In this lesson for animal lovers, I look at some very common idioms in English that have to do with dogs. I’ll teach you exactly when and how to use expressions such as dog eat dog world, sick as a dog, every dog has its day, it's a dog's life, top dog, and you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
I got 7 correct out of 7. Thanks for share that’s lesson Alex.
Thanks a lot to all the teachers of engvid, you really teach so well and clear everithing,It´s a given!!! since I discovered you in internet my english has improved very much, and many of my english speakers friends have noticed that…thank you again and a big big han for you for the amazing job you are doing…It´s a dog´s life but we have to go on. take care friends and hello from
Hi Alex, you’re a great teacher. I understant perfectly what you say because you say cleary and calmly
Hell yeah! I must agree with you. You are right. He says each word very, very clearly, as the result, whole speech is inderstandable :) Thanks a lot for that sacrifice for us :)
Very interesting iam going to use them in my day life and why not to my students in Greece .With the financial crisis in our country the majority of the Greeks live the dog’s life nowadays
I’m agree with Pedro’s say. This lesson was very useful for me. thank you.
I tried tO study more , because i never hear that expressions of slang thanks Alex
I agree with you teacher. I cannot think about “it’s a dog life” as a awful, difficult situation. Dogs have an easy life. I wish i was a dog.
Nice teacher! Nice web-site! A perfect attitude yo ehglish for free! See you guys
very nice !! keep this up !!
Thanks Alex is really a great lesson.
Thank you very much Mr Alex I lost my job two days ago but it’s a dog’s life
Thanks for the great lesson Alex. I have a hard time pronouncing the (T) as a (D) especially when it is followed or preceded by an (L), so could you make a lesson about that please?
Thanks for this Alex.
thank mr alex it’s a good lesson
Eng. Adam
wow! mr.Alex explain it very nice so i can understand it easily, thanks :D
thanks Alex for video !!! it’s all cool except the dogs’ barking !!! may I say this site is top dog ???
gud taecher thx
so nice teaching now i have gotton some specific idioms form you thanks for showing us a such outstanding idioms
I enjoyed this lesson and the barking dogs too
Thank’s Alex !
that was very interesting , do you have a Skype adress please ?
Very funny.
Good lesson
every dog has its day, that’s what I’m waitin’ 4. take care Alex.
Efrain Dominguez
Wonderful idioms thanks alex
Koffi De souza
manny manny thanks to improve my english with those wonderful idioms
great job Alex !
i will teac them to my studens
good lesson
Damn! 6 out of 7. I don’t understand what it’s “dog eat dog”, and not “eats”. I assume it’s subjunctive but I don’t understand why
It is amazing, thanks, please continue with this project.
Alex,thanks a lot for your job! I’ve also seen such exp “TOP DOG”, e.g.“I don’t care about being top dog. I just want to do the best I can.” My question is: can it be used positively or negatively talking about a person? Thx)))
karnaval 2012
Why “dog _____ dog” eat but not eatS!???
karnaval 2012
Hi Alex,
Great job!! You explain everything very clear. Some od them are obvious but others are new for me. it was a very useful lesson. Thanks
Thumbs up teacher.more lessons
Good day.
Alex! could u tell me when we watching English movies dialogues also written below, what specific name of these types of dialogue writing.
can you please tell me the difference b/n slang, metaphore and idioms.
hi alex, thank you for your great lessons.i have a lot problems
-pronunciation the a ,e,j ,and g letter
-how to pronunce contraction like i’ll or i’d
-ponctuation {exclamation mark and comma..}
please give us some lessons like that ,thank you a lot and have a good night
hi alex .you are fantastic teacher.god bless you
you have got nice and decent teaching skills. its good to learn from you
6/7 for my first lesson , thank you for these explications ! :D
6/7 …. like me we’r the same
thnx alex, I understood your lesson very well I got 7 correct out of 7.
thank alex, my score 6/7
o Man its a dog eat dog , so donot give up as u know every dog has its day, i assure u one day u ‘d be the top dog in ur company so dont b sicl as dog from tension ok ………o know man its really hard to tech an old dog new tricks!
Thank you Alex,my score 7/7
it’s amazing the way you are teaching.
I live in Lisbon at Portugal and I’m learning easily with you.
Jose Carlos
Hi Alex,
this is interesting lesson. I got 6 out of 7.
I have been to the USA for almost 1 year now and i haven’t ever heard any of these idioms in everyday American English in my area.
I will be a top dog one day. Thanks Alex.
Thank you very much alex. The most helpful thing that i have got was the last question in the quiz.
Your method of English it is a good I like it more for learning
Very clear and easy to understand it. Whenever I see video clips here, I mistake myself as a native English speaker, because I can understand 100% what is being said. But, reality bites. Thanks to “super great English tutors!”
i like this site and what i looking for . tyvm teachers
i just relised this lessons it was wonderful .thanks Alex
thanks Alex it was wonderful lessons .
Thanks a lot for your lessons about idioms! Very useful.
Great lesson. Thank you very much
Thank you Alex. I liked your class.
Thanks Alex, Very useful!!!
Alex, but how about sport slang word “underdog”?
Thanks for teacher, i will remember your lesson
Ngoc Dung
i also got 7 out 0f 7.
thanks for teaching>>>
Hi Alex!!!
I have one new lololol…I am feeling like a dog watching a tv…Just kidding
Thiago Pereira
really.thank you very much.
Many thx.
i got 7 correct of of 7, thank you alex for this lesson..i’ve learned a lot.
lorrien segarra
It’s very helpful and funny.
Thanks Alex!
Ngoc Bao
I was psyched to study your lecture. Your stuff is always good! We live a dog’s life to be top dog :3 By the way, thank you for your lecture!
MH Song
hi alex thank you so much for a great lesson and i have one question what is the different between idioms and expression? and what is common in the USA and useful for me as a foreign students.
thank you again
Thanks you teacher!! ^^
Thank you very much for your interesting lesson, Alex.I’m sure these idioms will help me a lot in using real English in daily activities.
great lesson, mr alex the top dog,you are the best,thanks
Alex by me saying he hasn’t been riding the bus is that a wrong grammar
alex u r a great teacher
i have a question for u plz tell me the use of word “led” and “lead”
where we can use this word etc
thanks a lot
Mr. Alex I like your teaching procedure. Tanks to you & all others teacher & also tanks to engvid group. Please could you check my sentence which I have written about this lesson below? & please send me a feed back to me at my e-mail
Sham & I were going to a tour for last weekend; you have known that Sham is loaded. We were visiting a casino & Sham played the casino game. At that time he was so crazy & spent all the money at the casino, then he was totally broke. After that we were going to a restaurant & ordered two hamburgers. My hamburger was fresh but Sham found an insect inside the hamburger. I told him “don’t worry your hamburger is on the house”. Then I called a waiter & showed him Sham’s hamburger & he changed that. After finished the eat Sham told me “I am very sorry, I’m broke. Please pay up the bill”. I told him “don’t worry about it Sham, I will pick up the tab”
Well done… Good luck Alex…
Thank you Alex. It is very good idea to explain every quiz question.
oh yeah!!! i got 10 out of 10!!! thank you mr.alex and have a nice day^^
It’s great!!
Thank you Alex, i got 10/10 ^^
Well done! And for free,even better! Thanks teacher.
Thanks Alex.
You are the top dog.
This lesson helped me a lot.
Every dog has its day.
Thanks Alex, It was wonderful lesson as always and I score 100 again ;)
I just have a question: Is the “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” idiom rude or not? I mean can we use it everywhere for everyone?
i am pedro,thanks teacher god bless you,because i understood your lesson.see ya nexst mounth
Pedro mpela
Hi Alex good lesson thanks
I was wondering if I say that you are the top dog to someone, it’s polite or not? Maybe someone doesn’t like this kind of metaphor. Or it’s a kind of humor? Please advise, thanks!
tnX Teacher Alex :)
Thank you Alex, and thanks to all other engVid teachers, your work and dedication are excellents!
why it is not god EATS dog? why we use eat instead of eats here?
6 correct out of 7 – Thomas from Poland thx
awesome….dog eat dog, but don’t give up it’s a dog life men. every dog has it’s day..just focus to your goal..thanks Alex. great…you’re so cool men..keep up the good work..
Thank you very much!
7 correct out of 7 the lesson is sooooooooo easy
I love idioms lessons. very useful. Thanks Alex.
good fatima
Thanks Mr. Alex, i don’t know how to admire you as a best teacher.
i found your site these recent months but i am learning very much.
i love the way you teach, i can understand your lessons… thank you very much my teacher.
please go on.
i got 100 marks in current lesson..
I just love it. after learning that, i would be able to express my situation now. In this dog eat dog world, in order to become a top dog, i have to fight like a dog even though sometimes i am sick as a dog. i am a old dog,which means people thought i was not be taught new tricks, but i still believe every dog has it’s day.
GR8! TNX a lot.
you are correct. To our life, Every dog has its day.
Thank you for very interesting lesson.
I got 6 correct out of 7. I didn’t know about dog idioms at all. So I had fun. Thank you for your interesting lesson :)
BTW, I failed the last question. Why don’t you use plural form? “Dog__dog.” Dog is a singular form, isn’t it?
If “dogs__dog”, I answered “dogs eat dog.” Could you tell us the reason, please?
I got 7 correct out of 7.I am exciting. Thank you for your lesson
Hi Alix,
Is it polite to call my boss(((TOP DOG))) ????
Alex,You’re The English teacher Top dog!!!
I almost forgot: I wish you a Merry Christmas!!!
thank you teacher it’s very easy to learn from you
Great! I can’t make out why the word dog has a lot of negative meanings, dogs are beautiful animals :)
Thanks Sir, I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Thanks Alex . The lesson is very easy to understand .
Van Anh Phung
Thanks Dog:))))
Thanks Alex for this lesson and for all your videos. Very helpful :)
7 out of 7, Even if it is a dog’s life, knowing that dog eat dog, I’m trying to become the top dog!
am keeping learn english guys its dog eat dog at our company if idid not kill the english soon the will bick me out .)
ann ann
Thank you Mr. Alex,my score 7/7
7/7 thanks Alex , you’re great teacher bro :)
Wow! Wonderful lesson. As always very clear explanation. Thank you.
THX a lot.I love u.
Thank you very much for your help Alex. Never before I had heard about those Dog Idioms.
Alu Espinosa
By the way I got 100/ 7 correct out of 7
Alu Espinosa
6 … tnx :)
Great Lesson Alex.
Thanks you so much
Marta Lopez
I got a perfect score.
I’m so happy.
Thank you, Alex!
Young Kyung Lee
The problem in Indo-Pak is that dog is considered as an inferior animal. It’s very much insulting if you call someone dog. People will laugh when I would say that my grandfather is sick as a dog.
Similarly, When I say, “you are sick. I have a feeling that it sound’s rude.
I request you to please make a lecture to clarify this and other places where we need to be careful. Thankyou Alex
I got 5/7. Good lesson Alex!
Thank you Alex
Great lesson Alex!
Jonathas Wilhem
hhhhhh in my cite thats considered shameless If i say that for somebody any way again thanks
I got 6/7
Thank you Alex for sharing this nice and doggy lesson
thanks Mr. Alex, we couldn’t be sick as dog when we listen to your interesting lessons.
May i have a question?
i always hear a nickname for Roman Reigns it’s a big dog is this the same expression as top dog?
Aml Mounier
Thank you, Alex) Our world is a dog eat dog world, and every one of us hopes that every dog has its day
Thank you Alex, really you’re the best English teacher. I appreciate you and keep going
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I got 7 correct out of 7. Thanks for share that’s lesson Alex.
Thanks a lot to all the teachers of engvid, you really teach so well and clear everithing,It´s a given!!! since I discovered you in internet my english has improved very much, and many of my english speakers friends have noticed that…thank you again and a big big han for you for the amazing job you are doing…It´s a dog´s life but we have to go on. take care friends and hello from
Hi Alex, you’re a great teacher. I understant perfectly what you say because you say cleary and calmly
Hell yeah! I must agree with you. You are right. He says each word very, very clearly, as the result, whole speech is inderstandable :) Thanks a lot for that sacrifice for us :)
Very interesting iam going to use them in my day life and why not to my students in Greece .With the financial crisis in our country the majority of the Greeks live the dog’s life nowadays
I’m agree with Pedro’s say. This lesson was very useful for me. thank you.
I tried tO study more , because i never hear that expressions of slang thanks Alex
I agree with you teacher. I cannot think about “it’s a dog life” as a awful, difficult situation. Dogs have an easy life. I wish i was a dog.
Nice teacher! Nice web-site! A perfect attitude yo ehglish for free! See you guys
very nice !! keep this up !!
Thanks Alex is really a great lesson.
Thank you very much Mr Alex I lost my job two days ago but it’s a dog’s life
Thanks for the great lesson Alex. I have a hard time pronouncing the (T) as a (D) especially when it is followed or preceded by an (L), so could you make a lesson about that please?
Thanks for this Alex.
thank mr alex it’s a good lesson
wow! mr.Alex explain it very nice so i can understand it easily, thanks :D
thanks Alex for video !!! it’s all cool except the dogs’ barking !!! may I say this site is top dog ???
gud taecher thx
so nice teaching now i have gotton some specific idioms form you thanks for showing us a such outstanding idioms
I enjoyed this lesson and the barking dogs too
Thank’s Alex !
that was very interesting , do you have a Skype adress please ?
Very funny.
Good lesson
every dog has its day, that’s what I’m waitin’ 4. take care Alex.
Wonderful idioms thanks alex
manny manny thanks to improve my english with those wonderful idioms
great job Alex !
i will teac them to my studens
good lesson
Damn! 6 out of 7. I don’t understand what it’s “dog eat dog”, and not “eats”. I assume it’s subjunctive but I don’t understand why
It is amazing, thanks, please continue with this project.
Alex,thanks a lot for your job! I’ve also seen such exp “TOP DOG”, e.g.“I don’t care about being top dog. I just want to do the best I can.” My question is: can it be used positively or negatively talking about a person? Thx)))
Why “dog _____ dog” eat but not eatS!???
Hi Alex,
Great job!! You explain everything very clear. Some od them are obvious but others are new for me. it was a very useful lesson. Thanks
Thumbs up teacher.more lessons
Good day.
Alex! could u tell me when we watching English movies dialogues also written below, what specific name of these types of dialogue writing.
can you please tell me the difference b/n slang, metaphore and idioms.
hi alex, thank you for your great lessons.i have a lot problems
-pronunciation the a ,e,j ,and g letter
-how to pronunce contraction like i’ll or i’d
-ponctuation {exclamation mark and comma..}
please give us some lessons like that ,thank you a lot and have a good night
hi alex .you are fantastic teacher.god bless you
you have got nice and decent teaching skills. its good to learn from you
6/7 for my first lesson , thank you for these explications ! :D
6/7 …. like me we’r the same
thnx alex, I understood your lesson very well I got 7 correct out of 7.
thank alex, my score 6/7
o Man its a dog eat dog , so donot give up as u know every dog has its day, i assure u one day u ‘d be the top dog in ur company so dont b sicl as dog from tension ok ………o know man its really hard to tech an old dog new tricks!
Thank you Alex,my score 7/7
it’s amazing the way you are teaching.
I live in Lisbon at Portugal and I’m learning easily with you.
Hi Alex,
this is interesting lesson. I got 6 out of 7.
I have been to the USA for almost 1 year now and i haven’t ever heard any of these idioms in everyday American English in my area.
I will be a top dog one day. Thanks Alex.
Thank you very much alex. The most helpful thing that i have got was the last question in the quiz.
Your method of English it is a good I like it more for learning
Very clear and easy to understand it. Whenever I see video clips here, I mistake myself as a native English speaker, because I can understand 100% what is being said. But, reality bites. Thanks to “super great English tutors!”
i like this site and what i looking for . tyvm teachers
i just relised this lessons it was wonderful .thanks Alex
thanks Alex it was wonderful lessons .
Thanks a lot for your lessons about idioms! Very useful.
Great lesson. Thank you very much
Thank you Alex. I liked your class.
Thanks Alex, Very useful!!!
Alex, but how about sport slang word “underdog”?
Thanks for teacher, i will remember your lesson
i also got 7 out 0f 7.
thanks for teaching>>>
Hi Alex!!!
I have one new lololol…I am feeling like a dog watching a tv…Just kidding
really.thank you very much.
Many thx.
i got 7 correct of of 7, thank you alex for this lesson..i’ve learned a lot.
It’s very helpful and funny.
Thanks Alex!
I was psyched to study your lecture. Your stuff is always good! We live a dog’s life to be top dog :3 By the way, thank you for your lecture!
hi alex thank you so much for a great lesson and i have one question what is the different between idioms and expression? and what is common in the USA and useful for me as a foreign students.
thank you again
Thanks you teacher!! ^^
Thank you very much for your interesting lesson, Alex.I’m sure these idioms will help me a lot in using real English in daily activities.
great lesson, mr alex the top dog,you are the best,thanks
Alex by me saying he hasn’t been riding the bus is that a wrong grammar
alex u r a great teacher
i have a question for u plz tell me the use of word “led” and “lead”
where we can use this word etc
thanks a lot
Mr. Alex I like your teaching procedure. Tanks to you & all others teacher & also tanks to engvid group. Please could you check my sentence which I have written about this lesson below? & please send me a feed back to me at my e-mail
Sham & I were going to a tour for last weekend; you have known that Sham is loaded. We were visiting a casino & Sham played the casino game. At that time he was so crazy & spent all the money at the casino, then he was totally broke. After that we were going to a restaurant & ordered two hamburgers. My hamburger was fresh but Sham found an insect inside the hamburger. I told him “don’t worry your hamburger is on the house”. Then I called a waiter & showed him Sham’s hamburger & he changed that. After finished the eat Sham told me “I am very sorry, I’m broke. Please pay up the bill”. I told him “don’t worry about it Sham, I will pick up the tab”
Well done… Good luck Alex…
Thank you Alex. It is very good idea to explain every quiz question.
oh yeah!!! i got 10 out of 10!!! thank you mr.alex and have a nice day^^
It’s great!!
Thank you Alex, i got 10/10 ^^
Well done! And for free,even better! Thanks teacher.
Thanks Alex.
You are the top dog.
This lesson helped me a lot.
Every dog has its day.
Thanks Alex, It was wonderful lesson as always and I score 100 again ;)
I just have a question: Is the “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” idiom rude or not? I mean can we use it everywhere for everyone?
i am pedro,thanks teacher god bless you,because i understood your lesson.see ya nexst mounth
Hi Alex good lesson thanks
I was wondering if I say that you are the top dog to someone, it’s polite or not? Maybe someone doesn’t like this kind of metaphor. Or it’s a kind of humor? Please advise, thanks!
tnX Teacher Alex :)
Thank you Alex, and thanks to all other engVid teachers, your work and dedication are excellents!
why it is not god EATS dog? why we use eat instead of eats here?
6 correct out of 7 – Thomas from Poland thx
awesome….dog eat dog, but don’t give up it’s a dog life men. every dog has it’s day..just focus to your goal..thanks Alex. great…you’re so cool men..keep up the good work..
Thank you very much!
7 correct out of 7 the lesson is sooooooooo easy
I love idioms lessons. very useful. Thanks Alex.
good fatima
Thanks Mr. Alex, i don’t know how to admire you as a best teacher.
i found your site these recent months but i am learning very much.
i love the way you teach, i can understand your lessons… thank you very much my teacher.
please go on.
i got 100 marks in current lesson..
I just love it. after learning that, i would be able to express my situation now. In this dog eat dog world, in order to become a top dog, i have to fight like a dog even though sometimes i am sick as a dog. i am a old dog,which means people thought i was not be taught new tricks, but i still believe every dog has it’s day.
GR8! TNX a lot.
you are correct. To our life, Every dog has its day.
Thank you for very interesting lesson.
I got 6 correct out of 7. I didn’t know about dog idioms at all. So I had fun. Thank you for your interesting lesson :)
BTW, I failed the last question. Why don’t you use plural form? “Dog__dog.” Dog is a singular form, isn’t it?
If “dogs__dog”, I answered “dogs eat dog.” Could you tell us the reason, please?
I got 7 correct out of 7.I am exciting. Thank you for your lesson
Hi Alix,
Is it polite to call my boss(((TOP DOG))) ????
Alex,You’re The English teacher Top dog!!!
I almost forgot: I wish you a Merry Christmas!!!
thank you teacher it’s very easy to learn from you
Great! I can’t make out why the word dog has a lot of negative meanings, dogs are beautiful animals :)
Thanks Sir, I got 100%.
Thanks Alex . The lesson is very easy to understand .
Thanks Dog:))))
Thanks Alex for this lesson and for all your videos. Very helpful :)
7 out of 7, Even if it is a dog’s life, knowing that dog eat dog, I’m trying to become the top dog!
am keeping learn english guys its dog eat dog at our company if idid not kill the english soon the will bick me out .)
Thank you Mr. Alex,my score 7/7
7/7 thanks Alex , you’re great teacher bro :)
Wow! Wonderful lesson. As always very clear explanation. Thank you.
THX a lot.I love u.
Thank you very much for your help Alex. Never before I had heard about those Dog Idioms.
By the way I got 100/ 7 correct out of 7
6 … tnx :)
Great Lesson Alex.
Thanks you so much
I got a perfect score.
I’m so happy.
Thank you, Alex!
The problem in Indo-Pak is that dog is considered as an inferior animal. It’s very much insulting if you call someone dog. People will laugh when I would say that my grandfather is sick as a dog.
Similarly, When I say, “you are sick. I have a feeling that it sound’s rude.
I request you to please make a lecture to clarify this and other places where we need to be careful. Thankyou Alex
I got 5/7. Good lesson Alex!
Thank you Alex
Great lesson Alex!
hhhhhh in my cite thats considered shameless If i say that for somebody any way again thanks
I got 6/7
Thank you Alex for sharing this nice and doggy lesson
thanks Mr. Alex, we couldn’t be sick as dog when we listen to your interesting lessons.
May i have a question?
i always hear a nickname for Roman Reigns it’s a big dog is this the same expression as top dog?
Thank you, Alex) Our world is a dog eat dog world, and every one of us hopes that every dog has its day
Thank you Alex, really you’re the best English teacher. I appreciate you and keep going
Thank you!!