engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.



Very interesting… lesson :-D
8 replies correct out of 9
Thanks, Adam ;-)


    Really interesting. Read my profile….


      Challenging topic for a lesson! Isn’t there any rules to use these prefixes propperly?

      Do we have to develop a “feeling” abou the language in order to use them correctly?

      Oh Gosh! That provides plenty of food for thought Adam.

      Engaging lesson Adam, but at the same time a bit complicated.



      Hi, I’m from Mongolia. I’d like to improve my English. If you want, you can contact with me. Let’ s to be friends for Improving English.


    For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
    my Skype is khalid_3adel


      yes , I want to improve my English so I am looking for person who can talk to me by skype or viber


Fantastic lesson!
I’m looking forward to watching your advanced suffixes lesson. Sorry, What do you mean by saying “novel books”? Is like (Harry Potter, Lord of the rings) books?


    Hi Thiago,

    Yes, those are good books. They don’t have to be fantasy, though those are good too ;)


      Hello. I am new to this website. Where should I start?


That was pretty good Adam. I’ve always had a hardtime understanding all those “boring buds”. lol

Thanks for that great lesson.


i found this very difficult but i get 9/9


Oh dear my score is awful it is useful lesson but It is hard for me. Thanks Adam


Prefixes are interesting. Thank you, Adam :)


Adam you are awesome.Good lesson as always.


10 out of 10! Thanks Adam!


    do not lie! There were only nine questions.


      “Do not lie”

      Laughing out loud here …

      Fellipi Henry

    you liar


Thank yoy very much Adam, this is a very good lesson.
You know, I many times think about the fact that in my language(italian), there is many “rules” that really are not rules, that I use correctly but, I don’t undestand why.
Yes, I’m agree with you, it’s just about feeling and reading, in this case, is very important for improve itself, as much as films are important for pronunciation.
So, i like this lesson, and I got 100 in the test, so, I’m happy for this.
Thank you man :)


Tons of thanks dear Adam. I especially enjoy your pronunciation, and teaching style. I wish you good health and productive activities regarding English teaching.


Very good lesson Adam!, more words to add to my list, thanks so much!


Thanks for the lessons,, it was really great. Anyway i would be really grateful if you could make a lesson about “Apparently” “Subsequently” “Reportedly” “Presumably” Many thanks Adam :)


    Hi Saab87,

    That’s probably a little too focused for a lesson. so:

    apparently = seems like, looks like. We say this when we don’t want to make a factual statement.
    subsequently = after this
    reportedly = someone else said this
    presumably = it’s a guess prediction, without fact

    Hope this helps.


      Thank you ever so much Adam. You’re very helpful. Your method of teaching is greatly appreciated by me, thanks again, cheers mate :)


it not so easy!


6/9 Hard one. Again, I did it and always with you. Normally, I understand when I ought to use this prefixes, or the meaning of them in a sentence, but the responses to the quiz I gave a shoot on my own foot. 6/9 argh….it hurt very

Jorge Pedroso

great lesson , keep up Adam, you are helping alot


Adam is my favourite male teacher here


    mine too


Adam u are the best I understand ur English very well.


What about stress changing patterns? Sometimes stress shifts depending on whether the word you form using these preffixes is a noun or an adjective – though it might be quite erratic. You should’ve mentioned a thing or two about this; otherwise, an excellent lesson.


    Good point Soarq. I’ll keep it in mind net time :)


9 out of 9 ! Thank you Adam. As always you are very clear and brilliant !


thanks so much


I GOT 78 (7 out 9). Good Job Adam. And you are right, we must read novels to feel the language. Thank you.


Thank you Adam…. You did very clearly, and we do appreciate that. I don’t find any question to ask because you’re so great…god bless you.

all the best to you


my score is 9. it is really useful for me. thanks.


hallo sir
i’ve some question about ielts reading and writing strategy. i need a very sharp tips about reading passages. how do i consume my time during exam. i mean i need detailing.
and yes im almost very clear about writing tips through your videos, those are really fabulous, and thanks for those lessons.
take care.


Great lesson


thanks adam very good lessen


Fist time I’ve been studied it! Got 7 of 9, not to bad. Thank you Adam!

Josy Alves

    I agree with you Josy! That’s a terrific score for a tough lesson.

    Haven’t you studied prefixes before Josy? How come? Well, there’s always a first time.

    Good luck with your English.


Thanks for the interesting lesson. You are a good teacher.


Thanks Adam :)


Hi teacher,as usually,your lessons are very useful,furthermore your pronunciation is so clearly.Thank you


Thank you so much Adam


Thank very much Adam for your videos, all of them are very helpful and I’m always looking forward to watching a new video made by you because your explanations are very straightforward and fun as well. I wanted to ask you to do a lesson on prepositions such us “under, beneath, underneath, below, over, above, on top of, upon” because sometimes they are a little bit confusing. Maybe for you as english native speakers isn’t hard to use them in a sentence, you don’t think about what preposition use, but for me and some other people it’s a little difficult since in many cases the word has just one meaning in our language like the case of “under, beneath, underneath, below”, all of them mean “debajo de” or “abajo” in spanish for example (my mother language). Either way whether you reply to this request or not, I just want you know that I’m really grateful to all teachers from “EngVid” because of your help with English learning.


    Thank you Dick95. I’ll see what I can do about these. It’s a good point you make. :)


Thanks a lot,Adam!It woud be great to learn more about slight differences in the meanings.

anton m

i lick it

Sunil kumar

very intersenting lesson i made some mistakes while i was doing practice questions thnx teacher looking forward to watch another more videos


    I’m afraid, despite “Wiktionary is a multilingual free dictionary, being written collaboratively on this website by people from around the world. Entries may be edited by anyone!” http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Welcome,_newcomers
    and despite neither talombo, nor I know, who was that Anyone who wrote the article talombo refered to, I could add some more respectable sources, showing the word ununderstandable exists:




      Anyway, thanks a lot. The lesson is tremendous!


    Fair enough Talombo. Though, to be fair, you would be a little hard pressed to find this word used in print in Western publications(unless it’s quoting someone).

    I agree with Arbatov too: wiktionary isn’t the best place to study English. ;)


      It’s easy to explain. The word “ununderstandable” is a term in the science of psychology. So, it is in the nomenclature of this science. I think if I am interested in the math and the physics, I’m not obliged to know the nomenclature of psychology. Do you agree with me?


        So, I voted or “not understandable” as a word combination of general literary English.


Thanks a lot


Thank you! I love your lessons

carlos 2138

Thank you Mr.Adam I really benefited from this lesson.
I have a question there are lots of verb mean find out for example figure out and so on, so could you tell me those verbs and what is the differences between them and what is the correct use for them??!!


It’s a great lesson. Solve my questions. Thanks a lot.


Easy, but very helpful. Thank you, Adam!


Thanks for this awesome video. I can not understand only the difference between disorganized and unorganized. I have seen this sentence that the meeting was disorganized.Can we refer disorganized also to things?


    Hi Nargiz,

    Yes, you can. A company can be disorganized, a textbook, a website, etc.


I am happy to have made a good score 6 out 9. Not bad!!


I get 5 Adam u.u I have to learn more u.u


Great lesson! I learn a lot in just 15 minutes.


Thank you.


Thank you Adam for this lesson.


A lot of information in this lesson! But it is very interesting. Thanks Adam!


It was great lesson! Thanks,Adam.


It’s a great lesson. Thanks Adam :)


Thanks! We must read more. It’s a rule.


thanks so much


Two thumbs up for this lesson. It was very interesting and a new understanding for me. A million thanks!


Thank you very much, Adam! Your lesson is really useful for preparing for the State exam ;)


Thanks Mr.Adam :) !!


Thankyou Adam. :)


Kindly may you explain the Direct and Indirect speech in the grammar language.

Noor Ali Nazary Khadim

I can’t reach to youtube.

Noor Ali Nazary Khadim

    I think your government or internet company might be blocking Youtube. You may have to use a VPN or something like the Tor browser.

    engVid Moderator

Thanks Adam , 5 out 9 it’s not enought , i have to study more.


thank you it’s a good lesson


hi adam

I would highly recommend the next lesson to be about the differences between who , whom and whose

I’m still confused when to use these words :\


    Hi Aradi,

    I’ll see what i can do ;)


thanks for the lesson…… i was pretty good at quiz 9 out of 9….


Thanks for the lesson! It was very useful.

Also thanks for the advice about to read novels! I will try to do that often. :)

Nidia Medina

thank you Adam. Really interesting.

Rosemary Dias

It is a good structed lesson about negative prefixes.
Thanks to you Adam.

el ouadgui

Not easy ii can’t understand.


Hi folks! I want practice my English if you pursue the same objective let’s get started together, my Skype is rud.zhenya
I look forward to hearing from you, thanks beforehand for your time!


Very interesting, Adam!I’m learning a lot with you! Thanks!


Hey! How come I don’t get to see the videos?

I can do the quiz but I need to study the
explantions. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp me!!!!


    Hi Sonia,

    Have you tried watching it on youtube?


I don’t believe it! I got 9 correct out of 9!!! Hahaha Thanks God! Thanks Adam! :)

Poliana Almeida

It was great lesson, Adam! 89 out of 90.


Thanks ADAM , this lesson is very useful . i need watch this lesson again and again because of failed a quiz.:(


wow! thats good. it’s so beautiful & very useful


It’s learning platform for every student.


It was a great lesson.


Really interesting


Thanks, Adam.
Could you make a video about plural verbs?
Especially those uncountable nouns can add ‘s’ behind.
E.g. shortage and shortages or wind and winds
What is the difference? In what situation should I use ‘shortages’ and ‘winds’?
It’s so confusing.
Hope you can help. Thanks.


    I’ll get on it Sophie :)


Type it wrong.
It should be uncountable nouns not plural verbs.




I gues.I have the worst grade from all who finished the quiz.i got just 33 points.But the lesson was very interesting,i should watch it once again.


the second try was successful.100.I hope that’s because i catched everything)))


thank you for this estimated lecture

haider j touma

Thank you!!


Thanks, Adam.


    “Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever”.

    Mahatma Gandhi’s quotation.


      Life goes on…


Hi again Adam! How one must correctly to ask about birthday? It would be great if you also wrote 10 questions(something about dates or something else)that I could use in everyday life. Thank you very much.


    Hi Katrin,

    I think ‘when’ pretty much covers anything:

    When is your birthday?
    When were you born?

    If you want more vague questions, you can ask what’s your sign? (zodiac sign)

    Is this what you had in mind?


      Thank you very much Adam for the answer.


thank you Adam I really liked your lesson
I think it is very useful.


thank you,as much as I have understood,we need to read many novel in order to use true for prefıxes.it is difficult but necessary,

yurrec ader

I like it!

Ayman Musa

Thanks everybody :)


i’m from Indonesia.
could you teach us the difference between “will” and “Going to” thank you


    Hi 0101Hades,

    I’ll try to make a video, but for now:

    will–when the future action is decided at the time of speaking.

    going to– when the action was decided before and plans have been made.

    Does this help a little?


wonderful explanation :)


it does really help me by your wonderful lesson, thanks adam…


thanks adam i got 78%


thank you Adam you’re my favorite teacher can you give us some advice to organize using of all the video lessen and help us to find a better way to learn English language because i want to be an automotive Thacher in a other country and before that i need to be perfect in English language i wish you could help me by some advice tanks again Adam .


    Hi Delkhoshi,

    I would begin by building a vocab base (especially focused on your area of expertise), then start with basic grammar, like parts of speech, clauses, verb tenses, and articles. Then get into the detailed areas that are giving you trouble.

    Hope this helps a little.


lessons are great! make me understand english better!


hello adama thank you very much for your great work to help people learn english i want ask your permession to use your videos in my youtube channel is it possible .?


    Adama? :D

    (yes, I know you mean Adam, and no, sorry, you can’t use Adam’s videos. You can share them using Youtube’s social features, but you can’t copy them for your channel.)

    engVid Moderator

thank you Adam. i got six true replies. very good


Thank you for your services to help us that we owe more to you

Adel Hussein obad shurif

Thank’s Adam , interesting lesson. Perefct explanation, I’ve got 100%


adam, well some of those lesson you have taught are quite easy but still all in all i find hard to understand…no offensive maybe i should feel the root first before i use any prefixes, am i right?


    Hi Blackraid,

    Of course. If you don’t know the word, the prefixes won’t help much. The lesson was more about knowing the differences between the prefixes and how to apply them to the roots. :)


adam, well some of those lesson in prefixes you have taught are quite easy but still all in all i find hard to understand…no offense maybe i should feel the root first before i use any prefixes, am i right?


Adam, thanks a lot. 8 of 9.


thank you Adam 8 of 9. I want to learn an irrelavent thing please do a lesson for it

What are the differences among include consist of involve compose of contain

slave of Allah

    I’ll get on it :)


9 replies out of 9! But it’s very challenging topic. I just feel like that but can’t explain to the students because I’m not a Native speaker. So, thanks a lot, I’m really grateful, it helps. Could you hold a lesson about identifying and non-identifying relative clauses. I know the rule(where to put commas), but sometimes in practice it doesn’t help because the challenge is to feel which information is essential and which is additional. I mean the handbook says: “Look, here is the bike that my father made with his own hands.”(could we use “which” instead?) – We don’t use commas. “I quite enjoyed the tea and the cakes,which Alice made for us.” Was I right to explain that in the first sentence we don’t use commas as we can spot this bike repared by dad’s hands from a variety of others,so it is identifying information? I’m still hesitating…

Elena Demina

teacher I would like to help, I can understand the English however I can not speak or form sentences, you can give me some tips I am very interested in learning more. Sorry i had to use google translator

Matheus Vieira

thankyou teacher for lesson


Hello, Adam! I wanted to say that your lessons are really clear and useful. Could you please explain one thing I’ve noticed watching movies. People say “of note” as notable and “of interest” as interesting.Is there any difference and Is it the obsolete way of speaking,for Ive seen this only in historical movies so far. And can i use it in academical essay?


Thank you Adam for this lesson! I strongly agree with you, because like another languages we have to “feel” which prefix would be more appropriate.

Wellington Porto Brito

Very, very interesting lesson. So useful


Thank you so much Adam for this very interesting lesson.I learnt many things .Best regards.


Tks, Adam, the lesson was amazing

Ricky Fiebig

Tks, Adam, the lesson was amazing.

Looking for people for improve my english skills and make new friends too. my skype ricky.fiebig1

Ricky Fiebig

I love you, Adam! You’re perfect teacher! Please make a lesson about “there is/there are” please please please. Thank you for everything:)

Mariyam Ismailova

I got 9 out of 9. Thank you Adam, it was godd explanation.


Thank you so much


hey!! thank you mr for that lesson
by the way you talked about reading novels and books
can you suggest for me some titles of novels or a web site in which I can get interesting novels..?

marwa bna

waaaaaaaaaaaa…… another.. failed… I am really bad in English… help.. me please..
But thanks to you Adam. your lecture was really helpful.. i will keep watching on your videos so i could learn more..

abraham richard

Adam … loving your every lesson and the way you teach.. Txs lots…


Hey Adam .. I am a student and I’m trying to improve my english because I’m going to specialize in it. And you’re lessons are very helpful so thank you!

Amira Kh

hi everyone i am new here im looking for someone who can speak with me in english THANKS


    What level is your English? Begin, imme or advance?


good day, Adam, n thanks for being such a good teacher:)

Yermira Makhatova



Thank you very much for the video! Very helpful.


Hi Adam
I have a request, please, can you do a video about suffixes?
Specifically: -acious, -cous, and -al.


Great lesson… Congratulations Adam… you are a good teacher.

Marcos Guilherme

thanks adam I really like your teaching !


7 on 9
Feeling so so. :-]


Hi Adam? I have a question. How to prepare on the Michigan Test English Proficiency Exam? Could you give me some advice? I have taken this exam two times, but I failed. Do you have some free materials?


thanks adam


thank you sir


Teacher Adam I would like to thank you for your good explanation about English Prefix lesson.I am not yet grasp perfectly.Even though I will study hard untill I understand.so long.


I got 8 out of 9 :)
Thank you Adam

Salma Gharbi

Thanks, Adam! You explain everything very well! 10/10.

Romanova Vera

Thank Adam.. good lesson


Perfect teacher! Perfect lesson! Thanks a lot!!


Thanks Adam! I learned a lot. I have one question :) What dictionary should i use?


Thank you Adam.


It was difficult to understand perfectly but a good lesson!
Thank you :)


what can I say &!!! it is perfect thank you!!!!!


You are an excellent teacher. Thank you very much!


6 out 9 not bad for me. hehehehe. thank you adam.


Incredible Lesson!So userful! Thanks a lot Mr.Adam!

julia spinchevska

I loved this lesson, I never ever thought this way about prefix…thanks Adam…


Really,You are fantastic.I never had an idea about differences between don’t like and dislike.They were synonyms to me. Thanks a lot.

mohamed owais

I only got 5… but anyway i will study more about this lesson… thanks adam…


Hi for all engvid team, this was hepfull lesson for me. I have no more comment, just to thank you specialy (Mr. Adam)

Happy new year.


8 correct out of 9.
Very useful grammar lesson.
Thanks Adam.


Thanks Adam, I got 10/10 :D


If we should use im- instead of in- When the root word begins with M. Than why we say IMperfect NOT INperfect. There’s a little misunderstood.


Adam , would you please explain to me about adjective phrase?


Thanks Adam for this lesson!
It was a little difficult because was something new for me, and I have got 6 correct of 9. I’ll watch this video again.
Have a nice Sunday!


pleas could u explain all cunjunctions please
please with all its divisions


Great grammar lesson.

Leandro Cleber

Hi There! It’s my first leaving of comment.
This subject is a little bit difficult for me.
I’m gonna have a hard journey of learning.

Fatima Angelo

This subject was amazing, to improve my english I need more of this.
Thanks for the lesson Adam, you are
an magneficient teacher.


Thanks Adam. Very useful lesson. You give us really important information.


Very difficult lesson. Only 5 correct(

Onegin Evgeniy

I got 9 out of 9, not to brag :)) Thanks Adam, very helpful lesson


Thanks Adam

Your explication are verry clear simple to understand


Thanks Adam
But how i will know when there are using ? because there are lots of different words ,and many prefixes , i must save a words which come with prefixes ?

nevin tamimi

Hello Adam :-(

I was so bad by the lesson. I am German and want to learn English but this ,I really could not learn right.’cause I noticed there are som rules about un ,in and dis -what you didn’t mention .What I have to do now ? I just learnt the words you told about dislake but in the other example in Quzz I didn’t know anymore.Thanks.Lubi


thanks, I think you reason we need to read more is the best way to learm,thanks a lot.

Fabio Rivas

hey Adam! how about suffixes?


Tkanks Adam. Great tips


7/9. I have to study! hahaha


I am really enjoy ur idom… I like nd want forwarderd to next one

Sulaiman khan 123

I got 6 out of 9 but It’s really help me to improve my English vocabulary.
thank’s Sir.


Your suggestions have always been reasonable. thank you Adam.


I need to study more about this. I’ll study more it. Thanks!!


9 out 9. Thank you for the interesting lesson being uncovered. I need to inflame my attempts to enhance my English language skills. Your lessons are helpful to give it a push. Good luck

kuba aka

I can’t understand this lesson. I took 44 in quiz. What can I do Adam?


Thank you, Adam!
The most interesting lesson for me,7 from 9
Thank you!


Thk. I undertand the class .. thk you.
It was a great boudt for me….


9 out of 9, olé!


well, i have to improved my memmory but i think that i am so good for be my second day learning with you. the english lenguage is not my natural lenguage although of i was learn by other means, i musth say that i understand everything you saying in yours videos. congratulation for you page and i apologize for my grammar, that is why i need you to advaince. thank you!

lie diaz

good lesson thanks Adam


Adam and what about disbalanced or we can use onli disbalance?

evil toad

I retained what you taught in our lesson. 100% yay!


Difficult but basicly I understand, thank you!


Adam is a great teacher. I can remember and understand the leson easily. Thanks so much.


I’m very disappointed,I have scored 5 out of 9, I think I cannot success with prefixes
I hate Grammar


Adam is one of the best teacher here. His clear enunciation enabels me to switch off subtitles and enchance personal listening level.Wow! 9 of 9. Thank you, Adam


Thanks Adam …✌?
Hope the nexte vedio you will make it about ..”how to make verbs nouns and adjectives ”..oh ..please don’t tell me it’s depends on fellings ..haha hope there is a rule for that ..thanks?


I´m so glad for discovered this portal in the internet. Thank´s Adam and guys of EngVid.

Raul S Pinheiro

Spite of I got a good grade in the quiz, I feel that I have practice more and read as Adam is suggesting.

Thanks a lot dude for the lesson, it is quite interesting.






Opposite actually!


This is great
Thx Adam
I need help with prefixes and suffixes


9/9 thanks Adam haha


9 out of 9.
tnx Adam


i’ve got 9 out of 9 thamk you Adam


A million thanks for your wonderful lesson sir!It’s so useful,more informative,and very clear.I like the way you teach.I love your lesson as always.This is sort of complicated lesson.


Hi Adam, this was a very good lesson, thanks :) I totally agree that you must feel which is correct, and I’m happy to say that I use them almost always correctly :)


6/9! Terrible! Adam’s lesson is more hard than Emma’s. I only can understand 60%.

Jerry Gu

More than wonderful as always.. Very well explained. thanks


Thanks Adam .Its an intersting lesson as usual but I think there is a little prefix you don’t mension which is ; ” de ” …for ex;forst ..deforst , code ..decoder.
Thank you again for your consciousness help.

Msgdy Alhaddad

Thanks Adam for this amazing lesson


Thanks a lot for the lesson on such the immportant theme. And İ have got a question about ex.7. But why we can say “impolite”?


Thanks a lot for the lesson on such immportant theme. And İ have got a question about ex.7. But why we can say “impolite”?


The best!


Adam! Thsnks a lot!!! You are cool!


now I need to test,I think your lesson can help me although my marks is 5/9.

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