Studying for the IELTS test? Learn the top tips and strategies to get a high score in the IELTS listening section. I’ve helped hundreds of students pass their IELTS exam and I know where students lose marks. I’m going to share my experience and let you know how you can dramatically increase your score on this test. By using these IELTS tricks you will see an immediate improvement on your IELTS practice tests.
You need to do the IELTS listening test for the Academic IELTS and the General IELTS. I want you to be confident when you go to the IELTS test center to do the exam. So watch this lesson and get some free tips that will help you get the score you need!
Want more videos to help you improve you IELTS score? Check out EngVid’s many other IELTS lessons and for more tips on the IELTS, go to Good luck!
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you for an enjoyable lesson.
It might be as helpful as we would like to use your advice on our IELTS exam-test.
bakhtiyar ali
And I would like to make a friendship who is from USA or England ( or another country where the people use english language as a main language) because of their pronunciations.Also I am keen on speaking with them on skype conversation.In this case I could improve my english level correctly,clearly.
I appreciate all the member of engvid family.
bakhtiyar ali
Thank you very much Jade :)
For the first time 10 of 10.
I wanna thanks to all engvid family… keep posting new english lessons…
shruti shirke
Thank you very much, Jade :)
Thank you jaddd very useful lesson
Was definitely helpful suggestions!
HI Everyone!
My name is Ahmed, and I have a group on BBM where you an I will speak English and practice on our language to make better and better, If you are interested, you can text me via KIK on this account: ahmad.xo.
I need just 5 people(male-femele), and I should say that I’m looking for specific level which you and I can understand each other and rise our English together.
last but not least, I have to say that we will have so much fun, trust me.
ways to contact with me :
KIK: ahmad.xo.
Hi, Jade! Very important information for the ones who want to get a high score on the test. Thank you! Bye!
Júlio César L Sousa
Hi Jade, thank you very much for your videos that help me a lots. I m wondering about using “on the IELTS listening test” or “in the IELTS listening test”, because I saw you used both of them on the quiz.
I got 10 correct out of 10! I myself was surprised by my results….!
I’ve been sent you a friend request on Skype for practising English … Thanks
Great advices to perform because techniques are so important in that case, not only english level we are in daily life. Thanks a lot.
Hello marienba. I am really want to come Canada if I pass ielts exam. How can I come your country. I need help. If you talking to me my skype id haassooo21
that’s okay.
I need more practice
Hector castro
I really. Love this engvid family but I guess I ve some issues with my browser.
Mohammed navigation
I’ve got 10/10! Very good lesson, Jade, Congrats!
Hi jade …. Thank you so much
So useful lesson , I appreciate it.
Hello people! Let’s create a WHATS APP group to change our contacts (WP phone numbers) and speak by SKYPE or other mean of communication (whatever you prefer). I don’t see english speakers or students very often. Thats an great alternative to practice, to improve or skills and make new friends. E-mail to
There are some IETLS test videos in youtube, I don’t know if I can put the link here or not of one of them, so I didn’t do it (just in case).My question is if they are good for practicing. I would like if you could give me your oppinion about them.
Thank you Jade for all of those tips.
hi every bady, i want to practice my english who want too .
my skype and email :
Med up
skype id nodari223
nodar gag
thank you…. i got 10/10 :)
i had 7.0
Thanks i got 19 out of 10 thanks to engvid
sorry 10 out 10
I thought 19 was an unusually high score… :P
engVid Moderator
Hi Jade! Thank you so much for helpful tips! Thank you EngVid command for all of the jobs you do for us!
9/10. It was good for the first time!
Tnx Jade! I appreciate your explanations. I’m sure that will be great-value for Me.
Kleber Santos
Good Class.
I am learning English by reading detective stories, and they have sentences with modifying phrases and modifying clauses.
Simple sentences are simple and understood.
Compound sentences are simple and understood.
Complex sentences are simple and understood.
Complex-compound sentences are simple and understood.
But sentences with modifying phrases and modifying clauses (modifiers) are difficult for me to understand easily. For example:
1- Running to catch the bus, I tripped on my untied shoelace.
2- The decorator selected a new cabinet painted bright yellow for the kitchen.
3- While driving to work yesterday morning, I was delayed by an accident on the highway.
4- Many expected Al Gore, having lost one of the most controversial elections in history, to run for president again in 2004.
5- Having lost one of the most controversial elections in history, Al Gore was expected by many to run for president again in 2004.
6- Distracted by the demands of my two children, I burned the chicken in the oven.
7- When birds fly in the path of an airplane, they can produce dangerous and costly accidents.
8- Hoping to make the space more sunny, Nancy expanded her bedroom and fitted it with a large skylight.
9- Swollen by a week of heavy rain, Missouri River eventually flooded the grasslands on either side.
Will you all teachers concentrate on lessons about modifying phrases and clauses for me and for many advanced students and for history too.
I’m agree with you.
I agree with you.
thanks Jade!!
9 out 10….
sometimes we couldn’t get her !
Excellent explanation, thank u madam.
If u dont mind, it will be a great help if could explain the differences among Regarding, related to, with respect to & On behalf of..
1. I am calling you regarding your interview.
2. I am calling you related to your interview.
3. I am calling you with respect to your interview.
4. i am calling you on behalf of your interview,
Which one is true from the above 4 examples and why?
I am getting confused of these….
I got 10 ;)
welcome miss>>>>
009647811495395 this is my number
. i want to ask you help me
eng.alaa fahad
9 out of 10 thank u
Mian Mehran
thank you Jade , i got 9 out of 10
10 out of 10.
thank you jad for the video
8 out of 10.. yuhoo.. i’m going to take my IELTS test this oct 24.. pray for me..
is there too much difference giving IELTS and TOEFL?
thank you very much to all engvid family
10/10. Thank you.
thank you Jade for these important tips
best regards
haider j touma
10/10 i got it
I just got 8 correct out of 10.
I got 9 correct out of 10.
A good start for me, i got 10 out of 10.
Jade you look great, thank you for you time and information.
i got only 6 out of 10. But i try to get 10 out of 10.
I got 7 out of 10 , I am happy ..:)
because I got this in first attempt..
I got 6 out of 10 …
hey jade,
i don’t know how to thank you actually
and thanks god i have all the 10th book of CAMBRIDGE IELTS official examination and i have done all of the 40 listening test but my score was between 26 and 35
is it good or bad ?
what is the expected score i can get in the exam (out of 9) ?
abo abdou
Very well explained ! Thank you Jade ! :)
I’ve got 8 out of 10 questions
Thank you very much Jade. I got 10 out of 10 =D
I got 8
baljeet kaur
thanks a lot jade i got 10 :)
Thank you very much Jade. I got 8 out of 10. Looking towards 10/10.
mohan varghese
Hey its really good n educate me. Help a lot to improve my English.
Wow, incredible! I got 10 out of 10 :)
9/10 .well done!
thank you jade your suggestion is valuable and it has helped me a lot.
thank you
akhter nawaz
10/10 from the first time.
Yazan Ali
I got 9 correct out of 10
amazing lesson thank a lote jade
skype : ramirami593333
rami rami
10/10 great!
Thank you Madam i got 9 out of ten
8/10 not bad
10 of 10 1st time !!!
amazing start :)
samer alkhatib
I Loved It So Handy …
Blessing …
whats next?
i got 10 out of 10, but i did the same trick first listening and then answering the quiz, it was useful tips for us to keep it in our mind.
i got 10 out of 10, but i did the same trick first listening and then answering the quiz, it was useful tips for us to keep it in our mind.
Really the tip was listening 20 minutes a day became useful for me and it worked, i see so many developments or tremendous that i am doing thanks for your adorable lessons.
I got 9 out of 10.These Techniques are really helpful for preparation of IELTS. Thank you
Love your accent!
Thank you for these useful tips.
I got 10 out of 10
Abdulhai F
Igot a 8 out of 10
Thanks. Very good !
I got 80. maybe not bad !
Thank you Jade for a good lesson!
Thanks, I got 10 correct out of 10.
It’s great! I got 10 correct out of 10
Hi marynaB i am student too. Me too wanna learning english can you help me?
me too wanna learning…skyp is better if u don’t mind…thanks
mohammed ghanim
9 out of 10. not bad.thank you jade
I’ve got 9 out of 10
Maha Idris
8 out of 10, Thanks Jade.
Thanks!!! Very useful lesson
Irina Makarenko
7 out 10 ))
I have got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you very much Jade
thanks for you< I got 8 out of 10
Maryam Zaky
i got 10 correct
thank you so much you are the best
it was an amazing experience for me.You guys are working tremendously well.
i’m Sadan Khan from India and i’m very preparing for IELTS bUT I’m well can contact me on Whatsapp: 919119006005 so that i want to talk in English
For this first time I got 10 of 10
hihihihihiii yeah 10/10
Thanks 10/10
Claudino Canteiro
thank you very much for this wonderful lesson I got 10 /10
thank you Jade! I just enjoy studing with you lessons)
Hi. It’s said that we cannot download them .Best regards.
I got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you Mr jade
I got 10 out of 10.
really great lesson!!
dwi bayu saputra
wow 9 in 10.hehehe.
got 10 /10 .its very useful lesson. thank you very much.
Thank you Miss Jade, got 10/10.
Thank You Jade for the good lesson!
The last trick was a new approach. I lose three-four marks only in last section of IELTS listening test. Definitely going to try this approach. I hope it works.
I got 10 out 10 )
Thanks Jade.
Muhammad Asad
Thank you so much jade…
Rohit Das
Thanks for your teaching, Jade.
Yahoo i got 10. :D
10/10 thank you Jade. :)
thank you Jade. 10/10 :)
you’re providing us the very good tips. Thank you.
very good information
This is nice tips! Thank’s a lot, Jade, You are brilliant!
thanks!have a good day!
Hi,I’m from China.I’ve been studying English for 2 months here.Can I have you lessons on to on and face to face?Thanks,I’m looking forward to you reply.
you can also learn by vedio..
Hi jade. You are very good teaching:) your accent very nice. I got 8 correct thank you :)
That’s really awesome, I scored full mark (100 out of 100), hopefully to do well in the IELTS listening, cause your IELTS Listening tips Jade are very very useful, thank you so much…
ibrahim hamama
Thanks For all important tips
Hi, Jade.
It was very helpful I have got the highest level.
what’s a surprise??
i got 10
thanxs Jade
thanks Jade! you are such a brilliant teacher!
I got 10 out of 10
I got 9 out of 10
That’s awesome ..
very first time … i got 9/10 ..
i love British accent <3.
Thanks Jade and specially Emma.
Thank you so much jane ,, i got 9/10 .. ^^
Can anyone help me? I am taking practice test and afraid if my answers are wrong. I’m confused in using Uppercase, two words and using plurals,
Complete the outline showing the steps the students will take to complete
their projects. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Do NOT write articles.
Question (Answers I wrote is written in the bracket)
Read (24) ___________ (government study) should I use capital letter G for government, is this correct?
(25) ___________ (questionnaire) should i use 2 words definitely, is this correct ?
Get (26) ___________ (approval) should i use 2 words definitely, is this correct ?
(27) ___________ (interview) should i use 2 words definitely, is this correct ?
Get together to (28) ___________ (Analyze) should i use 2 words definitely, is this correct ?
Prepare (29) ___________(chart) should I use capital letter C for charts, is this correct?
Give (30) ___________ (presentations) is this correct if I use plurals presentations instead of presentation
Correct answers given are
24) Government study
25) Design questionnaire
26) Professor’s approval
27) Conduct interviews
28) Analyze results
29) Charts
30) Class presentation
I also get confused with upper case letters especially with two words.
Thank you Jade for the tips! I got a ten but the more I view engvid videos the more my IELTS horizon seems to be receding. I mean I realize there is a lot of work for me.
Awais Gujrati
I got 10 out of 10 .Thanks
Md Jubair Hossain
Hi Jade
Thanks for your perfect lecture.
Can we write all the answers in block letters? I mean every word.
Hi, my test is on 8th April. Can I get answer before that
thank you
its helpful
Hi, Jade. :D
8 outa 10
Mr Hamidi
Nice session, thank you Jade.
10 out of 10 )
Thanks for the tips and tricks… Just started my preparation for IELTS…
Thanks dear Jade
Hello Jade, I really enjoyed your lesson. It was very useful. However in your previous video You was jumping and saying some strange sounds at the end. This time, I was waiting to see you repeating the same ending. Unfortunately you left without saying or doing anything ! I suggest that you have to maintain your trade mark ;)
Thank you Jade
Thanks Jade
Thanks Jade! You are a good teller.
i want band 6.5 please tell me tips
pandrana dayakar
Nice lesson, Jade!
Adhe Thalia
Thanks Jade I’ve got 10/10.
i got 10 of 10. i dont expected that i can get a perfect score. thx Jade, these tips would be helpful :)
what is best resource to practice ielts
listening test?
I would suggest to watch the video twice to understand the jade properly because it required more concentration to understand the technique well because ielts is quite tough exam to secure the required marks in short time
i need speaker partner any one can.
Thanks Jade! Very useful lesson
ahmed sharhan
10 out 10. I hope to get same kind of result in IELTS too.
Hi Jade and colleagues!! Nice class thanks,
I have a question… Where can I find tests practice?
I find exercises in internet but not test!
thanks again,
I got 8/10. Great lesson! Thank you!
i got 10/10 , thank you jade
thank you Jade…
I got 7 correct out of 10, thank you for the lesson.
10 out of 10 :D
Ko Tun Lin
Miss Jade, Christmas greetings and best wishes from Kazakhstan 21 Dec2o21:)
Great work! I’ve gained useful information.
I got 10 out of 10 on the quiz!)
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks ;)
I got 9 correct out of 10.
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you for an enjoyable lesson.
It might be as helpful as we would like to use your advice on our IELTS exam-test.
And I would like to make a friendship who is from USA or England ( or another country where the people use english language as a main language) because of their pronunciations.Also I am keen on speaking with them on skype conversation.In this case I could improve my english level correctly,clearly.
I appreciate all the member of engvid family.
Thank you very much Jade :)
For the first time 10 of 10.
I wanna thanks to all engvid family… keep posting new english lessons…
Thank you very much, Jade :)
Thank you jaddd very useful lesson
Was definitely helpful suggestions!
HI Everyone!
My name is Ahmed, and I have a group on BBM where you an I will speak English and practice on our language to make better and better, If you are interested, you can text me via KIK on this account: ahmad.xo.
I need just 5 people(male-femele), and I should say that I’m looking for specific level which you and I can understand each other and rise our English together.
last but not least, I have to say that we will have so much fun, trust me.
ways to contact with me :
KIK: ahmad.xo.
Hi, Jade! Very important information for the ones who want to get a high score on the test. Thank you! Bye!
Hi Jade, thank you very much for your videos that help me a lots. I m wondering about using “on the IELTS listening test” or “in the IELTS listening test”, because I saw you used both of them on the quiz.
I got 10 correct out of 10! I myself was surprised by my results….!
I’ve been sent you a friend request on Skype for practising English … Thanks
Great advices to perform because techniques are so important in that case, not only english level we are in daily life. Thanks a lot.
Hello marienba. I am really want to come Canada if I pass ielts exam. How can I come your country. I need help. If you talking to me my skype id haassooo21
that’s okay.
I need more practice
I really. Love this engvid family but I guess I ve some issues with my browser.
I’ve got 10/10! Very good lesson, Jade, Congrats!
Hi jade …. Thank you so much
So useful lesson , I appreciate it.
Hello people! Let’s create a WHATS APP group to change our contacts (WP phone numbers) and speak by SKYPE or other mean of communication (whatever you prefer). I don’t see english speakers or students very often. Thats an great alternative to practice, to improve or skills and make new friends. E-mail to
There are some IETLS test videos in youtube, I don’t know if I can put the link here or not of one of them, so I didn’t do it (just in case).My question is if they are good for practicing. I would like if you could give me your oppinion about them.
Thank you Jade for all of those tips.
hi every bady, i want to practice my english who want too .
my skype and email :
skype id nodari223
thank you…. i got 10/10 :)
i had 7.0
Thanks i got 19 out of 10 thanks to engvid
sorry 10 out 10
I thought 19 was an unusually high score… :P
Hi Jade! Thank you so much for helpful tips! Thank you EngVid command for all of the jobs you do for us!
9/10. It was good for the first time!
Tnx Jade! I appreciate your explanations. I’m sure that will be great-value for Me.
Good Class.
I am learning English by reading detective stories, and they have sentences with modifying phrases and modifying clauses.
Simple sentences are simple and understood.
Compound sentences are simple and understood.
Complex sentences are simple and understood.
Complex-compound sentences are simple and understood.
But sentences with modifying phrases and modifying clauses (modifiers) are difficult for me to understand easily. For example:
1- Running to catch the bus, I tripped on my untied shoelace.
2- The decorator selected a new cabinet painted bright yellow for the kitchen.
3- While driving to work yesterday morning, I was delayed by an accident on the highway.
4- Many expected Al Gore, having lost one of the most controversial elections in history, to run for president again in 2004.
5- Having lost one of the most controversial elections in history, Al Gore was expected by many to run for president again in 2004.
6- Distracted by the demands of my two children, I burned the chicken in the oven.
7- When birds fly in the path of an airplane, they can produce dangerous and costly accidents.
8- Hoping to make the space more sunny, Nancy expanded her bedroom and fitted it with a large skylight.
9- Swollen by a week of heavy rain, Missouri River eventually flooded the grasslands on either side.
Will you all teachers concentrate on lessons about modifying phrases and clauses for me and for many advanced students and for history too.
I’m agree with you.
I agree with you.
thanks Jade!!
9 out 10….
sometimes we couldn’t get her !
Excellent explanation, thank u madam.
If u dont mind, it will be a great help if could explain the differences among Regarding, related to, with respect to & On behalf of..
1. I am calling you regarding your interview.
2. I am calling you related to your interview.
3. I am calling you with respect to your interview.
4. i am calling you on behalf of your interview,
Which one is true from the above 4 examples and why?
I am getting confused of these….
I got 10 ;)
welcome miss>>>>
009647811495395 this is my number
. i want to ask you help me
9 out of 10 thank u
thank you Jade , i got 9 out of 10
10 out of 10.
thank you jad for the video
8 out of 10.. yuhoo.. i’m going to take my IELTS test this oct 24.. pray for me..
is there too much difference giving IELTS and TOEFL?
thank you very much to all engvid family
10/10. Thank you.
thank you Jade for these important tips
best regards
10/10 i got it
I just got 8 correct out of 10.
I got 9 correct out of 10.
A good start for me, i got 10 out of 10.
Jade you look great, thank you for you time and information.
i got only 6 out of 10. But i try to get 10 out of 10.
I got 7 out of 10 , I am happy ..:)
because I got this in first attempt..
I got 6 out of 10 …
hey jade,
i don’t know how to thank you actually
and thanks god i have all the 10th book of CAMBRIDGE IELTS official examination and i have done all of the 40 listening test but my score was between 26 and 35
is it good or bad ?
what is the expected score i can get in the exam (out of 9) ?
Very well explained ! Thank you Jade ! :)
I’ve got 8 out of 10 questions
Thank you very much Jade. I got 10 out of 10 =D
I got 8
thanks a lot jade i got 10 :)
Thank you very much Jade. I got 8 out of 10. Looking towards 10/10.
Hey its really good n educate me. Help a lot to improve my English.
Wow, incredible! I got 10 out of 10 :)
9/10 .well done!
thank you jade your suggestion is valuable and it has helped me a lot.
thank you
10/10 from the first time.
I got 9 correct out of 10
amazing lesson thank a lote jade
skype : ramirami593333
10/10 great!
Thank you Madam i got 9 out of ten
8/10 not bad
10 of 10 1st time !!!
amazing start :)
I Loved It So Handy …
Blessing …
whats next?
i got 10 out of 10, but i did the same trick first listening and then answering the quiz, it was useful tips for us to keep it in our mind.
i got 10 out of 10, but i did the same trick first listening and then answering the quiz, it was useful tips for us to keep it in our mind.
Really the tip was listening 20 minutes a day became useful for me and it worked, i see so many developments or tremendous that i am doing thanks for your adorable lessons.
I got 9 out of 10.These Techniques are really helpful for preparation of IELTS. Thank you
Love your accent!
Thank you for these useful tips.
I got 10 out of 10
Igot a 8 out of 10
Thanks. Very good !
I got 80. maybe not bad !
Thank you Jade for a good lesson!
Thanks, I got 10 correct out of 10.
It’s great! I got 10 correct out of 10
Hi marynaB i am student too. Me too wanna learning english can you help me?
me too wanna learning…skyp is better if u don’t mind…thanks
9 out of 10. not bad.thank you jade
I’ve got 9 out of 10
8 out of 10, Thanks Jade.
Thanks!!! Very useful lesson
7 out 10 ))
I have got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you very much Jade
thanks for you< I got 8 out of 10
i got 10 correct
thank you so much you are the best
it was an amazing experience for me.You guys are working tremendously well.
i’m Sadan Khan from India and i’m very preparing for IELTS bUT I’m well can contact me on Whatsapp: 919119006005 so that i want to talk in English
For this first time I got 10 of 10
hihihihihiii yeah 10/10
Thanks 10/10
thank you very much for this wonderful lesson I got 10 /10
thank you Jade! I just enjoy studing with you lessons)
Hi. It’s said that we cannot download them .Best regards.
I got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you Mr jade
I got 10 out of 10.
really great lesson!!
wow 9 in 10.hehehe.
got 10 /10 .its very useful lesson. thank you very much.
Thank you Miss Jade, got 10/10.
Thank You Jade for the good lesson!
The last trick was a new approach. I lose three-four marks only in last section of IELTS listening test. Definitely going to try this approach. I hope it works.
I got 10 out 10 )
Thanks Jade.
Thank you so much jade…
Thanks for your teaching, Jade.
Yahoo i got 10. :D
10/10 thank you Jade. :)
thank you Jade. 10/10 :)
you’re providing us the very good tips. Thank you.
very good information
This is nice tips! Thank’s a lot, Jade, You are brilliant!
thanks!have a good day!
Hi,I’m from China.I’ve been studying English for 2 months here.Can I have you lessons on to on and face to face?Thanks,I’m looking forward to you reply.
you can also learn by vedio..
Hi jade. You are very good teaching:) your accent very nice. I got 8 correct thank you :)
That’s really awesome, I scored full mark (100 out of 100), hopefully to do well in the IELTS listening, cause your IELTS Listening tips Jade are very very useful, thank you so much…
Thanks For all important tips
Hi, Jade.
It was very helpful I have got the highest level.
what’s a surprise??
i got 10
thanxs Jade
thanks Jade! you are such a brilliant teacher!
I got 10 out of 10
I got 9 out of 10
That’s awesome ..
very first time … i got 9/10 ..
i love British accent <3.
Thanks Jade and specially Emma.
Thank you so much jane ,, i got 9/10 .. ^^
Can anyone help me? I am taking practice test and afraid if my answers are wrong. I’m confused in using Uppercase, two words and using plurals,
Complete the outline showing the steps the students will take to complete
their projects. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Do NOT write articles.
Question (Answers I wrote is written in the bracket)
Read (24) ___________ (government study) should I use capital letter G for government, is this correct?
(25) ___________ (questionnaire) should i use 2 words definitely, is this correct ?
Get (26) ___________ (approval) should i use 2 words definitely, is this correct ?
(27) ___________ (interview) should i use 2 words definitely, is this correct ?
Get together to (28) ___________ (Analyze) should i use 2 words definitely, is this correct ?
Prepare (29) ___________(chart) should I use capital letter C for charts, is this correct?
Give (30) ___________ (presentations) is this correct if I use plurals presentations instead of presentation
Correct answers given are
24) Government study
25) Design questionnaire
26) Professor’s approval
27) Conduct interviews
28) Analyze results
29) Charts
30) Class presentation
I also get confused with upper case letters especially with two words.
Thank you Jade for the tips! I got a ten but the more I view engvid videos the more my IELTS horizon seems to be receding. I mean I realize there is a lot of work for me.
I got 10 out of 10 .Thanks
Hi Jade
Thanks for your perfect lecture.
Can we write all the answers in block letters? I mean every word.
Hi, my test is on 8th April. Can I get answer before that
thank you
its helpful
Hi, Jade. :D
8 outa 10
Nice session, thank you Jade.
10 out of 10 )
Thanks for the tips and tricks… Just started my preparation for IELTS…
Thanks dear Jade
Hello Jade, I really enjoyed your lesson. It was very useful. However in your previous video You was jumping and saying some strange sounds at the end. This time, I was waiting to see you repeating the same ending. Unfortunately you left without saying or doing anything ! I suggest that you have to maintain your trade mark ;)
Thank you Jade
Thanks Jade
Thanks Jade! You are a good teller.
i want band 6.5 please tell me tips
Nice lesson, Jade!
Thanks Jade I’ve got 10/10.
i got 10 of 10. i dont expected that i can get a perfect score. thx Jade, these tips would be helpful :)
what is best resource to practice ielts
listening test?
I would suggest to watch the video twice to understand the jade properly because it required more concentration to understand the technique well because ielts is quite tough exam to secure the required marks in short time
i need speaker partner any one can.
Thanks Jade! Very useful lesson
10 out 10. I hope to get same kind of result in IELTS too.
Hi Jade and colleagues!! Nice class thanks,
I have a question… Where can I find tests practice?
I find exercises in internet but not test!
thanks again,
I got 8/10. Great lesson! Thank you!
i got 10/10 , thank you jade
thank you Jade…
I got 7 correct out of 10, thank you for the lesson.
10 out of 10 :D
Miss Jade, Christmas greetings and best wishes from Kazakhstan 21 Dec2o21:)
Great work! I’ve gained useful information.
I got 10 out of 10 on the quiz!)
Thank you, Jade.