Make a perfect first impression by learning how to describe the place, country, city, department, and field in which you work. Do you use IN, ON, or FOR for these things? Find out in this business English lesson.
hi Rebbeca thanks for your lesson this was very interesting
i impressed your lesson and now i improve my english language and also grammar ……..Thanks Rebbeca
Hi.I am from Azerbaijan and I new here…
I Learn on Engvid
Thank you Rebecca, I live in the United States, I work for Fujitsu company on a Import,
Rebbeca, you are the best!!!Thank you for your lesson|!!!!I like it very much!!!
Thank u Rebbeca for this lesson it is very important to every one in order to speak grammer correctly and also its very interesting.
Tank u again
mahmoud omar
Thanks Teacher Rebbeca For this Lesson.
but there is quastion:
when i use in , on , at
its debanding on the specific place
or its right when we use on or at in this example:
I work ______________the city branch.
“I work at the city branch.” would be correct. Sometimes we just need to learn the expressions, as there are so many different rules and exceptions. So, first try to speak correctly to describe your own life situation. Then, learn the correct prepositions to talk about the work of family and friends.
Hope this helps!
Hi Rebbeca. I miss here accessories or tool like a PC or hammer and so on. It’s right when I say: I work with PC. It’s means PC is my tool I need for my work.
Hi Roman
It really depends on the kind of tool you are talking about. For example, you can say, “I work on a PC / laptop” if you are referring to the kind of computer. You could also say, ” I work in computers” if you are talking about the field.
However, you would say, “I work with a hammer / screwdriver” to describe the specific tool. A little difficult to generalize.
All the best to you.
thnx U 4 this lesson
and I wish 2 get alot of Lessons
Thnx aLot
It is very helpful for me.
Thank you somuch……..
Thank you so much. You touch what I wonder
oh, my quiz is correctly.. hehe. Thank you for your work. EngVid project is very impressive and useful for me. I listen each lesson for my repeat:D. Thanx a lot and send greetings to the Canada from heart of Europe, the Czech Rep.
Hi Rebecca. It was a interesting lesson. It was easier, because you explain very fine…. thank you
I love your englihs lesson tankyou Teacher Rebecoa of friend Nicaragua.
Rene Tellez
Thanks a lot Teacher Rebecoa for your time allotment to help us.
Salar Dawod
Thank you so much Rebecca for your excellent teaching. This lesson was realy great. Sorry, all your lessons are realy great.
This is good…….
Thank you so much Rebecca for your excellent teaching. This lesson was realy great. Sorry, all your lessons are realy great.
This is good…….
Thanks a lot Teacher Rebecoa for your time allotment to help us.
I love your englihs lesson tankyou Teacher Rebecoa of friend Nicaragua.
What is this copy even impersonate people have
why do you impersonate people who have the copy I
why do you impersonate people who have the copy I hahahahaha………..
why do you impersonate people who have the copy I
den bom
thank you very much . is help me to improve my inglish .special thanks to all the teachers .
Thank you for your brilliant posting,i am interested in taking toefl ibt,i reside in India,i have this following queries…1.where will i get best toefl books and materials,is there any authors or any websites?
2.Is it necessary for me to take up coaching classes?
3.Is the toefl ibt test conducted throughout the year?
4.what is the duration of the course?
please answer my queries and i will be waiting for your response.
Namaste Harikrish
I cannot tell you for sure what is available in India, but please check my TOEFL website at for all kinds of information related to the TOEFL. You will also find references to the best books on that website, as well as answers to your other questions.
All the best to you!
Hi Rebeca, nice to meet you. I’ve made efforts to learn english, and watching some videos by you, I conclude that yours videos will help me so much. thanks a lot!
i worl at bank or it is corect i work in bank ?
Both prepositions are used and mean almost the same thing, but there are slight differences. For example:
1)I work at a bank.
This refers more to the physical premises of the bank.
2) I work in a bank. / I work in an office. / I work in a supermarket.
This refers to the kind of place/ business where you work.
3) I work in banking.
This would be the best option if you are referring to the kind of industry.
Good luck to you!
Thank a lot!!! Rebecca
I do think that i learn really learn something from you!
thank you on the work
thanks rebeca…..
give us one class about difference between fear and scare
Very helpful. THANKS!!!!!!!!
thank you
Hi Rebecca thanks por you class I can understand all things that you said…. I have problem with listening, but I can understand you.
my result is great although I don’t watch the vid yet
That’s great, Tomah!
Thank you very much for your lesson, Rebecca! Is it possible to add more practice?
Thank you very much,its very knowledgeable…
Thank a lot!!! Rebecca
I do think that I learn really learn something from you!
I love you!
Valerio Fambre
Thank you so much, Rebecca. This web site is really helpful!
Thanks for all
I Can’t Understand Much. I finished the quiz and I had two mistakes, I can’t understand why! was in question 4 and 6 I put “IN” ; “ON” And I soppose that is correct. Please tell me Why is incorrect.
These are expressions which you must learn..I agree it’s a little difficult to think them out.
It’s best to learn the correct ones that apply to you and your life first so you can speak correctly about what you do.
All the best to you.
Thanks you very much for your teaching. Your explaintion is excellent. I like the way you are teaching. I am planning to work in Ireland right now. So, I am planning to sit for IELTS exam. But I never attend english class before. Because I rarely have time to go to class because of my working schedule. In that case how can I do to improve more for my english. I’m waiting for your respond.
Phyo Ko Ko
The IELTS is quite a serious exam. Please get hold of an exam preparation textbook for IELTS, do as many practice tests as possible and also work on developing your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, as required on the exam.
Thanks for your nice lessons.I’d like you to give me effective ways how to become a good teacher of English.
Yes, these type of teacher training videos are planned for the future. In the meantime, you could follow the presentation style of any of the teachers on our website to get some ideas, through live example. Thank you kindly for your interest and all the best to you for an exciting and rewarding career, Mustapha.
Hi Rebecca, your lessons is very good. I have one question. Can you make a videos which would be cover all twelve English tenses from “present simple” to “future perfect continues”, “future in the past” and also when and how to correctly use “USED TO” with examples.
hi Rebecca.i like your teaching styel.It’s help me very well.thanks alot.
How fast should I be for the writing part of TOEFL?
I mean how many words should I type in a minute at least?
Good question. Well, in the essay part, you need to write 300-350 words. You have 30 minutes, but let’s say you use 5 minutes for planning and 5 minutes at the end for review. So, you are left with 20 minutes to type your essay. If we divide 300 words by 20 minutes, we get 15 words per minute.
What’s important is to learn how to structure your essay response well, so you use the time wisely. Please check my video lesson on How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay on this website.
All the best to you, Maryam.
Thanks Rebecca.
Actually, it,s profitable learning how to use prepositions.
Thank you very much. Your lessons are very useful. Thank you again.
Zina Magdy
Thanks you very much ……..
it’s realy very helpfull
Thanks Rebeca…I’m learning a lot with all of this videos. I’m very hapyy I finaly found a good website for learning english…
By the way I’m from Brazil.
Now I am getting confident to go for IELTS. Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Very useful.
thank you Tr. Rebecca .
i have lot of problems useing this words now clear thakns a lot mam
oo gods I still make a lot of mistakes..thanks for the test.
the lesson was clear and simple, thanks to Rebecca and all teachers, you are great!
Thanks Rebecca, you do make the lesson easier for me to have a reference to teach my students.
so gud job.but i didn’t find advance lessons much. most of them are basic
but the all lessons are so clear nd gud. i need some such type of lessons which are relted to talk like native persons.
Even advanced speakers sometimes make basic errors in English! However, there will be more advanced lessons as well in the near future. Thanks for your feedback.
Nashaat Adam
worth it
yoonus salim
I really was lucky today to find this page, i was looking something like this long time, because i need to practice my english, thanks rebeca
Maria Helia
Thanks a lots. I am waiting for your new lessons.
Phyo Phyo
Thanks a Lot
Respected ma’am
I watched your engvid many lessons & observed your several skilled level presentation realy very effective,quality & power for all class.
thank you
god bless you & your family thanks once again.
sharad wankar indore india
So glad that the lessons help you. Thanks to all for your kind and generous feedback.
thank you. a lot for your lesson you are the best for m,e
gilbert ramilo
Thank you Rebecca for your lesson. it’s really amazing!
thanks a lot.for your lesson rebeca. i got a quiz out of 8 my score is 7 one mistake wrong.
gilbert ramilo
my result is great
thanx Rebecca
Naif Alzain
Thank you very much,
Thanks Rebecca for very interesting lessons.
thanks you so much. and i want to know thin how i improve my speeking power there is any conversation topic or any friend. i am new today is my 2nd day and thanks again all of you
wow. i can’t believe this result!
because my score is 75% hooo.
thank you teacher .
so wow too to
Kim Eng
which place use in at,on,with?
Thank you so much for discussing prepositions. They very important specially to a learner like me.
Thank you Ms.Rebecca. I like the way you are teaching and explaining to learn english…
Dearest Madam Rebbeca
I am very much thankful for you lectures. it is my proposal and suggestion if you may very kindly be give a long lecture for any sepacific area I mean sepacific topic it would be very very help full for us. Thanks and regard
my most favorite teacher i don,t know how to thank u. please kindly tell the uses of these lessons from the binning i,m very desirous to learn English .thank u
safeer ali
Dear Ms Rebecca thank you for the lessons as it was very interesting to me . Hope you will come up with more English Conversation for working adults thank u once again.
Debbie Shammini Simon
thanks for your lectures yhey are very useful.iam really got advantage from them.
Engvid is great I like it,and your lessons is understanding
this class was excellent
thanks Mrs. Rebeca, I am learning very well and better now!!
Dear medum,
I would like to thank you very much for your teaching of business english. I find it suitable for work and like it .
Ms Rebecca, thay you so much!!!
Rebeca thanks for your lesson, It’s been very useful, Can you show us more about business and office conversations topics?
hi Rebbeca thanks for your lessons and Thank you for this effort
yes ..!great I’like learn with you tanks a lot
This is good…
hello i have learned many thing there
i want more improve my skill
u have any branch in asia
thanks a lot.
this website quite good for me….
Thanks for your lesson are very clear. Thanks again
Thank you
Thanks Miss Rebecca my English improving alot
Try not to cry
Hi Rebecca…your teachings are great… to see more about business English…Your lessons are easy to understand..
Thanks a lot…
great lesson
Hiya Ma’m. your lessons are persuasive and with just one listen to them I’m able to pick up what was wrong in my previous sentences. You are blessed indeed. Keep up the good work always. May Allah be with you.
hi,,Rebecca.. i have listioned your vidios and it really help me alot to improve my grammer.. and Miss if you kindly tell me that how can cope with reading part in IELTS? Because it really confused me alot..please help me….
Asif khan
As you are kind and generous lady. Keep helping people. May God bless you.
Paul Gihugu
is there any easy way learning English?
hello rebeca
thx for u wonderfull lesson . i gladly want to learn more about bussiness talking , how to talk with other Gollegue
Thanks again Rebecca!
A great site with wonderful teaching system. Teachers are so kind and friendly. God Bless you all
Thank you so much Rebecca, The theme was very interesting, I didn’t know this part.
thank you is real helpful.
Rebecca what is the diffence btween this two exampls
I will ask you?
am gonna ask you?
Very nice class. Helped me to improve my english.Thanks.
Thanks for the lesson.
I will talk about jobs I have work in.
After graduation of university, I worked in hospitality department for 2 years. At that time, I could meet many kinds of people and deal with customers. So I had a significant experience during working in the field. Thanks for lisening.
rebecca wish u all the best. i would like to say thanks for your favor on this !!!!
hi,Rebecca plz touch me about coufusing word( get,got) how to use this plz let me know thanks…..
thank you so much rebecca . about interesting lessons , I understand more about it
I was searching just like website to improve my English.
Thanks to all teachers.
Umer Jan
Thanks a lot & again credit goes to Madam Rebcca.
great lesson
Tien Si
Thank you Rebecca
Hi,lecture how are you? I just start learn lesson with you about preposition use in the sentences. I understand clearly about this. You are a good teacher.
ya its really help full.please post more videos …good work
I would like to thank all of you for your kind effort.
My Best Wishes
thanks! that helped=)
Dear madam Rebbeca
I sent few comments and asked for some suggestions a couple of days ago regarding IELTS but I am sorry to say that I haven’t got any response yet..
Kindly reply!!!!!!!
Hi, I am fram Aizawl Mizoram. Can i join this learning place..?
Hi, Miss Rebecca, I am from Aizawl, Mizoram, Please help me, how can i use in english…?
Thanks Rebecca!
fine work!
Thank you
Hi, thank you Rebecca for useful lessons
Great class like all of your classes. I’ll try to work for myself helping more people:). See you soon!
Thank a lot of Mrs. Rebecca for you lesson.
But, I don’t understand use ON in your explain.
Hi Rebecca, you are a wonderful teacher. I love you.
Thank you from Brazil…
thank you for all .thanks for this website
I got benefts alot via following thatlessons.
I have felt to my english skijjs imprrove step by step.
by follow the learning english lessons
Hello Rebecca!
Many thannks too you.
How can I say “What is my speciality”
For ex: I work in IT by sysadmin or as sysadmin?
hello! i really liked the lesson. It’s interesting. thanks
its really help full for second language learner
Rebecca, I really like the way you teach English. Please, don´t stop making these videos! Best regards!
Carlos André
Hi Rebecca, is very easy , you have good explication for to teaching.
my english es very basic, you help me much
HIlo mom Rebecca! I have a question for you regarding this sentence. Is it correct if I will say I work as an admin assistant in the Family Appliance Center Inc. Could you please tell me what is the right sentence fo that?
hi Rebecca.. it is a good education for us.. thank you…
thaks alot
Dear madam…thanks a lot for your lessons….God bless you….
hi my lovely teacher can I say “I work on general authority fish resources development” or use in………….. thank yo.
i think ‘in’
hai rebcca can you teach how to talk about work when you are in field of civil engg.
rebecca thanks for your i’m understand how to talking abut work.thanks…
Hello, Ms. Rebecca. Thanks for your lessons. They are beautiful. Now, thanks of You I like English.
Please, tell me, which one is correct: conservatory or conservatoire, also AT cons. or IN cons.
Thanks and best regards.
thank you so much. Your English class is always useful and pracitical.
This is tough for me but I do appreciate your lesson.
I had a problem using on and in! such as
I work ____________a farm.
I used in but it’s on …..It’s not makes sense to me!!!
I work ´at´ a farm is the correct way.
I answered all the 8 questions correctly, but sometimes I still have trouble using the right prepositions correctly, like when I was at work, I told my co-worker that I don’t bring my problem at work which he corrected me that you have to use “to” instead of “at” Are they both correct since I used “at” to specify a particular time that I don’t bring my problem “at” work?
Ernesto Tan
it is correct to answer:
What do you work for?
why i cant say
I work ”in” a farm.???
thanks already
thank you teachers.
salih pazhayillath
Hi Rebecca, thanks for the lessons
Felipe B
Thank you,Rebecca,for this simple lesson)!!!
annytka.hi,how are you? I would be glad to make acquaintance of you.:) and in the end thanks rebeca for usefull lesson I like the way you learning english.:)
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
These preposition were quite confusing for me before. You teached well.
hi rebeca this is gaurav from india .
you guys are doing a very good job ,i really like this web site and have learnt so many things.So, many many thank you to your all team and god bless you and your team.
Thank you very much teacher.This tutorial is cool.
Hi Rebecca,
I am a new student. Thank you very much for this lesson.
Greating from Turkey.
Hi, Rebeca I am Bea from Bulgaria, but my nationality is Pole, thanks a lot for this lesson, you are really so good teacher.
hi to all! i found this website accidentally,. and its cool!! i learned a lot! thanks!
hi rebecca you are so great i did really enjoy your lessons in general, isn’t there any video lesson on how to speak more smoothly or on how to teach in a classroom ,? M deep respects for you Rebecca.
Thanks teacher. I’m very interested in this lesson. I’m also very proud of you.
I improve my english with help of your lessons! Thank you so much! Your lessons are very useful)
HI Rebecca,
I think you are the best teacher! Could you please teach me HOW can I pronounce the letter “J” as in Job, enjoy, Japan..It is almost impossible for me to say it right. My teacher tried to teach me, but I did not get it. Thanks Rebecca…I really need your help, please!
dear Rebecca, your lessons are very interesting and helpful.. especially your business english lessons are more helpful for me. i watch every lesson of yours.. i hope you post more business english lessons. you are doing a great job.i am very thankful to you..have a great day
Rebbeca thanks for your lesson
Rebbeca thanks for your lesson
Dear teacher,
All this videos are very use full for us improve my English knowledge and thanking you all.
Hello Rebecca
I like your lesson a lot. I’ve wrote down all sentences, I think they’ll come in handy.
Hi Miss Rebecca
Thannks for quiz and lesson
Hello Rebecca,
This is one of my difficult topics, preposition. I am going to follow you advice and hope in one month I can share with you my advance in the use of prepositions. You are great Teacher!!!
Hello she works in at and t industry . It is a full time job.
Her salary is low .she supports the family by her own.she
Has 3 children . She spent on drugs , discoteques,on
Beers . What advise would you give her?
It’s nice.
Hi Rebecca .This class was so cool.
I am confused about something.”Work” in Asian languages means a lot of things e.g your job/occupation/trade/something which needs to be done etc for which you use the word “WORK” in English. However,we use the work in another entirely different sense i.e when going to a place/city/office for something which you want to get done or you see someone to get something to be done for you e.g to get gas meter changed or to get copies of some documents or to get approval for some project and while telling others we do not want to specify the nature of job or favour we want.
Similarly when you call on someone for seeking a favour regarding any of the above jobs,we use the equivalent word for “WORK”.
Now what will you say if you are going to Toronto to visit any office or person regarding any of the above jobs and you do not want to specify the nature of the job?
What comes to my mind is,” I am going to Toronto on business.” OR I can say,” I saw John regarding a buisness with him.”
Please comment.I am finding it difficult to find the correct expressions for above. Thanks.
Can I also say,” I am going to Toronto for a work?” OR I have a work with John.
Thanks again.
I’m Thai student.
Thanks very much Rebecca. You’re good teacher
hi thanks my teach
Hi Rebecca i’m really enjoy your lesson
i have a question, can you please tell my what the differences is between I(ai) and
Hey guys, Thanks so much…
I do appreciate your job !!!!
Keep well
Thanks again Rebecca!
Hi Rebecca, Thank you for the good lesson. But if I wanna fill the occupation blank for someone who works at the Central Markets. What I have to say?>>> (Employed at the Central Markets)or (Employee at the Central), is that correct??
Thanks a lot Rebecca ,have a good one.sooooooooooooooooooooooooo a great teacher
thank you for this amazing lesson :)
hi Rebbeca thanks for your lesson
Ahmed Molla
Thanks Miss Rebbeca for nice lesson this is very helping to me . can i get your email adres for furthar help
I got 8 correct out of 8.Thank you Rebecca^^
bless all of you.
thank u
Very good lesson,it isn’t hard to do.Best Redgards.
Super medam…
Iam improve in English…
Thank you very much….
this lesson is very good and understandable
good luck
Mohammad Yasin Jafari
thank you so much
hello mam,your way of teaching is realy good.could u please tell me how to download these videos
Thanks very much. I’m improving mz english with these lessons. Thank zou so much once again
How are you my teacher ?
what is the difference between
I am in the hospital
I am at the hospital
I am in the jail
I am at the Jail
If someone tells you they’re “in the hospital” or “in jail”, you should be worried — they’re really sick or they’re locked up as a prisoner! But if they’re just “at the hospital” or “at the jail”, they are probably just visiting. Big difference!
engVid Moderator
excellent teacher tnx
Thanks Rebecoa
Best Regards from Egypt
Amazing, thank you.
Hi teacher , I have some word to ask you
Using at and in
Example . 1. I work at Lao Department of cinema
2. I work in Lao Department of cinema
thanks a lot
It should be “I work at the EPRC”. (That sounds like a really cool job! Do you get to work with monkeys?)
engVid Moderator
To choose in or on with verb challenges me sometime.
I work in medicine . ( field )
I work on O & G . ( more specific field )
I work on farm . ( common use )
I work in airport . ( generalized )
I work on service department . ( specific )
I work in China . ( big area )
I work in computer . ( field )
I work on my desktop . ( tool )
I work with somebody / something( tool)
on farm , in / at my office ( need to remember)
You said ‘ I work on a bank ‘ which referred to ‘ physical premise ‘… You meant the building / structure ?
Thank you .
I like it.
Thank a lot for help me with your english lesson.
Today is a great day for me.
Good day.
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the lesson, I got it all 100%.
Love you all engVid’s teachers.
Thank you for the lesson!
thank you ka^___^
Thank you.
thanks! it is very useful. ^”^
Ted Lee
Hi Rebecca,
thank you a lot for your explanation.
I’m still a little confused how right use preposition. Your lesson helps me a lot
take care
Thanks alot
Mais hadi
¡Thank you Rebecca!. It´s a nice class. I really enjoyed it.
thank you so mach for all what you doing
azzeddine mazouzi
Hai Rebecca. Thank you for your lesson. I Wish I can improved my english by watch your lesson.
thank you so much
I like to learn with you
Thanks Rebecca!!
Thank you
English which is … not the right – “on”, “in”, “at” ….. While in the Russian language only “in” and “on” and that’s all. )
Okay, good
Salah Ahmed 2009
Hello Rebecca!
I have a question about WORK + (specific or not) dates. In this case, I can use (or not) prepositions? When and why?
1. I won’t work Christmas.
2. How many people in America work on Christmas day?
3. My boss wants me to work Christmas day.
Thank you so much.
Dear Rebecca,
I find out subtlety to use prepositions. Thank you.
Best regards.
Yeah, that’s true., it’s quite challenging but I’ve got 7 to 8.. .
Thanks anyway for this lesson.. .
Thank you so much for this useful lesson.
Thank you for lesson.
Hi Rebecca,
I’m impressing by your lesson, please keep it up. May Allah increases your knowledge.
Ibrahim Sidi
Hi Rebecca,
I’m impress by your lesson, please keep it up. May Allah increases your knowledge.
Ibrahim Sidi
is a good lection.
Thank you Rebecca.
I love to learn English with Rebecca. Thanks.
Rachelle Thaint
very good
Thats good explaination..
N i like the teacher because she explain it detail n clearly
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
Yeey :D
Thank for your lesson and teaching.It’s very useful for me.
Thanks Teacher
Nguyen Dinh Son
Thank you Rebecca.
nice video, keep the good work Rebbeca
Thank you!
Sorry Rebeca, your teach was good, but in the “quis” I’ve got lost.
I need to join a banch of people that just speak in english to pratice… May you help me Rebeca? In the Watsapp
what an exciting way to learn. Thanks Rebeca
Thank you
could you please explain” I work in a farm” & “I work on a farm”.Why second one is correct.
Author Rakesh
Thanks you!
I got 7/8! Thanks for the lesson!!
Thanks, teacher!
thank you teacher Rebecca ,wath the différent when I used In ,on or at for spécific the place .???
Zakaria elhady1995
You got 8 correct out of 8.
thank you.
M kartal
hi Rebecca
thank you so much the best teacher i love you !
Thanks a lot for your lessons, they are very helpful.
Is there a way I can get more practice for the TOEIC?
8/8 very good!
Hi, Rebecca!
I love this lesson!
Thank you.
Adriana Moura
Hi everyone! This is the first time i visit I’m from Vietnam so my english very bad. I need study hard to improve my english. I just finished Quiz with 6/8. I should repeat again your lesson more. I hope i can understand all things. Thank you so much. What a lovely teacher!
Welcome, Lâm! You’ve got 1400+ more videos to watch and learn from!
Yeah! I’ll try. Thank you!
Thanks Rebecca! Yuou are amazing!!!
edi wilson
thanks a lot
thank you very much
Aml Mounier
thanks Rebecca! It’s helpful.
Anh Ngoc Dinh
Thank you so much Rebecca
Hi Rebecca. It’s an interesting lesson.
Thank you so much Rebecca. I got out 7 of 8.
Howdy Rebecca . I was wondering if you could tell me what is the difference between Roofer , slater and thatcher ?! what about nursery school teacher , kindergarten trainer or kindergarten teacher, preschool teacher , daycare teacher , childcare assistant and childcare worker ? I was really confused . Please teach me that :(
god bless you rebecca. this is so helpful.
I got 63… Thanks for your teaching!
Thanks Teacher Rebbeca For this Lesson, it was so helpful, I have got 8 correct out of 8.
Abdul Salam Qaderi
Good teacher
Thanks Rebbeca!
Thanks Rebecca for nice video.
Zishan Saudagar
Excellent explanation! Thank you Rebecca for sharing it with us.
im loving this.
Manish Singh11111
thanks, I just have started from begining in the business field of learning English here from you I really appreciate that
Hello, Rebecca!
I was with doubt in the question 6… couldn’t I say that “I work at city branch” since it’s something specific?
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
hi Rebbeca thanks for your lesson this was very interesting
i impressed your lesson and now i improve my english language and also grammar ……..Thanks Rebbeca
Hi.I am from Azerbaijan and I new here…
I Learn on Engvid
Thank you Rebecca, I live in the United States, I work for Fujitsu company on a Import,
Rebbeca, you are the best!!!Thank you for your lesson|!!!!I like it very much!!!
Thank u Rebbeca for this lesson it is very important to every one in order to speak grammer correctly and also its very interesting.
Tank u again
Thanks Teacher Rebbeca For this Lesson.
but there is quastion:
when i use in , on , at
its debanding on the specific place
or its right when we use on or at in this example:
I work ______________the city branch.
“I work at the city branch.” would be correct. Sometimes we just need to learn the expressions, as there are so many different rules and exceptions. So, first try to speak correctly to describe your own life situation. Then, learn the correct prepositions to talk about the work of family and friends.
Hope this helps!
Hi Rebbeca. I miss here accessories or tool like a PC or hammer and so on. It’s right when I say: I work with PC. It’s means PC is my tool I need for my work.
Hi Roman
It really depends on the kind of tool you are talking about. For example, you can say, “I work on a PC / laptop” if you are referring to the kind of computer. You could also say, ” I work in computers” if you are talking about the field.
However, you would say, “I work with a hammer / screwdriver” to describe the specific tool. A little difficult to generalize.
All the best to you.
thnx U 4 this lesson
and I wish 2 get alot of Lessons
Thnx aLot
It is very helpful for me.
Thank you somuch……..
Thank you so much. You touch what I wonder
oh, my quiz is correctly.. hehe. Thank you for your work. EngVid project is very impressive and useful for me. I listen each lesson for my repeat:D. Thanx a lot and send greetings to the Canada from heart of Europe, the Czech Rep.
Hi Rebecca. It was a interesting lesson. It was easier, because you explain very fine…. thank you
I love your englihs lesson tankyou Teacher Rebecoa of friend Nicaragua.
Thanks a lot Teacher Rebecoa for your time allotment to help us.
Thank you so much Rebecca for your excellent teaching. This lesson was realy great. Sorry, all your lessons are realy great.
This is good…….
Thank you so much Rebecca for your excellent teaching. This lesson was realy great. Sorry, all your lessons are realy great.
This is good…….
Thanks a lot Teacher Rebecoa for your time allotment to help us.
I love your englihs lesson tankyou Teacher Rebecoa of friend Nicaragua.
What is this copy even impersonate people have
why do you impersonate people who have the copy I
why do you impersonate people who have the copy I hahahahaha………..
why do you impersonate people who have the copy I
thank you very much . is help me to improve my inglish .special thanks to all the teachers .
Thank you for your brilliant posting,i am interested in taking toefl ibt,i reside in India,i have this following queries…1.where will i get best toefl books and materials,is there any authors or any websites?
2.Is it necessary for me to take up coaching classes?
3.Is the toefl ibt test conducted throughout the year?
4.what is the duration of the course?
please answer my queries and i will be waiting for your response.
Namaste Harikrish
I cannot tell you for sure what is available in India, but please check my TOEFL website at for all kinds of information related to the TOEFL. You will also find references to the best books on that website, as well as answers to your other questions.
All the best to you!
Hi Rebeca, nice to meet you. I’ve made efforts to learn english, and watching some videos by you, I conclude that yours videos will help me so much. thanks a lot!
i worl at bank or it is corect i work in bank ?
Both prepositions are used and mean almost the same thing, but there are slight differences. For example:
1)I work at a bank.
This refers more to the physical premises of the bank.
2) I work in a bank. / I work in an office. / I work in a supermarket.
This refers to the kind of place/ business where you work.
3) I work in banking.
This would be the best option if you are referring to the kind of industry.
Good luck to you!
Thank a lot!!! Rebecca
I do think that i learn really learn something from you!
thank you on the work
thanks rebeca…..
give us one class about difference between fear and scare
Very helpful. THANKS!!!!!!!!
thank you
Hi Rebecca thanks por you class I can understand all things that you said…. I have problem with listening, but I can understand you.
my result is great although I don’t watch the vid yet
That’s great, Tomah!
Thank you very much for your lesson, Rebecca! Is it possible to add more practice?
Thank you very much,its very knowledgeable…
Thank a lot!!! Rebecca
I do think that I learn really learn something from you!
I love you!
Thank you so much, Rebecca. This web site is really helpful!
Thanks for all
I Can’t Understand Much. I finished the quiz and I had two mistakes, I can’t understand why! was in question 4 and 6 I put “IN” ; “ON” And I soppose that is correct. Please tell me Why is incorrect.
These are expressions which you must learn..I agree it’s a little difficult to think them out.
It’s best to learn the correct ones that apply to you and your life first so you can speak correctly about what you do.
All the best to you.
Thanks you very much for your teaching. Your explaintion is excellent. I like the way you are teaching. I am planning to work in Ireland right now. So, I am planning to sit for IELTS exam. But I never attend english class before. Because I rarely have time to go to class because of my working schedule. In that case how can I do to improve more for my english. I’m waiting for your respond.
The IELTS is quite a serious exam. Please get hold of an exam preparation textbook for IELTS, do as many practice tests as possible and also work on developing your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, as required on the exam.
You could also check my IELTS website
All the best to you.
very interesting , thank you so much !
Thanks for your nice lessons.I’d like you to give me effective ways how to become a good teacher of English.
Yes, these type of teacher training videos are planned for the future. In the meantime, you could follow the presentation style of any of the teachers on our website to get some ideas, through live example. Thank you kindly for your interest and all the best to you for an exciting and rewarding career, Mustapha.
Hi Rebecca, your lessons is very good. I have one question. Can you make a videos which would be cover all twelve English tenses from “present simple” to “future perfect continues”, “future in the past” and also when and how to correctly use “USED TO” with examples.
hi Rebecca.i like your teaching styel.It’s help me very well.thanks alot.
How fast should I be for the writing part of TOEFL?
I mean how many words should I type in a minute at least?
Good question. Well, in the essay part, you need to write 300-350 words. You have 30 minutes, but let’s say you use 5 minutes for planning and 5 minutes at the end for review. So, you are left with 20 minutes to type your essay. If we divide 300 words by 20 minutes, we get 15 words per minute.
What’s important is to learn how to structure your essay response well, so you use the time wisely. Please check my video lesson on How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay on this website.
All the best to you, Maryam.
Thanks Rebecca.
Actually, it,s profitable learning how to use prepositions.
Thank you very much. Your lessons are very useful. Thank you again.
Thanks you very much ……..
it’s realy very helpfull
Thanks Rebeca…I’m learning a lot with all of this videos. I’m very hapyy I finaly found a good website for learning english…
By the way I’m from Brazil.
Now I am getting confident to go for IELTS. Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Very useful.
thank you Tr. Rebecca .
i have lot of problems useing this words now clear thakns a lot mam
oo gods I still make a lot of mistakes..thanks for the test.
the lesson was clear and simple, thanks to Rebecca and all teachers, you are great!
Thanks Rebecca, you do make the lesson easier for me to have a reference to teach my students.
so gud job.but i didn’t find advance lessons much. most of them are basic
but the all lessons are so clear nd gud. i need some such type of lessons which are relted to talk like native persons.
Even advanced speakers sometimes make basic errors in English! However, there will be more advanced lessons as well in the near future. Thanks for your feedback.
worth it
I really was lucky today to find this page, i was looking something like this long time, because i need to practice my english, thanks rebeca
Thanks a lots. I am waiting for your new lessons.
Thanks a Lot
Respected ma’am
I watched your engvid many lessons & observed your several skilled level presentation realy very effective,quality & power for all class.
thank you
god bless you & your family thanks once again.
sharad wankar indore india
So glad that the lessons help you. Thanks to all for your kind and generous feedback.
It be more helpfull for me. I wannn thanksssss Rebecca and
Thank Rebecca for very interesting lessons.
thank you. a lot for your lesson you are the best for m,e
Thank you Rebecca for your lesson. it’s really amazing!
thanks a lot.for your lesson rebeca. i got a quiz out of 8 my score is 7 one mistake wrong.
my result is great
thanx Rebecca
Thank you very much,
Thanks Rebecca for very interesting lessons.
thanks you so much. and i want to know thin how i improve my speeking power there is any conversation topic or any friend. i am new today is my 2nd day and thanks again all of you
wow. i can’t believe this result!
because my score is 75% hooo.
thank you teacher .
so wow too to
which place use in at,on,with?
Thank you so much for discussing prepositions. They very important specially to a learner like me.
Thank you Ms.Rebecca. I like the way you are teaching and explaining to learn english…
Dearest Madam Rebbeca
I am very much thankful for you lectures. it is my proposal and suggestion if you may very kindly be give a long lecture for any sepacific area I mean sepacific topic it would be very very help full for us. Thanks and regard
my most favorite teacher i don,t know how to thank u. please kindly tell the uses of these lessons from the binning i,m very desirous to learn English .thank u
Dear Ms Rebecca thank you for the lessons as it was very interesting to me . Hope you will come up with more English Conversation for working adults thank u once again.
thanks for your lectures yhey are very useful.iam really got advantage from them.
Engvid is great I like it,and your lessons is understanding
this class was excellent
thanks Mrs. Rebeca, I am learning very well and better now!!
Dear medum,
I would like to thank you very much for your teaching of business english. I find it suitable for work and like it .
Ms Rebecca, thay you so much!!!
Rebeca thanks for your lesson, It’s been very useful, Can you show us more about business and office conversations topics?
hi Rebbeca thanks for your lessons and Thank you for this effort
yes ..!great I’like learn with you tanks a lot
This is good…
hello i have learned many thing there
i want more improve my skill
u have any branch in asia
thanks a lot.
this website quite good for me….
Thanks for your lesson are very clear. Thanks again
Thank you
Thanks Miss Rebecca my English improving alot
Hi Rebecca…your teachings are great… to see more about business English…Your lessons are easy to understand..
Thanks a lot…
great lesson
Hiya Ma’m. your lessons are persuasive and with just one listen to them I’m able to pick up what was wrong in my previous sentences. You are blessed indeed. Keep up the good work always. May Allah be with you.
hi,,Rebecca.. i have listioned your vidios and it really help me alot to improve my grammer.. and Miss if you kindly tell me that how can cope with reading part in IELTS? Because it really confused me alot..please help me….
As you are kind and generous lady. Keep helping people. May God bless you.
is there any easy way learning English?
hello rebeca
thx for u wonderfull lesson . i gladly want to learn more about bussiness talking , how to talk with other Gollegue
Thanks again Rebecca!
A great site with wonderful teaching system. Teachers are so kind and friendly. God Bless you all
Thank you so much Rebecca, The theme was very interesting, I didn’t know this part.
thank you is real helpful.
Rebecca what is the diffence btween this two exampls
I will ask you?
am gonna ask you?
Very nice class. Helped me to improve my english.Thanks.
Thanks for the lesson.
I will talk about jobs I have work in.
After graduation of university, I worked in hospitality department for 2 years. At that time, I could meet many kinds of people and deal with customers. So I had a significant experience during working in the field. Thanks for lisening.
rebecca wish u all the best. i would like to say thanks for your favor on this !!!!
hi,Rebecca plz touch me about coufusing word( get,got) how to use this plz let me know thanks…..
thank you so much rebecca . about interesting lessons , I understand more about it
I was searching just like website to improve my English.
Thanks to all teachers.
Thanks a lot & again credit goes to Madam Rebcca.
great lesson
Thank you Rebecca
Hi,lecture how are you? I just start learn lesson with you about preposition use in the sentences. I understand clearly about this. You are a good teacher.
ya its really help full.please post more videos …good work
I would like to thank all of you for your kind effort.
My Best Wishes
thanks! that helped=)
Dear madam Rebbeca
I sent few comments and asked for some suggestions a couple of days ago regarding IELTS but I am sorry to say that I haven’t got any response yet..
Kindly reply!!!!!!!
Hi, I am fram Aizawl Mizoram. Can i join this learning place..?
Hi, Miss Rebecca, I am from Aizawl, Mizoram, Please help me, how can i use in english…?
Thanks Rebecca!
fine work!
Thank you
Hi, thank you Rebecca for useful lessons
Great class like all of your classes. I’ll try to work for myself helping more people:). See you soon!
Thank a lot of Mrs. Rebecca for you lesson.
But, I don’t understand use ON in your explain.
Hi Rebecca, you are a wonderful teacher. I love you.
Thank you from Brazil…
thank you for all .thanks for this website
I got benefts alot via following thatlessons.
I have felt to my english skijjs imprrove step by step.
by follow the learning english lessons
Hello Rebecca!
Many thannks too you.
How can I say “What is my speciality”
For ex: I work in IT by sysadmin or as sysadmin?
hello! i really liked the lesson. It’s interesting. thanks
its really help full for second language learner
Rebecca, I really like the way you teach English. Please, don´t stop making these videos! Best regards!
Hi Rebecca, is very easy , you have good explication for to teaching.
my english es very basic, you help me much
HIlo mom Rebecca! I have a question for you regarding this sentence. Is it correct if I will say I work as an admin assistant in the Family Appliance Center Inc. Could you please tell me what is the right sentence fo that?
hi Rebecca.. it is a good education for us.. thank you…
thaks alot
Dear madam…thanks a lot for your lessons….God bless you….
hi my lovely teacher can I say “I work on general authority fish resources development” or use in………….. thank yo.
i think ‘in’
hai rebcca can you teach how to talk about work when you are in field of civil engg.
rebecca thanks for your i’m understand how to talking abut work.thanks…
Hello, Ms. Rebecca. Thanks for your lessons. They are beautiful. Now, thanks of You I like English.
Please, tell me, which one is correct: conservatory or conservatoire, also AT cons. or IN cons.
Thanks and best regards.
thank you so much. Your English class is always useful and pracitical.
This is tough for me but I do appreciate your lesson.
I had a problem using on and in! such as
I work ____________a farm.
I used in but it’s on …..It’s not makes sense to me!!!
I work ´at´ a farm is the correct way.
I answered all the 8 questions correctly, but sometimes I still have trouble using the right prepositions correctly, like when I was at work, I told my co-worker that I don’t bring my problem at work which he corrected me that you have to use “to” instead of “at” Are they both correct since I used “at” to specify a particular time that I don’t bring my problem “at” work?
it is correct to answer:
What do you work for?
why i cant say
I work ”in” a farm.???
thanks already
thank you teachers.
Hi Rebecca, thanks for the lessons
Thank you,Rebecca,for this simple lesson)!!!
annytka.hi,how are you? I would be glad to make acquaintance of you.:) and in the end thanks rebeca for usefull lesson I like the way you learning english.:)
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
These preposition were quite confusing for me before. You teached well.
hi rebeca this is gaurav from india .
you guys are doing a very good job ,i really like this web site and have learnt so many things.So, many many thank you to your all team and god bless you and your team.
Thank you very much teacher.This tutorial is cool.
Hi Rebecca,
I am a new student. Thank you very much for this lesson.
Greating from Turkey.
Hi, Rebeca I am Bea from Bulgaria, but my nationality is Pole, thanks a lot for this lesson, you are really so good teacher.
hi to all! i found this website accidentally,. and its cool!! i learned a lot! thanks!
hi rebecca you are so great i did really enjoy your lessons in general, isn’t there any video lesson on how to speak more smoothly or on how to teach in a classroom ,? M deep respects for you Rebecca.
Thanks teacher. I’m very interested in this lesson. I’m also very proud of you.
I improve my english with help of your lessons! Thank you so much! Your lessons are very useful)
HI Rebecca,
I think you are the best teacher! Could you please teach me HOW can I pronounce the letter “J” as in Job, enjoy, Japan..It is almost impossible for me to say it right. My teacher tried to teach me, but I did not get it. Thanks Rebecca…I really need your help, please!
dear Rebecca, your lessons are very interesting and helpful.. especially your business english lessons are more helpful for me. i watch every lesson of yours.. i hope you post more business english lessons. you are doing a great job.i am very thankful to you..have a great day
Rebbeca thanks for your lesson
Rebbeca thanks for your lesson
Dear teacher,
All this videos are very use full for us improve my English knowledge and thanking you all.
Hello Rebecca
I like your lesson a lot. I’ve wrote down all sentences, I think they’ll come in handy.
Hi Miss Rebecca
Thannks for quiz and lesson
Hello Rebecca,
This is one of my difficult topics, preposition. I am going to follow you advice and hope in one month I can share with you my advance in the use of prepositions. You are great Teacher!!!
Hello she works in at and t industry . It is a full time job.
Her salary is low .she supports the family by her own.she
Has 3 children . She spent on drugs , discoteques,on
Beers . What advise would you give her?
It’s nice.
Hi Rebecca .This class was so cool.
I am confused about something.”Work” in Asian languages means a lot of things e.g your job/occupation/trade/something which needs to be done etc for which you use the word “WORK” in English. However,we use the work in another entirely different sense i.e when going to a place/city/office for something which you want to get done or you see someone to get something to be done for you e.g to get gas meter changed or to get copies of some documents or to get approval for some project and while telling others we do not want to specify the nature of job or favour we want.
Similarly when you call on someone for seeking a favour regarding any of the above jobs,we use the equivalent word for “WORK”.
Now what will you say if you are going to Toronto to visit any office or person regarding any of the above jobs and you do not want to specify the nature of the job?
What comes to my mind is,” I am going to Toronto on business.” OR I can say,” I saw John regarding a buisness with him.”
Please comment.I am finding it difficult to find the correct expressions for above. Thanks.
Can I also say,” I am going to Toronto for a work?” OR I have a work with John.
Thanks again.
I’m Thai student.
Thanks very much Rebecca. You’re good teacher
hi thanks my teach
Hi Rebecca i’m really enjoy your lesson
i have a question, can you please tell my what the differences is between I(ai) and
Hey guys, Thanks so much…
I do appreciate your job !!!!
Keep well
Thanks again Rebecca!
Hi Rebecca, Thank you for the good lesson. But if I wanna fill the occupation blank for someone who works at the Central Markets. What I have to say?>>> (Employed at the Central Markets)or (Employee at the Central), is that correct??
Thanks a lot Rebecca ,have a good one.sooooooooooooooooooooooooo a great teacher
thank you for this amazing lesson :)
hi Rebbeca thanks for your lesson
Thanks Miss Rebbeca for nice lesson this is very helping to me . can i get your email adres for furthar help
I got 8 correct out of 8.Thank you Rebecca^^
bless all of you.
thank u
Very good lesson,it isn’t hard to do.Best Redgards.
Super medam…
Iam improve in English…
Thank you very much….
this lesson is very good and understandable
good luck
thank you so much
hello mam,your way of teaching is realy good.could u please tell me how to download these videos
Thanks very much. I’m improving mz english with these lessons. Thank zou so much once again
How are you my teacher ?
what is the difference between
I am in the hospital
I am at the hospital
I am in the jail
I am at the Jail
If someone tells you they’re “in the hospital” or “in jail”, you should be worried — they’re really sick or they’re locked up as a prisoner! But if they’re just “at the hospital” or “at the jail”, they are probably just visiting. Big difference!
excellent teacher tnx
Thanks Rebecoa
Best Regards from Egypt
Amazing, thank you.
Hi teacher , I have some word to ask you
Using at and in
Example . 1. I work at Lao Department of cinema
2. I work in Lao Department of cinema
thanks a lot
It should be “I work at the EPRC”. (That sounds like a really cool job! Do you get to work with monkeys?)
To choose in or on with verb challenges me sometime.
I work in medicine . ( field )
I work on O & G . ( more specific field )
I work on farm . ( common use )
I work in airport . ( generalized )
I work on service department . ( specific )
I work in China . ( big area )
I work in computer . ( field )
I work on my desktop . ( tool )
I work with somebody / something( tool)
on farm , in / at my office ( need to remember)
You said ‘ I work on a bank ‘ which referred to ‘ physical premise ‘… You meant the building / structure ?
Thank you .
I like it.
Thank a lot for help me with your english lesson.
Today is a great day for me.
Good day.
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the lesson, I got it all 100%.
Love you all engVid’s teachers.
Thank you for the lesson!
thank you ka^___^
Thank you.
thanks! it is very useful. ^”^
Hi Rebecca,
thank you a lot for your explanation.
I’m still a little confused how right use preposition. Your lesson helps me a lot
take care
Thanks alot
¡Thank you Rebecca!. It´s a nice class. I really enjoyed it.
thank you so mach for all what you doing
Hai Rebecca. Thank you for your lesson. I Wish I can improved my english by watch your lesson.
thank you so much
I like to learn with you
Thanks Rebecca!!
Thank you
English which is … not the right – “on”, “in”, “at” ….. While in the Russian language only “in” and “on” and that’s all. )
Okay, good
Hello Rebecca!
I have a question about WORK + (specific or not) dates. In this case, I can use (or not) prepositions? When and why?
1. I won’t work Christmas.
2. How many people in America work on Christmas day?
3. My boss wants me to work Christmas day.
Thank you so much.
Dear Rebecca,
I find out subtlety to use prepositions. Thank you.
Best regards.
Yeah, that’s true., it’s quite challenging but I’ve got 7 to 8.. .
Thanks anyway for this lesson.. .
Thank you so much for this useful lesson.
Thank you for lesson.
Hi Rebecca,
I’m impressing by your lesson, please keep it up. May Allah increases your knowledge.
Hi Rebecca,
I’m impress by your lesson, please keep it up. May Allah increases your knowledge.
is a good lection.
Thank you Rebecca.
I love to learn English with Rebecca. Thanks.
very good
Thats good explaination..
N i like the teacher because she explain it detail n clearly
Thanks you so much.
Yeey :D
Thank for your lesson and teaching.It’s very useful for me.
Thanks Teacher
Thank you Rebecca.
nice video, keep the good work Rebbeca
Thank you!
Sorry Rebeca, your teach was good, but in the “quis” I’ve got lost.
I need to join a banch of people that just speak in english to pratice… May you help me Rebeca? In the Watsapp
what an exciting way to learn. Thanks Rebeca
Thank you
could you please explain” I work in a farm” & “I work on a farm”.Why second one is correct.
Thanks you!
I got 7/8! Thanks for the lesson!!
Thanks, teacher!
thank you teacher Rebecca ,wath the différent when I used In ,on or at for spécific the place .???
You got 8 correct out of 8.
thank you.
hi Rebecca
thank you so much the best teacher i love you !
Thanks a lot for your lessons, they are very helpful.
Is there a way I can get more practice for the TOEIC?
8/8 very good!
Hi, Rebecca!
I love this lesson!
Thank you.
Hi everyone! This is the first time i visit I’m from Vietnam so my english very bad. I need study hard to improve my english. I just finished Quiz with 6/8. I should repeat again your lesson more. I hope i can understand all things. Thank you so much. What a lovely teacher!
Welcome, Lâm! You’ve got 1400+ more videos to watch and learn from!
Yeah! I’ll try. Thank you!
Thanks Rebecca! Yuou are amazing!!!
thanks a lot
thank you very much
thanks Rebecca! It’s helpful.
Thank you so much Rebecca
Hi Rebecca. It’s an interesting lesson.
Thank you so much Rebecca. I got out 7 of 8.
Howdy Rebecca . I was wondering if you could tell me what is the difference between Roofer , slater and thatcher ?! what about nursery school teacher , kindergarten trainer or kindergarten teacher, preschool teacher , daycare teacher , childcare assistant and childcare worker ? I was really confused . Please teach me that :(
god bless you rebecca. this is so helpful.
I got 63… Thanks for your teaching!
Thanks Teacher Rebbeca For this Lesson, it was so helpful, I have got 8 correct out of 8.
Good teacher
Thanks Rebbeca!
Thanks Rebecca for nice video.
Excellent explanation! Thank you Rebecca for sharing it with us.
im loving this.
thanks, I just have started from begining in the business field of learning English here from you I really appreciate that
Hello, Rebecca!
I was with doubt in the question 6… couldn’t I say that “I work at city branch” since it’s something specific?
Tks, Rebecca!
Thank you teacher, You helped me a lot
I got 8/8 thank you Rebecca
I got 6/8 Think many confusion
Thanks Rebecca!