Want to know what it means when someone says you’re “fit as a fiddle”? This English lesson will be music to your ears, as it features six common music-related idioms. Enhance your conversation skills with this lesson!
I think knowing idioms is one of the most important thinks for speaking part on exams.
Idioms always make our talking more colorful, natural, and interesting; no doubt about it.
They are useful learning tools that help us see to some good extent how the English language is used in informal contexts.
As usual Alex, it was a concise and interesting video-lesson.
Have a great week !!!
P.S. I didn’t quite get your last name Alex, is it Mackarthur? Please correct me if I’m wrong.
Thanks a million Alex, This idioms was clear as a bell.
Hi donia,
Allow me to correct your sentence.
“These idioms were clear as a bell.”
Thank you for commenting.
he must change her tone :)
Hi, Eeng,
I think you must correct something in your sentence…. It is tUne and not tOne..
and you must change your icon for other nicer..
What is the differents beetween “this” ans “these”? is it plural and single?
that a lot teacher that was so amazing
sultanslife.1990@ Hotmail.com
zyzy sultan
These are practical English idioms.
I like it.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Hi how are you ? for me , I’m fit as a fiddle. I would like to say “thank you so much” for this lesson , I am learning English and want to improve about all that juzz . It’s just like music to my hears , and it ‘s clear as a bell. thank you again :)
Thanks Alex
Can i say
I am into the reading and all that juzz
safola max
Yes, you can. It means you are into reading, and everything associated with reading.
Hello Alex….I’m from Moldova and I’m studimg english philology….I want to do a Course Paper: English Idioms! I need your help!Please!!!
Hey Alex,
Thank you very much, your explanation was clear as a bell. I really liked this lesson and all that jazz.
Take care
These idioms were clear as a bell. very good explanation and wonder to see your interest to correcting student comments.
Great work.
thanks you! Alex. I liked lesson music to my ears.
viet bao tran
yes, thank you very much , and your explaination is music to my ears , so i am saying to you all the best be on you.
This was a very helpful explanation I would like to see more of this kinds of topics. Thanks
Hey teacher….
First of all, thank’s for this awesome class…..It’s really clear as a bell.
I’d like to say that you should go to the gym for one week more or less to be fit as a fiddle….I’m just kidding….anyway !
I actually have to tell you this class and all the others has been music to our ears, you’re very good teaching and I think all that jazz as well.
Make sure you’ll never change your tune and if one day you changed and had some problem I’m sure that you’d face the music….
Wander (Brazilian written from London)
Dear Alex:
Let me introduce myself to you. My name
is Roberta Gallant. I have a learning disability.
I reside in Concord, New Hampshire, within
the United States of America.
Sometimes I have trouble knowing when to state
new paragraphs. The way I write paragraphs
they are off topic! Have you any solution for me
to improve my paragraph writing? If yes, would
you please email me it? Thank you.
Roberta Gallant
Roberta Gallant
Thanks Alex
Can i say
I am into the reading and all that juzz
Great job Alex (two thumbs up)
Thanks it was very helpful
All this is really amazing. Congrats!!! You gays are doing a wonderful work here.
Dear Alex.
In order not to face the music, I think one has to learn more Idiom phrases, Thank you for the lesson
Thank alot teacher, your pronunciation is clear so I can hear more, all that jazz!
Great thanks! It was a pleasure to listen to the explanations!
dear Alex,
thank you so much for your lesson!!!
I clear the lesson as a bell!
wishing your lesson get much more the cheer from students, that it’s music to my ears. ^O^
hey Alex,
I must say your way of teaching is outstanding .. Keep up the good work ..
Your student
Asad Qizilbash
Your lesson was clear as a bell!
Dear Alax;
I really love your voice and your lesson. It is clear as a bell
thats clear
thanks very much
hi Alex this is Faheem kargel from Canada
English is not my native language i like to speak and understand good english i am still learning english specially this website is best way to correct my mistakes i have a problem making negative of this sentence
> lets go.
this lesson was clear as a bell I anderstood it perfectly
woooow !!
i really liked it.
this lesson is clear as a bell and it’s really music to my ears .
thanks Mr. Alex for ur great effort :)
This is a wonderful lesson! I enjoyed not only all the explanation you mentioned during the lecture, but also the rationalization of the correct answers in the quiz. Thank you so much!
thanks a lot , but it was difficult to remember. thank you
This lesson and the Body Parts one were clear as a bell. You are a really good teacher, I’m trying to teache and I realized it’s very difficult so congratulation for so wonderful work.
Natalie Bravo
thanks . NICE LESSON
thank you very much for this site, is great and is helping me to learn english, thanks
Thank you so much Alex. I liked lesson music to my ears :)
Thanks Alex for be a good teacher.
your lesson was clear as a bell
the lesson on idioms was as clear as a bell. Thank you
Excellent expression. It really easy to understand. Good work. It is to be clear as bell.
Let see If I understood the lesson.
Can I say:
If you don´t change your tune, you´ll face the music.
Was it clear as a bell?
Is it correct Alex?
Excellent lesson, Alex!
But… “You received my letter?” is a tad informal.
How about adding “Ring a bell” as in “Does this ring a bell to you?”?
I hope not to “play hell” here! ;-)
hi Alex thnx so much, your lessons are as clear as bell
Thanks a lot for your lessons, Alex.
Regards from Spain
Hi Alex
I like your lessons. they are very useful. I am interested in learning idioms and all the jazz. The videoclip about idioms was clear as a bell.
Thank you for teaching us,Mr Alex.
Your talking speed is fit for me,so I could catch almost all.These idioms are clear as a bell.
Thank you so much and your teaching is realy very useful. These idioms are clear as a bell.
Thank you so much….
Difficult Number
HI…ALEX this lecture brings feel good factor to me..because we used to hear these idioms and all that jazz frequently in the movies and serials now their conversation will be clear as a bell to me….thanx
I’ve a question too, use of …and all that jazz is slightly informal..
can i use it in front of interviewer ..in this way SIR,I LIKE MUSIC AND ALL THAT JAZZ IS IT CORRECT??
thanks a lot for this lesson.
see you next class.
Hi Alex. Thanks!
Thanks a lot, it was clear as a bell and music to my ears. Please, don’t change your tune!
hi alex…
thank you very much …
I want you to change your tune…
you should change your tune…
plz creat some fun in your video like Rani.
sami ( Pakistan )
hi,alex.I feel interested in listening to your lesson.I really wanna learn well english. Although I often learn English everyday but my speaking,listening skills is very poor. Can you help me give any suggestions about learning method? That ‘s music to my ears from you soon .Thank you very much
Thank you very much for your perfect lesson, Alex!!!!!!! It was really music to my ears!!!! By the way I’m from Kazakhstan!!!! :)))))
Mika M.
thank you for helping people to learn english!!!
stephanie D
Hi, Alex your lessons are great, was as clear as a bell. awesome video alex.
Hi,Alex your lessons are great,was clear as a bell.myself sana how are you i can’t speak good english but i want to improve my english will you to improving my english give me a sujjest.
sana form pakistan
Thank you, Alex! You’re a great teacher! :)
a million of thanks it’s because everything is clear as a bell!!! keep up the good work!
thanks Alex your explanation is definitely Clear as a Bell. I hope it sounds music to your ear.from now on i will change my tune to become better in English language!! again thanks!!
i love the way you explain the lessons tnx
Thank you very much! Your explanation clear as a bell..:)
i loved it and i am staisfied i know everythin
great job guyz
alex we don’t say EXTREMELY GOOD :p chack that out
u guys are doing very well,im student preparing for ielts exam i wish to write some some idioms in it and i find it here.u guys help us.
Thank a lot to ur whole team rebecca,james and all guys
once again thankyou.
yours sincerely
sunil shah
i love music and i love this lesson!
Thanks a lot for introducing such interesting and useful idioms. your explanations are clear as a bell.I’ve learnt English for 2 year, but this is the first time I’ve known this website. I’m so much interested in it and your lessons. thanhks again
you are awesome,your lession was music to my ears
thank you very much,sir
Hi sir Alex, I really enjoy and learn ..watching your videos.
This lesson is music to my ear, it is clear as a bell. I like engvid.com and all that jazz. Thanks
Clear as a bell. Thank you Alex so much
i can’t do the questions!i can’t see them..is it a temporary problem?
Please tell me what browser you are using, including version. Some problems are occurring with older versions of Firefox.
your lesson is clear as a bell,i really enjoyed it.The explanation music my ears and from now on,i’m going to change my tune by focusing on your lesson every time. thanks again.
pascal tossou
The idioms were clear as a bell alex:-)
It was music to my ears as i am preparing for my TOEFL.
thanks all the expressions are new for me and wonderful to know them, thanks again
hany kheir
Thank u very much Alex .. and all these idioms are new for me , and I didn’t even know them .. Thank u again :)
thanks for your useful videos.Please pay more attention to the distractors you use in your quizzes.
Alex, you explain quite well and it was music to my ears.Your explanation is better than other teachers in this community. I really like your videos and love to watch them as they are great help and I understand well.Your accent is also understandable and your review is the best think which I love!
thank you that’s a very good lesson.
Hariem Haladni
thanks Alex, ur lesson was very great and u taught us very well, i was watching ur eye to eye to clear all concept of ur lesson and yes, don’t change ur tune…. :-)
u r really nice man
I have been so beliwdreed in the past but now it all makes sense!
This lesson is clear as a bell.I want to know more about ” would” usage and all that jazz.If u give one more lesson regarding these idioms i would think that” its really music to my ears”
hi sir Alex I,m Yasir salman frome Pakistan i love your teaching and i wanted to meet you thanx for nice videos its really helpd me
thank MR , Alex you are excellent teacher.
hi aelx
Thank you a lot, Alex.that’s a very good lesson
I love you alex me brother
hi aelx
Thank you a lot, Alex.that’s a very good lesson
I love you alex my brother
Hi, I like this lesson, thanks.
clear as a bell,thanks teacher 4 teaching us. I watched the video once. pretty easy this time.
thanks mr. Alex my quiz is perfect because your teaching clear as a bell
many tnx its really useful , be safe dear teacher
thanks, Mr.Alex my quiz is perfect,because your teaching as abell. I like you teach idiom.
I think that your good lesones it will be like music to us. Because it is clear as a bell.
thank you very much engVid group.
Very Good!
I just want to know that can I use most of the words in english as verbs?because some times back,I knew that some words like “silence”,”fear” can’t be used as verbs but I was watching an English movie last week when I heard the actor saying “I have silenced her” and also sentence like “I feared” and I got shocked as I had never heard these type of sentences..I want you to clarify these doubts of mine plzzz..
sona sharma
you have bad dictionary
Hi there! You are awesome! keep your job. You are the best teacher I have ever seen.
Hi Alex, this is Phuong from Vietnam. You are a really wonderful teacher, your voice is definitely music to my ears. Will you ever visit Vietnam someday? I’ll be hosting you if allowed. Would love to talk with you someday. Take care, and keep up the great work.
thanks alex.rely we need these idioms to describe what we Feel in Small sentences. and thanks to all engvid group.
Thank you so much for this lesson and your website
Don’t thank. Just donate money.
many thanks alex you are the best i like the way that you folow to kelp us understand the lessons more easily could you please bring us more conversations lessons in order to improve our speaking skills thanks again,
Hi. Thanks a million!
Thanks Alex for this very nice lesson
thanks alot alex
Hello from Georgia,
I am very glad to find this site.it’s very useful for anyone, who wants to improve speaking skills in English. thanks a lot teacher.I like your teaching styles very much. well, Alex u are a great teacher.
That a nice idiom!!
Alex Your lesson was clear a bell and so it was the musik to my ears
Thank you very much Alex!!!
Thanks Alex this lesson was music to my ears
your lesson was clear as bell :)
Thanks Alex :)
Your lesson was clear as bell.
Hi Alex.
Your lecture was clear as the bell. I heard an idiom AS SURE AS GOD MADE LITTLE GREEN APPLES. I shall be grateful, if you can put some light on it.
Your score: 100.00 You got 6 correct out of 6
This was clear as a bell. :p
this was so helpful thanks a bundle !
Thank you, This lesson is hard to understand.
Thanks very much, Alex.
I thought that as fit as a fiddle is a simile?
Hi, Alex,
It is music in my ears. Thanks a lot!
If there are more in details, please mail me.
Thanks again dudes!
Thank you very much Alex , I understand all your lessons clear as a bell ;)
and I always score 100 in your exams.
I’am in a fit as fiddle but my score is not a music to my ears I should study it again and change my tune. I’m ready to face the music what ever happen and if I failed again it is not clear as a bell to me and all that jazz. thanks anyway!
hi . thanc you a lot alex
please can you give us an other example of ” fit as a fiddle” cause i can not really understood it ^^
Hi..I am Faisal, I’m from Indonesia. i really love learning English very much specially English Idioms…but sometimes I get some difficulties in learning the English Idioms,so…could you tell me how to improve my English Idioms ?, thank you very much for the lessons. I like it very much
thank you so much for your video, is really usefull
oh! i feel great, i did it perfectly! yeeey ! i’m realy happy about that!
thank you so much alex, i’m fit as a fiddle! :D
Very helpful lesson. Thank you so much sir. I really enjoyed it.
Teacher, your classes always are clear as a bell and I know this feed back is music to his ears!
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot Alex. Your lesson is clear as a bell.
Wow man! Alex, você é o cara!
I got 2 correct out of 6. It maybe worst score for me so far. I didn’t know about any music idioms. So I was confused. I want to challenge the quiz again later.
Thank you, Alex :) Good study for me.
many thanks
Hi Alex I have a small doubt in second question of QUIZ
Why can’t it be ‘face the music’? According to me if jill did something wrong then she should face the music from her boss else she will lose her job right? I find it ambiguous. can you please clarify this?
thank u so much Mr alex…all your lessons r clear as a bell..
we were lucky to have a great man like you as our teacher.. thanks
Hi Alex,
very interesting lesson. Thanks a lot
take care
I want to ask: is it allowed (permitted) to listen to the music, which is performed by the musical instruments?
It is allowed. I SAY SO.
Hi Alex,
I have a question: Are these idioms used in U.S?
Thank you.
Hi Alex
I’m waiting for more lesson of you about nice idioms.good luck
thank you Alex, your lessons are always clear as a bell..;)
MR Alex thanks for this lesson > but i cant understand the meaning of ( face the music )
I did’ it ! 10/10 thanks alot Alex!
Wow! The lesson was as clear as a bell.
clear as a bell.
ann ann
many new for me, thank you
Thank you for the helpful lesson. 5|5
Thank you Alex! it was clear as a bell ;)
Jonathas Wilhem
Thats was clear as a bell thanks alexs
Jusuf is a smoker. If he doesn’t change his tune, he’s gonna sick.
Thank you very much Alex , I enjoy learning with you.
M . O
Thanks Alex, it was clear as abell
I got full score! ? :D
Thanks a lot,Mr.Alex
Happy New Year!
Greetings from Kazakhstan 28 Dec2o21
thanks Alex , it was clear as a bell :)
Thank you a lot, you`re a great teacher. These idioms are good, and your explanation is something amazing.
Learn English for free with 2149 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you a lot, Alex.
It was clear as a bell)
I think knowing idioms is one of the most important thinks for speaking part on exams.
Idioms always make our talking more colorful, natural, and interesting; no doubt about it.
They are useful learning tools that help us see to some good extent how the English language is used in informal contexts.
As usual Alex, it was a concise and interesting video-lesson.
Have a great week !!!
P.S. I didn’t quite get your last name Alex, is it Mackarthur? Please correct me if I’m wrong.
Thanks a million Alex, This idioms was clear as a bell.
Hi donia,
Allow me to correct your sentence.
“These idioms were clear as a bell.”
Thank you for commenting.
he must change her tone :)
Hi, Eeng,
I think you must correct something in your sentence…. It is tUne and not tOne..
and you must change your icon for other nicer..
What is the differents beetween “this” ans “these”? is it plural and single?
that a lot teacher that was so amazing
sultanslife.1990@ Hotmail.com
These are practical English idioms.
I like it.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Hi how are you ? for me , I’m fit as a fiddle. I would like to say “thank you so much” for this lesson , I am learning English and want to improve about all that juzz . It’s just like music to my hears , and it ‘s clear as a bell. thank you again :)
Thanks Alex
Can i say
I am into the reading and all that juzz
Yes, you can. It means you are into reading, and everything associated with reading.
Hello Alex….I’m from Moldova and I’m studimg english philology….I want to do a Course Paper: English Idioms! I need your help!Please!!!
Hey Alex,
Thank you very much, your explanation was clear as a bell. I really liked this lesson and all that jazz.
Take care
These idioms were clear as a bell. very good explanation and wonder to see your interest to correcting student comments.
Great work.
thanks you! Alex. I liked lesson music to my ears.
yes, thank you very much , and your explaination is music to my ears , so i am saying to you all the best be on you.
This was a very helpful explanation I would like to see more of this kinds of topics. Thanks
Hey teacher….
First of all, thank’s for this awesome class…..It’s really clear as a bell.
I’d like to say that you should go to the gym for one week more or less to be fit as a fiddle….I’m just kidding….anyway !
I actually have to tell you this class and all the others has been music to our ears, you’re very good teaching and I think all that jazz as well.
Make sure you’ll never change your tune and if one day you changed and had some problem I’m sure that you’d face the music….
Wander (Brazilian written from London)
Dear Alex:
Let me introduce myself to you. My name
is Roberta Gallant. I have a learning disability.
I reside in Concord, New Hampshire, within
the United States of America.
Sometimes I have trouble knowing when to state
new paragraphs. The way I write paragraphs
they are off topic! Have you any solution for me
to improve my paragraph writing? If yes, would
you please email me it? Thank you.
Roberta Gallant
Thanks Alex
Can i say
I am into the reading and all that juzz
Great job Alex (two thumbs up)
Thanks it was very helpful
All this is really amazing. Congrats!!! You gays are doing a wonderful work here.
Dear Alex.
In order not to face the music, I think one has to learn more Idiom phrases, Thank you for the lesson
Thank alot teacher, your pronunciation is clear so I can hear more, all that jazz!
Great thanks! It was a pleasure to listen to the explanations!
dear Alex,
thank you so much for your lesson!!!
I clear the lesson as a bell!
wishing your lesson get much more the cheer from students, that it’s music to my ears. ^O^
hey Alex,
I must say your way of teaching is outstanding .. Keep up the good work ..
Your student
Asad Qizilbash
Your lesson was clear as a bell!
Dear Alax;
I really love your voice and your lesson. It is clear as a bell
thats clear
thanks very much
hi Alex this is Faheem kargel from Canada
English is not my native language i like to speak and understand good english i am still learning english specially this website is best way to correct my mistakes i have a problem making negative of this sentence
> lets go.
this lesson was clear as a bell I anderstood it perfectly
woooow !!
i really liked it.
this lesson is clear as a bell and it’s really music to my ears .
thanks Mr. Alex for ur great effort :)
This is a wonderful lesson! I enjoyed not only all the explanation you mentioned during the lecture, but also the rationalization of the correct answers in the quiz. Thank you so much!
thanks a lot , but it was difficult to remember. thank you
This lesson and the Body Parts one were clear as a bell. You are a really good teacher, I’m trying to teache and I realized it’s very difficult so congratulation for so wonderful work.
thanks . NICE LESSON
thank you very much for this site, is great and is helping me to learn english, thanks
Thank you so much Alex. I liked lesson music to my ears :)
Thanks Alex for be a good teacher.
your lesson was clear as a bell
the lesson on idioms was as clear as a bell. Thank you
Excellent expression. It really easy to understand. Good work. It is to be clear as bell.
Let see If I understood the lesson.
Can I say:
If you don´t change your tune, you´ll face the music.
Was it clear as a bell?
Is it correct Alex?
Excellent lesson, Alex!
But… “You received my letter?” is a tad informal.
How about adding “Ring a bell” as in “Does this ring a bell to you?”?
I hope not to “play hell” here! ;-)
hi Alex thnx so much, your lessons are as clear as bell
Thanks a lot for your lessons, Alex.
Regards from Spain
Hi Alex
I like your lessons. they are very useful. I am interested in learning idioms and all the jazz. The videoclip about idioms was clear as a bell.
Thank you for teaching us,Mr Alex.
Your talking speed is fit for me,so I could catch almost all.These idioms are clear as a bell.
Thank you so much and your teaching is realy very useful. These idioms are clear as a bell.
Thank you so much….
HI…ALEX this lecture brings feel good factor to me..because we used to hear these idioms and all that jazz frequently in the movies and serials now their conversation will be clear as a bell to me….thanx
I’ve a question too, use of …and all that jazz is slightly informal..
can i use it in front of interviewer ..in this way SIR,I LIKE MUSIC AND ALL THAT JAZZ IS IT CORRECT??
thanks a lot for this lesson.
see you next class.
Hi Alex. Thanks!
Thanks a lot, it was clear as a bell and music to my ears. Please, don’t change your tune!
hi alex…
thank you very much …
I want you to change your tune…
you should change your tune…
plz creat some fun in your video like Rani.
hi,alex.I feel interested in listening to your lesson.I really wanna learn well english. Although I often learn English everyday but my speaking,listening skills is very poor. Can you help me give any suggestions about learning method? That ‘s music to my ears from you soon .Thank you very much
Thank you very much for your perfect lesson, Alex!!!!!!! It was really music to my ears!!!! By the way I’m from Kazakhstan!!!! :)))))
thank you for helping people to learn english!!!
Hi, Alex your lessons are great, was as clear as a bell. awesome video alex.
Hi,Alex your lessons are great,was clear as a bell.myself sana how are you i can’t speak good english but i want to improve my english will you to improving my english give me a sujjest.
Thank you, Alex! You’re a great teacher! :)
a million of thanks it’s because everything is clear as a bell!!! keep up the good work!
thanks Alex your explanation is definitely Clear as a Bell. I hope it sounds music to your ear.from now on i will change my tune to become better in English language!! again thanks!!
i love the way you explain the lessons tnx
Thank you very much! Your explanation clear as a bell..:)
i loved it and i am staisfied i know everythin
great job guyz
alex we don’t say EXTREMELY GOOD :p chack that out
u guys are doing very well,im student preparing for ielts exam i wish to write some some idioms in it and i find it here.u guys help us.
Thank a lot to ur whole team rebecca,james and all guys
once again thankyou.
yours sincerely
i love music and i love this lesson!
Thanks a lot for introducing such interesting and useful idioms. your explanations are clear as a bell.I’ve learnt English for 2 year, but this is the first time I’ve known this website. I’m so much interested in it and your lessons. thanhks again
you are awesome,your lession was music to my ears
thank you very much,sir
Hi sir Alex, I really enjoy and learn ..watching your videos.
This lesson is music to my ear, it is clear as a bell. I like engvid.com and all that jazz. Thanks
Clear as a bell. Thank you Alex so much
i can’t do the questions!i can’t see them..is it a temporary problem?
Please tell me what browser you are using, including version. Some problems are occurring with older versions of Firefox.
your lesson is clear as a bell,i really enjoyed it.The explanation music my ears and from now on,i’m going to change my tune by focusing on your lesson every time. thanks again.
The idioms were clear as a bell alex:-)
It was music to my ears as i am preparing for my TOEFL.
thanks all the expressions are new for me and wonderful to know them, thanks again
Thank u very much Alex .. and all these idioms are new for me , and I didn’t even know them .. Thank u again :)
thanks for your useful videos.Please pay more attention to the distractors you use in your quizzes.
Alex, you explain quite well and it was music to my ears.Your explanation is better than other teachers in this community. I really like your videos and love to watch them as they are great help and I understand well.Your accent is also understandable and your review is the best think which I love!
thank you that’s a very good lesson.
thanks Alex, ur lesson was very great and u taught us very well, i was watching ur eye to eye to clear all concept of ur lesson and yes, don’t change ur tune…. :-)
u r really nice man
I have been so beliwdreed in the past but now it all makes sense!
This lesson is clear as a bell.I want to know more about ” would” usage and all that jazz.If u give one more lesson regarding these idioms i would think that” its really music to my ears”
hi sir Alex I,m Yasir salman frome Pakistan i love your teaching and i wanted to meet you thanx for nice videos its really helpd me
thank MR , Alex you are excellent teacher.
hi aelx
Thank you a lot, Alex.that’s a very good lesson
I love you alex me brother
hi aelx
Thank you a lot, Alex.that’s a very good lesson
I love you alex my brother
Hi, I like this lesson, thanks.
clear as a bell,thanks teacher 4 teaching us. I watched the video once. pretty easy this time.
thanks mr. Alex my quiz is perfect because your teaching clear as a bell
many tnx its really useful , be safe dear teacher
thanks, Mr.Alex my quiz is perfect,because your teaching as abell. I like you teach idiom.
I think that your good lesones it will be like music to us. Because it is clear as a bell.
thank you very much engVid group.
Very Good!
I just want to know that can I use most of the words in english as verbs?because some times back,I knew that some words like “silence”,”fear” can’t be used as verbs but I was watching an English movie last week when I heard the actor saying “I have silenced her” and also sentence like “I feared” and I got shocked as I had never heard these type of sentences..I want you to clarify these doubts of mine plzzz..
you have bad dictionary
Hi there! You are awesome! keep your job. You are the best teacher I have ever seen.
Hi Alex, this is Phuong from Vietnam. You are a really wonderful teacher, your voice is definitely music to my ears. Will you ever visit Vietnam someday? I’ll be hosting you if allowed. Would love to talk with you someday. Take care, and keep up the great work.
thanks alex.rely we need these idioms to describe what we Feel in Small sentences. and thanks to all engvid group.
Thank you so much for this lesson and your website
Don’t thank. Just donate money.
many thanks alex you are the best i like the way that you folow to kelp us understand the lessons more easily could you please bring us more conversations lessons in order to improve our speaking skills thanks again,
Hi. Thanks a million!
Thanks Alex for this very nice lesson
thanks alot alex
Hello from Georgia,
I am very glad to find this site.it’s very useful for anyone, who wants to improve speaking skills in English. thanks a lot teacher.I like your teaching styles very much. well, Alex u are a great teacher.
That a nice idiom!!
Alex Your lesson was clear a bell and so it was the musik to my ears
Thank you very much Alex!!!
Thanks Alex this lesson was music to my ears
your lesson was clear as bell :)
Thanks Alex :)
Your lesson was clear as bell.
Hi Alex.
Your lecture was clear as the bell. I heard an idiom AS SURE AS GOD MADE LITTLE GREEN APPLES. I shall be grateful, if you can put some light on it.
Your score: 100.00 You got 6 correct out of 6
This was clear as a bell. :p
this was so helpful thanks a bundle !
Thank you, This lesson is hard to understand.
Thanks very much, Alex.
I thought that as fit as a fiddle is a simile?
Hi, Alex,
It is music in my ears. Thanks a lot!
If there are more in details, please mail me.
Thanks again dudes!
Thank you very much Alex , I understand all your lessons clear as a bell ;)
and I always score 100 in your exams.
I’am in a fit as fiddle but my score is not a music to my ears I should study it again and change my tune. I’m ready to face the music what ever happen and if I failed again it is not clear as a bell to me and all that jazz. thanks anyway!
hi . thanc you a lot alex
please can you give us an other example of ” fit as a fiddle” cause i can not really understood it ^^
Hi..I am Faisal, I’m from Indonesia. i really love learning English very much specially English Idioms…but sometimes I get some difficulties in learning the English Idioms,so…could you tell me how to improve my English Idioms ?, thank you very much for the lessons. I like it very much
thank you so much for your video, is really usefull
oh! i feel great, i did it perfectly! yeeey ! i’m realy happy about that!
thank you so much alex, i’m fit as a fiddle! :D
Very helpful lesson. Thank you so much sir. I really enjoyed it.
Teacher, your classes always are clear as a bell and I know this feed back is music to his ears!
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot Alex. Your lesson is clear as a bell.
Wow man! Alex, você é o cara!
I got 2 correct out of 6. It maybe worst score for me so far. I didn’t know about any music idioms. So I was confused. I want to challenge the quiz again later.
Thank you, Alex :) Good study for me.
many thanks
Hi Alex I have a small doubt in second question of QUIZ
Why can’t it be ‘face the music’? According to me if jill did something wrong then she should face the music from her boss else she will lose her job right? I find it ambiguous. can you please clarify this?
thank u so much Mr alex…all your lessons r clear as a bell..
we were lucky to have a great man like you as our teacher.. thanks
Hi Alex,
very interesting lesson. Thanks a lot
take care
I want to ask: is it allowed (permitted) to listen to the music, which is performed by the musical instruments?
It is allowed. I SAY SO.
Hi Alex,
I have a question: Are these idioms used in U.S?
Thank you.
Hi Alex
I’m waiting for more lesson of you about nice idioms.good luck
thank you Alex, your lessons are always clear as a bell..;)
MR Alex thanks for this lesson > but i cant understand the meaning of ( face the music )
I did’ it ! 10/10 thanks alot Alex!
Wow! The lesson was as clear as a bell.
clear as a bell.
many new for me, thank you
Thank you for the helpful lesson. 5|5
Thank you Alex! it was clear as a bell ;)
Thats was clear as a bell thanks alexs
Jusuf is a smoker. If he doesn’t change his tune, he’s gonna sick.
Thank you very much Alex , I enjoy learning with you.
Thanks Alex, it was clear as abell
I got full score! ? :D
Thanks a lot,Mr.Alex
Happy New Year!
Greetings from Kazakhstan 28 Dec2o21
thanks Alex , it was clear as a bell :)
Thank you a lot, you`re a great teacher. These idioms are good, and your explanation is something amazing.