Learn how to master the meaning and usage of modals. This grammar lesson will teach you how to express possibility, prohibition, ability, necessity, and more with the appropriate modals.
Topnotch! I like the method. it really works with the P.A.N. system, but I’m wondering when the completed version of S.E.A.M. will be available, I’m also looking forward to having the next part of the lesson on effective writing. You did the intro. but how about the body and conclusion! Saludos desde BOLIVIA!
No quiz but a very nice shirt! Where did you buy it?
:) Yes, Mauro, you’re right :)–the shirt is nice and there is no quiz. Anyway, thank you, James, your methods are always so extraordinary! Can’t wait to see your other videos about the SEAM method.
exuse me alice12 do you know where are James from please could you tell me please? you know? thanx
Hi engstudent! As I know most of the teachers here are from Canada. But I think it’s better to ask them right on this site or on their page on facebook. I mean the page of engvid.
then u refer that all the teacher ere from canada? well thanks for anwwer me
thanks very much alice12 helpfull page thank you very much realy I have a question: ¿do you are realy from RUSSIA??????? take care
hey! alice12 how I know that you are from Russia mmm????????????
Yeah, I’m really from Russia :).
hi american
dragon jack522@5
he bought it somewhere
Your lession is good but it should have better if included some example sentences
James good lesson you are a good teacher please could you tell me where are you from please XD :)I love your lessons
You don’t like his lessons, but you like him, and his shirt :) Am I right??? :D
what did u say? its for me this message?????????
Yeah, this message is just for you. . . Are you male or female???
Im male. but you know where are james from? could you to tell me please? take care
I really don’t know, but he is probably from USA or CANADA, and what city does he live, also don’t know. I think when he sees this comment, he will answer you :)
whats a loser!
He’s form China!!!you can tell by his accent!!! Gosh, I can’t believe this shit!!!
where is the quiz ????
i love to learn grammer.cuz i am a high school girl.i am 12 years old :)
Hi, where are you from dear??????
Where is the quiz??
Hi James, all your lessons are very good, fun and really useful. Unfortunately, I am learning at school where our teacher doesn’t explain us a lot of things! Could you tell me the main difference between American English and British English, thank you!
P.S. your site is fantastic and all teachers are very good.
Just a question. I guess the past form of ‘I’m able to do this’ is ‘I was able to do that’ and not ‘I would be able to do that’. I think ‘I would be able to do it if…’ puts a condition in the present. Am I getting it right?
So under the heading ‘possibility’ the past form of ‘will be able to’ is ‘was/were able to’.
hello Emily,
he said that the past form of( will be able to do that) is ( would be able to do that) that’s because the past form of WILL is WOULD…
otherwise, if we have to talk about the past ability we can say for instance ” we were able to do something so on.
takwa wanderlust
Thank You very much james.
Your very good teacher James .
It,s a very uesful lesson.but no quiz ,why,it need a quiz.At all thanks James.
thanks jaime for your leson 1 like how you teach your lesons1 know my englih is not very well but 1 try to learn
thanks james, i really excited when you’ve taught us. most of the engvid teacher, you are the best teacher for me, but the other teachers are great too. love you all.
style boy
what a good explanation, you have just made it easy to understand. the mnemonic is pretty useful!!!!
Juan Manuel
you are great
congratulations from greece!
Bro, has anybody ever told you that you’re funny. You are a pain in the ass. My true respects to Alex. You suck!!
Incredibile! And you are an English teatcher?! But at the university, no-one ever explained you that the choice of words is as important as the idea? Which credibility do you think you have with this comment? You have the right not to appreciate the lesson but how dare you speaking is this way ? I wish one day one of your students would speak to you like that …
Well,when you open your mind and you stop being ignorant,you’ll allowed yourself the oppurtunity to get rid of your biases,released your prejudices,stop being sexist and not being racist.
And here’s the deal,you can still not like people;no ones taking that from you.That’s the privilege for being human..I don’t like you! but at least you will do it from the position of being knowledgeable.
I want take some private lessons… Is that possible? just you and me? I’m still in love with you :-) lol
hai plz forward your english meterial grammer speak english books
Thanks for your lesson
Duy Quy
I like it
“He is to go”
I have trouble understanding this sentence! would you mind explaining ??
i really like your way of teaching i want to say thanks to all the teachers who are providing us very good lessons lots of people are learning through your website
hi please help me out,i am applying for studying in UK,almost all the universities ask you to submit a Statement of purpose or personal statement…..it includes your academic background.what have you studied?where?how long?explain why u want to study overseas?your professional goals etc,please could you help me out how to take start an what steps should i follow.i will be obliged.
you are a good teacher continued
He is to go. (he is willing to go)
He has to go. (a place that he is not willing go but need to go)
You are a great teacher.
thank you James ^^ funny and nice lesson . I like it very much ~~~this method ~~
what is different bewteen must and have to ?
must is more informal than have to..
You should use must when you have a specific or personal obligation:
I must go out because I’m late.
I must learn English. It’s important to me.
You should use have to in perfect tenses, general and external obligations like rules and laws
I have to wear a shirt and a tie at work (rule)
Hope it helps you:)
thank you
James can you speak after finishing your work
good lesson
nice method
and so on
Hi James,
as far as modals are concerned, I have a question for you. I’d like to know the difference between MUST and HAVE TO when talking about school rules. Is it better to use MUST or HAVE TO?
For example:
Students must keep silent during tests. / Students have to be silent during tests.
Students must be on time. / Students have to be on time.
And so on, and so on.
The examples above come from authorities at school, but they’re also about rules.
Which is better, I wonder?
Thanks a lot.
Ernesto Franzoso
Maybe I can help you. “Must” is used when the rule comes from an authority and it is expressed in a formal way, whereas “Have to” is an informal way to say the same. For instance, there’s a sign in the library saying “Students must return the books in 24 hs” (The message comes from a superior authority). If a friend of yours asked you how much time he has to give the books back to the library, you’ll probably reply saying that he has to give them back in 24 hs. I hope I were clear enough…and let’s wait for James to answer your question. Regards, Regina
Hey James! Your lessons are really usefull. Thanks a lot for your support. I really appreciate it!
Very nice lesson, thanks a lot man.
I really liked your method of teaching. I can be more understanding by this method. Thanks.
Hi James, good work, keep it up. I’m looking forward to having the next part of the lesson on effective writing. You did the intro. but how about the body and conclusion!
Namaste from India.Vj
that so esy way to understand
alnaji ismail
bye the way where is the quiz ????
alnaji ismail
hi.i am new here.very pleasere hear you.i want find more frends who interested by english.thaks for evrethings/
sir james i am really thankful to god that i found you. you are really a best teacher that i ever known. i am very poor in english please correct me if i get wrong.
Wat`s difference between Have to & Have got to. Can you explain.
You are crazy James. And this makes your lessons stand out from other teachers’ and more interesting to watch. Let Mr.E forgive me but I love you more than him:)))
There is no quiz on such a difficult topic:( I’m crying
write me about your question
Hi James, im a little bit confused with can and could. So what’s the difference between I can help you and I could help you? I know can is present and could is past. Can you please explain further? thanks…
thank you mate
thank you Mr James, you have a good method. but you speak quikly like you talk with english natif’s. altough we are not.anywehre i will be able to understand you.
we learn alot but where is the quiz…
nice shirt
hello the lessons are good but remember you are teaching english to people who have not ability to speak and understand english well i would like you espeak a litle more slowly thanks..GOD bless you.
hey James
could u pls spk slowly ?
thanks alot
could you provide us with to chick understanding
Hi, I couldn’t find S of Seam method. Can you give me the link guys if you know?
thank you Sir James…! i like your style of teaching..
No quiz! Sorry
Great Job James ……….And T h a n k Y o u
hi everyone
Dilawar Khan
Hello,James.Would you please tell us what the difference is between “necessity and obligation and which modal we use.
really grear job
Thank you :D
Hi,James.could yuo please,tell us when do we use must have /can’t have /might have to explain possibilties ? Thanks in advance .
James, you are great!) And me personally think, that your method seam is called so, because you wanted special thinking from viewers (logic plus association, which could connect all said by you in one SEAM, which helps join our understanding of material together)))) Great job!!
Great approach of explanation
hey james you way of teaching is different and i like this vedio and thanks.
I am not sure about the jokes…..but I like news ideas to help others to learn
Very helpful lesson! You are a great teacher.
nice ,very good lessons to learn
thank you
hey!!!! brother thank so much!!!! I’ve learned so LOT from this video.,Its really a good one…KEEP IT UP…Can’t wait to see your new video…
Hey, there is not quiz, I´m feeling blue for it.
I love James way of teaching. Fun, lively and easy to understand. Thanx Bro!
thanks you are greet
its easy and fun goahead
thank you are best teacher
hi thanks you :P
Thanks for the important and nice describe of the MODALS
like your lessons.you are my favorite teacher)
Thanks for the lesson ,it’s such good one
Thank you James, it’s very clear :)
hi james,
your lecture was good,,but a bit confusing at the same time.
You told that,’could’ is the past of ‘can’,’might’ of ‘may’ and ‘would’ of ‘will’ respectively.But in other lectures,you had also told that could is used for possibility/suggestion(which is a future in fact),would for imaginary(again future),might for possibility(again future).Then how can these words be used as past of ‘can’,’will’ and ‘may’?
are these words- could,would and might used in present also?
I didn’t get the exact tense of these words.could you please explain.
I’m so confused now.
Give me a reply soon please….:)
Thank you :)
Hi Regina.In my opinion, it’s not question of formal or infomal for the modal “must” the synonym “have to ” is given to the modal”must” so that we can put it in the past form .It”s impossible to put the the modal “must ” in the past tense
Hi James,
Good lesson and great tips. However, it sometime makes it difficult in real essay writing because modals can be very close to each other.
I have understood this lesson and hope to apply it correctly as possible.
At last, your are funny too.
great work james. thank u very much
NEZAR from Morocco
james…teach us about conjunctions please:(
where is the quiz
There’s no quiz for this lesson!
engVid Moderator
Hi James, Thanks. From where I should get the quiz for this lesson?
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh god he’s kind of crazy hhhhhhh
Thanks for your lesson, James. I have one question. If we say “I could meet you at the airport”, the sentence has two possible meanings: 1. I could – in the past. 2. I will be able to meet you, 60-70% sure. Is that right?
nice one!
Simply thanks for all your effort, free lessons and your precision.
You, teachers are very valuable.
Thank you for taking the time and effort to do this. Your lessons are engaging, I like your jokes and the creative and graphic ways you use to present the contents. Having thought Spanish as a Foreign Language I know how demanding and difficult it can be to turn grammar concepts from sleep-inducing talk into something that people can listen attentively to for 16minutes straight. Great work.
For those of you insulting him, well, I dare you to make it better. This is a free gift to help you learning English, not paid lessons.If you don’t like it move on or go trolling elsewhere
looking forward for next lecture regarding this topic
Thanks for your efforts , please add some more examples.
I LIKES yours lesson
Its really helpful. I were expecting some quiz on this.
Hello James, please explain me what is the difference between possibility and ability:)
now that you have come you___as well stay. which of the below is the correct option.
a.can b.should c.need d.may
option d.
I think I am in love with him…
I love how you teach, you make things easier. thank you!♥
Hey ! James you are Gr8 man ! They way teach is really awesome. All teachers’s here are superb ! God Bless you all.
All of you are the real “GURUS”.
Take care
I feel happy because today I understand more about Modals
Thanks for your passion to teach us James! I can notice that more than you methodology.
This is the Video I was looking for……Thank you James..
Thank you very much.
hi,not only great is the SEAM method but also the teaching method of Mr.James..the way he teaches,is realy helpful and splendid.THANK YOU SO MUCH
It was a great HI 5 to the E. worm ;)
Absolutely funny.
Hi james. Well… i cant find the quiz??? Where is it???
Jaja I can’t see the quiz where’s?…
Thank you Batm…ehm James,James!
You are really great.
Piyush Sangwan
ur teaching is so enjoyable, i enjoy the way u teach i really do!
Wow, thank you for PAN method.
Excellent, thank you James.
Many thanks, it’s Great Lesson! you have the ability to teach:)
Many Thanks!
Can I use your videos to help my students to be more efficient with modals dear James??
where is the quiz for this video ?
it has being a helpful lesson!
Where is the video of the M? to Make Lo.co suggestions.
with all due respect mr.james, i’m still confused about >possibilities among could,may,might,which one is stronger to possible ? ex. we could stay here longer
we might stay here longer &
we may stay her longer
i’m hoping your reply ,thanks :-)
LOL, you are a funny guy. I highly appreciate what you have been taught.
we write like this sim ?
Yeah, that’s right!!! Most people are complaining we can’t find the quiz!!! Please, reply to us!!! :)
I’ve really mastered Modals!!! Thanx!
Does anybody know if there is a video lesson about “make lo.co sugestions”???
I could not find that one
Hey James, your teaching is incredibly good!!! You’re amazing!!!
Thank you man!Your teaching help me a lot. I’ve been wondering what method I will use in my demo teaching for this topic. I guess I will just imitate yours :-)
Thank you for lesson , but where I can found the test for this lesson .
James, your lessons incredible and very useful)
each lesson as a small performance=) Thank you very much)))
with ONE lesson a no-native English is able to learn the difference between modal verbs in a while. I asking myself … why did I find this site after a lot of years lost in WEB, searching for someone so easy to understand!!??
Dear James, you open a world of POSSIBILITIES with your ABILITY in teaching English,filling our NECESSITY in learning and giving so many ADVICES. These classes give us PERMISSION to so large amount of knowledge.
I’ve been watching these lessons at least two to three times to better understand all this info, but it helps!!
where is the quiz??????????/
alexandre ramos
where’s the quiz
good work
What about the construction “be to”. Does it express the neccesity?
I love your sistem! now all is clear for me ! :)
where is the quiz?
James is great as usually. But we are keeping a tiny hope to have a quizzz …
It’s a good choice to review modal verbs and what are their meanings with the rules PAN: Possibility, Permission and Prohibition, Ability and Advice, and Necessity, that is 3,2,1 logically in order. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, it was a funny and amusing lesson.
Thanks Engvid’s teachers for help us learn English.
I like to know a lot of peoples around world learning English for free. Thank you very much.
Flanildo from Brazil
Thamks Engvid for help us
there is no quiz :(, btw I loved the lesson, thanks Mr James!
Good lesson, thanks.
James, you are the best! I adore your lessons.
Future Chemist
Any way thank for lesson …can you stop your action because it is interrupt my attention
What’s the difference between “may” and “might”?
Leonardo Matos
And where’s the quiz you’ve mentioned?
Leonardo Matos
Great,James,you are the best.
Janice chen
thanks, woo there is no quiz today.
Great lesson thanks
Thank you for the lesson, but the quiz is not uploaded.
greatest work
nabila maskri
It was great lesson i learned a lot. By the way it’s my first video lesson i like engvid alot it’s the best
what is different bewteen must and have to ?
Thank you very much James. Now it makes sense to me.
Good lesson again.But could you tell us where is the quiz? You said here would be the quiz.
You shouldn’t have lain.
Is there any quiz to practice modals?
hareem khan
Where can I find the quiz for this lesson?
I don’t like this teacher, He is silly not funny at all
I cannot find part 4 from SEAM method (the M). Can anybody help me, please?
Hello Mr James,
I wanna ask if we could have a time with you to just speak in order to improve our speaking, I mean Speaking club.
Thank you.
Learn English for free with 2149 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Topnotch! I like the method. it really works with the P.A.N. system, but I’m wondering when the completed version of S.E.A.M. will be available, I’m also looking forward to having the next part of the lesson on effective writing. You did the intro. but how about the body and conclusion! Saludos desde BOLIVIA!
No quiz but a very nice shirt! Where did you buy it?
:) Yes, Mauro, you’re right :)–the shirt is nice and there is no quiz. Anyway, thank you, James, your methods are always so extraordinary! Can’t wait to see your other videos about the SEAM method.
exuse me alice12 do you know where are James from please could you tell me please? you know? thanx
Hi engstudent! As I know most of the teachers here are from Canada. But I think it’s better to ask them right on this site or on their page on facebook. I mean the page of engvid.
then u refer that all the teacher ere from canada? well thanks for anwwer me
Hi engstudent! There is some information about all the teachers here: https://www.engvid.com/teachers/.
thanks very much alice12 helpfull page thank you very much realy I have a question: ¿do you are realy from RUSSIA??????? take care
hey! alice12 how I know that you are from Russia mmm????????????
Yeah, I’m really from Russia :).
hi american
he bought it somewhere
Your lession is good but it should have better if included some example sentences
James good lesson you are a good teacher please could you tell me where are you from please XD :)I love your lessons
You don’t like his lessons, but you like him, and his shirt :) Am I right??? :D
what did u say? its for me this message?????????
Yeah, this message is just for you. . . Are you male or female???
Im male. but you know where are james from? could you to tell me please? take care
I really don’t know, but he is probably from USA or CANADA, and what city does he live, also don’t know. I think when he sees this comment, he will answer you :)
whats a loser!
He’s form China!!!you can tell by his accent!!! Gosh, I can’t believe this shit!!!
where is the quiz ????
i love to learn grammer.cuz i am a high school girl.i am 12 years old :)
Hi, where are you from dear??????
Where is the quiz??
Hi James, all your lessons are very good, fun and really useful. Unfortunately, I am learning at school where our teacher doesn’t explain us a lot of things! Could you tell me the main difference between American English and British English, thank you!
P.S. your site is fantastic and all teachers are very good.
Just a question. I guess the past form of ‘I’m able to do this’ is ‘I was able to do that’ and not ‘I would be able to do that’. I think ‘I would be able to do it if…’ puts a condition in the present. Am I getting it right?
So under the heading ‘possibility’ the past form of ‘will be able to’ is ‘was/were able to’.
hello Emily,
he said that the past form of( will be able to do that) is ( would be able to do that) that’s because the past form of WILL is WOULD…
otherwise, if we have to talk about the past ability we can say for instance ” we were able to do something so on.
Thank You very much james.
Your very good teacher James .
It,s a very uesful lesson.but no quiz ,why,it need a quiz.At all thanks James.
thanks jaime for your leson 1 like how you teach your lesons1 know my englih is not very well but 1 try to learn
thanks james, i really excited when you’ve taught us. most of the engvid teacher, you are the best teacher for me, but the other teachers are great too. love you all.
what a good explanation, you have just made it easy to understand. the mnemonic is pretty useful!!!!
you are great
congratulations from greece!
Bro, has anybody ever told you that you’re funny. You are a pain in the ass. My true respects to Alex. You suck!!
Incredibile! And you are an English teatcher?! But at the university, no-one ever explained you that the choice of words is as important as the idea? Which credibility do you think you have with this comment? You have the right not to appreciate the lesson but how dare you speaking is this way ? I wish one day one of your students would speak to you like that …
Well,when you open your mind and you stop being ignorant,you’ll allowed yourself the oppurtunity to get rid of your biases,released your prejudices,stop being sexist and not being racist.
And here’s the deal,you can still not like people;no ones taking that from you.That’s the privilege for being human..I don’t like you! but at least you will do it from the position of being knowledgeable.
I want take some private lessons… Is that possible? just you and me? I’m still in love with you :-) lol
hai plz forward your english meterial grammer speak english books
Thanks for your lesson
I like it
“He is to go”
I have trouble understanding this sentence! would you mind explaining ??
i really like your way of teaching i want to say thanks to all the teachers who are providing us very good lessons lots of people are learning through your website
hi please help me out,i am applying for studying in UK,almost all the universities ask you to submit a Statement of purpose or personal statement…..it includes your academic background.what have you studied?where?how long?explain why u want to study overseas?your professional goals etc,please could you help me out how to take start an what steps should i follow.i will be obliged.
you are a good teacher continued
He is to go. (he is willing to go)
He has to go. (a place that he is not willing go but need to go)
You are a great teacher.
thank you James ^^ funny and nice lesson . I like it very much ~~~this method ~~
what is different bewteen must and have to ?
must is more informal than have to..
You should use must when you have a specific or personal obligation:
I must go out because I’m late.
I must learn English. It’s important to me.
You should use have to in perfect tenses, general and external obligations like rules and laws
I have to wear a shirt and a tie at work (rule)
Hope it helps you:)
thank you
James can you speak after finishing your work
good lesson
nice method
and so on
Hi James,
as far as modals are concerned, I have a question for you. I’d like to know the difference between MUST and HAVE TO when talking about school rules. Is it better to use MUST or HAVE TO?
For example:
Students must keep silent during tests. / Students have to be silent during tests.
Students must be on time. / Students have to be on time.
And so on, and so on.
The examples above come from authorities at school, but they’re also about rules.
Which is better, I wonder?
Thanks a lot.
Maybe I can help you. “Must” is used when the rule comes from an authority and it is expressed in a formal way, whereas “Have to” is an informal way to say the same. For instance, there’s a sign in the library saying “Students must return the books in 24 hs” (The message comes from a superior authority). If a friend of yours asked you how much time he has to give the books back to the library, you’ll probably reply saying that he has to give them back in 24 hs. I hope I were clear enough…and let’s wait for James to answer your question. Regards, Regina
Hey James! Your lessons are really usefull. Thanks a lot for your support. I really appreciate it!
Very nice lesson, thanks a lot man.
I really liked your method of teaching. I can be more understanding by this method. Thanks.
Hi James, good work, keep it up. I’m looking forward to having the next part of the lesson on effective writing. You did the intro. but how about the body and conclusion!
Namaste from India.Vj
that so esy way to understand
bye the way where is the quiz ????
hi.i am new here.very pleasere hear you.i want find more frends who interested by english.thaks for evrethings/
sir james i am really thankful to god that i found you. you are really a best teacher that i ever known. i am very poor in english please correct me if i get wrong.
Wat`s difference between Have to & Have got to. Can you explain.
You are crazy James. And this makes your lessons stand out from other teachers’ and more interesting to watch. Let Mr.E forgive me but I love you more than him:)))
There is no quiz on such a difficult topic:( I’m crying
write me about your question
Hi James, im a little bit confused with can and could. So what’s the difference between I can help you and I could help you? I know can is present and could is past. Can you please explain further? thanks…
thank you mate
thank you Mr James, you have a good method. but you speak quikly like you talk with english natif’s. altough we are not.anywehre i will be able to understand you.
we learn alot but where is the quiz…
nice shirt
hello the lessons are good but remember you are teaching english to people who have not ability to speak and understand english well i would like you espeak a litle more slowly thanks..GOD bless you.
hey James
could u pls spk slowly ?
thanks alot
could you provide us with to chick understanding
Hi, I couldn’t find S of Seam method. Can you give me the link guys if you know?
thank you Sir James…! i like your style of teaching..
No quiz! Sorry
Great Job James ……….And T h a n k Y o u
hi everyone
Hello,James.Would you please tell us what the difference is between “necessity and obligation and which modal we use.
really grear job
Thank you :D
Hi,James.could yuo please,tell us when do we use must have /can’t have /might have to explain possibilties ? Thanks in advance .
James, you are great!) And me personally think, that your method seam is called so, because you wanted special thinking from viewers (logic plus association, which could connect all said by you in one SEAM, which helps join our understanding of material together)))) Great job!!
Great approach of explanation
hey james you way of teaching is different and i like this vedio and thanks.
I am not sure about the jokes…..but I like news ideas to help others to learn
Very helpful lesson! You are a great teacher.
nice ,very good lessons to learn
thank you
hey!!!! brother thank so much!!!! I’ve learned so LOT from this video.,Its really a good one…KEEP IT UP…Can’t wait to see your new video…
Hey, there is not quiz, I´m feeling blue for it.
I love James way of teaching. Fun, lively and easy to understand. Thanx Bro!
thanks you are greet
its easy and fun goahead
thank you are best teacher
hi thanks you :P
Thanks for the important and nice describe of the MODALS
like your lessons.you are my favorite teacher)
Thanks for the lesson ,it’s such good one
Thank you James, it’s very clear :)
hi james,
your lecture was good,,but a bit confusing at the same time.
You told that,’could’ is the past of ‘can’,’might’ of ‘may’ and ‘would’ of ‘will’ respectively.But in other lectures,you had also told that could is used for possibility/suggestion(which is a future in fact),would for imaginary(again future),might for possibility(again future).Then how can these words be used as past of ‘can’,’will’ and ‘may’?
are these words- could,would and might used in present also?
I didn’t get the exact tense of these words.could you please explain.
I’m so confused now.
Give me a reply soon please….:)
Thank you :)
Hi Regina.In my opinion, it’s not question of formal or infomal for the modal “must” the synonym “have to ” is given to the modal”must” so that we can put it in the past form .It”s impossible to put the the modal “must ” in the past tense
Hi James,
Good lesson and great tips. However, it sometime makes it difficult in real essay writing because modals can be very close to each other.
I have understood this lesson and hope to apply it correctly as possible.
At last, your are funny too.
great work james. thank u very much
james…teach us about conjunctions please:(
where is the quiz
There’s no quiz for this lesson!
Hi James, Thanks. From where I should get the quiz for this lesson?
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh god he’s kind of crazy hhhhhhh
Thanks for your lesson, James. I have one question. If we say “I could meet you at the airport”, the sentence has two possible meanings: 1. I could – in the past. 2. I will be able to meet you, 60-70% sure. Is that right?
nice one!
Simply thanks for all your effort, free lessons and your precision.
You, teachers are very valuable.
Thank you for taking the time and effort to do this. Your lessons are engaging, I like your jokes and the creative and graphic ways you use to present the contents. Having thought Spanish as a Foreign Language I know how demanding and difficult it can be to turn grammar concepts from sleep-inducing talk into something that people can listen attentively to for 16minutes straight. Great work.
For those of you insulting him, well, I dare you to make it better. This is a free gift to help you learning English, not paid lessons.If you don’t like it move on or go trolling elsewhere
looking forward for next lecture regarding this topic
Thanks for your efforts , please add some more examples.
I LIKES yours lesson
Its really helpful. I were expecting some quiz on this.
Hello James, please explain me what is the difference between possibility and ability:)
now that you have come you___as well stay. which of the below is the correct option.
a.can b.should c.need d.may
option d.
I think I am in love with him…
I love how you teach, you make things easier. thank you!♥
Hey ! James you are Gr8 man ! They way teach is really awesome. All teachers’s here are superb ! God Bless you all.
All of you are the real “GURUS”.
Take care
I feel happy because today I understand more about Modals
Thanks for your passion to teach us James! I can notice that more than you methodology.
This is the Video I was looking for……Thank you James..
Thank you very much.
hi,not only great is the SEAM method but also the teaching method of Mr.James..the way he teaches,is realy helpful and splendid.THANK YOU SO MUCH
It was a great HI 5 to the E. worm ;)
Absolutely funny.
Hi james. Well… i cant find the quiz??? Where is it???
Jaja I can’t see the quiz where’s?…
Thank you Batm…ehm James,James!
You are really great.
ur teaching is so enjoyable, i enjoy the way u teach i really do!
Wow, thank you for PAN method.
Excellent, thank you James.
Many thanks, it’s Great Lesson! you have the ability to teach:)
Many Thanks!
Can I use your videos to help my students to be more efficient with modals dear James??
where is the quiz for this video ?
it has being a helpful lesson!
Where is the video of the M? to Make Lo.co suggestions.
with all due respect mr.james, i’m still confused about >possibilities among could,may,might,which one is stronger to possible ? ex. we could stay here longer
we might stay here longer &
we may stay her longer
i’m hoping your reply ,thanks :-)
LOL, you are a funny guy. I highly appreciate what you have been taught.
we write like this sim ?
Yeah, that’s right!!! Most people are complaining we can’t find the quiz!!! Please, reply to us!!! :)
I’ve really mastered Modals!!! Thanx!
Does anybody know if there is a video lesson about “make lo.co sugestions”???
I could not find that one
Hey James, your teaching is incredibly good!!! You’re amazing!!!
Thank you man!Your teaching help me a lot. I’ve been wondering what method I will use in my demo teaching for this topic. I guess I will just imitate yours :-)
Thank you for lesson , but where I can found the test for this lesson .
James, your lessons incredible and very useful)
each lesson as a small performance=) Thank you very much)))
with ONE lesson a no-native English is able to learn the difference between modal verbs in a while. I asking myself … why did I find this site after a lot of years lost in WEB, searching for someone so easy to understand!!??
Dear James, you open a world of POSSIBILITIES with your ABILITY in teaching English,filling our NECESSITY in learning and giving so many ADVICES. These classes give us PERMISSION to so large amount of knowledge.
I’ve been watching these lessons at least two to three times to better understand all this info, but it helps!!
where is the quiz??????????/
where’s the quiz
good work
What about the construction “be to”. Does it express the neccesity?
I love your sistem! now all is clear for me ! :)
where is the quiz?
James is great as usually. But we are keeping a tiny hope to have a quizzz …
It’s a good choice to review modal verbs and what are their meanings with the rules PAN: Possibility, Permission and Prohibition, Ability and Advice, and Necessity, that is 3,2,1 logically in order. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, it was a funny and amusing lesson.
Thanks Engvid’s teachers for help us learn English.
I like to know a lot of peoples around world learning English for free. Thank you very much.
Thamks Engvid for help us
there is no quiz :(, btw I loved the lesson, thanks Mr James!
Good lesson, thanks.
James, you are the best! I adore your lessons.
Any way thank for lesson …can you stop your action because it is interrupt my attention
What’s the difference between “may” and “might”?
And where’s the quiz you’ve mentioned?
Great,James,you are the best.
thanks, woo there is no quiz today.
Great lesson thanks
Thank you for the lesson, but the quiz is not uploaded.
greatest work
It was great lesson i learned a lot. By the way it’s my first video lesson i like engvid alot it’s the best
what is different bewteen must and have to ?
Thank you very much James. Now it makes sense to me.
Good lesson again.But could you tell us where is the quiz? You said here would be the quiz.
You shouldn’t have lain.
Is there any quiz to practice modals?
Where can I find the quiz for this lesson?
I don’t like this teacher, He is silly not funny at all
I cannot find part 4 from SEAM method (the M). Can anybody help me, please?
Hello Mr James,
I wanna ask if we could have a time with you to just speak in order to improve our speaking, I mean Speaking club.
Thank you.
where is the quiz dude?