This video is a must-see for anyone who plans to live in, work in, or travel to North America or Britain. You will learn about North American culture and things that may offend women.
Thank you very much, I find you English video courses very easy and I youd like to send me it throwth my
hhhhhhh!Thank you Emma. funny & useful lesson
your all videos are awesome.. but i want to understand all of expression. so , if you add (english) subtitle i’d be grateful.. thank you all for great videos
I had the case when friend told me “oh You are pregnant”. I was that time a little bit thicker than i used to be, but i wasn’t pregnant. It made me feel really sad because of my weight.
Great lesson – as all Your lessons Emma.
Thank you Em for this important lesson, I got it and I want to ask you how old are you
It was the most stupid, fascist episode i have ever seen.
I’m only publishing this comment to ward off accusations of fascist-style media censorship…
engVid Moderator
what’s so fascist in this episode?
What are the things not to say to men?
There’s a sucker born every minute..
Dude, think before you write!
Lesson Very Good , Emma! Thanks very much.
Thank you Emma! It was a very instructive lesson. I will keep this on mind. I want to stay away from trouble. thanks again
Emma, are you PMSing? :)
One a more serios note: I’ve found this video to be quite off-topic, only number 8 from the list is somewhat relevant.. but then again, the mentioned words are quite obviously offensive.. any other words we should know about?
You might have to learn that the hard way :P
engVid Moderator
Yes, that’s true. I’m not questioning the usefulness of the lesson, but I think the anyone can easyly pay attention to that in its real life. No offenses, I try not to disrespect anyone. Besides, It also shows that to know what to say and when to say are great characteristics to anyone, at any place.
It’s easiest criticize the work of others, than strive yourself in a productive way for the community (in this case, English learners) benefits.
Do not be a stupid man! Already have many of them around the world!
Thank you prof. Emma for your efforts and share your knowledge FOR FREE!
If possible, complete with a lesson about what we should say to women !! :)
thank you ,,
u are very amazing , ur lesson is so realistic .
please tell me from where i can excess to the lecture
Anees Ahmad
awesome video! hope gays will take notes ;)
aida from algeria :)
Hopefully, guys gonna be aware of this misbehaving words. About “gays” no comment. =D
great respects ms emma .it was a great lesson.sorry! What are other words beside slut,cunt and bitch that we should not say to a women.
Thanks Emma
Definitely I don’t say these words jn the list to women.
One day I heard a customer lady say to a cashier lady “Thanks sweetie” in some market store. Could men say it?
it is disgustingdoing thisvideo
Many Thanks Emma
How about things that are not supposed to say to men?
Beau Keil
In Germany, we have pretty mutch the same rules in talking to women. But in England, in shops the saleswoman allways used terms like sweety, or even darling to me. And I am a man and a stranger to them. Is there a list “What not to say to men” too? A good leason, theacher.
Thank you, Emma, so much!
I learn much from you and EngVid!
thank you so much for these valuable points and suggestions.really it’s very useful I didn’t know much of these information before and all we get, we got it from movies which turns to be wrong. once more thanks
manar moussa
100 in the quiz!! I guess my being a woman has helped :)
thank you so much teacher Emma,but I would like to ask you if you could explain to me how can I distinguish between the pronunciation of (TH) like (then) and (TH) LIKE (THIN)?
In IPA, they are marked differently. Instead of using a dictionary, I try to watch movies with English subtitles and pay attention what people are saying and how, even though if sometimes I don’t fully understand what they are saying. xD
Morfik thanks for the link, i was looking to understand how to pronounce properly those words.
but the real problem is “the period”
hhhhhhhhhhhh i agree with you sir !
Teacher-U are the best teacher I have ever had… I can’t express all my feelings as my vocab is not strong..I watch your lessons ,hear your voice and sees your face whenever I turn my laptop on..I not only love your language but your country toooo.
Sometimes, I think it would have been great if I had been born in your country and grown up there….. But , I have a hidden dream of visiting your oneday ….
But, I really can’t handle your language.It’s too hard to learn as I think that one should start learning English at the age of two or three.I’m now 23+,completed my school education.I can’t go back in the past nor can I grow up again.I have been a member of this educational as well as helpful website for more than one and half years,learned a lot but still can’t make a single appropriate sentence..I don’t know whatever I have written in this short comment is correct or not.You may find my comment hard to make out.I wanna start everything from the scratch.I need your suggestion.
kamakshya sharma
I’ve been learning English since march 2012, and I can handle it. Also, I’ve never attended English classes. I’m 27, so you probably ask me “How is that possible?” I can tell you that all my knowledge comes from the internet. Watching vids on this website is only the tip of an iceberg in learning English. :) Look at this — — over 500 pages a4 format. xD Can you imagine me writing this? There is also a translation of everything that I didn’t understand. It took me almost 3 months, of course, only my free time. I think that I would have written it faster, but you know, I also had other things to do.
Now, I don’t write by hand any more. I translate webpages using google translator toolkit. One webpage usually has 2 or 3 thousand of words. I’ve already translated 16. But this isn’t just a translation, I try to translate the webpages in a way that native speaker could write it. So, this is really hard “exercise”. xD
There is also another exercise that I try to do — comment. Here or on facebook, so if you or others want to learn along with me, we can be friends on facebook. This is my link — add me if you want. :)
hi morfik. i am so amazing to hear that you’ve studied Eng for 3 month. im trying my best in studying English. Would you mind if i want to get in touch with you. im a Vietnamese girl. but i cant sign in facebook. My email: Wellcom you and every friend who want to practice English with me.
hi morfik,, as u mentioned i would like to learn the way , hw you learn and your techniques,,plz help me.this is my mail add
U r great!
Tony Zhang
I try to believe you but how could it be possible to learn a foreign language in just 3 months?
I’m still learning English. That was just only one exercise, read my previous comment carefully once more.
great! Thanks Emma. I think nobody likes to hear those things it is the same here in Brazil.
hey i have problems in spelling,what must i do to inprove on it .
I think the best way to improve your spelling is try to read as much as you can and don’t rely on auto-correct spell.
I really enjoy this video. I can learn english in my spare time at office
very helpful lesson Emma . Thanks very much
Excellent vid as always! This is my first time commenting (long overdue). I find this website an absolute treasure for ESL students and teachers :D
Please keep it going!
wow, women are such a complicate human beings!
Emma you rock!!! Thanks.
thank you you forget salary Q i was talking to woman and she told me you’re slut ??????
I wonder because i am man not woman
It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a girl. For example: You could say “cunt” to a man, and this doesn’t mean that he is a girl. This means only that he is acting like a girl. xD
1. Is there “Are you on your period?”?
2. Can I say: “Do you have a/your period?”?
If I see a woman who likes equal rights, I threat her like she was a man. And questions “How old are you?” or “How much do you weigh?” are normal. Yeah, I know I’m so rude. xD
100% correct thanks teacher
Emma, could you make a vid about these pairs of words?
altogether — all together
beware — be aware
endanger — in danger
for ever — forever
complement — compliment
every day — everyday
Congrats! I’ve never heard that honey, sweet, etc. are embarassing words. Good lesson!!!
Thank you very much. You are a good teacher.About this lesson that is the “bon sens” in French. Good sense is an international biaviour when you have an heart.
yeah, I know now why I’m single, I have said these words to girls. I would be more carefully, if I want a woman. thanks Emma cya.
You are right… Have a good day :)
ummm. No comment!!
thanks so much Emma to make attention for men about this subject because that word become so comment in our world
EMMA thank you very much. sometimes i used those words to women, also your video is a lesson to me in terms working somewhere.EMMA you are really great so interesting.
I got 100!
hi can you tell me what do you mean by you got 100 if it is possible i want just to know and excuse me
I got 100 too, but i can´t make any comments but only reply to comments!!! Does anyone can help me???
Look that woman is the same around the world…lol. Nice lesson
I’ve deeply embarrased just by hearing those things! Thanks anyway.
in my country on the job or any place say honey, cupcake, or sweetheart to other woman is a nice thing. In other worlds is another way to be courtesy. Ironies. ;o)
Thanks, but i would like to know when we have to use i would have done something, it is soo complicated. Please help me with that.
I think this video is like more giving lecture on society than teaching something.these video only teaches not to ask about women’s personal things at workplace.I request u to take a lect which give us more knowledge.I think many of us know this and this is very common
i got 90.I’m going to joke ,pls take it as fun. u got 100 then u must be expecting something …………. i mean price
Emma many thanks but, also do not ask the lady about her smiill do not tell her smell very bad
thank you very much emma, its agood notes to know how to deal with woman .
Hi Emma, thanks for the interesting lesson but, i don’t understand completely what means ”When are you due?
thank u so much dear Emma for your great lesson.
it’s good that we can learn your culture
and your language together. :D
Thank you very for the informative lesson.
Ahmed Mohamed
really interesting lesson!!!! thank you, Emma!
Really it was very helpful… Thank Q Emma… :)
i would like to speak english for better fluency.please add me to skype and talk to me and teach me
(shanir.rayroth) this is my skype id
i would like to speak english for fluency.anybody help me .teach me if you can via skype
my skype id is (shanir.rayroth)
I’ve got 90:-) It’s good for the beginning:-)
Really very nice lesson
Thanks Emma, this is very important …!
wonderful..thank you so Much
hi eemma.thanks for your good education. its very useful for me
i like english so much.
Thanks. I know it now.
Excellent and usefull guide.
Thanks in advance!
Bao Long (Viet Nam)
what an useful video! Thanks my teacher
Ok ;-) very usuful lesson… BUT… After that it’s really tempting to use these words or expression ;-) haha
Or maybe its much better not to talk at all to a woman, or use a short answers or questions, just on case ;-)))
And come on… to say ” you do that good, for a girl”…what’s wrong with taht?? well it’s hard not to say that when we see a woman parking a car for instance ;-) it is like saying that man are as good as babysitters as a woman…. NO, they are not ;-) I think we should learn to be more tolerate towards each other, not to find out whether something is offensive or not ;-)
And If we see a woman whose a bit overweight and ask her if she’s pregnant whose problem is that???? Come on….. ;-) haha
Believe whatever you want! Do whatever you want! Say whatever you want! This lesson and the other ones like it are for people from other cultures to know what the current standard is in North America. Once you know what is expected, you can choose to follow these “rules” or ignore them.
Hi EngVid… well of course you’re right ;-)
It’s just my weird sense of humour… remember I’m from Poland ;-))
Paul, don’t maintain the stereotypes about Poles!
I understood your opinion… maybe the title is the question… when we are talking about another culture I think is important we know something about behavior, then we could be a pleasant person… in general it’s just tips! Emma said maybe don’t happen anything if you say this word, but many women could feel uncomfortable! hugs
thank u Emma .. today learnt a new lesson from u
thanks is nice lesson .learn fresh things.good luck
I don know how can I appreciate this ?! Thanks guys
in nowadays even to say ms. or Sr can make some ones angry!!! maybe we will need a new word MsR for those who dont want to mention their gender;(
thanks emma . WE will apply your advices :)
thank you teacher for the lesson……
very usefull lesson!! However, I think these words are offensive for women not only in North America.
Thank you, very good
It would be wonderful that you make videos teaching french. :-)
Hello, The video is so interesting and rich. I really like it and I appreciate the way you covered that. I am looking forward to watching more videos of yours.
Best regards,
You are great teacher. I like the way you are teaching. Thank a lots.
thank u so much dear Emma for your great lesson
thank you emma
I really appreciate this lesson, because I could learn what not to say to a woman and I also could learn some new vocabulary, thank you so much Emma.
You know, Emma, this video is very insulting for MEN. You assume that all men are idiots and they all sexist pigs. They don’t even realize that it is not appropriate to say words like whore or cunt in a work place. And a WOMAN should explain that to them like they are 3 years old.
Very SAD video. Very sexist. Very inappropriate!!!
Shame on you!
Oh, yes, just so you don’t assume that I am a man, I am a woman, 43 years old. And I don’t make secret out of it :)
If you could see the comments I delete, you’d see why this video is necessary… *sigh*
engVid Moderator
I think it is very important to know the cultural differences (especially for me as a man on this topic). It is a kind of interpersonal respect. Thank you for this video. You are are a really good teacher.
this lessons makes no sense. You make it sound all women are like this, offended easily etc. And for women who are like this. Stop being uptight. We are not living in the 60s and you are the ones trying to break free so this comes with the price.
I suggest re-watching the lesson, as I do not think you got the point.
engVid Moderator
Hi Emma
Thanks for your lesson. This will be very helpful for daily conversation. Would you Please list your ‘8th number’ adjectives in accordance with their degree of severity. Which is the worst and which one is the mildest among them? That will be useful to know, especially when we do want to offend someone in some exceptional cases or to put some spice into routine conversation. Thanks again
very useful i really enjoyed watching it.
Very good tips. I really enjoyed the presentation. Congratulations Emma!
very important to do not be in embarrassing situation
Question 8 and 9 are so confusion for me. Thank you very much for providing English lesson on youtube online. It is nice for world wide people learning.
Kou (Laos)
thank you Emma
ThankYou ,Emma,for good lesson.These expressions might be percieved quite acceptable by many people,because of how often these are used in american movies,songs and on programs.It almost sounds like casual language,I mean especially those in section eighth.For me it’s rude.By the way,please don’t get offended,Your “especially” sounds like “expecially”,is it something related to place You are from? best regards:)
May God bless you Emma for this lesson and many others. you are a blessing to this generation.
A very useful lesson, especially for those who do not have any experience of meeting a native speaker of English.The impact on hearing these words can be fully felt by only a native speaker. So a non native speaker who is interested in English should understand the connotation of different words in order not to embarrass others. Thank you Emma.
its very fantastic ,but i suggest to introduce new episode to show that what the women should to say for the men ?
I think this lesson is very important if everyone wanna learn English, also learn the other cultures. These are very similar to the words in my country. It’s really useful. Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much
Thanks so much! you made it helpful.
I have learn English with some good tips for good culture. This is very important for every one.
it’s such a good lesson! Thx so much! ^O^
very interesting. i got 100 marks thanks teacher Emma
hi emma ,you are really good teacher .May i have individual online class with you ? please reply my request as soon as possible via my email address .
thank you so much
very good. thank for lesson
thank you Emma :)
hi, Emma It’s a interesting lesson for me
It was good lesson that we need in our work places .
thank you learning is not a day job miss Emma thanks again.
i got 10 out of 10
Interesting and helpful… thanks a lot!!! : )))
Very useful lesson, but i want to ask if it is okay in north America to say that i mean women to women ;p thank u so much Emma
Thank you for cool lesson.
Very useful lesson, thank you very much
The lesson was interesting and we knew some of women charecter.
Ali Hassan
Thanks :)
Thank you pumkin;))
Hi emma
my problem in English is remember vocabularies
if I learned new words and there meaning in my language, maybe after less than 1 day I will forget
would you please tell me how I can save the words in my mind
Best regards
‘I would forget’
Thank you Emma .I will keep this on mind. I want to stay away from trouble. thanks again
Haroon Rasheed
The subtitles not is bad idea,Two video one with subtitle and other without it
thanks Emma, this is very interesting, i am happy got value 70,,..
I agree and have been following these RULES. :)
Thanks Emma, you are really amazing, excellent teacher I learned a lot from you.
very interesting lesson keep it up Emma.
Thanks a lot.It was really helpful and necessary to know.
Hi Emma,
U did a great job by introducing us to ur culture..I have studied Sociology that’s why I love 2 learn about other cultures..I’m from Pakistan,the things u mentioned r also considered bad here..These things r kind of universal for women..I forgot to tell you one thing, U r a brave, pretty and nice angel, with a clear heart, who has the courage to talk on a such a sensitive topic.KEEP IT
Thanks Emma
you are very good teatcher
very good video this is real English in real live situations and it’s important to know what’s correct and not correct towards interacting with a woman.
felipe victoria
tnx for this lesson
and inchallah nobody will offense you no more
ThenkS Emma
i,m happy you
naif AL-Jedaani
9 outta 10.. nice questionaire
those rules still according to culure and behaviour company maybe it’s banned in your country but we can find it normal in another company, any thanx a lot for this lesson Emma.
Thanks, very very entrusting topic.
These culture tips are wonderful!
you doing a great job Emma
keep it up
Thanks a lot for this lesson
Thank you miss Emma, this is very helpful lesson.
thank you emma!! i will tray not to use others except darling. I am working customer service and most of the time I used to say darling for female customers. The amusing thing when I serve customers I always tray to be quick and If I serve five female customer subsquently and If next customer is male which is very funy I will say
thank you emma!! i will tray not to use others except darling. I am working customer service and most of the time I used to say darling for female customers. The amusing thing when I serve customers I always tray to be quick and If I serve five female customer subsquently and If the next customer is male which is very funy I will say
Thanks for the lesson
Thank you Emma, I feel interested in studying conversation skills. God bless you.
Thank you for the lesson Emma. May be you will be surprised but in Russia we also respect all these 8 rules. I think that for intelligent people from any country no need to explain such obvious things.
Hi Emma, What are the things not to say to men?
Thank you Emma, This very useful.
It was a good lesson for me that reminds me once again of how experienced man I am through you. Thank you so much. I don’t say “thank you very much , I say thank you so much because it comes from someone’s heart.
Deniz Demircioglu
tnx for these useful expressions
Hello Emma! First of all I want to say “Thank you” to ALL of you teachers at, as I learn so much from the many lessons. I am from San Diego, Cal. and I am an English teacher here in Buenos Aires. I love teaching and meeting people and helping them to learn our language. As a ‘native speaker’ we ‘gringos’ are in demand here, and that is 10 points in our favor. Today I don’t have any classes, as it is a holiday in Argentina, so I am sitting here enjoying these educational lessons. Actually I don’t tell my students about your site, or they will quit my classes, and I would be out of work. Ha! Congratulations on your sweet and simple presentation, I enjoy each and every lesson. Keep up the good work Emma and may God bless you ALL at Chau!!
Greg Janes
it was awesome!!
How about women that she say to me hi sexy or how are you handsome. That is true. I am not lying. What should I say or do with them?(some of them when I meet them in the first time) in USA
That was fantastic, keep it up.
Nice to learn from you. Nice to read all comments. Great +++++
I really admire your way of teaching teacher Emma. I usually get bored when I take lessons except for you. I become totally interested in what you are teaching. I hope you’ll give more and more lessons on everyday language. I thank you very much.
Muhammad Khattab
9 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
I think, It is a very good lesson, because it makes me understand, those little differences of mentality that people might have depending from which places were raised
Hi! ;)
You don’t mention f-word in the clause 8.
Is this word less offensive?
Or on the contrary, the f-word much much more vulgar, and the real lady just don’t know one.
Hi Emma,
I don’t know what kind of women you know, certainly not women with the sense of humour hahahaha we are not so easy to upset.:)
I would like to thank you for all you give , thank you
interesting thanx Emma.
Awesome information emma
Tamil alagan
Very interesting English lesson of politeness too !
I hate when people ask me if I am pregnant. I think it is so invasive and impolite. People don’t even know me but they are so curious and nosy. Just hate it. There are so many reasons for a belly to be a little big, like having your period, like being overweight and many others. Why do they wonder so much about pregnancy?
10 from 10 :)
Hi Emma, I enjoy your lessons. You are very clear. it is easy to understand you. Thank you for the great lessons.
Excellent presentation. I like how you broke down the information into the sections you did.
Emma,I´ve read some of the comments published in this lesson. I think this is totally a cultural matter. For sure, for someone this can be considered “fascist”, but it is real life in USA. I live in Colombia. We do not have exactly the same rules but it is important to know your rules, just in case a foreigner has to go to your country. Thanks!
Very good lessons and … having a look at some comments very useful too !
Thanks Emma !
i feel i’m not confortable when some guys ask me for my age, i find that offensive.
this is the first time i study with emma and i got 100 points.:)
Many Thanks!
After this lesson I am gonna smile the rest of my life! hahahaahhaa A u PMSing??? hahahahaah I love Emma’s lessons!!!
thanks for this great lesson!
Thanks for for this site it will help me to advanced more in English
thanks Emma
this kind of lessons are what i enjoy of this site, all of you teach the real english. :)
Emma, excelent lesson, just some questions:
What exactly does she say in the minute 1:45??
and in the minute 3:11?? I hope you can help me :)
Hello, now Do you know what she said in the minute 1:45??
All this things well-known.But in english helpful
– Bitch, whore, and slut are all very bad words that are offensive to women.
– ‘Bitch’ and ‘whore’ are offensive, but ‘slut’ is okay.
I’m laughing my ass off. You’re just made my day!
I think women hit these questions in everywhere.
I feel sad for those who wrote negative comments about this lesson. In my opinion it was a very good topic. It seems like those negative comments are from people who have never been to North America. It’s not like people are weird or anything like that, rather, it is a cultural issue. North America is about freedom, but with that , it comes respect, and responsability. Keep up the great work
thank Emma and what is PMS
Leila Nguyễn
thank Emma
Thanks Emma
today’s topic was very funny
And The fact that there are more comments on this page than usual shows that this lesson is very popular among male students.
In this video, you speak fast and so I couldn’t get you at some points.
If it’s possible, I want English subtitles.
Thanks for the lesson like this kind of very sensitive words.Since becoming very strict like the regulation for sexcial harassment, we don’t say these words especially in workplace in Japan as well. But appreciate for the very useful lesson.Emma.
In America, you will see the wonders of things, a lot of questions women are sensitive from it and sometimes they will hate you because of these questions. By the way all like these questions are normally in my culture there is no problem with them. Thanks a lot Emma. We need more to learn from you.
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx Emma your lesson is very interesting
thanks you Emma
i like to learn different cultures so thank you to know it Emma. you so wonderful teacher! please keep it up.
Thanks for this topic Emma! Now I can see the truth about my male colleagues :D
Give ’em hell, OK? :)
engVid Moderator
Definitely ! :)
wow i got 10 out of 10
i got 90 :)
I live in Montreal and when I had my first job here, my manager often said me “You’re hot”, “you’re beautiful”, “I like the way you’re dressed up today” and one of my colleague used to call me “hey sexy”.
That made me feel very very uncomfortable, and they liked to see my face becoming red when they said me those phrases. It was like a game for them, very hard for me.
In another job, the CFO asked me to dress up with sexy short dresses. i was more confident at this time so i just told him to apologize and never ever ask for this again.
I have never had such those problems in France and I often wonder what is the problem of canadian men at work, some of them are very pervert and yet I work in places that people are supposed to be very elegant.
Thank you, Emma!
It was very useful lesson.
I suggest you to make a lesson about things that we shouldn’t say to all the people. Including maybe some undesirable topics people don’t want to talk about.
These are some things:
– Religion beliefs
– Politic views
– Something too personal to talk about…
It could be very helpful, I think.
very interesting lesson. thanks. i think you are right. i knew the age and weight but not the others.
thanks a lot dear Emma, i love you and your and your excellent teaching, and i have speaking and vocabulary problem, so what is your guides about?
i answerd before watching the vedeo,so my score wasn’t that bad loll
But some men when they try to tell their girls/wives that they are “Unique” they would say something like “you’re really a good cook”… which is like you’re the best cook, or others just can’t cook as you do.
What I’m trying to say is that it’s a kind of “compliment” just to make them special.
like “you’re the most beautiful girl on earth” which implies that, you’re pretty AS IF others are ugly next to you.
Finally, men are dumb sometimes Haha
I am a man lol
Thank you Emma. I will keep in mind XD
Thank you^^
thnx Emma …thnx so much…
Hey “sweetheart”, can you give us another amazing lesson? ;)
Very usfull Emma Thanks. And what women should’nt ask to men?
Thanks teacher … Everyone should well-behavied with all people around him whether women or men .
See ya …
Respect and thank you very much :)
comments express what is in our hearts. I am so grateful learning English with engVid.
Thank you very much Emma.
some of these answers are subjective..
that was fantastic thanks Emma
Hi emma , the lesson was very handy, but we need another one to knw what we hv 2 say 2 them, thanks.
Martin masslow
In Japan, it might be hard, mightn’t it… But I hope so.
Thank you for your interesting lesson, Emma :)
thanks u Emma. I hope understand all what you say
hi emma i got always 100 thanks alot
I wonder what kind of American accent Emma has. Her especially seems to have a slight hard c (k) which sounds like “ekspecially”.
thanks a lot
I have heard women using terms of endearment with men that are not their husband or boyfriend or brother. Isn’t that double standard?
Agree with you bigmak, something similar happened to me, so certain points in here apply for both sexes, good one Emma, i wonder if dear or dearie too is something similar, coz i use either of these words a lot.. and yeah this video should go public. :)
Thanks a lot!!!!
Thank you Emma!
Leo Silva
i love you
Thank you are doing very well and it is so useful for us who are learning english…I am not able but, if I could I would pay you for these..
I have benefited a lot from you Teacher Emma thanks indeed :)
Ammar Salih
Thanks Emma, You’re so Wright about some of those facts that appeared in the list, I’m spanish and where I live women (I’m included) we find very insulting the fact number six (Yoy do …. well for a girl)And people have to be carefull with that expression, some of them might think that women are less important to the society and that’s not true so for all of you be carefull with that.
Anyway thanks for the lesson :)
Thanks for the great lesson!!!
The only missing part was the meaning of PMS, which means “premenstrual syndrome”.
thnk so much emma
thank u
thanks , you are the
best teacher
Thank you.
I want to have a teacher like you!
Sveta Karas
The lesson is pretty awesome!! Thanks making it looks very simple and helpful lesson!
Thanks for boost my knowledge about women, I got 90%.
Abdul Qayum
Hi Emma,
Thank you for very important lesson.
Interesting definitely!!!
Thank you Emma, for your friendly teaching!!!
It was very instructive tips. Thanks Emma, I will be in touch your lessons.
Thanks Emma.
8 things Not to tall:Woman offensive
water meter check please
Hello,Emma I appreciate your great lecture,especially that I am new in North America.I have got 100.
Emma, I was really suprised to hear such frank comments from you. But,anyway, thanks a lot and don’t be shy)
100% :)
Thanks Emma
but can you provide a lesson about : what to tell woman in Canad ?
actually need it because look for being there
thank you Emma you make English
language is very easy
(true i speak )
rashad yehya
Thank you.
just I would like to say thanks my teacher emma
and so glad to learn this leasson
Thanks..Emma.. I got 90%, very good lesson & advice.
Great lesson to be able to understand women ^_^
Thanks Mrs. Emma
Ali A. Ali
Thanks. That was great and funny. :D
Thanks for the video, you’re a great teacher !
Thanks for the video, it is really good… (for a woman – no, sorry, just kidding).
I like watching videos on this site. You have nice accent and clearly voice, it is easy to understand everything and it helps me a lot.
Thanks for the video. I agree with everything. But what do you think about gender equity? On the one hand, questions about weight and age are proper to ask men but on the other hand I known that it is not so good to ask women about it, they can feel uncomfortable. (and of course, I not ask these questions)
Thanks Emma
thanks Emma.those are good advices.
very usefull, i got 9 of 10
hi teacher , i don’t know how to ask a woman about their age
Thank you. I got 9 out of 10 .
Thank you Emma. I never heard about some of them before, i hope to remember all of them
thanks cupcake!
hehe jst kidding .. that was helpful
I always get a full mark in this level (Intermediate).
Do I have to move onto the (Advanced) level??
Or it depends on the type of quizzes!!
Sounds like you should start trying Advanced lessons to me!
engVid Moderator
really great
Amrita Das Bijoy
good and useful
It´s very good and important to know these word otherwise we can be caught on embarrassing situation. So let avoid to use these word for women as they deserve all our best.
Thanks Emma for the very useful teaching.
women are so strange ;)
Thank you very much Emma
Thank you.
I knew about it already. After all I’m a woman too! I enjoyed a lot this lesson, Emma!! Thanks u a lot.
Thank you Emma, it’s a good lesson
Turay Steven
Thank for Emma & Ronnie who teach me
many valuable cultures,for jade as well.
chakim hamzah
ahhahaha you made my day!!! God Bless Ya!
Hi Emma,Its very nice explanation….i liked it..
I guess these topics are same for all over the world. Thank you Emma.
0 of 8! C’mon, perfect!
in my opinion we have to respect the womens around the world always time all the days
manuel hernandez
Great thanks. It’s good to know what words to use, or what not to in different countries.
Roya Seferova
Thank you Emma
The only real lesson here is item 8, and it’s so obvious no one should be taught that. As for the rest, it’s just a bunch of stuff only nagging women would whine about. I mean, come on, if you get offended when someone asks your age, you are not fit for society.
Thanks Emma :)
i don’t agree with test.there are mistakes in here
Thank YOU.
Really it is international lesson
Thanks Emma. It was an amazing and very useful lesson.
thxxxxxx very good
mustafa assad
very good!
Ok, I will have care don’t tell her these 8 things, thanks.
Emma , hi
where can I take the quiz ?
yosra mohamed
Emma,Thanks for your lesson.For weight i think that might not to say with everyone even men or women because i’ve gained weight 15 kg(33 lbs) in last two years. Anyway i try to diet now right now
Thanks Emma¡¡ this is a very helpful lesson….I like to respect the women because I have a mother and sisters and workmates…in my opinion, a gentleman never must to say this phrases to women.
Great video, I would like to add a question about a marital status, it’s not really offensive, but I don’t like when strangers ask me if I’m married, especially if it’s one of the first questions to ask you.
And I think many women who are not married and in their forties or older might find this offensive.
Great approach motivational video. Dear Emma Can you tell me PMS Stand For?
Some people added me on facebook. They sent me messages and called me honey or darling etc. It made me uncomfortable because I never met them in real life.
If you want to live in Northern America or in another civilized state, you have to watch this lesson. Good job Emma.
Thank you very much
Md anwar
thank you
I have a 80. Not too bad at all!
i got 80%
may i know how can use the “Overdue” at stentence.
Aung Thu Hein MYA
Thanks, Emma.Useful lesson. I got 100
Some Amerian women called me honey or sweety before; I think she doesn’t any better.I knew it was wrong to say woman to woman. :) Thank you Emma.
Fascinating, Emma!
I think some abrupt address from that you mentioned in your lesson would ordinarily provoke an equally sharp retort even among men. For instance, when my mom tells me I gained my belly I hate this stuff.
thank you Emma for you class
Salvador VA
Thank you very much
Md anwar
Thanks, Emma! The test was really usefull for me!
And your face mimic and distinct speech is so charming!!!
You got 9 correct out of 10.Thanks
M kartal
Good information..Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma, nice lesson
great thank you
I got full
agree with that …..congrs
Thanks Emma!!
edi wilson
Thank you emma to give a way to learn english via reading.
7/10!Terrible!I was drunk last night. My state isn’t good when learning.
Jerry Gu
Thank you Ms. Emma.
I disagree – If you can not tell a friend that she is being a bitch when she is being a bitch, That does not make you a real friend.
Especially when you have shared the same trauma experience when you were children in the same care home! “Toxic masculinity”
8 / 10 not bad that was because I am not American and that do not know the American law.
The president seems to think it is ok also he is still in office
10/10. What not to say to men/boys?
Thanks a lot Emma,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 28Sept2021);
Well done, it is interesting lesson.
7/10 Thank you ma’am Emma
thank you Emma, I really appreciate.
I aced all the questions
Learn English for free with 2151 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
very interesting thanks Emma!
Dear Emma
Thank you very much, I find you English video courses very easy and I youd like to send me it throwth my
hhhhhhh!Thank you Emma. funny & useful lesson
your all videos are awesome.. but i want to understand all of expression. so , if you add (english) subtitle i’d be grateful.. thank you all for great videos
I had the case when friend told me “oh You are pregnant”. I was that time a little bit thicker than i used to be, but i wasn’t pregnant. It made me feel really sad because of my weight.
Great lesson – as all Your lessons Emma.
Thank you Em for this important lesson, I got it and I want to ask you how old are you
It was the most stupid, fascist episode i have ever seen.
I’m only publishing this comment to ward off accusations of fascist-style media censorship…
what’s so fascist in this episode?
What are the things not to say to men?
There’s a sucker born every minute..
Dude, think before you write!
Lesson Very Good , Emma! Thanks very much.
Thank you Emma! It was a very instructive lesson. I will keep this on mind. I want to stay away from trouble. thanks again
Emma, are you PMSing? :)
One a more serios note: I’ve found this video to be quite off-topic, only number 8 from the list is somewhat relevant.. but then again, the mentioned words are quite obviously offensive.. any other words we should know about?
You might have to learn that the hard way :P
Yes, that’s true. I’m not questioning the usefulness of the lesson, but I think the anyone can easyly pay attention to that in its real life. No offenses, I try not to disrespect anyone. Besides, It also shows that to know what to say and when to say are great characteristics to anyone, at any place.
It’s easiest criticize the work of others, than strive yourself in a productive way for the community (in this case, English learners) benefits.
Do not be a stupid man! Already have many of them around the world!
Thank you prof. Emma for your efforts and share your knowledge FOR FREE!
If possible, complete with a lesson about what we should say to women !! :)
thank you ,,
u are very amazing , ur lesson is so realistic .
please tell me from where i can excess to the lecture
awesome video! hope gays will take notes ;)
aida from algeria :)
Hopefully, guys gonna be aware of this misbehaving words. About “gays” no comment. =D
great respects ms emma .it was a great lesson.sorry! What are other words beside slut,cunt and bitch that we should not say to a women.
Thanks Emma
Definitely I don’t say these words jn the list to women.
One day I heard a customer lady say to a cashier lady “Thanks sweetie” in some market store. Could men say it?
it is disgustingdoing thisvideo
Many Thanks Emma
How about things that are not supposed to say to men?
In Germany, we have pretty mutch the same rules in talking to women. But in England, in shops the saleswoman allways used terms like sweety, or even darling to me. And I am a man and a stranger to them. Is there a list “What not to say to men” too? A good leason, theacher.
Thank you, Emma, so much!
I learn much from you and EngVid!
thank you so much for these valuable points and suggestions.really it’s very useful I didn’t know much of these information before and all we get, we got it from movies which turns to be wrong. once more thanks
100 in the quiz!! I guess my being a woman has helped :)
thank you so much teacher Emma,but I would like to ask you if you could explain to me how can I distinguish between the pronunciation of (TH) like (then) and (TH) LIKE (THIN)?
In IPA, they are marked differently. Instead of using a dictionary, I try to watch movies with English subtitles and pay attention what people are saying and how, even though if sometimes I don’t fully understand what they are saying. xD
This is why:
Morfik thanks for the link, i was looking to understand how to pronounce properly those words.
but the real problem is “the period”
hhhhhhhhhhhh i agree with you sir !
Teacher-U are the best teacher I have ever had… I can’t express all my feelings as my vocab is not strong..I watch your lessons ,hear your voice and sees your face whenever I turn my laptop on..I not only love your language but your country toooo.
Sometimes, I think it would have been great if I had been born in your country and grown up there….. But , I have a hidden dream of visiting your oneday ….
But, I really can’t handle your language.It’s too hard to learn as I think that one should start learning English at the age of two or three.I’m now 23+,completed my school education.I can’t go back in the past nor can I grow up again.I have been a member of this educational as well as helpful website for more than one and half years,learned a lot but still can’t make a single appropriate sentence..I don’t know whatever I have written in this short comment is correct or not.You may find my comment hard to make out.I wanna start everything from the scratch.I need your suggestion.
I’ve been learning English since march 2012, and I can handle it. Also, I’ve never attended English classes. I’m 27, so you probably ask me “How is that possible?” I can tell you that all my knowledge comes from the internet. Watching vids on this website is only the tip of an iceberg in learning English. :) Look at this — — over 500 pages a4 format. xD Can you imagine me writing this? There is also a translation of everything that I didn’t understand. It took me almost 3 months, of course, only my free time. I think that I would have written it faster, but you know, I also had other things to do.
Now, I don’t write by hand any more. I translate webpages using google translator toolkit. One webpage usually has 2 or 3 thousand of words. I’ve already translated 16. But this isn’t just a translation, I try to translate the webpages in a way that native speaker could write it. So, this is really hard “exercise”. xD
There is also another exercise that I try to do — comment. Here or on facebook, so if you or others want to learn along with me, we can be friends on facebook. This is my link — add me if you want. :)
hi morfik. i am so amazing to hear that you’ve studied Eng for 3 month. im trying my best in studying English. Would you mind if i want to get in touch with you. im a Vietnamese girl. but i cant sign in facebook. My email: Wellcom you and every friend who want to practice English with me.
hi morfik,, as u mentioned i would like to learn the way , hw you learn and your techniques,,plz help me.this is my mail add
U r great!
I try to believe you but how could it be possible to learn a foreign language in just 3 months?
I’m still learning English. That was just only one exercise, read my previous comment carefully once more.
great! Thanks Emma. I think nobody likes to hear those things it is the same here in Brazil.
hey i have problems in spelling,what must i do to inprove on it .
I think the best way to improve your spelling is try to read as much as you can and don’t rely on auto-correct spell.
I really enjoy this video. I can learn english in my spare time at office
very helpful lesson Emma . Thanks very much
Excellent vid as always! This is my first time commenting (long overdue). I find this website an absolute treasure for ESL students and teachers :D
Please keep it going!
wow, women are such a complicate human beings!
Emma you rock!!! Thanks.
thank you you forget salary Q i was talking to woman and she told me you’re slut ??????
I wonder because i am man not woman
It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a girl. For example: You could say “cunt” to a man, and this doesn’t mean that he is a girl. This means only that he is acting like a girl. xD
1. Is there “Are you on your period?”?
2. Can I say: “Do you have a/your period?”?
If I see a woman who likes equal rights, I threat her like she was a man. And questions “How old are you?” or “How much do you weigh?” are normal. Yeah, I know I’m so rude. xD
100% correct thanks teacher
Emma, could you make a vid about these pairs of words?
altogether — all together
beware — be aware
endanger — in danger
for ever — forever
complement — compliment
every day — everyday
Congrats! I’ve never heard that honey, sweet, etc. are embarassing words. Good lesson!!!
Thank you very much. You are a good teacher.About this lesson that is the “bon sens” in French. Good sense is an international biaviour when you have an heart.
yeah, I know now why I’m single, I have said these words to girls. I would be more carefully, if I want a woman. thanks Emma cya.
You are right… Have a good day :)
ummm. No comment!!
thanks so much Emma to make attention for men about this subject because that word become so comment in our world
EMMA thank you very much. sometimes i used those words to women, also your video is a lesson to me in terms working somewhere.EMMA you are really great so interesting.
I got 100!
hi can you tell me what do you mean by you got 100 if it is possible i want just to know and excuse me
I got 100 too, but i can´t make any comments but only reply to comments!!! Does anyone can help me???
Look that woman is the same around the world…lol. Nice lesson
I’ve deeply embarrased just by hearing those things! Thanks anyway.
in my country on the job or any place say honey, cupcake, or sweetheart to other woman is a nice thing. In other worlds is another way to be courtesy. Ironies. ;o)
Thanks, but i would like to know when we have to use i would have done something, it is soo complicated. Please help me with that.
I think this video is like more giving lecture on society than teaching something.these video only teaches not to ask about women’s personal things at workplace.I request u to take a lect which give us more knowledge.I think many of us know this and this is very common
i got 90.I’m going to joke ,pls take it as fun. u got 100 then u must be expecting something …………. i mean price
Emma many thanks but, also do not ask the lady about her smiill do not tell her smell very bad
thank you very much emma, its agood notes to know how to deal with woman .
Hi Emma, thanks for the interesting lesson but, i don’t understand completely what means ”When are you due?
thank u so much dear Emma for your great lesson.
it’s good that we can learn your culture
and your language together. :D
Thank you very for the informative lesson.
really interesting lesson!!!! thank you, Emma!
Really it was very helpful… Thank Q Emma… :)
i would like to speak english for better fluency.please add me to skype and talk to me and teach me
(shanir.rayroth) this is my skype id
i would like to speak english for fluency.anybody help me .teach me if you can via skype
my skype id is (shanir.rayroth)
I’ve got 90:-) It’s good for the beginning:-)
Really very nice lesson
Thanks Emma, this is very important …!
wonderful..thank you so Much
hi eemma.thanks for your good education. its very useful for me
i like english so much.
Thanks. I know it now.
Excellent and usefull guide.
Thanks in advance!
what an useful video! Thanks my teacher
Ok ;-) very usuful lesson… BUT… After that it’s really tempting to use these words or expression ;-) haha
Or maybe its much better not to talk at all to a woman, or use a short answers or questions, just on case ;-)))
And come on… to say ” you do that good, for a girl”…what’s wrong with taht?? well it’s hard not to say that when we see a woman parking a car for instance ;-) it is like saying that man are as good as babysitters as a woman…. NO, they are not ;-) I think we should learn to be more tolerate towards each other, not to find out whether something is offensive or not ;-)
And If we see a woman whose a bit overweight and ask her if she’s pregnant whose problem is that???? Come on….. ;-) haha
Believe whatever you want! Do whatever you want! Say whatever you want! This lesson and the other ones like it are for people from other cultures to know what the current standard is in North America. Once you know what is expected, you can choose to follow these “rules” or ignore them.
Hi EngVid… well of course you’re right ;-)
It’s just my weird sense of humour… remember I’m from Poland ;-))
Paul, don’t maintain the stereotypes about Poles!
I understood your opinion… maybe the title is the question… when we are talking about another culture I think is important we know something about behavior, then we could be a pleasant person… in general it’s just tips! Emma said maybe don’t happen anything if you say this word, but many women could feel uncomfortable! hugs
thank u Emma .. today learnt a new lesson from u
thanks is nice lesson .learn fresh things.good luck
I don know how can I appreciate this ?! Thanks guys
in nowadays even to say ms. or Sr can make some ones angry!!! maybe we will need a new word MsR for those who dont want to mention their gender;(
thanks emma . WE will apply your advices :)
thank you teacher for the lesson……
very usefull lesson!! However, I think these words are offensive for women not only in North America.
Thank you, very good
It would be wonderful that you make videos teaching french. :-)
Hello, The video is so interesting and rich. I really like it and I appreciate the way you covered that. I am looking forward to watching more videos of yours.
Best regards,
You are great teacher. I like the way you are teaching. Thank a lots.
thank u so much dear Emma for your great lesson
thank you emma
I really appreciate this lesson, because I could learn what not to say to a woman and I also could learn some new vocabulary, thank you so much Emma.
You know, Emma, this video is very insulting for MEN. You assume that all men are idiots and they all sexist pigs. They don’t even realize that it is not appropriate to say words like whore or cunt in a work place. And a WOMAN should explain that to them like they are 3 years old.
Very SAD video. Very sexist. Very inappropriate!!!
Shame on you!
Oh, yes, just so you don’t assume that I am a man, I am a woman, 43 years old. And I don’t make secret out of it :)
If you could see the comments I delete, you’d see why this video is necessary… *sigh*
I think it is very important to know the cultural differences (especially for me as a man on this topic). It is a kind of interpersonal respect. Thank you for this video. You are are a really good teacher.
this lessons makes no sense. You make it sound all women are like this, offended easily etc. And for women who are like this. Stop being uptight. We are not living in the 60s and you are the ones trying to break free so this comes with the price.
I suggest re-watching the lesson, as I do not think you got the point.
Hi Emma
Thanks for your lesson. This will be very helpful for daily conversation. Would you Please list your ‘8th number’ adjectives in accordance with their degree of severity. Which is the worst and which one is the mildest among them? That will be useful to know, especially when we do want to offend someone in some exceptional cases or to put some spice into routine conversation. Thanks again
very useful i really enjoyed watching it.
Very good tips. I really enjoyed the presentation. Congratulations Emma!
very important to do not be in embarrassing situation
Question 8 and 9 are so confusion for me. Thank you very much for providing English lesson on youtube online. It is nice for world wide people learning.
thank you Emma
ThankYou ,Emma,for good lesson.These expressions might be percieved quite acceptable by many people,because of how often these are used in american movies,songs and on programs.It almost sounds like casual language,I mean especially those in section eighth.For me it’s rude.By the way,please don’t get offended,Your “especially” sounds like “expecially”,is it something related to place You are from? best regards:)
May God bless you Emma for this lesson and many others. you are a blessing to this generation.
A very useful lesson, especially for those who do not have any experience of meeting a native speaker of English.The impact on hearing these words can be fully felt by only a native speaker. So a non native speaker who is interested in English should understand the connotation of different words in order not to embarrass others. Thank you Emma.
its very fantastic ,but i suggest to introduce new episode to show that what the women should to say for the men ?
I think this lesson is very important if everyone wanna learn English, also learn the other cultures. These are very similar to the words in my country. It’s really useful. Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much
Thanks so much! you made it helpful.
I have learn English with some good tips for good culture. This is very important for every one.
it’s such a good lesson! Thx so much! ^O^
very interesting. i got 100 marks thanks teacher Emma
hi emma ,you are really good teacher .May i have individual online class with you ? please reply my request as soon as possible via my email address .
thank you so much
very good. thank for lesson
thank you Emma :)
hi, Emma It’s a interesting lesson for me
It was good lesson that we need in our work places .
thank you learning is not a day job miss Emma thanks again.
i got 10 out of 10
Interesting and helpful… thanks a lot!!! : )))
Very useful lesson, but i want to ask if it is okay in north America to say that i mean women to women ;p thank u so much Emma
Thank you for cool lesson.
Very useful lesson, thank you very much
The lesson was interesting and we knew some of women charecter.
Thanks :)
Thank you pumkin;))
Hi emma
my problem in English is remember vocabularies
if I learned new words and there meaning in my language, maybe after less than 1 day I will forget
would you please tell me how I can save the words in my mind
Best regards
‘I would forget’
Thank you Emma .I will keep this on mind. I want to stay away from trouble. thanks again
The subtitles not is bad idea,Two video one with subtitle and other without it
thanks Emma, this is very interesting, i am happy got value 70,,..
I agree and have been following these RULES. :)
Thanks Emma, you are really amazing, excellent teacher I learned a lot from you.
very interesting lesson keep it up Emma.
Thanks a lot.It was really helpful and necessary to know.
Hi Emma,
U did a great job by introducing us to ur culture..I have studied Sociology that’s why I love 2 learn about other cultures..I’m from Pakistan,the things u mentioned r also considered bad here..These things r kind of universal for women..I forgot to tell you one thing, U r a brave, pretty and nice angel, with a clear heart, who has the courage to talk on a such a sensitive topic.KEEP IT
Thanks Emma
you are very good teatcher
very good video this is real English in real live situations and it’s important to know what’s correct and not correct towards interacting with a woman.
tnx for this lesson
and inchallah nobody will offense you no more
ThenkS Emma
i,m happy you
9 outta 10.. nice questionaire
those rules still according to culure and behaviour company maybe it’s banned in your country but we can find it normal in another company, any thanx a lot for this lesson Emma.
Thanks, very very entrusting topic.
These culture tips are wonderful!
you doing a great job Emma
keep it up
Thanks a lot for this lesson
Thank you miss Emma, this is very helpful lesson.
thank you emma!! i will tray not to use others except darling. I am working customer service and most of the time I used to say darling for female customers. The amusing thing when I serve customers I always tray to be quick and If I serve five female customer subsquently and If next customer is male which is very funy I will say
thank you emma!! i will tray not to use others except darling. I am working customer service and most of the time I used to say darling for female customers. The amusing thing when I serve customers I always tray to be quick and If I serve five female customer subsquently and If the next customer is male which is very funy I will say
Thanks for the lesson
Thank you Emma, I feel interested in studying conversation skills. God bless you.
Thank you for the lesson Emma. May be you will be surprised but in Russia we also respect all these 8 rules. I think that for intelligent people from any country no need to explain such obvious things.
Hi Emma, What are the things not to say to men?
Thank you Emma, This very useful.
It was a good lesson for me that reminds me once again of how experienced man I am through you. Thank you so much. I don’t say “thank you very much , I say thank you so much because it comes from someone’s heart.
Deniz Demircioglu
tnx for these useful expressions
Hello Emma! First of all I want to say “Thank you” to ALL of you teachers at, as I learn so much from the many lessons. I am from San Diego, Cal. and I am an English teacher here in Buenos Aires. I love teaching and meeting people and helping them to learn our language. As a ‘native speaker’ we ‘gringos’ are in demand here, and that is 10 points in our favor. Today I don’t have any classes, as it is a holiday in Argentina, so I am sitting here enjoying these educational lessons. Actually I don’t tell my students about your site, or they will quit my classes, and I would be out of work. Ha! Congratulations on your sweet and simple presentation, I enjoy each and every lesson. Keep up the good work Emma and may God bless you ALL at Chau!!
it was awesome!!
How about women that she say to me hi sexy or how are you handsome. That is true. I am not lying. What should I say or do with them?(some of them when I meet them in the first time) in USA
That was fantastic, keep it up.
Nice to learn from you. Nice to read all comments. Great +++++
I really admire your way of teaching teacher Emma. I usually get bored when I take lessons except for you. I become totally interested in what you are teaching. I hope you’ll give more and more lessons on everyday language. I thank you very much.
9 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
I think, It is a very good lesson, because it makes me understand, those little differences of mentality that people might have depending from which places were raised
Hi! ;)
You don’t mention f-word in the clause 8.
Is this word less offensive?
Or on the contrary, the f-word much much more vulgar, and the real lady just don’t know one.
Hi Emma,
I don’t know what kind of women you know, certainly not women with the sense of humour hahahaha we are not so easy to upset.:)
I would like to thank you for all you give , thank you
interesting thanx Emma.
Awesome information emma
Very interesting English lesson of politeness too !
I hate when people ask me if I am pregnant. I think it is so invasive and impolite. People don’t even know me but they are so curious and nosy. Just hate it. There are so many reasons for a belly to be a little big, like having your period, like being overweight and many others. Why do they wonder so much about pregnancy?
10 from 10 :)
Hi Emma, I enjoy your lessons. You are very clear. it is easy to understand you. Thank you for the great lessons.
Excellent presentation. I like how you broke down the information into the sections you did.
Emma,I´ve read some of the comments published in this lesson. I think this is totally a cultural matter. For sure, for someone this can be considered “fascist”, but it is real life in USA. I live in Colombia. We do not have exactly the same rules but it is important to know your rules, just in case a foreigner has to go to your country. Thanks!
Very good lessons and … having a look at some comments very useful too !
Thanks Emma !
i feel i’m not confortable when some guys ask me for my age, i find that offensive.
this is the first time i study with emma and i got 100 points.:)
Many Thanks!
After this lesson I am gonna smile the rest of my life! hahahaahhaa A u PMSing??? hahahahaah I love Emma’s lessons!!!
thanks for this great lesson!
Thanks for for this site it will help me to advanced more in English
thanks Emma
this kind of lessons are what i enjoy of this site, all of you teach the real english. :)
Emma, excelent lesson, just some questions:
What exactly does she say in the minute 1:45??
and in the minute 3:11?? I hope you can help me :)
Hello, now Do you know what she said in the minute 1:45??
All this things well-known.But in english helpful
– Bitch, whore, and slut are all very bad words that are offensive to women.
– ‘Bitch’ and ‘whore’ are offensive, but ‘slut’ is okay.
I’m laughing my ass off. You’re just made my day!
I think women hit these questions in everywhere.
I feel sad for those who wrote negative comments about this lesson. In my opinion it was a very good topic. It seems like those negative comments are from people who have never been to North America. It’s not like people are weird or anything like that, rather, it is a cultural issue. North America is about freedom, but with that , it comes respect, and responsability. Keep up the great work
thank Emma and what is PMS
thank Emma
Thanks Emma
today’s topic was very funny
And The fact that there are more comments on this page than usual shows that this lesson is very popular among male students.
In this video, you speak fast and so I couldn’t get you at some points.
If it’s possible, I want English subtitles.
Thanks for the lesson like this kind of very sensitive words.Since becoming very strict like the regulation for sexcial harassment, we don’t say these words especially in workplace in Japan as well. But appreciate for the very useful lesson.Emma.
In America, you will see the wonders of things, a lot of questions women are sensitive from it and sometimes they will hate you because of these questions. By the way all like these questions are normally in my culture there is no problem with them. Thanks a lot Emma. We need more to learn from you.
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx Emma your lesson is very interesting
thanks you Emma
i like to learn different cultures so thank you to know it Emma. you so wonderful teacher! please keep it up.
Thanks for this topic Emma! Now I can see the truth about my male colleagues :D
Give ’em hell, OK? :)
Definitely ! :)
wow i got 10 out of 10
i got 90 :)
I live in Montreal and when I had my first job here, my manager often said me “You’re hot”, “you’re beautiful”, “I like the way you’re dressed up today” and one of my colleague used to call me “hey sexy”.
That made me feel very very uncomfortable, and they liked to see my face becoming red when they said me those phrases. It was like a game for them, very hard for me.
In another job, the CFO asked me to dress up with sexy short dresses. i was more confident at this time so i just told him to apologize and never ever ask for this again.
I have never had such those problems in France and I often wonder what is the problem of canadian men at work, some of them are very pervert and yet I work in places that people are supposed to be very elegant.
Thank you, Emma!
It was very useful lesson.
I suggest you to make a lesson about things that we shouldn’t say to all the people. Including maybe some undesirable topics people don’t want to talk about.
These are some things:
– Religion beliefs
– Politic views
– Something too personal to talk about…
It could be very helpful, I think.
very interesting lesson. thanks. i think you are right. i knew the age and weight but not the others.
thanks a lot dear Emma, i love you and your and your excellent teaching, and i have speaking and vocabulary problem, so what is your guides about?
i answerd before watching the vedeo,so my score wasn’t that bad loll
But some men when they try to tell their girls/wives that they are “Unique” they would say something like “you’re really a good cook”… which is like you’re the best cook, or others just can’t cook as you do.
What I’m trying to say is that it’s a kind of “compliment” just to make them special.
like “you’re the most beautiful girl on earth” which implies that, you’re pretty AS IF others are ugly next to you.
Finally, men are dumb sometimes Haha
I am a man lol
Thank you Emma. I will keep in mind XD
Thank you^^
thnx Emma …thnx so much…
Hey “sweetheart”, can you give us another amazing lesson? ;)
Very usfull Emma Thanks. And what women should’nt ask to men?
Thanks teacher … Everyone should well-behavied with all people around him whether women or men .
See ya …
Respect and thank you very much :)
comments express what is in our hearts. I am so grateful learning English with engVid.
Thank you very much Emma.
some of these answers are subjective..
that was fantastic thanks Emma
Hi emma , the lesson was very handy, but we need another one to knw what we hv 2 say 2 them, thanks.
In Japan, it might be hard, mightn’t it… But I hope so.
Thank you for your interesting lesson, Emma :)
thanks u Emma. I hope understand all what you say
hi emma i got always 100 thanks alot
I wonder what kind of American accent Emma has. Her especially seems to have a slight hard c (k) which sounds like “ekspecially”.
thanks a lot
I have heard women using terms of endearment with men that are not their husband or boyfriend or brother. Isn’t that double standard?
Agree with you bigmak, something similar happened to me, so certain points in here apply for both sexes, good one Emma, i wonder if dear or dearie too is something similar, coz i use either of these words a lot.. and yeah this video should go public. :)
Thanks a lot!!!!
Thank you Emma!
i love you
Thank you are doing very well and it is so useful for us who are learning english…I am not able but, if I could I would pay you for these..
I have benefited a lot from you Teacher Emma thanks indeed :)
Thanks Emma, You’re so Wright about some of those facts that appeared in the list, I’m spanish and where I live women (I’m included) we find very insulting the fact number six (Yoy do …. well for a girl)And people have to be carefull with that expression, some of them might think that women are less important to the society and that’s not true so for all of you be carefull with that.
Anyway thanks for the lesson :)
Thanks for the great lesson!!!
The only missing part was the meaning of PMS, which means “premenstrual syndrome”.
thnk so much emma
thank u
thanks , you are the
best teacher
Thank you.
I want to have a teacher like you!
The lesson is pretty awesome!! Thanks making it looks very simple and helpful lesson!
Thanks for boost my knowledge about women, I got 90%.
Hi Emma,
Thank you for very important lesson.
Interesting definitely!!!
Thank you Emma, for your friendly teaching!!!
It was very instructive tips. Thanks Emma, I will be in touch your lessons.
Thanks Emma.
8 things Not to tall:Woman offensive
Hello,Emma I appreciate your great lecture,especially that I am new in North America.I have got 100.
Emma, I was really suprised to hear such frank comments from you. But,anyway, thanks a lot and don’t be shy)
100% :)
Thanks Emma
but can you provide a lesson about : what to tell woman in Canad ?
actually need it because look for being there
thank you Emma you make English
language is very easy
(true i speak )
Thank you.
just I would like to say thanks my teacher emma
and so glad to learn this leasson
Thanks..Emma.. I got 90%, very good lesson & advice.
Great lesson to be able to understand women ^_^
Thanks Mrs. Emma
Thanks. That was great and funny. :D
Thanks for the video, you’re a great teacher !
Thanks for the video, it is really good… (for a woman – no, sorry, just kidding).
I like watching videos on this site. You have nice accent and clearly voice, it is easy to understand everything and it helps me a lot.
Thanks for the video. I agree with everything. But what do you think about gender equity? On the one hand, questions about weight and age are proper to ask men but on the other hand I known that it is not so good to ask women about it, they can feel uncomfortable. (and of course, I not ask these questions)
Thanks Emma
thanks Emma.those are good advices.
very usefull, i got 9 of 10
hi teacher , i don’t know how to ask a woman about their age
Thank you. I got 9 out of 10 .
Thank you Emma. I never heard about some of them before, i hope to remember all of them
thanks cupcake!
hehe jst kidding .. that was helpful
I always get a full mark in this level (Intermediate).
Do I have to move onto the (Advanced) level??
Or it depends on the type of quizzes!!
Sounds like you should start trying Advanced lessons to me!
really great
good and useful
It´s very good and important to know these word otherwise we can be caught on embarrassing situation. So let avoid to use these word for women as they deserve all our best.
Thanks Emma for the very useful teaching.
women are so strange ;)
Thank you very much Emma
Thank you.
I knew about it already. After all I’m a woman too! I enjoyed a lot this lesson, Emma!! Thanks u a lot.
Thank you Emma, it’s a good lesson
Thank for Emma & Ronnie who teach me
many valuable cultures,for jade as well.
ahhahaha you made my day!!! God Bless Ya!
Hi Emma,Its very nice explanation….i liked it..
I guess these topics are same for all over the world. Thank you Emma.
0 of 8! C’mon, perfect!
in my opinion we have to respect the womens around the world always time all the days
Great thanks. It’s good to know what words to use, or what not to in different countries.
Thank you Emma
The only real lesson here is item 8, and it’s so obvious no one should be taught that. As for the rest, it’s just a bunch of stuff only nagging women would whine about. I mean, come on, if you get offended when someone asks your age, you are not fit for society.
Thanks Emma :)
i don’t agree with test.there are mistakes in here
Thank YOU.
Really it is international lesson
Thanks Emma. It was an amazing and very useful lesson.
thxxxxxx very good
very good!
Ok, I will have care don’t tell her these 8 things, thanks.
Emma , hi
where can I take the quiz ?
Emma,Thanks for your lesson.For weight i think that might not to say with everyone even men or women because i’ve gained weight 15 kg(33 lbs) in last two years. Anyway i try to diet now right now
Thanks Emma¡¡ this is a very helpful lesson….I like to respect the women because I have a mother and sisters and workmates…in my opinion, a gentleman never must to say this phrases to women.
Great video, I would like to add a question about a marital status, it’s not really offensive, but I don’t like when strangers ask me if I’m married, especially if it’s one of the first questions to ask you.
And I think many women who are not married and in their forties or older might find this offensive.
Great approach motivational video. Dear Emma Can you tell me PMS Stand For?
Some people added me on facebook. They sent me messages and called me honey or darling etc. It made me uncomfortable because I never met them in real life.
If you want to live in Northern America or in another civilized state, you have to watch this lesson. Good job Emma.
Thank you very much
thank you
I have a 80. Not too bad at all!
i got 80%
may i know how can use the “Overdue” at stentence.
Thanks, Emma.Useful lesson. I got 100
Some Amerian women called me honey or sweety before; I think she doesn’t any better.I knew it was wrong to say woman to woman. :) Thank you Emma.
Fascinating, Emma!
I think some abrupt address from that you mentioned in your lesson would ordinarily provoke an equally sharp retort even among men. For instance, when my mom tells me I gained my belly I hate this stuff.
thank you Emma for you class
Thank you very much
Thanks, Emma! The test was really usefull for me!
And your face mimic and distinct speech is so charming!!!
You got 9 correct out of 10.Thanks
Good information..Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma, nice lesson
great thank you
I got full
agree with that …..congrs
Thanks Emma!!
Thank you emma to give a way to learn english via reading.
7/10!Terrible!I was drunk last night. My state isn’t good when learning.
Thank you Ms. Emma.
I disagree – If you can not tell a friend that she is being a bitch when she is being a bitch, That does not make you a real friend.
Especially when you have shared the same trauma experience when you were children in the same care home! “Toxic masculinity”
8 / 10 not bad that was because I am not American and that do not know the American law.
The president seems to think it is ok also he is still in office
10/10. What not to say to men/boys?
Thanks a lot Emma,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 28Sept2021);
Well done, it is interesting lesson.
7/10 Thank you ma’am Emma
thank you Emma, I really appreciate.
I aced all the questions