
Thanks for the confession and I wish you all the best with your English in the future.
Good lesson. Thank you
10/10 thanks teacher
interesting lesson. thank you so much
Rebecca i got 4/10 in quiz but still i have to improve my grammer and way of talking can help me for that please.and i am prepairg for toefl &many people are saying u have to improve your grammer.
Yes, although grammar is no longer tested directly on the TOEFL IBT, it is tested indirectly in the speaking and writing parts of the test. So make sure you review all the necessary grammar. Many of the engvid lessons should help you. All the best to you.
TOEFL.. is the hardest thing in our planet, its even more harder than understanding women. i’ll pray for you.
Thank you for correction for the answer of question3 and 4.We sometimes an error.
Cuong ta
I have a question. If I want to know where my friend has gone for 2 year and now he comes back. which sentences should I ask? Where did you go? or.. Where have you gone?
you can say. where have you been so long.
this is just i am trying if it is wrong please correct it i am also learner.
thanks a lot
Yes, padmarai is right. The best question would probably be “Where have you been?” or some variation of that, such as “Where have you been all this time?” or “Where have you been for the past 2 years?”.
You could not say “Where have you gone?” because your friend has already come back.
I hope this helps you. All the best with your English and thanks to padmarai for offering to help.
thanks u so much!
Trung béo
You are the best! Thank you!
Awesome lesson. your teaching is perfect Rebeka. Understood simply and exactly. Thank you a lot.
Thank you kindly. All the best to you.
Hi teachers i am Narjice from Morocco,thank you a lot for this website and for all lessons, i write this letter because i have a confusing between start and begin what is the diffrece please?
There is almost no difference between these two words so feel free to use whichever one you like without worrying too much.
The word “begin” is perhaps a little more formal than the word “start”. That’s all.
My best wishes to you.
Thank you very much Rebecca. That’s was a new good lesson. I wish all the best for you! See you soon!
Thank you for lesson. :)
A bit of practice:
‘When did she have a baby?’
I suppose we can tell also: ‘When did she get a baby?’
‘She got the baby 3 months ago.’
Or, I suppose, we could tell:
‘It’s 3 moths now she has become mother.’
Actually, it would be incorrect to use the expression, “get a baby” if the woman gave birth to the child herself. In this normal context, it is correct to say she had a baby.
For example,
She had a baby boy three months ago.
The only exception I can think of is if the child had been adopted; then you could say “She got the baby three months ago.” or “She succeeded in getting the baby three months ago.” or something similar.
Al the best with your English, Sasha.
How long have you been teaching english?
It looks like you have a very long experience.
Thank you, you are great.
Miguel Angulo
Thank you very much for your great way of teaching.
daya karunasekara
wow . fabulous rebacce . just keep on.
Thank you so much teacher!
nice lessen rebeka thank you so much
Thank you for remining Rebecca!!
Thanks Rebecca you are the great teacher really i like you by the heart and i want to learn more english grammer rom you :)
Thanks Rebecca you are the great teacher really i like you by the heart and i want to learn more english grammer from you :)
Great lesson Rebecca!!! I want to learn more grammar with you. You are a great teacher. Thank you very much
first thanks lecture after that I want learn more details about grammar so how can I learn it tell me how can I understand all grammar parties thank you lecture
abdirashid ayanle
Thank you for this lesson. I agree with my mates above when they say that grammar is one of the most important subjects. By the way I scored 10 out of 10. \o/
i think this video was interesting
i think this video was useful to understand the quiz. i’m happy 10/10 yeahhh!
This is a great style of presenting two confusing tenses upfront. this is really a nice way of learning tense when keep up front and actually comparing when to use when.
I request you to please provide understand about other tenses as well in same manner.
I am learning English but I really get confused when you need to switch from one tense to another during conversation.
If you provide such online training i am ready to pay as well. Please let me know
Davinder K
I do not teach online at this time. Thank you for your interest and feedback and will pass your message on to the other teachers. My best wishes to you, Davinder.
can u give me reply for that what i message u for u pleaseee Rebecca.i message u about my improvement of grammer
Not sure what your message was. My best to you, in any case, Sunanda.
thank alot for lesson.
can you tell that uses in the sentence?
the lessons ae very interesting, but i got a doubt….
after “been” we supouse “to” put to and
you put “in”
how long have you been in toronto?
it must be how long have you been to toronto, or i’m wrong?
Reveca please clear my doubts
I think you might be confusing two different questions:
How long have you been in Toronto?
Here, we are asking someone how long they have lived in Toronto, or how much time they have spent there.
You could also ask,
Have you ever been to Toronto?
This time the preposition changes, as you can see, and this is used to ask if the person has ever visited Toronto.
Prepositions need a lot of review and practice, so it’s good you asked. My best wishes to you, Julio.
hahahaha! thanks you so much Teacher Revecca thanks for the knowledge and great idea…10/10 yeeeheeee…GBU….
thanks a lot guys you really helps me to understand english rules because you make it in a easier way.
Tnx a million Rebecca. I’m always looking for this kind of subject. :)
Hi, very interesting, very helpful.
thanks a lot.
Hi, I have a question if you can help me!
when you say in example “how long have you been employed” is the guy still working in present time or not?
thank you.
Yes, good question. I know it sounds like this should be in the past, but in fact we can ask this question when the person is still working, in the present.
In fact, you could say,
Have long have you worked here? (Present Perfect)
How long have you been working here? (Present Perfect Continuous)
All the best to you.
Hi Rebeca, I really like your lesson about past tense and present perfect. Verry interesting lesson. However,some of your examples make me confuse because some word end of -ed and some is not using -ed, for example When did you get married, when did you graduate, when did you get engaged, when did you get the job?
Appreciate very much if you could explain again about this matter mentioned above.
Some verbs are used on their own such as to graduate, so in the past tense we say:
He graduated.(positive sentence) He didn't graduate.(negative sentence) Did he graduate?(question)
Yet, there are other expressions (which require a helper verb) that must be used as a whole, such as:
to get married to get engaged to be worried
The word that changes here is the verb get or the verb to be and not the word married or engaged or worried.
He gets married every 10 years!(present simple) He is getting married.(present continuous) He got married last month.(past simple)
You see that the word married did not change in the above examples. Hope this helps. My best wishes to you, Cecilia.
you explain clearly, so everyone can understand what you say and what you mean .
thanks Rebecca I scored it 10/10. nice video and you’re the wonderful teacher in the world .Although the quiz was easy but OOKKEE:)
Hello Rebecca, since you are my favorite teacher on Engvid, I have a question for you. I have difficulties with prefixes and suffixes, and noticed that there is no a video about it. Could you do one? Thanks in advance
I’m enjoying
I love everything you do…..
i like your way of teaching,thank you very much.
You scored 10 out of 10 …
Thank u Teacher ….
Thanks teacher!
Thank you!! I got it!
Thank You….
I’m scored 10 out of ten again….frm Indonesia
very nice presentation
Hi, Rebecca
My name is Lillian and I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your lesson and appreciated. I have a question that I hope you would answer. Sometimes, large corporations-such as Mcdonald and Starbucks, lend their name to a small business owner and collect license fee? or whatever you call,How do you call that type of business? The business that is not directly managed by the corporation but steet using the name. Thank you for your time and concideration.
I am not sure exactly what you are referring to, but maybe the word you are looking for is “to franchise”. Check in the dictionary whether that is what you had in mind. Another related word is “to sponsor”, but I think you are looking for the first word. My best wishes to you.
Ms. Rebecca, if I said “Since when are you married?”, would it be wrong?
Fernando, it would be better to say:
How long have you been married?
When did you get married?
How long ago did you get married?
Hope this helps! My best wishes to you.
Hello Rebecca, could you explain the difference between HAVE YOU GOT, HAVE YOU and DO YOU HAVE, please?
In North America, we use “do you have” rather than “have you”, which is more British English. We do use “have you got”, but usually in more casual conversations.
So if you want to use an expression that is clear and familiar all over the world, I would choose “do you have”. All the best to you, Ellie.
Fantastic madam!
Up us!
tank you for all teachers and all lessons
that’s very interesting
very good and nice tanks
Thanks so much…. this web and the teachers are amazing.
mrs. Rebeca.. thank u.. it was a verry goog presentation..
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you.
Exellent Rebeka :)
Thank you very much.
I greet,
hi mrs Rebecca… I need more video from you..please… you are verry good teacher.. you explain the lessons verry good… thanks
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you Rebeka, please other lessons about tenses, this is my bigest problem in English.
You are not alone in struggling with these tenses, so don’t feel bad. Engvid has many video lessons on tenses which could help you, and you should also work through a very good grammar book till you understand when and how to use each tense. My best wishes to you.
Thank you Rebeka.
kindly upload more videos on same assignment.
I’ve learned a lot.Thanks, Mam Rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca.
This lesson is very helpful to me! I learn a lot from it!
This is my problem too, but you´ve explained very well! Good! Congratulations!!
Thanks a lot! Now i understand better!
I took 10 from 10 :)
i got the difference now and knew now how to ask about the past and the present . Thank you Rebecca
Hi, Ms Rebeca thanks a lot, I have these things about present perfect and past simple very clear now.
Ronnie Amaury
Thanks to all for your feedback. I really appreciate it and wish all of you the very best.
Thank you Rebecca, I have to study hard, to improve my English. it’s kind of you. :)
how long has she lived in india …..hi rebecca i am wondering how it could be present perfect??? can you please explain
thanks for this video ithink this is the easiest way to learn english
thanks a million
ashry m
Thank you.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for your clearly lesson I have just take ti today so my really weakness is grammar tenses, but today I scores 10 over 10 scores no question
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for your clearly lesson I have just receive today so my really weakness is grammar tenses plus connection and punctuation marks,but today I scores 10 over 10 scores no question
Thank you soo much Ms.Rebecca
thank you so much ms. rebecca . rally i enjoid the lesson and i have to listen more in this topic (tenses)
Thank you so much Ms. Rebecca. for this video so I’m able to understand & speak the english language better.
Thanks Rebecca. I understand a now. Thank you very much again from NZ!
Hello Rebecca! Great lesson, but could you explain the difference between Present Perfect and Present Perfect continuous… thanks!
hello Elimy
Present Perfect:i have been in France several times.(that means you were in France for few times but now you are in your state and it exists the probability to visit it again in the future)
Present Perfect Continuous.I have been living in Russia since i ever remember(that means you live in Russia since you were borned you havent left it yet)
Present Perfect Continuous is used with since and for.try to remember these
For example.i have been learning english for 10 years.That means you started the action in the past it still continue and it will continue
Present Perfect is used often with these prepositions
several times-i have been in Japan several times
already-i have already read the book
yet-i havent eaten yet
just-i have just come home
anyway dont worry and dont focus your mind on a single tense because you will get confused
when you want to ask people questions using the present perfect you have to think about experiences
for example:have you ever eaten mushrooms?
have you every been in Austria?
have you already eaten?
i hope i helped you.
try to ask teachers and they will answere to you
have a nice day
have you ever been in Austria*
they will answer*
Hello marius1989! Thank you for your time! very good explanation!
your welcome Elimy i hope i helped you me too i had really problems with those tenses lol
i forgot to say that present perfect continues can be used as a reproach for example teacher says:how many times i have been telling you to study?how many times i have been telling you to be attentive in the classroom?
or it can be used also to mark the action to show what you did all day for example:i have been studying english all day.that means this is the only thing you did
i have been shopping all day for example etc
also to be more accurate when you use the present perfect continuous.the action starts in the past and continuous after now for example
i have been waiting for him since 9 am that means you started to wait him you are waiting you will is an action wich wasnt interrupted.
to learn it better try to use interrogative form of both tenses and then you will understand them better but it will be easy.
Good luck:)i am sorry i cant explain you better
Dear Marius, thank you so much!! you’re really helped me
Rebecca thank you so much..!!!! you’re the best…!! i love all the video and i learn all the tiem with you for be better..! thanks
thanks you´re the best, never change
Hello rebecca mam,
Thank you for this very important video lesson.
It has cleared my doubts regarding usage of present perfect and past simple, but I get confused between the verb pairs like WILL and WOULD,CAN and COULD and their usage.Is the usage of these verbs confined by tenses?, or can they can be used interchangeably? or Has it got something to do with politeness?
Could you please post a lesson on aforementioned things? It will be really helpful for confused students like me.
Ir’s really simple and effective explanation at the same time. Thanks a lot, Rebecca.
Thanksss , that is really useful
Thank you so much! I love this lesson.
you have a wonderful way to teach us the grammar
majidah mahmood
Thank you Rebecca.You´ve explained very well.I really like your lesson.
dear Rebecca:thank you for your video!it’s helpful for me!i have a question:in this lesson,(Past Simple)when did you move to Toronto?Present Perfect:how long have you been in Toronto? with another sentence:about arrive,Present Perfect:how long have you been here? Do they(I mean Present Perfect)have the same meaning?or have differences?thank you afain!looking forward to your reply.
thank you miss rebecca
Rebecca; really you are the only best teacher that i have ever met. I love you so much!
abdi ali
Thank you!
Great lesson!
Good lesson. Thank so much you rebecca
Thanks for the lesson. I do not remember the first time I watched an EV video, but since then I’ve improved my english a lot!
10 out of 10
thank you for this lesson
I’ve got 10 out 10… great performance by the way..
Quiz is too easy.
thanks too much
I have never been to London.I really appreciate it.Have a nice day.
Thank you so much Ms.Rebecca :)xx
thank u teacher
Im form México and i like your vídeos Rebeca.
Thankyou very much!!
Hi Rebecca aka respected teacher, I love your teaching method. You are an awesome teacher who has lots of knowledge about teaching english and you are no doubt an expert on your field. Good luck and keep teaching us.
great thankfully from my dearest teacher mrs Rebecca your teaching is best
great thankfully from my dearest teacher Mrs Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca.I have got 10/10 by quiz. But I do not understand sentences in your video concerning tense: How long have you been engaged,married…ect.(Been) is used for progressive group of tenses, therefore-How long have you been engaging.Can you help me for my confusion?
Sorry Rebecca.I have understood.Words (married,engaged etc) in the abovementioned sentence are used as adjectve, not a verb.Is it correct?
thank you miss Rebecca
Yeah! Thanks a lot I got it. I’m sure I will keep practicing.
Mind From Thailand
Tnx a lot Rebecca! Ur teaching is perfect, simple and understandable. I like u :-)
Rebecca, thanks a lot!
Wonderful Rebbeca, you are Great!!!. Thank tou very, very much.
hi, anyone here can help me answer this question with proper grammar?
1.What was the last city you went to? What did you like about it?
2. Would you like to visit New York? Why?
3. Have you been sighseeing in a big city on your own? What did you see?
4. Have you ever spent a whole holiday in a city? where? what did you enjoy most?
5. Have you ever been on a shopping trip in foreign city? What was it like?
many many thankss
thank you miss
hi, thank you ……can you tell me the difference b/w live and live .as if, “where do you live” and “she is live,taking breath”
i think your second sentence would be….she is alive
Rebecca could you tell me please why we use “get married”?not “get marry” in interrogative sentence Past Simple?
Thank you!
thakns a lot for your help.this is the first time that i understand clearly the difference between these tenses
Thanks a lot for all your viideo!!!! Rebecca, you have a brilliant pronunciation! You really good teacher! You video is very helpful! Don’t stop do this! We need you! Be healthy, lucky and happy!!! Thank you!
Sincerely, Maryna from Ukraine!
thak’s a lot..rabecca
Thank u So much
nd i got 10/10..
Thank you very much.
thank you so much, at last i could learn the difference past simple tense and present perfect tense , thank you Rebecca, I wish all the best to you
thank you for your time.your explainations is clear.can you make a lesson about models of possibility? you’re a great teacher.
Dear Ms Rebecca,
I am new on this website, I think I will be continue to watch your video, they are so helpful.
Thanks for your effort of this, take care.
Thank you my best English teacher this video help me :)
hello dear Rebecca
thank you very much i got 100 D correct out of 10
many thanks
I understand much better now. Thank you very much Ms. Rebecca
This is of course useful, but I would like to have or try more difficult forms, because I run through quiz easily without looking at video. But when I need use these grammar tenses in the real conversation, then I start to confuse them. My it’s my personal problem, anyway Thank You.
I can do every Past simple and past perfect quizes and questions thanks ms.rebecca!
Thank you for this video;
but I didn’t like the form of the quiz, it was very easy
It’s really nice video. I love this. Thank you very much Ms. Rebecca.
Thank you so much Miss Rebecca
thank you Rebeca , I always watch your videos ,is easy to understand you ,and I love yous classes ¡¡¡
thank you very much my teacher
when did she have the baby? this right or when did she has the baby ? this right please answer
My first test, It was very good!!! Thanks.
Hi Miss Rebecca. Could you please give other more examples beside “How long” .Please give some samples of simple statements too not only the interrogative sentences . And lastly, If possible please put emphasis also on the correct way of answering all the perfect Tenses. My apology for asking too much but i would truly appreciate if you could explain making a new video because all 3 perfect tenses are too confusing.Thanks
Thank you Miss Rebbeca, I got 100. This is my first visit to engvid and I liked your way of explaining the English lessons.
Rebacca thank for all lesson and I will be good in english like you ..
with love
Thanks you are the best
Thank you so much teacher ^^
thx a lot i hope if u can focus over grammar because it is the hard part of learning english ; thanx again
hamza el imrani
Grammar points are always useful! Thank you, Rebecca. I love this site!
Sally S
Hi Rebecca
i have confusion between simple past and past perfect.
thank you
you are doing well job…I’m struggling in English..specially while speeking..because of lack of verbs and could you help me to over come with it
Thanks for this vid.
‘When’ could not be used with Present Perfect, could it?
Is Present Perfect Continuous used to express the meaning for temporary conditions?
How long have you worked here?
How long have you been working here?
Is there any vid about Future Perfect tense on EngVid?
Thank you for presenting complecated English grammar in such a simple way :)
Hi, thanks a lot Reberca for sharing some instructions :)
that is fantastic i got 100 out of 100. thank you for explanation and have a good time teacher.
hi reberca can i use without (when) for example like (what which and etc) in past simple and present perfect; oh ya one thing,what they are differne (past simple and simple past)its same maening?thank you
The way of teaching is very simple.thank you very much Reberca.have a great day.
Thanks for your very clear explanation, but I was not achieved to get the differences between “the last/next week/day/month etc.” and ” last/next week/day etc.”
My question ;Can using of “the ” article determinater of tense? Some books remark that if we use ” the ” tense must be simple past ; if not use article tense perfect .
Thanks in advance for your helps
Regards, Saygılarımla (Turkish)
hey, Rebecca. how i love to be here in this website. i learned a lot in regards of speaking english and it is a must for me to learn it, because i am an Education student. i mean a future educator and my subject is english. thanks a lot :) i do admire you:)
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
thank you teacher,this is was so helpful for me
and i want improve myself in English because this is my first year at University and i found so much difficult in grammar and pronunciation,so i want some advice from you for helping me .
thank you.
Thanks I really had more information thanks so much
Hi Rebecca, I like so much your teaching stile and your accent. Thank you!
Hi again, could you send us a lesson about all the tenses? I wish it so much, if it’s possible!
Hi. I have a question. I make a trip to USA. When I arrive in a HOTEL what is correct to say. Hi, I´ve just arrived and I would like a room or I just arrived and I would like a room? Thanks
hi every bady
thank you so much
Thanks a lot for this lesson Ms.Rebecca.
I got 10/10.
I do like the way you taught cause it’s clear.
nana nice
This english lesson was useful for me. I feel that I’m improving my english with you. Thanks a lot!
i was a little bit confused of these tenses & now i wouldn’t be confused any more because your beautiful teaching has made it clear to me.thank you very much my dear teacher & i’m always thankful to you. :)
Hi Miss !
It was a good lesson for me. Well, Im from Peru.
Im studying english. I need to improve grammar.
Thanks !
Thank you very much and now i understood it very well this one was a bit confused until i watched this video
wow! i got it 10/10
thanks Mrs Rebecca thank you very much .
thank you mrs rebecca
Thank you so much.
thanx alotttttttttttt
that pretty much helped me …thank you and by the way , your way of teaching is just awesome
Rebecca you are such a good pedagogue, I wish I had such a good teachers in my education proces!
I have few doubts
1. What is different between
” I have done that task” And “I did that task”
2. “what did you said?” , “Did you got that concept ?” are these correct sentences ? Which is the tense of these sentences, when should we you this kinda tense ?
3 some time we use “do” or “did” in sentences
E.g what did you say ? Can we say it as what you said ? If yes then in which case we should use do and did ?
Please reply
thank u madam…i have a one question .when use the word do and does….???
Very interesting Rebecca :)
Thank you Rebecca I got 90%
Hello, Mrs. Rebecca.
I’ve just read an exact from “A Custom House Icident”, so I’m a little confused. There is the following sentence:
I have often wondered whether she …and so on
Why is there the Present Perfect Tense with often?
Best wishes, gustav2
coz often is habit something happened in the past but it still continue, maybe it will happened again tomorrow or today, and that is why we use present perfect
Thanks for your explanasion
Thank you so much. you helped me alot :)
this is a good explication, thanks
Thank you ma’am Rebecca, I got 10 / 10
Thank you Rebeka. This topic is a matter of proof.
Thank you Rebecca!
i got 10 out of 10 ^^* thank you so much dear teacher , you are the best.
Thank you! I finally understand now :D
thank you so much!! :D
please!! tell me the use of can,could,may,might,will would
Good lesson………..Thank you Rebeka.
Thank you , I got totally.
thank you i hope to be a professional teacher like you may you help me to know the difference between(I have worked here for 3 years)and (I have been working here for 3 years)
Thank u for your help
Wowww… You are really good Rebecca!! It’s the first time in all my life that I really seen the difference between both sentences. Now I will practice. Thank you so much!
I have problem with present perfect.Because it is confusing.
When I write the sentence like:
1.Eng hasn’t been touched a snake. This sentence is not correct,and why we don’t use been in this sentence????
Thank you Rebeca,
10/10 Thanks Rebecca! You are the best teacher! More advanced lessons please!
i got 100 :D
Ms.Rebbeca thank you very much for that lesson.
thank you
Excuse me Rebbeca but i didn’t understand some points in this lesson, firstly most of these sentences are passive, secondly i everywhere read that after been goes preposition to, for example: I have been to Toronto, How long have you been to Toronto.Am i mistaken?
thank you for explanation
Thanks Rebbecca you are an amazing teacher!!!!
Thanks Miss Rebecca, very helpful videos.
madam. can we say “how long have you married?” without adding BEEN??
thanks for all your efforts. could you show me the difference between “award” and “reward” ?
Mahmoud Mohammed
It was really good subject my friends and I really thank you very much god bless you
Thank you very much Miss Rebecca.
khalid subhi
Hi Rebecca and thanks for the lesson.
What are the time markers for the present perfect?
Hi Rebecca.I have a question,we do we use “been” in present perfect?I mean what’s difference between the questions:
1.How long have you married?
2.How long have you been married?
I thought we use “been” only in present perfect continuous,could you help me please?
thank you
Mam, I have 1 specific doubt.
Here are 2 senteces.
The movie released on friday(simple past)
The movie has released on friday(present perfect).
Can you please tell me the difference between the 2 sentences?
When did you retire? Does this mean, now he is not retired? He was retired in the past. Thanks
Thank you Rebecca.
I understood very well and I got 100 out of 100. Thank u Ms.Rebecca for ur effort :)
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! Good lesson! :)
Ip Man Lee
I know i’m late but really TANK you T.Rebecca for this a good lesson
Abdulrahman Adel
thanks indeed Rebecca
Ammar Salih
hello rebecca ..i get 100 .:)
Thanks Rebecca!
urmm.. could you please add more quizzes and make them harder? Thanks again!
thais is so cool
i have 10/10
amu chan
Perfect score, thanks
Thanks very much Mam Rebecca I got 100% when I got 100% I become very glad.
When did you start to watch lessons on engVid?
How long have you been watching lessons on engVid?
Abdul Qayum
I got 10/10
Miss Rebecca You are the best !
I’ve gor 100%
Thank uuuuuuuuuuu Rebecca :)
Thank you very much for this additional lesson to understand the differences between these two tenses. You’re a great teacher :)
Teacher, can i ask why it’s always been “passive” in “COndition-present perf question”
EX: How long have you been married?
Why can’t we use ” How long have you married?”
Can you teach me where the discrepancy is? Thank you!
Thanks I have learned about past simple and present perfect
Good lesson
I got 9 out of 10
Thank you very much Miss Rebecca
farah alsharif
Thanks for the nice score..i think i understand this topic…:)
Great Lesson !!!. Thanks
Guys can someone explain me this please, on the quiz there was one question like this “When did she have the baby?” Don’t you use “have” only in plural ? At some point I thought that there is should be “has” instead of have. P.S. Thank you so much Dear Rebecca for this lesson. It was really helpful and easy to understand.
Hi Ms Rebecca,,, i got 100, thank you very much for this informative lecture:)
innocent khan
Hi~ Rebecca.
You lessons are clear and concise.
So i’ve become a big fan of you~*^^*
And i want to know about difference between present perfect and present perfect countinues tense.
Have a nice day♥
Thanks Rebecca,how long have you been teaching?
Thanks you Rebecca for your clear explanations !!
that’s a great lesson. I want you to tell me how can I make A comparison between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous.
Abdullah Amer
Thank you very much!
Thank you for this lesson
Thanks Rebeca, so great your class.
Thanks Rebeca 10/10 *_*
farah alsharif
10/10 !!!
thank you so much Rebecca ;)
Hi teacher !
I’m little confusing some about that, so help me please?
When has the watchman started work ? is that correct right? In the other hand, there have this sentence in Past Simple. When did the watchman start work? I think this one is correct too. So how can I see for both of them’s differences ? Help me all students and teachers please! :)
Thank You!
10/10, so easy.
So, let’s make sentences for practice more about the topic.
God Bless!
I wish if you could make the lesson more harder to be more understood.
thank you
Thank xx. What is the deferment between he has gone and he has been please I need your help miss Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca. 10/10
The quiz has been very easy!
Thank’s Rebecca
Rebecca, I’m Brazilian and I speak the Portuguese Language, which is very different.
In the Portuguese language which is spoken in Portugal they use the Present Perfect A Lot.
“Tenho estado a trabalhar há horas.”
” I have worked for hours.”
And they also have the Present Perfect Continuous:
” I have been working for hours.”
but here we have a problem because we don’t use
it the way the Portuguese do in Portugal.
We use a Present tense + gerund.
“Estou trabalhando há horas.”
Which translated into English is exactly:
” I have been working for hours.”
So, we have this tense that,although spoken
wrongly in Brazil, makes it easier for us in Brazil to understand these two English tenses.
I think it’s the same as in American English.
They the use Present Perfect: I have lost my keys.”
Have you seen them?”
or Past Simple : I lost my keys. Did you see
I prefer to use the Present Perfect rather than
use the Past Simple.
It sounds better!
The Portuguese language is beautiful, and has
a vast vocabulary, but the thing is Brazilians
in general, don’t like to study our Language.
It’s difficult, of course, but it’s worthy
studying it.
Sorry for having written so much!
Thank you so much! very well… 100 You got 10 correct out of 10.
I got 10/10
nice class keep it up
Thanc you very much.
Thanks for ur teach
Thanks a lot
Hadeel aljabri
Adriano Celin
Thanc you very much.
Great Lesson
mohammed fery
Cool!!! it’s so easy… i got 100….thank you for your nice lesson
Rebecca, I really like your lessons. They improve my English so much. Thank you for your brillant work.
I’m a little confused about the verb “work” in this last lesson. Why can’t I say “I have been worked…?”
I’ll be very happy if you can answer me. Tkx a lot!
Dear Rebecca Mam,
I got 10 out of 10 but I have some doubts in it.
The sentence “When did she have the baby” can be asked as, When did she had/has the baby.
Similarly the sentence “How long has she lived in India” can be asked as, How long she have lived in India
Dear Rebecca,
Great, I got 10 correct out 10. Superb lesson simple and clear. Thank.
Best regards.
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
Congratulations Rebecca you are really wonderful teacher!
Thank you! It’s clear now :)
Itood was very good explanation. I have understood this meaning and i hope i did not forget about this topics.
it was very good explanation.
Dear Rebecca,
I’ve got a question.
I want to know why the time is not important when we use the present perfect.
Why can’t I say “I’ve been to the U.S.A in 2010.” ?
It is a life experience that started and ended in the past and at the same time it is related to the present time in someway. However, I want to specify the moment.
Let’s consider this situation:
A: We are going to the U.S.A next Friday.
B: I have been to Uncle Sam’s Country in 2010.
My trip is an event which started and ended in the past (finished time), but it is connected to the present (unfinished time), because the elocutionist believes that this event is relevant to the moment of focus.
Thank you very much in advance.
Thank you very much
I got 10/10 , I understood your lesson
It was so simple to understand, tks!
Thank you so much.
thanks rebecca so much
Excellent explanation!
I got ten questions. Excellent explanation.
Thanks Miss. Rebecca.I use the past simple when the action is finished and I use the present perfect when I speak about a condition and there is a match between the past and the present
Thank you Rebecca, you are amazing when you explain the lessons I understand you a lot… please can you help me for the times perfect and continuous there is many!!!! my weakest point in english is grammar..????
Hi Rebecca ! I’m listening yours lessons for a long time ! But I don’t understend WHAT is the sicret of your … exersizies lessons ??? Your explaning is sOO Good … what … I havn’t words !!!!!!!! You are the Best teacher in the world !!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you very much !!!!!! )
Hey Rebeca
Very good your class about this subject.
Actually between past and perfect.
Thanks a lot
Good presentation. is there any another quiz available.
Thank you very much.
Great! thanks a lot
Hi Rebecca I have one doubt about this lesson.
For example if I say I’ve been married for ten years it means I’m still married?
If i want to say I was married for ten years and I’m not married anymore, can I say the same sentence I’ve been married for ten years?
Leandro Cleber
ty miss rebeca u r the best
10/10 – yeeeaaa:)
thanks for lesson!
Thanks a lot. 10/10. Very clear explanation !
Thanks for interesting lesson ,Mrs Rebbeca !One question :How long have you been “to ” or “in “Toronto? Best regards from Ukraine
thank you so much
its very useful for me.
Thank you, Rebecca for this amazing video … you’re so easy on explain something which are very hard to me .. the verbs … NOW I get 100% in the test about it … I couldn’t never imagined
Thank you Rebecca, I’m almost done watching your video’s in one week.
Perhaps Engvid can make a “next video” of “next quiz” option? When i’m done with the video i must go back and search where i was, i think an option like that will make it more easier.
This is very nice video I understood how ask question I want to know how would be answer of below question. could you give me answer please ?
When did you get married ?
How long have you been married ?
Thank you!!!
very good explanation
thank you Rebecca
Thank you, dear Rebecca!
Thanks for this lesson. I think that it helped me so much.
Thank you a lot, ms. Rebecca! I jut have watched both of your present perfect videos, and I hope it’s becoming more clearly to me.
Hi rebecca… long have you been thought English classes.
I already watched “how to ask questions in past simple” vid and my question is, why here you add -ed in questions ?
Thank you Rebecca
Timote Ngungutau
Thanks Rebecca!
Hi Rebecaa,
First, Please accept my sincere thanks for helping me with the very informative English lessons.
These lessons boosting my confidence.
I need help to understand the below sentence which i got wrong in the Quiz.
How long has she lived in India?
Actually i am unable to understand how it could be present perfect. I suspect that the inquiry is about someone who lived in India for a duration in past, but not living currently. Please correct my understanding.
thank you
Hi Rebecaa
Please l want yor emil if you dont mind
Thank you
Wanis m
T just scored 10/10, Thanks mam for your support, Greetings from Farrukhabad, India
I just scored 10/10, Thanks mam for your support, Greetings from Farrukhabad, India
Thank you!!!
thank you so much Rebecce .I have a question . well can I say in the present perfect.* from* how long you have been awake
Mr mahfouad
Dear Ms. Rebecce, Thank you very much for the excellent lesson.
Would you please let me know how could I improve my grammar? my email add is
Appreciate your reply/feedback.
Najeebullah Rahmani
Thanks Rebbeca
Your teaching always very clearly ? Thank you so much Ma Rebecca
thanks again. it’s 100
Ma’am Rebecca I really like your style in teaching. You’re my fave teacher here on
10 out of 10
The right way to talk is to know the grammer
Thanks Rebecca
I got more information ,, helpful to be improved my english
thank u so much :)
10out od 10))
Thank you Rebecca
This pass simple and present perfect is a hard concept to get down!
Thank you So much Rebbeca for an nother English lesson 10 of 10.
Thank you So much Rebbeca for an nother English lesson 10 of 10.
Thanks Rebecca for this lesson and clarify.
I keep on watching your lesson whenever i have time and a lot.
Mohd Areeb
Amazing explanation on this video! Thanks!
good teacher
Thank you so much Rebecca I got 10 correct out of 10
Thanks very much
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you…
M kartal
10\10 amazing thanks a lot Rebecca
amazing lessons…thanks a lot
Hi Rebecca, Thank you for your lesson about Past Simple and Present Perfect Tense.
This video answered My question about Present Perfect Progressive Tense for “Marry” in Emma lesson
But, still I have some trouble on using both Present Perfect and Present Perfect Progressive,
The formula I got from Benjamin Vid and Emma Vid are:
Present Perfect = Subject + Has/Have + P.P
Present Perfect Progressive = Subject + Has/Have + Been + V-ing
But I saw some samples in your video that “Has/Have Been + P.P”
Can you please explain? I am quite confuse about the formula.
Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca. It’s an excellent explanation!
thanks teacher :) “i did it 100”
very nice but i need more videos about
amani zaki
hi! miss rebecca , i m so glad that i understand your lesson ,and thank you for tip of how to understand of it,,, present perfect,past perfect of differences ,,
very good lesson .i have 100 scores.thanks
Dear Rebecca, I love your lessons and I hope we all can use the language to understand each other.
I look forward to learn and wish you the best :-)
boehma edi
I got 10/10. Thank you Rebecca!
Good Morning , I love all your lessons but I would like to be able to find the transcripts so I can use them to teach my students.
Where can I find the transcripts?
Thank you and regards
Hi Rebecca where can I find your reply to my questions?
Thank you
Chetta Rella
I got 100! =D
Thanks a lot for this class!
Janssen Batista
Got 9/10. Will try harder next time.
Thank you
oh… it’s very simple. 10/10
Thank you it’s very simple 10/10
San Niang
ngal ngal i got 100 lol…
I’m so happy Rebecca for teach , I got 100% is the first time I ‘m realy happy
I always have problems dealing with perfect tenses, but your class is easy to understand and follow it.
Ricky V.
Rebecca Thanks for another great class!
I do not use Present Perfect tense correctly. Could you please guide me I want to learn this tense in detail.
Got 10 correct out of 10
Than you Rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca.
10 out of 10!!!
Hello,dear rebecca I have a question plz.there is a sentence in the quiz written(how long have u been in the hospital )why in the hospital despite,the hospital is a specificplace why is not at the hospital? ?? Please reply because I get confused
10/10 Thank you very much, Rebecca!
thank you so mush Rebecca give me better understanding
of past tense and perfect tense
I enjoyed the refresher course. Thank you
Hi Rebecka,
Thank you for your lessons. You are a great English teacher. You perfectly explain the rules of English grammar. You convey knowledge in an understandable way. Cool ! After each of your lessons, I want to watch the next one. Thank you. Małgorzata from Poland :)
Thanks mam Rebeca
for your initiative to get that.
Dewan Asparan Nabi
Great lesson! Great teacher! Thanks a lot.
Thanks Teacher Rebecca. Now I’m understanding the diference between these two types of sentences.
I almost getting perfect about your lesson, thank you very much, Ma’am Rebecca, for your lesson and I really happy
Keanu Acosta
I watched this video twice on July 01, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Got one 1 wrong, great lesson. Thanks a lot.
Renu Khurana
Hello dear teacher!
Thanks for your classes, it really helps to improve English.
I got 10 correct out of 10, I am happy.
Abdul Salam Qaderi
Nice class. Thank you.
kannanji sampath
Wow great lesson
I have no words to express your way of teaching say only thanks thousand times although it s not enough…
Sangeeta roy
Thank you teacher Rebeca!!!
How long have you been teaching English?
Thanks my Dear Teacher Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca
thank you teacher i get 100
Hitham kiwan
How long have I beenlearning egglish?
Thanks my teacher
thanks a lot
Love the way to teach, Rebeca. Im learning so much!!
Regards, from Dominican Republic
Hi Rebecca,
thank you so much for the excellent lessons. I want like improve my english also my speaking. Do you have some advise for me? Do you know any teachers who can help me to practice my speaking for example about zoom-meetings. I would be very happy if you hepl me with dies wish.
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Ms.Rebbeca thank u for uploading another video about grammer i hope i see more of that paricular subject because my weakest point in english is grammer
nice thank you so mush rebeka
thanks so much so i will continue following up your lessons cause realy you explain the subject clearly so i understood thank you agin teacher.
much not mush =))
YAAAAAAAY 10/10 ,,, &_&
bravo my bro
Rebecca has been taught us these kind of topic 4 the fifth time, but we need another 5 times to understand. thanks Rebecca.
HELL MISS Rebecca ,
thank you so much miss.
Thank you very much for this nice lesson ! although, i am familiar with these tenses, i am really interested to remember them from time to time !
Good for you! Nothing like review to help you master the tenses. All the best.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca, It’s so wonderful. Just today I registered. Awesome.
S.N (from India).
i think, you could say : how long have you been out of work.
Thanks for the remind :)
You mean “reminder”! My pleasure; glad I could help. All the best to you.
thank you for this wonderful lesson,your teaching make it easier to understand.
thanks again
Really it’s very easy to improve my english with your speech. It is very logical. Thanks a lot!, with teachers like kou, is lovely to learn English.
Rose from (Barcelona)
When did she have baby ?when did you complete your phd?the answer should be pass simple tense instead of present simple or present perfect tense,please correct me if I am wrong.
Great lesson. I also noticed these mistakes in the quiz. The answers should have been :past tense instead of present tense. But this quiz only proves that nobody is perfect, doesn’t it
I love , love, love these classes
Hello teachers, I am from Brazil and i am learning English. I moved to USA a couple of days ago and i would like to know if you guys give some private classes through skype. If the answer is yes, i am interested. Contact me please. Congratulations for the site, it is great.
Welcome to North America, Leticia! At this time, I do not give Skype lessons but will pass your message on to the other teachers, who may or may not do so. I wish you all the best with your English and with your new life.
10/10 l am happy
Good lesson. Thank you
Teacher Rebecca, thanks a lot…
Thank you Rebecca!!
Thanks allot. I love the Quiz and specially the way the questions is asked.
I always love your lessons, because I can understand them clearly when you teach. :)
Good lesson. Thank you
Thanks for your classes, it really helps to improve Eng.
There is a mistake in the QUIZ,there is no PRESENT SIMPLE at all, but in answers it’s shown as correct one.
You’re right, Yury. There was a problem with the answers for this quiz. This has now been fixed.
tanks Rebecca, gooood lesson…..
dear tearcher iwas trobling to get the defferce of these conditions in my life for the last 50 years now igot it thank you so much for your excelent way of teaching
So glad I could help you, after you waited so long! All the best to you.
Thank you so much Rebecca
question 3&4 pls check ,answer is past simple ,but wrote there present simple is it correct?
That’s correct. There was a problem with the quiz answers. This has now been fixed. It’s good that you caught it, bujunnd.
Hi Rebecca, are you sure that your the test is correct?
I can’t understand
First – When did she have the baby?
If I right understand it is Past Simple.
Why the answer contain only Present tense.
Petr — there was a problem with the quiz. I’m glad you caught it! We’ve now fixed the problem.
Good Teaching.
Thank you
Nella seconda, terza e quarta risposta correggere Present simple con Past simple.
There are two mistakes at the Q2 and Q3 in the Quiz:
2. How long have you been in England?
Present Simple -> This one =]
Present Perfect
3. When did she have the baby?
Present Simple -> This one =]
Present Perfect
Hope you will fix it!
BTW this lesson is really great! :D
You’re right! Sorry for the error! We’ve now fixed the quiz.
There’re two misprints in that quiz.
Yours presentation is very easily, and you’re a good teacher
That’s a very clear explanation. Thank you so much. I’m preparing to the TOEFL exam and this helped me. I socred 10 out of 10 in the quiz.
Thanks Rebecca your teaching sooooooo good .I love your way of teaching so cleary ,keep going. you’re the best teacher .God bess you.
Thanks Rebecca your teaching sooooooo good .I love your way of teaching so clearly ,keep going. you’re the best teacher .God bess you.
Thank you kindly. My best wishes to you, too.
thank you
perfect and easy to understand,thank you ms.rebacca
Thank you so much for your good explanation about past simple and present perfect
Thank you my teacher Rebecca.
hi, Rebecca. one more wonderful, great, amazing lesson. you are too much. i have to tell you that my fluency in english and my listening skill are improving day by day because of you. i just love your lessons. thank you so much.
Thank you, Daniel. I am very glad that you find the lessons so helpful. My bets wishes to you.
My best wishes to you, I meant!
Hi Rebecca,
Just would like to thank you for your efforts in helping us to improve our engish,thats great and,I have to confess that,I find your videos very usufull and, very easy to understand your lessons without any difficulties
My englisg is getting better andand better .
Many thanks
Thanks for the confession and I wish you all the best with your English in the future.
Good lesson. Thank you
10/10 thanks teacher
interesting lesson. thank you so much
Rebecca i got 4/10 in quiz but still i have to improve my grammer and way of talking can help me for that please.and i am prepairg for toefl &many people are saying u have to improve your grammer.
Yes, although grammar is no longer tested directly on the TOEFL IBT, it is tested indirectly in the speaking and writing parts of the test. So make sure you review all the necessary grammar. Many of the engvid lessons should help you. All the best to you.
TOEFL.. is the hardest thing in our planet, its even more harder than understanding women. i’ll pray for you.
Thank you for correction for the answer of question3 and 4.We sometimes an error.
I have a question. If I want to know where my friend has gone for 2 year and now he comes back. which sentences should I ask? Where did you go? or.. Where have you gone?
you can say. where have you been so long.
this is just i am trying if it is wrong please correct it i am also learner.
thanks a lot
Yes, padmarai is right. The best question would probably be “Where have you been?” or some variation of that, such as “Where have you been all this time?” or “Where have you been for the past 2 years?”.
You could not say “Where have you gone?” because your friend has already come back.
I hope this helps you. All the best with your English and thanks to padmarai for offering to help.
thanks u so much!
You are the best! Thank you!
Awesome lesson. your teaching is perfect Rebeka. Understood simply and exactly. Thank you a lot.
Thank you kindly. All the best to you.
Hi teachers i am Narjice from Morocco,thank you a lot for this website and for all lessons, i write this letter because i have a confusing between start and begin what is the diffrece please?
There is almost no difference between these two words so feel free to use whichever one you like without worrying too much.
The word “begin” is perhaps a little more formal than the word “start”. That’s all.
My best wishes to you.
Thank you very much Rebecca. That’s was a new good lesson. I wish all the best for you! See you soon!
Thank you for lesson. :)
A bit of practice:
‘When did she have a baby?’
I suppose we can tell also: ‘When did she get a baby?’
‘She got the baby 3 months ago.’
Or, I suppose, we could tell:
‘It’s 3 moths now she has become mother.’
Actually, it would be incorrect to use the expression, “get a baby” if the woman gave birth to the child herself. In this normal context, it is correct to say she had a baby.
For example,
She had a baby boy three months ago.
The only exception I can think of is if the child had been adopted; then you could say “She got the baby three months ago.” or “She succeeded in getting the baby three months ago.” or something similar.
Al the best with your English, Sasha.
How long have you been teaching english?
It looks like you have a very long experience.
Thank you, you are great.
Thank you very much for your great way of teaching.
wow . fabulous rebacce . just keep on.
Thank you so much teacher!
nice lessen rebeka thank you so much
Thank you for remining Rebecca!!
Thanks Rebecca you are the great teacher really i like you by the heart and i want to learn more english grammer rom you :)
Thanks Rebecca you are the great teacher really i like you by the heart and i want to learn more english grammer from you :)
Great lesson Rebecca!!! I want to learn more grammar with you. You are a great teacher. Thank you very much
first thanks lecture after that I want learn more details about grammar so how can I learn it tell me how can I understand all grammar parties thank you lecture
Thank you for this lesson. I agree with my mates above when they say that grammar is one of the most important subjects. By the way I scored 10 out of 10. \o/
i think this video was interesting
i think this video was useful to understand the quiz. i’m happy 10/10 yeahhh!
This is a great style of presenting two confusing tenses upfront. this is really a nice way of learning tense when keep up front and actually comparing when to use when.
I request you to please provide understand about other tenses as well in same manner.
I am learning English but I really get confused when you need to switch from one tense to another during conversation.
If you provide such online training i am ready to pay as well. Please let me know
I do not teach online at this time. Thank you for your interest and feedback and will pass your message on to the other teachers. My best wishes to you, Davinder.
can u give me reply for that what i message u for u pleaseee Rebecca.i message u about my improvement of grammer
Not sure what your message was. My best to you, in any case, Sunanda.
thank alot for lesson.
can you tell that uses in the sentence?
the lessons ae very interesting, but i got a doubt….
after “been” we supouse “to” put to and
you put “in”
how long have you been in toronto?
it must be how long have you been to toronto, or i’m wrong?
Reveca please clear my doubts
I think you might be confusing two different questions:
How long have you been in Toronto?
Here, we are asking someone how long they have lived in Toronto, or how much time they have spent there.
You could also ask,
Have you ever been to Toronto?
This time the preposition changes, as you can see, and this is used to ask if the person has ever visited Toronto.
Prepositions need a lot of review and practice, so it’s good you asked. My best wishes to you, Julio.
hahahaha! thanks you so much Teacher Revecca thanks for the knowledge and great idea…10/10 yeeeheeee…GBU….
thanks a lot guys you really helps me to understand english rules because you make it in a easier way.
Tnx a million Rebecca. I’m always looking for this kind of subject. :)
Hi, very interesting, very helpful.
thanks a lot.
Hi, I have a question if you can help me!
when you say in example “how long have you been employed” is the guy still working in present time or not?
thank you.
Yes, good question. I know it sounds like this should be in the past, but in fact we can ask this question when the person is still working, in the present.
In fact, you could say,
Have long have you worked here? (Present Perfect)
How long have you been working here? (Present Perfect Continuous)
All the best to you.
Hi Rebeca, I really like your lesson about past tense and present perfect. Verry interesting lesson. However,some of your examples make me confuse because some word end of -ed and some is not using -ed, for example When did you get married, when did you graduate, when did you get engaged, when did you get the job?
Appreciate very much if you could explain again about this matter mentioned above.
Some verbs are used on their own such as
to graduate
, so in the past tense we say:He graduated.
(positive sentence)He didn't graduate.
(negative sentence)Did he graduate?
(question)Yet, there are other expressions (which require a helper verb) that must be used as a whole, such as:
to get married
to get engaged
to be worried
The word that changes here is the verb
or the verbto be
and not the wordmarried
.He gets married every 10 years!
(present simple)He is getting married.
(present continuous)He got married last month.
(past simple)You see that the word
did not change in the above examples. Hope this helps. My best wishes to you, explain clearly, so everyone can understand what you say and what you mean .
thanks Rebecca I scored it 10/10. nice video and you’re the wonderful teacher in the world .Although the quiz was easy but OOKKEE:)
Hello Rebecca, since you are my favorite teacher on Engvid, I have a question for you. I have difficulties with prefixes and suffixes, and noticed that there is no a video about it. Could you do one? Thanks in advance
I’m enjoying
I love everything you do…..
i like your way of teaching,thank you very much.
You scored 10 out of 10 …
Thank u Teacher ….
Thanks teacher!
Thank you!! I got it!
Thank You….
I’m scored 10 out of ten again….frm Indonesia
very nice presentation
Hi, Rebecca
My name is Lillian and I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your lesson and appreciated. I have a question that I hope you would answer. Sometimes, large corporations-such as Mcdonald and Starbucks, lend their name to a small business owner and collect license fee? or whatever you call,How do you call that type of business? The business that is not directly managed by the corporation but steet using the name. Thank you for your time and concideration.
I am not sure exactly what you are referring to, but maybe the word you are looking for is “to franchise”. Check in the dictionary whether that is what you had in mind. Another related word is “to sponsor”, but I think you are looking for the first word. My best wishes to you.
Ms. Rebecca, if I said “Since when are you married?”, would it be wrong?
Fernando, it would be better to say:
How long have you been married?
When did you get married?
How long ago did you get married?
Hope this helps! My best wishes to you.
Hello Rebecca, could you explain the difference between HAVE YOU GOT, HAVE YOU and DO YOU HAVE, please?
In North America, we use “do you have” rather than “have you”, which is more British English. We do use “have you got”, but usually in more casual conversations.
So if you want to use an expression that is clear and familiar all over the world, I would choose “do you have”. All the best to you, Ellie.
Fantastic madam!
Up us!
tank you for all teachers and all lessons
that’s very interesting
very good and nice tanks
Thanks so much…. this web and the teachers are amazing.
mrs. Rebeca.. thank u.. it was a verry goog presentation..
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you.
Exellent Rebeka :)
Thank you very much.
I greet,
hi mrs Rebecca… I need more video from you..please… you are verry good teacher.. you explain the lessons verry good… thanks
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you Rebeka, please other lessons about tenses, this is my bigest problem in English.
You are not alone in struggling with these tenses, so don’t feel bad. Engvid has many video lessons on tenses which could help you, and you should also work through a very good grammar book till you understand when and how to use each tense. My best wishes to you.
Thank you Rebeka.
kindly upload more videos on same assignment.
I’ve learned a lot.Thanks, Mam Rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca.
This lesson is very helpful to me! I learn a lot from it!
This is my problem too, but you´ve explained very well! Good! Congratulations!!
Thanks a lot! Now i understand better!
I took 10 from 10 :)
i got the difference now and knew now how to ask about the past and the present . Thank you Rebecca
Hi, Ms Rebeca thanks a lot, I have these things about present perfect and past simple very clear now.
Thanks to all for your feedback. I really appreciate it and wish all of you the very best.
Thank you Rebecca, I have to study hard, to improve my English. it’s kind of you. :)
how long has she lived in india …..hi rebecca i am wondering how it could be present perfect??? can you please explain
thanks for this video ithink this is the easiest way to learn english
thanks a million
Thank you.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for your clearly lesson I have just take ti today so my really weakness is grammar tenses, but today I scores 10 over 10 scores no question
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for your clearly lesson I have just receive today so my really weakness is grammar tenses plus connection and punctuation marks,but today I scores 10 over 10 scores no question
Thank you soo much Ms.Rebecca
thank you so much ms. rebecca . rally i enjoid the lesson and i have to listen more in this topic (tenses)
Thank you so much Ms. Rebecca. for this video so I’m able to understand & speak the english language better.
Thanks Rebecca. I understand a now. Thank you very much again from NZ!
Hello Rebecca! Great lesson, but could you explain the difference between Present Perfect and Present Perfect continuous… thanks!
hello Elimy
Present Perfect:i have been in France several times.(that means you were in France for few times but now you are in your state and it exists the probability to visit it again in the future)
Present Perfect Continuous.I have been living in Russia since i ever remember(that means you live in Russia since you were borned you havent left it yet)
Present Perfect Continuous is used with since and for.try to remember these
For example.i have been learning english for 10 years.That means you started the action in the past it still continue and it will continue
Present Perfect is used often with these prepositions
several times-i have been in Japan several times
already-i have already read the book
yet-i havent eaten yet
just-i have just come home
anyway dont worry and dont focus your mind on a single tense because you will get confused
when you want to ask people questions using the present perfect you have to think about experiences
for example:have you ever eaten mushrooms?
have you every been in Austria?
have you already eaten?
i hope i helped you.
try to ask teachers and they will answere to you
have a nice day
have you ever been in Austria*
they will answer*
Hello marius1989! Thank you for your time! very good explanation!
your welcome Elimy i hope i helped you me too i had really problems with those tenses lol
i forgot to say that present perfect continues can be used as a reproach for example teacher says:how many times i have been telling you to study?how many times i have been telling you to be attentive in the classroom?
or it can be used also to mark the action to show what you did all day for example:i have been studying english all day.that means this is the only thing you did
i have been shopping all day for example etc
also to be more accurate when you use the present perfect continuous.the action starts in the past and continuous after now for example
i have been waiting for him since 9 am that means you started to wait him you are waiting you will is an action wich wasnt interrupted.
to learn it better try to use interrogative form of both tenses and then you will understand them better but it will be easy.
Good luck:)i am sorry i cant explain you better
Dear Marius, thank you so much!! you’re really helped me
Rebecca thank you so much..!!!! you’re the best…!! i love all the video and i learn all the tiem with you for be better..! thanks
thanks you´re the best, never change
Hello rebecca mam,
Thank you for this very important video lesson.
It has cleared my doubts regarding usage of present perfect and past simple, but I get confused between the verb pairs like WILL and WOULD,CAN and COULD and their usage.Is the usage of these verbs confined by tenses?, or can they can be used interchangeably? or Has it got something to do with politeness?
Could you please post a lesson on aforementioned things? It will be really helpful for confused students like me.
Ir’s really simple and effective explanation at the same time. Thanks a lot, Rebecca.
Thanksss , that is really useful
Thank you so much! I love this lesson.
you have a wonderful way to teach us the grammar
Thank you Rebecca.You´ve explained very well.I really like your lesson.
dear Rebecca:thank you for your video!it’s helpful for me!i have a question:in this lesson,(Past Simple)when did you move to Toronto?Present Perfect:how long have you been in Toronto? with another sentence:about arrive,Present Perfect:how long have you been here? Do they(I mean Present Perfect)have the same meaning?or have differences?thank you afain!looking forward to your reply.
thank you miss rebecca
Rebecca; really you are the only best teacher that i have ever met. I love you so much!
Thank you!
Great lesson!
Good lesson. Thank so much you rebecca
Thanks for the lesson. I do not remember the first time I watched an EV video, but since then I’ve improved my english a lot!
10 out of 10
thank you for this lesson
I’ve got 10 out 10… great performance by the way..
Quiz is too easy.
thanks too much
I have never been to London.I really appreciate it.Have a nice day.
Thank you so much Ms.Rebecca :)xx
thank u teacher
Im form México and i like your vídeos Rebeca.
Thankyou very much!!
Hi Rebecca aka respected teacher, I love your teaching method. You are an awesome teacher who has lots of knowledge about teaching english and you are no doubt an expert on your field. Good luck and keep teaching us.
great thankfully from my dearest teacher mrs Rebecca your teaching is best
great thankfully from my dearest teacher Mrs Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca.I have got 10/10 by quiz. But I do not understand sentences in your video concerning tense: How long have you been engaged,married…ect.(Been) is used for progressive group of tenses, therefore-How long have you been engaging.Can you help me for my confusion?
Sorry Rebecca.I have understood.Words (married,engaged etc) in the abovementioned sentence are used as adjectve, not a verb.Is it correct?
thank you miss Rebecca
Yeah! Thanks a lot I got it. I’m sure I will keep practicing.
Mind From Thailand
Tnx a lot Rebecca! Ur teaching is perfect, simple and understandable. I like u :-)
Rebecca, thanks a lot!
Wonderful Rebbeca, you are Great!!!. Thank tou very, very much.
hi, anyone here can help me answer this question with proper grammar?
1.What was the last city you went to? What did you like about it?
2. Would you like to visit New York? Why?
3. Have you been sighseeing in a big city on your own? What did you see?
4. Have you ever spent a whole holiday in a city? where? what did you enjoy most?
5. Have you ever been on a shopping trip in foreign city? What was it like?
many many thankss
thank you miss
hi, thank you ……can you tell me the difference b/w live and live .as if, “where do you live” and “she is live,taking breath”
i think your second sentence would be….she is alive
Rebecca could you tell me please why we use “get married”?not “get marry” in interrogative sentence Past Simple?
Thank you!
thakns a lot for your help.this is the first time that i understand clearly the difference between these tenses
Thanks a lot for all your viideo!!!! Rebecca, you have a brilliant pronunciation! You really good teacher! You video is very helpful! Don’t stop do this! We need you! Be healthy, lucky and happy!!! Thank you!
Sincerely, Maryna from Ukraine!
thak’s a lot..rabecca
Thank u So much
nd i got 10/10..
Thank you very much.
thank you so much, at last i could learn the difference past simple tense and present perfect tense , thank you Rebecca, I wish all the best to you
thank you for your time.your explainations is clear.can you make a lesson about models of possibility? you’re a great teacher.
Dear Ms Rebecca,
I am new on this website, I think I will be continue to watch your video, they are so helpful.
Thanks for your effort of this, take care.
Thank you my best English teacher this video help me :)
hello dear Rebecca
thank you very much i got 100 D correct out of 10
many thanks
I understand much better now. Thank you very much Ms. Rebecca
This is of course useful, but I would like to have or try more difficult forms, because I run through quiz easily without looking at video. But when I need use these grammar tenses in the real conversation, then I start to confuse them. My it’s my personal problem, anyway Thank You.
I can do every Past simple and past perfect quizes and questions thanks ms.rebecca!
Thank you for this video;
but I didn’t like the form of the quiz, it was very easy
It’s really nice video. I love this. Thank you very much Ms. Rebecca.
Thank you so much Miss Rebecca
thank you Rebeca , I always watch your videos ,is easy to understand you ,and I love yous classes ¡¡¡
thank you very much my teacher
when did she have the baby? this right or when did she has the baby ? this right please answer
My first test, It was very good!!! Thanks.
Hi Miss Rebecca. Could you please give other more examples beside “How long” .Please give some samples of simple statements too not only the interrogative sentences . And lastly, If possible please put emphasis also on the correct way of answering all the perfect Tenses. My apology for asking too much but i would truly appreciate if you could explain making a new video because all 3 perfect tenses are too confusing.Thanks
Thank you Miss Rebbeca, I got 100. This is my first visit to engvid and I liked your way of explaining the English lessons.
Rebacca thank for all lesson and I will be good in english like you ..
with love
Thanks you are the best
Thank you so much teacher ^^
thx a lot i hope if u can focus over grammar because it is the hard part of learning english ; thanx again
Grammar points are always useful! Thank you, Rebecca. I love this site!
Hi Rebecca
i have confusion between simple past and past perfect.
thank you
you are doing well job…I’m struggling in English..specially while speeking..because of lack of verbs and could you help me to over come with it
Thanks for this vid.
‘When’ could not be used with Present Perfect, could it?
Is Present Perfect Continuous used to express the meaning for temporary conditions?
How long have you worked here?
How long have you been working here?
Is there any vid about Future Perfect tense on EngVid?
Thank you for presenting complecated English grammar in such a simple way :)
Hi, thanks a lot Reberca for sharing some instructions :)
that is fantastic i got 100 out of 100. thank you for explanation and have a good time teacher.
hi reberca can i use without (when) for example like (what which and etc) in past simple and present perfect; oh ya one thing,what they are differne (past simple and simple past)its same maening?thank you
The way of teaching is very simple.thank you very much Reberca.have a great day.
Thanks for your very clear explanation, but I was not achieved to get the differences between “the last/next week/day/month etc.” and ” last/next week/day etc.”
My question ;Can using of “the ” article determinater of tense? Some books remark that if we use ” the ” tense must be simple past ; if not use article tense perfect .
Thanks in advance for your helps
Regards, Saygılarımla (Turkish)
hey, Rebecca. how i love to be here in this website. i learned a lot in regards of speaking english and it is a must for me to learn it, because i am an Education student. i mean a future educator and my subject is english. thanks a lot :) i do admire you:)
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
thank you teacher,this is was so helpful for me
and i want improve myself in English because this is my first year at University and i found so much difficult in grammar and pronunciation,so i want some advice from you for helping me .
thank you.
Thanks I really had more information thanks so much
Hi Rebecca, I like so much your teaching stile and your accent. Thank you!
Hi again, could you send us a lesson about all the tenses? I wish it so much, if it’s possible!
Hi. I have a question. I make a trip to USA. When I arrive in a HOTEL what is correct to say. Hi, I´ve just arrived and I would like a room or I just arrived and I would like a room? Thanks
hi every bady
thank you so much
Thanks a lot for this lesson Ms.Rebecca.
I got 10/10.
I do like the way you taught cause it’s clear.
This english lesson was useful for me. I feel that I’m improving my english with you. Thanks a lot!
i was a little bit confused of these tenses & now i wouldn’t be confused any more because your beautiful teaching has made it clear to me.thank you very much my dear teacher & i’m always thankful to you. :)
Hi Miss !
It was a good lesson for me. Well, Im from Peru.
Im studying english. I need to improve grammar.
Thanks !
Thank you very much and now i understood it very well this one was a bit confused until i watched this video
wow! i got it 10/10
thanks Mrs Rebecca thank you very much .
thank you mrs rebecca
Thank you so much.
thanx alotttttttttttt
that pretty much helped me …thank you and by the way , your way of teaching is just awesome
Rebecca you are such a good pedagogue, I wish I had such a good teachers in my education proces!
I have few doubts
1. What is different between
” I have done that task” And “I did that task”
2. “what did you said?” , “Did you got that concept ?” are these correct sentences ? Which is the tense of these sentences, when should we you this kinda tense ?
3 some time we use “do” or “did” in sentences
E.g what did you say ? Can we say it as what you said ? If yes then in which case we should use do and did ?
Please reply
thank u madam…i have a one question .when use the word do and does….???
Very interesting Rebecca :)
Thank you Rebecca I got 90%
Hello, Mrs. Rebecca.
I’ve just read an exact from “A Custom House Icident”, so I’m a little confused. There is the following sentence:
I have often wondered whether she …and so on
Why is there the Present Perfect Tense with often?
Best wishes, gustav2
coz often is habit something happened in the past but it still continue, maybe it will happened again tomorrow or today, and that is why we use present perfect
Thanks for your explanasion
Thank you so much. you helped me alot :)
this is a good explication, thanks
Thank you ma’am Rebecca, I got 10 / 10
Thank you Rebeka. This topic is a matter of proof.
Thank you Rebecca!
i got 10 out of 10 ^^* thank you so much dear teacher , you are the best.
Thank you! I finally understand now :D
thank you so much!! :D
please!! tell me the use of can,could,may,might,will would
Good lesson………..Thank you Rebeka.
Thank you , I got totally.
thank you i hope to be a professional teacher like you may you help me to know the difference between(I have worked here for 3 years)and (I have been working here for 3 years)
Thank u for your help
Wowww… You are really good Rebecca!! It’s the first time in all my life that I really seen the difference between both sentences. Now I will practice. Thank you so much!
I have problem with present perfect.Because it is confusing.
When I write the sentence like:
1.Eng hasn’t been touched a snake. This sentence is not correct,and why we don’t use been in this sentence????
Thank you Rebeca,
10/10 Thanks Rebecca! You are the best teacher! More advanced lessons please!
i got 100 :D
Ms.Rebbeca thank you very much for that lesson.
thank you
Excuse me Rebbeca but i didn’t understand some points in this lesson, firstly most of these sentences are passive, secondly i everywhere read that after been goes preposition to, for example: I have been to Toronto, How long have you been to Toronto.Am i mistaken?
thank you for explanation
Thanks Rebbecca you are an amazing teacher!!!!
Thanks Miss Rebecca, very helpful videos.
madam. can we say “how long have you married?” without adding BEEN??
thanks for all your efforts. could you show me the difference between “award” and “reward” ?
It was really good subject my friends and I really thank you very much god bless you
Thank you very much Miss Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca and thanks for the lesson.
What are the time markers for the present perfect?
Hi Rebecca.I have a question,we do we use “been” in present perfect?I mean what’s difference between the questions:
1.How long have you married?
2.How long have you been married?
I thought we use “been” only in present perfect continuous,could you help me please?
thank you
Mam, I have 1 specific doubt.
Here are 2 senteces.
The movie released on friday(simple past)
The movie has released on friday(present perfect).
Can you please tell me the difference between the 2 sentences?
When did you retire? Does this mean, now he is not retired? He was retired in the past. Thanks
Thank you Rebecca.
I understood very well and I got 100 out of 100. Thank u Ms.Rebecca for ur effort :)
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! Good lesson! :)
I know i’m late but really TANK you T.Rebecca for this a good lesson
thanks indeed Rebecca
hello rebecca ..i get 100 .:)
Thanks Rebecca!
urmm.. could you please add more quizzes and make them harder? Thanks again!
thais is so cool
i have 10/10
Perfect score, thanks
Thanks very much Mam Rebecca I got 100% when I got 100% I become very glad.
When did you start to watch lessons on engVid?
How long have you been watching lessons on engVid?
I got 10/10
Miss Rebecca You are the best !
I’ve gor 100%
Thank uuuuuuuuuuu Rebecca :)
Thank you very much for this additional lesson to understand the differences between these two tenses. You’re a great teacher :)
Teacher, can i ask why it’s always been “passive” in “COndition-present perf question”
EX: How long have you been married?
Why can’t we use ” How long have you married?”
Can you teach me where the discrepancy is? Thank you!
Thanks I have learned about past simple and present perfect
Good lesson
I got 9 out of 10
Thank you very much Miss Rebecca
Thanks for the nice score..i think i understand this topic…:)
Great Lesson !!!. Thanks
Guys can someone explain me this please, on the quiz there was one question like this “When did she have the baby?” Don’t you use “have” only in plural ? At some point I thought that there is should be “has” instead of have. P.S. Thank you so much Dear Rebecca for this lesson. It was really helpful and easy to understand.
Hi Ms Rebecca,,, i got 100, thank you very much for this informative lecture:)
Hi~ Rebecca.
You lessons are clear and concise.
So i’ve become a big fan of you~*^^*
And i want to know about difference between present perfect and present perfect countinues tense.
Have a nice day♥
Thanks Rebecca,how long have you been teaching?
Thanks you Rebecca for your clear explanations !!
that’s a great lesson. I want you to tell me how can I make A comparison between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous.
Thank you very much!
Thank you for this lesson
Thanks Rebeca, so great your class.
Thanks Rebeca 10/10 *_*
10/10 !!!
thank you so much Rebecca ;)
Hi teacher !
I’m little confusing some about that, so help me please?
When has the watchman started work ? is that correct right? In the other hand, there have this sentence in Past Simple. When did the watchman start work? I think this one is correct too. So how can I see for both of them’s differences ? Help me all students and teachers please! :)
Thank You!
10/10, so easy.
So, let’s make sentences for practice more about the topic.
God Bless!
I wish if you could make the lesson more harder to be more understood.
thank you
Thank xx. What is the deferment between he has gone and he has been please I need your help miss Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca. 10/10
The quiz has been very easy!
Thank’s Rebecca
Rebecca, I’m Brazilian and I speak the Portuguese Language, which is very different.
In the Portuguese language which is spoken in Portugal they use the Present Perfect A Lot.
“Tenho estado a trabalhar há horas.”
” I have worked for hours.”
And they also have the Present Perfect Continuous:
” I have been working for hours.”
but here we have a problem because we don’t use
it the way the Portuguese do in Portugal.
We use a Present tense + gerund.
“Estou trabalhando há horas.”
Which translated into English is exactly:
” I have been working for hours.”
So, we have this tense that,although spoken
wrongly in Brazil, makes it easier for us in Brazil to understand these two English tenses.
I think it’s the same as in American English.
They the use Present Perfect: I have lost my keys.”
Have you seen them?”
or Past Simple : I lost my keys. Did you see
I prefer to use the Present Perfect rather than
use the Past Simple.
It sounds better!
The Portuguese language is beautiful, and has
a vast vocabulary, but the thing is Brazilians
in general, don’t like to study our Language.
It’s difficult, of course, but it’s worthy
studying it.
Sorry for having written so much!
Thank you so much! very well… 100 You got 10 correct out of 10.
I got 10/10
nice class keep it up
Thanc you very much.
Thanks for ur teach
Thanks a lot
Thanc you very much.
Great Lesson
Cool!!! it’s so easy… i got 100….thank you for your nice lesson
Rebecca, I really like your lessons. They improve my English so much. Thank you for your brillant work.
I’m a little confused about the verb “work” in this last lesson. Why can’t I say “I have been worked…?”
I’ll be very happy if you can answer me. Tkx a lot!
Dear Rebecca Mam,
I got 10 out of 10 but I have some doubts in it.
The sentence “When did she have the baby” can be asked as, When did she had/has the baby.
Similarly the sentence “How long has she lived in India” can be asked as, How long she have lived in India
Dear Rebecca,
Great, I got 10 correct out 10. Superb lesson simple and clear. Thank.
Best regards.
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Congratulations Rebecca you are really wonderful teacher!
Thank you! It’s clear now :)
Itood was very good explanation. I have understood this meaning and i hope i did not forget about this topics.
it was very good explanation.
Dear Rebecca,
I’ve got a question.
I want to know why the time is not important when we use the present perfect.
Why can’t I say “I’ve been to the U.S.A in 2010.” ?
It is a life experience that started and ended in the past and at the same time it is related to the present time in someway. However, I want to specify the moment.
Let’s consider this situation:
A: We are going to the U.S.A next Friday.
B: I have been to Uncle Sam’s Country in 2010.
My trip is an event which started and ended in the past (finished time), but it is connected to the present (unfinished time), because the elocutionist believes that this event is relevant to the moment of focus.
Thank you very much in advance.
Thank you very much
I got 10/10 , I understood your lesson
It was so simple to understand, tks!
Thank you so much.
thanks rebecca so much
Excellent explanation!
I got ten questions. Excellent explanation.
Thanks Miss. Rebecca.I use the past simple when the action is finished and I use the present perfect when I speak about a condition and there is a match between the past and the present
Thank you Rebecca, you are amazing when you explain the lessons I understand you a lot… please can you help me for the times perfect and continuous there is many!!!! my weakest point in english is grammar..????
Hi Rebecca ! I’m listening yours lessons for a long time ! But I don’t understend WHAT is the sicret of your … exersizies lessons ??? Your explaning is sOO Good … what … I havn’t words !!!!!!!! You are the Best teacher in the world !!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you very much !!!!!! )
Hey Rebeca
Very good your class about this subject.
Actually between past and perfect.
Thanks a lot
Good presentation. is there any another quiz available.
Thank you very much.
Great! thanks a lot
Hi Rebecca I have one doubt about this lesson.
For example if I say I’ve been married for ten years it means I’m still married?
If i want to say I was married for ten years and I’m not married anymore, can I say the same sentence I’ve been married for ten years?
ty miss rebeca u r the best
10/10 – yeeeaaa:)
thanks for lesson!
Thanks a lot. 10/10. Very clear explanation !
Thanks for interesting lesson ,Mrs Rebbeca !One question :How long have you been “to ” or “in “Toronto? Best regards from Ukraine
thank you so much
its very useful for me.
Thank you, Rebecca for this amazing video … you’re so easy on explain something which are very hard to me .. the verbs … NOW I get 100% in the test about it … I couldn’t never imagined
Thank you Rebecca, I’m almost done watching your video’s in one week.
Perhaps Engvid can make a “next video” of “next quiz” option? When i’m done with the video i must go back and search where i was, i think an option like that will make it more easier.
This is very nice video I understood how ask question I want to know how would be answer of below question. could you give me answer please ?
When did you get married ?
How long have you been married ?
Thank you!!!
very good explanation
thank you Rebecca
Thank you, dear Rebecca!
Thanks for this lesson. I think that it helped me so much.
Thank you a lot, ms. Rebecca! I jut have watched both of your present perfect videos, and I hope it’s becoming more clearly to me.
Hi rebecca… long have you been thought English classes.
I already watched “how to ask questions in past simple” vid and my question is, why here you add -ed in questions ?
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca!
Hi Rebecaa,
First, Please accept my sincere thanks for helping me with the very informative English lessons.
These lessons boosting my confidence.
I need help to understand the below sentence which i got wrong in the Quiz.
How long has she lived in India?
Actually i am unable to understand how it could be present perfect. I suspect that the inquiry is about someone who lived in India for a duration in past, but not living currently. Please correct my understanding.
thank you
Hi Rebecaa
Please l want yor emil if you dont mind
Thank you
T just scored 10/10, Thanks mam for your support, Greetings from Farrukhabad, India
I just scored 10/10, Thanks mam for your support, Greetings from Farrukhabad, India
Thank you!!!
thank you so much Rebecce .I have a question . well can I say in the present perfect.* from* how long you have been awake
Dear Ms. Rebecce, Thank you very much for the excellent lesson.
Would you please let me know how could I improve my grammar? my email add is
Appreciate your reply/feedback.
Thanks Rebbeca
Your teaching always very clearly ? Thank you so much Ma Rebecca
thanks again. it’s 100
Ma’am Rebecca I really like your style in teaching. You’re my fave teacher here on
10 out of 10
The right way to talk is to know the grammer
Thanks Rebecca
I got more information ,, helpful to be improved my english
thank u so much :)
10out od 10))
Thank you Rebecca
This pass simple and present perfect is a hard concept to get down!
Thank you So much Rebbeca for an nother English lesson 10 of 10.
Thank you So much Rebbeca for an nother English lesson 10 of 10.
Thanks Rebecca for this lesson and clarify.
I keep on watching your lesson whenever i have time and a lot.
Amazing explanation on this video! Thanks!
good teacher
Thank you so much Rebecca I got 10 correct out of 10
Thanks very much
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you…
10\10 amazing thanks a lot Rebecca
amazing lessons…thanks a lot
Hi Rebecca, Thank you for your lesson about Past Simple and Present Perfect Tense.
This video answered My question about Present Perfect Progressive Tense for “Marry” in Emma lesson
But, still I have some trouble on using both Present Perfect and Present Perfect Progressive,
The formula I got from Benjamin Vid and Emma Vid are:
Present Perfect = Subject + Has/Have + P.P
Present Perfect Progressive = Subject + Has/Have + Been + V-ing
But I saw some samples in your video that “Has/Have Been + P.P”
Can you please explain? I am quite confuse about the formula.
Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca. It’s an excellent explanation!
thanks teacher :) “i did it 100”
very nice but i need more videos about
hi! miss rebecca , i m so glad that i understand your lesson ,and thank you for tip of how to understand of it,,, present perfect,past perfect of differences ,,
very good lesson .i have 100 scores.thanks
Dear Rebecca, I love your lessons and I hope we all can use the language to understand each other.
I look forward to learn and wish you the best :-)
I got 10/10. Thank you Rebecca!
Good Morning , I love all your lessons but I would like to be able to find the transcripts so I can use them to teach my students.
Where can I find the transcripts?
Thank you and regards
If you go on YouTube, you can see the transcript for the video.This is how to display it.
Hi Rebecca where can I find your reply to my questions?
Thank you
I got 100! =D
Thanks a lot for this class!
Got 9/10. Will try harder next time.
Thank you
oh… it’s very simple. 10/10
Thank you it’s very simple 10/10
ngal ngal i got 100 lol…
I’m so happy Rebecca for teach , I got 100% is the first time I ‘m realy happy
I always have problems dealing with perfect tenses, but your class is easy to understand and follow it.
Rebecca Thanks for another great class!
I do not use Present Perfect tense correctly. Could you please guide me I want to learn this tense in detail.
Got 10 correct out of 10
Than you Rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca.
10 out of 10!!!
Hello,dear rebecca I have a question plz.there is a sentence in the quiz written(how long have u been in the hospital )why in the hospital despite,the hospital is a specificplace why is not at the hospital? ?? Please reply because I get confused
10/10 Thank you very much, Rebecca!
thank you so mush Rebecca give me better understanding
of past tense and perfect tense
I enjoyed the refresher course. Thank you
Hi Rebecka,
Thank you for your lessons. You are a great English teacher. You perfectly explain the rules of English grammar. You convey knowledge in an understandable way. Cool ! After each of your lessons, I want to watch the next one. Thank you. Małgorzata from Poland :)
Thanks mam Rebeca
for your initiative to get that.
Great lesson! Great teacher! Thanks a lot.
Thanks Teacher Rebecca. Now I’m understanding the diference between these two types of sentences.
I almost getting perfect about your lesson, thank you very much, Ma’am Rebecca, for your lesson and I really happy
I watched this video twice on July 01, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Got one 1 wrong, great lesson. Thanks a lot.
Hello dear teacher!
Thanks for your classes, it really helps to improve English.
I got 10 correct out of 10, I am happy.
Nice class. Thank you.
Wow great lesson
I have no words to express your way of teaching say only thanks thousand times although it s not enough…
Thank you teacher Rebeca!!!
How long have you been teaching English?
Thanks my Dear Teacher Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca
thank you teacher i get 100
How long have I beenlearning egglish?
Thanks my teacher
thanks a lot
Love the way to teach, Rebeca. Im learning so much!!
Regards, from Dominican Republic
Hi Rebecca,
thank you so much for the excellent lessons. I want like improve my english also my speaking. Do you have some advise for me? Do you know any teachers who can help me to practice my speaking for example about zoom-meetings. I would be very happy if you hepl me with dies wish.
Thank you very much