What a beautiful landscape! Love it! Thank you for sharing! What is that misterious place with the stones around? Was it used as a local clock in the past as Stone Hange? Thank you. Stay safe and all the best!


As an old Brazilian song said

I’m wandering round and round nowhere to go
I’m lonely in London, London is lovely so
I cross the streets without fear
Everybody keeps the way clear
I know, I know no one here to say hello
I know they keep the way clear
I am lonely in London without fear
I’m wandering round and round here nowhere to go.

By Caetano Veloso


Nice video!!!
Thanks Benjamin!


Hi, Benjamin.
I’m not totally agree with you, Because I live in Galicia in the north of Spain and our landscape is green and rainny, but the weather is better.
I know London, Edimburgh and Dublin, I prefer Scotland before England for her culture.
Thanks for your videos

Enrique Otero

    I agree with Benjamin. The landscape in Spain, in general, looks dry and not as alive as it is in The UK. It’s just the rain. Such as Galicia is: basically rainy.

    The landscape in The UK is charming in any season. I learnt to walk under the rain,through the fog,on the mug, facing strong winds…the weather is really unstable. However,for my surprise, not all the British face the weather and spend too much time in.

    TZ ZT

Thanks Benjamin.


Such mysterious places with the stones around can be associated with the terrible pagan past.

Goryanchik Maxim

Thanks Benjamin.

Seif Eldawla

Hi Benjamin


I can’t agree with you anymore, UK is the best place I’ve seen before


Nice Video Thanks


i am realy want you sir to teach all english from starting and its humbuly request for you

umang yadav

You didn’t say why your boots are so murky.


Great movie. I`d love to see it on my own eyes!


Hi, Benjamin. It`s a useful video with different unknown words for me). Thank you so much for opportunity to know about UK & improve my English.


Thanks Benjamin.
UK is Beautiful

wawan sutisna

After this video I hope to visit it one day.

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