I love to learn! I love learning! Which sentence is correct? Watch this English grammar lesson on gerunds and infinitives to find out. You’ll learn when and how to use gerunds and infinitives properly—especially useful for talking about your hobbies or interests.
emmm…. I didn’t understand the difference…. When may we use gerund and when infinitive?
Hi.. You can use both. With the verbs: like, love, hate. You can say: I like swimming or I like to swim. I love dancing or I love to dance. Take care..!!7
I DIDN’T understand the difference i would like you to gime what’s the difference because as i know there are difference between them …………. but tks it was a easy way to understand what a gerund is :D
This is that easy: Take a look how you can write a sentence in two different ways.
I love dancing.
I love to dance.
This case it’s mixed the first and the second ways. It’s is grammatically wrong.
See you buddy.
Marcio de Moraes
There is no any rule. you can use both
I like to swim / I like swimming. both are correct .
though there are some verbs that must be followed with gerund. as much as I know
It doesn’t matter when you use which as long as you don’t use both of them in the same sentence.
hi…, there are not difference you can choose whatever you want
This lesson is very useful
ty so much
you will use “to + base” verb (when talk about your self preference or what *you* like) e.g :i like to shop something
but you’ll use “verb/noun + ing” when you talk about your opinion about that verb or noun e.g : i hate shopping,, so you’re talking abot the shoping it self not about self’s opinion,,, i hope you get it
Ali - kh
Thanks for your funny lecture.
I always wondered if there is any difference between these two expressions in meaning…
1-I like swimming
2-Ilike to swim
Me too.
as i know,there is no diffirent meaning between them. it’s just 2 different ways.
I wondered when you said that there is not difference between I LIKE SWIMMING and I LIKE TO SWIM because I was told that you use GERUND when you are going to talk about ACTIVITIES. For example, I was told that you can not say I LIKE TO SWIM but I LIKE SWIMMING. I also wondered when you said that we can not use them at the same time. Thanks for your explanation, I do know that there is not difference.
Derly Johanna
I’m not sure but I can touch the difference when I translate to my language.
first one as if you say I like swimming as a skill.
second one as if you say I like to swim as a normal.
so in my language the differenct something like:
The cat
NO difference!
I love your videos. Thanks!
please correct me teacher if I am wrong
He likes to write essay or He likes writing essay.
former is subject is not doing a work it is just a wish of subject and latter the subject is actually writing an essay .
thank u
Thanks for this useful lesson…
I want to know about”Gerunds, Passive Voice”
I heard that there are some modal verbs which prefer gerund and these ones which prefer infinitives. Is it true? You didn’t mention about it. Anyway, thanks for the great lesson. Please correct me if I made a mistake.
very good lesson.
juan manuel
I am confuse of the correct pronunciation of gerund.One of the teacher says”gerund”. The other one says “djerund” but I see and learn more about the difference between gerund and infinitive that when you put them together, it sounds funny.
May I request more examples and the rules be printed out to understand them clearer. Thanks a lot. More Power! Great!
I did not get any point in the sentence ” I am confuse of…….”. It should be ” I am confused ……”. I think so, excuse me if i misunderstood.
I am confused …is correct!
why are we use “ed” in “I am confusED”?
When we put “ed” endings on words, it indicates how we feel! eg…bore = bored. excite = excited. amuse = amused.
doesn’t it indicated “past tense” when we use ED at the end of the word(regular past tense)?
Yes, Ed means past tense
I love you
you are wonderful teacher.
if you are single pls tell me.I can die for you.
I am confuse of the correct pronunciation of gerund.One of the teacher says”gerund”. The other one says “djerund” but I see and learn more about the difference between gerund and infinitive that when you put them together, it sounds funny.
May I request more examples and the rules be printed out to understand them clearer. Thanks a lot. More Power! Great!
Juliet Pantoja
thakyou so much I appreciate your ways of teaching.
Thank you very much Ronnie. Your lesson has helped me a lot. Wishing you good luck in your job.
I don’t understand the difference between TO+VERB and -ING. I know that after of Hate, Love, Like, Mind, Miss, etc we put a verb or noun with -ING, but now, Ronnie say that I also can put TO after this verb. Excuse me my English, I just a student learning.
i really like ur all lesson & its also a good 1 thnx ronnie.
yoour way of teaching is very good i like it y the lesson es very understandable
Hi , Ronnie. I got enjoy from your Lesson.
Ronnie could you teach some english jokes?
I’m grateful.
Have a good day lol.
Take care, Ramil
Thanks so much.
Thaks a lot! It’s the first time that I understand the use of Gerund and Infinitive correctly.
Jose Moreno
Thank you so much…. You´re a great teacher…!!!
oh boy, oh boy; I think I get it, Ronnie, but what about using gerunds after prepositions such as: ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘without’, ‘in’ and so on. Would you please make another excellent lesson for us?.
By the way I was surfing the internet and found this sentence:
“I am used to drivING on the left.”
How do you explain that if according to what I’ve just learned from you, it goes against the grammar rules”
THanks a bunch in advance.
“be used to” has own rules after which you always use Gerund :
Im from Poland so Im used to driving on the right side of the road :)
Ronnie, you are a great teacher, I love your lessons:)
Yes, it that sentence, driving is different!
Very impressive, thanks!
Your way of teaching is so good..THANKS:)
can you give us a class about indefiniti and definite articles
Hi Ronnie!
Thank you for a new portion of positive!
Actually we were always taught that there are difference, e.g. I stoped watching the bird (I don’t watch the bird anymore)/ I stoped to watch the bird (I don’t walk anymore – I watch the bird).
Or means you like to do it, to watch how other people do it, to read about it versus means you like the process you take part in.
oops the second part collapsed. this is:
Or “I like skiing” means you like to do it, to watch how other people do it, to read about it versus “I like to ski” means you like the process you take part in.
Lovely example, especially the second part. As regards “to stop”, the use of verb form is correctly explained, but it has no general relevance, as it works that way just for that verb.
Well, I must add something. Actually, the ‘-ing’ form in “I stopped watching the bird” is not a Gerund; it’s a Present Participle. That’s why it’s not relevant in this context.
aaah i see
thanx )
hi how are you ? i am from Azerbaijan )|) in Baku
Hi ronnie .i hope u r fine.you are such a great teacher .you really teach the students in easiest and simplest ways.i love watching your lessons ’cause i get to know many things from them.i also have a similar question oswcifre .i know we can say “i am looking forward to meeting him” will you just call it an exception or there is any specific explaination
Great question! – “I am looking forward to meeting him” ,is an idiom – idioms never follow any grammar rule!
Very good explanation. Thanks to Ronnie.
mmm That was a good point!!!…thanks Ronnie.
what’s the different between
“each” & “every” ??
Each = one
Every = all
thank u very much i will study again to become much better
I appreciate your effort, lovely female teacher. 5 out of 5 great scored, I will waiting 4 your next lesson. so long n’ good bye.
thank u tahats very benift thank u very muchhh
ali-kurdistan -iraq
thank u my dear l hope learn english good
Hi Ronnie.
I have a question.
Is correct to say: I hate to go shopping
Or may be you just could say I don’t like make a purchase if you
I think it’s surplus even if it’s correct.
shoping=noun serarching for a purchase
Or we may justy go to the shop. But if we are shoping we’ve already gone into a shop.
Forget me for my mistakes if I done some.
Have a nice day!
I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.
sorry i forgot to say please.
Excellent one i always had a hard time with those two
Ohhh My God! This website is Perfect! Thanks Ronnie!
This website is perfect!
Ronnie Thank you so much! You’re a GREAT Teacher!
wonderful lesson,,ronnie you are such a beautiful and clever lady,i hope somehow i will meet you personally..thank you very much for the knowledge.
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for your video. Its very helpful.
Have a great time and see you next time!
shing mang tun
thank you miss ronnie..
thank you miss Ronnie.it was helpful.
ahmed n
Thank you so much for a helpfull lesson.
ahmed n
thank you miss Ronnie
Fantastic work!
Francisco Ferrer
hi ronnie i don’t understand the sentece about your father. Can you explain me?
thanks a lot for your lesson
i like it and i wanna learn more again.
thanks allot
The lesos was very clear¡ Thanks
we can see twist in your lesson RONNIE
You gave us a very clear explanation, I would keep it in my mind. Thank you so much.
Thank you my dear Ronnie :)
thank you so much,,,it is good lesson.
Excuse me, could I help you? ………this is a good lesson.
This waw an easy lesson and an easy test too.
I love to watch your lessons, Ronnie.
I love watching your lessons Ronnie.
Thanks a bunch!
Sorry!, was**
Hi Ronnie. My question is not about this video but is an important one! When someone says I study at university, Should I ask “Which university” or “What university”?
Thank you.
You can say both!
thank you for the clear explanation.
hi thanks for the lessons can you help me i have problem with grammar tenses i am confused i don’t know when i should use it Especially ( perfect & continuous tenses )
Thanks a lot for her English lessons, it’s really understanding …. want more from their viodeos …. thank you very much ….
m now a question of how to best learn English, and especially prononziation? …
again thank you so much …
The best way is to live/visit an English speaking country !
Hi teacher :)
By the way…
I have a doubt. Nothing to do with this lesson…
In this phrase:
“Your enemy can kill you, you must kill them first.”
I was talking about just one person, but I did not have idea if that person was a man or a woman…Is correct if I use “them” in this case?
Forgive me for this phrase. I couldn’t think in another better by now.
Thanks… :)
Yes, you can use “them” to talk about a singular person!
I know it. :) thanks thanks.. :)
Ronnie, please, bring some light in my mind. I use English Grammar in Use (Cambridge Edition) to study English. The book for intermediate have some lessons about verbs followed by – ing, verbs followed by “to”, verbs followed by infinitive without “to” like must, let, can, may, could, will, would. This book (maybe to British, I don’t know!) says verbs like love, like, hate, don’t mind, enjoy, stop, finish, give up etc. are followed by – ing form. Verbs like decide, want, would like, would love, begin, agree, refuse etc. are followed ONLY by “to”. There is something wrong?! I really would understand (the book don’t mention it) the most verbs are followed by -ing form or by “to”. Do the verbs followed by -ing form are exceptions or the verbs followed by “to”. Thank you lovely!
i have learn a lot from these site and i want to join with your org. im 18 years old and im from the philippines
hi how are you / nice class
mario a
Yes, u r a good teacher. Thank you.
Md Hilmi Abdullah
i like it ..
very exicited!!!!! I love it
5 out of 5, I think my aptitude is getting better and better in English, Does it Rani?
Abdul Razaque Awan
Yes! Great work!!!!!
what a good lesson I just watched, keep these lessons coming, you’re all are good teachers
you’re all good teachers :)
Hi Ronnie, first of all thank you so much for your wonderful job. I have learned a lot since I watch your videos. When you get a chance would you please teach us when or how it needs to be used the words: off, out, on, up. I am a little confuse about the correct way to use these words. Thank you so much for your time and effort.
I will try to make a video for you!
Thanks for watching!
I cannot get into the quiz section in any of the lessons. Can you help me?
is there any difference in meaning//////¿¿can any one help me please
NO ! You can use a gerund OR infinitive.
I can only access your quizzes when I’m in Internet Explorer, but when I’m in Mozilla Firefox, nothing comes up when I click on “Quiz”. Is it my computer or is it how your website is set up?
Thanks for the lessons!
We hate Internet Explorer! We had some reports that old versions of Firefox had trouble with the quizzes. Please update to the current version. The site works best in a Webkit browser, though, such as Chrome, Safari, or Opera.
Miss Ronnie your lesson is too good……..But plz help me in how I can make big sentence. when I write some lines there have made a mistake.
Zafar Soomro
At first, try to make small, correct sentences! To make a larger sentence, you can take a topic and just add information about that topic into the sentence!
Ex…I have a dog. My dog is cute. My dog is brown. He is funny. He likes dog cookies.
ex…I have a cute, brown dog, He is funny and he likes dog cookies!
great content this!! well, I would love to have more instances regarding this topic.. thanks.
Shahbaz Khan
thanks a lot
my name is Zakary I’m a new student I want to learn the bacic english and don’t know how to bigen can you give me pices of advice
thank you Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie. Lily from Brazil
hi ronnie how are u,i hope u are ok;im saher from morcco ,i relly like your videos u are very good and friendly,irelly hope to help me becaus im going this month to get a marrige visa but my english not good that why i want to help me about elevaluation or test i don’t know what question give to me im so scred plz help me thanx anway becaus u are good teatcher
Sorry I have NO IDEA what questions they will ask you! However, if you don’t understand the questions just ask them to repeat the question or tell them you don’t understand the WAY they asked it!!! Don’t worry, don’t be shy/afraid to speak – just TRY and YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How to speak correct english
Hi Ronnie.can i ask you to tell me after which verbs we can use gerund.
thank you for your help.
Thanks Ronnie
Hello Ronnie, Really need your help on this one: Why do we use “ing” ending for manufacturing processes like machining, tapping, assemblying….why can´t they be simple form verbs like tap, machine or assembly….PLEASE HELP…..THANKS A BUNCH
You have to use -ing because if you didn’t, the words would be a noun! Eg..I am tapping (you are doing the action) NOT I am tape (that means you have become tape!)
Thank you, useful lesson.
hi ronni how r u.i hope u r ok.i m first time vist this website.i like that. thank u so much….winner
hey teacher Ronie i really love the way u discuss..its very very clear.
nice ….see ya!
I love your videos. They are fantastic and I learn so much whit them. Give my regards from Chile.
The preposition of confirm is what plz?
Tnx in advance.
«There is no preposition of confirm! We can say ì will confirm your reservations. I have confirmed your payment…..etc!
Thanks madam Ronnie…
Thanks a lot, teacher!
heheh, Your lessons are so funny and interesting , I hope if all the teachers become like you in educational fields . I love watching ur lessons :P you are the best :)
teacher l can use to+ noun
example l go to school
who’s different.
please teacher as me and thanks a lot,teacher.
Yes, you can say I go to school!
Amazing! It was perfect! Thank you so much!
thank you teacher ronnie very good explanation..we need more please
Hi Ronnnie, I like your videos very much, and I was wondering if you could help me…..What’s the difference between these two sentences: “They are getting married” and “they are going to get married”?
Thanks in advance!
The meaning of the sentences are the same! When we say them, they mean the same thing –
However, if you look at the grammar of them…….. “They are getting married” is in present continuous = NOW! This means they are getting married right now!
“They are going to get married” is future!
Like I said, when we speak, they mean the same thing!
Oh!my God.
Thanks very much Ronnie, you’ve been very helpful! :)una
Hi Ronnie, please i need you help. can you tell me the differents between “As and Like” thanks ;)
hi my name is lia .i am from greece .your lessons are very usuful and every day i try to study them .i am exciting with them
Well,why did your father use to say, “Ronnie do not split your infinitives!”
Because some people consider it grammatically wrong to split infinitives!
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you Sudha is me
please teach me the subject verb agreement please m very desperate.thanks for this wonderful class of gerunds and infinitives.
azra patel - india
I will try to do a lesson on this for you – it is too much to explain in text!
i got it but can you explain to us more about gerunds
I like your lessons. Could you please explain the difference between the three conditionals? Thanks in advance.
Zero = for 100% true things (scientific)
If I melt ice, it becomes water. (If + sub.+ base verb + noun phrase, sub.+ base verb + noun)
First conditional= things that you are pretty sure will happen (99%-75% true)
If I eat a hamburger, I will/may/must/should be full. ((If + sub.+ base verb + noun phrase, sub.+ MODAL + base verb + noun)
I like your teaching .
Hi Im Iranian
would u tell me how can i compare my native hanguage with English.
Sorry, I don’t know!
Hello there Ronnie
I have a problem with some stuff like
”Wrap up
figure out
punk out
Sometimes when I use translate.google.com
I can’t find the proper meaning so how do we get the meanings?
These are “phrasal verbs” = 2 verbs together that have a new meaning! Look up “phrasal verbs” and you should be able to find a chart or some resource to help you!
Can you help me of pronounciation errors made by student as the english Foreign language??
hello teacher please tell me the difference between for and since waiting for your answer see you good buy
For is with a number eg…I’ve been waiting for 4 hours/42 seconds/9 years/ 8 days.
Since we use with a date (day/month/year) or time. I’ve been waiting since yesterday/since 9am/since 2001/since Tuesday.
hello teacher can we tell that songs can teach us pronunciation
Hello Ronnie.
It was very clear for me to understand and apply the correct aplicability to use the Gerund (ing) and the Infinitive. Excellent job and I love your canadian accent. Bye..
Jesus Enrique Camaran
Hi Ms.Ronnie,
I hope my message find u well.Madam
As you know the importance of learning all kinds of English aspects,would it be ok,if i ask u to tell me some of usuall complimentary cluse,and also some of up-to-date salutation,which are more respectful than the others to use.
“future promis even finer thing because friendship is always strongest of the tense.”
thanks in advance.
Yes! Ask me anything!
Thanks, Ronnie, for your explanation on how to use gerund and infinitive. i learned a lot from these lessons and had a deeper understanding of the difference between the two. Thanks again!
Jason Lee
Hi teacher
Thank you for this leasone
Hi, Ronnie, Below is the question i hope you don’t mind answering it for me.
Swimming is my hobby.
Is the noun ” swimming” considered as gerund?
Thanks in advance.
Jason Lee
Hi! Ronnie.
I Never Forget Gerunbds & Infinitives.
The way you teach me. Thank You.
By the way I got 5 out of 5.
You rock! thank you so much ronnie!!
hi rannie ,im rany, i want to learn punctuation marks so can you give me something that makes me master them ??????????
Way………I like it …thank you very much…that help me
Thakyou so much lesson.^^
i got a perfect understand.^^
Thank you teacher .
keep it up .
pls, explain me the difference between these phrases (me too/ so am I/ same to you)
and then how to use (live/ stay).
Me too = I like pizza. If you agree with this, you can say “me too”!
So am I = I am hungry. If you feel the same, you can say “So am I! (we only use “so AM I” with adjectives!
Live is the place where your house is.
Stay is the place where you are at the moment and is usually for a short time!
Thanks for your reply.
Take it easy!
Mam i learned a lot from you. Mam im confuse in Betty loves to ski and betty love to ski,i answered without the s and im mistake because i thought that it is singular,whats the rationale for that mam.Thank you mam :-)
Ismael Llausas
If it is he/she/it or a person’s name, you MUST put an “s” on the verb!
thanks allot
alnaji ismail
what about the verb enjoy? i mean, i remembered that sometime i understood that after enjoy always i must use enjoy.
thanks a lot for your job ronnie plz i wannato help me in the verbs can you are doing video to explain them plz plz i’m engy from egypt thanks a lot you’re very good teacher and i love your lessons so much ty a lot
hi ronnie,
plz help me on dis.. whichever is correct
He admitted taking the money. OR
He admitted to talk about the money.
i dislike complaining
or, i dislike to complain
so i m confused.. somewhere i read some common verbs that can be followed by gerund but not by infinitives.. and also dere are some common verbs tht can be followed by infinitve bt not by gerund…
plz help me on dis…
and will like to thnk u for al d lesonns… :))))
“He admitted taking the money” is correct.
Here is a list of verbs that are usually followed by a verb in gerund form:
admit, appreciate, avoid, carry on, consider, defer, delay, deny, detest, dislike, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, can’t help, imagine, involve, leave off, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practice, put off, report, resent, risk, can’t stand, suggest, understand
Some verbs can be followed by the gerund form or the infinitive form without a big change in meaning: begin, continue, hate, intend, like, love, prefer, propose, start.
I like to play tennis. I like playing tennis. It started to rain. It started raining.
can say
I like whatching tv
I like to listen music
I hate listning hip hop music
I love to play
I wrong in words
How are you teacher
Can say
I like to watch tv
I love playieng
I hate listen to hip hop music
I like listening india music
I like whatching sad movies
thank you
I love playieng = playing
I hate to listen to hip hop music
I like listening to Indian music
I like watching sad movies
Hi dear Ronnie, l appreciate your tired.plz help me about when we use(he,she)in animates.thanks
I think you mean animals??????? Usually we call animals “it” or “they” because we don’t know what sex they are! Some people will tell you that their cat or dog is a boy or a girl, the you can call it a he or she!
With 2 others exceptions: the lion and the lioness! Because you can immediately see if it’s a male or a female! (the mane!). So we usually use “he” or “she” to speak about them… Is it correct?
Dear teacher thanks for you very much teach English ,i am learning English from you web side ,very good learn for me again i say thank you so much…..
Pema Gyalpo
My name is edivaldo am Brazilian and am trying to learn a little of English and taste a lot of the videos of youtube am to refer to the videos of evgvid and do not have how to see all the videos or how to do this course wanted to know a little more. thanks
Edivaldo mendonça
Welcome! Just go to engvid.com and then you can watch the videos! You can click on “teachers” and choose “Ronnie” and then watch all my videos, or whatever teachers you want!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think you a lot Ronnie you’are a good teatcher i love your stil
Thanks Ronnie.I am very like your teach method.It is very attractive.
My English knowledge is poor.i am always trying to improve it.
I think,now it is easy because you are my teacher.your lessons are very effective for improve my spoken skills.
I don’t know how to thank you.
thanks a lot
Hi Miss Ronnie, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this lesson ! I really enjoyed !
Best regards,
Hi Miss Ronnie, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this lesson ! I really enjoyed !
Best regards,
which sentence is correct?
A: let’s go swimming.
B: let’s go swimming pool.
C: let’s go to swimming.
D: let’s go to swimming pool.
thank you,you have a novel method in teaching
karam muhamed
In my dictionary, I found that snowboard is just a noun. So I want to know if it is a verb as well. Thanks.
Yes it is a verb too!
Thank u so much 8)
Dear Ronnie,
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your invaluable lesson. I’ve been attending your video lesson for one year and gained good insight since that time. when I come to my today’s question; there are certain verbs which are followed by infinitive with to and gerund as well like the verb”like” which can be he likes swimming and he likes to swim. But there are also other verbs that mainly followed by either infinitive or gerund. fore instance: avoid,stop, refuse, deny, admit, etc. so this rule and your video lecture above doesn’t contradict?
Thanks a lot!
Thank you, Roonie;)
hi Ronnie ..i like ur lesson very much …ur too good in English..
i watch ur english every day … i want to know that do you have any facebook account …if have please send me your email id … i want to keep in touch with you …
hi, miss , is this American or British grammar coz i had already taught that i cant say “i like to swim” iif so what does it mean? and something else:what do we mean by saying”I’d like to swim”and “i like swimming.” Are they all the same in meaning?
This grammar is American AND British. Whoever told you you cannot say “I like to swim” is wrong.
I’d like to swim = I would like to swim. This means you want to swim!
I like swimming/I like to swim= you like the activity of swimming!
can I say :”I’d like swimming” or i general: “I’d like + gerund”. A teacher told me It is was wrong and I must say: “I’d like to + verb”
Thanks for your reply
Your teacher is correct.
can i say i likeS to swim? i confused when to use the ‘s’
NO I like to swim. Only use “S” with he/she/it!!!
hello! please help me! i want knowing the meaning of “like that” and the difference between it and “like this” in speaking with examples.
Like that refers to something far away from you that someone else is doing. Like this is something that is close and you can demonstrate yourself!
Can i use “I was trying to cross the street?”
hiii, i like your video lecture. thanks a lot
Hi! Mam… :) like your lecture it helped me a lot… actually its just superb.. love it and you :)best teacher i have ever had :) stay blessed and keep teaching us :)
great job mam… well done :)
i really appreciate your way of teaching. it’s impressive.
in the meanwhile i noticed something that gave me a headache. noun+ing never heard of that whatsoever.
what about proper nouns and Compound Nouns …?
gerund is a Verbal Noun that means we can create a noun out of a verb by adding ing and not a noun out a noun by adding ing
have you ever heard about animal becomes animaling
naki adil
incredible website … i appreciate it .. but i suggest adding mote videos about gerund .. best wishes …. :)
Hi Ronnie,
Is it possible to use “to be” with past participle. For example
1) I am done
2) It is completed
3) He is finished.
If the above mentioned examples are correct, they why the following sentences are in correct
1. He is gone
2. It is come
can you please clarify
Your sentences are correct!!!! great work!
Thanks for the info. Which of the verbs don’t go with “to be”? (For example: He is gone). Otherwise, list of the verbs which cannot be used in passive voice. My understing is that “to be” + past participle is only used in passive voice. please clarify.
why ….because *Baltar loves dancing*
Hey, Ronnie! Could you explain plz the usage of infinitive and gerund. In my grammar book there is a rule that after the certain words such as ENJOY DENY, DISLIKE, EXPRESS, FANCY, AVOID, CONSIDER AND SO FORTH, the gerund is used. Is it a strict rule?
Yes, you have to follow that rule!
hi ronnie .
I wonder how have we to use gerund and infinitive in same sentence like with the verb ” to look forward “. for example :
I look forward to meeting my uncle next week
can I be sure of something
amine cherifi
hi ronnie .
I wonder why do we have to use gerund and infinitive in same sentence with some verbs . like the verb ” to look forward “. for example :
I look forward to meeting my uncle next week
can I be sure of something
amine cherifi
what is the difrence between the two folowing sentences:
built for the kill
built for killing
The first “built for the kill” is specific while the second “built for killing” is general.
hi miss Ronnie, why in Quiz number 4 and 5,the correct answered is “Baltar loves dancing and Baltar loves to dance but wrong if “Baltar love dancing and Baltar love to dance”?” i dont understand why behind the word “LOVE” need to+ “S”? Can u explain about that? Thank u so much^^
We need to use “S” on ALL verbs when we use he/she/it or a person’s name!
I guess you have not answer for my question
okay thank you
amine cherifi
Great class!!
debora torelli
i like to watch and listen to your lessons, teacher Ron! thanks i got perfect score. :) hehe
hmmmm it is good lesson for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. thanksss everybody.
Geart job
Subject matter and presentation skill are appreciable but the the volume of the voice of the teacher needs to be increased a little bit.
its really useful for daily conversation for those students want to support the native English
mam can u please teach us precis writing some tym
Hey Ronnie,
thanks a lot. It really helped me with my english. I hope I’ll also get a good grade for my english test tomorrow.
Hello my bessssssssst teacher Ronnie.First of all i hope you’re doing well.Thank you so much for this lesson,it’s quiet interesting ! Could you please brievely tell me some verbs that can’t accept gerunds,i mean there are some of them go just with gerunds and others with infitinves,and some accept both,is that correct??
Yes, there are! Just search on the internet for verb+ gerunds!!! You will find many lists to help you!
Thank you so much my bessssssssst teacher,all your advice are very helpful!
Have nice day miss Ronnie!
Hi, Ronnie! I´m an English teacher from Argentina, South America. I find your lessons extremely useful for my classes!! There´s one v. pattern I´d like to add, object to DOING sth. Perhaps, you can prepare a lesson on exceptions to To+Infinitive rule, that´ll be great! Thanksss
Gracias por su esfuerzo e inigualable carisma de explicar el ingles.
Denada! Gracias por watching!~
I can see that you like spanish, don’t you?
Spanish is a good language and English too.
Gracias por enseñarme como usar el gerundio.
Thank you for teaching me how to use gerund.
I hope you keep on teaching me a lot about English.
hi ronnie, i’m proud of you. you’re the best teacher. funny and energic.
She is a great teacher
Eddy Auguste
Thank you :D
I’m clear now
hi Ronnie
thanks for this lesson
i understand most lessons but i have also problems in communication.ithink that i must speak with native speakers to improve myself
do you mind giving me a useful website where i can speak with others and learn more.
Hello Ronnie, ThxQ for this lesson.
i would like to know, for example i want to go to drive with you or i want to go driving with you! another one is after prepositions, you need to say gerud or infinitive?
I want to go driving with you! Is more natural sounding than I want to go to drive with you!
Thank you very much Ronnie you are agreat teacher.
Hi Ronnie! Thanks for the tip! I was really confused about “Gerund and infinitive”, but now after this amazing explanation I really got it!
“Merry Christmas”… =]
i like this lesson very much
sadia baakza
could you help me please
Q4 and Q5 why put s with verb
i have two Q
Q4 and Q 5 why you put S with verb
thank you
You said that it´s impossible to use infinitive and gerund in one sentence. But what about sentences like “I like to go swimming”? Isn´t swimming a gerund here? Or does it have another name allthough it has the -ing at the end?
Thx in advance!
Thank you very much.ıt is very good lesson.
Thx for the lesson. In my book they wrote that we have to use gerund with certain verbs, e.g., admit, avoid, discuss, dislike, enjoy, finish, miss and quit.
but with infinitive we use, agree, choose, decide, hope, learn, need, plan and want.
for both we can use, begin, hate, love, like, prefer.
Thank you
Think u mrs Ronnie and happy new year for u and for family and for all the people
thank u so much and it’s help me a lot :)
I lone you Ronnie your lesson was fantastic keep walking!
hi teacher
we stopped to eat
we stopped eating i don’t understand
We stopped to eat implies that you were doing something, then you took a break and ate something.
We stopped eating = you finished eating.
Thanks a lot. I couldn’t never understand that !!! but now its piece of cake
help me :D we stopped eat
we stopped eating
Thanks very much. You really made it clear.
Good morning My Teather .
I like your teacthing way .
I prefer watching your Les , than TV .
I like listening to your vidio , than music .
If they asking me to make choice , I chosing you than other Teacher .
You can’t use both Gerund and infinitive in the same sentence? What about the sentence “I would like to be swimming right now”. Is that not a correct sentence grammatically?
Your sentence is correct. What I meant was you cannot use to+gerund in the same sentence. ex..I like to swimming.
Hi Ronnie
Ronnie. Just. Hi
hi teacher
I still can’t understand when should we use Gerund and when should we use Infinitive? And what is the different between “I like to play piano” and “I like playing piano” ? Its so confused for me :(
i would like to know when I use at, in and on in a sentence
can you help me please, I will have a exam
thanks for your help
Choose the correct sentence:
Baltar (loves) to dance.
Baltar loves to dancing.
Baltar( love) to dance.
Baltar love to dancing
i see it diffrence beetween love and loves , can you explain why used loves?
the way you taught in th video makes me smarter ,thank my lovely friend.
I liked your explanation, thank you.
Ronnie Teacher
I’d like to ask you. I found some verbs in my english book that can use gerund form too:-
to be busy, come, go, sit, complete, escape, get through, go on, worth, to be no good, to be no use, keep, practice, would you mind, loathe, recall
Are they correct or not?
Thanks a lot my teacher.
Well, if it says they are correct in your English book – do you think they are????
I’d like you to confirm because it wasn’t written by native speaker.I bought it from bookstore and was printed in my country.
I believe you.
I believe you means I think you are telling the truth!
Thanks for your lesson!
Hi Ronnie,
I’m a little confused. I’m learing English as a foreign language, of course and my teacher said ‘After love, like, enjoy, hate, etc you have to use -ing form and after would like/would love you have to use a infinitive form. There is no other choice’.
And you said ‘I like swimming’ and ‘I like to swim’ was correct.
What’s more, in my english book there is lots of boring explanation when you HAVE TO use -ing form and WHEN infinitive.
So can I always use both forms without difference in meaning?
By the way, thank you for all your lessons – you’re awesome!!! :)
Yes — basically, “I like swimming” and “I like to swim” are the same!
the sentence ”how can stop running?” the world stop is followed by gerund , how many words that i need to know that needs to be followed by gerund as a rule.
I like doing smth means I enjoy doing it. I like to do smth means It’s a good thing to do. So I would never say I like paying my bills promptly.Because I don’t enjoy it but I think it’s a good idea to do it promptly. But I like reading or I like to read there is almost no difference.
What I didn’t understand is how we can form gerund from a noun??????? We can use -ing form only with verbs. So all words mentioned like shop,snowboard,etc. can be verbs as well.That’s why we can form gerund
Thanks again and again from Azerbaijan.
Hi there, I think there’s no Teacher like you and I mean it. keep it up CHICKEN WISH U HAVE A VERY NICE DAY THNX again,
can you pls tell me. how a participle or verb governs a noun or pronoun.
Ex: Hearing the noise, the boy woke up.
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax u
Hello, Ronnie!
Thank you for what you and other teachers are doing! It’s fascinating!
I have a little question to you. I’d be really grateful if you answered it. It concerns pronounciation. Is it OK when “t” sound sometimes turns into slight “d” sound. For instance, entity(pronounced as entidi), integrity (integridi), curiosity (kjuriosidi), etc. I’ve always wondered for what English-speaking countries such pronounciation is OK.
The thing is I try to adopt American English, but unfortunately have no idea of whether this “d”-trend is OK for them or not.
Thank you in advance. Looking forward to more videos=)
Yes, most North Americans say “t” like a “d”. I have no idea why!
Thanks Ronnie. I appreciate your help
Thanks ronnie you are a very good teacher , but i got some doubs about this lesson , i think it must be some verbs to use ing endin and some verbs to use “to”
hi ronnie,
thank u so much for the lesson. you are my favorite teacher :)
by the way I want to ask you about the sentence “taking a knife to exports and regniting inflasion at a time”
what’s the meaning of “taking a knife” ?
Taking a knife = cutting.
Hi Ms. Ronnie, how are you today? I have a question about this sentence, I don’t know if I am right or wrong. It goes like this. The doctor suggested eating more vegetables and fruits. Can I say the doctor suggested to eat more vegetables and fruits? I am confused!!! I’m looking forward for your reply. Thank you.
Yes, both sentences are correct!
here is mentioned above that “suggest” is followed by a gerund. Then the second sentance seems to be incorrect.
Thanks Ronnie. I got answer from my English teacher last night and he said the answer should be “The doctor suggested eating more vegetables” and not “to eat more vegetables.” I don’t know why. Seems like to eat more vegetables sounds correct too.
that’s what I just said
Hi Ms. Ronnie, would you do a video about participles. Present and Past Participles. Comparing to Gerund and infinitive. Just want them to know the differences of each of them. Thank you.I will look forward to your video about this. Thanks once again. Is my grammar correct? Please do correct this if you may. Please to hear from u soon.
Hello Ronnie! Could you explain what the difference betweenm NO and NOT? How to use them? I’m quite confused right now.
Thanks a miliion, Ronnie. I’m looking forward from your reply.
With Regards,
Thanks a lot
i’ve watched many of your lessons in youtube…they’re really helpful.
could you please explain about the use of ‘if’ + will/would/should/might+++++
if i’m not mistaken, the way to use shows different levels of certainty…(well, am i correct?) i’m still confused on how to use the correct ‘if + would..or something’ that corresponds to the situation.
Thanx in advance.
Just search the site for “Modals” – there are about 5 lessons on them for you!
i#ve got an question, too.
Today I got my class test back and my teacher said, that this sentence would be wrong:
“Shall we go out tonight or do you prefer staying at home?”
she said that I have to write “to stay” instead of “staying”. is that really wrong?
Ask your teacher why it is wrong.
After prefer you can use either a gerund or infinitive! However, there many be another reason why it is wrong – ask her!
thanks for your quick answer. ;)
Hi Ronnie,
I’m very haapy with ypur teach. Thanks a lot.
Claudia Luisi
Hi Ronnie,
so, I am not the only bizarre woman who hates shopping?!
Ronnie, I like your video lessons very much, it really helps me to improve my English, you’re the best teacher)
Ronnie hi again.
I like your grammar lessons they’re very shinning and clearing. thanks for be a good teacher.
I’m cuban, my English isn’t perfect but I hope that you get the message.
I would like to be in touch with you in order to learn and weight my knowledge.
thanks for your time
are there any infinitives in an other tense?like the past tense?is yes please explain.
I have went to the shop.
I have gone shopping.
You must use this rule in all tenses!
thank you
I enjoy watchin’ your videos mrs,thank u for all.
Jeff JB
Your welcome student.
Sorry, but I have a doubt recognizing when a word is a gerund or an adjective/present partciple, for example:
-A frying pan
-A flying insect
I would really like to knwo more about that.
Both words frying and flying are adjectives. Adjectives come before a noun.
I was reading the comments of the other people and (I don’t know if I undertood this correctly) you explained that we can use whatever we want (gerund or infinitive) in a sentence and there’s no difference between them. Am I right?
hey Ronnie could you please clarify that why we use loves instead of love in Q.4 and Q.5 of the Quiz???
Answer Awaited !!!!
For he/she/it or a person’s name, you ALWAYS need to use an “s” on a verb in the simple present tense. Ex. I like pizza. He likes pizza. My mom likes pizza.
Hi Pleas write to me. How i write tis sentences.I like watch tive/Or so I like watch to tv?
I like play to football/or I like play football/
My sister doest like to eat porridge/or My sister doest like eat poridge.
My friend like to plant tree/
Pls write to me this sentencis correct variant.
I wait u ansver.Pls help to me
YOu must put to + verb. I like to watch tv.
thank thank
when I can use (to).and When I cant use (to)I cant understand this
(i went swimming) can be past tense ?
Yes, you are correct.
Hi Ronnie pls say to me.how i use this sentences?
Do you mind … the window?
may i use here (opening) or (to open)?
is this jerund sentence?
Opening. Yes this is a gerund! When we use “Do you mind……”, you MUST use a gerund!
tahnk Ronnie
i am from pakistan .i found your lessons clear like crystal.thanks
Hi Ronnie,
what about the following sentences:
“I’m looking forward to seeing you”
“I’m addicted to making love”
” I’m used to going to parties”
I know they are correct but why is there to+verb+ing?? It there a logical explanation about it??
Used to is an entirely separate grammar point! We use it to talk about past habits!
The other expressions are just exceptions to the grammar rules! This is why English is SO HARD to learn!!!!
i got perfect score!!!yehey… it really helps me a lot…
is it true we use infinitive in a sentence with long complement and gerund without complement? thank you
I don’t really understand your question. Could you please give me an example!
is correct to say… i like to go swimming??? or i hate to go shopping??? thanks
hi: Thanks for your lesson and for your quiz, i humbly say that scored 5 to 5, by the way. byeeee
Thanks, I enjoyed taking test
I like it, thank you ! Moscow
THANKS Mr Ronnie you made the lesson very easier to me you are best teacher
After this lesson, I learned the difference between the infinitive and the gerund, but Ronnie, are there any exceptions?
Thank you Ronnie ! I really enjoyed your lesson.
i love lecture but when i tested in the quiz i took 2 worng
so i am so thankful ,because i have learned a lot on your website but i have been thinking about HOW TO THINK IN ENGLISH because many english teachers say ,if you really want to speak english you need to think in english, i hope you can help me and i also want to know about the SUBJUNTIVE MODE please…btw you are excelent teachers
hello ronnie. i hope u will be fine. i have a question for u.my question is that when we use “might” nd what is the meaning of “fumming” and “boulavard”??? i hope u will ans me soon tc bye!
Might is a modal verb, it means the same as may. They mean you are 60% sure of something. Ex…. I might go to the mall today.
The other words look up in a dictionary.
how can identify a gerunds or infinitive because there are a group of verbs you can only use as infinitives and others one as gerunds …please help me
You just have to memorize the verbs.
I think it would be great if you could show some rules of verbs in which the difference between gerund and infinitive exist. For example, the verb “to stop”. It’s not the same to say “I stop dancing” and “I stop to dance”. In this case the difference is clear. Would you make a video about it? Thanks, your videos are great!
Thnx Ronnie
Abdul Qayum
I usually go swimming with my best friend.
Is swimming a gerund?
Hello, Ii would like to know if “swimming” is considered a gerund or a verb in the following sentence, and why?
I usually go swimming with my best friend and his rather unusual girlfriend.
Thank you kindly.
Some words we must use as a gerund and not infinitive.
helooo ronnie thanx for answering me i have a request would u pls make a lesson on parts of speech ???? :)
Hi Ronnie,thanks for your lesson but the problems is that what case I should use gerund and when I use infinitive. Hope you will teach us further lessons to make clear about it. Regards
Great lesson In my opinion I think this is a lesson for beginners not for advanced level.
I’d like to know when I use the infinite verb and gerund
Adelson Almeida Cunha
Hello!! You´re a fantastic teacher!! Thank you so much for your explanation! I have a sentence:
We could to swim five years ago.
Is it correct to write:
We could go swimming five years ago?
No estoy de acuerdo.
thaks a lot!
Thanks a lot!I could get it.
I like swimming, but I’d not like to swim now.
There is specific verbs or noun we use for gerund or infinitive like ‘appreciate’ we can use I appreciate to help me. ?
There is specific verbs or noun used with each one can we say ‘ appreciate to help ‘
thanks a lot
you are very good to explan
mohammad ali
you are an excellent English teacher ! I love the way your teach . It is so interesting lesson for me!
happy face
Thank you very much.
thanx it was really nice
Hi Adorable Ronnie, I would like you to explain why people often use this in letter writing? (I am looking forward to hearing from you) I want to know if the infinitive with the gerund is correct.
Hi guys, I would like to explain other important things about Gerund and Infinitive.
We can use Gerund in verbs after prepositions and when the verb is the first word in the sentence.
Ex.: ‘Smoking’ is bad for you!
John is good ‘at playing’ the guitar.
For Infinitive, when the verb is followed by some adjective we use the verb in infinitive or when we use “Modal Verbs” we put the verb in infinitive too and to finish, when we explain for someone “why we do something” we use the infinitive.
Ex.: I came to Dublin to buy something!
I would like to go to the moon!
Bye guys!!!
Eni, you can’t use gerund and infinitive together.
It’s absolutely clear about the verb forms with “love” and “hate”. But how to learn what to choose Gerund or Infinitive with the rest verbs? Should we just learn the verb patterns by heart or is there an easy rule?
Ronnie must be one of those cool teacher I wish I had when I was still in school. Love your sarcastic (in a good way) method of teaching.
thank you! Now I know how to explain to my students!
thank you very much. i have a question you say we have to use ( to+base verb) but ski and snowboard are not verb how do you say : i like to ski or i like to snowboard
best regards
You can say I like to ski/snowboard
or I like skiing or snowboarding!
very good lesson, i didn’t know that information. thanks teacher.
Now I have not any doubts when I should to use a gerund or an infinitive.Thanks a lot Ronni.
Hi Ronnie! Your lessons rock!!
However, in this lesson, I think that we should make a difference between like/love/hate and other verbs, such as spend or decide which are followed by gerund and to infinitive. One of my students watched this lesson and got confused, he thought that all the verbs can be used in the way we can use like/love/hate, but it is not like that!! Be careful!
Well, there are no differents with ‘Gerund’ and ‘Infinitive’?
But i have a problem, in my homework, the sentence is ‘I volunteered________(sell) things myself…’, I put ‘selling’ on. Surprisingly it was incorrect, the answer is ‘to sell’.
So whats wrong with it? Or because the word infront of the line? Or this is only fit for ‘love’,’like’, etc?
Thank you for video , you make me funny in your class . Teacher if me have a problem can I ask you ?
Ms Rooney,
Thank you for this video but I’ve learned “like” differently as a verb. My teacher taught me that if something is your hobby or a general thing that you like and a verb you should use gerund but if it’s more specific you should use infinitive. For example, I like swimming, according to my teacher i like doing it all the time, but if I like doing it only when i am on vacation she said you should say I like to swim when i am on vacation. This is what my teacher taught me. But you say I can use both. I am really confused. Could you help me out?
Ps: Sorry for my terrible english, hope you’ll understand :(
You can use both!
Thank you very much for your lesson . It is very use ful. I have got 5…
I believe that the comment made at the beginning of the video that one cannot use both a gerund and an infinitive is not correct. It is possible. For example: I promised to stop smoking., She doesn’t want to risk driving in the rain. Correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you very much.ıt is very good lesson
Thank you so much
i can say i like to dance or i like dancing
Geruds, like infinitives, function as nouns, not verbs. Just beacause these words take an -ing ending, they don’t have to be verbs in the continuous form. That’s why you can put them at the beginning of the sentence, where they work as the subject. If you don’t see the verb Be in front of a word with an -ing ending, it’s probably a noun (a gerund).
Thanks I have got 100 or my Tess
Hi Ronnie
I watched your video it was great and clear thaks a million.
I am confused about gerund when I use verb+prepositions,verb+adjetives or verbs follow ing without to ”I enjoy cooking.The problems are I need record all the verbs without to and follow ing! do you have a secrety for this?
I looking forward to gett”ing” your answer.
I got 5 correct out of 5 :) Thanks :*
There is an exception in goodbye phrase: I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
This is really good, thank you Ms Ronnie! I love studing.
Nice and very interesting teaching rooni……………
i have got a lession i my english book for this thinks and it is a exercise who sayes comlete the sentences with ing or infinitiv
did he agree____you?(help)
i dont like _____ in touch with peile.(keep)
Thank you for a clear and brief explanation.
Hi! I see a lot of questions I would like to share what I know about gerunds and infinitives. I’ve read in a grammar book that the difference between two sentences such as “I like to swim.” and “I like swimming.” is that when you use gerund you talk about a general class of activity. The reader does not know whether you like to watch swimming or doing the action, that is to actually swimming. In”I like to swim.” the reader clearly understands that you like doing this activity.
Thank you Ronnie, you are awesome
Thanks for your explanation but I have a questions.When we have to use gerund and when we have to use infinitive????
Hi Ronnie:)
I want to know what difference between I like to swim and I like swimming?
hi teacher thank a alot .. i saw your videos and i learned a lot of gremmartical rules …but i dont know how to use these words are chosen, taken etc and enlighten- enlightenment … develop – development also…. plz teach me … i am waiting for you …. thanks a lot..
Dear ronnies
I would like to ask you is it different meaning between gerun and verb infinitive.
Example: I like swimming and I like to swim.
Best wish,
radoe nou
ronnie now i am confused between your two lessons…one is this and another one is the latest FUTURE VS PRESENT CONTINUOUS…..becos in this lesson we are using gerund and infinitives together…its difficult to understand….if possible pls help me…why and how it is so ??
I’ve seen some videos and it’s helping a lot. thanks and congrats!
Diego Mariano
Hi, If I can say I like swimming I can say I want studying now?
Hello Ronnie.
I have a question on this tutorial about gerunds and infinitives. Particularly on this sentence, is it good and allowed in English language at all – “I like to go swimming”. Gerunds and Infinitives are the hardest to understand for me..
Thank you in advance.
I’ve never took English lessons from a native speaker in my life since the day that I found this site. Thank you so much for these lessons, they are very helpful and you are such an amazing person :)
Hello Ronnie.
Tell me please if it posible to use infinitive after “How about”.
Is it correct to say “How about to go to the cinema?”
I like your teaching, because you speak slowly and make me easy to understand what you were explaining. :)
Hi ronnie. I’m studying intensive english. well, I have a question about other rules, mm can you tell me when to use would rather or would prefer and embedder wh-questions?
Thank you!
P.D. I like your videoes :)
Thanks Ronnie for the lesson,but I have a feeling that the statement “there is no difference,you can use either of them” isn’t that true. For example, the phrase “I love swimming” have two meanings for me,it’s either the speaker loves to swim or he just likes that sport activity as general,like watching a TV translation of swimming sport. While “I like to swim” has only one meaning. Am not I right?
Thank you very much for the lesson. My question is whether it is possible to use articles before a gerund.
Thanks alot
you are an excellent teacher so Ilove you very much
thank you, but fot this sentance
I don’t mind working, can I say I don’t mind to work?
Hi Ronnie,
I was told there are certain rules I should follow. Can I use an infinitive when I want to talk about considering something? Am I supposed to say “I am considering to move” or “I am considering moving”? I think the first sentence is incorrect.
Thanks a lot.
it’s not change in meaning
Do you say there is no difference : I stopped smoking or I stop to smoke???
Hey! YOU + ARE = you’re a good teacher. Thanks for your humor :) It makes watching fun. Can you please explain this to me: He is going swimming.
Is ‘swimming’ a verb or a gerund in this case?
English confuses me sometimes!
thank you Ronnie, you’re the best english teacher.
Give you the english lessons in private ?
I m french and I love english
Hello ronnie How are you! So I am Mohcine I have a question I am so so confused! Could we add S ending gerund verbs for example lyings meanings …. we can make them plural or it depends…. Please answer me and Thank you so much I am always watching your vedios.
Hello Ronnie.Thank you for the courses. It’s very interesting. Please let me know if it’s possible to take lessons with you. I’m going to go to Toronto on june 01. best regards
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks so much ^^ you helped me
thanks a lot sir
hi… you did say in your video that we can’t use them both together in a sentence… what if i’d say ” i like to swim but i don’t like swimming “. please enlighten us more about when and where to use the gerund and infinitive in a sentence…
Thanks, Ronnie! Can I say, “Since it was raining, I didn’t go out”.
Teacher. Is ther no difference?
She stopped to smoke.
She stopped smoking.
I have learned that it is different for a long time.
And “Do you mind opening the documents for the presentation?”
“Do you mind to open the documents for the presentation?”
I think a second sentence is wrong.
Is it correct?
hi Ronnie,
thank you very much indeed for your lessons, thay are so good for me.
but i am confused with this lesson, you said” that snowboard is anoun” but you wrote i like to snowboard i think we can say : i like to go snowboard,
which one is correct?
my teacher taught me that when we use “love like hate etc” we always have to use gerund. But I believe YOU because you’re a native speaker so thank you so much!!
thank you so much for these lessons,I’m greatful. But teacher what about this sentence : I try to avoid argving?
I’d have a big problem learning gerunds because in my native language would be wrong start a sentence with it. Thank you for the explanation.
Ana Cowan
Thanks Ronnie I adore learning on EngVid, and do my best to practise the quizzes.
Hi Ronnie i have seen Alex teaching gerunds and infinitives it was great lesson but now you have made things easier for me .kind of examples you give while teaching is just amazing ,do you really prep for that or it just come out naturally.
I wanna ask, is it true? “The nature has started damaging.” and what the differences with? “the nature has damaged” I mean the meaning both of them.
Thank ronnie, you’re awesome:)
Thank you Ronnie very much. when I am listening your lessons I am getting it very well
Mariam Grigoryan
Hi Ronnie, I love your videos, I want to know the difference between IF and WHETHER. Thank youuuuu!!!
Hi Ronnie, thank you very much for your lesson. I understand that both forms (using gerunds with ing or using infinitives after verbs that express like or dislike are both correct and both mean exactly the same thing. So we can say that I LIKE GOING TO THE BEACH = I LIKE TO GO TO THE BEACH. Both are correct and mean exactly the same thing. However, if we use the verb ENJOY, can we still use both gerund or infintive? I am sure that I ENJOY PLAYING THE PIANO is correct. But, can I also say I ENJOY TO PLAY THE PIANO? Would that be correct too? Thank you in advance for your explantion, time and cooperation. Love and kisses from Spain.
I think with such entertaining qualities You will shown up in a TV show soon. You are a GREAT ENTERTAINER! And a GREAT TEACHER as well. And a wonderful girl. If I were an alien from outer space I said “Three thumbs up!” (Don’t misunderstand the third thumb… hmmm):D Thank You, Ronnie!
Tyll Forest
“I’d say…” sorry… :D
Tyll Forest
Thanks, you always help me a lot!
thanks a lot
Thank you so much.
jiraporn poon
I have 100 points…OMG….
hello! Thanks 4 the video it was very useful Ronnie. Hey! could you make another video about english slang please…
Thanks in advanced
hello teacher How are you .Teacher I want to improve my English because my English is so weak and i really thank full to u for the teach English
Hidayat ullah
Hello teacher If you create a new video for the usually rotten means like a job and usually rotten
Hidayat ullah
I need to explain about verb+ing = description
and difference between verb+ing = noun
Hello everyone
I am from Brazil.
Dear teacher Ronnie
You are the best. Your classes are incredible.
Ivan Sganderla
They admitted to committing the crime.
Is this sentence incorrect? (to + gerund)
Hi Mr. Fakhr. in your sentence TO is a preposition so, after that we have ING form of the verb.Best regards: soei
I’m deeply grateful!Thanks,yours lessons always very useful and interesting)
Abisso Rain
Hi this Noor saeed From Afghanistan i am a new student of Your website I watched your vedioes very useful and interesting!
noor saeed
which of the following is correct?
– I love to play.
-I like to play.
the both are correct
hi Roonie, first of all I want to thank you because you make english being so easy by your way in teaching. But I’ve one trouble here.
I’ve ever seen a sentence on a formal letter writen like this “I look forward to hearing from you.” Based on your replay to @abbas comment, you said that it’s an idiom, but in Emmas’s video titled “Writing Letter: Formal vs Informal” she taught that you cann’t use idiom in writing formal letter.
It is confused me, please explain this more clearly to me.
excellent explanation
thanks ronnie, you really help me learn in english
Ahmad Arief
Thanks Ronnie, now i understand. ^__^
Hi Ronnie, I love your classes, I have learned so much. But I have a doubt, I have gone to english class and there are a teacher who taught us that there are differences between gerunds and infinitives, he say: gerunds is for used when actions are real, concrete or completed, and infinitives is for used when actions are unreal, abstract, or future.
So when I listened to you, when you say that there aren´t differences, I´m too confused. I hope that you resolve my doubt. Thanks
This video has really helped me. Thank you teacher. You are awesome.
Kisses from Brazil.
Thank you Ronnie your lessons are always amazing and you are the best!!!
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for the lesson.
What about the following sentences ” Looking forward to receiving your reply”, is it correct or wrong.
Kind Regards
Thanks Ronnie, see you next time.. I have a lot of fun watching your video’s and its really help improving my grammar…
what’s the difference between when and while…on and onto…..please explain to me….please…thanks a lot ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie I liked it! Can I say the sentence-I liked making new friends at school. is it wrong? ing?
Hey Ronnie,
I’m looking forward to hearing you!
But we always say:
I want to …
I promise to …
I decide to …
I enjoy +ing
I practice + ing
100% Thank you
Thaks ronnie when I listen carrefully yor lesson my test are exac
tly 100% because do you teach in rome? I think we need a teacher like you….:)ahahah
Perfect video. Thanks
Thanks Ronnie you’re the best teacher I have ever seen
finally I got it… (“,) thank you Ronnie from the bottom of my heart ♥♥♥
April jeong
Ronnie! but is neccesary to know which verbs are follow by gerunds or infinitives?
Bea BG
thank you so much
Where i can check my result of my excer..
I love ronni..you are a wonderful teacher.
giovanny diaz
The lesson could have more examples from when we use only gerunds.
Angela Versiani
The lesson was good.
Angela Versiani
I love to learn with Ronnie. Is it correct?
I love learning with Ronnie.
Sure I got 100 %, Ronnie Thanks.
thank you Ronnie! I love learning English!
Patricia Arg
Thanks you again one more time¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
how ing form in ” He stopped watching the tv” is not a gerund? Would you explain it please?
You are really a great teacher. I like the way you deliver your lecture.
very gooddddd
Thanks!! You rock at teaching! :)
hey ronnie! i need help, where to use would and could in english??
anyone want to talk eith me in eng like as a practice?? then give me your number on whatsapp!!
I love Ronnie !!! you’re very funny and excellent teacher …. I understand all you teach !!!
me too
I enjoy learning more about English because of your way of teaching it, Ronnie!
Yey!!i got all the answers
It was very nice to learn. I didn’t know about it!!!
Thanks Ronnie! You are the best!!!!
Mr. Oliveira
Hello Ronnie,thanks for your teaching.
I have a question. I know that “I like to swim” And “I like swimming” are correct. How about “I like to go swimming” or “I like going swimming”? Are they correct?
OMG! Finally it’s cristal clear for me!
Thank you, Ronnie!
ha ha! I meant “crystal”! =b
Alguien me puede decir que significa “do me I ask”, perdón si lo escribí incorrectamente.
Could anyone please tell me what does “do me I ask” mean? thanks.
yes!!! thanks!!!
I am a little confused, I do an english course and taught me that exists specific rules to it. And now doesn’t exist anymore?
thank you
Ronnie i am fan of your lectures i love all
Ronnie,i am a student to learn English very fluently like you please tell me how to solve rearrangement of sentence in my competative test please help me with a video.
Ronnie, please, make a video with common terms relating to the profession of photographers.
Please, please, please!
Thank you
I love watching your videos! xD
Hi, Ronnie.
Thank you very-very much. You are amazing.
Teacher Ronnie, which one is correct;1)the woman that works here or 2)the woman who works here?
I want saying to you this lesson was very useful. :)
Thank you very much.
thanks ronnie
I’d like to thank the website engvid.com for this great opportunity, the teaches are amazing , really, really good.I’ve improved my english here thanks.
hi~ Ronnie! here is a question for you.
i quit smoking vs i quit to smoke
are there any differences in those two sentence?
thank for your answer!
Yeah there is you can look it up resources page.
In my exercises book I have a sentence:
“I like to know things in advance”
Why not “I like knowing things in advance”?
Cause only first sentence stated as a correct one.
Thank you
HI .. ROnnie ..
i got 5/5 .. i undertand this lesson .. thank you .. so much
thank you for giving useful lesson to us
You´re amazing… thanks one more time;….
great great great video ronnie
Thanks Ronnie for your nice lesson.But I am not clear “I like to swim” or “I like swimming” is the same meaning.
Hi! Ronnie, your lessons are brilliant! You are so cool!
Can you help me! I understood a topic. But there is a list of the most comman verbs that are usually followed by the gerund (keep, avoid, deny itc.) and the list of the most comman verbs that are usually followed by ‘to’ and the infinitive (agree, ask, decide etc.). The question is: can I use this verbs in both situation as the gerund and as the infinitive? Or must I learn them by heart?
You must learn them by heart unforrtunately
very good lesson.
Incredible helpful..>!!
Now I understood. Very thank you Ronnie!
Thanks Ronnie! Very interesting video! You are very energetic and fun :)
can you tell me how to make differences gerund after preposition?
ex: i look forward TO HELPING you paint the house.,this the example of gerund.
Henri siregar
Thanks Ronnie. Hi everybody. If you want to practice conversation add me in your Skype. fabio.carvalho35
Take care.
I like to swim; I like swimming? Is the meaning same?
could i get this answer
I bought three different pencils. Havent you seen ______ of them. (a)either (b) all (c)any (d)not remember.
any of them
thank a lot.ronnie
thanks Ronnie
sameh mohamed
thanks I want to practice with any my skype: sameh.elnaggar6
sameh mohamed
Hello Ronnie,I have a problem can you help me to rewrite this sentence correctly using the verb”Have”:
_”Somebody stole Mike’s wallet yesterday”
it was very easy… thank you Ronnie…
I love your videos. Thanks!
Thank you runnie. yoir video lessons are great.
You got 5 correct out of 5.
Thank you Ronnie?
Greetings from Colombia! I really enjoy your classes. I am learning a lot and having fun at the same time.
Way to go! MRS Ronnie.
Thanks a lot.
This is a nice lesson. I like very much and you are my favorite teacher. Thank you.
Sujan Miah
Hi Ronnie I love your teaching method specially the noises you make during your lessen.. Can u please teach me who to make this kind of voices I will b really thankful to u
Dr w murad
bro please
come to me i will teach within hr. :P
Abdullah Quidwai
leli leli !!!!!!!xD!!!!!!!!!!
hammad hassan
Hi Ronnie! im kitty from indonesia. you are my favorite lecture. your describe easy to understand to me. thank you.
sella kliti
Hi everybody!!! I need find more friends and practiece my english here. tell me please. Where I can speak with native speaker here?
Thank you so much Ronnie… i love ur expressions *flirt* though.
“Teaching someone is to teach yourselves”
~Hazrat Ali (PBUH)
Abdullah Quidwai
Thank you miss ronnie.
learned new things from you ronnie Thank you and make more videos
thanks teacher, i am going to see more videos
Hello I’m going to give you a sentence here which contains a gerund and just need you to explain to me how it isn’t correct please.
Before the advent of modern surgical techniques, bleeding patients with leeches were considered therapeutically effective.
Thank you Ronnie.
Hello Ronnie, I’d lke to know what’s the difference between gerund and infinitive when speaking. Greetings!
El papi
Hi teacher,
So, is it wrong to say “On a beach vacation, you need to take a bathing suit to go swimming” . I found this in my student book. Please, tell me if it is wrong… Thanks
Raphaella Braga
It is not wrong.
I like this lesson so much because I am able to make difference between gerun and infinitive .thanks miss Ronnie
Adhemar Doly
I have to say grammer is very difficult :))
Sentences like : I look forward to meeting / seeing you soon. Is there a rule that says, we can use a gerund after to in some sentences? I’m really confused now. Your answer will help everyone a lot. Thank you.
This to is not infinitive to. It is preposition to and after preposition we use gerund.
Ronnie you’re too good. you make it easy for me :)
zumar Ali zenia
Gerund or infinitive: How do I know what comes next after verbs? by any way like fun or etc.
hard to memorize
please suggest me the easier way
Thanks a lot from your information
wahidullah Shamsi
Ronnie please help me. I have some trouble grammar due to reading cnn news I found something in context that I don’t understand. It said that “the administration is close to completing a revised executive order on immigration” Close is have to follow by gerund all the time ? I always understand that close is followed by verb infinitive.
Thanks, Ronnie.Good lesson. I got 100.
Thanks Ronnie, you’re always funny and very clear!
Hello Ma’am,
Can we use Gerund after TO ???
coz in your video you taught me :-
(To + Base Verb) = Gerund
And my old teacher told me :
You should never use Gerun After TO.
If you need to fix any preposition, use of, not TO.
Today i read in a book,
With a vew to + Gerund is correct, even in Cambridge Dictionary I found an example :
(with a view to doing sth : with the aim of doing something)
These measures have been taken “with a view to increasing” the company’s profits.
How it is correct ???
And how can we identify if we have to use Gerund after TO ?
(Thanks in advanced its my first ever visit to this site and first ever quer asked here.)
There is different use of to dear friend. Ronnie told the infinitive to. For example, I want to study English. In here to is infinitive to, but in English we have preposition to and after this one we can use gerund. For example, I look forrward to meeting you soon. In here to is preposition like for, by, on, at etc. and after the prreposition we use gerund only. I hope ı can explain clearly.
Was good, know I can understand the difference between gerund and infinitive.
I like swimming, because it is a good exercise.
I like to swim, because it good.
Thanks a million.
My grammar teacher said that like+Ving is for habitual and like+to infinitive for momentary things. It is correct? If it is correct can we apply this to hate, continue and other verbs?
Also, thank you so much for this lesson
thank you lesson is very fun
100 percent
Firstly: thanks a bunch.
Secondly: Do the two structures (I like swimming and I like to swim) have the same meaning?!
Thanks, Ronnie.
Thank you so much, Ronnie for an outstanding class again! I had some problem regarding “Gerund and Participle.” I have got everything about Gerund and Infinitive through your in this video. Hoping to get the video about “Participle” soon.
Roonie, I searched for a video about Participle. I found some videos but failed to clear my idea properly. Have you any video about Participle? If YES, then please help me providing the links of the video.
Thank you very helpful for me.
Sometimes in a sentence, one verb follows another. For example, I want to buy an electric car. The first verb is ‘want’, the second verb is ‘buy’.
In sentences like this, there are different possible patterns. For example:
(a) I want to buy an electric car.
(b) I hate driving.
In sentence A, the first verb is followed by an infinitive.
In sentence B, the first verb is followed by a gerund (-ing) form.
The verb patterns are dependent upon the first verb. There are several different types of pattern. When you learn a new verb, you need to learn the verb pattern. Unfortunately, some verbs have more than one possible pattern! Sometimes, if a verb has two patterns, each pattern can have a different meaning or use.
Ronnie likes popping up or Ronnie like to pop up?
sadik ayoub
Your song is the best. I will sing it every day.
Is the above sentence correct? Every day is present tense. Can we use it with WILL?
LOVE is a uncountable noun…
So correct answer should be ” Balter love to dance or Balter love dancing”
Will you please explain me how it comes LOVES?
Love is a stative verb. But I still I got confused between LOVES and LOVE in a sentence
Hi, we add “s” to the main verb when we are talking in third person. I think Baltar is a male name. So you can use “He”.
Baltar loveS to dance or Baltar loves dancing.
Hi Ronnie, good lesson but I am still confused because once I read two sentences using gerunds and infinitive forms. For example: I like to play the piano and I like playing the piano.
In this case, are both correct? Can we use them like whatever we want? or How can we decided?
Hello! Could you help me, please? If there is a question such as: “What do you like doing?” , can I use infinitive for the answer and reply: “I like to play baseball”?.. or… I must use gerund in this case and give such answer as: “I like playing baseball”?
I am a student
Hussam Aldin
You got 5 correct out of 5
M kartal
Hoorrray!!!!! I got 4correct out of 5
Thanks Mrs. Ronnie.
I like to swim. is it correct? you wrote in Quiz. I like to siwmming . is it false?
100%. Thanks!
Hi Ronnie!
That’s great! briefly and clearly. Thanks.
wow, very good 5/5 correct…now this was clarified..tks
Paulo Bet
Thanks Roonie, you are your teaching makes the lessons easier.
Please tell me is it correct to say?
(I’m looking forward to hearing from you).
Very useful lesson, thank you Ronnie :)
snowboard is a noun . but for infinitive you write i like to snowboard.
to + verb base
why bare infinitive is used instead of bare infinitive
Thank you so much
I hope you are fine
Thanks Ronie
Christiano Maciel
thanx ronnie
i got 100%
good luck
hammad hassan
Thanks Ronnie ,I got 100%
Ronnie, You’re the funniest teacher of engVid. Thanks for making our day better.
#2 on the quiz said it was incorrect to say: I like to swim. It said I like to swimming was correct….
Joy Nelson
4/5! No! I miss one! When I was a student, I didn’t know gerunds and infinitive clearly. After Ronnie’s lesson, I understood.
Jerry Gu
5/5 Thanks Ronnie
oli man c
Hello everyone, sorry to anyone who is so kind to help me answer this, please, I would appreciate it very much.
Change the sentence with would to practice an uthopical point of view
I’ll wait for your call
– Will you come with me?
– Will you have a beer?
– I‘ll go swimming today
That’ll be Tom at the door
He thinks it will rain tomorrow
Fred will be there soon
Will you come with me?.
I will see the Taj Mahal
I will come to the class
Thanks a lot Ronnie
Yildiz Okuturlar
Thank you so much Ronnie from a fellow EFL teacher :)
Thanks, I usually use sites of grammar and spell checking. One of them says that the sentence, in gerund, bellow is wrong:
I would like you to notify me of every mistake I make.(right)
I would like you notifying me of every mistake I make.(wrong)
I know we can use either one of them but some verbs they should be followed by infinitive such as; agree, hope , need,… and vise versa, am I correct?
I (S) am (aux) going (V) to go (Inf) swimming (gerund or noun?) tomorrow (N). Is swimming not a gerund?
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
emmm…. I didn’t understand the difference…. When may we use gerund and when infinitive?
Hi.. You can use both. With the verbs: like, love, hate. You can say: I like swimming or I like to swim. I love dancing or I love to dance. Take care..!!7
I DIDN’T understand the difference i would like you to gime what’s the difference because as i know there are difference between them …………. but tks it was a easy way to understand what a gerund is :D
This is that easy: Take a look how you can write a sentence in two different ways.
I love dancing.
I love to dance.
This case it’s mixed the first and the second ways. It’s is grammatically wrong.
See you buddy.
There is no any rule. you can use both
I like to swim / I like swimming. both are correct .
though there are some verbs that must be followed with gerund. as much as I know
It doesn’t matter when you use which as long as you don’t use both of them in the same sentence.
hi…, there are not difference you can choose whatever you want
This lesson is very useful
ty so much
you will use “to + base” verb (when talk about your self preference or what *you* like) e.g :i like to shop something
but you’ll use “verb/noun + ing” when you talk about your opinion about that verb or noun e.g : i hate shopping,, so you’re talking abot the shoping it self not about self’s opinion,,, i hope you get it
Thanks for your funny lecture.
I always wondered if there is any difference between these two expressions in meaning…
1-I like swimming
2-Ilike to swim
Me too.
as i know,there is no diffirent meaning between them. it’s just 2 different ways.
I wondered when you said that there is not difference between I LIKE SWIMMING and I LIKE TO SWIM because I was told that you use GERUND when you are going to talk about ACTIVITIES. For example, I was told that you can not say I LIKE TO SWIM but I LIKE SWIMMING. I also wondered when you said that we can not use them at the same time. Thanks for your explanation, I do know that there is not difference.
I’m not sure but I can touch the difference when I translate to my language.
first one as if you say I like swimming as a skill.
second one as if you say I like to swim as a normal.
so in my language the differenct something like:
The cat
NO difference!
I love your videos. Thanks!
please correct me teacher if I am wrong
He likes to write essay or He likes writing essay.
former is subject is not doing a work it is just a wish of subject and latter the subject is actually writing an essay .
thank u
Thanks for this useful lesson…
I want to know about”Gerunds, Passive Voice”
I heard that there are some modal verbs which prefer gerund and these ones which prefer infinitives. Is it true? You didn’t mention about it. Anyway, thanks for the great lesson. Please correct me if I made a mistake.
very good lesson.
I am confuse of the correct pronunciation of gerund.One of the teacher says”gerund”. The other one says “djerund” but I see and learn more about the difference between gerund and infinitive that when you put them together, it sounds funny.
May I request more examples and the rules be printed out to understand them clearer. Thanks a lot. More Power! Great!
I did not get any point in the sentence ” I am confuse of…….”. It should be ” I am confused ……”. I think so, excuse me if i misunderstood.
I am confused …is correct!
why are we use “ed” in “I am confusED”?
When we put “ed” endings on words, it indicates how we feel! eg…bore = bored. excite = excited. amuse = amused.
doesn’t it indicated “past tense” when we use ED at the end of the word(regular past tense)?
Yes, Ed means past tense
I love you
you are wonderful teacher.
if you are single pls tell me.I can die for you.
I am confuse of the correct pronunciation of gerund.One of the teacher says”gerund”. The other one says “djerund” but I see and learn more about the difference between gerund and infinitive that when you put them together, it sounds funny.
May I request more examples and the rules be printed out to understand them clearer. Thanks a lot. More Power! Great!
thakyou so much I appreciate your ways of teaching.
Thank you very much Ronnie. Your lesson has helped me a lot. Wishing you good luck in your job.
Very very very good and useful lesson.
Thanks a lot
Good class ! I understood this content.
Thanks so much
I don’t understand the difference between TO+VERB and -ING. I know that after of Hate, Love, Like, Mind, Miss, etc we put a verb or noun with -ING, but now, Ronnie say that I also can put TO after this verb. Excuse me my English, I just a student learning.
i really like ur all lesson & its also a good 1 thnx ronnie.
yoour way of teaching is very good i like it y the lesson es very understandable
Hi , Ronnie. I got enjoy from your Lesson.
Ronnie could you teach some english jokes?
I’m grateful.
Have a good day lol.
Take care, Ramil
Thanks so much.
Thaks a lot! It’s the first time that I understand the use of Gerund and Infinitive correctly.
Thank you so much…. You´re a great teacher…!!!
oh boy, oh boy; I think I get it, Ronnie, but what about using gerunds after prepositions such as: ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘without’, ‘in’ and so on. Would you please make another excellent lesson for us?.
By the way I was surfing the internet and found this sentence:
“I am used to drivING on the left.”
How do you explain that if according to what I’ve just learned from you, it goes against the grammar rules”
THanks a bunch in advance.
“be used to” has own rules after which you always use Gerund :
Im from Poland so Im used to driving on the right side of the road :)
Ronnie, you are a great teacher, I love your lessons:)
Yes, it that sentence, driving is different!
Very impressive, thanks!
Your way of teaching is so good..THANKS:)
can you give us a class about indefiniti and definite articles
Hi Ronnie!
Thank you for a new portion of positive!
Actually we were always taught that there are difference, e.g. I stoped watching the bird (I don’t watch the bird anymore)/ I stoped to watch the bird (I don’t walk anymore – I watch the bird).
Or means you like to do it, to watch how other people do it, to read about it versus means you like the process you take part in.
oops the second part collapsed. this is:
Or “I like skiing” means you like to do it, to watch how other people do it, to read about it versus “I like to ski” means you like the process you take part in.
Lovely example, especially the second part. As regards “to stop”, the use of verb form is correctly explained, but it has no general relevance, as it works that way just for that verb.
Well, I must add something. Actually, the ‘-ing’ form in “I stopped watching the bird” is not a Gerund; it’s a Present Participle. That’s why it’s not relevant in this context.
aaah i see
thanx )
hi how are you ? i am from Azerbaijan )|) in Baku
Hi ronnie .i hope u r fine.you are such a great teacher .you really teach the students in easiest and simplest ways.i love watching your lessons ’cause i get to know many things from them.i also have a similar question oswcifre .i know we can say “i am looking forward to meeting him” will you just call it an exception or there is any specific explaination
Great question! – “I am looking forward to meeting him” ,is an idiom – idioms never follow any grammar rule!
Very good explanation. Thanks to Ronnie.
mmm That was a good point!!!…thanks Ronnie.
what’s the different between
“each” & “every” ??
Each = one
Every = all
thank u very much i will study again to become much better
I appreciate your effort, lovely female teacher. 5 out of 5 great scored, I will waiting 4 your next lesson. so long n’ good bye.
thank u tahats very benift thank u very muchhh
thank u my dear l hope learn english good
Hi Ronnie.
I have a question.
Is correct to say: I hate to go shopping
Or may be you just could say I don’t like make a purchase if you
I think it’s surplus even if it’s correct.
shoping=noun serarching for a purchase
Or we may justy go to the shop. But if we are shoping we’ve already gone into a shop.
Forget me for my mistakes if I done some.
Have a nice day!
I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.
sorry i forgot to say please.
Excellent one i always had a hard time with those two
Ohhh My God! This website is Perfect! Thanks Ronnie!
This website is perfect!
Ronnie Thank you so much! You’re a GREAT Teacher!
wonderful lesson,,ronnie you are such a beautiful and clever lady,i hope somehow i will meet you personally..thank you very much for the knowledge.
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for your video. Its very helpful.
Have a great time and see you next time!
thank you miss ronnie..
thank you miss Ronnie.it was helpful.
Thank you so much for a helpfull lesson.
thank you miss Ronnie
Fantastic work!
hi ronnie i don’t understand the sentece about your father. Can you explain me?
thanks a lot for your lesson
i like it and i wanna learn more again.
thanks allot
The lesos was very clear¡ Thanks
we can see twist in your lesson RONNIE
You gave us a very clear explanation, I would keep it in my mind. Thank you so much.
Thank you my dear Ronnie :)
thank you so much,,,it is good lesson.
Excuse me, could I help you? ………this is a good lesson.
This waw an easy lesson and an easy test too.
I love to watch your lessons, Ronnie.
I love watching your lessons Ronnie.
Thanks a bunch!
Sorry!, was**
Hi Ronnie. My question is not about this video but is an important one! When someone says I study at university, Should I ask “Which university” or “What university”?
Thank you.
You can say both!
thank you for the clear explanation.
hi thanks for the lessons can you help me i have problem with grammar tenses i am confused i don’t know when i should use it Especially ( perfect & continuous tenses )
Rebecca has done a lesson on tenses!
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks a lot for her English lessons, it’s really understanding …. want more from their viodeos …. thank you very much ….
m now a question of how to best learn English, and especially prononziation? …
again thank you so much …
The best way is to live/visit an English speaking country !
Hi teacher :)
By the way…
I have a doubt. Nothing to do with this lesson…
In this phrase:
“Your enemy can kill you, you must kill them first.”
I was talking about just one person, but I did not have idea if that person was a man or a woman…Is correct if I use “them” in this case?
Forgive me for this phrase. I couldn’t think in another better by now.
Thanks… :)
Yes, you can use “them” to talk about a singular person!
I know it. :) thanks thanks.. :)
Ronnie, please, bring some light in my mind. I use English Grammar in Use (Cambridge Edition) to study English. The book for intermediate have some lessons about verbs followed by – ing, verbs followed by “to”, verbs followed by infinitive without “to” like must, let, can, may, could, will, would. This book (maybe to British, I don’t know!) says verbs like love, like, hate, don’t mind, enjoy, stop, finish, give up etc. are followed by – ing form. Verbs like decide, want, would like, would love, begin, agree, refuse etc. are followed ONLY by “to”. There is something wrong?! I really would understand (the book don’t mention it) the most verbs are followed by -ing form or by “to”. Do the verbs followed by -ing form are exceptions or the verbs followed by “to”. Thank you lovely!
i have learn a lot from these site and i want to join with your org. im 18 years old and im from the philippines
hi how are you / nice class
Yes, u r a good teacher. Thank you.
i like it ..
very exicited!!!!! I love it
5 out of 5, I think my aptitude is getting better and better in English, Does it Rani?
Yes! Great work!!!!!
what a good lesson I just watched, keep these lessons coming, you’re all are good teachers
you’re all good teachers :)
Hi Ronnie, first of all thank you so much for your wonderful job. I have learned a lot since I watch your videos. When you get a chance would you please teach us when or how it needs to be used the words: off, out, on, up. I am a little confuse about the correct way to use these words. Thank you so much for your time and effort.
I will try to make a video for you!
Thanks for watching!
I cannot get into the quiz section in any of the lessons. Can you help me?
is there any difference in meaning//////¿¿can any one help me please
NO ! You can use a gerund OR infinitive.
I can only access your quizzes when I’m in Internet Explorer, but when I’m in Mozilla Firefox, nothing comes up when I click on “Quiz”. Is it my computer or is it how your website is set up?
Thanks for the lessons!
We hate Internet Explorer! We had some reports that old versions of Firefox had trouble with the quizzes. Please update to the current version. The site works best in a Webkit browser, though, such as Chrome, Safari, or Opera.
Miss Ronnie your lesson is too good……..But plz help me in how I can make big sentence. when I write some lines there have made a mistake.
Zafar Soomro
At first, try to make small, correct sentences! To make a larger sentence, you can take a topic and just add information about that topic into the sentence!
Ex…I have a dog. My dog is cute. My dog is brown. He is funny. He likes dog cookies.
ex…I have a cute, brown dog, He is funny and he likes dog cookies!
great content this!! well, I would love to have more instances regarding this topic.. thanks.
thanks a lot
my name is Zakary I’m a new student I want to learn the bacic english and don’t know how to bigen can you give me pices of advice
thank you Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie. Lily from Brazil
hi ronnie how are u,i hope u are ok;im saher from morcco ,i relly like your videos u are very good and friendly,irelly hope to help me becaus im going this month to get a marrige visa but my english not good that why i want to help me about elevaluation or test i don’t know what question give to me im so scred plz help me thanx anway becaus u are good teatcher
Sorry I have NO IDEA what questions they will ask you! However, if you don’t understand the questions just ask them to repeat the question or tell them you don’t understand the WAY they asked it!!! Don’t worry, don’t be shy/afraid to speak – just TRY and YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How to speak correct english
Hi Ronnie.can i ask you to tell me after which verbs we can use gerund.
thank you for your help.
Thanks Ronnie
Hello Ronnie, Really need your help on this one: Why do we use “ing” ending for manufacturing processes like machining, tapping, assemblying….why can´t they be simple form verbs like tap, machine or assembly….PLEASE HELP…..THANKS A BUNCH
You have to use -ing because if you didn’t, the words would be a noun! Eg..I am tapping (you are doing the action) NOT I am tape (that means you have become tape!)
Thank you, useful lesson.
hi ronni how r u.i hope u r ok.i m first time vist this website.i like that. thank u so much….winner
hey teacher Ronie i really love the way u discuss..its very very clear.
nice ….see ya!
I love your videos. They are fantastic and I learn so much whit them. Give my regards from Chile.
The preposition of confirm is what plz?
Tnx in advance.
«There is no preposition of confirm! We can say ì will confirm your reservations. I have confirmed your payment…..etc!
Thanks madam Ronnie…
Thanks a lot, teacher!
heheh, Your lessons are so funny and interesting , I hope if all the teachers become like you in educational fields . I love watching ur lessons :P you are the best :)
teacher l can use to+ noun
example l go to school
who’s different.
please teacher as me and thanks a lot,teacher.
Yes, you can say I go to school!
Amazing! It was perfect! Thank you so much!
thank you teacher ronnie very good explanation..we need more please
Hi Ronnnie, I like your videos very much, and I was wondering if you could help me…..What’s the difference between these two sentences: “They are getting married” and “they are going to get married”?
Thanks in advance!
The meaning of the sentences are the same! When we say them, they mean the same thing –
However, if you look at the grammar of them…….. “They are getting married” is in present continuous = NOW! This means they are getting married right now!
“They are going to get married” is future!
Like I said, when we speak, they mean the same thing!
Oh!my God.
Thanks very much Ronnie, you’ve been very helpful! :)una
Hi Ronnie, please i need you help. can you tell me the differents between “As and Like” thanks ;)
hi my name is lia .i am from greece .your lessons are very usuful and every day i try to study them .i am exciting with them
Well,why did your father use to say, “Ronnie do not split your infinitives!”
Because some people consider it grammatically wrong to split infinitives!
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you Sudha is me
please teach me the subject verb agreement please m very desperate.thanks for this wonderful class of gerunds and infinitives.
I will try to do a lesson on this for you – it is too much to explain in text!
i got it but can you explain to us more about gerunds
I like your lessons. Could you please explain the difference between the three conditionals? Thanks in advance.
Zero = for 100% true things (scientific)
If I melt ice, it becomes water. (If + sub.+ base verb + noun phrase, sub.+ base verb + noun)
First conditional= things that you are pretty sure will happen (99%-75% true)
If I eat a hamburger, I will/may/must/should be full. ((If + sub.+ base verb + noun phrase, sub.+ MODAL + base verb + noun)
I like your teaching .
Hi Im Iranian
would u tell me how can i compare my native hanguage with English.
Sorry, I don’t know!
Hello there Ronnie
I have a problem with some stuff like
”Wrap up
figure out
punk out
Sometimes when I use translate.google.com
I can’t find the proper meaning so how do we get the meanings?
These are “phrasal verbs” = 2 verbs together that have a new meaning! Look up “phrasal verbs” and you should be able to find a chart or some resource to help you!
Can you help me of pronounciation errors made by student as the english Foreign language??
hello teacher please tell me the difference between for and since waiting for your answer see you good buy
For is with a number eg…I’ve been waiting for 4 hours/42 seconds/9 years/ 8 days.
Since we use with a date (day/month/year) or time. I’ve been waiting since yesterday/since 9am/since 2001/since Tuesday.
hello teacher can we tell that songs can teach us pronunciation
Hello Ronnie.
It was very clear for me to understand and apply the correct aplicability to use the Gerund (ing) and the Infinitive. Excellent job and I love your canadian accent. Bye..
Hi Ms.Ronnie,
I hope my message find u well.Madam
As you know the importance of learning all kinds of English aspects,would it be ok,if i ask u to tell me some of usuall complimentary cluse,and also some of up-to-date salutation,which are more respectful than the others to use.
“future promis even finer thing because friendship is always strongest of the tense.”
thanks in advance.
Yes! Ask me anything!
Thanks, Ronnie, for your explanation on how to use gerund and infinitive. i learned a lot from these lessons and had a deeper understanding of the difference between the two. Thanks again!
Hi teacher
Thank you for this leasone
Hi, Ronnie, Below is the question i hope you don’t mind answering it for me.
Swimming is my hobby.
Is the noun ” swimming” considered as gerund?
Thanks in advance.
Hi! Ronnie.
I Never Forget Gerunbds & Infinitives.
The way you teach me. Thank You.
By the way I got 5 out of 5.
You rock! thank you so much ronnie!!
hi rannie ,im rany, i want to learn punctuation marks so can you give me something that makes me master them ??????????
Way………I like it …thank you very much…that help me
Thakyou so much lesson.^^
i got a perfect understand.^^
Thank you teacher .
keep it up .
pls, explain me the difference between these phrases (me too/ so am I/ same to you)
and then how to use (live/ stay).
Me too = I like pizza. If you agree with this, you can say “me too”!
So am I = I am hungry. If you feel the same, you can say “So am I! (we only use “so AM I” with adjectives!
Live is the place where your house is.
Stay is the place where you are at the moment and is usually for a short time!
Thanks for your reply.
Take it easy!
Mam i learned a lot from you. Mam im confuse in Betty loves to ski and betty love to ski,i answered without the s and im mistake because i thought that it is singular,whats the rationale for that mam.Thank you mam :-)
If it is he/she/it or a person’s name, you MUST put an “s” on the verb!
thanks allot
what about the verb enjoy? i mean, i remembered that sometime i understood that after enjoy always i must use enjoy.
thanks a lot for your job ronnie plz i wannato help me in the verbs can you are doing video to explain them plz plz i’m engy from egypt thanks a lot you’re very good teacher and i love your lessons so much ty a lot
hi ronnie,
plz help me on dis.. whichever is correct
He admitted taking the money. OR
He admitted to talk about the money.
i dislike complaining
or, i dislike to complain
so i m confused.. somewhere i read some common verbs that can be followed by gerund but not by infinitives.. and also dere are some common verbs tht can be followed by infinitve bt not by gerund…
plz help me on dis…
and will like to thnk u for al d lesonns… :))))
“He admitted taking the money” is correct.
Here is a list of verbs that are usually followed by a verb in gerund form:
admit, appreciate, avoid, carry on, consider, defer, delay, deny, detest, dislike, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, can’t help, imagine, involve, leave off, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practice, put off, report, resent, risk, can’t stand, suggest, understand
Some verbs can be followed by the gerund form or the infinitive form without a big change in meaning: begin, continue, hate, intend, like, love, prefer, propose, start.
I like to play tennis. I like playing tennis. It started to rain. It started raining.
can say
I like whatching tv
I like to listen music
I hate listning hip hop music
I love to play
I wrong in words
How are you teacher
Can say
I like to watch tv
I love playieng
I hate listen to hip hop music
I like listening india music
I like whatching sad movies
thank you
I love playieng = playing
I hate to listen to hip hop music
I like listening to Indian music
I like watching sad movies
Hi dear Ronnie, l appreciate your tired.plz help me about when we use(he,she)in animates.thanks
I think you mean animals??????? Usually we call animals “it” or “they” because we don’t know what sex they are! Some people will tell you that their cat or dog is a boy or a girl, the you can call it a he or she!
With 2 others exceptions: the lion and the lioness! Because you can immediately see if it’s a male or a female! (the mane!). So we usually use “he” or “she” to speak about them… Is it correct?
Dear teacher thanks for you very much teach English ,i am learning English from you web side ,very good learn for me again i say thank you so much…..
My name is edivaldo am Brazilian and am trying to learn a little of English and taste a lot of the videos of youtube am to refer to the videos of evgvid and do not have how to see all the videos or how to do this course wanted to know a little more. thanks
Welcome! Just go to engvid.com and then you can watch the videos! You can click on “teachers” and choose “Ronnie” and then watch all my videos, or whatever teachers you want!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think you a lot Ronnie you’are a good teatcher i love your stil
Thanks Ronnie.I am very like your teach method.It is very attractive.
My English knowledge is poor.i am always trying to improve it.
I think,now it is easy because you are my teacher.your lessons are very effective for improve my spoken skills.
I don’t know how to thank you.
thanks a lot
Hi Miss Ronnie, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this lesson ! I really enjoyed !
Best regards,
Hi Miss Ronnie, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this lesson ! I really enjoyed !
Best regards,
which sentence is correct?
A: let’s go swimming.
B: let’s go swimming pool.
C: let’s go to swimming.
D: let’s go to swimming pool.
thank you,you have a novel method in teaching
In my dictionary, I found that snowboard is just a noun. So I want to know if it is a verb as well. Thanks.
Yes it is a verb too!
Thank u so much 8)
Dear Ronnie,
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your invaluable lesson. I’ve been attending your video lesson for one year and gained good insight since that time. when I come to my today’s question; there are certain verbs which are followed by infinitive with to and gerund as well like the verb”like” which can be he likes swimming and he likes to swim. But there are also other verbs that mainly followed by either infinitive or gerund. fore instance: avoid,stop, refuse, deny, admit, etc. so this rule and your video lecture above doesn’t contradict?
Thanks a lot!
Thank you, Roonie;)
hi Ronnie ..i like ur lesson very much …ur too good in English..
i watch ur english every day … i want to know that do you have any facebook account …if have please send me your email id … i want to keep in touch with you …
hi, miss , is this American or British grammar coz i had already taught that i cant say “i like to swim” iif so what does it mean? and something else:what do we mean by saying”I’d like to swim”and “i like swimming.” Are they all the same in meaning?
This grammar is American AND British. Whoever told you you cannot say “I like to swim” is wrong.
I’d like to swim = I would like to swim. This means you want to swim!
I like swimming/I like to swim= you like the activity of swimming!
can I say :”I’d like swimming” or i general: “I’d like + gerund”. A teacher told me It is was wrong and I must say: “I’d like to + verb”
Thanks for your reply
Your teacher is correct.
can i say i likeS to swim? i confused when to use the ‘s’
NO I like to swim. Only use “S” with he/she/it!!!
hello! please help me! i want knowing the meaning of “like that” and the difference between it and “like this” in speaking with examples.
Like that refers to something far away from you that someone else is doing. Like this is something that is close and you can demonstrate yourself!
Can i use “I was trying to cross the street?”
hiii, i like your video lecture. thanks a lot
Hi! Mam… :) like your lecture it helped me a lot… actually its just superb.. love it and you :)best teacher i have ever had :) stay blessed and keep teaching us :)
great job mam… well done :)
i really appreciate your way of teaching. it’s impressive.
in the meanwhile i noticed something that gave me a headache. noun+ing never heard of that whatsoever.
what about proper nouns and Compound Nouns …?
gerund is a Verbal Noun that means we can create a noun out of a verb by adding ing and not a noun out a noun by adding ing
have you ever heard about animal becomes animaling
incredible website … i appreciate it .. but i suggest adding mote videos about gerund .. best wishes …. :)
Hi Ronnie,
Is it possible to use “to be” with past participle. For example
1) I am done
2) It is completed
3) He is finished.
If the above mentioned examples are correct, they why the following sentences are in correct
1. He is gone
2. It is come
can you please clarify
Your sentences are correct!!!! great work!
Thanks for the info. Which of the verbs don’t go with “to be”? (For example: He is gone). Otherwise, list of the verbs which cannot be used in passive voice. My understing is that “to be” + past participle is only used in passive voice. please clarify.
why ….because *Baltar loves dancing*
Hey, Ronnie! Could you explain plz the usage of infinitive and gerund. In my grammar book there is a rule that after the certain words such as ENJOY DENY, DISLIKE, EXPRESS, FANCY, AVOID, CONSIDER AND SO FORTH, the gerund is used. Is it a strict rule?
Yes, you have to follow that rule!
hi ronnie .
I wonder how have we to use gerund and infinitive in same sentence like with the verb ” to look forward “. for example :
I look forward to meeting my uncle next week
can I be sure of something
hi ronnie .
I wonder why do we have to use gerund and infinitive in same sentence with some verbs . like the verb ” to look forward “. for example :
I look forward to meeting my uncle next week
can I be sure of something
what is the difrence between the two folowing sentences:
built for the kill
built for killing
The first “built for the kill” is specific while the second “built for killing” is general.
hi miss Ronnie, why in Quiz number 4 and 5,the correct answered is “Baltar loves dancing and Baltar loves to dance but wrong if “Baltar love dancing and Baltar love to dance”?” i dont understand why behind the word “LOVE” need to+ “S”? Can u explain about that? Thank u so much^^
We need to use “S” on ALL verbs when we use he/she/it or a person’s name!
I guess you have not answer for my question
okay thank you
Great class!!
i like to watch and listen to your lessons, teacher Ron! thanks i got perfect score. :) hehe
hmmmm it is good lesson for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. thanksss everybody.
Geart job
Subject matter and presentation skill are appreciable but the the volume of the voice of the teacher needs to be increased a little bit.
its really useful for daily conversation for those students want to support the native English
mam can u please teach us precis writing some tym
Hey Ronnie,
thanks a lot. It really helped me with my english. I hope I’ll also get a good grade for my english test tomorrow.
Hello my bessssssssst teacher Ronnie.First of all i hope you’re doing well.Thank you so much for this lesson,it’s quiet interesting ! Could you please brievely tell me some verbs that can’t accept gerunds,i mean there are some of them go just with gerunds and others with infitinves,and some accept both,is that correct??
Yes, there are! Just search on the internet for verb+ gerunds!!! You will find many lists to help you!
Thank you so much my bessssssssst teacher,all your advice are very helpful!
Have nice day miss Ronnie!
Hi, Ronnie! I´m an English teacher from Argentina, South America. I find your lessons extremely useful for my classes!! There´s one v. pattern I´d like to add, object to DOING sth. Perhaps, you can prepare a lesson on exceptions to To+Infinitive rule, that´ll be great! Thanksss
Gracias por su esfuerzo e inigualable carisma de explicar el ingles.
Denada! Gracias por watching!~
I can see that you like spanish, don’t you?
Spanish is a good language and English too.
Gracias por enseñarme como usar el gerundio.
Thank you for teaching me how to use gerund.
I hope you keep on teaching me a lot about English.
hi ronnie, i’m proud of you. you’re the best teacher. funny and energic.
She is a great teacher
Thank you :D
I’m clear now
hi Ronnie
thanks for this lesson
i understand most lessons but i have also problems in communication.ithink that i must speak with native speakers to improve myself
do you mind giving me a useful website where i can speak with others and learn more.
Hello Ronnie, ThxQ for this lesson.
i would like to know, for example i want to go to drive with you or i want to go driving with you! another one is after prepositions, you need to say gerud or infinitive?
I want to go driving with you! Is more natural sounding than I want to go to drive with you!
Thank you very much Ronnie you are agreat teacher.
Hi Ronnie! Thanks for the tip! I was really confused about “Gerund and infinitive”, but now after this amazing explanation I really got it!
“Merry Christmas”… =]
i like this lesson very much
could you help me please
Q4 and Q5 why put s with verb
i have two Q
Q4 and Q 5 why you put S with verb
thank you
You said that it´s impossible to use infinitive and gerund in one sentence. But what about sentences like “I like to go swimming”? Isn´t swimming a gerund here? Or does it have another name allthough it has the -ing at the end?
Thx in advance!
Thank you very much.ıt is very good lesson.
Thx for the lesson. In my book they wrote that we have to use gerund with certain verbs, e.g., admit, avoid, discuss, dislike, enjoy, finish, miss and quit.
but with infinitive we use, agree, choose, decide, hope, learn, need, plan and want.
for both we can use, begin, hate, love, like, prefer.
Thank you
Think u mrs Ronnie and happy new year for u and for family and for all the people
thank u so much and it’s help me a lot :)
I lone you Ronnie your lesson was fantastic keep walking!
hi teacher
we stopped to eat
we stopped eating i don’t understand
We stopped to eat implies that you were doing something, then you took a break and ate something.
We stopped eating = you finished eating.
Thanks a lot. I couldn’t never understand that !!! but now its piece of cake
help me :D we stopped eat
we stopped eating
Thanks very much. You really made it clear.
Good morning My Teather .
I like your teacthing way .
I prefer watching your Les , than TV .
I like listening to your vidio , than music .
If they asking me to make choice , I chosing you than other Teacher .
You can’t use both Gerund and infinitive in the same sentence? What about the sentence “I would like to be swimming right now”. Is that not a correct sentence grammatically?
Your sentence is correct. What I meant was you cannot use to+gerund in the same sentence. ex..I like to swimming.
Hi Ronnie
Ronnie. Just. Hi
hi teacher
I still can’t understand when should we use Gerund and when should we use Infinitive? And what is the different between “I like to play piano” and “I like playing piano” ? Its so confused for me :(
i would like to know when I use at, in and on in a sentence
can you help me please, I will have a exam
thanks for your help
Choose the correct sentence:
Baltar (loves) to dance.
Baltar loves to dancing.
Baltar( love) to dance.
Baltar love to dancing
i see it diffrence beetween love and loves , can you explain why used loves?
the way you taught in th video makes me smarter ,thank my lovely friend.
I liked your explanation, thank you.
Ronnie Teacher
I’d like to ask you. I found some verbs in my english book that can use gerund form too:-
to be busy, come, go, sit, complete, escape, get through, go on, worth, to be no good, to be no use, keep, practice, would you mind, loathe, recall
Are they correct or not?
Thanks a lot my teacher.
Well, if it says they are correct in your English book – do you think they are????
I’d like you to confirm because it wasn’t written by native speaker.I bought it from bookstore and was printed in my country.
I believe you.
I believe you
means I think you are telling the truth!Thanks for your lesson!
Hi Ronnie,
I’m a little confused. I’m learing English as a foreign language, of course and my teacher said ‘After love, like, enjoy, hate, etc you have to use -ing form and after would like/would love you have to use a infinitive form. There is no other choice’.
And you said ‘I like swimming’ and ‘I like to swim’ was correct.
What’s more, in my english book there is lots of boring explanation when you HAVE TO use -ing form and WHEN infinitive.
So can I always use both forms without difference in meaning?
By the way, thank you for all your lessons – you’re awesome!!! :)
Yes — basically, “I like swimming” and “I like to swim” are the same!
the sentence ”how can stop running?” the world stop is followed by gerund , how many words that i need to know that needs to be followed by gerund as a rule.
Your sentence is wrong. You need to say “How can (s)he stop running”. Here is a web page with a list to help you!
I like doing smth means I enjoy doing it. I like to do smth means It’s a good thing to do. So I would never say I like paying my bills promptly.Because I don’t enjoy it but I think it’s a good idea to do it promptly. But I like reading or I like to read there is almost no difference.
What I didn’t understand is how we can form gerund from a noun??????? We can use -ing form only with verbs. So all words mentioned like shop,snowboard,etc. can be verbs as well.That’s why we can form gerund
Thanks again and again from Azerbaijan.
Hi there, I think there’s no Teacher like you and I mean it. keep it up CHICKEN WISH U HAVE A VERY NICE DAY THNX again,
can you pls tell me. how a participle or verb governs a noun or pronoun.
Ex: Hearing the noise, the boy woke up.
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax u
Hello, Ronnie!
Thank you for what you and other teachers are doing! It’s fascinating!
I have a little question to you. I’d be really grateful if you answered it. It concerns pronounciation. Is it OK when “t” sound sometimes turns into slight “d” sound. For instance, entity(pronounced as entidi), integrity (integridi), curiosity (kjuriosidi), etc. I’ve always wondered for what English-speaking countries such pronounciation is OK.
The thing is I try to adopt American English, but unfortunately have no idea of whether this “d”-trend is OK for them or not.
Thank you in advance. Looking forward to more videos=)
Yes, most North Americans say “t” like a “d”. I have no idea why!
Thanks Ronnie. I appreciate your help
Thanks ronnie you are a very good teacher , but i got some doubs about this lesson , i think it must be some verbs to use ing endin and some verbs to use “to”
hi ronnie,
thank u so much for the lesson. you are my favorite teacher :)
by the way I want to ask you about the sentence “taking a knife to exports and regniting inflasion at a time”
what’s the meaning of “taking a knife” ?
Taking a knife = cutting.
Hi Ms. Ronnie, how are you today? I have a question about this sentence, I don’t know if I am right or wrong. It goes like this. The doctor suggested eating more vegetables and fruits. Can I say the doctor suggested to eat more vegetables and fruits? I am confused!!! I’m looking forward for your reply. Thank you.
Yes, both sentences are correct!
here is mentioned above that “suggest” is followed by a gerund. Then the second sentance seems to be incorrect.
Thanks Ronnie. I got answer from my English teacher last night and he said the answer should be “The doctor suggested eating more vegetables” and not “to eat more vegetables.” I don’t know why. Seems like to eat more vegetables sounds correct too.
that’s what I just said
Hi Ms. Ronnie, would you do a video about participles. Present and Past Participles. Comparing to Gerund and infinitive. Just want them to know the differences of each of them. Thank you.I will look forward to your video about this. Thanks once again. Is my grammar correct? Please do correct this if you may. Please to hear from u soon.
Hello Ronnie! Could you explain what the difference betweenm NO and NOT? How to use them? I’m quite confused right now.
Thanks a miliion, Ronnie. I’m looking forward from your reply.
With Regards,
Thanks a lot
i’ve watched many of your lessons in youtube…they’re really helpful.
could you please explain about the use of ‘if’ + will/would/should/might+++++
if i’m not mistaken, the way to use shows different levels of certainty…(well, am i correct?) i’m still confused on how to use the correct ‘if + would..or something’ that corresponds to the situation.
Thanx in advance.
Just search the site for “Modals” – there are about 5 lessons on them for you!
i#ve got an question, too.
Today I got my class test back and my teacher said, that this sentence would be wrong:
“Shall we go out tonight or do you prefer staying at home?”
she said that I have to write “to stay” instead of “staying”. is that really wrong?
Ask your teacher why it is wrong.
After prefer you can use either a gerund or infinitive! However, there many be another reason why it is wrong – ask her!
thanks for your quick answer. ;)
Hi Ronnie,
I’m very haapy with ypur teach. Thanks a lot.
Hi Ronnie,
so, I am not the only bizarre woman who hates shopping?!
Ronnie, I like your video lessons very much, it really helps me to improve my English, you’re the best teacher)
Ronnie hi again.
I like your grammar lessons they’re very shinning and clearing. thanks for be a good teacher.
I’m cuban, my English isn’t perfect but I hope that you get the message.
I would like to be in touch with you in order to learn and weight my knowledge.
thanks for your time
are there any infinitives in an other tense?like the past tense?is yes please explain.
I have went to the shop.
I have gone shopping.
You must use this rule in all tenses!
thank you
I enjoy watchin’ your videos mrs,thank u for all.
Your welcome student.
Sorry, but I have a doubt recognizing when a word is a gerund or an adjective/present partciple, for example:
-A frying pan
-A flying insect
I would really like to knwo more about that.
Both words frying and flying are adjectives. Adjectives come before a noun.
I was reading the comments of the other people and (I don’t know if I undertood this correctly) you explained that we can use whatever we want (gerund or infinitive) in a sentence and there’s no difference between them. Am I right?
hey Ronnie could you please clarify that why we use loves instead of love in Q.4 and Q.5 of the Quiz???
Answer Awaited !!!!
For he/she/it or a person’s name, you ALWAYS need to use an “s” on a verb in the simple present tense. Ex. I like pizza. He likes pizza. My mom likes pizza.
Hi Pleas write to me. How i write tis sentences.I like watch tive/Or so I like watch to tv?
I like play to football/or I like play football/
My sister doest like to eat porridge/or My sister doest like eat poridge.
My friend like to plant tree/
Pls write to me this sentencis correct variant.
I wait u ansver.Pls help to me
YOu must put to + verb. I like to watch tv.
thank thank
when I can use (to).and When I cant use (to)I cant understand this
(i went swimming) can be past tense ?
Yes, you are correct.
Hi Ronnie pls say to me.how i use this sentences?
Do you mind … the window?
may i use here (opening) or (to open)?
is this jerund sentence?
Opening. Yes this is a gerund! When we use “Do you mind……”, you MUST use a gerund!
tahnk Ronnie
i am from pakistan .i found your lessons clear like crystal.thanks
Hi Ronnie,
what about the following sentences:
“I’m looking forward to seeing you”
“I’m addicted to making love”
” I’m used to going to parties”
I know they are correct but why is there to+verb+ing?? It there a logical explanation about it??
Used to is an entirely separate grammar point! We use it to talk about past habits!
The other expressions are just exceptions to the grammar rules! This is why English is SO HARD to learn!!!!
i got perfect score!!!yehey… it really helps me a lot…
is it true we use infinitive in a sentence with long complement and gerund without complement? thank you
I don’t really understand your question. Could you please give me an example!
is correct to say… i like to go swimming??? or i hate to go shopping??? thanks
hi: Thanks for your lesson and for your quiz, i humbly say that scored 5 to 5, by the way. byeeee
Thanks, I enjoyed taking test
I like it, thank you ! Moscow
THANKS Mr Ronnie you made the lesson very easier to me you are best teacher
After this lesson, I learned the difference between the infinitive and the gerund, but Ronnie, are there any exceptions?
Thank you Ronnie ! I really enjoyed your lesson.
i love lecture but when i tested in the quiz i took 2 worng
so i am so thankful ,because i have learned a lot on your website but i have been thinking about HOW TO THINK IN ENGLISH because many english teachers say ,if you really want to speak english you need to think in english, i hope you can help me and i also want to know about the SUBJUNTIVE MODE please…btw you are excelent teachers
hello ronnie. i hope u will be fine. i have a question for u.my question is that when we use “might” nd what is the meaning of “fumming” and “boulavard”??? i hope u will ans me soon tc bye!
Might is a modal verb, it means the same as may. They mean you are 60% sure of something. Ex…. I might go to the mall today.
The other words look up in a dictionary.
how can identify a gerunds or infinitive because there are a group of verbs you can only use as infinitives and others one as gerunds …please help me
You just have to memorize the verbs.
I think it would be great if you could show some rules of verbs in which the difference between gerund and infinitive exist. For example, the verb “to stop”. It’s not the same to say “I stop dancing” and “I stop to dance”. In this case the difference is clear. Would you make a video about it? Thanks, your videos are great!
Thnx Ronnie
I usually go swimming with my best friend.
Is swimming a gerund?
Hello, Ii would like to know if “swimming” is considered a gerund or a verb in the following sentence, and why?
I usually go swimming with my best friend and his rather unusual girlfriend.
Thank you kindly.
I found the sentence: “I look forward to meeting you.”
The 9-th example. Can you, please, explain that? “Metting” is not gerund here?
Some words we must use as a gerund and not infinitive.
helooo ronnie thanx for answering me i have a request would u pls make a lesson on parts of speech ???? :)
Hi Ronnie,thanks for your lesson but the problems is that what case I should use gerund and when I use infinitive. Hope you will teach us further lessons to make clear about it. Regards
Great lesson In my opinion I think this is a lesson for beginners not for advanced level.
I’d like to know when I use the infinite verb and gerund
Hello!! You´re a fantastic teacher!! Thank you so much for your explanation! I have a sentence:
We could to swim five years ago.
Is it correct to write:
We could go swimming five years ago?
No estoy de acuerdo.
thaks a lot!
Thanks a lot!I could get it.
I like swimming, but I’d not like to swim now.
There is specific verbs or noun we use for gerund or infinitive like ‘appreciate’ we can use I appreciate to help me. ?
There is specific verbs or noun used with each one can we say ‘ appreciate to help ‘
thanks a lot
you are very good to explan
you are an excellent English teacher ! I love the way your teach . It is so interesting lesson for me!
Thank you very much.
thanx it was really nice
Hi Adorable Ronnie, I would like you to explain why people often use this in letter writing? (I am looking forward to hearing from you) I want to know if the infinitive with the gerund is correct.
Hi guys, I would like to explain other important things about Gerund and Infinitive.
We can use Gerund in verbs after prepositions and when the verb is the first word in the sentence.
Ex.: ‘Smoking’ is bad for you!
John is good ‘at playing’ the guitar.
For Infinitive, when the verb is followed by some adjective we use the verb in infinitive or when we use “Modal Verbs” we put the verb in infinitive too and to finish, when we explain for someone “why we do something” we use the infinitive.
Ex.: I came to Dublin to buy something!
I would like to go to the moon!
Bye guys!!!
Eni, you can’t use gerund and infinitive together.
It’s absolutely clear about the verb forms with “love” and “hate”. But how to learn what to choose Gerund or Infinitive with the rest verbs? Should we just learn the verb patterns by heart or is there an easy rule?
Ronnie must be one of those cool teacher I wish I had when I was still in school. Love your sarcastic (in a good way) method of teaching.
thank you! Now I know how to explain to my students!
thank you very much. i have a question you say we have to use ( to+base verb) but ski and snowboard are not verb how do you say : i like to ski or i like to snowboard
best regards
You can say I like to ski/snowboard
or I like skiing or snowboarding!
very good lesson, i didn’t know that information. thanks teacher.
Now I have not any doubts when I should to use a gerund or an infinitive.Thanks a lot Ronni.
Hi Ronnie! Your lessons rock!!
However, in this lesson, I think that we should make a difference between like/love/hate and other verbs, such as spend or decide which are followed by gerund and to infinitive. One of my students watched this lesson and got confused, he thought that all the verbs can be used in the way we can use like/love/hate, but it is not like that!! Be careful!
Well, there are no differents with ‘Gerund’ and ‘Infinitive’?
But i have a problem, in my homework, the sentence is ‘I volunteered________(sell) things myself…’, I put ‘selling’ on. Surprisingly it was incorrect, the answer is ‘to sell’.
So whats wrong with it? Or because the word infront of the line? Or this is only fit for ‘love’,’like’, etc?
Thank you for video , you make me funny in your class . Teacher if me have a problem can I ask you ?
Ms Rooney,
Thank you for this video but I’ve learned “like” differently as a verb. My teacher taught me that if something is your hobby or a general thing that you like and a verb you should use gerund but if it’s more specific you should use infinitive. For example, I like swimming, according to my teacher i like doing it all the time, but if I like doing it only when i am on vacation she said you should say I like to swim when i am on vacation. This is what my teacher taught me. But you say I can use both. I am really confused. Could you help me out?
Ps: Sorry for my terrible english, hope you’ll understand :(
You can use both!
Thank you very much for your lesson . It is very use ful. I have got 5…
I believe that the comment made at the beginning of the video that one cannot use both a gerund and an infinitive is not correct. It is possible. For example: I promised to stop smoking., She doesn’t want to risk driving in the rain. Correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you very much.ıt is very good lesson
Thank you so much
i can say i like to dance or i like dancing
Geruds, like infinitives, function as nouns, not verbs. Just beacause these words take an -ing ending, they don’t have to be verbs in the continuous form. That’s why you can put them at the beginning of the sentence, where they work as the subject. If you don’t see the verb Be in front of a word with an -ing ending, it’s probably a noun (a gerund).
Thanks I have got 100 or my Tess
Hi Ronnie
I watched your video it was great and clear thaks a million.
I am confused about gerund when I use verb+prepositions,verb+adjetives or verbs follow ing without to ”I enjoy cooking.The problems are I need record all the verbs without to and follow ing! do you have a secrety for this?
I looking forward to gett”ing” your answer.
I got 5 correct out of 5 :) Thanks :*
There is an exception in goodbye phrase: I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
This is really good, thank you Ms Ronnie! I love studing.
Nice and very interesting teaching rooni……………
i have got a lession i my english book for this thinks and it is a exercise who sayes comlete the sentences with ing or infinitiv
did he agree____you?(help)
i dont like _____ in touch with peile.(keep)
Thank you for a clear and brief explanation.
Hi! I see a lot of questions I would like to share what I know about gerunds and infinitives. I’ve read in a grammar book that the difference between two sentences such as “I like to swim.” and “I like swimming.” is that when you use gerund you talk about a general class of activity. The reader does not know whether you like to watch swimming or doing the action, that is to actually swimming. In”I like to swim.” the reader clearly understands that you like doing this activity.
Thank you Ronnie, you are awesome
Thanks for your explanation but I have a questions.When we have to use gerund and when we have to use infinitive????
Hi Ronnie:)
I want to know what difference between I like to swim and I like swimming?
hi teacher thank a alot .. i saw your videos and i learned a lot of gremmartical rules …but i dont know how to use these words are chosen, taken etc and enlighten- enlightenment … develop – development also…. plz teach me … i am waiting for you …. thanks a lot..
Dear ronnies
I would like to ask you is it different meaning between gerun and verb infinitive.
Example: I like swimming and I like to swim.
Best wish,
ronnie now i am confused between your two lessons…one is this and another one is the latest FUTURE VS PRESENT CONTINUOUS…..becos in this lesson we are using gerund and infinitives together…its difficult to understand….if possible pls help me…why and how it is so ??
I’ve seen some videos and it’s helping a lot. thanks and congrats!
Hi, If I can say I like swimming I can say I want studying now?
Hello Ronnie.
I have a question on this tutorial about gerunds and infinitives. Particularly on this sentence, is it good and allowed in English language at all – “I like to go swimming”. Gerunds and Infinitives are the hardest to understand for me..
Thank you in advance.
I’ve never took English lessons from a native speaker in my life since the day that I found this site. Thank you so much for these lessons, they are very helpful and you are such an amazing person :)
Hello Ronnie.
Tell me please if it posible to use infinitive after “How about”.
Is it correct to say “How about to go to the cinema?”
I like your teaching, because you speak slowly and make me easy to understand what you were explaining. :)
Hi ronnie. I’m studying intensive english. well, I have a question about other rules, mm can you tell me when to use would rather or would prefer and embedder wh-questions?
Thank you!
P.D. I like your videoes :)
Thanks Ronnie for the lesson,but I have a feeling that the statement “there is no difference,you can use either of them” isn’t that true. For example, the phrase “I love swimming” have two meanings for me,it’s either the speaker loves to swim or he just likes that sport activity as general,like watching a TV translation of swimming sport. While “I like to swim” has only one meaning. Am not I right?
Thank you very much for the lesson. My question is whether it is possible to use articles before a gerund.
Thanks alot
you are an excellent teacher so Ilove you very much
thank you, but fot this sentance
I don’t mind working, can I say I don’t mind to work?
Hi Ronnie,
I was told there are certain rules I should follow. Can I use an infinitive when I want to talk about considering something? Am I supposed to say “I am considering to move” or “I am considering moving”? I think the first sentence is incorrect.
Thanks a lot.
it’s not change in meaning
Do you say there is no difference : I stopped smoking or I stop to smoke???
Hey! YOU + ARE = you’re a good teacher. Thanks for your humor :) It makes watching fun. Can you please explain this to me: He is going swimming.
Is ‘swimming’ a verb or a gerund in this case?
English confuses me sometimes!
thank you Ronnie, you’re the best english teacher.
Give you the english lessons in private ?
I m french and I love english
Hello ronnie How are you! So I am Mohcine I have a question I am so so confused! Could we add S ending gerund verbs for example lyings meanings …. we can make them plural or it depends…. Please answer me and Thank you so much I am always watching your vedios.
Hello Ronnie.Thank you for the courses. It’s very interesting. Please let me know if it’s possible to take lessons with you. I’m going to go to Toronto on june 01. best regards
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks so much ^^ you helped me
thanks a lot sir
hi… you did say in your video that we can’t use them both together in a sentence… what if i’d say ” i like to swim but i don’t like swimming “. please enlighten us more about when and where to use the gerund and infinitive in a sentence…
Thanks, Ronnie! Can I say, “Since it was raining, I didn’t go out”.
Teacher. Is ther no difference?
She stopped to smoke.
She stopped smoking.
I have learned that it is different for a long time.
And “Do you mind opening the documents for the presentation?”
“Do you mind to open the documents for the presentation?”
I think a second sentence is wrong.
Is it correct?
hi Ronnie,
thank you very much indeed for your lessons, thay are so good for me.
but i am confused with this lesson, you said” that snowboard is anoun” but you wrote i like to snowboard i think we can say : i like to go snowboard,
which one is correct?
my teacher taught me that when we use “love like hate etc” we always have to use gerund. But I believe YOU because you’re a native speaker so thank you so much!!
thank you so much for these lessons,I’m greatful. But teacher what about this sentence : I try to avoid argving?
I’d have a big problem learning gerunds because in my native language would be wrong start a sentence with it. Thank you for the explanation.
Thanks Ronnie I adore learning on EngVid, and do my best to practise the quizzes.
Hi Ronnie i have seen Alex teaching gerunds and infinitives it was great lesson but now you have made things easier for me .kind of examples you give while teaching is just amazing ,do you really prep for that or it just come out naturally.
I wanna ask, is it true? “The nature has started damaging.” and what the differences with? “the nature has damaged” I mean the meaning both of them.
Thank ronnie, you’re awesome:)
Thank you Ronnie very much. when I am listening your lessons I am getting it very well
Hi Ronnie, I love your videos, I want to know the difference between IF and WHETHER. Thank youuuuu!!!
Hi Ronnie, thank you very much for your lesson. I understand that both forms (using gerunds with ing or using infinitives after verbs that express like or dislike are both correct and both mean exactly the same thing. So we can say that I LIKE GOING TO THE BEACH = I LIKE TO GO TO THE BEACH. Both are correct and mean exactly the same thing. However, if we use the verb ENJOY, can we still use both gerund or infintive? I am sure that I ENJOY PLAYING THE PIANO is correct. But, can I also say I ENJOY TO PLAY THE PIANO? Would that be correct too? Thank you in advance for your explantion, time and cooperation. Love and kisses from Spain.
I think with such entertaining qualities You will shown up in a TV show soon. You are a GREAT ENTERTAINER! And a GREAT TEACHER as well. And a wonderful girl. If I were an alien from outer space I said “Three thumbs up!” (Don’t misunderstand the third thumb… hmmm):D Thank You, Ronnie!
“I’d say…” sorry… :D
Thanks, you always help me a lot!
thanks a lot
Thank you so much.
I have 100 points…OMG….
hello! Thanks 4 the video it was very useful Ronnie. Hey! could you make another video about english slang please…
Thanks in advanced
hello teacher How are you .Teacher I want to improve my English because my English is so weak and i really thank full to u for the teach English
Hello teacher If you create a new video for the usually rotten means like a job and usually rotten
I need to explain about verb+ing = description
and difference between verb+ing = noun
Hello everyone
I am from Brazil.
Dear teacher Ronnie
You are the best. Your classes are incredible.
They admitted to committing the crime.
Is this sentence incorrect? (to + gerund)
Hi Mr. Fakhr. in your sentence TO is a preposition so, after that we have ING form of the verb.Best regards: soei
I’m deeply grateful!Thanks,yours lessons always very useful and interesting)
Hi this Noor saeed From Afghanistan i am a new student of Your website I watched your vedioes very useful and interesting!
which of the following is correct?
– I love to play.
-I like to play.
the both are correct
hi Roonie, first of all I want to thank you because you make english being so easy by your way in teaching. But I’ve one trouble here.
I’ve ever seen a sentence on a formal letter writen like this “I look forward to hearing from you.” Based on your replay to @abbas comment, you said that it’s an idiom, but in Emmas’s video titled “Writing Letter: Formal vs Informal” she taught that you cann’t use idiom in writing formal letter.
It is confused me, please explain this more clearly to me.
excellent explanation
thanks ronnie, you really help me learn in english
Thanks Ronnie, now i understand. ^__^
Hi Ronnie, I love your classes, I have learned so much. But I have a doubt, I have gone to english class and there are a teacher who taught us that there are differences between gerunds and infinitives, he say: gerunds is for used when actions are real, concrete or completed, and infinitives is for used when actions are unreal, abstract, or future.
So when I listened to you, when you say that there aren´t differences, I´m too confused. I hope that you resolve my doubt. Thanks
This video has really helped me. Thank you teacher. You are awesome.
Kisses from Brazil.
Thank you Ronnie your lessons are always amazing and you are the best!!!
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for the lesson.
What about the following sentences ” Looking forward to receiving your reply”, is it correct or wrong.
Kind Regards
Thanks Ronnie, see you next time.. I have a lot of fun watching your video’s and its really help improving my grammar…
what’s the difference between when and while…on and onto…..please explain to me….please…thanks a lot ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie I liked it! Can I say the sentence-I liked making new friends at school. is it wrong? ing?
Hey Ronnie,
I’m looking forward to hearing you!
But we always say:
I want to …
I promise to …
I decide to …
I enjoy +ing
I practice + ing
100% Thank you
Thaks ronnie when I listen carrefully yor lesson my test are exac
tly 100% because do you teach in rome? I think we need a teacher like you….:)ahahah
Perfect video. Thanks
Thanks Ronnie you’re the best teacher I have ever seen
finally I got it… (“,) thank you Ronnie from the bottom of my heart ♥♥♥
Ronnie! but is neccesary to know which verbs are follow by gerunds or infinitives?
thank you so much
Where i can check my result of my excer..
I love ronni..you are a wonderful teacher.
The lesson could have more examples from when we use only gerunds.
The lesson was good.
I love to learn with Ronnie. Is it correct?
I love learning with Ronnie.
Sure I got 100 %, Ronnie Thanks.
thank you Ronnie! I love learning English!
Thanks you again one more time¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
how ing form in ” He stopped watching the tv” is not a gerund? Would you explain it please?
You are really a great teacher. I like the way you deliver your lecture.
very gooddddd
Thanks!! You rock at teaching! :)
hey ronnie! i need help, where to use would and could in english??
Try this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkUt6EuihI0
anyone want to talk eith me in eng like as a practice?? then give me your number on whatsapp!!
I love Ronnie !!! you’re very funny and excellent teacher …. I understand all you teach !!!
me too
I enjoy learning more about English because of your way of teaching it, Ronnie!
Yey!!i got all the answers
It was very nice to learn. I didn’t know about it!!!
Thanks Ronnie! You are the best!!!!
Hello Ronnie,thanks for your teaching.
I have a question. I know that “I like to swim” And “I like swimming” are correct. How about “I like to go swimming” or “I like going swimming”? Are they correct?
OMG! Finally it’s cristal clear for me!
Thank you, Ronnie!
ha ha! I meant “crystal”! =b
Alguien me puede decir que significa “do me I ask”, perdón si lo escribí incorrectamente.
Could anyone please tell me what does “do me I ask” mean? thanks.
yes!!! thanks!!!
I am a little confused, I do an english course and taught me that exists specific rules to it. And now doesn’t exist anymore?
thank you
Ronnie i am fan of your lectures i love all
Ronnie,i am a student to learn English very fluently like you please tell me how to solve rearrangement of sentence in my competative test please help me with a video.
Ronnie, please, make a video with common terms relating to the profession of photographers.
Please, please, please!
Thank you
I love watching your videos! xD
Hi, Ronnie.
Thank you very-very much. You are amazing.
Teacher Ronnie, which one is correct;1)the woman that works here or 2)the woman who works here?
I want saying to you this lesson was very useful. :)
Thank you very much.
thanks ronnie
I’d like to thank the website engvid.com for this great opportunity, the teaches are amazing , really, really good.I’ve improved my english here thanks.
hi~ Ronnie! here is a question for you.
i quit smoking vs i quit to smoke
are there any differences in those two sentence?
thank for your answer!
Yeah there is you can look it up resources page.
In my exercises book I have a sentence:
“I like to know things in advance”
Why not “I like knowing things in advance”?
Cause only first sentence stated as a correct one.
Thank you
HI .. ROnnie ..
i got 5/5 .. i undertand this lesson .. thank you .. so much
thank you for giving useful lesson to us
You´re amazing… thanks one more time;….
great great great video ronnie
Thanks Ronnie for your nice lesson.But I am not clear “I like to swim” or “I like swimming” is the same meaning.
Hi! Ronnie, your lessons are brilliant! You are so cool!
Can you help me! I understood a topic. But there is a list of the most comman verbs that are usually followed by the gerund (keep, avoid, deny itc.) and the list of the most comman verbs that are usually followed by ‘to’ and the infinitive (agree, ask, decide etc.). The question is: can I use this verbs in both situation as the gerund and as the infinitive? Or must I learn them by heart?
You must learn them by heart unforrtunately
very good lesson.
Incredible helpful..>!!
Now I understood. Very thank you Ronnie!
Thanks Ronnie! Very interesting video! You are very energetic and fun :)
can you tell me how to make differences gerund after preposition?
ex: i look forward TO HELPING you paint the house.,this the example of gerund.
Thanks Ronnie. Hi everybody. If you want to practice conversation add me in your Skype. fabio.carvalho35
Take care.
I like to swim; I like swimming? Is the meaning same?
could i get this answer
I bought three different pencils. Havent you seen ______ of them. (a)either (b) all (c)any (d)not remember.
any of them
thank a lot.ronnie
thanks Ronnie
thanks I want to practice with any my skype: sameh.elnaggar6
Hello Ronnie,I have a problem can you help me to rewrite this sentence correctly using the verb”Have”:
_”Somebody stole Mike’s wallet yesterday”
it was very easy… thank you Ronnie…
I love your videos. Thanks!
Thank you runnie. yoir video lessons are great.
You got 5 correct out of 5.
Thank you Ronnie?
Greetings from Colombia! I really enjoy your classes. I am learning a lot and having fun at the same time.
Way to go! MRS Ronnie.
Thanks a lot.
This is a nice lesson. I like very much and you are my favorite teacher. Thank you.
Hi Ronnie I love your teaching method specially the noises you make during your lessen.. Can u please teach me who to make this kind of voices I will b really thankful to u
bro please
come to me i will teach within hr. :P
leli leli !!!!!!!xD!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ronnie! im kitty from indonesia. you are my favorite lecture. your describe easy to understand to me. thank you.
Hi everybody!!! I need find more friends and practiece my english here. tell me please. Where I can speak with native speaker here?
Thank you so much Ronnie… i love ur expressions *flirt* though.
“Teaching someone is to teach yourselves”
~Hazrat Ali (PBUH)
Thank you miss ronnie.
learned new things from you ronnie Thank you and make more videos
thanks teacher, i am going to see more videos
Hello I’m going to give you a sentence here which contains a gerund and just need you to explain to me how it isn’t correct please.
Before the advent of modern surgical techniques, bleeding patients with leeches were considered therapeutically effective.
Thank you Ronnie.
Hello Ronnie, I’d lke to know what’s the difference between gerund and infinitive when speaking. Greetings!
Hi teacher,
So, is it wrong to say “On a beach vacation, you need to take a bathing suit to go swimming” . I found this in my student book. Please, tell me if it is wrong… Thanks
It is not wrong.
I like this lesson so much because I am able to make difference between gerun and infinitive .thanks miss Ronnie
I have to say grammer is very difficult :))
Sentences like : I look forward to meeting / seeing you soon. Is there a rule that says, we can use a gerund after to in some sentences? I’m really confused now. Your answer will help everyone a lot. Thank you.
This to is not infinitive to. It is preposition to and after preposition we use gerund.
Ronnie you’re too good. you make it easy for me :)
Gerund or infinitive: How do I know what comes next after verbs? by any way like fun or etc.
hard to memorize
please suggest me the easier way
Thanks a lot from your information
Ronnie please help me. I have some trouble grammar due to reading cnn news I found something in context that I don’t understand. It said that “the administration is close to completing a revised executive order on immigration” Close is have to follow by gerund all the time ? I always understand that close is followed by verb infinitive.
Thanks, Ronnie.Good lesson. I got 100.
Thanks Ronnie, you’re always funny and very clear!
Hello Ma’am,
Can we use Gerund after TO ???
coz in your video you taught me :-
(To + Base Verb) = Gerund
And my old teacher told me :
You should never use Gerun After TO.
If you need to fix any preposition, use of, not TO.
Today i read in a book,
With a vew to + Gerund is correct, even in Cambridge Dictionary I found an example :
(with a view to doing sth : with the aim of doing something)
These measures have been taken “with a view to increasing” the company’s profits.
How it is correct ???
And how can we identify if we have to use Gerund after TO ?
(Thanks in advanced its my first ever visit to this site and first ever quer asked here.)
There is different use of to dear friend. Ronnie told the infinitive to. For example, I want to study English. In here to is infinitive to, but in English we have preposition to and after this one we can use gerund. For example, I look forrward to meeting you soon. In here to is preposition like for, by, on, at etc. and after the prreposition we use gerund only. I hope ı can explain clearly.
Was good, know I can understand the difference between gerund and infinitive.
I like swimming, because it is a good exercise.
I like to swim, because it good.
Thanks a million.
My grammar teacher said that like+Ving is for habitual and like+to infinitive for momentary things. It is correct? If it is correct can we apply this to hate, continue and other verbs?
Also, thank you so much for this lesson
thank you lesson is very fun
100 percent
Firstly: thanks a bunch.
Secondly: Do the two structures (I like swimming and I like to swim) have the same meaning?!
Thanks, Ronnie.
Thank you so much, Ronnie for an outstanding class again! I had some problem regarding “Gerund and Participle.” I have got everything about Gerund and Infinitive through your in this video. Hoping to get the video about “Participle” soon.
Roonie, I searched for a video about Participle. I found some videos but failed to clear my idea properly. Have you any video about Participle? If YES, then please help me providing the links of the video.
Thank you very helpful for me.
Sometimes in a sentence, one verb follows another. For example, I want to buy an electric car. The first verb is ‘want’, the second verb is ‘buy’.
In sentences like this, there are different possible patterns. For example:
(a) I want to buy an electric car.
(b) I hate driving.
In sentence A, the first verb is followed by an infinitive.
In sentence B, the first verb is followed by a gerund (-ing) form.
The verb patterns are dependent upon the first verb. There are several different types of pattern. When you learn a new verb, you need to learn the verb pattern. Unfortunately, some verbs have more than one possible pattern! Sometimes, if a verb has two patterns, each pattern can have a different meaning or use.
Ronnie likes popping up or Ronnie like to pop up?
Your song is the best. I will sing it every day.
Is the above sentence correct? Every day is present tense. Can we use it with WILL?
LOVE is a uncountable noun…
So correct answer should be ” Balter love to dance or Balter love dancing”
Will you please explain me how it comes LOVES?
Love is a stative verb. But I still I got confused between LOVES and LOVE in a sentence
Hi, we add “s” to the main verb when we are talking in third person. I think Baltar is a male name. So you can use “He”.
Baltar loveS to dance or Baltar loves dancing.
Hi Ronnie, good lesson but I am still confused because once I read two sentences using gerunds and infinitive forms. For example: I like to play the piano and I like playing the piano.
In this case, are both correct? Can we use them like whatever we want? or How can we decided?
Hello! Could you help me, please? If there is a question such as: “What do you like doing?” , can I use infinitive for the answer and reply: “I like to play baseball”?.. or… I must use gerund in this case and give such answer as: “I like playing baseball”?
You got 5 correct out of 5
Hoorrray!!!!! I got 4correct out of 5
Thanks Mrs. Ronnie.
I like to swim. is it correct? you wrote in Quiz. I like to siwmming . is it false?
100%. Thanks!
Hi Ronnie!
That’s great! briefly and clearly. Thanks.
wow, very good 5/5 correct…now this was clarified..tks
Thanks Roonie, you are your teaching makes the lessons easier.
Please tell me is it correct to say?
(I’m looking forward to hearing from you).
Very useful lesson, thank you Ronnie :)
snowboard is a noun . but for infinitive you write i like to snowboard.
to + verb base
why bare infinitive is used instead of bare infinitive
Thank you so much
I hope you are fine
Thanks Ronie
thanx ronnie
i got 100%
good luck
Thanks Ronnie ,I got 100%
Ronnie, You’re the funniest teacher of engVid. Thanks for making our day better.
#2 on the quiz said it was incorrect to say: I like to swim. It said I like to swimming was correct….
4/5! No! I miss one! When I was a student, I didn’t know gerunds and infinitive clearly. After Ronnie’s lesson, I understood.
5/5 Thanks Ronnie
Hello everyone, sorry to anyone who is so kind to help me answer this, please, I would appreciate it very much.
Change the sentence with would to practice an uthopical point of view
I’ll wait for your call
– Will you come with me?
– Will you have a beer?
– I‘ll go swimming today
That’ll be Tom at the door
He thinks it will rain tomorrow
Fred will be there soon
Will you come with me?.
I will see the Taj Mahal
I will come to the class
Thanks a lot Ronnie
Thank you so much Ronnie from a fellow EFL teacher :)
Thanks, I usually use sites of grammar and spell checking. One of them says that the sentence, in gerund, bellow is wrong:
I would like you to notify me of every mistake I make.(right)
I would like you notifying me of every mistake I make.(wrong)
I know we can use either one of them but some verbs they should be followed by infinitive such as; agree, hope , need,… and vise versa, am I correct?
I (S) am (aux) going (V) to go (Inf) swimming (gerund or noun?) tomorrow (N). Is swimming not a gerund?