engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.



Dear Mrs.Rebecca,
First of all, I would like to thank you for responding to my comment by saying all the teachers work full-time besides engvid.I really appreciate for taking time reply.
Thank you very much for all of your video lessons. They are really very useful. Could you, please tell us rules that govern the maintenance of tenses and speeches in academic essay writings. I would be thankful, if you go into depth of the details of essay writing.This has been my long standing request to all the teachers for long time. Kindly make a video lesson which would last atleast for about 15 minutes. Thank you very much once again!!


    Very useful lesson Rebecca, now I can talk about my educational qualifications.

    Thanks a million, kind regards.


thank you very much ms.Rebbeca..
it is very helpful lesson..
i don’t study at the universty yet , but I think that will help soon ..


no quiz


    Then make it dude. . .


thank you very much !!!!! this lesson is so helpful .. im learning a lot (: could you teach the difference between of and from please??!!!!


thank you so much MRS.Rebecca,
could u tell me if there is a mistake in these sentences :
1- I have a BS in Telecom Engineering from Damascus University
2-I graduated from the university of Damascus with BS in Telecom Engineering.
3- I was awarded a BS in Telecom Engineering by Damascus university.
4- I completed a BS in Telecom Engineering at Damascus university.
my best wishes.


    In my opinion , your sentences are OK

    Am I right Mrs. Rebeca

    my greets


    sentence 2,there is a mistake,add the ‘a’ before BS, so it should be ‘with a BS’


in a few months I will graduate from EngVid. LOL. all the best 4 u lovely Rebecca. greeting from Mexico, viva Canada too.


hey rebecca how are you doing first of all thank you very much for this video not just this but for all the video any way please rebecca i have a qestion for you please when i tried to writ something or when i heared something and i want to put it down i found it it’s very deffeculte please can you help me to overcome this problem please as soon as possible thank you very much again god bless you


It’s my first time I learn about telling education, thank you Rebbeca. And I would introducing my education. I obtained an MM in Management from Padjadjaran University.Is it correct?



I am in Australia since two months now, and I think people use “Uni” for “University”. I that specific to Australia or is it commonly used, or just correct and understood?

Thank you for your answer :)


    Dear Clement!
    Uni for university is used everywhere round the world.

    Abbas Khan

Thanks I learned it.

Zmary Masoud

Thanks you ;)!!! I’m already got it ^^


Thanks alot


Rebecca, what should we say if we want to find out more about someone’s education. How can we ask some person a question about this. Is it correct if I say Where did you graduate from? These are very rare question, and almost I’ve never heard that one person asked another about this. Please respond ASAP!



Can I say: “I am graduated from …” ?


Thank you so much for your nice efforts.


i need a quiz


Hi I’m interested for taking an English course in Canada do you have courses?


Very helpful! Great job and thank’s for all! But unfortunatly I didn’t find the quiz you talk about it…


thank you very much Rebecca


Thank you so much.


hi,Teacher Ribecca!
Your lessons are very helpful!
but i have confused words,could you explain me about the way to use “because” and “since” with mean is reason?


Excellent no words to descibe,…


hi rebecca is it correct to say i have a BA in economics .i’m looking forward to your answer thanks




Thank u


hi rebecca thank you for this lesson .is it correct to say i have a BA in economics


thanks mam


thanks for this high effor


    Dear Teacher Rebecca thanks of your effective teaching I answered all 10 question easily& correctly and got 100 thanks of your teaching.

    Mohammad mostaan

Thank you for your efforts, they help me a lot.


Nice !!!


I want to ask about the vocabulary of the BTS Conductor …. could u help me Rebecca :) ?
thnx :)


dear rebecca made in p.r.o.c what does it mean ? it means = people’s republic of china = but in fact according to me it must be public republic of china is not it ? how can you explain it to me please l need your explanation best wishes from turkey murat


Dear Mrs.Rebecca,

About clients and customers, the big companies who buy stuffs, (small parts of a big equipment, for instance, from other small companies (suppliers) are “clients” os “customers”?


hi guys very nice


Hi Rebecca, Thank You very much for your work. You have a great idea and I want to say THANK YOU. Thant is all. Have a nice day. Andrej


I am a high school graduate. Will you explain how to explain the case more lower education?


dear Rebecco! first of all i woul like to thanks you for your humanitarian services, so i want to join with your side, and i love to be your student, i dont know it will be approved or not? so my name is Gulaqa from Afghanistan- Bamyan province, so your lessons and guide, excitung me to start learning english please help me dear nice teacher, so bye for now

gulaqa jan

Rebecca, what do you think is the best way to discover problem at myself? Namely, I know more than 20000 the most frequently used words in english, but when I want to speak it goes nicely, but not as well as I’d like, I’d like to speak more fluently, like a native english speaker. What would you suggest me to do in order to achieve this result? Thank you. . .


you are doing a good job. this is my question, in fact i have a answer for you and you need make a question for that…

“barak obamaa is the 25 th president of america”

please give me a question for this answer… i awaits your reply… thanks


Rebecca, very nice class! Very good job!!


great work you have done
thanks for this helpful lesson.


Think You Mrs Rebbeca.For helping me with english.


I got a BA in sociology from KFU (:


At first,I would like to thank you for your helpful, I’m very happy to have a nice teacher,such as you,I like also your accent .Please could you tell me where is quiz?Because I didn’t find it


it is kinda hard to learn English according to Turkish people like me :)


This is a great lesson..

Thank you so much Rebecca..


HI Rebecca,
I think you are the best teacher! Could you please teach me HOW can I pronounce the letter “J” as in Job, enjoy, Japan..It is almost impossible for me to say it right. My teacher tried to teach me, but I did not get it. Thanks Rebecca…I really need your help, please!


Thank you very much for this helpful lesson. Could someone from ENGVID add the quiz please? There is no quiz when I looked for it. Thanks.


Hi,James you are a very good teacher.From your lesson,I studied a lot and hope I will speak very fluintly.Thank you very much

Tej bahadur singh

Thanks you very much!!GOD BLESS YOU


Many thanks Mrs. Rebecca, It is a very interesting topic and it’s so helpful too.
Warm Greetings from Perú.


thanks a lot


I got BA degree form peshawer university.


Vary Good.


thank you


thank you so much rebecca


hi!Rebecca.Could you tell me what is formal way and informal way about the lesson above.


hi mrs rebecca , thank u for this lesson but iwanna know how can i talking about my studyy noww ?? i havent finished my study yet how can i talk about this thing? , thank u soooo


thank you very much Rebecca.
so simple way to pass info.
good luck.
waiting for more.


Hi Rebecca, I liked this lesson, but I confess that I found a bit confussing.I’ll listen again.Thank you.Hugs from Brazil.


all ready i got it !! Thank Yooooooooooooooooooooou madam

Greedy boy

iam very glad t wrch it en lessten !!

Boy greed

where quiz?


I would like to say thank you for that nice work whose EngVid Team has been done, giving us one great opportunity to learn English language.


the dearest Rebbeca,
really you are perfect in teaching.would you please teach me about how to talk about going shopping for cosmetic or make up .with best regard


hey there if anyone wanna respond i appreciate ……just watching those videos is not enough i guess so ….it wud be great if chattin options applicable …..sounds funny but it will really help everyone ….


hi i optained an M.A.in ENGLISH LITERATURE from DAVV university at indore in india ….now i am persuing M.PHIL.

Is it correct ?


    It’s not “at India”, should be “in India”. good luck.


      hi read it again dear i have written in india


thanks my teacher for your lesson :)


Could you tell me what means “MIT”.


    MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology – a top notch college.


I have graduated from Pune university with b tech in agriculture engineering.
is this right sentence Rebecca ?


    Say “a” before B.Tech
    U want this one to be replied only by Rebecca? then ignore my post!


Nice & interesting way of teaching Rebecca!!


you’re a good teacher Rebecca. But I have a question. Why when we say she comes to visit tomrrow, we use s on the verb but when we say she will come to visit then we don’t use s on will? Thank you,


I m so glad by found out this site. teacher Rebeca your methodology is perfect and has contributed a lot for my learning.God Bless you


thank you rebecca the lesson helps me a lot with my interview


thanks for Rebecca you did a great job, I understood the way I narrate my educational qualification to the interviewer.


there is no quis for this lesson ? rep


Thankyou very much


Quiz is very helpful for learning but there is no quiz I think admin forgot.

Abdul Qayum

thx for the video that’s verry interessting

hanane ben

Hello Miss Rebica
I use my iPad and I dont find the exame that you talk about in your video.

Thank you very much

Cute R

thanks about you are teaching i love all your leason .please can you give me one sentences about free time? mean some one ask me what you do in your free time all the week .


I would like to express of my gratefulness for you about the great advantages that I have acquired from your lessons rebecca, thanks for you and for EngVid.

Abdul Salam

Hey Rebeca! Thanks for your explanations, but where ís the appropriate test?

Victoria Campos

thank u a lot Ms.rebecca for this helpful lesson
by the way i am interesting to improve my english language so if there is any one want to collaborate with me,don’t hesitate to send me an email to mohjabery@hotmail.com
thanks all


Dear Mrs.Rebecca
Thank you very much, you are a good teacher, also thank for EngVid.


thanks for all


Thank you so mush Rebecca , your lessons are very interesting and i like your manner of teaching.


Hi, I am new to this EngVid, and so grateful knowing this site. It is really a help to improve my English. I love the way Rebecca conveys her lectures. I got the point without a second thought. Thank you so much!




thanks so much for your video.It’s helpful for me. Please make more video obout the question and answer tips for job interview.


I obtained BSc in Statistics from University of Salahaddin . Thanks teacher it is very necessary to knowledge , I have benefited from your lessons .


Dear Mrs. Rebecca, please in the case that i need to talk about an specialization in finances; how do you say? and in the case i want to talk about other courses with less time than an university


Rebecca… I’m from Brazil and your lessons help me a lot to improve my english. So, thanks for all.


i am from Sudan i want to learning English complete can u help me teacher Rebbecca to learn




Hi Rebecca. I’m Daniela, 25, from Romania.
I am very glad to meet you through the videos and I appreciate your coming here to explain all this elementary rules.

I have a big problem with my English, because when somebody who speaks English is bring on me, i have a lot of emotions and i start to stammer out, means i am getting shy and say no words. How can I release that and speak fluecy in english, without fear?

Pls, help me with an advice.
Now i’m telling my calification:
I graduated from the University Of Bucharest with a Specialized Marketing in Sociology.


    Hi Deniela i have the same problem :( i’m good at writing but i’m not good at pronunciation and in communication with people , I cannot easilly find the words when i speak with people in English and i’m getting shy too :(


İf there was a quiz related this topic , it’d be better.
This is my example ;
I’m 24 years old and graduated from faculty of economics and administrative sciences. I’ve been working as a financial & accounting manager.


Hi Reecca. This is a very interesting lesson. I don’t understand quite well this studies means: MBA = Master in Administration?
BS = Superior Bachillor?? (is this like Occupational Superior Formation?
MM = ??
Could you help me to indicate me which are the califications more commons in English?.
For example: I have superior studies of professional administration and my speciality are laws. Could you advise me how I have to express properly my qualifications?. Thank you in advance. By the way … you expres very clear and I can undersant all you have say to us :) Thank you again.


This is a very interesting lesson.


This lesson is wonderfull. Thanks, Rebecca. I learn english easy with you

Marcos Isaías

i can’t thank you both enough forever you’re a great teacher . rebecca


That’s a good lesson !

I graduated from King Saud University with a BSc in Pharmacy.

I have a BSc in Pharmacy from KSU.



this is very important lesson and i hope it would help me alot in the near fuure thanks barbere.


    my name is moha and i speak the language fuently but my problem is i can,t create a simple pragraph. i would like to be a good writer, how i can reach my dream. please i need your help and advive serially!!


thanks so much ms Rebecca for this useful lesson,hope this will help me to describe myself at the bestway.
i graduated from Azhar University with Bacholar in Economy.


Dear Rebecca, I’m a Chinese in HK, I’m a new migrant in Austrlia and come over just 3 months ago, I have a problem is unable speak english fluently and I feel panic when local people talk to me that makes me cannot speak english properly. Could you please advise how to speak english properly ? Thanks !


i enjoy your lesson very much


thanks Rebeca for everythig


Thank you very much


i really like your lessons.thank you very much.i want to speak english everyday.my skpye is hoangtubongdem0201.if someone want to practise english english,you can add my skype.we talk together.i want to make friend with a lot of people.thank you very much once again


Hi Rebecca
CPA program is a program which is provided by CPA Australia to become a qualified accountant. The person will become a full CPA Australia member
Can I say the following ways
1.I completed the CPA program from CPA Australia.
2. I graduated the CPA program from CPA Australia.
3. I am the full member of CPA Australia.


Oh great. thank you.


Thanks so much for your useful lessons
you are my best teacher


I have an engineer diploma in Electrotachnique from CNAM


I graduated from CNAM with an engineer diploma in Electrotechnique

I obtained my master degree in industrial production from CNAM in 2010


Why in sentence ‘Olga complited an MA in PSYCH at Oxford University’ we use ‘at’ instead of ‘from’?


I didn’t understand which article should I use with degree (BA, MBA, etc.): ‘a/an’ or ‘the’?


Thank you.


Hi, Rebecca!
I am from Kazakhstan. I have been wacthing your lessons. Most of videos were successful… I am glad what I am studying from You… My lot of thunks for you. I wish to you strong health and big happyness)))


It was very helpful lesson, than you Rebecca!


I have got a BA in finance from Economic University of HaNoi City. Of course, VietNam is my country.


Thanks to you,Ms.Rebecca,you are doing a very good job,and it has helped so many people, especially for us who learn English as second language. by the way, there is no quiz.


Very useful . . many thanks for that


Thank you very much Rebecca ..

That was a really useful lesson … :)


Thanks Rebecca … I’m going to graduate from Damascus university faculty of economics in two years away also I’m going to have cma from ima after graduation because it would be a great step in my jop trip and qualify me to get high income .


Congratulations, Rebecca! Your videos are very useful.


Marvelous………..Enjoy a lot.


thanks again, 8/8

Sasha J.

    Not bad Sasha. Keep up the good work!

    See you around.


thankyou for nice lesson


Dear Rebecca,
Lesson simple, clear and useful. Thanks.
Best regards.


Good Lesseon, thanks Rebeca!


Hello teacher, thank you so much for the lesson. From the university of somewhere or from somewhere university, :) See you later.


thank you

ann ann

Here my homework my dear Rebeca!

1-Julio graduated from the Universidad del Zulia with B.A in biology education.
2-Julio has a B.A in biology education from the Universidad del Zulia.
3-Julio obtained a B.A in biology education from the Universidad del Zulia.
4-Julio completed a B.A in biology education from the Universidad del Zulia.

If i have made some mistakes i would like to know about it!


Thank you so much.


Dear Rebecca,
I would like to ask you something.
My qualification is economist -faculty cater and hotel industry, majoring in marketing. How can I say it correctly?
Thank you for your answer in advance.


Thank you so much Teacher REBECCA for your amazing lessons. MA God BLESS you a abundantly.


Thank you so much Teacher REBECCA for your amazing lessons. MAy God BLESS you a abundantly.


I have nothing to say more just but exhaustive material! Thank you veru much. It is very helpful.

Maria Yarunicheva

it can also be said like

He/She has done an MBA from London University
He/She earned an MBA from London University


i got 75%


Hi rebecca, I really like your lessons, I send you greetings from Mexico.


Thank you Rebecca for the lesson!
Could you tell me, how can I say in English in my case:
I got/have a Barchelor’s diploma in accounting from the University of Moscow
I graduated from the University of Moscow with a Barchelor’s diploma in accounting
Please correct me If I was mistaken


is that right sentence Ma’am ? “i am doing graduation from abc Univ with BS in English Literature & Linguistic”


Thank you so much.I would like to hear from you .Is it correct to say ” I am graduated from Galgotia’s College of Engineering and Technology with Computer Science & Engineering”.I require your assistance.

Author Rakesh

How can I get help to find a job.

Sharon Alvis

I’m graduated from BATNA university with engineer’s degree in health and safety environment


You got 7 correct out of 8.

thank you…

M kartal



thank you


thank you so much ma’am Rebecca.


Thank you Ms. Rebecca!


Am impressed with the questions


Very good and encouragement


Thank you, Rebeca. But Can you explain to me What does MSc represent? Please, answer me, it was a doubt that I have had for many years.


Thank you for the lesson. Could you please come up with a lesson based on elementary and high school grade?

Nano Laurent

Great Rebeca, tks!


I got 8/8.

Thank you!

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